Nettle Soup is a simple egg recipe. Hearty soup with nettle, rice and egg

02.08.2019 Buffet table

The first spring greens are a source of vitamins and nutrients that the body needs so much during this period. It is worth noting that the very first one makes its way through the melted snow - nettles. Many do not even know that it can be used to make a huge amount of delicious and nutritious treats.

Although it burns the body and cannot be ripped off with bare hands, it has many useful substances.

So what kind of dishes can you make from this amazing plant? Perhaps someone has heard of such an ancient Russian dish as nettle soup. Soups together with this component are amazing and very healthy.

So what's the whole secret of nettles? First, let's take a look at all of its useful properties.

A little about the benefits of nettle

Nettle has the following beneficial properties:

  • It contains vitamin K, which has anti-inflammatory properties and normalizes blood clotting;
  • It also contains a high level of vitamins such as - group B, E, A. carotene and carotenoids, ascorbic acid;
  • Nutrients - proteins - 37 gr. per 100 gr., fats - 0.5 gr. per 100 gr., carbohydrates - 5.4 gr. per 100 gr., fiber;
  • A huge level of vitamin C. Nettle contains this substance twice as much as in lemon and 10 times more than in apples;
  • In addition, it contains trace elements - barium, sulfur, iron, potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, manganese, aluminum, molybdenum;
  • The substances of this plant strengthen hair, reduce bleeding and help with many joint diseases (sciatica, rheumatism, and so on).

Preparing nettles for cooking

It is advisable to use a young plant, because the leaves of young stems are very delicate and not so burning. It is worth noting that it burns only during collection, and after that this property disappears, and you can safely take the nettle with your bare hands.

It is best to harvest this plant away from highways, street yards and city parks. After it is collected, it should be prepared. To do this, the leaves must be folded into a container and scalded with boiling water.

This will help remove formic acid, which has a scalding effect. Then you can start preparing dishes from it.

Nettle Soup Recipes

Nettle and Chicken Soup

Ingredients Quantity
Chicken pulp - 300 grams
Potatoes - 3-4 pieces
Fresh nettles - 200-300 grams
Carrot - 1 PC.
Onion - 1 PC.
Green onions - 4-5 feathers
Water - 1500 ml
Salt and black pepper - taste
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Boiled eggs for serving - 2 pcs.
Cooking time: 80 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 25 Kcal


The chicken fillet should be washed thoroughly. We put it in a metal container and pour cold water;

Place the pot of meat on the stove and boil until tender. As soon as it is cooked, you need to take it out and cut into small slices. Then add their owl to the broth;

Peel off the peel from carrots and potatoes. Cut vegetables into cubes and pour into boiling water;

Nettle leaves should be thoroughly doused with hot water;

Then chop it together with green onions into small pieces. We put them in water 15 minutes after potatoes with carrots;

Onions should be peeled off and cut into small cubes. We also add it to the soup;

At the end, add a little lemon juice to the soup, add salt and pepper;

The eggs should be divided into four parts;

Once the soup is ready, pour it into bowls, add quarters of eggs, add a little cream and serve.

Nettle and Cream Cheese Soup


  • 300-400 grams of potatoes;
  • 200 grams of fresh nettle;
  • A bunch of green onions;
  • Green feathers of garlic - 3-4 pieces;
  • Dill - 5-6 branches;
  • Processed cheese with mushroom flavor - 1-2 pieces;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • Salt and black pepper;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • A couple of boiled eggs.

How to cook:

  1. Water is poured into a medium container and heated;
  2. While the water is heating, the potatoes should be peeled, rinsed and cut into cubes. As soon as the water starts to boil, add the potato pieces;
  3. Nettle leaves should be doused with hot water and finely chopped with a knife;
  4. Garlic and onion feathers must be rinsed and cut into small pieces;
  5. A frying pan with vegetable oil is placed on the gas, the greens of onions and garlic are poured into it and heated up. Fry for a couple of minutes;
  6. The processed cheese must be cut into medium pieces and placed in boiling water with potatoes. Mix and boil until the cheese is all dissolved;
  7. After that, put the fried greens and nettles in a boiling soup with potatoes and cheese;
  8. At the end, add some salt, pepper and boil for another 5-10 minutes;
  9. The prepared soup should be poured into bowls and served with quarters of boiled eggs and finely chopped dill.

Soup with nettle, spinach and sorrel

Component components:

  • Spinach - 100 grams or a bunch;
  • 100 grams of sorrel;
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • Salt and spices to taste;
  • Boiled eggs and cream for serving.

Cooking rules:

  1. A pot of water is placed on the gas and heated;
  2. Meanwhile, the peel is peeled off the potato, washed and cut into cubes;
  3. As soon as the water starts to boil, put the potatoes in there and boil until tender;
  4. Put the nettle in a container and scald it with hot water. Next, we break off all the leaves;
  5. Then the leaves must be finely chopped with a knife;
  6. Then rinse the sorrel with spinach and chop finely. Put greens in a saucepan with boiling water and potatoes;
  7. After a couple of minutes, put the chopped nettle leaves there;
  8. At the end, add some salt and spices. The soup should not be cooked for very long, otherwise all useful properties will go away from it;
  9. The soup can be served hot or cold;
  10. The soup is poured into bowls and served along with pieces of boiled eggs and a little sour cream.

- take note of the recipe you like and try it. By the way, you can put any ingredients on a simple base and come up with a completely new recipe.

Green pea puree soup, find out several variations of the same dish.

Cream Cheese Chicken Soup - Read and cook this incredible dish.

Nettle and shrimp soup

Products you need:

  • Onions - 1 piece;
  • 100 grams of fresh nettle leaves;
  • 150 grams of small peeled shrimp;
  • 300 grams of potatoes;
  • Water - 1000-1500 ml;
  • Butter - 60 grams;
  • Olive oil - 60 ml;
  • Garlic - 1 wedge;
  • Dry leaves of caraway seeds - 20 grams;
  • 100 grams of coarse salt;
  • Salt and black pepper to taste;
  • 50 ml of dry white wine;
  • White bread.


  1. The onions should be peeled, cut into thin rings and placed in a bowl. We fill it with coarse salt, knead it with our hands and insist for about 2 hours;
  2. After that, the onion should be pulled out, rinsed from salt and put on a paper towel to dry;
  3. Meanwhile, the potatoes must be peeled, rinsed and diced;
  4. Nettle leaves should be doused with hot water and finely chopped with a knife;
  5. Put a little butter in a metal container, put it on gas and bring it to a liquid state;
  6. Pour the onion rings into the melted butter and fry until half cooked for a couple of minutes;
  7. Next, pour the pieces of potatoes and nettles there;
  8. We cook all 5-7 minutes and pour water. As soon as the water starts to boil, turn off the gas and cook for about an hour;
  9. At this time, a little olive oil should be poured onto the brazier, add crushed garlic there and fry. The oil should be saturated with the smell of garlic;
  10. After that, remove the garlic from the oil, put the caraway seeds there and pour in dry white wine;
  11. After a minute, put the peeled shrimps in a brazier with wine sauce and simmer for 5 minutes;
  12. The soup should be mixed in a blender until smooth;
  13. Then put the shrimps in the wine sauce in the puree soup, add salt and pepper;
  14. Next, in olive or butter, there are squares of white bread. Also, they need to sleep on salt;
  15. Pour the shrimp puree soup into plates and put the fried slices of bread there.

  • It is best to pick nettle greens in your garden or far in the forest, away from highways and the city;
  • For soups, only young nettles should be used;
  • It is advisable to put a little sour cream or cream in the soup. Without sour cream, it will be less high in calories. Sour cream will give it good taste and tenderness;
  • Nettle greens do not need to be doused with hot water. It can be rinsed with cold water. But for this, it is better to put gloves on your hands;
  • If you want to add flavor to the soup, you can add chopped nettles to the onion and carrot fry and fry for a couple of minutes;
  • You also need to take into account that nettle is highly boiled down, so it is better to take more greens;
  • It is advisable to put greens 2-3 minutes before the soup is ready;
  • Before serving, the soup can be seasoned with a little flaxseed oil. It will add fatness and nutritional value to the dish.

Nettle soup is a delicious treat that will brighten up and diversify your spring menu. This greens goes well with other types of greens - with onions, parsley, dill, sorrel, spinach.

Do not be afraid, experiment, add your own additions to this dish, in any case, the soup will be excellent!

Nettle soup (egg recipe) - a great option for everyone who appreciates the combination of the benefits and lightness of first courses in springtime.

That nettle- a useful plant, it has been known for a long time. She contains a wide range of vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, K, contains carotene, ascorbic acid and a set of trace elements.

The pungent herb is very useful due to its high content of vitamins and microelements.

Until recently, this plant was practically not remembered as a component for daily food. But today, thanks to the imagination of simple housewives and famous chefs, there are already a considerable number of dishes where nettle is the main ingredient: nettle soup, in particular the egg recipe, salads, omelettes, vegetable chops and even pies.

For all the usefulness of nettle, there is contraindication regarding eating it for pregnant women with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

When to collect young nettles

Young plant leaves are used to make nettle soups.

It is important to remember that grow suitable for use in food useful "weed" should be away from roads ... Astrologers recommend collecting nettle leaves at dawn on Tuesday, in the first quarter of the moon. It is said that it is at this time that its medicinal properties are especially effective. A you can find young nettles from mid-April to early May .

For making nettle soups , including the recipe with the addition of eggs, young, not yet opened leaves are used ... Collect them with gloves. During processing it is necessary pour boiling water over the leaves to rid the nettle of formic acid , which gives a burning sensation. Only then is the plant suitable for human consumption.

Meat nettle soup: recipe with egg

This dish cannot be called dietary, but it is perfect for a family lunch .


  • Chicken fillet (beef or pork is suitable) - 500 g
  • Potato tubers - 700 g
  • Young nettle leaves - 200 g
  • Onions - 200 g
  • Boiled egg or raw protein - 1 pc.
  • Salt and pepper

Nettle soup with boiled egg and chicken

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces.
  2. For this recipe, you need to take a 4 liter saucepan.
  3. Pour water, place a suitable piece of meat there, add some salt and leave to cook for 30 minutes (in the case of chicken fillet) and 1 hour (beef or pork).
  4. Pour the nettle leaves with boiling water, let the water drain and, after cooling, grind.
  5. Chop the onion, sauté in a skillet.
  6. Grind the potato tubers in the form of cubes and send them to the steaming broth, cook for 5 minutes.
  7. We fall asleep the prepared onion.
  8. Add the nettle and leave to cook for another 8 minutes.
  9. We try the soup, you can also add salt and pepper to taste.
  10. This recipe assumes the use of raw egg white or boiled egg.

Beat the protein until the first foam and slowly pour into the steaming broth, mix well.

If the egg is boiled, it is put directly into the plate with the finished dish.

Nettle soup with raw egg

This original recipe provides using lemon juice to add spice to the nettle egg soup .


  • Broth from chicken parts - 2 l;
  • Potato tubers - 4 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Fresh nettle leaves - 200 g;
  • Raw egg - 1 pc.;
  • Lemon juice - ¼ teaspoon;
  • Salt;
  • Greens (dill or parsley).

Nettle soup with raw egg

Cooking process:

  1. Strain the finished broth from chicken parts. Salt to taste.
  2. We wash the nettle leaves with cold water.
  3. We scald the grass with boiling water to rid it of formic acid, let it drain off with drops of water.
  4. Grind potato tubers, carrots in the form of cubes, pour into the steaming broth and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Finely chop the nettle leaves, add them to the soup. Pour in lemon juice and continue cooking for another 8 minutes.
  6. Beat the raw egg (white and yolk) until the first foam appears and add it to the soup in a thin stream, without stopping stirring.
  7. The nettle soup should boil. Turn off the heat and leave with the lid covered.
  8. Pour a pinch of chopped fresh herbs (dill or parsley) into the plates.

Nettle soup with boiled eggs

In this recipe tomatoes and bell peppers appear among the ingredients ... These are not standard ingredients for nettle soup, however, the unique taste and aroma of a light dish will give you pleasant emotions for the whole day.


  • Nettle leaves - 200 g;
  • Potato tubers - 4 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Ripe tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream;
  • Pepper and salt.

You can diversify nettle egg soup by adding tomatoes and bell peppers.

Cooking process:

  1. Finely chop the washed and scalded nettle leaves.
  2. Grind potato tubers in traditional cubes, pour into boiling water. Cook for about 8 minutes.
  3. Finely chop the Bulgarian pepper and onion, coarsely three carrots on a grater.
  4. Chop the tomatoes and scald with boiling water to get rid of the skin.
  5. Fry vegetables in a well-heated frying pan.
  6. Put the roast into the boiling soup.
  7. We fall asleep next the chopped nettle leaves. Season with salt and pepper to taste. We continue to cook for another 2 minutes. Remove from the stove and leave the pan with the lid on.
  8. Boil eggs hard-boiled. Let it cool. We get rid of the shell, cut into circles.
  9. Put egg circles in each plate and add sour cream to taste.

All the recipes presented will help you prepare a delicious and vitamin-rich dish. Everyone who tastes it will be able to appreciate the taste of simple nettle.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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My grandmother said that they used to wait for warmth, for spring, not in order to put on a beautiful dress and go out into the street to show off, but in order to taste the first greens after winter, to enrich themselves with vitamins after winter. It was a real joy. Indeed, many delicious dishes could be prepared from various herbs and young weeds.
Our grandmother does not deviate from her preferences and traditions. Every spring he prepares us soup with nettle and egg.

On the street is the 21st century, in supermarkets on the shelves the whole winter, dill, parsley, onions turn green. But real greenery, which has grown without the addition of chemicals, is healthier and healthier under the real spring sun.

Nettle appears in the garden much faster than onions and dill, and is also more resistant to spring frosts. Therefore, it is not so difficult to find it, especially for those who live in a village or a small city.

Nettle egg soup recipe with step by step photos


  • Potatoes - 300 gr;
  • Water - 2 liters;
  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Onions - 1 pc;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. lies;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Young nettle - 1 bunch;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Step-by-step preparation of a spring dish

Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. Meanwhile, the potatoes need to be peeled, washed and cut into small pieces. Send to the pan. Salt to taste, add lavrushka.

Finely chop the onion.

Peel the carrots, grate. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Transfer to prepared vegetables and fry until tender. Send to soup.

Break the egg into a plate or cup, beat.

When the potatoes are ready, add an egg in a thin stream to boiling water, stir immediately. Cook for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, my young nettles.

The mode is very shallow.

Remove the pan from the heat and add the last and main ingredient. Stir. Cover with a lid, let stand for a while. Pour into plates and serve.

How much to cook nettle in soup

  1. For cooking, it is worth taking only young plants that grew in clean places (in the garden, in the forest in the garden).
  2. Important!!! Nettles, which grow along roads, close to chemical plants and other contaminated objects, are not eaten.

  3. The soup can be cooked in water, meat or fish broth.
  4. If you do not add eggs, you will get a vegetarian or lean option.
  5. Can be cooked without meat as in the example above. With meat, mushrooms or stew.
  6. Dry nettle soup can be made in winter.

Cooking, eating and enriching yourself with vitamins is very simple. After all, you don't need any special culinary skills to make spring nettle and egg soup.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

I want to suggest that you cook nettle soup with an egg for lunch, my recipe with a photo will help you with this. As far as I remember, my grandmother always cooked nettle soup. When in the post-war period there was little choice, if not to say there was no choice at all, then they prepared food from everything that grew in the garden and was edible, by the way, the beneficial properties of nettle were known to many even then. There is nothing wrong with such a soup, but now such a soup has begun to gain popularity. Even now, in early spring, I cook a healthy nettle soup with an egg, enjoy its taste and feed the whole family deliciously. While you can collect young green nettles at the dacha, I take advantage of the moment and cook a wonderful first course. I also recommend cooking.

Required products for 2.5 liters of water:
- potatoes - 250 grams,
- carrots - 150 grams,
- white onions, onions - 100 grams,
- dry meat broth - 1 tsp. l.,
- selected, large chicken egg - 2-3 pcs.,
- fresh nettle - 1 small bunch,
- any greens (green onions, dill) - ½ bunch,
- salt with black pepper - according to your taste,
- vegetable oil - 20-30 grams.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Peel and rinse the soup potatoes in water a couple of times. For the soup, choose boiled potatoes.

Cut the potatoes into elongated, thin slices so that they cook faster in the soup.

Put all the potatoes in boiling water. Cook the potatoes for about 20 minutes. It will be better if it is slightly boiled.

Add dry meat broth to the water. The soup will become tasty and aromatic. Moreover, an ordinary meat broth is cooked for about an hour, and then everything will be quickly ready.

While the potatoes are being cooked, we pass the vegetables. Chop the onion with carrots and fry until transparent with the addition of vegetable oil.

Pour the overcooked vegetable into the soup. We continue to cook for 5 minutes.

Boil chicken eggs until hard, peel them, chop them into cubes.

We put eggs in the soup.

I sort out the nettles, tearing off only the leaves for the soup.

We wash and grind it with a knife.

We also chop the rest of the greens finely.

When the soup is ready, put all the greens in it. Cook for literally 3-4 minutes, until the greens change color, it should darken and boil a little. We try it for salt and add salt if necessary. Usually dry broths are already with salt, so I add only lightly. Pepper the soup a little.

Pour the prepared soup into plates, decorate with a slice of boiled egg. But this is as you wish. In any case, there are already eggs in the soup.

Serve hot nettle soup with egg to the table. Bon Appetite!
Also try

Hello everybody!

As always, the owner of this blog, Ekaterina, is in touch with you. Today we are preparing a hot stew in the kitchen with a rather healthy ingredient like nettle. Recently we got acquainted with, and again decided to diversify the menu and make nettle soup.

I think no one will be against. In general, you know what is good about this cute little stew. Yes, it is rich in vitamins that our body needs. What is it? I think it makes no sense to list everything, but the most basic are vitamins C, A, E, K plus many mineral compounds. Moreover, it should be noted that nettle is low in calories, which simply pleases many.

But, since we are talking about soup, then of course it is important to cook it very tasty and appetizing, so that, as they say, drooling. And the guests asked for more.

Well, we will figure it out and consider today in a note several of the most popular cooking options, namely, we will touch on the traditional types and a couple of unusual ones. It will be interesting, and most importantly, within the power of any person, even a novice cook.

So, we begin to get acquainted with the content. Choose the copy you like and follow the instructions.

Of course, this first course is best prepared in spring or summer, since it is during this season that you can easily find the herbs we need. Frozen plants are also used in cooking, but you must admit that plucked such a drug will turn out to be much more fragrant.

Nettle soup is cooked either in a vegetarian version, that is, without meat, or chicken, or pork or beef is added.

If you want this stew to be fortified completely, then cook it in a lean dietary form.

We need:

  • sorrel - 1 bunch
  • nettle - 1 bunch
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • salt and pepper
  • drinking water - 3 l


1. Start cooking with herbs, wash them well with water. After placing the nettle in a plate and pouring it over with boiling water, be careful not to prick. Use only leaves. Grind them together with sorrel into strips.

2. Wash the potatoes and carrots thoroughly, then peel them, cut in any way convenient for you.

3. Then place the potato and carrot slices in a saucepan, cover with water and cook after boiling for about 30 minutes, and then add all the necessary herbs.

Reduce the light and simmer for a couple of minutes, in the region of 5-10 minutes, no more is needed. Season with salt and pepper as you like.

If you like dill and parsley, you can add it here, just chop it very finely.

4. Now the last step remains - break a chicken egg into a glass and mix the mass with a fork. Pour this liquid into a saucepan in a thin stream for 1-2 minutes, while constantly stirring the soup.

Serve warm or hot. And may it give you new impressions and joy from what you have eaten. Bon Appetit!

Cooking pickle with meat

Probably surprised, but what after all, in order to add a little sourness to this dish, you need to take something so that it will give it. I suggest finding a salted or lightly salted cucumber, by the way, you can take a lemon.

To make it more satisfying, prepare any meat, it can be even from the order of birds, turkey also goes well here, but you see chicken in the ingredients. Pork and beef will fit in here too. So, see for yourself what is in the refrigerator from that and conjure.

We need:

  • nettle - 100 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • celery
  • chicken breast or a piece of beef - 1 pc.
  • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • greens

1. Prepare everything for work. Peel and chop the potatoes. Chop the onion finely. Pour boiling water over the nettle leaves and let stand for 5 minutes, then drain the water and chop it into fine threads.

Finely chop your favorite greens such as green onions and parsley. Pickled cucumber can be cut into cubes or cubes.

2. Boil a piece of meat in a saucepan in advance, remove the foam and salt. Then lower everything in turn and simmer until the potatoes are cooked. Just add the nettle 10 minutes before turning off the stove.

3. Then you can use it with sour cream or use a blender. Place the whole mixture in a cup and twist to make a puree soup.

3. Decorate with green onion feathers, a spoonful of sour cream and do not forget about a piece of bread, it will come in handy here after all. Bon Appetit!

Delicious chicken recipe

Another classic option, it will be familiar to all hostesses, because many of us still prefer to cook any stew with meat. And such as a chicken and even more so. After all, it is dietary and cooks much faster than anything else.

By the way, in such green borscht you do not need to observe the exact proportions of ingredients, you can take everything by eye.

We need:

  • nettle -250 g
  • chicken breast - 100 g
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 1 head
  • egg - 2-3 pcs.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.


1. Pick up the nettle, sort it out, do it with mittens. Tear off the leaves and rinse them well, then pour boiling water over and let stand for 10 minutes. After this water treatment, drain all liquid and chop into pieces.

2. Chop the onions with a knife into small cubes, and preferably take young potatoes, chop them into thin slices and fry them together with the onion in a pan with vegetable oil. The pieces should turn golden, but not completely finished.

3. Boil the chicken breast in a saucepan, remove the foam so that the broth is transparent and not cloudy, remove the meat. Salt at the very end. Add the frying and continue cooking until the potatoes are completely cooked.

Then add the chopped nettle leaves. Cook for about 5 minutes. Then turn on the blender and turn the soup into a smooth consistency.

4. Boil chicken eggs and peel them. Chop them into pieces or halves and place them in a cup before serving. Also, squeeze the juice out of the lemon and add a couple of drops to the saucepan. Taste it, make the stew more aromatic and sour so that everyone will like it.

5. Thus, a chicken egg and a piece of chicken in the cup will be an addition and decoration at the same time. Treat household members and eat to your health! Bon Appetit!

For most people, nettle is a weed, while others continue to make new culinary masterpieces from it. For example, like this one with koloboks.

Children will be happy to eat this, because it is the dumplings that attract them. With them it looks more original and, moreover, it, as always, is also delicious. The cooking technology is almost no different from the three options that were done before, but still.

We need:

  • poultry soup set - 500 g
  • nettle leaves - 450 g
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • turnip onions - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper and spices
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • garlic - 6 cloves


1. Start by boiling a stew set in a saucepan. Season with salt and pepper.

Chop the onion and carrots, it is preferable to do it this way, the onion - in half rings, and the carrot - on a grater.

Put the potato wedges in the already cooked broth and cook for 20 minutes.

3. Make dumplings in a bowl, combine milk, eggs and flour and stir with a fork. Do not forget to add salt and your favorite spices. You will get a thick consistency, reminiscent of pancake dough or something similar.

4. To add flavor, add garlic squeezed through a press to this mixture. Separate the meat fibers from the bone and chop as small as possible.

Add pieces of meat and fry to the boiling stew.

5. And then nettle leaves, which are chopped with a sharp knife of arbitrary shape, but so that the pieces are not too long and large.

Boil the nettle for 10 minutes, and then start adding the dough with a dessert spoon. Remember that this mixture, after it enters the broth, will begin to increase in size, resulting in koloboks.

6. Cover the pot with a lid and let stand for 10-15 minutes. And then call the tasters to take samples. Such a fun lunch turned out. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise. Bon Appetit!

Nettle soup with meatballs and cheese

Probably you won't even have to write about such a wonderful combination, everything is clear from the name. But, all the same, I will say it comes out very tasty and the creamy taste makes this stew even more piquant and refined. In general, you need to try, then to repeat this masterpiece all summer.

Imagine, fall in love with him unrequitedly and then what will you do, wait constantly, for that moment to try again this miracle of nature. Well, well, let's get acquainted, grab a pen and write down the entire list of products.

We need:

  • Minced chicken - 0.3 kg
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Canned green peas - jar
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Nettle leaves
  • Feta cheese - 100 g
  • Salt, hot pepper, dried paprika, rosemary, basil
  • Vegetable oil


1. Add egg, salt and pepper with spices to the minced meat. Stir well and roll into balls.

2. Chop the onions and carrots into cubes and fry in butter. Then add canned peas here and cover with hot water. The soup should boil slightly.

Then throw in the balls and in no case interfere, as they float up, mix and salt to taste. Season with spices.

2. Cut the nettle leaves into feathers. Move to the stove. Add it to the pot. Boil for 5 minutes. Then let the dish brew for 15 minutes, and only then add the cheese grated on a coarse grater. Stir.

3. Pour into small plates. It turned out very tasty and beautiful at the same time. Happy discoveries.

Video on how to cook nettle egg soup

You still don't understand how to do this, then watch the video from the YouTube channel faster. And then there will definitely be no questions left.

You can use at least an adult nettle, at least a young one.

The author reveals all the secrets of cooking, so I advise you to watch the video, especially since it will take a couple of minutes of your time. Happy impressions and discoveries. You will get a cool spring soup that everyone, without exception, will like.

That's all friends and comrades. I hope everything worked out with a bang and you were satisfied. All I have to do is wish you a good day and sunny weather!

Like and add to the group, share on social networks. Write your recommendations, tips and, of course, comments. Bye everyone!

Best regards, Ekaterina Mantsurova