How to make sea buckthorn oil at home. Sea buckthorn oil

18.09.2020 Desserts and cakes

Ether of orange color with a red tint is successfully used for cosmetic procedures, household chores and as a remedy. The people use several technologies for how to make sea buckthorn oil at home, including all the main components of this shrub. These include:

  • fresh Juice;
  • cake from berries;
  • bones.

They are processed both individually and in a complex. The result is an aromatic and healing potion. Time-tested methods are listed below.

DIY sea buckthorn oil

In factories, the oily mixture is squeezed out of only the seeds themselves. In consistency, it turns out to be more viscous and unusually transparent. The procedure for obtaining such ether is very complicated. For this, special furnaces and pressing equipment are used. It is difficult to conduct such an experiment at home. Therefore, it is better to use less expensive methods.

Homemade oil is best stored in glass or ceramic containers. In this case, the lid must tightly close the bottle so that the ether does not deteriorate.

From berries

Cooking sea buckthorn oil at home begins with the selection of ripe, slightly overripe fruits. You need to try to avoid mold and rot spots on them, because such errors spoil the quality of the broadcast. After that, it is important to wash the selected crop thoroughly. A sieve and a good flow of tap water are amazing options. To dry out the fruits well, they can be laid out on a waffle or paper towel. Some housewives use a newspaper or baking sheet. Everything is ready for cooking. There are two methods for producing oil.

Recipe number 1: with fresh berries

Cooking steps:

You can also use a meat grinder or blender to grind the fruit of the plant. For the best effect, it is worth passing the pulp through the unit several times.

Recipe number 2: with fried fruits

Cooking steps:

To obtain a concentrated healing agent, it is advised to complete the last point at least 5 times. In such a therapeutic and prophylactic elixir, one fourth of the mixture is nutrients. Among other things, it is important to familiarize yourself with another recipe for sea buckthorn oil at home. It differs in composition and cooking technology.

When frying the berries, stir them every 30-40 minutes so that they do not burn out. Using a wooden or rubber spatula helps to dry evenly.

Seeds, juice and cake

Such a tincture is made more often for space procedures, although many successfully take it inside for medicinal purposes. For the preparation of ether, frozen foods are used, which makes it possible to cook it even in winter. But first you need to make preparations in the fall: pick ripe berries, sort them out, wash them thoroughly, dry them and freeze them in bags or food trays.

The technology for obtaining oil from golden sea buckthorn is demonstrated by the following algorithm:

The oral cavity can be treated with oil during periodontal disease, pulpitis, stomatitis or after removal. It is also effective in treating colds. The throat and sinuses are treated with it.

The last point of this process should be repeated until oily stains are no longer formed on the surface. The color of the mixture will turn out to be lighter than with other methods of obtaining oil. This is because the seeds do not have pigmentation, so you shouldn't be scared in the end. So, these three simple recipes show you how to make sea buckthorn oil at home simply and with first-class quality.

Sea buckthorn oil cake - video

Sea buckthorn is one of the most useful berries in terms of its cosmetic and medicinal properties.

The spectrum of its unique properties is so wide that more than a dozen pages can be devoted to covering this issue. Sea buckthorn berry products have the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain relievers;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-aging;
  • laxatives.

They also tone and nourish tissues, fight skin aging, and increase immunity. These and other wonderful properties of sun berries have been known to people since time immemorial.

The possibilities of the plant are endless: 15 trace elements and a large number of other biologically active substances help in the healing of such ailments as:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension, ischemic disease;
  • eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • burns, bedsores;
  • gout, arthritis and arthrosis;
  • gastritis;
  • oncology in the early stages;
  • tuberculosis;
  • stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland.

Although everything is useful in this plant: the pulp of berries, and tinctures from leaves, and fruit juice, and sea buckthorn oil is especially actively used. It is, first of all, valuable because it contains a record amount of vitamin A, which stimulates cell renewal and treats many diseases. It is safe to say that a bottle of orange oil is in almost every home medicine cabinet.

However, not everyone who actively uses it knows that you can prepare this medicinal product yourself. Of course, you will have to tinker a little, but the result will be an environmentally friendly, absolutely natural and healthy product that can heal from various ailments. We will dwell on how to make sea buckthorn oil at home.

What berries are suitable for cooking?

Please note that it is best to make high-quality butter from fresh, not frozen fruits. But even if, for some reason, the berries are harvested, and there is no time to prepare the drug, you should not be upset. There is a good recipe in which it is the frozen fruits of sea buckthorn that are used, because it is also valuable because it is able to preserve its vitamins and minerals even at sub-zero temperatures.

In most regions of our country, the beginning of ripening of sea buckthorn is August. At this time, the fruits are already rich in all useful substances, but experts say that for the production of oil it is better to keep the berries on the branches for another 2-3 weeks. As soon as the sea buckthorn berries are filled with juice, become bright and soft enough, you can work with them.

There are several recipes for preparing a medicinal product. Let's start with the simplest and least expensive, because besides berries, no other components are required.

100% quality butter recipe

After the ripe berries are removed from the branches, washed, sorted and dried on a paper towel, squeeze the juice out of them. This can be done manually or using a press, blender, juicer.

The main thing is that during the process the berries do not come into contact with metal objects, because oxidation deteriorates the useful qualities of the product. The resulting liquid is carefully filtered to separate the juice from the cake.

Then the juice is poured into a wide (not metal!) Dish so that the bottom is covered by 6-7 centimeters, and placed in a dark place for 24 hours. A day later, the sea buckthorn juice is covered with a thin oily film. It must be very carefully collected with a spoon and placed in a glass jar with an airtight lid, then put into the refrigerator. High-quality sea buckthorn oil obtained at home.

The recipe has one drawback - a small amount of product at the outlet: about 50 ml from 1 kg of berries.

There is no consensus on whether this oil should be sterilized after preparation. Some are sure that it will be well stored without additional heat treatment, others advise making the oil sterile so that it can be used inside without any problems. In any case, it is very high quality and medicinal, not diluted with anything. And the remaining juice can be simply drunk or added to the compote, because it is very useful.

Sea buckthorn oil cake

This recipe is considered a classic, therefore it is used most often. Just as in the first case, the berries must be carefully sorted out, rotten or unripe fruits must be removed. After that, they need to be washed, dried at room temperature, and then squeezed out of juice.

The resulting mass is passed through a sieve to separate the cake. It is he who is placed in a glass dish and poured with refined sunflower (olive) oil in the following proportion: ½ l of oil for every 3 cups of oil cake.

Cover the dishes with the mixture with a lid and place in a dark place. It is believed that after a week the oil has already absorbed all the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn, so the cake can be thrown away.

But in order for the concentration of vitamins and minerals in the finished product to become greater, the procedure must be repeated again, pouring a new cake with the obtained sea buckthorn oil and keeping it for another week in a dark place. The calculation is simple: the more often the procedure is repeated, the higher the concentration of nutrients in the finished oil becomes.

Oil from powdered sea buckthorn berries

Fresh sea buckthorn berries must first be washed and then dried in the oven over low heat until they are completely hard. When the fruits have cooled down, the recipe recommends grinding them with a coffee grinder to a powdery mass. You will get brownish flour, which is poured with warmed vegetable oil (olive or sunflower).

This mixture is placed in a dark, but not cold place for 7 days and stirred periodically. This time is enough for the vegetable oil to be enriched with all the useful minerals and vitamins that sea buckthorn is rich in.

In order to increase the concentration of the resulting product, it is recommended to mix it with a new portion of powdered berries and infuse for a week. To keep the sea buckthorn oil clean, it must be carefully filtered first through a sieve, and then through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

Frozen berry butter recipe

Despite the fact that most people prefer to make sea buckthorn oil at home from fresh berries, there is a good recipe for its preparation from freshly frozen fruits, which were placed in the freezer for 3-4 days. After soft, unhurried defrosting, juice is obtained from such berries by grinding them with a plastic or wooden spoon.

The cake is dried in the oven and ground into powder, and the resulting juice is mixed in equal parts with vegetable oil. Then all these ingredients are sent to a dish and kept in a water bath for 3-4 hours, cooled, placed in a dark place. If everything is done correctly, a thick layer of concentrated sea buckthorn oil forms on the surface of the mixture, which should be collected in a clean glass or ceramic jar and refrigerated.

As you can see, more than one folk recipe for the preparation of sea buckthorn oil is passed from generation to generation. Take advantage of one of them - and be healthy!

Storing sea buckthorn oil

Whatever recipe you use for cooking, the storage conditions of the resulting product are the same:

  • Pour the finished oil into a dark glass dish.
  • Cork it tightly with a lid.
  • We put it in the refrigerator.
  • This is the only way to avoid rancidity of the product and use it for several months, until the new harvest of sea buckthorn.
  • Some precautions for use

Despite the obvious healing properties of sea buckthorn oil, it can also be harmful, since it contains very active substances. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to mention a number of contraindications:

  • spinal disorders (osteochondrosis, scoliosis);
  • disturbances in the body's water-salt metabolism;
  • acute course of inflammation of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder.

Video: Sea buckthorn oil, how to make at home

There are several ways to prepare such a healthy product. In these recipes, the raw materials are juice, cake or seeds. Knowing all the subtleties, you can always have a healing elixir at hand, relieving many diseases and preserving the beauty of the skin.

  • Pomace oil
  • Pomace and seed oil
  • Sea buckthorn seed oil
  • Sea buckthorn oil from juice
  • Healing properties
  • Contraindications

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home

Healing oil is present in fruits and seeds. Each type of raw material is suitable for the extraction of medicinal components of natural origin. From the pulp, the final product is more aromatic and intensely red.

From seeds, the oily solution will be more transparent, since they do not contain carotene, which gives the oil an orange tint.

According to the recipes with the photo, it is easy to make a medicinal extract, which will require:

Fresh berries;
any vegetable oil;
coffee grinder.

Only ripe or overripe sea buckthorn should be taken. It contains more of the etheric component.

Pomace oil

To obtain sea buckthorn oil, cake is most often used. In this case, the seeds are not processed, since they have a dense shell that should be crushed.

The technology includes the following stages:

1. The fruits are thoroughly washed, dried and squeezed out of juice.
2. The remaining casings are filled with oil. For 3 glasses of the remaining mass, 0.5 liters of oil is taken.
3. Poured skins are insisted for at least 7 days.
4. The finished composition is filtered and the resulting oily solution is poured with fresh skins and everything is repeated again. The same oil should be used for fresh skins.
5. You can also take the pulp dried in the oven as a raw material.

When drying the skins, care must be taken to ensure that they do not burn.


1. Grind the dried cake on a coffee grinder.
2. Pour the powder into a dish.
3. Heat the sunflower oil slightly and add the chopped ingredient.
4. Stir everything, cover tightly and put in a dark place. Stir the solution thoroughly every day.
5. After a week, the composition is filtered, and the oil is set to infuse again. It should be transparent. If the technology is followed, a sediment forms at the bottom.
6. Drain the top of the clear solution and pour out the oil with sediment in a clean bottle. The remaining oil is poured into a new portion of the crushed cake.

Pomace and seed oil

The use of seeds together with skins from berries allows you to increase the concentration of medicinal ingredients in sea buckthorn oil, making such a product from two components at home using a simple recipe.

This will require:

1. Take 0.5 liters of sunflower oil per liter of fresh fruit.
2. Sort out, rinse and dry the berries.
3. Squeeze the juice out of them and dry the remaining skins.
4. Separate the dry pulp from the seeds.
5. Grind the seeds and dried skins separately from each other.
6. Combine the resulting components in a large metal container, add the juice and sunflower oil there, mix everything.
7. Heat the resulting composition for three hours in a water bath.
8. After warming up, place the container with liquid in a dark place for three days. After a few days, the sea buckthorn oil will float. It is collected and poured into a separate bottle. The remaining composition is left to infuse further.
9. Oil should be removed from the surface every three days.

Using this technology, it turns out, to extract more nutrients from the skins and seeds.

When heating the mixture, it is necessary not to allow boiling, otherwise high temperatures will destroy useful substances, and essential oils will evaporate.

Sea buckthorn seed oil

Most people don't know that the most valuable product in terms of composition comes from seeds. You can make it yourself at home using the following recipe:

1. Air dry the remaining pulp after wringing by spreading it on paper or on a towel.
2. Rub dry cake in palms. The dry skin will fall off, and the seeds will remain in your hands.
3. The bones are crushed on a coffee grinder and poured into a jar.
4. The resulting powder is poured with sunflower oil, covered with a linen napkin and placed in a shaded place for 60 days. The liquid should be stirred from time to time.

After two months, the composition is filtered and poured into bottles.

Such sea buckthorn oil should be light, since there is no carotene in the pits of the fruit, which gives the product an orange color.

Sea buckthorn oil from juice

The fastest and simplest recipe allows you to make a valuable and healthy elixir with your own hands without using vegetable oils. To do this, simply squeeze the juice out of the berries and let it stand for 24 hours so that the oil contained in the juice rises up. It must be collected from the surface with a spoon and drained into a separate bowl.

Important! Such sea buckthorn oil cannot be stored for a long time, it must be used immediately.

Healing properties

Having studied the presented recipes, step by step explaining the different ways of preparing sea buckthorn oil, you can independently make a medicinal composition that helps to get rid of the following ailments, if used correctly:

1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including stomach ulcers. Sea buckthorn oil improves the functioning of the digestive system, promotes the proper secretion of gastric juice and heals irritated stomach lining, helps to treat gallstone disease.
2. Skin diseases. It heals wounds well, being a bactericidal agent that quickly relieves inflammatory processes. They can be used to treat burns, lichen, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.
3. Diseases of the organs of vision. Its regular intake will help relieve intraocular pressure, prevent lens clouding, and help get rid of corneal inflammation.
4. Dental pathologies. Rinsing the mouth with oil helps to get rid of periodontitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis and other inflammatory processes.
5. Colds. Oil lotions and gargles will help cure tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
6. Heart disease. With regular intake of such a product, you can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and avoid thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
7. Diabetes and obesity.


Despite the fact that the benefits of using sea buckthorn oil are great, it should be used with caution. It, like all drugs, has a number of contraindications. Such a product cannot be used for the following pathologies:

Inflammation of the liver;
allergies to oil components;
inflammation of the pancreas;

If you have chronic diseases, you should definitely consult your doctor before using sea buckthorn oil.

Subject to all the rules for the preparation and use of such a valuable product, you can always, if there are sea buckthorn berries in the house, prepare a broad-spectrum drug and support your health and the health of your loved ones.

Sea buckthorn is a small, thorny tree or shrub, reaching a height of 4-15 meters. The berries are golden yellow or orange, the leaves are dark green on top and silvery underneath.

Since sea buckthorn flowers are heterosexual, only female plants bear fruit. In order for the tree to bear fruit more efficiently, 1 or 2 male trees are planted, if the garden is small, 1 twig from a male tree is grafted onto the trunk of a female one. It blooms in April or May, the berries ripen in September-October.

Sea buckthorn loves light and warmth, grows on wet sandstones, in highlands, valleys, and along rivers. At home, sea buckthorn oil is prepared in three types.

Cooking sea buckthorn oil at home

Consider three recipes for making sea buckthorn oil at home.

Pure sea buckthorn juice oil

  1. Fresh fruits are washed in running water and dried on a paper towel.
  2. Squeeze the juice in a juicer or grind it in a wooden mortar and pass through cheesecloth.
  3. The juice is poured into a wide and not very deep container and left in a dark place for a day.
  4. After a day, an oily liquid will appear on the surface. It remains to carefully collect the sea buckthorn oil with a spoon.

Video recipe

Sea buckthorn oil with additives

In the recipe, in addition to berries, you will need any refined oil (soy, olive, corn or sunflower).

  1. The berries are washed in running water and dried in the oven over low heat.
  2. After the oven, the berries are passed through a coffee grinder (you can grind in a mortar to a state of flour).
  3. The powder is transferred into a glass container and poured with heated oil (heated to a warm state) so as to completely cover the resulting powder.
  4. Store in a dark place at room temperature for about a week, shaking well every day.
  5. The oil is filtered through a strainer (gauze is possible) and again left in a dark place until it becomes transparent, and a precipitate forms at the bottom.

The resulting oil is poured into another bottle and tightly closed with a stopper.

Sea buckthorn oil for cosmetology and treatment

For this recipe, you will need 4 glasses of fresh and ripe sea buckthorn and a bottle (0.5 l) of unrefined vegetable oil (sunflower and olive oil are suitable).

  1. Hold the berries in the freezer for 5 days, then defrost, first in the refrigerator, then at room temperature.
  2. When the berry is completely melted, rinse with cold running water and squeeze out the juice, as indicated in the first recipe.
  3. Pour the juice into a jar and refrigerate. Dry the remaining cake by spreading it on a paper towel.
  4. Once the cake is dry, separate the grains or seeds and pass through a coffee grinder.
  5. Place the remaining husk and flour obtained from the grains in a saucepan (volume of at least two liters), pour in the juice and vegetable oil, stir well, close the lid and put in a boiling water bath. For a bath, take a larger pan, put a metal lid on the bottom and immerse the pan with the contents for about 3 hours.
  6. After that, leave the pan in a dark place for three days, keep at room temperature.
  7. After the expiration date, a layer of oil will appear on the surface, which is collected with a spoon or pipette in a glass container with a tight stopper.
  8. The leftovers are poured into a smaller saucepan and left for 3 more days. Then the oil is collected again. This can be done up to four times, each pouring into a smaller, narrower saucepan.

A little history of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn is an amazing plant known since ancient times. Even the ancient Greeks appreciated this berry, knew its beneficial properties and use in folk medicine. Once they noticed that the horses, wandering in the thickets of the bush, feeding on leaves and berries, became more plump. The mane and skin shone and shone. Since then, sea buckthorn has been given to emaciated and sick horses. Then they decided to give it to the riders.

There is information about sea buckthorn in ancient manuscripts of Mongolia, in Chinese medicine, and Tibet. The healing properties of sea buckthorn were also known to the Slavic peoples. Enlightener Kirill, who created the Slavic writing, while traveling, healed burns and wounds with "red oil". Presumably it was sea buckthorn oil.

In the Middle Ages, the medicinal properties of sea buckthorn were forgotten. Only in the 17th century, sea buckthorn takes on a second birth. During the development of Siberia, the Cossacks who fell into harsh lands healed their wounds and strengthened their health with sea buckthorn. At that time, it was correctly determined that the fruits and juice of the berry restore strength, and if the berry is dried and poured with vegetable (preferably sunflower) oil, put in a Russian, still warm oven overnight, a bright red liquid will appear - sea buckthorn oil.

They officially began to grow sea buckthorn in Russia in the 19th century in the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden. A special varietal sea buckthorn was grown in Altai in the 30s. last century.

Sea buckthorn oil received another recognition in the 70s of the last century, and a real boom came in the 80s. Oil then became a real shortage, it was not freely available, doctors wrote out a prescription on special forms, and oil consumption was subject to strict accounting.

How and when to harvest sea buckthorn

For medicinal purposes are used:

  1. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn fruits;
  2. bark;
  3. leaves.

Leaves are harvested throughout the growing season. Dry on a clean cloth in the shade out of direct sunlight.

The bark is taken immediately after the end of winter. For this, ring-shaped incisions and a longitudinal incision are made on some branches in order to easily remove the resulting bark tubes. The bark is dried in the air, and dried in a dryer at a temperature of about 35 degrees.

It is better to harvest the berries at the beginning of ripening. Harvested sea buckthorn before frost. You can even make jam from sea buckthorn, which in taste and aroma is not inferior to quince jam. For sea buckthorn oil, it is better to pick the berry after frost.

The chemical composition and medicinal properties of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is ranked first among traditional healers.

Sea buckthorn contains substances:

  1. nutritious;
  2. mineral;
  3. glucose;
  4. organic acids;
  5. tanning;
  6. nitrogen-containing compounds.

Scientists have proven that sea buckthorn contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the body and prolong youth.

Sea buckthorn is indispensable for professional athletes. 100 g of berries contain 1.2% protein and 82 kcal. It is rich in carbohydrates and fats, no meldonium is needed.

Sea buckthorn oil has the following properties:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. bactericidal;
  3. wound healing;
  4. pain relievers.

The oil helps to regulate metabolic processes in the human mucosa and skin. Berry juice is a storehouse of vitamins, primarily ascorbic acid. Berries are an excellent digestive stimulant.

Sea buckthorn and traditional medicine

Sea buckthorn berries help with constipation and toxic hepatitis. The juice helps to heal purulent ulcers, and is widely used in cosmetology, as it helps to improve and nourish the skin, increase elasticity. Sea buckthorn is the cornerstone of many women's beauty secrets.

An infusion is prepared from the leaves, which is used for diarrhea, gout or rheumatism. An extract with a radioprotective effect is made from the bark on alcohol, which inhibits the growth of tissues in patients with oncology.

Sea buckthorn oil is used both externally and internally. Constant ingestion improves the state of blood vessels in atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure, reduces attacks of angina pectoris and vegetative-vascular disorders. The oil is used in the treatment of the stomach, intestines, liver, and in gynecology.

In conclusion, I will say that sea buckthorn oil is not recommended to be taken orally in case of cholecystitis, pancreatic diseases and gastrointestinal tract disorders. Be healthy!

Sea buckthorn berries are unique in their chemical composition... They contain a large amount of vitamins: C, B1, B2, organic acids, iron, carotene, boron, manganese, folic acid, ascorbic acid, trace elements, serotonin and others.

Therefore, on the farm and in the kitchen, sea buckthorn is always very popular, since by preparing jams, preserves, compotes from these berries, you will fully provide your homemade vitamins until the next harvest.

Also, the most valuable oil can be made from sea buckthorn, it not only replenishes your body with missing vitamins, but can also help in the treatment of many diseases. Besides, this oil is also an excellent cosmetic product.

Therefore, it is interesting to know how to make sea buckthorn oil at home. But first, let's talk about why sea buckthorn oil is so useful and why you just need to have it in every first-aid kit.

Sea buckthorn berry oil is a recognized leader among vegetable oils in terms of the content of carotenoids in its composition. This natural pigment gives the sea buckthorn oil a bright orange color.

Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, which plays an important role in biological processes in the body. Sea buckthorn oil is high in E vitamins, known as a powerful antioxidant.

Another feature of sea buckthorn oil is that it contains a huge amount of vitamin C and even more than citrus fruits.

Also, importantly, ascorbic acid, which is contained in the oil, has a high resistance to heat treatment due to the content of an enzyme such as ascorbinase in sea buckthorn berries.

Due to the large amount of vitamins, sea buckthorn oil can have a wound-healing, restorative, granulating, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect on the human body.

Sea buckthorn oil is intended for:

  • for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis and other vascular and heart diseases;
  • for the healing of cuts and wounds;
  • with angina, constipation, hemorrhoids, immunodeficiencies, tonsillitis;
  • with deterioration of visual acuity;
  • to improve immunity after illness.

Sea buckthorn oil will also be very useful for other ailments.... It is difficult to list all of them, but it is enough just to understand that with moderate consumption of sea buckthorn oil (about 100 grams per day), you can preserve beauty and health for many years.

Therefore, it is good to know how to cook sea buckthorn oil at home.

Sea buckthorn oil. Squeezed benefit

Despite the huge number of useful properties, sea buckthorn oil also has certain contraindications.

It cannot be taken by people who suffer from individual intolerance to its constituent components.

Also, it is not advised to use it internally for cholecystitis, gastritis, urolithiasis and gallstone disease, in the presence of inflammatory processes in the pancreas and liver.

Like any other oil, sea buckthorn oil is contraindicated for diarrhea.

For cosmetic purposes, you need to use oil with caution for those people who are prone to all kinds of allergic reactions.

It is wise if you consult with your doctor before starting treatment with sea buckthorn oil.

It should be understood that any of the recipes you choose must be carried out with proper preparation.

Therefore, in order to get a quality product, it is necessary to take mandatory preliminary steps:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn berries must be selected, that is, without starting rotting, not dented;
  • rinse the berries several times, until the water is completely clear;
  • dry clean berries outdoors. To do this, lay them out on a tray in 1 layer.

After carefully following these simple but extremely important steps, you can safely proceed to the exciting self-preparation of this miracle cure at home.

Avoid contact of sea buckthorn berries with metal utensils during further cooking... This is required in order to avoid oxidation of the raw material, since oxidation will significantly lower the quality of the finished product.

Cooking recipes

There are several methods of how to make this very useful tool. Each person can choose a recipe suitable for himself and thus receive a completely natural product that is made with care and love.

Follow these steps step by step:

The oil that is obtained in this way will be without a characteristic orange color, since sea buckthorn seeds (unlike pulp) do not contain carotene, which gives this color.

How to make sea buckthorn seed oil

This recipe is considered one of the easiest to make at home compared to some other methods:

During the infusion, the cake from the berries will saturate the oil with its medicinal substances. But if desired, the concentration of "usefulness" can be increased, it can be done as follows:

  1. Squeeze out a new batch of berries.
  2. Fill the cake (after being separated from the juice) with the available oil.
  3. Leave to infuse for 1 week.
  4. Squeeze out.

Re-infusion will almost double the concentration of the product.

How to make sea buckthorn oil from pomace

Fresh berries

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home from sea buckthorn? Olive oil is the best base for this recipe.

Its advantages are that it has no color, odor or taste, and this is necessary to preserve the characteristic taste and aroma of the sea buckthorn potion:

In such a product, the percentage of sea buckthorn content usually does not exceed 15%.... In order to increase the concentration of the infusion, repeat the process several times - only in this case, the percentage of sea buckthorn oil will be maximum.

However, it is important to remember that the newly prepared portion should be filled with the already infused oil. For a week, sea buckthorn will saturate the base oil with its healing substances.

DIY sea buckthorn oil

This recipe is very easy to prepare, it doesn't take much time and effort:

In this recipe, most of the time will be spent on keeping the oil mixture in a water bath, but in general, everything else is very simple.

This recipe will actually help make a highly concentrated product, but its disadvantage is that it is absolutely not economical.

But in the end you will get a really high quality oil, so you should not regret the large waste of raw materials:

You will receive a very small amount of oil at the exit, so in order to collect at least one bottle, the procedure will have to be repeated several times. However, this can be called a truly valuable homemade remedy.

Interestingly, the separated cake at the very beginning of cooking can also be used to produce oil using the recipes above, thereby increasing the economy of this recipe. It should be understood that the oil from the cake will be much lower in concentration.

For 1 kilogram of fresh sea buckthorn, take half a liter of olive or sunflower oil. This option for making sea buckthorn oil is good because it can be made both in summer and in winter from frozen berries:

Homemade sea buckthorn oil should only be stored at a temperature not lower than +10 C, but it is best to keep it in the refrigerator.

The container in which you plan to store the oil must be made of dark glass, because under the influence of light, the valuable properties of such a useful oil do not change for the best or even disappear.

As a result, it becomes rancid, deteriorates quickly and is unusable.

The shelf life directly depends on the percentage of oil concentration, but it can be said with precision that the use of sea buckthorn oil, which has stood (even in the refrigerator) for more than one year, is highly undesirable.

Cooking sea buckthorn oil at home can guarantee complete confidence in the naturalness, purity and high quality of the most valuable remedy.