Do bell peppers spicy. Why red peppers are useful: a description of the composition and properties of the product

19.04.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Shares experience A.V. PIROGOV, Tomsk. Pepper is capricious, but you can deal with it. A lot of light, heat, water, and, of course, love! Then even the bitter pepper will become sweet!

Last year, I broke several beds for peppers. Planted in rows: bitter pepper, sweet pepper, etc. Harvested wonderful. And here is the first test; made a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers - ate a spoonful, and a fire in your mouth! The husband shouts: "Yes, you mixed up the pepper, instead of sweet, you plucked the hot pepper." Are you kidding! I’m going to the garden again, I’m tearing another pepper, I’m trying - and it’s bitter, I won’t take it in my mouth! What kind of jokes? For comparison, I picked a hot pepper - but it turned out to be sweet! It turns out that these cultures inter pollinate themselves. And plant different species need to be away from each other. At least through the garden, and preferably through two.

But if there are different varieties nearby, for example, sweet pepper, it is even better, the yield is greater. When the pepper blooms, and the weather is calm, I act as the wind: gently shake the trellis, pollinate.

Let there be light

Pepper in the garden I take away the brightest place. Otherwise, it makes no sense to plant: it will stretch, few fruits will be tied. And I plant densely on a bed of pepper: at a distance of about 25 cm from each other, when they grow up, they will support themselves. But the aisles are wide (at least 60 cm). Then peppers from all sides of the world.

When fruit is tied, I put a peg or trellis along each row in each plant. I tie not only the stems, but also the branches.

Favorite pepper temperature is 20-25 °. Therefore, it always grows in my greenhouse. If something is not right with the temperature, the pepper lets you know - lilac shades appear on the fruits.

A special topic is watering. The plant loves water, but it is too bad to overdo it, both flowers and ovaries will fall. Watering according to the cucumber scheme. Often little by little. Drop watering is very good for pepper.

They recommend peppers to be loosened, but I do not. Its root is superficial, it can be damaged, instead mulch the soil with straw or grass. The layer is about 7-10 cm, then the earth is loose, and the moisture is kept, and there are less weeds.

Trim the pepper or not, then everyone has their own best practices. I cut off all the leaves and shoots to the first fork. I leave three or four stems, from them I select the two strongest and tie them up. The remaining shoots are without garter. From them I collect the first fruits.

Garlic Against Aphids

The main enemies of peppers are aphids and slugs. I have two recipes against them. I use them in turn.

First: I take 200-250 g of ash in a bucket, pour hot, but not boiling water.

Second: I put chopped garlic, onions and dandelion leaves in a bucket. I insist both solutions for one or two days. Then each separately mix and filter. Before use, add 30-40 g of liquid soap (preferably without perfume fragrances). I charge the solutions into the atomizer and spray directly on the leaves, alternating the solutions.

From slugs, scatter dry mustard or red pepper around the stems (about 1 tsp. Per 1 sq. M).

Flowering during the flowering period

On a barrel: 5-6 kg of chopped nettle leaves, coltsfoot, woodlice, dandelion, plantain, 10 l of rotted cow manure, 10 tbsp. l ashes. I fill everything with water, mix and insist for a week. Watering at the rate of 1 liter per 1 plant.

Fertilizing during fruiting

On a barrel: 5 liters of bird droppings, 10 liters of cow rotted manure. Pour water, mix, insist 4-5 days. I feed at the rate of 5-6 liters per 1 sq. m. The interval between top dressing is at least 10 days.

Make a diagnosis

  • The stems are lignified, leaves, flowers and ovaries fall - fever, little moisture and light.
  • Stopping growth, no flowering and no ovaries - low temperature, watering with cold water, little light.
  • Crooked fruits - incomplete pollination of flowers.

Asked by: Alexey (Moscow)

Question to the housewives ...
Everyone knows sweet bell pepper ... Do not confuse it with any other, both in appearance and taste. He is SWEET. But....
Today my wife decided to cook stuffed peppers and, accordingly, bought pepper. Sweet, Bulgarian ... Externally. But not to your taste! It tastes the same chili. Just a fusion!
Question: is this variety appeared or what?
Z.Y. Hot only red. Green is normal.
Attaching photo:)

Answers from the experienced: Bulgarian hot pepper

Svetlana Rebenko (Armavir)

No, he is all Bulgarian. He just pollinated from acute, this is sometimes found (save on the ground)

Veron4ik Lapushok (Vladivostok)

I once ate something like that. It's like a cucumber sometimes bitter to tears, or, for example, radish baking to fireworks

vova sh (Chrysostom)

It happens that I twirled sweet and when I just opened my eyes to my forehead.

Svetlana (Nalchik)

Grew next to bitter pepper and when pollinated, pollen from bitter pepper fell on sweet

malevolent vindictive (St. Petersburg)

It's very simple - the fruits of bell peppers grow as a result of cross-pollination. Quite often the plantings of bell peppers are adjacent to the plantings of red hot pepper. As a result of the movement of flying insects participating in pollination, the Bulgarian pepper is fertilized with pollen of hot pepper. And since the gene is responsible for Since hotness dominates (sweet pepper is a culture of artificial origin), sometimes sweet pepper becomes hot, but at the same time retains its previous appearance. The party ...

Evgenia Shitova (Naberezhnye Chelny)

It was just grown next to the bitter and it was pollinated. I also did this once in the garden, now I am bitter in the distance.

Svetlana Vovnenko (St. Petersburg)

grew next to the bitter

Sweet Bulgarian and hot red peppers belong to the same family, which has a large number of representatives - several thousand species. Homeland of all peppers is South America. It was from there that Columbus brought these vegetables to Spain, and from there they spread throughout the rest of the continents. Well, now it is used by culinary experts from all over the world, whether it is a sweet, or a burning variety.

The common name for sweet and savory varieties is vegetable pepper. This culture has long been grown in all countries. In Russia, this vegetable is also very fond of; it is often used in cooking dishes from meat, fish, herbs, vegetables.

Well, what is sweet Bulgarian and hot red pepper good for? How does it affect human health? Today we’ll talk about this tasty and healthy vegetable. And, of course, prepare a couple of delicious dishes.

What is the use of bell peppers?

It is called a vitamin vegetable. This variety is really very rich in various nutrients: vitamins, minerals. For example, he is a champion among vegetables for the content of vitamin C.

Regular use of this vegetable will help normalize cholesterol levels, provide the body with the necessary macro and micronutrients. In winter, during the seasons of colds, doctors recommend that you use fresh bell peppers. This vegetable is an excellent prophylactic for colds and flu.

In addition, it helps to lower blood pressure, dilutes blood, reducing the risk of blood clots. It improves memory, strengthens eyesight, eliminates swelling.
The use of bell peppers will help strengthen the skeletal system, stimulate the work of the stomach, pancreas. It will help strengthen, improve hair, nails.

We note one important circumstance: sweet peppers of different colors differ in their effect on the body, as they have different healing properties.

For example, red bell pepper differs from other counterparts in the high content of vitamin A. Therefore, it is useful to use it to improve vision. It is recommended as a vitamin product.

The yellow vegetable contains a large amount of potassium. Therefore, it is very useful for the elderly, as well as everyone who suffers from heart disease, kidney disease.

Green - improves the functioning of the stomach, helps to eliminate bleeding gums. It is recommended for use with anemia, it has a mild laxative effect.

All varieties of sweet bell pepper have a restorative effect on the body, help strengthen the immune system.

What is the use of red hot pepper?

Due to the high content of alkaloids, hot, burning red pepper has amazing healing properties.

For example, many people know that a small, but very burning chili pepper helps well with a runny nose, sore throat, colds and upper respiratory tract diseases. Its use with other foods improves blood circulation. It will help patients with bronchial asthma, strengthen immunity. Burning red pods have pronounced antifungal, antimicrobial properties.

It is often added to various meat products, as it helps the body digest heavy protein foods. In addition, meat dishes flavored with hot pepper become more useful, they reduce the content of harmful substances, fats and carbohydrates are neutralized.

In addition, a burning red vegetable is an excellent way to prevent varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis. It activates metabolic processes in the body, improves blood composition, and has a mild diuretic effect.

If we talk about the vitamin-mineral composition, then hot red pepper is similar to its sweet counterpart. It also contains a large amount of vitamin C, A, group B, etc.

However, unlike sweet varieties, hot red pepper has contraindications. For example, it should not be used by people with high acidity of the stomach. It is contraindicated in gastritis, diseases of the intestines, liver. It can not be eaten with diabetes.

Tasty recipe

Mexican hot pepper and tomato sauce:

It will take 500 g of very ripe tomatoes, 2 fresh chili peppers, 1 small onion and 3 cloves of garlic. Still needed: 2 tbsp. l chopped parsley (can be replaced with cilantro), 1 tsp. 6% apple cider vinegar. Salt, sugar to taste.


Cut the onions into thin rings, just peel the garlic cloves. Place whole tomatoes and peppers on a baking sheet, put in a preheated oven to maximum. Bake for 10 minutes. Then turn them over and continue cooking for another 10 minutes. Then remove from the oven, cool.

Now set the oven temperature to 200 degrees. Bake chopped onions and garlic cloves. When they turn golden, remove the baking sheet, cool the vegetables. Now grind all baked ingredients with a mixer. Pour the resulting sauce into a cup. Add some boiled water if necessary. Add vinegar, salt, sugar, herbs. Shuffle.

This sauce goes well with hot dishes of meat, fish. It can be served with fried sausages and mashed potatoes.

Sweet pepper appetizer:

Very tasty and elegant dish, which is perfect for the festive table. To prepare it, we need: 2 sweet peppers of different colors, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l lemon juice, a pinch of sugar and salt to taste, a quarter cup of vegetable oil, fresh herbs.


Wash the pepper, remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into halves, bake in the oven until half ready (do not forget to turn it over). Then remove the pan, cool. Cut the fruits with plates or half rings, put in a salad bowl.

Salt, add sugar, lemon juice, crushed garlic. Pour oil, sprinkle with herbs. Shuffle. Put on the shelf of the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Then a delicious snack can be served at the table. Bon appetit and be healthy!

Ecology of life: Red hot pepper has amazing properties due to the presence of capsaicin in its composition. Capsaicin is an alkaloid found in various types of capsicum capsicum.

Hot red pepper has amazing properties due to the presence of capsaicin in its composition. Capsaicin is an alkaloid found in various types of capsicum capsicum. Pure capsaicin is a colorless crystalline substance with a burning taste. It is he who has a beneficial effect on the human body.

In countries such as Mexico, Chile, red pepper is used constantly in the preparation of meat and other types of dishes. These countries are famous for their sharp recipes, but also for the opportunity to improve their health through the use of red pepper.

Residents of Mexico claim that it brightens the mind, while residents of Thailand and India use hot pepper most of all and are sure that they owe it to them with their good health. Hindus believe that if there had not been red pepper, the poor population of the country would have long since died out without a trace due to poor nutrition.

Let's see what is the use of red hot pepper?

Firstly, it’s a benefit to the stomach. Thanks to its alkaloid. Hot red pepper can help digest heavy foods. For example, if you use this seasoning for meat, it will be most useful and will contain less harmful substances, fats and carbohydrates. Thus, a person will be able to enjoy the taste of his favorite dish, which will quench his appetite and at the same time he will not have to worry about extra calories, because red pepper can reduce them by 2 times. However, it is worth remembering that red hot pepper will not be useful to those who suffer from increased acidity in the stomach, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver, intestines, as well as ulcers or gastritis.

Secondly, red pepper is good for the intestines. A very large number of different bacteria are found in the intestines, so it is very important to monitor its regular cleaning. To get rid of excess food leftovers more efficiently, you need to pay attention to nutrition, daily routine and physical activity. Often people observe only the last two points, but alas, they forget about the first. The result is colic, constipation or frequent urge. The intestines should work continuously, emptying after each meal. If a failure occurs, it is enough to eat a piece of meat or fish, in which seasoning is added - a red hot pepper. After some time, you will feel that the intestines again began to work like a clock. By the way, if you refuse products such as meat or fish, then prefer to use a side dish for lunch or dinner, which will be prepared using this miraculous seasoning.

Pepper is actively involved in metabolic processes in the body and thereby saturates the blood with useful components. As for blood clots, we can say that pepper is able to cope with the causes of thrombosis and similar diseases.

We must not forget about such a wonderful property of peppers as blood-forming and diuretic. Thanks to peppers, many women can solve their gynecological problems. For example, the problem that occurs in most women - the irregular menstrual cycle, is due to the fact that the woman is emotionally stressed, does not pay much attention to her diet, moves little and has a small amount of sleep and rest. In this situation, it is useful to use the usual seasoning - red hot pepper for treating and restoring the ovaries. After a week of use, you can notice how the work of the gastrointestinal tract improved, as well as how the ovarian system began to improve. Thanks to the particles included in its composition, it is able to quickly return the period.

But it is important to remember that during the period of menstruation itself, you can not use red pepper for nutrition, since it will not bring benefits. The fact is that those girls who experience abdominal pain should not eat salty foods, oily and spicy. This can only provoke spasms and thereby increase pain. In order to get rid of pain, you need to temporarily stop taking spicy foods and it is better to pay attention to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Now it is worth considering the effect of red hot pepper on hair growth and improving blood supply to nail tissues. Red hot peppers can effectively promote hair growth, as well as strengthen hair roots and make nails strong and healthy. Masks for hair made from vegetable oils with the addition of hot red pepper stimulate blood circulation in the scalp and strengthen hair follicles. That is why in medicine they consider pepper to be a useful product, an excellent healing seasoning and an excellent doctor for those who suffer from brittle hair, weakness of the nail plate. In just a couple of days, he will restore the work of internal organs and will contribute to the strengthening of hair and nails.

For many housewives, hot red pepper is considered one of the favorite seasonings. In a small amount, pepper complements various dishes, giving a piquant taste to meat, soups, marinades. From ancient times, it was already known about the miraculous healing remedies of this vegetable. So, red pepper is able to strengthen the immune system, helps in the treatment of tonsillitis, normalizes blood circulation, improves the well-being of a person suffering from bronchial asthma.

More recently, scientists have found that red pepper helps fight weight gain. Due to the fact that this vegetable activates blood circulation and normalizes metabolism, the body accelerates the process aimed at splitting fat cells. In addition, pepper helps to remove various toxins and harmful substances from the colon.

It is worth saying that red pepper is a very low-calorie product, which contains virtually no carbohydrates. Weight loss with red pepper is recommended to take, taking the tincture obtained from this vegetable. When creating this tincture, alcohol or vodka is used.

To prepare the tincture, one part of red pepper, which should be crushed very finely, is poured with five parts of vodka or the same amount of 90% medical alcohol. If alcohol is used to create the tincture, the product should be insisted for seven days. In the case of using vodka, the resulting infusion must be kept for three weeks. Red pepper for weight loss, prepared as a tincture, should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

There is great news for men - red hot pepper restores potency and solves the problem associated with sexual addictions. Now you can prepare a tincture of red pepper or cook something sweet for your beloved for dinner. Then the evening will be unforgettable. The main thing, of course, is not to overdo it.

Children who do not like to learn lessons have poor attention, they can also achieve heights if they eat pepper, because it is very useful for the brain.

According to experts, red pepper should also be included in the daily diet. If you can’t eat this whole vegetable, then chop finely and make seasonings for various dishes. Ground red pepper is also worth using.

Prepare delicious dishes with the addition of pepper for the whole family and be healthy! published