Open Bulgarian pie. Bulgarian apple pie with semolina (for a lazy housewife)

18.09.2020 Meat Dishes

The Bulgarian apple pie is inherently like charlotte, but it is cooked without eggs and has a more delicate taste. In addition, the recipe and cooking technology is so simple that even a beginner in the kitchen can master it.

Bulgarian apple pie - recipe with apples, milk and semolina


  • sifted wheat flour - 80 g;
  • semolina - 95 g;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 10 g;
  • baking soda - 2 pinches;
  • apples (already peeled) - 500 g;
  • lemon juice - 25 ml;
  • whole milk - 120 ml;
  • cane sugar - 35 g.


First of all, we will prepare apples for the Bulgarian pie. The fruits must be washed, dried and peeled from the peel and core with seeds, then grind them on a coarse grater and sprinkle with lemon juice.

We will have bulk dough for the Bulgarian pie. To prepare it, simply combine sifted wheat flour, semolina, soda, granulated sugar and ground cinnamon in a bowl and stir thoroughly.

Making out the cake, pour a layer of dry ingredients into an oiled, slightly detachable form no more than 22 centimeters, and a little grated apple mass on it. We repeat the layers two more times, after which we fill the blank with milk and make punctures around the entire perimeter of the pie so that it is well absorbed inside. We crush the product on top with brown sugar and send it for further cooking and baking in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for fifty minutes.

Bulk Bulgarian apple pie - recipe in a slow cooker without milk with butter


  • sifted wheat flour - 135 g;
  • semolina - 145 g;
  • granulated sugar - 190 g;
  • baking powder - 15 g;
  • apples (already peeled) - 950 g;
  • - 35 ml;
  • peasant butter - 75 g;
  • - taste.


Let's prepare the apples properly. We remove the washed fruits from the skins and the core with seeds, then grind through a coarse grater and immediately sprinkle with lemon juice to avoid darkening and mix.

As in the previous case, bulk dough will be the basis of the Bulgarian pie. For him, sift wheat flour, mix it with semolina, granulated sugar and baking powder.

We oil the multi-pan with butter or vegetable oil and proceed to the design of the product. Pour a fourth of the cooked dry mass on the bottom and cover it with a third of apples. We repeat the layers of dough three more times, and apple shavings two more. Put slices of peasant butter on top of the top layer of dry dough and set the device to the "Baking" mode. Such a cake is prepared in this program for eighty minutes, after which we let the product brew for another twenty minutes in the container of the multi-device on the table and only after that we can remove it onto the dish and sprinkle it with powdered sugar before serving.

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

If you don't have enough time to cook pies for a long time and fiddle with the dough, then write down my recipe for a bulk pie that you can bake without getting your hands dirty. It will be very useful for every housewife to have such a profitable and convenient recipe in stock. Sometimes there is no time to knead the dough and wait for the yeast to work for the dough to increase in volume, so such a bulk Bulgarian apple pie in just 7 minutes will be a lifesaver for all hostesses. Despite all the simplicity, the cake tastes airy and tender with an extraordinary taste. Recommend! I would also like to draw your attention to one more.

Required products:

- 150 grams of flour;
- 150 grams of semolina;
- 150 grams of granulated sugar
- 2 tea. l. baking powder;
- 1 tea. l. ground cinnamon;
- 3-4 large apples;
- 150 grams of butter;
- 10 pieces. walnuts;
- 2-3 handfuls of raisins.

How to cook from a photo step by step

I mix dry ingredients: add granulated sugar to flour.

Pour semolina to the dry mixture and mix well again.

Now I add the baking powder to make the dough more fluffy. I'm sure you'll love this simple one too.

I always cut off the hard peel from the apples. Rub them over the coarse side of the metal grater.

I add washed and dried raisins to the apples, as well as peeled and slightly chopped walnuts.

I put a sheet of parchment paper at the bottom of the pan. Then I take a piece of frozen butter and grate it directly onto the paper to form the first layer of the pie. This will prevent the cake from sticking to the paper or dry.

Now I pour 3-4 spoons of dry mixture onto the oil. I distribute it evenly in an even, continuous layer.

Now a layer of apples with raisins and nuts will follow. I do not regret the apple layer so that the pie is juicy and tasty.

I alternate layers of dry dough and apple filling.

In the end, I rub again the layer of butter that I have left. I cover the cake completely with a layer of butter as much as possible without gaps. This is how you can make a wonderful cake in 7 minutes without getting your hands dirty from the dough. This one will be insanely delicious, I cook it most often.

I bake a pie in the oven, no more than 25 minutes. Usually 20 minutes is enough for me when the oven is turned on at a maximum of 230 degrees.

I take out the rosy, cooled, bulk Bulgarian apple pie in just 7 minutes from the pan and put it on a wide flat dish.

Bon Appetite!

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In our fast-paced age, when there is a sorely lack of time, and you want to please your loved ones with something delicious for tea, recipes for a bulk pie will come in handy. A bulk pie is prepared quickly, filling for it can be apples, jam, jam, cottage cheese, pumpkin, apricot, cherries, prunes and a combination of fruits.

Today we will be making a loose pie according to the 7 best recipes:

Recipes for making delicious apple pies, such as we have already prepared.

Bulk Bulgarian apple pie in 7 minutes

We need: 1 tbsp. \u003d 250 g

  • 4 large, peeled apples
  • 1/2 tbsp. flour
  • 1/2 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1/2 tbsp. semolina
  • 2 tsp baking powder or 1 tsp. soda
  • 100 g chopped walnuts
  • 50 g raisins, steamed
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 100 g butter, chilled


1.Take a detachable form, cover it with parchment.

2. Divide the butter into 2 parts, one of which we rub on the bottom of the mold on a coarse grater.

3. Rub the apples on a coarse grater. Mix with nuts and raisins. Divide the filling into 2 equal parts.

4. Mix flour, sugar, semolina, baking powder, mix, get dry dough. We divide it into 3 parts.

5. Form a cake:

  • 1st layer - fill in one part of the dry mixture;
  • 2nd layer - part of the filling, tamp;
  • 3rd layer - again dry mixture, evenly distribute it over the filling;
  • 4th layer - the remaining filling, distribute;
  • 5th layer - the remaining dough and rub the second half of the butter on top.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the cake to bake for 30 minutes. The baking time depends on the oven, you need to check the readiness with a wooden skewer and visually so as not to dry out. 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon., For a golden brown crust.

7. Let the finished cake cool down, draw a knife along the side of the mold and remove it from the mold. You can sprinkle with icing sugar on top.

Bulk Czech Apple Pie

We need:

  • 2 cups flour, sifted
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 pack. vanilla sugar
  • cinnamon, to taste
  • salt, a pinch
  • 1 kg peeled apples
  • 250 g butter
  • powdered sugar


1.To get dry dough, mix flour, sugar, salt, vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly. We divide the mixture into equal parts.

2. Rub the apples on a coarse grater, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

Instead of apples, you can use cherries, apricots, plums, and a mixture of fruits.

3. On the bottom of a split form, put parchment, and grease with butter. Put 1/2 part of dry dough, distribute evenly over the form.

Put the apple mixture on top, level it and sprinkle with the remaining dry mixture. Cover the apple filling with an even layer.

4. Cover the top of the pie with the other half of the chopped butter.

5. As always, the oven should be preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 40-50 minutes, until the top is browned, but do not dry out. Turn the finished pie on a dish, remove the paper, and turn it over again on a dish. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

Loose pie with jam

We need:

  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 200 g butter margarine
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 pack. vanilla sugar
  • jam to taste, any
  • vegetable oil for lubricating the mold


1.Mix the flour, do not forget to sift it, sugar and baking powder, mix.

2. Cut the margarine into small cubes and grind, by hand, into crumbs with a dry mixture. Add vanilla sugar. Stir again.

3 Grease the form with oil. Now look, you can make a 3-layer cake: dry dough - jam - dry dough, or you can make three layers of dry dough, and between them - two layers of jam. How to divide the dough and jam depends on this.

When we have decided on the layers, we pour the first layer of dough into the mold, distribute it along the bottom and make small sides, then lay out the filling and so on. The last layer should be dough.

4. In a hot oven, put the pie and bake for 25-30 minutes, temperature 180 degrees.

5. Cool the cake, remove from the mold and cut into portions, sprinkle with icing sugar.

Bulk Fruit Pie

We need: 1 tbsp. \u003d 250 g, glass form 26 x 40 cm

  • 1.5 tbsp. flour
  • 1.5 tbsp. semolina
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 lemon
  • 1.5 kg chopped fruit (apples, pears, plums)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 tsp salt, fine
  • vanillin or cinnamon, to taste
  • 100 g + 20 g butter


1. Peel apples and pears from the core, plums from seeds. Rub the apples on a coarse grater, and cut the pears and plums into thin, random pieces. Mix the pears and apples and pour over the juice of one lemon, stir so as not to darken, and then add the plums.

2. Mix all dry ingredients: flour, sugar, semolina, baking powder and vanillin, mix.

3. Grease the mold with butter. We form a cake: first we fall asleep 1 tbsp. dry mixture, shake off the form so that the mixture is evenly distributed along the bottom. We spread the fruit filling on it, slightly trample it, then again a layer of dry mixture and so on, alternate further, the last layer is dry mixture.

4. On top of the pie, rub butter and sprinkle with sugar, preferably brown.

Tip: brown sugar, can be made at home - 1 tbsp. take 2-3 tsp white sugar. sugar molasses, grind, until a beautiful rich color is obtained. Store in a plastic container or glass jar, covered.

5. Cool the finished pie and cut into pieces. Sprinkle with cinnamon and powdered sugar if desired.

Curd Bulk Pie

We need: 1 tbsp. \u003d 200 g

For the test:

  • 125 g butter
  • 2 tbsp. flour sifted
  • 3/4 Art. Sahara
  • 1 tsp soda

For filling:

  • 500 g cottage cheese
  • 3/4 Art. Sahara
  • 2- 3 eggs
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar


1.Butter can be softened, or you can grate on a medium grater directly into the flour.

2. Mix flour, sugar, baking soda and butter, grind into small crumbs by hand.

3. For the filling: mix cottage cheese with eggs and sugar. The number of eggs depends on the consistency of the curd.

if the filling is too liquid, you can add a little coconut or starch (flour);

to add flavor to the filling, add a little lemon or orange zest.

4. Grease the form with oil and lay out the ingredients in layers:

1st layer - 1/2 part of dry dough; 2nd layer - filling with cottage cheese; 3rd layer - the rest of the dry dough, lightly flatten.

5. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes. Let the cake cool and remove from the mold.

Bulk Pie with Pumpkin and Honey

We need: 1 tbsp. \u003d 250 g, a mold with a diameter of 28 cm.

For the test:

  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp. decoys
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder

For filling:

  • 600 g peeled pumpkin
  • 40 - 50 g honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 0.5 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid
  • 150 g butter or margarine


1.Mix all dry ingredients for the dough. When forming a cake, divide the dough into 3 parts.

2. Rub the peeled pumpkin on a coarse grater, add citric acid, vanilla sugar and honey, mix well. Divide the filling into 2 parts. We do not pour out the juice that is secreted by the pumpkin, it will still be useful to us.

Tip: instead of citric acid, you can add apples with sourness, and instead of honey, you can add condensed milk.

3. Grease the form with butter and pour 1 tbsp. dry mix, level. Put 1/2 of the filling on top and distribute over the surface. Then another 1 tbsp. dry mixture, cover with 1/2 part of the filling and sprinkle with a glass of dry dough.

Since ancient times, Bulgarian cuisine has been famous for its traditional pies, a huge variety of which amazes the imagination of an inexperienced person. But, despite the beautiful, sonorous names and amazing taste, it is not difficult to prepare them. Today we will share recipes for traditional Bulgarian pies.

Banitsa is a delicious traditional Bulgarian pie baked with a variety of fillings. Most often it is cottage cheese or feta cheese, but meat or cabbage can easily replace them. Modern housewives most often use yeast-free puff for this baking, however, for a real Bulgarian pie, a special stretching dough is required. A properly prepared Banitsa will be soft and very juicy on the inside, and pleasantly crispy on the outside.

Banitsa with feta cheese

For the test, we need the following:

  • 300 ml of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar or lemon juice;
  • Half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 750 grams of flour (premium);
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For filling:

  • 400 grams of feta cheese;
  • 100 grams of thick sour cream (unsweetened yogurt, yogurt or kefir);
  • 4 chicken eggs.


  • First, prepare the lingering dough. To do this, add salt, vegetable oil and vinegar to the water, then gradually stir in the sifted flour. Knead the dough thoroughly;
  • Cut the resulting dough into 8 parts, wrap it in a bag and leave for 70 minutes;
  • At this time, prepare the filling: Rub the cheese on a coarse grater, add sour cream and raw eggs, mix thoroughly. The filling is ready for use;
  • During this time, the dough must be in time and ready to be pulled. This is best done on a patterned surface to control the thickness of the dough. When the pattern shines through it, the dough is ready;
  • First, sprinkle the table with flour, take 1 portion of the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin, giving the shape of a square. Then we begin to stretch the dough with our hands in different directions, holding it in the middle. Ultimately, we should have a uniformly thin and elastic layer of dough;
  • Spread the filling evenly over the prepared dough, but step back slightly from the edge. Then we fold the blank into a tube, and then we turn it into a snail (we twist it in a circle);
  • To get an elegant crust, the top of the Banitsa can be greased with sour cream or a beaten egg;
  • We spread the workpiece on a greased form, put it in the oven for 1 hour at 200 degrees. Then we take it out, sprinkle it with water and cover with a towel. We give "rest" for about half an hour. Bulgarian pie Banitsa with feta cheese is ready!
  • Tip: Banitsa will turn out to be more spicy and elegant if you add parsley to the filling.

    Banitsa with cottage cheese

    Banitsa is an extraordinary pie not only because of the variety of fillings, but also because of the large number of dough preparation options. Pay attention to this recipe, the number of products is calculated for 6 servings.

    For the test, take:

    • 200 grams of flour;
    • 2 tablespoons of 75% butter, melted
    • 4 tablespoons of heated water;
    • Half a bag of baking powder;
    • Two pinches of salt.

    For filling:

    • Half a kilogram of grained cottage cheese;
    • 2 raw chicken eggs;
    • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
    • 3 tablespoons or special spoons of honey;
    • Egg for smearing.

    Let's start cooking:

  • We start by kneading the dough. The flour must be sieved 4-5 times (the more we sift, the more magnificent the cake will be), then mix with baking powder. Add heated water and melted butter, knead the dough. Then roll it into a ball, cover with a clean towel and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • In the meantime, it "comes", we will deal with the filling. Rub the cottage cheese thoroughly through a sieve, beat the chicken eggs separately and stir in to the cottage cheese. With a blender, the task is greatly simplified: both cottage cheese and eggs just need to grind in a bowl of a suitable size or with a plunging knife;
  • Then we take butter, add honey and granulated sugar and send it to the stove, heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring often. Combine the mixture with cottage cheese;
  • The filling is ready, it's time to do the dough again. Sprinkle flour on the surface of the table and roll out our ball into an even square. Then we pull it out with our hands, as described in our first recipe;
  • Grease the finished dough sheet with melted butter 75% butter, evenly distribute the filling on top, slightly receding from the edge;
  • We carefully fold the workpiece into a tube, glue the ends;
  • Grease a baking dish (preferably round) with oil, then lay out our tube in a circle in the shape of a snail, grease the surface with a beaten egg;
  • We send to the oven for 40 or 45 minutes at 180 degrees;
  • First, cover the finished baking wet. Then with a dry napkin and let it "rest" for about 10 minutes. Serve warm to the table.
  • "Ruguvachki" Bulgarian

    Ruguvachki is an unusually tasty Bulgarian traditional pastry that looks like chebureks known to us in appearance and composition. The recipe for this amazing dish has been passed down from generation to generation in Bulgarian families. The basis of this dish is a very thin and light, slightly porous dough, as well as a filling of cottage cheese with herbs.

    To make the dough for real Bulgarian "Ruguvachek", we need the following:

    • 500 grams of premium wheat flour;
    • Half a pack of butter;
    • Half a glass of boiling water.

    For the filling we need:

    • 600 grams of fresh grained cottage cheese;
    • One bunch of parsley, dill and green onions;
    • 8 tablespoons of any vegetable oil;
    • One pinch of salt.


  • As always, we start with the test. Soften butter at room temperature, cut into small pieces. Pour boiling water into it and stir. We begin to gradually add the flour sifted several times, knead with a spoon. When it becomes difficult to do this, we continue to knead with our hands until we get an elastic and elastic dough;
  • From the resulting volume of dough, we form 12 balls of the same size, then roll each one into a small round cake (about 1 cm thick). Putting the blanks aside, starting to prepare the filling for baking;
  • We wash all the greens in running water, dry them with a napkin or let them dry naturally. Grind into small pieces, it is most convenient to do this with a large kitchen knife;
  • Grind cottage cheese in a blender bowl (or with an immersion knife) or through a sieve, then combine with chopped herbs and mix;
  • We take the finished layers of our dough, spread the filling on half of the mug, slightly receding from the edges, then cover with the second half and pinch the edges with our hands or with a special dough knife;
  • Heat a large frying pan with a thick bottom over high heat, add vegetable oil there, when it warms up, reduce the heat to medium. Put 1-2 pieces of our "Ruguvachki" in butter and fry it on both sides, like pasties.
  • Tip: To give the filling a special piquancy, you can add cilantro and boiled chopped eggs to it.

    Apple pie

    The traditional Bulgarian puff apple pie tastes more like a cake. It is very simple to prepare it, although quite unusual, and the result will pleasantly amaze any connoisseur of baking.

    For the pie we need:

    • One glass of semolina;
    • One glass of sifted premium flour;
    • Half a glass of granulated sugar;
    • A third teaspoon of baking soda or half a bag of baking powder;
    • 5 sweet ripe apples;
    • 4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed orange juice;
    • Two pinches of cinnamon;
    • Half a pack of any butter;
    • Lubricating oil.


    • Instead of dough, this cake uses a dry mixture. For her, thoroughly mix flour, semolina, soda (baking powder) and sugar. The base is ready;
    • Next, we proceed to the filling. Peel the apples and grind them on a medium or coarse grater. Add cinnamon and some orange juice. If the fruit is sour, you can sweeten it with granulated sugar;
    • We collect our cake. Thoroughly grease a suitable form with oil, then pour the first layer of dry mixture about half a centimeter high. We level. Next, lay out the same layer of apple mass, level it with a large spoon. In the same way, we continue to alternate dry and apple layers;
    • With the specified amount of ingredients, usually 4 dry layers (including the top) and 3 layers of filling are obtained. The final layer will be butter, grated on a coarse grater, which we evenly distribute over the fourth dry layer;
    • We send our Bulgarian apple pie to bake at 180 degrees in the oven for about 40 minutes.


    Another traditional holiday cake of the people of Bulgaria is Tutmanik. Unlike Banitsa, it is made from yeast dough, although it is also filled with feta cheese.

    To prepare it, we will need the following ingredients:

    • A tablespoon of dry instant yeast;
    • Two pinches of salt;
    • 500 grams of flour;
    • Three pinches of sugar;
    • Two chicken eggs for the dough;
    • One egg for greasing the dough;
    • A quarter of a pack of 75% butter for dough;
    • Half a pack of any butter for greasing;
    • One glass of heated water;
    • 400 grams of feta cheese.

    Let's start cooking:

  • Knead the yeast dough. To do this, dissolve yeast in heated water, add beaten eggs, sugar and salt, soft butter and flour. We knead well and send for a couple of hours to a warm place to rise;
  • Cut the finished dough into 6 equal parts, roll it into balls, roll out round layers from each (15 cm in diameter). We coat each circle with butter, then put 3 pieces together. We get 2 stacks of dough;
  • Roll out each stack again to get a layer of dough 30 cm in diameter;
  • We spread one layer in a previously prepared form, form sides and lubricate the surface with softened oil;
  • We spread the filling, sprinkle it with pieces of soft butter, put the second layer of dough on top and fasten the sides. Cover the surface of the cake with oiled paper;
  • We give to "come up" for 1 hour in a warm place or in an oven at 40 degrees;
  • Beat the egg with the rest of the softened butter and grease the surface of the cake with a culinary brush, simultaneously heating the oven to 180 degrees;
  • We send our work to bake for 45 minutes. Wonderful Bulgarian dish ready to eat!
  • Kifle

    Kifle is a traditional pastry of the Bulgarian people, similar to our pies. Its basis is soft yeast dough, and the filling can be of the most varied, both sweet and salty. We offer you a recipe for making Kifle with cheese.

    For this baking we need:

    • One glass of warmed milk;
    • 1.5 teaspoon dry yeast;
    • Three pinches of sugar and one pinch of salt;
    • One chicken egg;
    • 150 grams of any hard cheese;
    • A third of a packet of butter.


  • Let's make dough for Kifle. Dissolve yeast in warmed milk, add salt and sugar,? parts of flour, mix and leave in a warm place for 1 hour. When the dough rises a little, add the softened butter, stir and add the rest of the flour. We knead the elastic dough and send it back to warm up;
  • After an hour and a half, the dough needs to be kneaded a little and divided into 10 equal parts, each must be rolled out to a thickness of no more than half a centimeter;
  • On one side of the resulting cakes, we make cuts, retreating from the edge by about a centimeter;
  • Cut the cheese into cubes of suitable size and put it on the prepared dough, on the opposite side from the cuts;
  • Roll the workpiece in a roll towards the cuts. Then put on a greased baking sheet, leave for 20 minutes so that our Kifle rise;
  • During this time, we preheat the oven to 180 degrees;
  • Grease the Kifle that have come up with a beaten egg, then send them to bake for half an hour. A delicious and hearty Bulgarian dish is ready!
  • The Bulgarian cuisine has kept and passed on its traditions of cooking from time immemorial; each family has its own signature baking recipes. Try to make pies according to our recipes, and they will surely add to your treasury of your favorite dishes!