How to cook triangular whites with meat. Belyashi recipe with photo step by step in a frying pan triangular

26.11.2019 Desserts and cakes

Belyashi is a favorite dish of many people. And almost all housewives know how to cook whites at home. And if everything is clear with the dough, that is, each housewife uses her own recipe, then sometimes questions arise with how to wrap the whites. Namely - how to wrap the whites?

The classic way:

  • After the dough has already come, we divide it into portions the size of a small chicken egg.
  • Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and put the filling in the middle, level with a spoon. We form the whites in this way - we wrap the dough towards the center, making folds.
  • The minced meat should not be completely hidden.
  • Fry the whites in a large amount of vegetable oil, first put the minced meat down, and then gently turn it over so that the juice does not leak out.

There is a way to wrap whites in a triangle - this is a fairly simple and convenient way. The dough is also rolled out, the filling is placed and we form a triangle, leaving a small hole.

  • In fact, no matter how you wrap the whites, the main thing is the dough recipe and filling. One of the secrets of minced meat is a 1: 1 ratio of fried to raw onions and the filling should be semi-liquid. All this will add juiciness and great taste.

When my grandmother was alive, she often cooked delicious triangular beels. Roasted, fragrant, with juicy minced meat inside, from which juice flowed when biting off the whitewash. For such whites, we always opened a delicious preparation and ate whites with tomato juice. It was very tasty! Today we will cook just such delicious triangular-shaped whites. And a step-by-step photo recipe will help in cooking.

Triangular whites

Belyashi are prepared with yeast dough. Thanks to him, they become so lush and plump. The stuffing is made from different minced meat, but today we will make, we can say, a classic version of mixed minced meat - pork and beef. Then the filling will be juicy and very tasty.


For the test:

  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Dry yeast - 10 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar - 1 tsp

For filling:

  • Mixed minced meat (pork and beef) - 800 gr
  • Onions - 3 pieces
  • Ground salt and pepper - to taste

For frying:

Vegetable oil


We begin to prepare the dough. Yeast dough does not cook quickly. First, prepare the dough, for this, pour a teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of flour and yeast into warm milk (not hot). Leave for 10 minutes until the yeast dissolves.

Over time, add the egg, salt and flour to the pan with milk in portions. We knead the dough. The dough should be soft and pliable.

Place the dough in a clean saucepan and cover with a cotton or linen towel. We put in a warm place for 1 hour.

As time passes, you will see that the dough has risen, you need to knead it and leave it for another 15 minutes.

When the dough is ready, start sculpting the triangular whites. Remove the dough on the table, brush your hands with sunflower oil and knead the dough a little.

Cut it into even small pieces about the size of a chicken egg. Roll them into circles.

Let the circles lie down a bit so that they rise.

While the mugs are rising, prepare the minced meat.

Chop the onion finely and mix with the minced meat. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Put the finished minced meat on the circles with a spoon.

Roll up the whitewash with a triangle and pinch the edges.

We let such triangles lie down for a few more minutes, so that they come up. In the meantime, heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil for frying.

Put the whites on the heated oil with the seam down. Fry on all sides until browned.

We also fry the sides of the whites.

After the whites are fried, put them in a cauldron. Pour a tablespoon of water at the bottom of the cauldron and cover with a lid. We put on a very small gas. A flame divider can be used. We keep the whites under the lid in a cauldron for about 7 minutes. This will make them soft.

Our delicious and juicy triangular whites are ready! You can serve hot heat to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Hello dear hostesses!

Today we have a special recipe, it suits even beginners, it is so simple.

We will make amazingly juicy and at the same time crispy and aromatic whites in a pan.

We have our own tricks for making these wonderful meat pies.

We will definitely share them with you. We will also show you the whole process with step-by-step photos. Forward!

Delicious yeast whites in a skillet

To cook whites we need:

For filling

  • 700 gr minced meat
  • 2 pcs onion heads
  • Salt, pepper, coriander to taste

For the test

  • 500 ml warm water
  • 2 tsp yeast (1 bag dry)
  • 750 gr flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. l sugar
  • 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil
  • 1 liter of vegetable oil for frying

At the exit we will get 24-26 ruddy and delicious whites.

Cooking yeast dough for whitewash

First, knead the dough. To do this, put yeast in warm water, 1 tbsp. l sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, mix to dissolve the yeast.

Then we gradually introduce all the flour, kneading the dough.

The dough is quite elastic. Knead it until it stops sticking to your hands.

Place the finished dough in a glass or plastic dish and place in a warm place to fit.

While the yeast is getting to work, making the dough fluffy, we'll start filling.

Take minced meat, it can be minced pork or minced meat with the addition of poultry, whichever you prefer.

We have minced pork + beef in equal parts.

One of the whitish tricks is that we add 50 g of water to the minced meat to make it more juicy.

Chop the onion in a blender or scroll through a meat grinder, combine it with water and add this onion gruel to the minced meat.

Salt and pepper, if you wish, you can add coriander, it will give a piquant taste. We mix everything.

Meanwhile, our dough is ready.

Our task is to roll it into a long sausage and cut it into equal pieces.

We form these pieces into balls, so that it is convenient to work with them later.

Another trick: so that the dough does not wind out while waiting for the filling, cover it with cling film.

After that, we take a dough bun and evenly flatten it with our fingers, giving it the shape of a circle.

Thinner the edges than the center. This will allow you to beautifully arrange the neck of the whitewash.

Place the filling in the center of the circle.

Now, holding the dough with your fingers, we pull the edges to the middle and begin to collect the neck.

We constantly overlap the dough, moving in a circle. A little workout and you will succeed.

Here's a pie you should get, with a small hole on top.

Press it a little with your palm so that the meat is better distributed inside.

We do this with all our koloboks - stuff them with minced meat and pinch them.

We are getting ready to fry our whites.

A few secrets:

  • fry the whites in a heavy-bottomed pan
  • add some salt to the oil to reduce splashes
  • to check if the oil is hot enough for frying, dip a wooden spatula into it, if bubbles and sizzle go, you can fry
  • do not spare the oil, do not pour less than in the recipe, otherwise the whites will absorb a lot of oil during the frying process, instead of being immediately covered with a crispy crust
  • do not try to stuff as many whites as possible into the pan at a time, during frying they will become fluffy and stick to each other

We dip the whites into the butter with an “eye” down, fry for 3-5 minutes until browning.

Turn over and fry on the other side for another 3-5 minutes.

Try to prevent the juice from the whitewash from getting into the oil, otherwise such a shelling will begin, it will not seem a little.

We take out the finished whites and put them on paper towels.

When the excess oil drains from them and they cool down a bit - you can eat! Delight for the whole family.

Belyashi are juicy, tasty, with an amazing crispy crust.

See you new sweets on our blog!

The dish called "belyashi" has Tatar and Bashkir roots. In Russia, it is quite popular, so it has many cooking options. Nowadays, any housewife already knows how to sculpt whitewash. However, each of them does it differently.

Juicy pies

To learn from personal experience how to sculpt whites, you can try the simplest option for a start.

To do this, you will need to prepare the following products.

For the test:

a glass of milk, flour, 7 grams 20 grams of salt, half a pack of butter, a teaspoon of sugar and half a glass of warm water.

For filling:

half a kilo of minced meat, onion, 200 milliliters of cream, spices and 2 cloves of garlic.

Now you can start to master the wisdom:

  1. The first step is to prepare the dough. To do this, you first need to separately dissolve the sugar in warm water, add yeast and leave for 15 minutes until the mixture begins to ferment.
  2. Heat the milk and then mix it with melted butter and salt.
  3. Combine both masses, add a little flour and knead.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into a clean saucepan, put the dough in it, roll it on all sides and leave for a couple of hours to prove.
  5. To prepare the filling, add chopped onions with garlic and spices to the minced meat. After that, pour in the cream and mix everything again.
  6. This is followed by the sculpting process. You need to separate a piece from the dough, roll it into a ball, and then slightly flatten it on the table with your hand.
  7. Place the filling in the center and gently wrap the edges. In this case, the middle of the workpiece must remain open.
  8. Let the semi-finished product stand in this position for 10-15 minutes, and then bake in a pan in a large amount of vegetable oil. The finished pies must first be held on a napkin so that all the fat is gone, and then put on a dish and serve.

Before you figure out how to sculpt whites, you need to learn as much as possible about them. The first step is to remember that for such pies, yeast or unleavened dough is mainly used. Another option will not work here. As a filling, meat is usually taken, arbitrarily cut into small pieces with a knife. To facilitate the work, ready-made minced meat is often used. This significantly reduces the cooking time. It is customary to add potatoes to meat. But sometimes the housewives use cereals (rice or millet) as an additional component. And in order to completely simplify the process, only spices are added with meat. It is in this form that the whites are familiar to most people in our country. In Soviet times, on every corner one could meet sellers selling warm “pies” with filling, from which a unique aroma emanated. When cooking whites at home, one must remember that during the frying process they are saturated with oil and become very fatty. Therefore, before eating, they must be held on a napkin or paper towel.

For every taste

It is customary to cook real Tatar belyashi from a mixture of lamb and beef. But this is not a prerequisite. Pork and even chicken are quite suitable for the filling. The main thing is that the cooked minced meat is not dry. This can be achieved in different ways:

  1. Add fermented milk products such as kefir or fermented baked milk to the mixture. With their help, it is possible to achieve not only moistening of the mass. Under the influence of such a component, the meat becomes softer and more tender.
  2. Fresh onions can not be cut with a knife, but chopped using a regular grater. As a result, a huge amount of juice is released, which will not only dilute the dry meat mass, but also give it a pleasant aroma.

In addition, you need to decide how to sculpt the whitewash. Some people like the look of a ruddy filling against a crispy background, while others find it not entirely appropriate. Indeed, when baking, a part of the liquid flows out through the hole, which begins to foul, falling into the boiling oil. If you do not do it, then all the moisture remains inside.

Non-standard option

Some people don't like the way a fried meat filling looks like. It becomes a little stiff and dryish. To prevent this from happening, you just need to change the molding method. So how to sculpt closed whites? The recipe for the dish can be left the same or you can use a new and interesting method.

The amount of products should be as follows: per kilogram of finished yeast dough, half a kilogram of minced meat, 100 milliliters of fermented baked milk, a little salt, 4 onions, ground pepper and vegetable oil.

The cooking technique is simple:

  1. Combine the semi-finished meat product with chopped onions, mix, and then add fermented baked milk and spices. This filling will be more tender and juicy.
  2. Tear off a small piece of any size from the dough and form a cake out of it with your hands.
  3. Put the filling in the middle, and then gently wrap the edges one by one in a circle.

The workpiece must be allowed to stand for a quarter of an hour. After that, you can safely fry it in boiling oil.

The first closed Tatar pies were prepared in Soviet times by canteen workers. Taking into account the large volumes of baked goods, this decision was quite justified. But each culinary specialist had his own secret of how to sculpt whites without a hole. Moreover, the composition of the filling and the recipe for preparing the dough did not matter. The beginning of the process remained the same. The dough had to be divided into a certain number of parts, and then each of them, with simple clicks of the hands, turned into a cake. Next, exactly in the middle, you need to lay the semi-finished meat product, forming it in the form of an oval cutlet. After that, it remains only to connect the edges of the cake, pinching them with your fingers, by analogy with dumplings or dumplings.

After a short training, a certain skill appears, and the work goes on easily. The blanks, as before, must be allowed to rest a little. After that, they can be fried. First, lay them with the seam down, and then just turn them over.

Original solution

Usually, each housewife seeks to add something of her own to the recipe, so that it is individual and not like others. To do this, you can use a new way of sculpting whites with a hole. The usual wrapping is known to everyone. But if desired, it can be slightly improved. For this you need:

  1. Place part of the filling on the pre-formed dough piece.
  2. Fold the edges so that they converge at one point, forming a knot in the shape of a ball. This is very similar to the way manti is prepared.
  3. Turn the workpiece knot down.
  4. Make an incision on the smooth side with a small knife, and then unfold the edges with your fingers and form an even hole.

When frying, first of all, put the semi-finished product in the pan on the side where there is a hole. Thus, it will be possible to prevent the juice from leaking out from the inside of the whitewash. It turns out an even fluffy pie with a neat hole and a pleasant aroma. But it is better to eat it after it has cooled completely.

What is "vak-belyashi"?

There are many interesting dishes in the Bashkir national cuisine. One of them is “vak-belyash”. Sometimes people ask why is it so unusual called? What is the difference between this "pie" from the usual whitewash? It turns out that there is a difference, both in the way the dough is kneaded and in the preparation of the filling.

To work, you need the following ingredients.

For the test:

250 grams of margarine, a third of a teaspoon of salt, flour, 6 grams of baking soda and 7 tablespoons of kefir.

For filling:

minced meat (it is better to take a mixture of beef and pork), onions, potatoes and ground pepper.

Everything is done, surprisingly, quickly:

  1. Extinguish the soda in kefir, and then add the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough.
  2. For the filling, cut fresh potatoes and onions into small pieces.
  3. Next, you need to figure out how to sculpt "vak-belyashi". To do this, place a flattened piece of dough on the palm of your hand. Put the filling on top, and then, gradually lifting the fingers of the other hand, apply the edges to the middle. The workpiece is a bit like a volcano.
  4. Put the blanks on a baking sheet lined with paper.
  5. After 10-12 minutes, put it in the oven, pre-dialing 200 degrees there.

In 40 minutes, the Bashkir “vak-belyashi” will be ready.

Different techniques

Until now, no one can say for sure how to sculpt whites correctly. Each hostess tries to do it the way she likes. There are dozens of completely different ways, so there is always a choice. Take, for example, the whitewash with a hole. To preserve the hole, you must first place your index finger in the center of the filling with one hand. Then, with the other hand, you can lift the edges of the dough and squeeze them together, forming a neat hole with two fingers. To evenly distribute the filling inside, press the workpiece slightly with your palm. After that, you can safely send it to the pan. There is another option, which is much simpler than all the previous ones. First you need to take two cakes. On one of them, distribute the filling so that there is a free space of 1.5-2 centimeters along the edge. Put the second cake on top and methodically pinch both blanks around the perimeter.

It turns out a closed workpiece. If necessary, you can make a hole in it with a regular knife.

Unusual geometry

Everyone is accustomed to perceive whites as round cakes with a complex filling inside. And how to sculpt whites with meat so that they look even more unusual and at the same time appetizing. There is an exit. You can simply change the geometry of the workpiece itself.

To do this, you will still need oval dough cakes and meat filling. At first glance, nothing changes. But surprise lies ahead:

  1. It is necessary to distribute the juicy minced meat with the usual movement among the blanks laid out on the table.
  2. After that, each of them must first raise one end.
  3. Then divide the remaining part in half and wrap towards each other so that you get a regular triangle. If desired, you can leave a small hole in the center. This will make the workpiece look more impressive.
  4. Fry the semi-finished product on both sides. First of all, put the part where the seams are in the pan.
  5. At the very end, the container must be covered with a lid and the heat must be slightly reduced. Belyashi should sweat a little.

After that, they can be taken out and placed on the dish in a neat stack.

As with any baked goods, not only taste is important for whitewash, but also a neat and attractive appearance. That is why the hostesses came up with several ways of interesting sculpting of these Tatar pies at once. The most common are round whites with and without a hole, as well as whites in the shape of a triangle. Of course, the method of sculpting does not affect the taste, but if you attach particular importance to the aesthetic side of cooking, then the material on how to sculpt whites will certainly serve you well.

How to properly sculpt belyashi with meat?

We have already stopped at various methods more than once, and therefore more than a dozen recipes are waiting for you on the site. Here we will devote all our attention to the molding process.

Round whites with holes are considered the most authentic. Due to the presence of a hole on top, they are evenly fried, and in addition, broth can also be poured into such pies to make them juicier.

Classic whites look like a bag with a hole in the center. The first step in sculpting is rolling out portions of dough. Before rolling, grease the work surface with oil, so the dough will not stick, and due to the absence of flour on the table, the edges can be easier to stick together.

In the center of each of the rolled flat cakes, place a portion of minced meat and distribute it closer to the edges, leaving about one and a half centimeters free. Picking up the edges one by one, pinch them together until they close into a ring right in the center.

How to sculpt whites with a hole?

There is also an easier way to sculpt perforated whites. Roll out the dough and place the minced meat ball in the center. Connect two opposite edges in the center without closing them together.

Do the same for a couple of other edges.

How to sculpt round whites?

While some find it easier to sculpt the whites by pinching the edges together, others prefer to make a hole by cutting the dough in the center. By the way, if you didn’t know how to sculpt whites without a hole, then this method will also be useful to you, because in this case you can stop at the second stage of molding without making an incision on one of the sides.

After rolling out and placing the filling in the center of the dough, begin to pick up the edges, moving in a circle.

Connect the dough in the center, smoothing well all the gathered edges.

Turn the whites over with the seam side down and cut into the smooth surface of the dough. Using a knife and fingers, stretch the dough out to the edges, forming a round hole. Then you can immediately go on to frying (the whites are first fried, putting it in the oil with the hole down) or baking.

How to sculpt triangular whites?

Having dealt with various techniques for sculpting round whites, we move on to the equally popular ones - triangles. Making them is also simple and quick, in addition, if you do not know how to sculpt wak belyashi, then this technique can be applied in practice and in relation to them.

The start of molding is the same as with other molding methods. First, the dough is rolled into a circle, then the meat is laid out on top of it.

Now join the three edges of the circle together and blind them together in the very center. Go over the sides of the edges to hold them together tightly as well. The side edges can be fastened just like that or made curly sculpting.

If you want to leave a hole in the center of the whitewash, then on the contrary, you will need to start modeling from the base, and when approaching the top, you can simply gently pinch the dough with your fingers in a circle or tuck it inward, right to the filling. The latter method is especially suitable for whites, as it allows you to pour the broth into the center and keep the meat from drying out.

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