How to cook a delicious broth. How to cook broth correctly

09.08.2019 Buffet table

Preparation of broths

Meat broth is the basis for most classic soups, and, like, what to cook there? He threw a piece of meat into the water and went about his business. However, as in cooking in general, cooking broth requires certain knowledge and skills.
What do you need to know before starting to cook broth?

First, for what purpose are you going to cook it. If you intend to cook a dressing soup based on it, then the broth should be less strong than if you want to make a clear soup.

Secondly, what kind of meat will you use and how much time you plan to spend on cooking. The final result is influenced by the type of meat (beef, pork, lamb, poultry), the ratio of bones, meat and fat in the original product, the size of the pieces, as well as the cooking time and the selection of other components.

Thirdly, it would be good to generally represent the varieties of broths in order to choose the most suitable for a particular case.

Meat broth

For the broth, you can take any meat of the first or second grade (dorsal, breast, rump, rump, shoulder blade), as well as a shank or a shank. Rinse the meat well, chop the bones, if any, put in a saucepan with cold water and put on high heat. As soon as the water begins to boil, the fire must be reduced so that there is no violent boil, and the foam that appears during boiling must be removed. If the meat is fat, then the floating fat must be removed from the surface with a paper towel so that the broth does not acquire an unpleasant taste of fat from prolonged cooking. The skimmed fat can then be used to fry onions, carrots and various soup roots.

You need to cook the broth over low heat. The total cooking time is approximately 1.5 hours. During this period, mineral salts and extractives are released from the meat, which give the broth taste and smell. The readiness of the broth is determined by the readiness of the meat. When it is ready, it can be easily pierced with a fork or a chef's needle (if anyone has one), and if there were bones in the meat, then the meat will easily separate from them.

To make the broth more aromatic and tasty, about the middle of cooking add onions (whole or cut in half), carrots, turnips, parsley roots, celery and other roots. You can put peppercorns and bay leaves, but it is better to do this only if you are going to use broth or soup immediately. It is also better to add salt towards the end of cooking, so that it does not interfere with the release of extractives from the meat into the broth.

When the broth is ready, you need to remove the meat and vegetables from it, and strain the broth and pour into a clean bowl. The meat is often cut into portions and served with soup or used in other dishes.

Step by step recipe with photos:

It has long been rare in Russia soup could not do without meat broth - thick and fat. It was the fat content, not the strength of the broth, that was appreciated then. But centuries have passed, and since the 18th century bouillon began to be used in our country for different types of soups - transparent and filling. And even if at first it was a French influence, it very quickly turned into our national cooking habit.

That is why let's immediately determine what we need the final aromatic broth for. Most often, we prepare broth with an eye to our usual soups - filling and transparent.

Soups are different

Refueling soup these are borsch, cabbage soup, pickle, chowder, puree soup, hodgepodge, vegetable soup, with cereals. For this type of soups, it is preferable to prepare the so-called white broth.

For clear soups- noodles, soup with meatballs, with dumplings and self-broth with patties boiled yellow broth.

White broth

Carcass parts - thigh, rump, thigh, thick rim, shoulder blade, neck, brisket (falcon), brisket. For filling soups, rich, fatty broth is good. A delicious broth will turn out if you cook it not for 2-3 servings, but for a minimum of 6-8 or for two or three days.

White broth is boiled without roots, as the ingredients for dressing soups will then be added to it, and it should have a pure meaty aroma.

When buying meat, you should immediately ask the butcher to chop it into pieces that will fit freely in the pan. But, pieces should not be too small - broth cooked from a large piece is much tastier

How to cook white broth

What you need (for 2.5 liters of rich broth):

  • 1.5 kg of meat
  • 2.7 l of water
  • it is better to take a thick-walled pan for cooking broth

What to do:
Rinse the meat from possible fragments of bones, put in a saucepan and cover with cold water. The water should completely cover it. Leave the lid ajar - this is important for the steam to escape, otherwise the taste of the broth will significantly deteriorate. Bring over high heat until boiling. Remove the foam formed on the surface of the broth, reduce the heat and cook for 2.5-3 hours.

Salt bouillon it follows 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking. The larger the piece of meat, the longer it will take to cook, and of course, the age of the animal also affects the cooking time. A sign of readiness - a fork freely pierces a piece of meat.

You can cook cabbage soup, borscht and any other soup with vegetables and cereals from this broth.

Yellow broth

It is preferable to cook from the thigh and thigh. Parts of the carcass with marrow have a bright taste due to the high content of extractives, and the broth is strong, aromatic. Unlike white broth, yellow broth is cooked with roots.

How to cook yellow broth

What you need (for 2.5 liters of yellow broth):

  • 1.5 kg of meat
  • 2.7 water
  • 400 g roots (carrot, celery, parsley root, leek)
  • medium onion

What to do:
Wash the roots thoroughly and peel them. Cut the carrots into large circles, cut the onions in half.

There is no need to repeat the purchase rules and start cooking the broth - everything is exactly the same as for the white broth. But after the foam has been removed, roots and onions must be laid in the future broth.

To enhance the taste, carrots and onions should be fried in a preheated pan until brown. This will give the broth an extra flavor and a slightly yellowish color.

Cook exactly like white bouillon, - until ready. Do not forget to add salt. But when the yellow broth is ready, you need to carefully remove the fat from the surface: this is the rule of yellow broth. To do this, carefully remove the fat with a spoon, trying not to shake the sediment from the bottom, and strain the broth twice through a wet gauze napkin.

Yellow broth is ideal for noodles, dumplings, meatballs, and in itself is good - transparent, like a tear, without any fillers, bite with pies.

The two broth rules:

  1. For the correct broth, you need to select the appropriate portion of the carcass.
  2. Cook the broth from a large piece of meat.
  3. The pan should be thick-walled.
  4. Pour cold water over the meat.
  5. Boil the broth with the lid ajar.
  6. Remove foam thoroughly after boiling.
  7. Avoid heavy boiling, only slowly rising bubbles.

Useful Tips
* Do not try to increase the boil in the hope of speeding up the cooking time of the broth - this will not help and will only significantly impair the taste of the broth.
* If you suddenly forgot to remove the foam, and flakes floated in the broth, you can fix it very simply - pour in a glass of cold water. The foam will rise up again. But, there is one nuisance here - the broth will be diluted with another glass of water, which will affect its taste. Therefore, it is better to make a quickdraw ( clarification), which is the most hopelessly muddy bouillon will make it completely transparent.

The fastest quickdraw- protein. If a pull is made for a yellow broth, then it must first be defatted and completely cooled. Then mix two proteins with a glass of cold broth, stir. Bring the main broth to a boil and pour in the protein mixture in a thin stream. Reduce heat to medium and, stirring with a whisk, bring to a light boil and immediately stop stirring. The proteins will float to the surface. Move it off the burner for a few minutes, then put it back on and wait another time until the first signs of boiling appear. And, of course, strain through wet cheesecloth - this must be done very carefully, not pouring out all the broth at once, but in portions, using a ladle. And you will certainly get perfectly transparent bouillon.

A strong broth rich in flavors of meat, herbs and roots - an excellent base for soups and sauces. Transparent broth will make the dish not only satisfying and healthy, but also aesthetically attractive.

First of all, the broth must be properly cooked. To prepare a medium saucepan of broth, you will need: - Half a skinless chicken breast or 150-200 g of lean beef on the bone; - 1 medium-sized peeled carrot; - 1 small onion, peeled; - 2-3 bay leaves; - half a small bunch of parsley (no need to chop); - a few peas of black pepper; - optional: celery stalk, 2-3 clove buds, leeks.

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and fill them with cold running water so that all the food is hidden under it. Then put the pan on high heat, and after boiling, reduce it to low. Boil the broth until cooked, which is easy to determine by the lagging of meat from the bone. For chicken it will take less than an hour, about 40 minutes, and for beef, it will take 1.5-2 hours, depending on the firmness of the meat.

When the broth is boiled until tender, you should throw away all excess: boiled vegetables, roots, bay leaves and black pepper. The meat and the resulting aromatic liquid must be left to cool, after which the broth should be filtered.

How to properly strain the broth

The broth is filtered in order to get rid of debris, bone fragments and foam formed as a result of boiling the meat. Straining it makes the broth golden and very appetizing. So, to make the cloudy broth transparent, you will need: - several layers of gauze; - a saucepan of the same size as the one in which the broth is cooked; - a colander or strainer that can be placed on a saucepan. First, let's get rid of the excess fat in the broth. If the broth is chilled well enough, you will see rounds of solidified white fat floating on the surface of the broth. They must be removed with a slotted spoon. Then place the colander in a clean, empty saucepan. Spread the cheesecloth folded in several layers over a colander.

Do not use new gauze as it may have a pungent odor. This gauze should be washed before use.

Pour the stock carefully from one pot to the other. As a result, you should have a completely clear, ready-to-drink liquid. On the basis of this broth, you can cook a delicious soup.

The easiest chicken noodle soup

You will need: - 2–2.5 liters of strong chicken broth; - half of chicken breast meat; - 1 teaspoon of salt; - a few sprigs of parsley; - 100 g of vermicelli (1/5 pack). Dilute the pre-strained broth with water (up to 3 liters) and put on fire, it should boil. After boiling, pour vermicelli and salt crushed to 3 cm into it.

Broth - everyone knows this word. But how to cook it properly? By the ability to cook it fragrant, transparent and rich - you can evaluate the skill of the cook.

If we want to cook any soup, first of all we cook it - this is the basis of home cooking. And then we add vegetables and cereals to it. But it can also be used in a variety of sauces, cereals, stews, and many other dishes.

To cook it delicious, you first need to choose the right meat.

For chicken, it is better to take a young chicken that has not been frozen. From such a chicken, it will turn out to be transparent and rich. Old chicken or chicken will not make it tasty. Almost all parts of the carcass are suitable for cooking. There is no consensus on which part to cook tastier from, there is no.

For a rich meat version, it is better to use fresh or chilled hindquarters, brisket or shoulder blade, preferably meat from young gobies. It is more tender, juicy and less greasy. It also cooks much faster. For borscht, cabbage soup and kharcho soup, you can use fatter meat.

If you cook it from veal, it turns out to be tender and pleasant to the taste, but not transparent enough. If you cook soups on its basis, which are seasoned with tomato paste or various dressings, then the soup will turn out to be delicious.

It is also good to use lamb for cooking. Many soups of oriental cuisine are prepared on their basis. There is an opinion that lamb has a certain "specific" smell, maybe it does, it is difficult to argue with the opinion. But you can't argue with the fact that the broth invariably turns out to be tasty, rich and very healthy. In addition, spices are always used in oriental cuisine.

How to cook broth correctly

1. Choose the right meat. It is not necessary to cut it, it should give its juices gradually, slowly. If you are cooking it from chicken, it is advisable to peel off the skin from it - it may make the dish too greasy.

2. Pour in enough water so that you don't need to top up later. The ratio is approximately the same - for 3 liters of water, 500-600 grams of meat. If the meat is stringy and old, then more water should be poured, taking into account the fact that the water will boil away.

3. Do not add water during cooking. This deteriorates the taste. And also do not cook for too long, from this it darkens.

4. The meat is placed in the pot only in cold water. Bring to a boil over medium heat, so the meat heats up gradually. It is already cooked over low heat without a lid so that the evaporating water does not drip back into the pan and spoil the taste. It is rather not even boiling, but languishing. If boiled over high heat, then it will become cloudy, and its taste is also lost.

5. Remove foam during cooking. We begin to remove the foam when the contents of the pan have not yet begun to boil. We remove it both when it boils and during the entire cooking process. If you do not do this in a timely manner, the foam will soon settle to the bottom of the pan in the form of flakes, which will ruin the appearance of the dish. Remove foam adhering to the sides of the pan with a damp cloth.

6. We also remove excess fat throughout the cooking process if we cook it for soup. And all the fat, if we cook it transparent. It must be removed with a paper towel, as it gives the dish an unpleasant greasy flavor.

7. Add vegetables 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking - with them it will be more aromatic. Vegetables and herbs are designed to enrich the taste and aroma of the dish. Onions, carrots and celery are best suited - this is the classic “vegetable composition” for broth. One medium onion, a small carrot and a celery root are enough for a two to three liter saucepan. But spices (bay leaf, allspice, dried thyme) are best added 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking, otherwise it will taste bitter.

8. Salt about half an hour until tender.

9. Cooking time on very low heat after boiling depends on the size of the piece, the firmness of the meat, the age of the animal and the desired strength of the broth you want to achieve. So, for example, it will reach readiness in 1-1.5 hours if you use 1 kilogram of meat from young gobies, and in 2.5-3 hours if the meat is from adult beef. From pork - after boiling it is cooked for 1.5-2.5 hours, from lamb - 1.5-2 hours, from chicken - 1-2 hours.

10. After the end of cooking, you need to remove the meat and vegetables from it and strain it through a fine sieve or a linen napkin soaked in water and wrung out dry, so that it is transparent and to prevent small fragments of bones from getting into the dish. Vegetables and bones can be thrown away because they have already given the dish all their taste and aroma, and there is no longer any value in them.

Secrets of making a delicious and light broth

If you are forced to use frozen meat, then you need to be able to properly defrost it. The best way is to wash the meat with cold water and place in a sealed container for 2-3 hours. Do not use a microwave oven or hot water for this.

For a tasty broth, use a heavy-bottomed saucepan and, if possible, thick sides. This will ensure gradual and even heating. And the meat will give all its useful substances to the fullest.

It should not boil too much - the movement of the liquid should be barely noticeable. If your stove is difficult to adjust to maintain the desired temperature, try placing the pan in an oven preheated to 100-110 degrees.

It is better to add no more than a pinch of salt to it or not salt at all: during cooking, more liquid can evaporate from it than you expected, thus, it risks being oversalted. It is better to salt the dish that you plan to cook based on it.

How to cook chicken or turkey diet broth

Diet broth is cooked from chicken or turkey meat. It is beneficial for people who are sick or on a diet.

You need to cook it in a special way. It is imperative to remove the skin from the bird, remove all subcutaneous fat, add cold water, and bring to a boil over high heat. Then remove the bird from the pan, drain the water. Wash the pot, wipe it dry, put the bird in it, fill it with fresh water and cook in the usual way. With the first water, the remaining fat is almost completely removed along with the cholesterol it contains, while the useful protein is completely preserved.

Bon Appetit!

A broth is a decoction that is obtained by simmering meat, mushrooms, vegetables or poultry in water. The finished first course is consumed alone or in combination with croutons. The broth is indicated for people who have recently undergone a serious illness or a complex operation. It recovers faster and is easily absorbed. For this reason, housewives are interested in how to cook a delicious transparent broth on meat.

Classic meat broth

  • meat or poultry - 600 gr.
  • greens (any, fresh) - 30 gr.
  • provencal herbs - to your taste
  • carrots (cut into pieces) - 1 pc.
  • onion (chopped into 4 parts) - 1 pc.
  • filtered water - 2 liters.
  1. Wash greens with vegetables and meat, dry. You should not cut the meat for the preparation of the broth, because during the cooking process it should give off juices gradually. Only then will you get a completely transparent dish. If the broth is made from poultry, remove the skin in advance so that the drug does not turn out to be greasy.
  2. Send the washed and dried meat to a saucepan, add water according to the recipe (chilled). Put on the stove, wait for a boil. Your main task is to boil the meat broth, and not to bring all the ingredients to readiness. Use only cold water so that the juices come out of the meat when heated slowly.
  3. If you send the main component into a hot liquid, the piece will “crust” and seal. As a result, the broth will turn out to be of low nutritional value and without any special taste. Cover the container and wait for the bubbling to begin (medium heat).
  4. When this happens, reduce the power of the hob to a minimum and immediately remove the lid. The condensate should not get into the broth, so as not to spoil the taste and consistency. After boiling, a foam cap forms on the surface, remove it with a slotted spoon.
  5. Foam that has adhered to the sides of the refractory cookware should be removed with a damp cloth. Otherwise, these "flakes" will end up in the broth and spoil its appearance when served. Also, a greasy film may form on the surface, which must be disposed of with a dry paper towel.
  6. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add chopped carrots and onions, sprinkle with herbs. So the broth will come out fragrant. Add some onion husks to the mix if desired to add a golden brown to the broth.
  7. The duration of cooking depends on the initial size of the meat piece, its hardness and age category. As a rule, the broth is boiled in 1.5 hours (chicken), 2.5 hours (beef), 2 hours (veal), 2.5 hours (pork). The report goes from the moment of boiling.
  8. After the specified interval comes to an end, remove the broth from the stove. Build a strainer from a colander and gauze cloth, strain the first course. Serve the broth, garnish with chopped dill or parsley.

Beef and pork broth

  • beef tenderloin - 0.3 kg.
  • pork pulp - 0.3-0.4 kg.
  • favorite spices - taste
  • purified water (drinking) - 2.8 liters.
  • laurel - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 head
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  1. First, rinse the meat under the tap, free it from skins and greasy veins. Do not cut the beef and pork so that the slices release juice evenly as they heat up.
  2. Put the main ingredients in a saucepan, cover with purified water and place on the stove. Cover up, wait for the boil to begin. When this happens, foam will start to appear. Get rid of it, also catch the grease from the surface.
  3. Send the peeled onion and carrot into pieces. Add laurel and your favorite spices, time. After 5 minutes, reduce heat to minimum, wait 2.5-3 hours.
  4. When the broth is boiled, you need to filter it using several layers of cheesecloth and a colander. Serve a clear first course garnished with herbs.

Meat broth with eggs and herbs

  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • meat on the bone - 250 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • beef (pulp) - 1 kg.
  • parsley (roots) - 10 gr.
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  • fresh herbs - 30 gr.
  1. Rinse the meat and send it to cook. Remember to descale systematically. Boil the product for about one hour, then put the pieces of beef. After 10 minutes, stir in the desired spices to taste.
  2. Continue simmering until the meat is cooked through. Chop parsley roots and onions in parallel. Put the food on a greased baking sheet, send it to the oven to bake.
  3. Ready vegetables must be added to the broth 25 minutes before the end of full cooking. Serve the finished dish in portions with half a boiled egg. Don't forget to add fresh herbs.

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • meat - in fact
  • bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  1. Wash the meat thoroughly under running water. Chop into pieces and send to multi-bowl. Peel vegetables and wash well. Chop the carrots into thin circles. Send vegetables to meat, place onions whole.
  2. Add bay leaves and spices to taste. Pour in the required amount of filtered water up to the maximum mark in the multi-bowl. Set the "Extinguishing" mode. Set a timer for 1.5 hours.
  3. The simmering time can be increased depending on the hardness of the meat. After completing the program, strain the prepared broth from vegetables and spices. The result is a fairly rich broth.

Meat broth with vegetables

  • zucchini - 0.5 pcs.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lecho - 120 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 prongs
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • greens - 25 gr.
  • meat broth - 1.5 l.
  1. Wash and peel vegetables. Pour boiling water over the meaty tomato, get rid of the skin. Chop the onion in half rings. Chop the tomato and garlic into small pieces. Cut the rest of the vegetables into strips.
  2. In parallel, put the broth on the fire, wait for a boil. After the first bubbles appear, send the potatoes into the composition. After 3-5 minutes, add the rest of the vegetables. Boil for a while, stir in lecho, tomato and chopped herbs.
  3. A few minutes before the dish is ready, add the necessary spices and stir thoroughly. Boil the food until it is completely cooked. Turn off the stove, leave the broth to infuse for a third of an hour. Then you can serve.

Broth with meat on the bone

  • parboiled rice - in fact
  • meat on the bone - 1 kg.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • animal fat - 40 gr.
  • rutabaga - 75 gr.
  • allspice - to taste
  • parsley root - 20 gr.
  • dill - 15 gr.
  • bay leaves - 4 pcs.
  • parsley - 25 gr.
  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly; you will need it after cooking the meat. Wash all vegetables, chop into strips. Send the food to the pan, add the required amount of vegetable oil, pepper and laurel.
  2. Saute until golden brown. Simultaneously boil the meat broth on the bone. Then add the prepared vegetables and rice. Stir, simmer for a while over low heat. Add greens, wait until all products are ready.

It is not difficult to prepare a delicious meat broth. Take the amount of ingredients based on the volume you want to get at the exit. Feel free to add your favorite ingredients. This will make the broth richer.

Video: how to cook meat broth