What can be prepared from salt weak. What dishes can be prepared from Gruzny? How to cook caviar from salty gruz

18.09.2020 Dishes for children
    1. Pies with salty germ. Salted freight rinse on the colander, finely cut, add roasted to golden color onions, start cakes. Pies can be baked in the oven or fry in a frying pan. The dough is a common yeast, I don't know how to put the dough - take the purchase.
    2. Fried salted freight. Groove rinse on colander, cut, fry on small fire with added. They will first give juice, then the juice will evaporate, add, if necessary, the oil rolling, like a bow fresher - mushrooms are ready. You can add sour cream.
    3. Salted freight with sour cream. It is just salty freight, only instead is added sour cream. Gudgery cut, put in a salad bowl, add sour cream. If you like to add a cut bow or garlic.
    4. Pancakes with mushrooms (in this case - with salty gazes) - the filling is prepared as in 1. for pies, wraps into pancakes with a converter. You can add sour cream. Mushrooms can be fused.
    5. Mushroom soup with salty Gruzts - cook as ordinary mushroom soup, but do not squeeze. Gude before putting in the soup, rinse on the colander.
  • Try cooking potatoes, cut it into it with cubes (not fade at all), add chopped by half rings. It will be delicious if you add fresh dill. Clean the freight ourselves (not very finely - do not crush!). All mix and fuel with vegetable oil (preferably sunflower and unrefined). Cheap and angry! Who loves - you can squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic, but since the mushrooms themselves will salt with garlic and tasty without it.

    Pie with salty germ. Delicious.

    Solutions are grooves themselves are an excellent dish related to cold snacks ... Cut the mushrooms with neat slices, it is beautifully stacked in a small plate, poured with vegetable oil, it is abundantly sliced \u200b\u200bwith fine garlic. Served to the table, eat and remember summer.

    About tastes, of course, do not argue, but if you collected the mushrooms yourself, they shed themselves, that is, the tasteings of them are known to you and they arrange you, it is possible and not to burn the garden. If you want a variety:

    Salted welfare can be finely cut, mix with chopped onions, vegetable oil and start pancakes.

    You can salted mushrooms, not only freight, add to vinaigrette.

    You can make a salad with: cabbage, salty mushrooms, onions, sunflower oil, a little parsley greenery.

    My answer will be short-salty pets you can prepare a very tasty and stroke snack) salty freight with an onion and sour cream)))))))))))

    Sometime did not suspect that the sodes are serving suitable for the preparation of hot dishes and for filling of pies. But for some time, one of the most beloved dishes became fried potatoes with soles. First on plant oil, semiring of the onion bows are roasted. Then sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms are laid out into the frying pan and when stirring them you need to fry before the formation of a rummy crust. Then add raw potato lumps, mix well mix, cover with a lid and stew mushrooms with potatoes until 15-20 minutes ready. A few minutes before turning off the fire, salt to taste and sprinkled with chopped greenery of dill.

    Freight can be frying on creamy oil, and it will be tasty, and they are served with potatoes. For this, you need to soak and rinse, and then cut into straw and first fry without butter, and when the liquid from the gruse is fixed, then put the oil in the pan and bring They are ready.

    You can cook here such a snack is cold, the freight to soak slightly and twist through the meat grinder and add crushed garlic and mayonnaise to them. You can make sandwiches.

    From salty Gruza, some hostesses make a filling for a cake.

    From it can be chopped with onions with onions and fill with mayonnaise. Or at the request of sour cream and serve as a side dish to meat.

    Gruss soup, called Gruzdyanka


    Beef on a bone for broth 500g

    Potato pieces 3.

    Bow 1 head

    Figure 4

    Groove salty300g

    Spices pepper fragrant, bay leaf, seeds of dill dry, Cayenne pepper pinch, salt.

    Carrots1 pcs

    Cook broth from beef, then reveal the meat to cut and back into the soup, the freight to prepare, cut down and soak in cold water.

    From onion and carrots make a grip,

    Add washed rice in boiling broth, potatoes in cubes, let go of mines 5, and put a grip.

    At the very end, add freight, cook min7, salute, add spices, the soup is ready.

    I make a snack friends very love. Groove chopped, onion, salty cucumber, fried potatoes with cubes all mix, fill the sour cream. Top to fill with greens. Very cool.

Forest mushrooms have a high nutritional value. But it is important to know which dishes can be prepared from weak, because these mushrooms often remain undeservedly forgotten. What kind of weak dishes are suitable for everyday table, and which you can prepare for the winter, you can find out on this page. Almost all of them are evaluated by experts in terms of safety, food digestibility and organoleptic value. Look at Mushroom Mushroom dishes and pick up a couple for your family. This will allow to diversify the diet and surprise the domestic inhabitants with new culinary delights. All recipes are adapted, which allows you to select the ingredients for them in any grocery store. Look at the recipes of dishes from weak in the photo, where the options for serving and feeding to the table are shown.

Gudget in cream.


  • 500 g of mushrooms
  • 50 g of oil
  • 1-1.5 cup cream
  • 1 laurel sheet
  • 3 twigs of the greenery parsley and dill
  • 1 black pepper pea
  • cinnamon
  • carnation
  • salt to taste


Locked fresh mushrooms rinse, pour boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes.

Then remove from the water, cut into slices, omit into a saucepan with butter, put on fire and after 10 minutes pour boiling cream.

Parsley and dill greenery tie a bundle and with cinnamon, carnation, black pepper and laurel sheet to put in a saucepan with mushrooms, adding salt to taste.

Pan cover with a lid and stew mushrooms about 1 hour.

Before serving on the table, remove the bunch of greenery and spices from the dish.

Georgia in egg fill.

  • 500 g of mushrooms
  • 200 g of a bunk
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of creamy oil
  • 2 twigs of the green parsley
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • salt to taste


Fresh mushrooms are welded in salted boiling water, lean on a colander and quiet hot water.

When water stalks, cut the mushrooms on the board and deliver in the oil in a frying pan.

Onions chopping and, spasseroving in oil, connect with mushrooms.

Eggs beat, mix with finely chopped parsley greens and pour mushrooms.

Stew on slow fire until eggs are ready.

Stewed freight.

  • 500 g of mushrooms
  • 2-3 bulbs
  • 1-2 art. Spoons of crowded walnuts
  • 1-2 clove garlic
  • z Kinse sprigs
  • salt to taste


Severed and washed fresh mushrooms cut into slices, put in a saucepan, pour cold water so that barely covered them, and cook until half-ready.

To remove the mushrooms to the noise, cool a little, squeeze, finely cut and put in a separate pan, pour into a separate pan, pour fluid mushroom decoction there and boil until readiness.

Then add unwashed walnuts, salt, garlic, saffron, finely chopped cilantro and after 3-5 minutes to remove from the fire.

Groove in pots.


  • 800 g of fresh mushrooms,
  • 3 bulbs,
  • 7-8 small tomatoes,
  • 80 g butter,
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of grated cheese,
  • 1-2 art. Spoons of crushed green parsley,

For white sauce:

  • 1 cup of milk,
  • 70 g of butter,
  • 4 tbsp. flour spoons
  • salt to taste.

Cooking. Mushrooms cleaned, wash and cut into small slices. Purified onions rinse, grind, put in a frying pan with preheated oil, fry to light yellow color, add mushrooms, salt, pepper and continue to stew another 20-25 minutes. In the ceramic pots, put mushrooms with onions, whole or crazy tomatoes, sprinkle with grated cheese, greens, mix and pour hot sauce.

Put in a moderately heated oven and bake, without covering, before the appearance of a ruddy crust.

Separately submit a salad of fresh vegetables.

Preparation of white sauce: flour frying on a dry pan before the appearance of a pleasant walnut flavor, not allowing color changes, slightly cool, mix with softening butter, dilute with a small amount of warm milk, thoroughly, so that there are no lumps, pour the rest of the hot milk and peel on low heat during 5-10 minutes. After that, to remove the sauce from the fire, salt, mix and strain.

Gudget with meat.


  • 500 g meat,
  • garlic - 2 teeth,
  • parsley,
  • carrot,
  • bulb,
  • 1 tsp of sugar,
  • 1 tsp salt,
  • black pepper hammer to taste,
  • 500 g of fresh mushrooms,
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of oil.

Cooking. 500 g meat cut into thin slices, mix with finely accomplished garlic (2 teeth) and parsley, carrots, onions. Add h. Spoonful sugar and as much salt, pepper. Leave meat to stand 1 hour.

Then put out 500 g of fresh mushrooms, and meat at this time to cook on a strong fire. Drain the broth, leaving only on the bottom, add mushrooms, 2 tbsp. Spoons of oil.

Serve with crumbly rice.

Dish made of ground in the microwave.


  • 500 g of fresh mushrooms,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 0.5 cups are sour cream,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of grated cheese,
  • 1 sweet pepper pod,
  • 3 tomatoes,
  • 1 bay leaf,
  • salt to taste.


The bow is finely chopping, put in the dishes with oil and hold 2-3 minutes in the furnace at a power level of 700 W. Add finely chopped mushrooms and prepare 2-3 minutes at a power level of 1000 W, stirring through every minute. Add chutty straw sweet pepper, tomato mugs, sour cream, bay leaf, salt. Stewed under the lid for 15-20 minutes at a power level of 700 W.

Remove the cover, mix, sprinkle with grated cheese and to withstand in the furnace east of 1- 2 minutes at a power level of 1000 W so that the cheese is melted.

Serve with boiled potatoes or potato mashed potatoes and fresh vegetable salad.

Dish from black weak


  • 1 kg of fresh black grounds,
  • 100 g of butter,
  • 1 cup sour cream,
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of grated solid cheese,
  • 2 tbsp. flour spoons
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of table white wine,
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of crushed greenery dill,
  • ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking. Mushrooms are well rinsed, clean, cut into small slices, put it in a pan with a preheated butter, salt and fry for 20-25 minutes.

Prepared Mushrooms folded into refractory clay pots, sprinkle with ground pepper, flour, pour the warm salted sour cream, add white wine, put into the heated oven and stew 10 minutes. After that, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with melted cream oil and bake 5-7 minutes.

A finished dish sprinkle the dill grain and serve hot.

Frozen Dish


  • 2 Nalima
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp. Wheat flour spoons
  • 8 frozen gruz
  • 3 bulbs,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of butter
  • 1 salty cucumber
  • 1 cup of fish broth,
  • 1 cup of dry white grape wine,
  • 6 potatoes,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • parsley greens.

Cooking. With a waist to remove the skin (it is very tough), remove the insides, cut the liver, freeing it from bile. Power cut into portion pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper, cut into flour and fry on oil to half-year. The bottom of the scenery to sprinkle with a fried onion, put the pieces of fish, from above - another layer of onion in a mixture with frostable, boiled and fried mushrooms, sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin slices and sweened cucumbers, and the liver is lime. Wood with broth, wine and on a small fire to stew until readiness.

Putting ready to put on the dish, laying around mushrooms, vegetables and liver, to pour juice in which they were stealing, sprinkle with small parsley greenery. On the side dish feed boiled potatoes.

Pickled and salty dishes

The ingredients necessary for the dishes from pickled weapons:

  • sturgeon - 1 kg,
  • salmon - 1 kg,
  • salmon heads - 2 pcs.,
  • capers - 1 jar,
  • maslins - 1/2 banks,
  • olives - 1/2 Banks,
  • large bulbs - 4 pcs.,
  • salted cucumbers Middle - 6 pcs.,
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • groove black marinated - 2 glasses,
  • carrot - 2 pcs.,
  • greens - 2 beam parsley,
  • one - Kinza,
  • one - dill,
  • pepper polka dot - 1 h. spoon,
  • bay sheet -6 pcs.,
  • dipping fish cutting - 200 g.

Cooking. Cut the heads into 4 parts, remove the gills, cook broth. Pour water 2-2.5 liters. Remove the heads and strain the broth and throw a carrot into it, chopped straw. The fire is minimal.

Cut onion rings (half rings) and fry it on vegetable oil. When the bow starts shirt, put a tomato-paste in it and still fry 3-5 minutes.

Salted cucumbers clean (necessarily!) And cut into cubes. Mushrooms cut into cubes. Put in fish broth mushrooms, sturgeon, salmon, roasted with tomato-paste bow, salted cucumbers, greens, pepper, bay leaf, olives, olives, capers, cut straw slicing.

And on a small heat to tomorrow 20-30.

A dish of salty germ.


  • 200 g of saline weak
  • 5 g gelatin,
  • 3 carrots,
  • 1 teaspoon of 3% vinegar,
  • 200 ml of chicken broth,
  • 1 bunch of parsley greenery.

Cooking. Carrots wash, boil, clean, cut into circles and sprinkle with vinegar. Gelatin breed with water. Salted freight rinse with cold water and cut into slices. Parsushki greenery wash and nourish.

In the hot broth, add gelatin, bring to a boil, strain, pour part by molds and put in a cool place for 20 minutes.

Then put in each mold slices of mushrooms and mug of carrots, pour the remaining broth and put in a cool place for 1 hour.

Flour mushrooms decorated with chopped parsley greens and squeeze to the table.

Cooked Dish

Ingredients for boiled weapons - this is:

  • 1 chicken,
  • beer bright bottle - 1 bank,
  • boiled mushrooms - 300 g,
  • frozen green peas - 1 package,
  • carrots - 300 g,
  • onions - 2 pcs.,
  • greens: Parsley,
  • celery, basil - 1 bundle,
  • garlic - 7- 2 teeth,
  • salt,
  • black pepper,
  • 1 cup sour cream,
  • a bit of vegetable oil.


To warm the big frying pan, it split the vegetable oil and slightly fry the carrots, onions and mushrooms, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes, add green peas, prepared by the chicken (you can whole, can be cut), slightly salt and pepper, put in the latch on a vegetable pillow, pour The can of beer and put in the oven for about 40-50 (the first 15 minutes on a strong fire without a cover, then fire to reduce and cover with a lid), then add sour cream, chuckled greens, finely chopped garlic, make it possible to sharpen in the oven Another 15 minutes until the chicken is ready.

White Gruce Dish


  • mushrooms - 600 g,
  • garlic - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • pepper,
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sauce - 300 g or sour cream - 200 g, flour.

For a white weapon dish, only mushroom hats should be used. On the two sides, rub the salt, they say garlic, sprinkle with pepper, slightly - flour. Put on a hot frying pan in the heated vegetable oil, close the lid and press it on top of the cargo. Mushrooms fry from two sides to a ruddy crust. When applying for a table, pour tomato sauce or sour cream.

Dish of dry ground


  • 400 g dry mushrooms,
  • 3 bulbs,
  • 100 g of sunflower oil
  • 1 tbsp. flour spoon
  • 1/2 cup of fungal broth.

Preparation of dry weary dishes: Soak dried mushrooms, then boil them and put them finely. Add chopped onion, butter and roasting in a frying pan.

When will be ready, make flour with broth left from mushroom cooking.

Recipe dishes from black weak


  • 50 g of dried black mushrooms,
  • 250 g of mushrooms salted,
  • 1.5 kg cabbage,
  • 500 g potatoes,
  • 250 g beans,
  • 125 g of the Spun Luke,
  • 100 g tomato paste,
  • 100 g of oil,
  • 50 g of wheat flour,
  • salt, pepper, vinegar, crush to taste.

Cooking on this recipe dishes from black ground begins with the fact that the onions cut and fry until golden. Put in it tomato mashed potatoes and still fry. Add a sauer cauldron, pre-pressed, dilute mushroom broth, sprinkle with pepper, throw a bay leaf and stew.

Purified potatoes cut into very thin circles, so that they shine, and fry on the oil before the formation of a ruddy crust. Beans boil in salted water and put out separately.

Salted mushrooms cut into thin slices, to taste to put salt and vinegar, fry in oil.

Then cook tomato sauce. In a tomato puree pour the mushroom broth, pour flour, fry a little, and the sauce is ready.

In a deep frying pan, put half stewed cabbage, carefully dismissed with a large knife; On the cabbage to put beans, then potatoes, salted mushrooms, on them a very thin layer of pre-boiled and crushed dried mushrooms. Top posting the remaining cabbage. Half the salt woman with a cooked sauce, sprinkle with fine crackers, put a few pieces of butter.

The pan with Sankan put in the oven and keep until the ruddy crust appears.

Recipe Frozen Gruce Dishes


  • 1 cube broth,
  • 3-4 potatoes,
  • 2 carrots,
  • 0.5 kg of cauliflower,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of canned green peas,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons tomato paste,
  • 1 cup of milk,
  • 0.5 kg of frozen mushrooms.

Preparation of dishes on a recipe from frozen weak: In the half-liter of meat, it is possible from cubes, broth boiling 3-4 potatoes, chopped with straw, 2 carrots, sliced \u200b\u200bwith circles, and a small cauliflower kochan, divided into inflorescences. Posly, add 2 tbsp. spoons of canned green peas and 2 tbsp. Spoons of tomato paste.

Bring to a boil under a tightly closed lid.

While the vegetables are cooking, 0.5 kg of mushrooms defrost, cut and cut over in oil along with the onions, sliced \u200b\u200brings. Pour a glass of milk in mushrooms.

Wait for the milk boils, and put finely sliced \u200b\u200bmelted cheese.

Finished vegetables lean on a colander and connect with a milky-cheese-mushroom mixture.

Sung wash, pepper in taste. To the table, serve hot.

Dish of Gruss for Winter

Components for a liter can:

  • groove mushrooms - 500 g
  • Carrot - 300 g
  • Onion - 50 g
  • Parsley roots - 100 g
  • Tomatoes - 400 g
  • Garlic - 1 teeth
  • Greens of parsley and celery - 1 small beam
  • Bay leaf -1-2 pcs.
  • Pepper scented - 4-5 peasors
  • Salt - 30 g
  • Sugar - 10 g

In order to prepare a dish of weak on the winter, you need to separate the hats from the legs from the mushrooms. Clear legs from the ground, fold everything in a saucepan and boil to readiness. During cooking to mushrooms, put a peeled carrot, onions and parsley root. Boiled mushrooms with vegetables cut into pieces and mix with sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes. Mushroom decoction to strain, add salt and sugar to it, heat up to boil and respect, as a rule, almost half.

On the bottom of sterile cans put a crushed greens, a laurel leaf, garlic and peas of pepper. Then put a dish of boiled mushrooms with vegetables and pour the fungal decoction. Banks cover with sterile covers and sterilize half-liter in boiling water - 25 minutes, liter - 40 minutes. Then roll, flip upside down and withstand under the blanket until complete cooling. Store in a dark, cold place.

It should be noted that on this recipe is a very tasty spicy snack. It will certainly appreciate those who love sharp dishes. Preparing such a salad very quickly. Before starting the process, it is important to make sure all the necessary ingredients are available. In this case, in your reserves there should be:

  • Three hundred grams of salty germ.
  • The middle head of the reptile bow.
  • Two hundred fifty grams of Korean carrots.
  • Four salted cucumbers.
  • Couple of garlic cloves.

So that your relatives could try salad with salty wears, the above list should be supplemented with parsley greens and olive oil.

Process description

First of all, you need to do mushrooms. They are folded on the colander and are waiting for glasses of excess fluid. After that, large instances are cut into several parts. Small mushrooms leave as it is.

Korean carrots are connected in one bowl with sliced \u200b\u200bstraw cucumbers. There are also lay out the prepared mushrooms, crushed onions and missed the press garlic. Everyone is pretty mixed and fled olive oil. The finished salad with salty germ is decorated with chopped parsley greenery and served to the table.

Option with potatoes

The combination of carrots, eggs, chicken meat and gives this puff salad indequent taste. It is not difficult to cook it, so even a beginner culinary will easily cope with this task. In order not to interrupt the process in search of missing products, in advance, please all the necessary.

In your kitchen should be found:

  • Four hundred grams of salty germ.
  • One chicken leg.
  • Five boiled potatoes.
  • Four eggs.
  • Two carrots and bulbs.

To make a truly delicious salad of weak (salty) and potatoes, you will additionally need a cook salt and mayonnaise.

Algorithm of action

Groove was washed under running water, dry, cut into cubes and sent to the hot frying pan, rolled with vegetable oil. There are chopped onions. Everyone is pretty mixed and fry.

At the bottom of the saladders lay down half of the grated boiled potatoes and smeared with him mayonnaise. Top places roasted freight with onions. The third layer comes part of the boiled and disassembled on the fiber ham. It is laid out half of the crushed raw bulbs. All this is covered with boiled wrapped carrots. The next layer consists of crushed eggs.

Then the remaining products are laid in the same sequence. Each layer is missed by mayonnaise. It is advisable to place the finished salad with salty wearing a couple of hours in the refrigerator so that it becomes more rich and fragrant.

Option with chicken

This recipe is interesting because it implies the use of not boiled, but smoked meat. It is this component that gives the finished dish an extraordinary taste and aroma. Before starting the process, be sure to inspect the contents of your own refrigerator. In this case, it must be:

  • One hundred grams of salty germ and smoked chicken breast.
  • Pair of eggs.
  • Fifty grams of solid cheese and mayonnaise.

In order for the salad with salad with salty Gruses and chicken acquired a more festive look, you will need fresh greens of dill.


First of all, you should do eggs. They are wash, placed in a small saucepan, filled with water, and boil the screw. Mushrooms are removed from the jar and washed. After that, they are soaked for a couple of hours in cold water to get rid of surplus salts. After this time, the mushrooms are cut by medium cubes and sent to a clean bowl.

The chicken breast is freed from a coarse skin, after which it is cut by thin long stripes and combine with mushrooms. There are also pre-grated cheese and crumbling boiled eggs. Virtually ready-made salad with salty wears, a recipe with photos of which can be viewed in today's publication, refuel mayonnaise, mix well and served on the table. Optionally, it can be decorated with chopped greens.

Option with rice

According to this recipe, it is possible to make a delicious layered salad relatively and without special trouble. This dish will become a true decoration of the festive table. Before proceeding with the process, be sure to see if all the required components are in your home. To prepare an appetizing salad with salty wears, in your kitchen cabinets should be present:

  • Three large chicken eggs.
  • Two hundred fifty grams of crab sticks.
  • Four tablespoons of rice.
  • On one medium carrot and bulb.
  • Three hundred grams of salted mushrooms.

Additionally, you need mayonnaise and meat broth. As for rice, you can use any variety of this cereals.

Cooking technology

Pre-washed rice is poured with broth, sent on the stove and boiled. Painted and chopped onions with carrots are laying on a hot frying pan, ridicularly blurred with good sunflower oil, and fry slightly. Pre-welded boiled eggs are crushed with a large grater. All ingredients are decomposed on separate plates.

At the bottom of the saladders are placed in rice. It covers finely chopped with crab chopsticks, grated eggs and fried vegetables. The latter lay mushrooms. Each of the layers are lubricated by mayonnaise. The finished salad with glows (salty) and rice is sent for a couple of hours in the fridge and only then serve on the table. During this time, he will have time to be soaked and becomes more gentle and soft.

Option with white cabbage

This is a very tasty and light salad. It can be used as an independent dish, but it is more often complemented by meat or potatoes. To prepare two portions of such a salad you will need:

  • Eighty grams of salty germ.
  • Table spoon sour cream.
  • Two hundred fifty grams of white cabbage.
  • Salt and fresh dill greens.

Washing cabbage is bold thin straw and connected with pre-torn and chopped mushrooms. All this is salted, sprinkled with chopped greenery of dill, refill sour cream and mix well. After that, the finished salad is unfolded into beautiful plates and served on the table.

Frequently, the soil was considered the king of mushrooms. These mushrooms are solid and marinate in different ways. Salted freight served even to the royal table. Nowadays, these mushrooms are also often on holiday tables. They are tasty by themselves, but also of them you can prepare a lot of varied dishes: soups, casseroles, filling for pies and very tasty salads. The original recipes of salads made of salty germ can be found in the menu of many restaurants, and almost every mistress has its own corporate recipe.

Salad with Gruce and Carrot

One of the most simple in preparation is a salad of weak with carrots. For its preparation, the following ingredients will be required:

  • carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • salted groove - 200-300 g;
  • mayonnaise for refueling;
  • vegetable oil for roasting.


  1. To begin with, rinse salty mushrooms and cut them with thin straw.
  2. Then shallow cut the onions and rub the carrot on the grater.
  3. Fry onion and carrots with the addition of vegetable oil until soft, cool a little.
  4. After that, in a clean container, mix all the ingredients and refuel mayonnaise. If necessary, you can add salt to taste.

With pickled cucumbers

For its preparation, the following products will be required:


  1. Mushrooms need to rinse well and cut into small cubes.
  2. Boiled potatoes clean from the peel and also cut into small cubes.
  3. Then, in the same way, cut the boiled screws and cucumbers.
  4. Onions cut into semirings, put in a colander and quench the boiling water, then cold water and leave the glasses of excess water.
  5. To fill the dish mix mayonnaise, sour cream and greens.
  6. All ingredients are put into the tank and mix, adding the refueling. Since salted mushrooms and cucumbers are present in this salad, it turns out quite salty, so you can not add salt. Ready dish before serving decorate greens.

Salad of Gruzny "Rosolie"

In Latvian cuisine, there are excellent recipes of salads from salty germ. One of the most delicious salad called "Rosolie". For its preparation, the following ingredients will be required:


  1. Potatoes and carrots boil, bake bake in foil.
  2. In a slightly salted boiling water, pour green peas and peck for 5 minutes, then lean on a colander and rinse with water.
  3. Vegetables free from the peel and chopped large.
  4. Onions and garlic to grind with a knife.
  5. Marinated freaks thoroughly wash with cold boiled water and cut into small stripes.
  6. Then in a separate container, mix sour cream with mustard, and add sugar, pepper and salt to taste there.
  7. All ingredients mix and fill the mustard and sour cream mixture.

Salad "Ogonok"

In the menu of many restaurants you can find a salad with Gruzts called "Ogonok". His advantage will appreciate the amateurs of sharp dishes. Cooking recipe is very simple. It is necessary to take the following products:

  • salted freight - 350 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • onions - 1 middle head;
  • korean carrots - 250 g;
  • marinated cucumbers - 2-3 pieces;
  • olive oil;
  • parsley greens.


  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare mushrooms and cucumbers: rinse them with running water to get rid of extra salt.
  2. If the mushrooms are large, then you can cut them into several pieces, minor mushrooms add to the whole piece.
  3. Cucumbers cut into straws, onions and garlic with small cubes.
  4. Mix in clean capacitance all ingredients and fill with olive oil.
  5. Parsley sprigs to decorate ready-made salad.

In some restaurants, a little olives add to this dish to give it more tidy taste. It is also important to mix all the ingredients very carefully so that the salad does not look a homogeneous shapeless mass. Another feature of this dish is that it can add a greater number of ingredients to give the original and spicy taste.

New Year's recipe

Marinated Salad It will be an excellent decoration of the New Year's table. For its preparation, it will be necessary:

  • marinated freight - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • egg chicken - 3 pieces;
  • canned polka dot - 100 g;
  • green bow - 1 beam;
  • sour cream and mayonnaise - one tablespoon.


Marinated freight are considered exquisite mushrooms that can decorate even the royal table. These mushrooms are tasty as an independent dish, and also prepare casserole, bake pies with them. But the most delicious are salads. Recipes of salads from pickled glows are a lot. All of them are tasty and do not require great effort in cooking. In arsenal, any hostess should be a similar recipe that will surprise and delight guests. No guest at the festive table will be able to resist this dish.

Good not only as an independent snack. Of them prepare a variety of dishes for the daily and festive table. As a rule, weak dishes are easy to prepare, useful and tasty. Try! Perhaps the dishes from Gruza will become in your family with loved ones.

Gudget with potato

Gruzny / Gruznyanka / Gruznyanka /

In boiling water, put potatoes cut into cubes, washed out of salt salty sludge. After 15 minutes, add finely chopped roasted onions and cook another 10 minutes. When the soup is ready, enter the egg whipped into it and stir. Let the soup stand. Serve with sour cream by sprinkling with greens.

Gudget baked with potatoes

Salted groove (7 pieces) rinse, cut. Onions (1 head) finely cut and fry. Potatoes (3 pcs.) Boil, cool, cut into slices. Baking shape Lubricate with oil, put into it thin layer potatoes. Stay on the potatoes of freight mixed with onions. Top of mushrooms to cover with another layer of potatoes. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Sour creams from 1 t. l. Flour, add 50 g of water. Pour mushrooms and potatoes obtained mass. From above to sprinkle with vegetable oil or sprinkle with grated cheese, put in the oven for baking.

Duck with salty Gruses

To wash the duck, put it with salt weak, sew, put in a crayon, pour the half a cup of water. Put the oven for extinguishing. When the duck will be almost ready, remove the lid so that the duck is shred up for 20-30 minutes. Serve duck to fried potatoes. Separately file sauce. To prepare it to combine and warm on low heat, strong broth, finely chopped salted cucumbers, dill, vinegar, sugar.

Pie with sauerkraut and salty wears

The yeast dough roll out, put on it the filling of the sauerkraut and salty germ, make a cake. Pie to put on a lubricated oil bastard and bake in the oven. On 3 glasses of flour 4 eggs, yeast.
Stuffing: Rinse and put out sauer cabbage. Add 1 tbsp. l. Oils, salty groove, roasted onions. All mix and grieve until readiness. Cool On 600 g of sauerkraut 1 glass of salted ground, 1 bulb.

Salted Patties Filling

Salted groove finely cut, extinguish in a frying pan. Separately fry the finely cut onions and mix with mushrooms, cool.

Bon Appetit!