Pea porridge with smoked recipe is step-by-step. Pea porridge with smoked chicken

18.09.2020 Soups

The pea porridge is surprisingly much popular among modern owners. Although it is delicious, useful, easily absorbed by the body. It is worth trying at least once to make it possible to make it a dish and, most likely, it will take an honorable place in the list of breakfasts and garnings.

This recipe does not imply soaking the cereals. The finished Kushan will become the perfect garnish for meat or nutritious main dish for vegetarians. In addition to 450 g of dried peas, it takes: half a small spoonful of soda, and a pinch of shallow salt.

  1. First, the croups are washed many times with ice flowing water. In order for the dish to be delicious, the main component must be a good quality.
  2. Clean peas are flooded with steep boiling water and left for 12-15 minutes.
  3. After draining the water of the cereal is laid out in Kazan and sprinkled with food soda. Again the product is poured with water so that its fluid is completely covered.
  4. On slow fire, peas are boiled about half an hour, until all the water is popping. Then pour water again, salt. Crup is preparing until complete readiness.

To cook the lunch faster take the peas, it is rapidly welded.

This is the easiest basic recipe of the dish under discussion, having mastered which in the future you can complement with frishes from vegetables, meat, mushrooms and other ingredients.

Meat Cooking Recipe

Such a treat is a full-fledged dinner or dinner for the whole family. Especially it will have to taste to men. In the cooking process, it is used: 620 g of pork pulp, 1 tbsp. Olive oil, Luke head, 1.7 tbsp. Pea, carrot, salt.

  1. Peas is soaked for a couple of hours.
  2. The meat pulp is cut into small pieces, after which it is well roasted on the oil. Next to the pork, large slices of onions and carrots are sent. We can satisfy the mass and sprinkle with our loved ones.
  3. The painted peas is poured with water, mixed with roaster and is prepared to the desired degree of cutting.

Before serving the dish with creamy oil.

Fast and delicious porridge with stew

Even faster and easier, meat porridge from pea prepares with stew. In addition to 1 cans of the beef product, you will need to prepare: 2 tbsp. Creamy oil, 470 g of brushed pea, 2 medium bulbs, salt, carrot, any fragrant herbs.

  1. Peas is soaked in cold water overnight. Further, it goes into a saucepan, poured with salted water and puts it.
  2. Vegetables are passable on fat from stew, after which they are languishing on slow heat already with meat until the liquid is completely bumping.
  3. When the peas are welded, butter, spices and the contents of the frying pan are added to it.

For such a dish, you can use pork stew.

With smoked

Smoked for the discussed treats are suitable any. For example, you can use a pork steering wheel (220 g). In addition to the meat component, it will be necessary to prepare: 220 g of pea, salt, 2 bulbs, fragrant herbs. How to boil the pea porridge with smoked, described below.

  1. Throwing peas during night is washed, poured fresh water and boiled up to readiness. Already a softened product solicists.
  2. Selected smoked smokyness are cut together with bulbs, after which they roasted to the rosy. No need to add oil, fat from the knob will be quite enough.
  3. A finished peas is laid out in the pan with a roaster. The ingredients are sprinkled with spices to taste and are thoroughly mixed.

The dish is served with pickled vegetables.

Preparing a pea porridge in a slow cooker

The kitchen assistant is useful for the hostess and when cooking sorrows from peas. A completely any device model is suitable. The simplest option of such a dish in a slow cooker is prepared from: 1 tbsp. bean, salt to taste, 2.5 tbsp. Drinking water, 60 g of butter.

  1. The washed pea is shifted into the device capacity.
  2. Water poured on top.
  3. The device cover is closed, and the "quenching" program is turned on by 110 minutes.
  4. Approximately 20 minutes before the sound signal, the device opens and oil is laid in its bowl, salt. After stirring, the pea porridge in a slow cooker continues to prepare under the lid.

The finished porridge is perfectly combined with paprika and chopped garlic.

Very fast recipe without soaking peas

If you start cooking porridge, it is necessary for this minute, and there was no possibility to soak peas in advance, it will not be a hindrance to cooking a delicious gentle dish. To do this, use the peas, without a coarse sheath. From products used: 2 tbsp. legumes, small spoon of salt, 5 tbsp. Water, 3-4 bulbs, fresh dill beam, 370 g of fresh sala.

  1. Best cooking peas without soaking in a slow cooker. It is pre-washed before the transparency of the water, after which it is placed in the bowl and fills with a new liquid.
  2. The product salts and prepares in the program "Porridge" 95 minutes.
  3. Salo is cut into small cubes and fries until a small amount of fat appears. Next, crushed onions and greens are sent to the pan.
  4. Together, the components are fried to the rosy of the vegetable.
  5. Finished peas mixed with fried and fed to the table.

First, the porridge may seem too liquid, but it is worth it to stand up with an open lid, as a consistency of the dish will change quickly.

Pea porridge on water

Reduce caloric content of peas from pea will allow her cooking on ordinary drinking water. Of course, the oil in the dietary dish is also not added. It will take: 1 tbsp. legumes and 2 times more liquid, salt to taste.

  1. In advance, sweeping peas is poured with salted water and goes on fire. It will prepare from 25 to 55 minutes. The exact time depends on the duration of the product soaking.
  2. The softened peas is poured with a special blender nozzle.
  3. The treat is served hot.

Such porridge will become an excellent garnish not only for meat, but also to fish prepared in any way.

With vegetables and cream

Porridge from pea can be infinitely improved and try with various additional ingredients. For example, combine it with juicy vegetables and gentle cream. Such products will help even more taste. From the products you will need to prepare: 130 g of dry pea, 70 ml of oily cream, carrot, halm of the bulbs, having a burglar pepper, a beam of fresh greenery, salt.

  1. The peas is washed in several waters, after which it is soaked for the whole night.
  2. In the same fluid (in the proportion of ½) in the morning, the product is brewed about 40 minutes with constant stirring.
  3. Further, heated cream, salt, is added to the saucepan. The mass is slightly warm up.
  4. All vegetables are cleaned, wash and finely cut. Then they together stew in a small amount of water. You can add to the frying pan and some cream oil.
  5. The finished pea mashed potatoes declines in separate peals and is covered with vegetable roasted.

The treats in front of the feed itself is decorated with chopped fresh greens. If you wish, you can slightly change the published recipe to your taste. For example, add broccoli, cauliflower, canned peas, tomatoes and virtually any vegetables to it. Podkal beans and any cabbage in front of the roasting is boiled in salted water.

From peas with mushrooms

With boiled peas, champignons are perfectly combined (if desired they can also be replaced with forest mushrooms). This component allows you to make a treat with satisfying and nutritious even without adding meat. You need to take: 180 g of mushrooms, a pinch of shallow salt, a bulb, 1 tbsp. Pea, a pair of garlic teeth, spices, 60 ml of neurotic oil. How tasty to prepare a pea porridge with fresh champignons, described below.

  1. The peas clumsy all night is poured with salted water and go to boil. Liquids must be twice as much.
  2. Mushrooms and onions are cleansed, cut into small cubes, after which they roasted on non-unauthorized oil. If you want to make the taste of cashier more saturated, you can cook vegetables and mushrooms on butter.
  3. A couple of minutes before the completion of the roasting mass soles, squeezed with spices. It adds chopped garlic.
  4. When porridge is fully ready, it must be thoroughly mixed with a mushroom grip.
  5. It is best before serving to leave a treat to be under the lid in a saucepan, covered with a plaid for 40-60 minutes. This will make the treat even more gentle and fragrant.

1. The first thing we do - I dwell a cup of whether a cup how many peas want to cook, pour it into a bowl:

Right in this bowl, a couple of times you need to solve peas with cold water (scored water and gently begot).

2. Pour peas with water so that water was still on top of it:

Leave at least an hour.

3. When the water was absorbed and peas (in my case half-peas) Nobuchly, peas are rinsed again in cold water:

On the middle fire, we put a saucepan of suitable size (at least two and a half times more by volume, rather than the amount of peas) and best with a thick bottom or cast-iron Kazan.
We pour in it in a ratio of 1: 2 and pour peas:

It does not need to cover the lid until water boiled up. Carefully follow that it would not miss the moment of boiling - there is plenty of foam, which can add you classes on the kitchen stove (if you run away - you have to wash a cooking surface!)

4. Prepare vegetables. Carrots and bow clean, wash thoroughly.
Carrots grate on a large grater:

Onions finely cut:

Smoked meat should be exclusively in your taste! I use what was lying in the refrigerator, even sausage! But necessarily this ingredient must be smoked.

Today I have a smoked pork neck. We cut it into small pieces at your own discretion (I like oblong):

5. On a preheated frying pan, we pour oil and lay onions first:

after a minute - carrots:

after a minute - meat:

Mix and leave on medium fire for five minutes. But watches that it would not have burned!

6. During this time, water in a pot with peas has already boiled. Dog fire to a minimum, remove the foam.
Prepare the necessary seasonings:

Khmeli-Sunnels can be taken any TM. Personally, I like "Eco", "Mriya" and "Barbaging Collection":

We add to the peas of Hop-Sunnels with turmeric and salt. With the last gentle - smoked meat itself is already salty, so add salts not much - it is better to thicker at the end of the cooking:

Do not tightly cover the lid and leave for 10 minutes on slow heat.

7. The pan with gracious vegetables and meat remove from the fire:

Let us calm down a little.

Meanwhile, grind garlic clove:

The contents of a frying pan add to half a pea to half:

we send garlic there:

Next, cook and watch:
- If the peas are completely unscrewed - add some water;
- If the peas roused, and the porridge does not thicken, then you can add 0.5 to h. Spoon of mankey;
- From time to time it is necessary to mix the peas that it is not burned below!
- Peas speak exclusively on slow fire and covered with a lid!
- At the end we try to taste, if necessary, add spices to taste.

8. Ready porridge I advise you to leave another 15-30 minutes under the lid, whatever it is.

Serve better with vegetables. Husband loves to prove the pea porridge with salt peanuts:

Bon Appetit!

Cooking time is shown without taking into account the insistence of pea in water.

Time for preparing: PT00H50M 50 min.

A simple cooking, useful, budget and very tasty dish will help you out when there is no time to stand at the stove. This is how the recipe is a pea porridge with smoked. His story goes deep into the ages. Pea smoked smoked puree accounted for many generations.


  • Peas - 1 cup;
  • Bulb - 1 piece (large);
  • Carrot - 1 piece;
  • Smoked chicken quarter (large) - 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Greens and salt - to taste.

Instead of a chicken quarter, you can use any other smoked. They will need 400-500 grams.

Soak peas at night, after which the water is drained and rinsed with peas. The optimal soaking time is 10 hours (the cooking time is reduced to 30 minutes). If during the soaking of pea to change the water several times, then peas becomes easier for digestion and disappear unpleasant after its use of the consequences.

Separate the hammers from the bone (skin and very fatty parts is better not to use). Pour meat with water (300-4000 ml), bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes (ribs - 35-45 minutes).

Remove meat, and add the resulting broth to peas in such a way that it is above its level by 2-3 cm.

Bring the peas with a broth to a boil, then boil 1.5-2 hours under the lid, stirring periodically. Very convenient to cook such porridge in a slow cooker. If it is not, choose a saucepan with thick walls so that peas do not burn in the process of long cooking.

It is very important that the peas are well tightened, therefore, if you see that the broth has become little - add a little hot boiled water.

Cut the fine onions and soda on the grater carrots and fry everything together on the vegetable oil. When the onions are twisted, add boiled meat and continue to fry on high heat for 3-5 minutes.

5 minutes before porridge, put roasted onions in it with carrots and meat and greens.

Turn off the fire. Close the lid tightly, look in the towel and let it brew 20-30 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Pea porridge is a traditional Russian dish. This economical and nutritious dish becomes more satisfying with the addition of smoked. You can cook it on the stove or in a slow cooker. Below are the simplest and delicious step-by-step recipes from the photo of pea smoked.

Although the porridge from the pea is very tasty and there are many different recipes, but they will not meet it on the tables. It is worth correcting this omission, prepare a tasty dish from affordable products.

The classic option is just a welded peas with the addition of oil. But a variety with smoked meals has long been lit to the classics. At the same time, the meat is not required independently - there are many corresponding finished products on store shelves.

The desired ingredients

The recipe does not imply the presence of rare products. All of them are available and do not require large cash costs. You need to prepare in advance:

  • dry peas - 1.5 glasses;
  • pork smoked ribs - 6 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • water - 2-2.5 glasses;
  • vegetable oil, spices - taken to taste.

Tip: When buying pea, it is important to choose a fresh product. The cooking of the old peas requires more time.

Cooking process

Smoked pork ribs are suitable for cooking, but if you wish, you can use other products, for example, bacon, smoked and boiled chicken, salami. In any case, the bash will turn out very tasty.

  1. So that the cooking process has not taken away a lot of time, take crushed peas. It is washed, soaked for 2 hours. Faster way to pour the product for half an hour with warm water mixed with a 0.5 teaspoon of food soda.
  2. The ribs are broken in small pieces. Fry 10 minutes in hot oil. Then add onions cut by half rings. Seasoned with spices (can be used salt and ground pepper).
  3. The swollen peas are sent to smoked, poured boiling water. The proportion is usually 1 to 3. boiled an hour under a closed lid. Sometimes time can increase to two hours - depends on the size of the peas and the dishes used.

Tip: After absorbing moisture, porridge is required to stir from time to time. A little disappear to taste, considering that smoked foods themselves are already salty. Or use universal salted seasonings.

Convenience with a slow cooker

If there is a multicooker in the kitchen, it will make it easier for the cooking process. The recipe does not differ much from the traditional, but the time and strength on cooking will take less. Prepare the following components:

  • peas - 400 g;
  • smoked chest - 300 g;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • greens, parsley, salt.

  1. The meat is cut into small panels. Carrot rubbed, the onions are crushed with a sharp knife. Vegetables are sent to the multicooker's bowl and pour some oil. Prepare 7 minutes ("frying" mode with an open lid). Add breast and prepare as much.
  2. Peas are washed several times. Immediately send to the resulting roaster. Water is poured - it should cover all products. Salt to taste.
  3. Prepare 50-60 minutes ("quenching mode"). At the same time stirring and monitor the contents of the bowl optionally.

Tip: Pea porridge can be served with fresh vegetables, garden greens - they will become an ideal addition.

Benefit for health

For muscle growth, protein is needed, and it is present in a useful caress in sufficient quantities. It is in meat, but it is from the legume of the human body that it is easier to assimilate him.

At this advantage of the pea do not end, it is capable of:

  • enrich the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • improve performance and mood;
  • reduce cholesterol levels due to nicotinic acid;
  • antioxidant properties due to selenium;
  • support digestive organs with thiamine;
  • improve immunity against viruses and bacteria.

If they can be used regularly, the protein and the abundance of the necessary connections will always come to the body. They will fall on guard of health, allowing the beauty and youth as long as possible.

Possible harm

In moderate quantity, the home porridge will only benefit. But if you abuse it, you may have problems with a chair. In the diet, the product is introduced very carefully in the presence of intestinal diseases and a tendency to gas formation. Of the main contraindications, you can allocate:

  • gout;
  • cholecystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • the presence of inflammation in the intestine.

Important: peas with smoked - this is a calorie combination. Kushanye is not recommended for obesity.

Children peas can be launched in a year after birth. But the reaction of the children's body sometimes it is difficult to predict. There may be bloated, pain in the intestine. In addition, the option with ribs for children is better not to cook at all. Starting standing with vegetable additives. And instead of cream oil, take vegetable fats.

Porridge porridge with smoked meals is always satisfied, appetizing, tasty. There is a pleasant scent of the fire by adding smoked products. The cooking process will not cause difficulties if followed by the proposed recipes. Such a culinary masterpiece can be saturated for a long time, so you can safely serve it for breakfast for the whole family or prepare for lunch.

Pea porridge with smoked

Traditionally, this dish does not have accessories to any kitchen, however, it is an unusually tasty and satisfying dish. Cooking this dish takes quite a lot of time, but it justifies all sorts of expectations. Those who at least once tried the pea porridge with smoked, would certainly want to taste it at least once.
Cooking pea couch with smoked at about 4 hours of your time. 500 grams of peas will be needed on cooking 5 (to accelerate cooking, you can take crushed), 200 grams of any smoked meats (any - smoked sausages, pork ribs or smoked chicken), 2 small bowls, medium carrots, 40 ml of olive oil, 1 tea Spoon sugar, salt and spices to taste. To give a dish more refined view, it can be decorated with fresh greens and vegetables.

Pea porridge can be prepared with conventional meat - watch a recipe, as well as cook it without additives - a recipe for a simple pea porridge.

How to cook pea porridge with smoked?

At the very beginning of cooking to the vertex, we pour peas with cold water and let 3 hours stand out. About soaking pea can also be read here.

After the expiration of this time, it will swell and will boil faster. If you expect guests and on the preparation of time in the edge, you can add some soda to the water. This will speed up the process and peas will be ready after 40 minutes, and you can begin further preparation.

While the peas defends himself, it is necessary to cut smoked breaths in small pieces.

After the peas are disappeared, we add to it sliced \u200b\u200bsmoked meals and cook about 1 hour on a weak heat, while stirring so that peas do not have a burnt.

As soon as the pea cereal absorbs water, add a little warm water into a pan, slightly simulate and Tomis for about 30 minutes, while stirring constantly and not giving pea porridge to the bottom.

If smoked meats that you used for cooking are not fat, then at the end of cooking you can add a bit of olive oil. Feeding a pea porridge with smoked meats on the table, a dish can be decorated with fresh greenery and fresh vegetables.

If you prepare this dish in nature, it will certainly be more tastier if it will smell a little smoke. For this, at the end of the preparation, add a distinguished head into the pan. Use the dish is best until it is hot.

Pea Porridge with smoked meals is an incredibly appetizing and nutritious dish, which will have to do not even like the most capricious gourmet and even a connoisseur of extravagant dishes.

Peas - a very nutritious and tasty product, from which soups are boiled, salads, casseroles and, of course, porridge. It is useful to absolutely everyone, especially people with pressure problems. If you put a little fantasy into a simple pea porridge, add smoked smoking - a refined masterpiece.

Pea porridge is perfectly combined with smoked products

Porridge pea with smokers in Russia was revered in every family and was often preparing, and all because this satisfying dish does not require special costs of strength and time. There is a lot of recipes for her cooking, but the main skill is to make the pea properly, so that he does not have a burnt and air, light, without lumps.

If your family does not get ready to cook such a dish, not scary.

Try right today to cook peas with smoked rubbish or chicken. The more Röber, the better, however, to feed the households, is enough 1-2 ribs from the calculation per person. For a recipe with chicken, it is not necessary to buy a bird entirely, enough wings, legs, or any other parts like.

So, write down the light recipe of pea porridge with smoked.

Smoked chicken and peas - delicious combination

These ingredients will be required:

  • 1.5 glasses of pea;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 onions;
  • approximately 0.5 kg of smoked chicken;
  • vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

  1. Peas are soaked in warm water overnight, but if there is no such possibility, you can leave it in water for several hours, adding some soda. Before cooking, rinse the croup is thoroughly rinsed.
  2. We pour a chicken with water, bring broth to a boil and boil 20 minutes.
  3. Perchym, add a bay leaf, but it is better to salt at the very end so that the peas will be turned well.
  4. Broth ready. Now we pour them peas so that the broth is above 2 cm above 2 cm.
  5. After boiling, cook 1.5 hours, stirring regularly. If water is popping earlier than porridge cook, you can add boiling water.
  6. In the meantime, we prepare a roaster: cut the onions with half rings, fry, add carrots on a fine grater and pastry 10 minutes;
  7. For 10-15 minutes, the porridge is ready to add a roaster, we prepare another 7 minutes, we give a little broke and eat to the table. It turns out delicious and nutritious. Ready output - 6 servings.

Excellent garnish to such a porridge - fresh vegetables, sliced \u200b\u200bslices, or vegetable salad.

Ribra to Pea and not only

As you already know, the delicious porridge with the fragrance of the haze will be able to prepare it with smoked radi. Such a recipe is not much different from the above, the peculiarity is that pork robrys need to slightly fry, then add to the finished peas.

You can still make a roaster of onions and carrots. Cooking better in the cast-iron, tomorrow on slow fire - thus the taste of a finished dish will be the maximum close to the original.

You can cook porridge with different smokers, it will suit everything that is at hand - both the sneaker, and fat, and sausages. You can cut everything with slices, as for a solicky. The more meat, the more tastier.

Many hostesses at the end of cooking are placed in a pan with a pea in the oven (ideally in the oven), and others wishing to get yummy "on modern way" are preparing in a slow cooker. Here there are advantages: porridge will not pinch, burn and cook for a long time.

Recipe for Multivarka

  • Dry yellow peas - 1 tbsp.;
  • Smoked chest, chicken ham - 300 g;
  • Creamy oil - 50 g;
  • Salt to taste.

Step-by-step preparation instructions:

  1. Pour peas with water for 2 hours, considering that he swells twice, absorbing a lot of water.
  2. We rinse and put the peas in the multicooker's bowl, pour water so that it covers it slightly. Turn on the "quenching" mode for 1 hour.
  3. Cubes cut smoked smoky, put them in a bowl with peas 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Add oil and slightly salt, because smokers themselves are salty. Take another 10 minutes.

Fragrant amber porridge will have to taste even to kids!

After reading our article, you will probably want to weld the pea masterpiece. However, the situation is often found when two dishes prepared by one recipe are completely different in taste. So that your porridge is tastier than the mother-in-law, adhere to simple tips:

  1. Scroll in front of cooking, throw off the spoiled grain, do not use very old peas.
  2. If you hurry, take crushed peas - it is boiled faster than the whole.
  3. Always soak it in water, at least 2-3 hours.
  4. Remember, legumes are a gift of nature, about which we remember rarely. Correct the mistakes and prepare a pea porridge with us!

Pea porridge with smoked

Cooking time: 40 min.

Preparation time: 5 min.

Number of portions: 2 pcs.

The recipe is suitable for: dinner.


How to cook a pea porridge with smoked

Pea is a delicious and useful high-protein food. Most often, peas are used for cooking soups, filling for pies and pies, making porridge.

Any pea dish is perfectly combined with smoked meat products, so the pea cereal with smokers is tasty and fragrant. Having prepare a pea porridge with smoked, remember that it is necessary to salt it only after adding smoked, as they themselves are already salty.

Do not forget to pre-dock the peas - this is much accelerating the preparation of the porridge itself.

How to cook "pea porridge with smoked" step by step with photos at home

To work, we will need peas, Koreka smoked, onions, sunflower oil, salt, black ground pepper.

1 cup of pea rinse and soak in cold water for 5 hours. Then lay peas in the pan and fresh water (3 glasses). Boil peas almost until readiness.

Parallel to 1 bulb clean and cut into a cube. Fry onions on sunflower oil before transparency.

Add sliced \u200b\u200bcubes Korek (150 g), mix and warm up 1-2 minutes.

Share a mixture of onions and a Korean in almost ready porridge. Season with salt (0.5 hp) and black ground pepper to taste. Solo porridge should be careful and only after smoked smoking, as they are salty in themselves. Mix and disorder porridge until readiness (5-6 minutes).

Pea porridge with smoked eyes is ready. Serve porridge hot.

Pea porridge is a nutritional side dish, and an appetizing self-dish for feeding to a dinner or dinner if you cook it with the addition of meat, smoked. Impressive characteristics of pea are excellent motivation for more frequent use of cereal prepared from it.

How to cook a pea porridge?

Armed with a suitable recipe and familiarized with the basic subtleties of cooking from pea, to introduce a useful and tasty dish each will be able to enter your diet.

  1. If the debut in the kitchen is a pea porridge, the proportions of water and peas are one of the first questions arising from a novice chef. The optimal ratio of components is 1.5-2 parts of the liquid on 1 part of the cereals. However, often peas are simply poured with water to the coating by 1.5-2 cm, after which they boil, if necessary, pouring fluid.
  2. Ideally, peas before cooking must be soaked in water at least 5-6 hours or at night.
  3. To reduce the risk of unwanted consequences for digestion, water after soaking is drained, and the cereal is thoroughly washed.
  4. Pea porridge can be prepared on a stove in a saucepan or a deep-stencil with a thick bottom, in an oven, a slow cooker or a microwave oven.

How to cook a pea porridge on the water?

The recipe for pea porridge on the water is the easiest and budget. The resulting yum can be served as a side dish to compositions from meat, fish or use as a basis for cooking casserole, other dishes. It is possible to sell the final mass with creamy or vegetable oil, greens, or onion roasted.


  • peas - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt, oil.


  1. Dry peas are soaked in a large volume of water, leave overnight.
  2. Plug the cereal on the sieve, washed additionally under running water.
  3. Pour prepared peas with a portion of pure fluid and put on the plate to boil.
  4. After boiling, the heat is reduced and boiled the croup under the lid of 1-1.5 hours.
  5. We are saturated with a lot, squeeze the oil, stirred.
  6. If you wish, to get the perfect homogeneity piercing porridge blender.

Pea Porridge on milk

Pea porridge is a recipe that rarely performed on milk, however, this version has its own fans. Such a cooking method has its own feature: the croups are poorly welded in the dairy environment, so the peas are initially cope in water, and the milk is added at the final stage of preparation.


  • peas - 1 cup;
  • water - 1.5 glasses;
  • milk - 1 cup;
  • salt, butter.


  1. Peas are soaked for several hours, after which is washed carefully.
  2. Purify the cereal with clean water, put on the stove.
  3. Peas are booed to softness, after which milk, salt, butter, and evaporate the mass under the lid for another 15-20 minutes.
  4. The finished porridge is simply mixed or, if desired, shake up to uniformity with a pusher or blender.

Pea porridge - recipe without soaking

The next pea puree puree recipe is performed without prior soak and at the same time it allows you to get the desired dish in a short time. The secret of rapid rigging cereals lies in the addition of food soda, which will be the catalyst for the cooking process. In the finished dish, the additive is completely not felt.


  • krotty pea - 0.5 kg;
  • water;
  • soda - 0.5 h. spoons;
  • salt, oil.


  1. The bold pea is washed several times, after which they are poured with boiling water and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. It is shifted in a saucepan, add soda and again poured the product with boiling water to the coating by 1.5-2 cm.
  3. Posted on the plate, boil the contents of 30 minutes, checking from time to time the presence of water and pouring it into order.
  4. At the next stage, the pea porridge without soaking is seasoned to taste with salt, butter and is preparing for another 30 minutes.
  5. Stir the porridge or pour dish with a pusher, blender.

Pea Porridge with Smoked - Recipe

Incredibly tasty it turns out the perfect choice to accompany the cereals - smoked pork ribs, the cooking time of which roughly coincides with the cooking pea. However, you can add a dish with smoked chicken, breast, hunting sausages or other products with a haze aroma.


  • peas - 250 g;
  • smoked ribs - 700 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 0.5 h. spoons;
  • salt pepper.


  1. On the oil roasted the cut ribs.
  2. Onions are added, twisted together for another 7 minutes, told the components in the process of sugar and pepper.
  3. Put out roasting with ribs in a saucepan, lay pre-worked peas.
  4. Poured the components to the coating with water, boil around an hour, stirring from time to time.
  5. By readiness, pea fragrant porridge is satisfied to taste.

Pea porridge with chicken

Pea porridge, supplemented with chicken meat, is suitable for feeding as a satisfying dinner. You can cook the dish both with breast fillets and with legs, hips and other parts of the bird. In addition to the final taste, the difference will also be in the process of preparation: a fried breast is added to porridge at the end of the cooking, and the other parts at the beginning of the cooking process.


  • peas bright - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken legs or hips - 0.5 kg;
  • onions and carrots - 1 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper, greens.


  1. On the oil roasted chicken to the rug, shifted in a pot with a thick bottom or cauldron.
  2. Add spasserved vegetables, thrown peas.
  3. It is poured all to the coating of 2 cm water, boiled with a quiet stray of 1 hour.
  4. Delicious pea porridge squeezes finely chopped with greens and served.

Pea porridge with pork

Pea porridge with meat is a recipe that can be performed with chicken, beef, turkey, or in this case with pork. The perfect choice in this case is pork ribs, but the pulp of the blades, and the rear, the rear side. At the end of the cooking, laurel sheets and other spices to taste are added to the container.


  • peas - 0.5 kg;
  • pork - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1-2 teeth;
  • butter creamy and vegetable - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt, pepper, spices.


  1. Fry in a mixture of two types of oils of meat with onions.
  2. Add the operated column, water is poured to coating components.
  3. After the boil, the contents are boiled, it is stirring from time to time, 1 hour.
  4. Pea porridge with meat is seasoned to taste with salt, garlic, spices, it warms up for another 10 minutes.

Pea Porridge with stew - recipe

For rich lunch or nutritious dinner, pea delicious is suitable. The process of creating such an existence is reduced to cooking porridge according to the classical method and cooking frosting with canned meat, into which a finely chopped onion is added, a surpassed carrot, other roots, greens, garlic and seasonings to taste.


  • peas - 0.5 kg;
  • stew - 1 bank;
  • onions and carrots - 1 pcs.;
  • greens - 1 beam;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings.


  1. The preparation of pea cereals begin with dischargeing cereals, leaving it in water for several hours.
  2. Pour swollen peas with clean water and boil until soft.
  3. From stews collect fat, melts it in a frying pan and roasted in it sliced \u200b\u200bonions with chopped carrots.
  4. Add chopped greens, seasonings, laid out roaster in the pea porridge, stirred.

Pea porridge with mushrooms

The cooked and supplemented by mushrooms is a beautiful nutritional dish for a lean, vegetarian menu or for a conventional everyday meal. When using forest mushrooms, they are pre-dried up to prepared in salted water, adding greens at the request of the spice, drain on the sieve, give fluids well.


  • peas - 250 g;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1-2 teeth;
  • green - 0.5 beam;
  • oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper, spices.


  1. Worked peas are poured with water and boils to the softness of the peas.
  2. Blots prepared mushrooms and roasted in a frying pan to a light blush.
  3. Add seasonings, garlic, greens, warm the mixture of a minute.
  4. They lay out roasted in porridge, stirred, give it under the lid of 10-15 minutes.

Pea porridge with lady and onions

The feed version of the dish, for those who are not afraid of extra calories - pea porridge with onions and lard. You can use both salty spiches and bacon with meat layers (fresh or smoked). Fresh product in the process of frying is saturated, seasoned with spices, and slices with the fragrance of the smoke are left as it is without additives.


  • peas - 250 g;
  • salo or bacon - 150 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, greens.


  1. Magnify peas for several hours, washed.
  2. Pour the camp with clean water and boil until ready, putting salt and pepper at the end of cooking.
  3. Salo cuts out a clearestly, lay out in the pan and fry to a saturated blush.
  4. Sliced \u200b\u200bonions are laid down to the squalls, fried to softness of vegetable slices.
  5. The hot porridge is applied to the plate, they put a portion of the roaster, sprinkled with a dish of a finely disturbed greens.

Porridge from pea flour

When looking for an option, how to quickly and deliciously prepare a pea porridge, you can meet the recipes involving cooking dishes from flour. This is perhaps the fastest way to get the desired yoke, but having its drawbacks. When cooking, it is necessary to continuously stir the contents of the pan, which is obtained only in the form of a puree and easily burns.


  • pea flour - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt, oil, spices.


  1. Pea flour is connected to water, stirred carefully and placed on the stove.
  2. Cooking porridge with continuous stirring until thickening, seasoned, adding salt, oil and spices.

Pea porridge in a pot in the oven

Especially fragrant and welds the pea porridge in the oven. For cooking use portion pots, or one big total capacity. The dish is complemented by fried meat slices, smoked or sneakers, having modified fragrant cutting on a frying pan with the addition of Luke and, at the request of a carrot overhead.


  • peas - 0.5 kg;
  • meat or smoked - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, laurel.


  1. Fry meat or smoked frying pan.
  2. Onions are added, they are twisted together, lay down in the pot.
  3. From above lay down pre-worked peas, laurel.
  4. Pour the contents of potted pots with hot water or broth, cover with covers and put it in the oven for 2 hours to prepare at 160 degrees.

Pea porridge in microwave

Delicious pea porridge, the recipe of which will be presented later, is preparing in a microwave oven. The device will provide an opportunity in a shorter period to obtain a taverged appetizing dish for a side dish or for self-submission, if you add it smoked or any roasted to your taste.


  • peas bright - 220 g;
  • salt, spices, oil, additives to your taste.


  1. Peas are swollen in water, after which is washed and shifted into the cooking container in the microwave.
  2. Pullen the cut with water to the coating, send to the oven for 30 minutes by selecting the "porridge" mode.
  3. Adjust oil, at the request of smoked or other additives, if necessary, more water.
  4. Forms are flashed, mixed for another 15 minutes.

Pea Porridge in Multicooker - Recipe

No special hassle is preparing pea. You can not worry that the dish will nourish or remain raw: the device will create all the necessary conditions for obtaining an ideal result. If, at the end of the selected program, the texture of the liquid dish is evaporated with excess moisture in the "Baking" mode, stirring the dish from time to time.