Hibiscus jelly over ducan with gelatin. Pumpkin jam over ducan

07.03.2020 Desserts and cakes

Good afternoon friends! Recently, I really fell in love with the dough made of almost only oat bran, tender and crumbly. Once upon a time baked from this dough, recently -, today - cheesecake according to Dukan. And everywhere it is good, in all variants! I plan to bake one more cake with it, I'm sure it will turn out delicious too!

Please note that the form I am using now is quite large - 25 cm in diameter and 7 cm in height. By using a smaller form, you can proportionally reduce the amount of products. Hibiscus jelly plays not only a decorative role, but also gives the dish a very pleasant berry flavor.

  • oat bran, ground into flour - 4.5 tbsp. spoons (the norm for 3 days for the Attack) or 4 tbsp. spoons (norm for 2 days for the Cruise)
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • water - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar substitute "Fitparad" - 3 measuring spoons
  • soft low-fat cottage cheese - 800 g (ideally, of course, low-fat cottage cheese, if you find it)
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • "Fitparad" - 19 measuring spoons (adjust the sweetness to taste)
  • vanillin - half a sachet of 1 g.
  • berry flavor 2-3 drops (optional)

For decoration

  • hibiscus tea - 1 sachet
  • Fitparad - 3 measuring spoons
  • agar-agar - 1 teaspoon with a small slide
  • water - 1 glass (200-250 ml)


We turn on the oven - we do not need a high temperature, about 180-200 degrees. Lubricate the mold (if it is not silicone) lightly with vegetable oil. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the whites until stable peaks. Mix the yolks, water, sugar substitute, bran and baking powder thoroughly.

Combine the proteins with the bran mass, mix gently, from bottom to top, being careful not to fall off the proteins. Pour the dough into a mold.

Smooth out with a spoon and place in a preheated oven and bake until tender.

When the cake is baked, start pouring. Beat soft cottage cheese with sahzam with a mixer, add eggs and beat well again. The mass should turn out to be homogeneous, and the grains of sahzam should disperse.

Pour the mass onto the cake.

We level it with a spoon, then rotate the shape along the axis so that the surface becomes almost completely flat. And again in the oven at low temperature. About 160 degrees.

I write approximately because my oven is ancient and very peculiar, I orient myself in it by eye. The time it took me to bake - 30-40 minutes. We don't need a cheesecake crust. The curd mass should thicken and become a single whole - then our pie is ready.

When the Dukan cheesecake is almost ready, you can start preparing the hibiscus jelly. Add agar-agar, sugar substitute and a tea bag to a glass of boiling water in a convenient container. Stir, put on the stove, and, stirring, bring to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, remove from heat and cool slowly.

We take the finished cheesecake out of the oven and cool it too. It is better to do this by separating the edges of the curd part from the mold. Pour warm pie with warm jelly from hibiscus and agar-agar, cool until the jelly hardens. It doesn't take long to cook this pie, it takes longer to describe the process 🙂 Bon appetit!

Friends, I suggest you watch a short video where Pierre Ducan talks about physical exercises that help maintain skin elasticity.

Video: Pierre Dukan, how to maintain skin firmness

And to raise your appetite, beautiful photos of cheesecake

Photo of a cheesecake according to Dukan





News from Ducan - hibiscus tea is now possible only with alternation and only 2 glasses a day.

I offer you the most affordable version of this dietary sweet. Jam, or confiture, can be made with agar-agar, but you need to buy it in specialized stores.

Of course, in fact, it's just jelly, but while on a diet, sometimes we want so much familiar products that we are looking for a replacement. In my opinion, such confiture is quite suitable to add it to a roll or serve with diet pancakes.


  • Hibiscus tea (can be flavored) - in my bags - 5 pcs.
  • Water - 500 ml
  • Gelatin - 15 g (like thicker - add 20 g)
  • Sweetener - I have a fitparade of 1 tbsp. (can be adjusted to taste)
  • Flavoring - if your tea is without aroma, then any berry tea - 1 drop

You can add 1-2 tsp. lemon juice (or citric acid - 0.3-0.5 tsp) to make the taste richer.


Remember the rule: in no case should you bring gelatin to a boil. Mine says "no higher than 60 degrees."

Brew strong hibiscus tea. I put 5 filter bags, you can use more if you want an even richer taste. I have tea with berry flavoring, so I don't put extra flavoring.

They say that in order to properly brew hibiscus, you need not just pour boiling water over it, but boil for 3 minutes, then cool and strain. But with filter bags I don't risk it :)

We cool completely.

Pour gelatin into chilled tea, leave it to swell, the time is indicated on the manufacturer's packaging.

You can brew tea in 400 g of boiling water, and soak gelatin in 100 g of boiled chilled. While the tea cools, the gelatin will swell. Perhaps this will save you time.

Do not skimp on gelatin, usually cheap gelatin has a flavor that is very noticeable in desserts.

We put on a quiet fire and, while stirring, bring the gelatin particles to dissolve.

Add sweetener.

To speed up the cooling, you can place the saucepan in cold water.

When set, I stir to make it look like real jam.

Before starting the Ducan diet:

If possible, purchase foods such as oat and wheat bran, cornstarch, skimmed milk powder, balsamic vinegar, and soy sauce. (These products will be needed to prepare salads and dishes that will help you easily "get through the Attack".)

Do not be afraid that you will have to incur large financial losses to purchase products on the Ducan diet, you will save money by not eating bread, flour, pasta, vegetable oil, sweets, sausages, potatoes, butter, cereals, etc. Plus, save on medications that you would have to buy to treat the effects of being overweight.

It would be very good to read Ducan's book "I Can't Lose Weight", which tells in detail about the processes occurring in the body during "life on a diet", about the participation of various products in the process of losing weight and also important nuances of the Ducan diet.

Take the time to research the various recipes posted on the site so that your diet start is not only effective, but also enjoyable. (In addition, having looked at many recipes, you can imagine how many tasty and interesting things you can cook "losing weight according to Dukan", which will certainly increase your enthusiasm.)

Be sure to find such recipes: Ducan's bread, Ducan's biscuit, Ducan's mayonnaise, mayonnaise without butter, chocolates, recipes for pancakes, puddings, soups for "Attack", curd casseroles.

"Living on the Ducan Diet":

It is not worth "attacking" for longer than calculated for you on the Ducan website, from the rapid loss of a large amount of fat "Cruise" can begin with prolonged stagnation, which, in turn, can undermine the "dietary enthusiasm".

If you are planning to accompany your “new life on diet” with any kind of sport, do not forget that at the beginning of the exercise the muscles get stronger and heavier, which can be reflected as temporary stagnation in weight loss. This is only a temporary effect and the balance arrow will soon move "in your favor" again.

Weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach after going to the toilet in the same clothes, then you will accurately see the changes in your weight.

Create a ruler with starting, real, and target weights to help measure your progress.

If you start to stagnate (and it can begin immediately after switching to "Cruise"), run to the Internet, there are many articles and discussions on this topic.

If you are prone to constipation, do not stay on "Attack", use yogurt or kefir from the first day of the diet, and also read the tips on this topic available on the site.

Product Tips:

Use sea salt instead of common table salt, it does not retain water as much.

Stevia is not only not harmful, but also useful (even improves metabolism) low-calorie sugar substitute. This is a sweet herb. The slightly unusual taste of stevia is almost invisible in hot tea. It is better to buy it in tablet form.

Drink hibiscus tea (rich in vitamins), green tea (helps you lose weight), chicory drink (speeds up metabolism) with milk, mint tea (soothes), they will also help you drink 2 liters of liquid per day.

Eat mushrooms. This unique product can enrich the taste of many dishes, while mushrooms are 80-90% water, contain proteins and only a small amount of carbohydrates. (Champignons: proteins - 4.3 g, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 0.1 g, dietary fiber - 2.6, honey mushrooms: proteins - 2.5 g, fats - 1.2 g, carbohydrates - 0.5 g, dietary fiber - 5.1.) They, by the way, can be frozen now, while the price does not really "bite", be sure! after boiling for 40 minutes.

The best dairy products are homemade. It would be nice to find homemade milk that comes from the village and order skim milk using a separator. You can easily make homemade yoghurt from it, and also, by freezing and then defrosting yoghurt, make a soft curd.

Since one of the few disadvantages of the Ducan diet is a lack of vitamins, it is useful to include salads from raw vegetables in the menu of protein-vegetable days. Ducan also advises taking vitamins.

Dieting involves avoiding sugar-containing foods and desserts altogether.

How to enjoy your favorite sweetness and not harm your figure? Can you eat sugar-free marmalade with the Ducan diet? The answer is: marmalade is allowed! We advise you to try dietary marmalade according to special recipes that will help to satisfy the "sweet hunger" and do not burden the body with extra calories. Such marmalade can be used for weight loss, but only in limited quantities.

Homemade marmalade with agar agar and Dukan hibiscus

Fruit jelly with hibiscus, ingredients:

  • 250 ml. hibiscus tea;
  • 250 ml. hot water;
  • 3 tbsp agar-agar flakes;
  • 1-2 tbsp stevia;
  • 20 g lemon zest.

Cooking method:

  1. We brew hibiscus (1.5 teaspoons of tea in a glass of water), cool and filter.
  2. Dilute agar-agar in 250 ml. hot water and leave for 20 minutes. We mix the hibiscus with the resulting mixture.
  3. Add stevia or sweetener to taste and lemon zest. Mix thoroughly and put on fire.
  4. After boiling, boil for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. Pour the mixture into molds. After complete cooling, place the marmalade on agar in the refrigerator. We take it out of the molds and serve it to the table.

Agar Agar is a vegetable and all-natural thickener containing calcium, iron and iodine. It is more economical and healthier than gelatin; moreover, it prevents the finished product from melting, because begins to solidify already at a temperature of 40 degrees, but completely "reaches" in a cold environment.

Raspberry Jelly from Agar Agar Dukan recipe

It is possible only at the last stage of the diet. Ingredients:

  • 220 gr. frozen or fresh raspberries;
  • 1.5 glasses of juice (whatever you like);
  • 1 tbsp agar agar;
  • 3 tbsp or a sweetener.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak agar-agar in hot water half an hour before cooking. Add 125 ml to agar-agar. juice and put on low heat.
  2. Warm up the mixture until the agar is completely dissolved, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour another 125 ml into another pan. juice and put the raspberries. Warm up over low heat.
  4. Using a blender, puree the warmed berries with juice. Add sweetener to taste. Pour the prepared agar into the resulting puree.
  5. Beat the mixture with a whisk so that there are no lumps, until smooth. Add the remaining juice to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.
  6. We pour the berry mixture into molds. We put in the refrigerator until it hardens completely (~ 2-3 hours)

Sugar-free marmalade recipe according to Dukan with the addition of zest and lemon juice

Dukan lemon marmalade Ingredients:

  • 1.5 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 20 g lemon zest;
  • 50 g of gelatin;
  • 1-2 tbsp powdered stevia leaves (or any other sweetener to taste);
  • sesame seeds for decoration.

Home cooking method:

  1. Put the lemon zest and freshly squeezed lemon juice on a fine grater on the stove and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another 5 minutes. Filter the mixture.
  2. Add gelatin and mix thoroughly.
  3. After the gelatin is completely dissolved, add stevia (or sweetener). We mix.
  4. After cooling down, place the mixture in a mold covered with parchment or foil. We send the marmalade to the refrigerator until it hardens completely (~ 10 hours)
  5. We take out the container from the refrigerator and cut the marmalade into small squares. Roll the slices in sesame seeds. We store the sweetness in the refrigerator.

Stevia, or “sweet herb,” is a great alternative to unhealthy sugar. Exceeding its sweetness many times, the plant contains various vitamins, amino acids, minerals and is suitable as a natural sweetener. It is advisable to use stevia in the preparation of Dukan desserts, because it is calorie-free and very useful.

Lemon accelerates the process of normalizing metabolism and assimilation of nutrients. Citric acid stimulates the digestive system and helps to detoxify the body and lose weight.

How to make Coca-Cola marmalade

An excellent treat for lovers of a harmful drink. The main thing to remember is that we are enjoying dessert, not full, and regular consumption of carbonated drinks does not contribute to weight loss.

Jujube with Coca-Cola according to Ducan Ingredients:

  • 2 glasses of Coca-Cola Light;
  • 50 gr. gelatin;
  • 1 tsp citric acid or lemon juice;
  • 1-2 tbsp stevia.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin 1 tbsp. soda (warning: increased foaming) and stir.
  2. We are waiting for 30-35 minutes until the gelatin swells.
  3. Add citric acid and stevia to the second glass of the drink. Stir and put the mixture on fire.
  4. Warm up without boiling.
  5. We introduce the prepared gelatin and cook over low heat until it is completely dissolved.
  6. Pour the mixture into molds, let cool at room temperature. Place in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

You can prepare a delicious gummy dessert using a variety of ingredients. The juice can be substituted with milk or flavored tea. Instead of puree from raspberries, use the same amount of apple, pumpkin, carrot or any other. Changing a Ducan recipe to suit your tastes is as easy as shelling pears. For those who are losing weight according to the method of the famous French nutritionist, this is simply salvation, since you can easily adapt the recipes for yourself and your refrigerator. Feel free to experiment.

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Calories: 326.65
Cooking time: 15
Proteins / 100g: 18.25
Carbohydrates / 100g: 55.69

Do you want to have a thin waist and at the same time eat deliciously? We'll have to experiment a little. It's so good that there is such an interesting food system, according to which you do not need to deny yourself sweets, pastries, and other delicious products. You can just slightly modify your diet, excluding some products from it (flour, sugar, some fruits), and replacing them with others (bran, sweetener, corn starch), you can cook from these products. And even if you crave sweet jam, you can afford a spoon or two. But only from those fruits that are allowed to be consumed on the Ducan diet.
One such sweet and aromatic dish that you can indulge in is Dukan Hibiscus Jam.
It turns out to be incredibly aromatic and very tasty. Sudanese rose colors the jam in a deep burgundy color, making it also very beautiful. Delicate petals, thick syrup, beautiful color delight everyone who has tasted it at least once. Of course, its texture is slightly different from the classic jam, because it contains gelatin, but it does not make it worse.
And how easy and fast it is to cook Dukan hibiscus jam! Already after 8-12 minutes after the start of its preparation, you can fill the bowls with it and put it to cool.
If you really really want chocolate during the diet, cook it, you definitely won't get better from them.

- hibiscus - 35 grams;
- water - 0.5 liters;
- sweetener - 4-6 tablespoons;
- gelatin - 15 grams.

How to cook at home

1. To make Sudanese rose jam, take 500 ml of purified water, pour it into a fireproof container, add the petals and cook for 5 minutes.

2. Pour a small amount of red tea into a bowl, add gelatin to the hot mass, stir well and leave until it is completely dissolved.

3. Bring the gelatinous mass into the rose jam, stir thoroughly, pour it into a bowl or other container.

4. After the jam and hibiscus has cooled, you can put it in a cool place.

5. Use Sudanese rose jam as a filling for pancakes and cheesecakes, enjoy its delicate aroma over a cup