Mimosa salad is the right recipe with layers in order. Mimosa salad with the correct sequence of layers

09.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

Layered Mimosa salad with fish and eggs is always associated with spring and March 8, although it is prepared mainly in the cold season.

One has only to hear: “mimosa salad”, as a family dinner is immediately imagined in a festive atmosphere, happy faces of loved ones, and, of course, a favorite since childhood and such a native salad that has long become a classic, along with Olivier and “fur coat”.

By the way, puff mimosa salad appeared relatively recently, in the 70s, when there was no particular abundance of products, the salad contains the most common ingredients that you can always find. Despite this, the unknown author of the recipe managed to create a real culinary bestseller that is as relevant today as it was 40 years ago.

I’ll note right away: in order to cook Mimosa - a layered fish salad with eggs, which deserves the highest rating, you need to follow a few rules. The rules are not complicated, but they are. Rather, not even rules, but subtleties.

The most important secrets and subtleties of Mimosa salad


Perhaps the most important thing is to choose a good mayonnaise. You need to buy a product of high fat content, thick and necessarily proven by the manufacturer, preferably containing less dyes, stabilizers and flavors. Some housewives use low-fat mayonnaise, thinking that this way they will make the salad lighter. But, as practice shows, it is better to take fatter, but put it smaller, it will not affect the taste, but if on the contrary - less fat, but a lot ... In layered salads, and Mimosa is no exception, each layer should retain its own taste, an excess of mayonnaise can “lubricate” all taste sensations and then, no matter how carefully the salad is prepared, the result will be, to put it mildly, not very good.


It is equally important to boil the eggs correctly, if they are kept in boiling water, the yolk will get a greenish tint, and this is undesirable, because we need it for the final stage - decorating the salad. So boil the eggs for no more than 10 minutes. By the way, instead of chicken, you can use quail eggs, but you need more of them.


Be attentive to the choice of canned fish (the fish should be sea - mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, saury or horse mackerel), there are many manufacturers, both ours and imports. If you already have certain preferences, buy tried and tested products (I have a couple of favorite canned food manufacturers). Diet lovers can recommend canned tuna, it has very few calories, but, however, the taste is not for everyone.


Be sure to bring all salad ingredients to about the same temperature before cooking. If the temperature contrast is large (for example, eggs at room temperature and canned food from the refrigerator), the layers will not turn out beautifully.

Recently, the choice of products in stores is simply huge, and therefore many recipes for Mimosa salad have appeared, which include components that are not mentioned in the original recipe. I tried to collect the most popular options that definitely deserve attention.

Mimosa salad according to the classic recipe

In my opinion, the most successful recipe, characterized by a balanced taste.

Recipe Ingredients:
boiled potatoes 3-4 pieces of medium size
boiled carrots 3pcs
1 white or red salad onion
hard boiled eggs 4pcs
canned fish 1pc (200g)
greenery for decoration

How to cook classic mimosa

Take a salad bowl of a suitable size. If you want all the layers of the salad to be clearly visible, you can use a cylindrical culinary dish without a bottom or cut one from an unnecessary large plastic bottle.
Grate potatoes and carrots separately on a fine grater, on a large grater, of course, faster and easier, but it turns out not so gently.

Many use fish as the first layer, in my opinion, this is not the best solution, after standing, it can drain and the salad will begin to “float”. We will have potatoes first, take half of the total and distribute evenly over the bottom of the dish, trying not to compact it too much. Let's coat with a thin layer of mayonnaise, without being zealous.

From canned fish (usually I take saury), carefully select the bones and mash it with a fork on a separate plate, after draining the oil into a separate container. Put the fish mass on top of the potatoes. Again, grease with mayonnaise.

It's time for the lettuce. Cut it very finely and lay out the next layer. When laying onions, it is important not to overdo it with the quantity, because it can interrupt the taste of the rest of the ingredients. As the saying goes, everything is good, but in moderation. If there is no lettuce onion, you can take the usual one, only after cutting it, you need to scald it with boiling water. This will remove excess sharpness and unnecessary bitterness.

For juiciness, pour Mimosa at this stage with a spoonful of canned fish oil. Let's coat with mayonnaise.
The remaining grated boiled potatoes will be the next layer, we smear it with mayonnaise, like the previous ones.
Next comes the carrots, standard mayonnaise on top of it.
The final layer is chopped egg whites. We also smear them with mayonnaise. Mimosa salad is almost ready, it's just a beautiful presentation.

There are many decoration options, it all depends on the imagination. Usually, chopped yolk is used, sprinkling it on the top of the dish, while the edges are often decorated with finely chopped greens. The application of green onion feathers in the form of a mimosa twig and yellow flowers from yolks on it looks spectacular. A great option is to serve Mimosa on lettuce leaves.
After finishing the decoration, place the salad in the refrigerator for several hours so that all layers are soaked.
In general, be creative and your guests will gasp with delight!

Mimosa salad with cheese

A good recipe, perhaps many will like it even more than the classic one because of the new flavors.

Recipe Ingredients:

3 or 4 medium boiled potatoes
boiled carrots 2pcs
3 hard boiled eggs
hard cheese 150g (can be replaced with a similar amount of processed cheese)
canned fish 200g
salad onion
dill, parsley

How to cook puff salad "Mimosa" with cheese

Boiled potatoes and carrots in advance, peel and grate with a fine grater into different plates.
Peel the eggs, separate the yolk from the proteins and also rub separately on a fine grater.
Lettuce cut into small pieces.
Cheese is also grated on a fine grater.
Drain the oil from the canned food, remove the visible bones and mash it with a fork.
Divide the potatoes into two equal halves.

In a suitable, preferably glass (so that all layers are visible), salad bowl, we begin to collect our salad. We lay out the components in layers, coat each layer with mayonnaise and only after that we lay a new one. The sequence is as follows: potatoes, fish, onions, potatoes, cheese, carrots, egg white, yolk.

We do not smear the final layer with mayonnaise. This is, in fact, the face of our salad.
Additionally, as a decoration, lay a sprig of fresh dill on top. You can also combine several types of greens or, for example, overlay the dish with green salad leaves.
Serve after keeping in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.

Mimosa salad with rice

Rice is used instead of potatoes in this salad. Very good, try it!

Recipe Ingredients:
boiled rice 1/2 cup
boiled carrots 3pcs
3-4 boiled eggs
canned fish saury or mackerel 1 piece (200g)
salad onion 1pc
mayonnaise provencal
greenery for decoration

Prepare the products: grate the carrots on a fine grater, peel the eggs and cut in half. Lettuce cut into smaller pieces. Separate the squirrels and yolks and chop them separately with a fine grater, take the fish out of the canned food and mash it with a fork, removing the remnants of the bones before that, they are absolutely not needed in the salad.

We choose the dishes and proceed directly to cooking. All components go in layers, and each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. We evenly distribute the rice with the first layer, then the fish mass, then the onion, again rice, carrots, egg (protein) and the last layer will be the grated yolk. It acts as a decoration, it is not necessary to cover it with mayonnaise.

It remains only to decorate the salad. To do this, we use greenery and fantasy.
Two to three hours in the refrigerator is enough for the prepared salad to get its real taste after being soaked. Now you can serve it to the table!

Mimosa salad with preserves

Another version of my favorite salad. Another order of alternation of layers. It seems to be the same products, but the taste is new.

Recipe Ingredients:
potatoes 300g
carrots 200g
onion 100-150g
canned fish 200g
eggs 3-4pcs
greens as desired

Boil carrots and potatoes until tender. When cool, peel and grate on a fine grater.
Separately boil hard-boiled eggs. Dip them in cold water and put them on the fire, so they will not burst during cooking. After cooling, remove the shell from the eggs. Cut them open and separate the yolks from the whites.
From canned fish, I note, you can take any sea fish (whichever you like best), drain the oil. Mash the fish on a separate plate with a fork, if necessary, remove large pieces of bones.

Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water for a few minutes to remove bitterness and excess pungency. Drain the boiling water and rinse the onion with cold water. If there is a sweet salad onion, it is not necessary to pour boiling water over it.
We lay out the bottom of the salad bowl with a layer of canned fish and grease with mayonnaise.
Lay grated egg whites on top, coat with mayonnaise.
The next layer is carrots and mayonnaise.

Now the onion will go, we also grease it with mayonnaise.
Then potatoes and, again, mayonnaise.
The final layer is grated egg yolk, we do not smear it with anything.
Decorate the salad with herbs as desired.
Before serving, keep the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
Enjoy your meal!

Mimosa salad with apple

An excellent salad with a slight sourness, which gives the apple. The Semerenko variety is well suited.

canned fish (saury or mackerel, you can tuna, salmon, pink salmon) 200g
carrots 200g
lettuce or regular onion 1 medium size
eggs 3-4pcs
hard cheese 180-200g
apple strong, juicy 1pc

Let's start by preparing the products: boil the eggs and carrots and peel them when they cool. Drain the oil from the canned food, remove the visible bones if necessary, and mash the fish until it becomes a homogeneous mass. Finely grate carrots, egg whites and yolks separately.

Cut the onion into small pieces and, to remove bitterness, scald with boiling water. If there is a salad onion, it is not required to pour boiling water over it.
Cheese is also three on a smaller grater. We clean and rub the apple just before we put it in the salad so that it does not darken.
We start assembling the salad in a suitable bowl. We lay out the products in layers and coat each layer with mayonnaise, except for the last one.

The sequence of layers: fish, onion, protein, grated cheese, apple, carrot, grated yolk.
Let it brew (it is better to leave it overnight) and serve, decorating with herbs.

Mimosa salad with crab sticks

Pleasant taste and low calorie content at a low cost make crab sticks a rather interesting product, they are also well suited for salads. Let's try mimosa with crab sticks!

Recipe Ingredients:

potatoes 3pcs
hard cheese 150g
crab sticks chilled 200g
apple (Semerenko variety) 1pc
bow 1pc
frozen butter 100g
eggs 4pcs

How to cook
To prepare the salad, take a transparent form and lay out the components in layers, each greased (except for butter) with mayonnaise.
Styling sequence: boiled potatoes grated on a fine grater, grated egg whites, grated cheese, butter (you must first freeze in the freezer), grated, chopped white or red onion pour boiling water over it), chopped crab sticks, grated apple and, finally, finely chopped yolk, which does not need to be lubricated.

In order for the layers to soak, you need to keep the salad in a cool place for 5-6 hours, it is best, of course, to leave it overnight.
Serve as a whole dish or in individual portions. Can be decorated as desired.

Mimosa salad with salmon

The essence of the recipe is that the fish is taken not canned, but boiled, besides, there are no potatoes in the composition. Shall we start?

Recipe Ingredients:
salmon fillet 200g
chicken egg 4pcs
carrots 150g
cheese 150g
green onion 1 bunch
greenery for decoration

mimosa recipe with salmon

First, boil the salmon in a small amount of salted water.
We also boil carrots and eggs. When cool, peel and chop the carrots with a fine grater, remove the yolks from the eggs and also grate them separately from the proteins.
Grind the cheese in the same way.
Mash the fish fillet with a fork, while removing the bones that come across.
Let's cut the green onion.

In a bowl of suitable size, we begin assembling the salad, laying out its components in layers. Coat all layers with mayonnaise.
Products alternate in the following sequence: egg whites, fish, carrots, green onions, cheese, yolk.

We do not smear the last layer with mayonnaise, but decorate it with herbs, for example, dill.
After a few hours of "rest" in the refrigerator, the salad can be served at the table.

Help yourself!

Mimosa salad without potatoes

Potatoes are an important ingredient in many salads, but you can do without them, as in this recipe.

Recipe Ingredients:
4 boiled eggs
hard cheese 150g
fish (canned) 200g
butter 100gr
sweet salad onion 1pc

How to cook mimosa salad without potatoes

We prepare the salad in a transparent salad bowl, but if this is not the case, any suitable dish will do.
Let's start by laying out the egg whites, chopped on a grater, as the first layer. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
The second layer is grated cheese and mayonnaise.

In the third layer, lay the fish, which we first mash with a fork and, if caught, we will get large fragments of bones. Mayonnaise on top.
Next, spread the butter, coarsely grated (for convenience, it is better to keep it in the freezer). Here you can do without mayonnaise.
Then follow: chopped onions, mayonnaise, the rest of the fish, mayonnaise again and, finally, at the end - grated yolks.

The taste of the salad will be much better if you keep it in the refrigerator for several hours before serving.

Mimosa salad with cod liver

Cod liver is a valuable dietary product that perfectly replaces canned fish in a salad.

Recipe Ingredients:
cod liver (canned) 200g
boiled potatoes 3pcs
boiled carrots 2pcs
cheese 100g
3 boiled eggs
bow 1pc
greenery for decoration

We clean the pre-boiled potatoes and grind them on a grater, put them in a salad bowl or other suitable dish. Distribute it evenly and apply a thin layer of mayonnaise on top.
Cod liver pieces knead with a fork on a separate plate, it will go next. If desired, you can season a little with ground black pepper.
Next - chopped onion, grease it with mayonnaise.

It's time for carrots. We clean and grind it with a fine grater. We spread the next layer, not forgetting to grease with mayonnaise.
Evenly distribute the egg whites, chopped on a fine grater and also grease with mayonnaise.

The next will be a layer of grated cheese, we also smear it with mayonnaise.
Sprinkle the salad with chopped yolks and decorate with fresh herbs.
We send it to the refrigerator for 6 hours to gain taste and you can serve!

As you can see, there are quite a few options. I hope there is one among them that will become your favorite!

Fantasy on the theme of Mimosa salad with beetroot, cucumber and red caviar.

Mimosa salad - choose mayonnaise.

The first subtlety of cooking Mimosa salad is the right choice of mayonnaise, which is smeared with each layer of lettuce, except for the top one. Mayonnaise should be thick, high fat. All the diet and low-calorie mayonnaises that are so popular today will easily spoil the true taste of a real Mimosa salad and ruin any recipe. Personally, I prefer mayonnaise with lemon juice over vinegar, and it is desirable that it does not contain any E that is harmful to our health.

What products are needed for Mimosa salad

In the presented photo you see what products are needed for the Mimosa salad. To make a real Mimosa salad, you will need a can of mackerel in oil (about half a can will be used), mayonnaise, 4 small potatoes, 4 carrots, 3 hard-boiled eggs, some red onions, greens. Well, the desire to make such a Mimosa salad so that people then lick their fingers and admire. And for this to happen, pay special attention to the next paragraph. I even singled it out.

An extremely important moment for women who want their Mimosa salad to be the subject of universal admiration. Remember once and for all - Mimosa salad is tasty only when all the ingredients (except onions and fish) are grated strictly through a fine grater. Because the whole point of Mimosa salad is precisely in the variety of flavors that simultaneously fall into the mouth. This is even more important than making beautiful layers. I will say more - people who are used to finely grated salad simply do not perceive large pieces in Mimosa and begin to turn up their noses, which is very unpleasant for the hostess. You need to salt each layer separately, but very little. Got it? Toga andmove on, let's see

How to alternate layers in mimosa salad

The second subtlety of my recipe is in the correct alternation of layers. In recipes for Mimosa salad, common on the Internet, fish is often advised to have the first bottom layer. This is the mistake of those who want to make Mimosa faster and easier. We are talking about how to make this salad tasty, not fast.

1) The first layer should always be a "perinka" of potatoes. Grate two potatoes, arrange them on a plate so as to cover the bottom as much as possible (photo 2). But you don’t need to tamp the layer, the whole charm of Mimosa salad is just in its softness. Spread with mayonnaise (3).

2) Next comes canned fish - I personally prefer "Mackerel", she is mackerel in natural oil. I draw your attention to the fact that all the bones from the fish must be removed, otherwise some “cooks” put the fish in the Mimosa salad just like that, with the bones. This is some kind of horror. In addition, the fish must be mashed with a fork so that there is a single soft consistency of the salad. Do this on a separate plate (4), then transfer the fish to the potato feather bed (5).

By the way, once I tried to surprise my family and instead of fish, I put cod liver in Mimosa salad. The taste, of course, is different from the classic, but everyone liked it. Try it too.

3) The third layer for Mimosa is lettuce (red). It is cut into very small pieces. There should not be a lot of onions for Mimosa salad, otherwise it will kill the main taste of fish and eggs, but you don’t need to scald it, otherwise even a small but necessary sharp note will disappear. Another thing is if you don’t have red onions, but only have classic ones - in its pure form it is very bitter for a tender Mimosa salad, so you need to cut it and pour hot water for ten minutes, then take it out, squeeze it out a little and put it on the fish. When the onion is in, drizzle it with one tablespoon of canned oil and brush lightly (Pic 7).

4) Next, we use boiled potatoes again, as in paragraph 1 - we just have two potatoes left. Distribute over the dish, coat (photo 8).
5) Next in line is boiled carrots, photo 9 (rubbed into a fine grater). Sometimes I add a layer of juicy sweet and sour grated apple on top of the carrot layer in the Mimosa salad. An apple for Mimosa salad is optional, but it will be a highlight that will always make your mimosa stand out from others. Top with mayonnaise.

6) Next, for the Mimosa salad, we take the eggs and separate the proteins from the yolks. Now we need squirrels, three of them into a fine grater (photo 11). We smear this layer tightly with mayonnaise, as if clogging the salad (photo 12) - then we will decorate it, work on its appearance.

7) The appearance of Mimosa salad is a separate conversation. Sometimes greens are placed on top, around which grated boiled yolk is scattered, imitating a branch of Mimosa. It is the Mimosa salad with bright yellow flower balls that pleases our eyes and reminds us of spring and the sun. The yolks are rubbed into a fine grater and are not smeared with mayonnaise, otherwise the Mimosa salad will lose its attractiveness (photo13). Another option, no less popular - the yolks are evenly distributed over the surface of the salad, and the edges are filled with greens - it also looks very beautiful (photo 14). But if you want to cook Mimosa salad for a children's holiday, make, for example, a fish - the children really like it, it has been tested on their own.

Mimosa salad - video

For those who would rather see how Mimosa salad is prepared once than hear it a hundred times, we suggest watching this video. In this case, you will be told how to cook a homemade version of Mimosa salad, and to get a festive version, increase the number of layers - as I told you above.

Serving Mimosa Salad

The third subtlety is the correct serving of the salad. For example, a salad bowl should be transparent, then each layer is visible and Mimosa salad looks colorful and especially appetizing. After cooking, Mimosa salad is placed in the refrigerator for two hours so that the lettuce layers are soaked. Decorate the salad just before serving.

I read here that some "experts" in their recipes advise putting large lettuce leaves on top of Mimosa. Fi, what a rude proletarian bad manners. Thin salads and you need to decorate thinly. For example, dill or young green onion feathers are perfect for Mimosa salad. Cut them finely, finely and sprinkle this mass around the salad bowl without affecting the center. Mimosa salad will be exemplary - tender as the flower itself and no frills!!! Or, if you like, you can draw a mimosa branch with the help of greenery and yolk - it will be great too. Sorry to repeat myself, but when I see a Mimosa salad made rough, I don’t even want to try it.

Zhenya Zhukova especially for

What other recipes are often viewed by people who are looking for the topic mimosa salad recipe

. Shrimps are by right a delicacy, a product of haute cuisine. If you want to build a table on the basis of sea cuisine and make Mimosa with fish, shrimp will be your reliable helpers. Well, diversify our delicious menu with new recipes? Let's start our transformation...

. Why don't you add other popular recipes to your collection, in addition to Mimosa salad. Just listen to how their names sound, it's a whole song - "Garnet Bracelet", "Capercaillie's Nest", "Shanghai" - chicken and pineapples, "Capriccio" - chicken with prunes. New taste sensations are guaranteed.

. Greek salads and Greek cuisine are known all over the world as very healthy, tasty and healthy dishes. For the person who wants to cook Mimosa-level salads, it can provide even more opportunities for the manifestation of culinary talents. Well, let's find out the taste of true Greece?

. Squids have become a decoration of many salads. Of course, they are unlikely to find a place in a Mimosa salad, but if you are preparing several salads, squid can be a great tasting alternative. Plus, they can be very original to decorate. Try it, we are sure you will like it.

. Salads with cod liver have long and firmly established themselves at the top of culinary ratings. Some recipes even suggest sometimes replacing fish with cod liver in Mimosa salad in order to get new taste sensations from Mimosa salad. If you like this product, here are some good recipes.

Mimosa salad - reviews and comments

Zhenya, review on the topic "Mimosa salad".
It so happened that I am allergic to onions, so Mimosa salad for a long time was, so to speak, outside my culinary competence. But recently I read a recipe in one of the women's magazines, where a woman advised those who do not like onions to replace them with grated apple. I think it's possible. I decided to do it, my daughter ate it and said - mom, it’s delicious, my husband also liked it, but I’m even more good. So I advise everyone who does not like onions - change it to an apple, do not give up Mimosa, the salad is excellent. It is only important to slightly squeeze the grated apple pulp, otherwise the salad will “float” in apple juice.

Anna, review on Mimosa salad
Many thanks to the editors of the magazine and personally to the author for such a detailed recipe. Everyone said that my Mimosa salad (prepared according to this recipe) is just great. And yet, as a lover of experimentation, I wanted to add something to this composition, and I found a product that is worthy of the proposed Mimosa salad. Or rather, it already was - mayonnaise, but I mastered my own homemade mayonnaise and I will say that it fits perfectly and makes the taste of the dish even better. Try it yourself, because it is quite easy to prepare it.

From the editor. We agree with our reader Anna - everything that is ours is always tastier than store-bought. And especially for those who want to try the Mimosa salad recipe with homemade mayonnaise, we offer a special material how to make homemade mayonnaise .

Valeria, review on the topic Mimosa salad recipe
I also want to thank the editors for this Mimosa salad recipe - I tried different recipes, but my husband liked this one the most. My next experiments - as you advise, try to make Mimosa salad with cod liver, it will probably also turn out very tasty, and secondly, try this homemade mayonnaise, as it will be with it. In a word, everything is ahead of me, I will unsubscribe about the results.

Daria, review on Mimosa salad recipe
Editors, in vain you put a video interpretation of Mimosa salad, your recipe from Zhenya Zhukova is much better and tastier. There is a very simple recipe in the video, so put it on the table quickly and say that it is Mimosa, a real salad is not prepared at such a pace. And then it was rightly noted that in the Mimosa salad everything should be thin and thin and at the same time multi-layered, so that several layers fall into the mouth at once, all the different flavors are felt. And large pieces in one layer are ridiculous.

The classic version is prepared using canned fish. Before serving the dish to the table, it is necessary to infuse it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

You will need:

  • butter - 110 g;
  • salt;
  • parsley - 8 g;
  • egg - 6 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • onion - 260 g;
  • canned fish - 1 can in own juice;
  • cheese - 160 g of hard cheese.

How to cook:

  1. A couple of hours before cooking, place the butter in the freezer.
  2. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator ahead of time. They must be the same temperature as the water. This will help keep the shell intact. Cook for 17 minutes on a low flame. The liquid must not be allowed to boil, this will provoke cracking of the shell. To make it easier to clean them, immediately after cooking, place them in cold water.
  3. After the eggs have cooled, peel. Finely chop the whites with a knife, and mash the yolks with a fork.
  4. Chop the onion. If it is very hot, then pour boiling water over and dry on a paper towel.
  5. Grind the cheese using a medium grater. Chop greens.
  6. Take the fish out of the jar. Get big bones. Mash the fish with a fork.
  7. Arrange the squirrels on a dish and sprinkle with a layer of cheese chips. Distribute the fish. Spread with mayonnaise.
  8. Put the onion, then part of the yolk. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. Grate frozen butter on top. Use a medium grater.
  9. Place the remaining yolks in a sieve and sprinkle over the salad.

2. With canned food step by step

This dish has gained popularity since the days of the Soviet Union. You can cook with any canned fish. To make the salad look much more appetizing and beautiful, it is better to form it in a transparent salad bowl. The container must be clean and free of water stains.

You will need:

  • cheese - 170 g;
  • canned fish - can;
  • parsley - 30 g;
  • potatoes - 320 g;
  • dill - 30 g;
  • carrot - 220 g;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 260 g;
  • onion - 110 g.


  1. Rinse carrots and potatoes and cover with water. Cook until the knife can easily pierce the vegetables. Cool, remove the skin. If the potatoes are overcooked, the salad will be ruined.
  2. Grate carrots, potatoes and squirrels on a coarse grater. Grind cheese and proteins on a fine grater.
  3. Put the fish with oil on a dish and mash with a fork. Spread with a small amount of mayonnaise. Spread out the proteins and distribute the carrots. Spread with a layer of mayonnaise.
  4. Chop the onion. Place in boiling water and hold for 10 minutes. This will help the bitterness go away, thereby making the salad tastier. Spread over carrots.
  5. Distribute potatoes. Salt and coat with mayonnaise.
  6. Put the cheese chips and soak with mayonnaise. Place the yolks in an even layer and decorate the dish with herbs.
  7. To maximize the taste, the dish should be infused in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

3. With saury

To make the salad especially bright, it is better to use homemade eggs for cooking. It is their yolks that have a bright yellow color. It is better to rub them immediately on the salad, and not separately. Then their layer will look airy and light.

You will need:

  • canned saury - 1 can;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • potatoes - 360 g;
  • parsley;
  • carrot - 130 g.

How to cook:

  1. Place carrots and potatoes in water and boil for 38 minutes. Drain the liquid and set the vegetables aside. Scrape off the skin with a knife. Boil eggs.
  2. Drain the marinade from the can. Mash the fish with a fork. Place in a salad bowl and smooth out.
  3. Place chopped onion in boiling water for 7 minutes. Then drain the liquid, and dry the onion on a paper towel. Put on the fish and coat with mayonnaise.
  4. Grate the whites on a coarse grater and cover the onion. Lubricate with a layer of mayonnaise.
  5. Put the carrots grated on a medium grater on the proteins. Spread with mayonnaise.
  6. Grind the potatoes using a coarse grater and arrange on a salad. Lightly tamp and grease with mayonnaise.
  7. Grate the yolks immediately onto the salad on a fine grater. Put parsley around the edges of the dish for decoration.

4. Recipe for cooking with pink salmon

Fish salad will be enjoyed by all guests, and its beautiful yellow color will add variety to the festive table.

You will need:

  • natural canned pink salmon - 260 g;
  • onion - 75 g;
  • potatoes - 260 g;
  • salt;
  • cheese - 160 g;
  • butter - 80 g frozen;
  • green onions - 2 feathers;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • carrot - 140 g.

How to cook:

  1. Salt the water and place the washed potatoes and carrots. Cook until the knife can easily pierce the vegetables. Clear.
  2. Grate, using a coarse grater, potatoes and place on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  3. Drain the juice from the fish. Mash with a fork. During grinding, remove the bones. Spread over potatoes. Spread with mayonnaise.
  4. Chop the onion. Place the resulting cubes in boiling water for 2 minutes. Take out and dry on a paper towel. If the onion is salad and not bitter, then it is not necessary to scald. Spread in a layer over the salmon.
  5. Grate carrots on a coarse grater and spread on a layer of onions. Spread with mayonnaise.
  6. Immediately grate the cheese and whites of boiled eggs on the salad. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  7. Grate the butter and cover the egg whites. This product will give the salad a special tenderness.
  8. Sprinkle the dish with grated yolk on a fine grater. Garnish with chopped green onions.

Butter makes the salad tender and the cheese airy. These products are combined with any canned fish.

You will need:

  • canned fish - can;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • frozen butter - 120 g;
  • onion - 85 g;
  • cheese - 130 g.


  1. Place eggs in water and boil for 12 minutes. To prevent the shell from bursting, cook on a minimum flame. Cool in cold water. Proteins chop on a medium grater and put on the bottom of the dish.
  2. Grate cheese and sprinkle over egg whites. Mash the canned food with a fork and spread half evenly over the cheese.
  3. Chop the onion. Pour boiling water over and spread over the fish.
  4. Immediately grate the butter on a medium grater onto the salad so that it does not have time to melt. Put the remaining fish and sprinkle with grated yolks on a fine grater.
  5. Spread each layer with a small amount of mayonnaise.

6. With the addition of rice

This variation differs from the classic one in that potatoes are replaced with rice. The dish turns out useful and fragrant.

You will need:

  • canned sardines - 200 g;
  • salt;
  • egg - 6 pcs.;
  • pepper;
  • mayonnaise - 280 ml;
  • rice - 90 g;
  • green onions - 35 g;
  • carrot - 290 g.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water over eggs and boil for 12 minutes. Pour cold water and wait until cool. Clear.
  2. Using a fine grater, grate the yolks into different plates, then the proteins.
  3. Place carrots in water. Boil 35 minutes. Check for doneness with a fork. If it easily entered the vegetable, then you can drain the water and cool the carrot. Remove the skin with a knife and grate on a coarse grater.
  4. Rinse the rice grains until the water runs clear. To fill with water. The component should be covered with liquid for 2 fingers. Salt. Close the lid and cook until the water evaporates. For cooking, it is better to use rice with long grains. It does not turn into a sticky mass during cooking. Transfer to a sieve and rinse. Let the water drain completely.
  5. Drain the marinade from the fish. Mash the sardines with a fork. If bones are present, be sure to remove them. Chop green onion.
  6. Put rice on a dish and tamp down. Then distribute canned food, green onions and protein. Sprinkle with pepper. Distribute carrots. Spread each layer with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with yolks. Leave for 3 hours in the refrigerator. Serve chilled.

7. With potatoes

The most satisfying salad is obtained with potatoes. It is she who gives the dish a special rich taste.

You will need:

  • canned fish - can;
  • greens;
  • egg - 6 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • potatoes - 630 g;
  • onion - 120 g;
  • carrot - 370 g.

How to cook:

  1. Drain the marinade from the can. Mash the fish with a spoon. If there are bones, then be sure to remove them.
  2. Pour water over carrots and potatoes. Boil and peel off the skin.
  3. Boil hard boiled eggs. Grind proteins with a coarse grater, yolks - fine.
  4. Grate carrots and potatoes using a coarse grater.
  5. Chop the onion. You should get small cubes.
  6. Form a salad in layers: potatoes, fish, proteins. Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise and sprinkle with yolks. Decorate the dish with herbs.
  7. Salad must be soaked in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

8. With an apple

It is very easy to turn an ordinary product into a culinary masterpiece that diversifies the daily diet and will decorate the festive table. Apples will add a special zest to the salad.

You will need:

  • onion - 180 g;
  • canned fish - 290 g;
  • vinegar - 110 ml (9%);
  • sour apple - 160 g;
  • salt;
  • egg - 6 pcs.;
  • water;
  • lemon juice;
  • carrot - 210 g;
  • mayonnaise;
  • potatoes - 210 g.


  1. Pour washed potatoes and carrots with water. Cook until soft, but be careful not to overcook the vegetables. Crumbly potatoes will spoil the taste of the dish. Cool and clean.
  2. Using a coarse grater, chop carrots and potatoes.
  3. Boil eggs and cool in cold water. Get rid of the shell.
  4. Chop the onion. Pour the resulting cubes with vinegar for 3 minutes. Add a little boiling water and leave for half an hour. Pour into a sieve and wait until all the liquid has drained.
  5. Drain the fat from the fish, remove the bones and grind with a fork. Grind the yolks on a fine grater, and the whites on a coarse grater.
  6. Remove the core from apples and cut off the skin. Grate on a coarse grater. To prevent the product from darkening, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Important secrets of taste await you, the right choice of canned food and sauce, spectacular serving in transparent dishes with an emphasis on multi-colored layers. Embrace the delicious tradition of layered fish salad with eggs - based on the quality of the products.

In a separate paragraph, we described simple decorations and proven ideas of what else to put in a salad tasty and inexpensive.

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Secrets of tender "Mimosa"

1. We choose good canned food.

Any sea fish will do. The salad will be lighter if canned in its own juice (natural). With saury, tuna, sardine or pink salmon, the dish will turn out to be distinctly fishy. Pay attention to the trademarks that were highly rated by experts in the “Test Purchase” program from Channel 1 in 2015-2017.

  • Saury - "Dalmoreprodukt", "5 seas".
  • Pink salmon - "Delicious canned food", "Ultramarine", "Kitbay".
  • Tuna - "Captain of Flavors".

You can also use fish in oil. It is best to drain the oil into a separate container and add it little by little to the fish pulp and mayonnaise soaking of the potato layers.

2. Do not overcook the eggs.

Exactly 10 minutes at a medium boil so that the yolks remain yellow. The sunny top layer is the main feature of the beloved fish salad. See the end of the recipe for easy decorating ideas.

3. A thin mesh of mayonnaise is the key to a harmonious taste.

Only with it, each layer is well felt in the set. No need to clog the composition with mayonnaise abundance.

  • It is convenient to make a mesh with a high and soft package. We cut off the upper corner for a small hole and press on the bag without fanaticism. Or use a pastry bag.
  • If you are not a fan of homemade sauce, look at the three brands for Provencal - Miladora, Mr. RICCO", "Ryaba".

4. We always collect the Mimosa salad from the cooled components.

Step by step classic recipe with photo

Preparation time - 15 minutes for assembly + up to 50 minutes for preparation of ingredients.

We need:

  • Boiled potatoes - 4 pcs. medium size (400-450 g)
  • Boiled carrots - 3 pcs. medium size (300-350 g)
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc. (small, up to 80 g)
  • Fish pulp - 1 canned food (250-300 g)
  • Mayonnaise - 100 ml + 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste
  • Optional for garnish: tomato and dill sprigs

Let's prepare the ingredients.

Boil potatoes. Put in boiling water, cook over medium heat for up to 30 minutes. The finished root crop slides off the knife when pierced. From the stove, put the pan under cold water. After such extreme cooling, vegetables are easier to peel.

Boil carrots. Do not cut your butt and nose, do not clean, use all the tips above. Cooking time - up to 40 minutes.

We put the eggs in cold, well-salted water. Cook from the moment of boiling no longer than 10 minutes. We put it under cold water immediately from the stove.

Grinding the ingredients:

  • potatoes - on a large or medium grater;
  • carrots - medium or small;
  • We divide the eggs into proteins and yolks and separately also three on a grater.

We love large protein flakes and small ones from yolks.

We don't take a lot of onions. Enough of half a medium onion. Cut into small cubes and scalded with boiling water to release bitterness. Drain, let cool.

If you like the contrast of tastes, attract the sweet and sour crunch of a pickled onion. For this, 1 tbsp. take a spoonful of vinegar 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, add to the onion, wait 20 minutes, drain the juice. The spicy ingredient is ready.

We collect the salad in layers.

Cut off the tip of the mayonnaise package or put the sauce in a pastry bag.

We start with the fish layer. We take out the fish pulp and knead with a fork. Can be mixed with a small amount of mayonnaise if we use canned food in our own juice.

Layer order.

  • Fish pulp, where there is a little oil / mayonnaise.
  • Egg whites + mesh sauce.
  • Carrot + mayonnaise.
  • Onion pickled or scalded with boiling water.
  • Potatoes + mayonnaise (smooth evenly).
  • Egg yolks + decoration.

The step-by-step photos below will show you how to put a puff classic in a transparent salad bowl.

With the sequence of layers, you can do it differently.

Divide the potatoes in half and add a layer of potato half just after the fish. The second half remains in place - in front of the yolks. You can also share carrots. These "half-solutions", which increase the number of layers, are especially good in batch serving. Add beauty and air to each transparent glass!

We hope the assembly principle of the classic Mimosa recipe is clear. It remains to take a closer look at new ideas for the composition and please the eye with elegant decor options. We offer the most simple, but spectacular.

How to decorate and what to add if the classics are boring

What to add?

  • Boiled rice instead of potatoes.
  • Small cubes of peeled tomatoes on a protein or potato layer.
  • Grated hard cheese before or after carrots. Put a piece of cheese in the freezer before rubbing and do not be lazy to grate it finely and quickly right over the plate. Then he gently lie down and add tenderness to the salad.
  • Combine cheese and green apple sprinkled with lemon juice.
  • Finely chop the olives, making a bright black stripe on the cut of the salad cake. It is best to put the exotic before the carrots.

How to decorate and serve your favorite fish salad?

Tomato peel rose is very easy to make: follow the photo steps.

Do not require explanation and other simple decor options.

Housewives began actively preparing canned fish salads in the 1970s, when the choice of products in stores was small, but jars of canned fish were present on the shelves in abundance. It is not known who first thought of combining them with eggs, cheese and vegetables, laying out the products in layers and smearing them with mayonnaise, but it turned out delicious. The name "Mimosa" for the salad was fixed a little later, when the recipe was published in the culinary section of the journal "Science and Life". It was connected with the original design of the snack. There were no extra ingredients in this recipe, and the food turned out to be quite expensive, but its taste justified the expense. Salad "Mimosa" began to be considered festive, until now it is prepared not every day, but mainly on solemn occasions. The appetizer recipe proposed by Science and Life is considered to be a classic, but other variants of it can also claim this title.

Cooking features

The main ingredients of Mimosa salad are eggs and cheese, other products may vary, although onions, cheese and mayonnaise are usually not left out of the recipe. The appetizer will come out delicious no matter which option is taken as the basis, but the hostess needs to know some of the subtleties.

  • Mimosa salad is laid out in layers. If you mix the products, then the appetizer, even if it turns out delicious, will not be Mimosa. It is also important to follow the recommended layering sequence in the recipe. If you swap them, the appearance and taste of the snack will change.
  • Like all layered salads, "Mimosa" becomes tastier 2-3 hours after cooking. This happens because the layers have time to soak in the sauce. It is advisable to prepare an appetizer not just before the arrival of guests, but in advance.
  • So that the top layer of the salad does not dry out, becoming unaesthetic, the salad can be covered with cling film or covered with a cap, which is used to protect the microwave from splashes when heating food in it.
  • The salad will look prettier if the egg yolks have a bright color. So that they do not acquire a greenish tint, they are not advised to cook for too long - 10 minutes will be enough.
  • Some Mimosa recipes call for the use of butter. It is rubbed, making one layer out of it. It is important to choose a product of animal origin, made from cream, without the addition of vegetable components: the spread will spoil the taste of the salad. To make the butter easy to grind on a grater, it is recommended to freeze it by placing it in the freezer for 30–60 minutes.
  • The rest of the ingredients should be no warmer than room temperature. Otherwise, the salad will spoil quickly.
  • Also try to choose high-quality canned food for salad, giving preference to products of manufacturers known to you on the good side. Salmon fish, tuna, saury are well suited for salad. Some housewives replace canned food with smoked or salted fish, it also turns out delicious.
  • When chopping canned food with a fork, remove large bones: they will make the taste of the snack rough.

Knowing the points listed above, even an inexperienced hostess will make the Mimosa salad tasty and appetizing.

Classic Mimosa salad recipe (with butter)

  • canned pink salmon in its own juice - 1 can;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 6 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 0.25 l;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • fresh dill and parsley - 25 g each.

Cooking method:

  • Put the butter in the freezer for at least half an hour.
  • Wash the eggs, cover with water. Boil 10 minutes after boiling. Rinse with cold water and leave to cool.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut into small pieces. Salt lightly, stir.
  • Boil water, pour boiling water over the onion. Drain the water after 2-3 minutes.
  • Open the can, drain the juice from the jar. Mash the fish with a fork, removing large bones.
  • Clean the eggs. Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind them on a grater separately.
  • Finely grate the cheese.
  • Put the proteins mixed with a large spoonful of mayonnaise in a salad bowl or on a large plate.
  • Put the cheese on the proteins, pour it with plenty of mayonnaise.
  • Put half of the canned fish in the next layer, coat them with sauce.
  • Put the onion, spread with mayonnaise and it.
  • Put in the rest of the canned food. Rub oil on top. Sprinkle with half of the yolks.
  • Finely chop the greens, mix with the remaining yolks. Sprinkle over the salad.

The harmonious and refined taste of this simple salad will surprise you. The appetizer turns out to be hearty, looks spring-like bright and optimistic.

Mimosa salad with vegetables

  • canned fish in oil (optimally - saury) - 1 can;
  • potatoes - 0.4 kg;
  • carrots - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • white onion - 100 g;
  • greens - to taste;
  • mayonnaise - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Wash potatoes and carrots. Without cleaning, fill with water, boil until tender. Cool down. Clear.
  • Grind the vegetables on a coarse grater, spreading them into different bowls. Divide potatoes roughly in half.
  • Hard boil the eggs. Cool, clean. Separately chop the whites and yolks on a grater with small holes.
  • Peel and finely chop the onion.
  • Place canned food in a bowl. Mash thoroughly with a fork.
  • Grind the cheese on a grater with small holes.
  • Place half of the potatoes on the bottom of the salad bowl, pour generously with mayonnaise, smooth with a spoon.
  • Put canned food on the potatoes, sprinkle them with onions, pour a small amount of mayonnaise.
  • Lay out the remaining potatoes, grease it with sauce.
  • Put the cheese in the next layer, also watering it with mayonnaise.
  • Cover with a layer of carrots, smearing it with sauce.
  • Sprinkle with egg whites mixed with a little mayonnaise.
  • Sprinkle with yolks, decorate with sprigs of greens.

Put the salad in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that the layers have time to soak in the sauce. This version of the Mimosa salad is one of the most economical, but do not think that this makes it not tasty enough.

Mimosa salad with rice

  • canned fish (saury, tuna or salmon) - 1 can;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • rice - 160 g;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • white onion - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 6 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Cut off a piece weighing about 30 g from the butter, put the rest in the freezer for half an hour. Leave the cut-off butter indoors to soften.
  • Sort the rice, rinse to such an extent that the water drained from it is clear.
  • Fill with clean water, bring to a boil, salt and cook until tender.
  • Add softened butter to rice and stir. Cool down.
  • Hard boil the eggs. Cool down. After peeling, separate the whites from the yolks. Grate finely into different bowls.
  • Put the canned food on a plate, mash with a fork, divide into two parts.
  • Finely chop the onion. Pour boiling water over to remove bitterness. Drain the water, wring out.
  • Put grated squirrels in a salad bowl, grease them with mayonnaise, put half of the fish on top and also coat with sauce.
  • Put rice, pour it with a small amount of mayonnaise, lay out the remaining canned food.
  • Lubricate canned food with mayonnaise, put onions on them, pour grated cheese on it.
  • Pour abundantly with mayonnaise, smooth.
  • Discard half of the yolks.
  • Remove the butter from the freezer, rub it with the next layer.
  • Sprinkle with remaining yolks.

Rice goes well with fish products, using it for Mimosa salad is a good idea. With it, the appetizer turns out to be more satisfying, but just as tender as the classic one.

Mimosa salad with melted cheese

  • canned fish in oil - 1 can;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 0.2 kg;
  • white onion - 0.2 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 0.25 l.

Cooking method:

  • Boil potatoes, cool, peel and coarsely grate.
  • Grind melted cheese on a coarse grater, hard cheese on a fine grater. Divide among different plates. To make processed cheeses easier to grind, they are put in the freezer for half an hour before that.
  • Finely chop the onion, scald with boiling water. Some housewives prefer to pickle it in a mixture of apple cider vinegar (6 percent) and water, mixing them in equal amounts. In this marinade, it is enough to hold the onion for 10-15 minutes.
  • Mash canned food thoroughly with a fork.
  • Put the melted cheese on a dish inside the culinary hoop, grease with mayonnaise.
  • Put canned food on the cheese, grease with sauce and them.
  • Next, spread the potatoes, cover it with a layer of sauce.
  • The last layer will be finely grated hard cheese. You don't need to cover it with sauce.

Salad made according to this recipe looks very tender. The taste of the snack matches its appearance.

Mimosa salad with apple

  • canned fish - 1 can;
  • apple - 0.2 kg;
  • carrots - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil carrots and eggs. When they cool down, clean them up.
  • Separately grind the yolks and whites on a grater.
  • Finely grate the cheese.
  • Coarsely grate the carrots.
  • Canned food, laying out in a plate, carefully knead.
  • Lay out the proteins, grease them with mayonnaise. Put canned food and onions on top, pour over the sauce.
  • Put the cheese, spread it with mayonnaise.
  • Peel the apple. Grate it and put it on the cheese, pour over the sauce. It is not worth rubbing the apple in advance so that it does not darken.
  • Put the carrots on the apple, cover it with the sauce.
  • Sprinkle the salad with chopped egg yolks.

Apples give the salad a unique flavor. Canned food in this recipe is often replaced with crab sticks or smoked fish.

Mimosa salad with cod liver

  • cod liver - 1 can;
  • potatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • carrots - 0.2 kg;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • lettuce - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Boil vegetables and eggs.
  • Peel, coarsely grate the potatoes, put in a salad bowl, spread with mayonnaise.
  • Remove cod liver from the jar, chop with a knife, put on potatoes.
  • Finely chop the onion, sprinkle it with canned food.
  • Pour oil from the jar.
  • Grate carrots. Put on the onion, brush with sauce.
  • Peel the eggs, separate into whites and yolks.
  • Grate the whites, pour over the carrots.
  • Grind cheese on a grater, put on top. Lubricate it with mayonnaise.
  • Finely chop the yolks with a knife, sprinkle them over the salad.

Salad according to this recipe is high-calorie, but very tasty.

Video: Hit of Soviet cuisine! Mimosa salad. Delicious holiday salad

How to decorate Mimosa salad

The classic Mimosa salad recipe also suggests a certain type of decoration: crushed egg yolks are mixed with chopped herbs and the finished appetizer is sprinkled with this mixture. It looks like a mimosa from afar. However, you can offer other options for decorating the dish.

  • Usually salad "Mimosa" is collected in a salad bowl. Choose one that has transparent walls so that the layers are clearly visible through the glass, or completely refuse to use a salad bowl, laying out the layers on a dish. To make the salad in this case resemble a cake, the products are laid out inside the culinary hoop. A ring from a detachable baking dish is quite suitable. The salad assembled in this way looks beautiful even without additional decoration.
  • Sprinkle the surface of the salad with grated cheese, put a sprig (or several sprigs) of dill on top, and place the grated yolks next to it. Then the decoration will resemble a mimosa twig even more than in the classic version.
  • When preparing Mimosa salad for the New Year's table, you can use dill to decorate the salad, which will play the role of a spruce branch, and halves of cherry tomatoes, which will depict Christmas tree decorations.
  • The “mimosa sprig” can be replaced with another “flower”: cut out circles from an egg or only from a protein (you can give them the shape of flowers), spread them on a salad - these will be “chamomiles”. The role of the stem with leaves will be taken over by a sprig of parsley.
    The Mimosa salad will look beautiful if you collect it in small bowls or glasses, serve in portions.

Salad "Mimosa" is easy to prepare, looks elegant, it turns out delicious. It can be prepared for the holiday table. The presence of a significant number of options for preparing snacks makes it possible to choose.