How to properly make a shortbread dough at home (classic, soft, with sour cream)? Shortbage dough with sour cream sandbreaker with sour cream.

18.09.2020 Dishes from Yaitz

There are many very tasty baking recipes, the base of which is the dough on sour cream. Usually such dough is easy and fast in preparation. Sour cream gives him a very gentle taste, and the confectionery themselves are beautiful and ruddy. Such a base comes to a variety of fillings - from meat to berries. So you can apply your fantasy and supplemented here the recipes favorite products.

This dough recipe on sour cream is universal. From such a basis, you can do everything that only the soul will wish. From cookies and cakes to a big cake with minced meat.

It can be diversified by adding different ingredients to taste, for example, red pepper or grated cheese for salted cookies or nuts - for sweets.

Use a creative approach, however, do not forget about the main thing - everything should be in moderation.

  • sour cream - a glass;
  • butter (can be replaced by margarine) - pack;
  • flour - 2.5 glasses;
  • salt;
  • soda.

The cooking process looks like this:

  1. Creamy oil should be used soft or melt in a frying pan.
  2. Pour it into a container with sour cream and mix.
  3. Salt and soda to plug in flour, stir, and then gradually combine with a sour cream mixture. It's good to perturb the lumps.

The dough is obtained by smooth, elastic. It should rather roll out and do not stick. You can hold it for some time under a towel or food film so that the composition acquires the desired properties. And then there is no limit to your creative energy, create everything that only wants from this basis. The result will definitely be great.

For pyrors

Fast dough on sour cream for pies is an opportunity to save time and strength, but still treat your homework delicious. Filling can be taken any - mince, eggs with arrow arrow, berries, apples, cottage cheese, dried fruits.

You need to take the following products:

  • by half a cup of kefir and sour cream;
  • a glass of flour and a little more on befelling;
  • egg;
  • a pair of spoons of vegetable oil;
  • spoon sugar-sand;
  • salt;
  • soda.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Dairy products Connect, stir with sugar and salt, pour soda.
  2. Now you need to wait a couple of minutes to start the reaction and bubbles went. Then the dough will be very well climbing in the oven.
  3. Next, you need to slowly start adding flour, forming gentle and soft, sticky dough. In total, it will take no more than fifteen minutes.

During the cut, this dough needs to sprinkle a little flour so that it does not stick to the hands. It should be divided into separate lumps, and already sculpted patties, cheesecakes. Such pies are permissible and stove, and fry in a frying pan in oil.

Before putting the products in the oven, it would be nice to smear their egg so that they become ruddy and very attractive in appearance.

Basis for pizza

Pizza on an ambulance hand - what could be better if the guests are on the threshold? It is a delicious, satisfying snack, which is especially loved by children. Pizza options set, you can use everything on hand - both mushrooms, sauces, and cheeses of different varieties, and, of course, tomatoes. However, one of the main components of a delicious pizza is, of course, the dough. Here is a wonderful recipe for a very pleasant and delicate foundation on sour cream.

You need to take the following products:

  • sour cream - a little less than a glass, about 180 g;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar is a teaspoon;
  • slight salt;
  • dry yeast.

Preparing the dough on sour cream for pizza:

  1. First, it should be done. Pour the warm water into the glass, add a bit of flour, a teaspoon of sugar and pour the yeast there. On the packing for yeast there is always an instruction, how much it is necessary to take this powder on a kilogram of flour. Therefore, the calculation should be made, based on half of the dose.
  2. Put the prepared pole in the heat of minutes for ten. If the foam appears, and the mixture will begin to increase in the amount, it means that yeast began their work.
  3. In the meantime, in another suitable capacity, we mix sour cream, vegetable oil and salt. It should be noted that the sour cream should be room temperature or a little warmer.
  4. When everything is ready, and the yeast already approached, connect them with the bulk of the future test.
  5. In small portions, we pour flour. The dough is carried out gentle, not sticky. Now it should be closed with a towel (and better, with a film) and put in heat to rest.

After 40 - 50 minutes, its volume will increase significantly and then you can work with it: sprinkle with flour, get from the bowl and start rolling the most beautiful pizza in the world.

Dough on sour cream for cake

Pies are relevant as a dessert or main dish. A piece of tasty pie can be grabbed with me to work, take on the road, to the cottage. This heartbaking is always welcomed by guests and no matter what filling - fish or strawberry. A good owner of that, which always is a magnificent, ruddy and unusually delicious baking. It is such a pie that will easily become a "nail of the program" for your table, you can bake on sour cream.

You need to take the following products:

  • sour cream - half a cup;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • vegetable oil - three art. spoons;
  • salt.

To knead the dough on sour cream for the cake can be very fast, which is important in conditions of time deficiency.

  1. First you need to mix the oil with sour cream, and in another container - flour with salt. Then slowly pour flour into the sour cream mixture, kneading the dough gradually. Immediately add too much flour should not, even if the dough seems to you fat and sticky.
  2. Cover the bowl with a dough cloth and let it stand for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.
  3. Then, slightly sprinkled with flour, it can be removed from the tank and start to roll the base for the cake.

From this test, excellent pastries are obtained with any stuffing. You can use dried fruits, apples, berries, melted cheese, egg with bow and even finely chopped chicken pieces with bow and spices.

For cookies

The crumbly and melting cookies love all, and especially children. Good to give a child with me a bag of homemade cookies to school so that he does not buy a dubious kind of sweetness on pocket money. Better home "Mamina" cookies can not be anything. And you can bake such joy on a good farmer's sour cream.

You need to take the following products:

  • sour cream - half a cup;
  • flour - shelter;
  • butter - batter;
  • pair of large eggs;
  • cup sugar-sand;
  • soda;
  • salt.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Creamy oil must be pre-mug in a frying pan.
  2. In the meantime, it melts, you can prepare the basis for the test: beat eggs with sugar, then add sour cream, pinch salt and soda on the knife tip, pour oil. Mix everything and plug down the flour.
  3. The dough for cookies should be soft, smooth, not sticky.

Now you can roll the dough into the reservoir, call the kids and with them cut out the molds very beautiful cookies. It will be a cheerful game that will deliver a lot of pleasure to the whole family. And with what impatience of the kids will be waiting for, when, finally, their wonderful cookies are bore, which they looked along with mom!

Sand base for baking

Shortbread dough for pies and cookies can be prepared in advance and freeze.

During the week, when there is no time for a long time from the slab, you can get a portion of the dough, defrost and quickly "put into business". It is very convenient, saves the mass of the forces and at the same time makes it possible to please domestic tasty baking. The sand base can be made on sour cream.

To do this, take the following products:

  • sour cream - 70 g;
  • creamy oil - 75 g;
  • egg;
  • flour - a glass;
  • sugar - a couple of tablespoons;
  • salt;
  • basin or soda on the tip of the knife (baking powder - according to the instructions on the package).

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Oil take from the refrigerator and rub on the grater. We raude into it sugar, flour and begin to hammer the whole mixture first with a wooden spoon, and then - with your hands to get a small crumb.
  2. Now lay down in a bowl sour cream, break the egg and begin to wash the dough. If it turned out, we add flour slightly.

The dough should not be homogeneous, there will be a piece of oil in it, the splashes are sour cream, and somewhere will be yellow dots from the yolk.

Such dough after baking will be gentle, crumbly, but will not become crumble at anyone to him touch. And now you can put the dough "for the future" in the freezer or leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then the oven of it is all that the soul will be used.

Yeast dough on sour cream

On sour cream you can make a surprisingly gentle, soft, "fluffy" yeast dough. It is remarkably suitable for small pies and buns, and for a large sweet cake. The dough is great, sour cream makes his taste rich and brighter. Therefore, everything you will bake out of it, "fly away" from the table in a few minutes.

You need to take the following products:

  • sour cream - two full tablespoons;
  • milk - a glass;
  • sugar - three tablespoons;
  • creamy oil - 50 g;
  • egg;
  • yeast - as written in the instructions on the package;
  • flour - 600 g (about three glasses);
  • salt.

All products should be warm, so milk need to warm a bit, and the butter and sour cream are made in advance from the refrigerator.

  1. The warm milk should add yeast, a teaspoon of sugar and put the resulting composition in a warm place. Then you should wait ten minutes until the thick foam liquid appears on its surface.
  2. While yeast is suitable, we will work with other products. The egg is required to break with the remaining sugar, add soft butter and sour cream to it, salt. And thoroughly mix everything so that the total mass is.
  3. Pour milk to this mixture with yeast and we break well. Gradually, a lot of flour and knead the gentle dough. If there is a liquid, we have a flour until it stops sticking to the hands and becomes plastic.
  4. We close the tank with the dough food film and put in a warm place for an hour and a half. During this time, the dough should increase the minimum twice.

That's all ready, you can proceed to the cutting of the dough - pie, pies, roll, buns will turn out very tasty. Just do not forget to put them on the proof.

Ideal knot recipe

This cake is hundreds of years. The traditional dish of Russian cuisine has a long history. In different regions of Russia, he was prepared in their own way. Actually, in each family from generation to generation, the secret of this strikingly delicious cake was passed and, above all, a unique dough recipe.

For example, in some villages they prepared an amazing wedding knuckle, the filling of which was a layer of chicken pieces, croup and vegetables, were shifted by pancakes. Kournica baked and for large holidays, and to the arrival of guests.

Today, this cake is still popular. This favorite homemade delicacy can be prepared using the dough on sour cream.

You need to take the following products:

  • sour cream - 3 full tablespoons with a slide;
  • creamy oil or fir chicken fat - 70 g;
  • milk - half a cup;
  • flour - about 3 glasses, taking into account periodic subtype;
  • soda - a quarter of a teaspoon or a teas (according to the instructions on the package);
  • sugar is a teaspoon;
  • egg.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Chicken oil or fat should be melt in a pan, then mix with sour cream and milk.
  2. Soda (or baking powder), sugar, spill salt in flour and mix.
  3. Then pour a flour mixture into a milk-sour cream and knead the soft dough. Flour must be added in a little bit, and knead, carefully breaking all the lumps. The dough should be homogeneous, smooth, soft, not sticky.
  4. After that, cover the tank with a dough with a cloth or film and give to stand from half an hour so that the flour takes the moisture, began to swell, and the dough became elastic and comfortable in the work.

Products from "Sands" are very popular. The good is the dough, so it is a texture. It allows you to use a wide variety of products as a filling. Frequently prepared berry pies: with blueberries, lingonberries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries. And for the preparation of horns, the sand dough is the most suitable option. "The king of pies" is considered to be a tornhead for which the base is the basement of the base. And then the number of tartlets that are prepared only from the sand test is impossible and listed.


  • Smetana 200 g
  • Creamy butter 100 g
  • Sugar Sand 175 g
  • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour 600 g
  • Dental dough 1.5 h.


  • Remove the creamy oil from the refrigerator. It should stand at room temperature. Take 600 g of flour and seek through the sieve. The product from the sifted flour is obtained more homogeneous, lush. Add 1.5 h to the already sifted flour. Basin. Stir bulk products.

  • In a separate dish, take the eggs and 175 g of sugar. For convenience, you can use a mixer or by an ordinary wedge. It is not necessary to do from eggs and sugar too lush mass, there will be a homogeneous consistency.

  • Now add softened creamy oil to the eggs and sugar. And replete the whole mixture again to a homogeneous consistency.

  • Following the oil you need to add sour cream. In our recipe sour cream 10%. If it is possible to buy sour cream home (rustic), then this is excellent: than it is greater, the tastier will get the dough. By adding sour cream, mix the resulting mixture again until a homogeneous state.

  • Now add flour. Add gradually, do not rush. Stir well.

  • It should be a soft dough, which should be covered with a food film and put in a refrigerator for 2 hours. So much time is needed by sand test so that it froze, as it is butter. If the test does not give time to cool well, it will crumble or stick to all surfaces. After the required amount of time passes, the dough can be taken and make cookies, tartlets or cake from it. If you are not going to cook at once, then send the dough into the freezer. There, the workpiece will feel great for 2-3 months. But if you leave in the refrigerator, then only 2 weeks. After freezing, it is better to give the procurement time to stand at a temperature of +11 - + 14 degrees. The dough should defraight gradually. Freated dough can be stored in the refrigerator no more than 2 days. Therefore, do not tighten with the preparation of desserts. Bon Appetit!

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Good delicious day, dear readers! I really like sand dough products. As a child, my mom baked from him crumbly and gentle cookie. And that is doubly nice - it can be used for both sweet and baking hacking. Today I will share with you a classic sand dough recipe that is suitable for cooking pies, cookies and even a cake.

The classic sand dough recipe consists of taken in different parts of oil, flour and sugar.

For example:

  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 200 grams of oil;
  • 300 grams of flour.

For cooking, all products must be cold, otherwise they can enter into conflict with each other and divide. The dough at the same time will be tight and poorly rolled, baking will become tough.

  • First step mix sugar and oil. I cut the oil to pieces for convenience. Then add sifted flour and knead the dough to the crumb. Only to do it is necessary quickly until the oil melted. The last stage of the hands very quickly wash the dough, roll it into the ball, we rocked it with a food film and send to a refrigerator to relax for 30 to 50 minutes.
  • This is the simplest sand dough recipe. It is ideal for sweet pies, cookies and cakes.

Shortbread Dough without Eggs

My favorite version of this recipe without the use of eggs. I adjusted it in your taste preferences.

What will take:

  • Creamy oil - 170 grams;
  • Sugar - 80 grams;
  • Wheat flour - 210 grams.


  • I make it in the combine. In the bowl, whipping sugar and oil, chopped into pieces for convenience. The oil is pre-slightly stood up to a slightly softened state, so that it is easier to scramble.
  • Then add flour. I beat at a low speed quite a little bit until it becomes a lump. After that, we shift in the form and tamper. This recipe I use for cooking lemon bars, you can see the full option.
  • For another baking, roll the mass in the com, in the package and relax in the refrigerator.

Pattern dough for tartlets

I like to serve snacks on the table in the form of tartlets. It is aesthetically delicious. But again the calorie, because the creamy oil includes. In this case, you can take a lighter stuffing for balancing utility and calorie.

What do we need?

  • Creamy oil or margarine 200 grams;
  • Flour 250 grams;
  • Egg 1 piece;
  • A pinch of salt.


  • This time we will prepare a walled dough. It is ideal for tartlets and open pies, such as Kish or Tarta ... Pre-oil applied to pieces. But it should be cold. Connect with flour to homogeneity.
  • In a separate dishes, we split the egg and add a pinch of salt. Everyone whipped and send to a cup with flour and butter. Carefully and quickly mix tasty dough for tartlets at home.
  • Finished com dough turning into the food film or put into a plastic bag and send to rest in the refrigerator. During this time you can cook a filling.

Options for tartlets:

  1. From eggs, cheese and garlic;
  2. Mushrooms to remember with onions;
  3. Ham with cheese and cucumber;
  4. Salad Olivier;
  5. Crab sticks with egg;
  6. Caviar;
  7. Red fish with potatoes;
  8. Liver paste.
  • I will not stop on the fillings in detail - they are not difficult to cook.
    After the dough rested, rolling it into a thin layer and cut out the shape or glass of the excavation. If you have forms for cupcake, we put our blanks there. You can not lubricate the walls, as the dough on the consistency is very fat because of the oil. We pump the fork throughout the bottom.
  • You can pour on the bottom of the pre-washed peas, the beans or another cereal, so that the dough does not take the dough and looked beautiful. You can, of course, simply argue with your hands. But in this case, it is unlikely to succeed to achieve a smooth surface, and it will be ugly. Therefore, I advise you to first roll out the dough layer.
  • If there are no molds, you can cut a figured knife for pizza or ordinary squares or rectangles, pour and bake, and then use them like crackers. Also it turns out the original feed for the decoration of the table.
  • We bake in the oven (be sure to warm up) at a temperature of about 180-190 degrees within 7 - 12 minutes. Each oven has its own features, so if you bake for the first time, follow the temperature and condition of tartlets. As soon as they cover with a flat tan - remove and let it cool a little. And only after that release them from the form, it is pre-gently hiding from the walls with a knife.

Safety dough with sour cream

The dough with the addition of sour cream is softer and pliable. From it perfectly the cakes for sand cake and cookies are obtained. And you can also cook gentle.

What do you need?

  • Flour 180 grams;
  • Oil 75 grams;
  • Sugar or sugar powder 50 grams;
  • Sour cream 75 grams;
  • Yolk one egg.


  • As always, products need to be cooled for the best and correct kneading. Cold butter cut into cubes, add sifted flour and sugar. We carry fast hands to the crumb. If you plan, a cake stove with a height of more than 1 centimeter Add half a teaspoon of the baking powder. In a cup with crumbly crumbs add yolks and sour cream.
  • Here the main thing is not to rearrange with knees. I usually take a piece of dough, squeeze in my hands and throw back into a cup. And so I do several times until it collected in one lump. In this case, contact with the dough is minimal, which is required. The commercially obtained wrap in the film and send it to the refrigerator. Shortbread dough on sour cream is ready to use in 20-40 minutes.
  • It will be excellent biscuits melting in the mouth or pies with berries or jam.

Shortbage dough curd

Shortbage dough with the addition of cottage cheese is suitable for pies, cookies and cortes for cake. It is lighter and useful compared to the classic recipe. I like the taste of cottage cheese in the mass. And the consistency of the test depends on the grain of cottage cheese. If the cottage cheese is dry, then the dough absorbs less flour. If wet, then more respectively. Here you already need to look, and in the process of preparation, adjust the amount of flour.

So, that we need for a sand-curd dough:

  • Cottage cheese of any fatness 200 grams;
  • Creamy oil 120 grams;
  • Sugar 50-70 grams depending on your preferences (sweeter or not);
  • Flour 200-250 grams;
  • Breakdowns bustle;
  • 1 egg;
  • A pinch of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the oil into pieces, hold in the refrigerator, and then mix with sugar;
  2. Add an egg and once again thoroughly, but quickly mix;
  3. In a cup to overturn cottage cheese and stretch a mass for a fork to a homogeneous state;
  4. Put a piece of flour, baking powder and pinch of salt. Here you already see if the mass is very lipping to the hands, then add more flour. There should be a homogeneous piece of dough;
  5. Wrap it in the cellophane and in the refrigerator to the fault.

Sand-cottage cheese dough ready for creativity. What of it is to prepare is limited to your fantasy.

Sand Dough Preparation Technology

To properly cook the dough, you need to follow certain rules. Now we will consider them.

  1. All products must be chilled. Only with this condition, it turns out the correct elastic dough;
  2. Use only high-quality products. You can replace the oil by Margarine, but I would not advise. The quality of margarine is inferior to butter;
  3. It is impossible to wash the dough for a long time - it will become dense, it is harder to roll and in the finished form it turns out hard and rude;
  4. If oil shifted, it will be pulled out and the products will turn out too crumbly. The same can happen if too much added yolks to the mass;
  5. Excessive amounts of flour and water leads to a deterioration in the quality of the product - it becomes tight and non-volatile. I do not add water.
  6. The dough must be rolled up with a thickness of 3 mm to one centimeter. If thicker, add a baking powder.
  7. If the root burned in some places, it means that you are unevenly rolled;
  8. To obtain a more homogeneous structure, instead of sugar, it is better to use sugar powder;
  9. Bake on baking on bakery paper, without lubricating. In the test plenty of fat.

A bit of history

Have you ever had a question where the sand dough came from us? And I was an interesting story of the appearance of a delicious recipe, and I was studying it. Unfortunately, there were very little information on the Internet about this.

It is only known that the recipe appeared somewhere in 12 -13 centuries in Scotland and Britain. It was originally baked bread, and small pieces of sugar or even crumb were dried out of the remains of the dough at low temperatures. Then they began to add oil and sugar, and so gradually, the dough became such as we know it now.

Moreover, the components of the test can be varied - to do with or without eggs, add sour cream or cottage cheese, replace the oil by Margarine on benchmarks. The quality of baking did not change. It is only necessary to take into account that if there is a creamy oil in the dough - baking is very calorie.

And if you are on a diet, you should refrain from delicious, but adding volume on the waist, desserts. But if before summer is far away, and you did not join the detachment of thin, you can pamper yourself with delicious baking. You will not regret.

Another interesting fact from history. It is said that our Empress Catherine the second was very loved by a crumbly and tasty dessert. And she started every morning with a cup of aromatic coffee and a sweet basket with a dough melting in the mouth. Let's learn how to cook a sandy dough.

In compliance with these simple requirements, the sand dough will always be obtained, and you will delight your close homemade baking using not only the classic sand dough recipe, but all the options listed above. Soon I will tell you what can be prepared from it. If you want to be aware, subscribe to updates! I wish you a pleasant tea drinking!

Make good shortbread At home, not everyone comes from the first time, so in our article we will try to tell the most detailed, how to make yourself a soft, tasty and beautiful sandy dough.

Many hostesses know that the dishes prepared from the sand dough are obtained very air and literally melted in the mouth. This type of test differs from the usual in that it includes a lot of fat. It is clear, for dietary breakfasts, a sand dough dish for sure will not fit, but for those who are not used to consider calories, such a yummy will be just right!

If the dough is well kneaded, then it will be possible not to add food salt, which will mostly affect the taste of baking quality.

Another secret of high-quality sand dough is not allowing it to heal.

In the process of kneading, try to open the windows and clean the room well, make sure that the table or the board is cool enough, before swimming the dough. And more: try to reduce the time during which you will wash your shortbread dough, as it limits its heating.

The structure of the finished dough should be smooth, matte and in no case glitter. If it still it happened that the dough shines a little, it means that send it to a fridge or any other cool place. When it crept a little, it will be better to get marching and stop sticking to the hands.

Pay special attention to racking the test, as the thicker it turns out the layer, the worse it will bore. Carefully roll up the dough until its thickness becomes not more than 8 millimeters. Otherwise, do not complain that your dish is hopelessly spoiled.

When baking products from sand dough, you can not lubricate the baking shape, since the patient its number is already contained in the dough itself. The oven before baking you need to prehex, and the dough itself several times smashed with a plug before sending to the oven.

If you are going to make a shortbread dough much earlier than bake it, we advise you to send it to the freezer until the very moment of baking. In the freezer, the sand dough can be stored for about three months.

Before preparing the dough, it is necessary to sink flour and thoroughly mix it with cooled butter or margarine, so that something resembling a crumb. In this case, the dough will get crumbly and air.

Some hosts recommend to knead the sand dough only with their hands, and not use special electrical appliances. So you can control the temperature of the dough and cool it at the moment when it starts heating. And, in addition, any dish cooked with your own hands, and not with the help of a car, it turns out much more tastier and more beautiful.

And now let's consider in more detail the most popular recipes with which you can make a delicious shortbread dough at home.

Classic recipe

In order to independently make the perfect sandy dough on the classic recipe, you will need such a set of products:

    flour: 3 tbsp.;

    creamy butter: 300 g;

    sugar powder: 1 tbsp.;

    chicken eggs: 2 pcs.;

    soda: ¼ h. l.;

To begin with, carefully sifted flour, then pour all other ingredients from above. Remember that the oil must be chilled. It needs to be added to the last turn, cutting in small pieces.

Now very, very quickly knead the dough, seeking his homogeneity, after which we send it to the refrigerator for an hour, pre-covering the food film.

Before you do something out of the finished sand test, it must be removed from the refrigerator, spread and rolling it well. The thinner will come out the dough - the better. Bake such a dough is needed at a temperature of at least 200 degrees.

Soft sandbreaker

The sandstop dough, cooked according to this recipe, is incredibly soft and air, and after cooking literally melts in the mouth. To make a sandy dough soft, we need such a set of products:

    flour: 3 tbsp.;

    cool oil coil: 450 g;

    chicken eggs: 3 pcs.;

    sugar sand: 2/3 of Art.;

    soda: ¼ h. l.;

    lemon juice: 1 tsp;

Eggs and sugar are thoroughly mixed with butter, then mix flour with salt and soda, which should be pre-extended in advance by lemon juice. Now mix all the ingredients as quickly as possible, knead the dough and send one hour to the refrigerator.

Such a dough is much softer than the classic sandy dough, so in order to prepare it, such a dough should be smeared on the form for baking.

Dough with the addition of sour cream

The sand dough with the addition of sour cream is very lush and has a very pleasant taste that gives a dairy product. To make the dough on this recipe, you should be stocking in the ingredients:

    flour: 3 tbsp.;

    cool oil coil: 250 g;

    sour cream: 1 tbsp.;

    sugar sand: 2 tbsp. l.;

    lemon juice: 1 tsp;

    salt: 0.5 h. l;

Cooled butter grind with a grain, then mix it with sour cream. In the same tank, seek flour, add the other ingredients and start kneading the dough. It is necessary to do it as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to warm up.

When the sandy dough is ready, send it to the refrigerator at least two hours, after which you can prepare delicious baking.

Taking advantage of the recommendations from our article, you can always quickly make a delicious and proper sandstone dough at home. Of this test, very tasty bagels are obtained, cookies and pies that will probably like your family and loved ones. In the video, which can be found below, additional information is accommodation.