Bread rye-wheat "table", or in folk gray - on Zakvask. Bread shape (brick) according to GOST recipe with photo bread brick

13.09.2020 Fish dishes

If you decide to please yourself in incredibly tasty baking, then you should make real bread in GOST. Such a loaf turns out indescribably fragrant and tender. Inside the bread turns out to be very soft, pliable. At the same time, it is covered with an appetizing and crispy crust, which is so nice to put together with a large salt or slices of homemade ham. Having learned a step-by-step recipe for the preparation of real home bread, you no longer have to eat that "surrogat" that today is sold in stores under the guise of this baking. You no longer need to serve a product overcrowded to preservatives and chemical additives. Try this option! You will probably like it!

Cooking time - 5.5 hours.

Number of portions - 1.


To bake a delicious, fragrant, real bread in GOST, we need to use such a set of simple foods:

  • flour of the first grade - 200 g;
  • small salt - 1 tsp. with "slide";
  • flour in / s - 200 g;
  • dry high-speed yeast - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • drinking water - 260 ml.

How to bake a real bread in GOST

Decided to bake a real homemade bread in GOST? Do not worry! There is nothing impossible in such a culinary task. Everything is done elementary simply. It is recommended to follow a step-by-step recipe with the photo and perform all the above tips.

  1. First prepare all the ingredients.

  1. To do the flour of the first grade. Sweep the required amount of product. Through the fine sieve to sift it into a deep plate or a small basin.

  1. Prepare the flour of the highest grade. At first, measure the weight of the dry powder, which is indicated in the recipe. Also sift. You can do it immediately to the flour of the first grade.

  1. In a mixture of flour, you need to pour salt. Here are also added dry high-speed yeast. Everything is thoroughly mixed so that the composition becomes homogeneous.

  1. Gradually, enter in a dry mixture drinking water room temperature and knead the dough. First stir all with a spoon. When the mass is almost formed, add a spoonful of vegetable oil.

  1. Then go to manual kneading. The dough is laid out onto the working surface. It should be pretty mixed for 5 minutes, after which the composition is sent to the proof by 2.5-3 hours. Mass should stand in a closed container and warm.

On a note! During this time, the dough will increase in the amount of about 3 times.

  1. After 2.5-3 hours, there is a mass.

  1. At the outflow of the specified time, it is thoroughly kneading the composition. At first lay the mass on the table, then turn it into a kind of roll.

  1. Share a blank from the dough to baking bread. Capacity is lubricated with pre-vegetable oil. From above the dough is attached. The billet is covered with a towel. It must be left her on the second proof. It will take 40-50 minutes. During this time, the mass will rise to almost the edges of the form.

  1. Bread is sent to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake it 45-55 minutes.

Note! In the process of baking a real bread on GOST, do not open the oven door!

Without any additives, taste amplifiers, eggs and milk, a real bread is obtained. Such baking is very satisfying and fragrant.

The taste and texture of the bowlish is very similar, more precisely, identical with classic shape bread. The only thing that I could not repeat the form. But everything is more complicated here. The fact is that there are special cone-shaped on baking films for baking films. That's how it looks like

I have such a form and I use a non-stick rectangular form of 1.5 liters. For this recipe, this volume is suitable perfectly. Since bread in the process of proofing and baking is increased almost 3 times.

To find out the volume of your shape pour water into it. The amount of water is equal to the volume of the form.

GOST Form Bread Recipe


For layout:

250 ml of warm water

220 g of wheat flour of the highest grade

4 g yeast

For dough:

280 g of flour + 50 g per fixment

100 ml of warm water

For lubrication Bowls 3-5 ml of vegetable oil

How to cook form plan for GOST photo recipe

1. Prepare opar. Mix sifted flour and yeast.

The flour must be sifted necessarily, it will enrich it with oxygen and will help the test to rise better, still use of sifted flour will prevent the ingress of foreign particles in the product.

2. In bulk ingredients, pour warm water (water temperature 36 - 38 ° C). In order for the dough to be kneaded without lumps, you need to add liquid into flour, and not vice versa.

3. Check the liquid dough, cover with a film or towel and leave it in a warm place for 3.5 -4 hours. During this time, the opara will fit and increase in the amount of 2-3 times.

Finished opara

4. Making dough. In the remaining water, dissolve salt and sugar. In the selected layer, add a sugar and saline, mix. Next, pumped the remaining flour and knead the dough.

5. Put the dough on the table piled by flour and put it out until it stops sticking to the hands. Well mixed dough when easy to press will return its shape.

6. Lubricate a deep bowl of vegetable oil, put the kneaded dough there and cover the film. Leave it to fit in a warm place for 30-60 minutes. The testing time test depends on the room temperature. The dough will be ready for molding, when to increase in the amount of 2 times.

Dough after full proofing

7. Forms of bread. Putting the dough from the bowl on the table and give him a little relaxed, about 5 minutes. To the dough, the table does not stick to the table can be lubricated with a small amount of flour.

Avoid using a large amount of flour, since in this case the finished bread will flashable when cutting.

8. Roll the dough into a 2 cm thick layer.

Wrap the roll.

Formed test blank to put into the form for baking. If you do not have a non-stick form, lubricate it with a small amount of oil.

9. Leave bread to approach for another 30 minutes. If indoors are cool, the breakdown time can be increased to 60 minutes. As a result, the test blank should increase in the amount of almost 2 times.

The test blank approached

When the dough is rising, it will be formed by a beautiful hat. If you cover the dough with a film or a towel, the test of the test will rest in a towel and a beautiful form may not work. To avoid this, I do not cover the dough, and so that its top will not be pretended to put it in the closet.

10. Pre-warm the oven to 220 ° C and put on the bottom of a bowl with water. Water from the bowl will evaporate and steam is formed in the stove, which will provide our crisp crust bread.

11. Bake bread. After the test blank approached, put it in the oven and bake the shaped bread for the first 20 minutes at a temperature of 220⁰c. Then we reduce the heating to 200 ° C, we remove the bowl with water and the oven for another 20-30 minutes. Baking time depends on the characteristics of your oven.

Ready forms Bread in GOST It will be easy for weight, and when tapping, make a deaf sound.

Bon Appetit! I hope you use this recipe.

Of course you can say: "What is this" brick "? What form to put, so will be ". I mean the very "brick", which is sold in the store. It is white, elastic, nowicted bread from wheat flour. Bread on the recipe "main" bread, which was in the instructions for the bread maker at all this does not look like. It is a delicious white bread, but it is very loose, fluffy. For a long time I was looking for on the Internet "How Bake Bread" Brick "in Breadmaker," I tried different recipes. But on the Internet I am a "brick" recipe, which I liked, I did not find it. There was a recipe similar to "brick", but still not that. I still achieved a similarity by samples and errors. If you like this bread, then try. I hope you will enjoy. Delicious bread for every day.


1 teaspoon of yeast (dry fast), for "fast baking" (2 hours) 2 teaspoons;

- 600 gr. Flour (preferably 1 variety or general purpose). 100 gr. rye flour and 500 gr. wheat;

- 1.5 - 2 teaspoons of salts;

- 1 tablespoon of sugar;

- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

- 380 ml. water;

- 2 teaspoons 9% vinegar, (as I understood, it is he who gives elasticity and noise).

I advise you to use measuring spoons, a glass and weights. Then you always get the same excellent result.

Products fall asleep in the order in which they are specified in the instructions for the bread maker. I have bread maker Panasonic SD 256.

First yeast:

I use yeast basically as such or sappa moment:

Flour grow apart and smell salt:

Measuring a measuring cup, we carefully pour water:

And the last add vinegar:

Here in this form we put a bucket in the bread maker:

Mode can be used - basic (4 hours), XL size, cortex average.

The size of the plant is obtained for all buckets.

Betterit turns out on mode french (6 o'clock).

You can put bread to mode the main "fast baking" (2 hours)But yeast in this case should be added 2 teaspoons, and not one teaspoon.

Ready Bulk Wemit. about 1 kg.

I do not know how to you, but I am pretty tired of plastic bread, which is sold in our stores. Claims are not only to taste shopping bread, I suspect that the composition of this bread is far from such a harmless as indicated on the label. I still remember the taste of that bread, which baked on the bakeries on the old Ghosts without the use of enhancers and other additives.

Being in the search, I tried several recipes, including everyone liked, and found my ideal option. it forming Bread according to GOST prepared by an inquiry.

The taste and texture of the bowlish is very similar, more precisely, identical with classic shape bread. The only thing that I could not repeat the form. But everything is more complicated here. The fact is that there are special cone-shaped on baking films for baking films. That's how it looks like

I have such a form and I use a non-stick rectangular form of 1.5 liters. For this recipe, this volume is suitable perfectly. Since bread in the process of proofing and baking is increased almost 3 times.

To find out the volume of your shape pour water into it. The amount of water is equal to the volume of the form.

GOST Form Bread Recipe


For layout:

250 ml of warm water

220 g of wheat flour of the highest grade

4 g yeast

For dough:

280 g of flour + 50 g per fixment

100 ml of warm water

For lubrication Bowls 3-5 ml of vegetable oil

How to cook form plan for GOST photo recipe

1. Prepare opar. Mix sifted flour and yeast.

The flour must be sifted necessarily, it will enrich it with oxygen and will help the test to rise better, still use of sifted flour will prevent the ingress of foreign particles in the product.

2. In bulk ingredients, pour warm water (water temperature 36 - 38 ° C). In order for the dough to be kneaded without lumps, you need to add liquid into flour, and not vice versa.

3. Check the liquid dough, cover with a film or towel and leave it in a warm place for 3.5 -4 hours. During this time, the opara will fit and increase in the amount of 2-3 times.

Finished opara

4. Making dough. In the remaining water, dissolve salt and sugar. In the selected layer, add a sugar and saline, mix. Next, pumped the remaining flour and knead the dough.

5. Put the dough on the table piled by flour and put it out until it stops sticking to the hands. Well mixed dough when easy to press will return its shape.

6. Lubricate a deep bowl of vegetable oil, put the kneaded dough there and cover the film. Leave it to fit in a warm place for 30-60 minutes. The testing time test depends on the room temperature. The dough will be ready for molding, when to increase in the amount of 2 times.

Dough after full proofing

7. Forms of bread. Putting the dough from the bowl on the table and give him a little relaxed, about 5 minutes. To the dough, the table does not stick to the table can be lubricated with a small amount of flour.

Avoid using a large amount of flour, since in this case the finished bread will flashable when cutting.

8. Roll the dough into a 2 cm thick layer.

Wrap the roll.

Formed test blank to put into the form for baking. If you do not have a non-stick form, lubricate it with a small amount of oil.

9. Leave bread to approach for another 30 minutes. If indoors are cool, the breakdown time can be increased to 60 minutes. As a result, the test blank should increase in the amount of almost 2 times.

The test blank approached

When the dough is rising, it will be formed by a beautiful hat. If you cover the dough with a film or a towel, the test of the test will rest in a towel and a beautiful form may not work. To avoid this, I do not cover the dough, and so that its top will not be pretended to put it in the closet.

10. Pre-warm the oven to 220 ° C and put on the bottom of a bowl with water. Water from the bowl will evaporate and steam is formed in the stove, which will provide our crisp crust bread.

11. Bake bread. After the test blank approached, put it in the oven and bake the shaped bread for the first 20 minutes at a temperature of 220⁰c. Then we reduce the heating to 200 ° C, we remove the bowl with water and the oven for another 20-30 minutes. Baking time depends on the characteristics of your oven.