How to freeze raspberries for the winter in the refrigerator at home. How to freeze raspberries for the winter - fresh berries all year round

08.09.2019 Healthy eating

Everyone has known about the benefits of raspberries since childhood. After all, how many times did hot tea with raspberries help with colds, flu, or after a long stay in the cold.

Useful properties of raspberries

  • Raspberries are rich in sucrose, fructose and pectin. In its berries there are vitamins C, B, PP, A, E, D, fiber.
  • Raspberries contain salicylic acid.
  • It has potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, strontium, zinc, chromium and a lot of iron.
  • Raspberries are recommended for use in case of anemia and atherosclerosis.
  • Raspberry has a diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, analgesic effect.

No wonder they try to prepare it for the future in the form of jam, jam, compote.

Raspberries are well exposed and frozen. Then it completely preserves all the nutrients for a long time. The main thing is to freeze the berries correctly.

How to prepare raspberries for freezing

For freezing, it is best to use the freshly picked berries until they give juice and crumple. Therefore, the berries are harvested in dry weather, but not in the heat. Otherwise, overheated berries will quickly darken and lose their shape.

You can’t put the collected raspberries into deep buckets and baskets in which it is remembered. For this purpose, it is best to use shallow drawers or trays.

  • Collected raspberries need to be sorted out by removing leaflets and other garbage.
  • It is believed that raspberries do not need to be washed. But if earlier the ecology was better, now you should not put yourself in danger of picking up some intestinal infection due to unwashed berries. Even if raspberries grew in the country. After all, all the same, she was not under a cap: dusty winds blew through her, and it is not known what precipitations washed.

    Raspberries can not be washed only if jam is cooked from it, because heat treatment completely kills all microbes and bacteria.

    Therefore, before freezing, raspberries need to be washed. To do this, put the berries in a colander and wash them in small batches under running cold water and preferably under a shower so that a large pressure of water does not damage the integrity of the berries. Or a colander with berries is dipped several times in a container of cold water.

  • Inside raspberries, larvae often live and insects crawl. To get rid of them, you need to make a saline solution (take 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water) and pour raspberries on it. Larvae and other insects will float to the surface. They need to be caught, and the berries rinsed with clean water.
  • Then the berries are laid out in one layer on a well-absorbing fabric and dried.
  • The dried raspberries are laid out on a tray so that they do not touch each other, while removing mashed or spoiled ones.
  • The tray with berries is placed in the freezer for several hours to freeze.
  • As soon as the berries are frozen, they take out the tray, and pour the berries into plastic containers with lids. Since frozen berries cannot be re-frozen, they are packed in small batches. And again they put it in the freezer - already for permanent storage. In this state, the berries can be stored until the next harvest.

If the primary freezing procedure is omitted, and the dried berries are immediately put into containers, then after freezing they can turn into a solid lump that cannot be separated without first defrosting.

For storing frozen raspberries  sometimes they use cellophane bags. But ordinary bags are undesirable, since they are made from recycled materials and are not designed for prolonged exposure to subzero temperatures. Some bags during such storage emit harmful substances that are successfully absorbed by the berry.

Also, the package may break, and then the berries will be in an unpleasant neighborhood with meat products or absorb foreign odors. Therefore, bags can only be used durable and those that are specifically designed for packaging products.

How to freeze raspberries with sugar

The washed and dried berries are stacked in small plastic containers. To do this, a layer of sugar is poured onto the bottom of the container, then a layer of berries is laid out. The berries are covered with sugar. So create 2-3 layers. The container is tightly closed and cleaned in the freezer.

How to freeze raspberry puree

  • Crumpled and overripe berries (but not spoiled), which did not fit for freezing, are crushed with a potato crusher.
  • Sugar is added to the berry puree and mixed.
  • Raspberry puree is laid out in small plastic containers with lids or in lockable jars (not glass). But you need to remember that when freezing, all liquids increase in volume, so you do not need to lay the mashed potatoes flush with the top, but you need to leave about one third of the tank free.
  • If there are few plastic containers, then you can use them to form briquettes with raspberry puree. To do this, put a plastic bag intended for food products into the container and pour mashed potatoes into it.
  • The top of the bag is wrapped under a container, which is then placed in the freezer.
  • After the puree is frozen, the bag is taken out of the container and tied well. It turns out a neat briquette with frozen raspberry puree, which is placed in another dense bag to prevent leakage and knotted. Such briquettes are very convenient to store, as well as take as needed.

Rules for defrosting berries

Rapid defrosting is contraindicated for any products. Therefore, frozen berries are transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator and thawed naturally.

In this recipe I will tell you how to freeze raspberries for the winter in different ways: with sugar and without sugar, whole in a bag, in a container. Each of them can be used for different recipes and occasions. When you need to decorate ready-made desserts or pastries, raspberries, frozen without sugar in a container, will help out. For berry puree, smoothie, jelly and other drinks, whole frozen berries in a bag are suitable. Well, raspberries with sugar are a universal preparation, you can just eat it, make ice cream, add to desserts, make jelly or sweet sauce for pancakes.

To freeze raspberries for the winter in the refrigerator you will need:

  • Ripe dense raspberries - how many are;
  • sugar - at the rate of 2 tbsp. l for 150 g of berries;
  • small containers for freezing;
  • tight bags.

Harvesting raspberries for the winter in the freezer

How to freeze whole raspberries in a package

Select dense berries without damage. Put a bag on a flat dish or board so that the dishes are inside between the layers of polyethylene. If you want to freeze whole raspberries for the winter, then spread the berries at a distance from one another, preferably with their caps up, so that nothing gets inside. A neat layout will take some time, but you will be sure that after freezing you will have a portion of mouth-watering berries that will not stick together in an ice lump upon further storage. Put in the freezer for several hours. After making sure that the raspberries are frozen, wrap the bottom of the bag on the berries and remove from the dish. They will be inside the package in bulk, separating from one another. Tie, sign and store in the freezer.

Freezing raspberries in a container

The principle and technology are not very different from the method described above. The difference in the convenience of storage and preservation of the berries themselves - in the container, raspberries will not break, will not crumble, it will look like it has just been picked from the bush. Wrap a cutting board or plate with cellophane or foil, arrange the berries so that they do not touch each other. Cover with cling film and place in the freezer. After 10-12 hours, when the raspberries freeze well, separate from the cellophane and put in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Then place in a dense plastic bag, write.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter with sugar

For freezing with sugar, the berries do not have to be selective. Small, slightly overripe (but not damaged), immature, not particularly presentable species - these are what we will need. If after freezing you plan to store raspberries with briquettes without packaging, then cover the container with cling film. If in the package, then you can do without a film.

Lay the berries in layers in a container or in another container, pouring sugar. At the bottom, be sure to pour sugar with a layer of 1-1.5 cm, so that if juice is released from raspberries, sugar absorbs it. Close tightly or wrap with foil and freeze. You need to store such a workpiece in the freezer, taking out a portion at a time as necessary.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter - useful tips

Only freshly picked raspberries are suitable for freezing. After lying in the refrigerator for at least a day, it loses some vitamins, fades, begins to darken or become sour.

Before freezing, inspect a batch of raspberries, remove any crumpled and leaked berries. Of these, you can cook compote or add to baking, but they are not suitable for cooking in the freezer. Even a small amount of juice will not succeed in freezing the berries in bulk, they will freeze into a monolith, and when you try to divide this lump, they will break into pieces.

Do not wash raspberries before dry freezing. The delicate skin is easily damaged, quickly softens under the influence of water, the berries become watery. Drying will not work, raspberries will remain moist, sour.

Do not freeze raspberries in large portions. Pack as much as you need at a time - 150-200 grams or less / more. Re-freezing is unacceptable, therefore, having thawed, everything will have to be used.

Frozen raspberries can be stored until the next harvest, but with us it usually ends already in the middle of winter. We hope that our simple tips from our own experience will be useful for you and will help you freeze raspberries for the winter in many ways. Tasty winter for you!

How to freeze raspberries for the winter - three ways to freeze

  In this recipe, I will tell you how to freeze raspberries for the winter in different ways: whole, in a container, in a bag, with sugar, how to prepare and store it correctly.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter

In this article we will tell and show how to freeze raspberries and what, about simple freezing and freezing with sugar.


  • Raspberries - 500g.

How to cook berries for freezing: how to freeze raspberries for the winter

Raspberries for dry freezing are not washed, but simply sorted out, removing instances that are not suitable for storage. They do not wash it either for baking a pie, for jam - for the preparation of those dishes where heat treatment is present.

Important: even after a very gentle washing under running water, raspberries will “let the juice go”. In addition, it absorbs moisture like a sponge due to its extremely delicate texture and shape that resembles a thimble. This moisture in the freezer will turn into ice, chained raspberries in a continuous conglomerate.

The size of the container should correspond to the size of the portion: so, if you know that for pie or jelly you need 200-250 g of raspberries, use small containers. If you plan to use a larger volume, then a larger container is suitable.

Why such difficulties? The less often you take the berries out of the chamber, the less they will be covered with hoarfrost, the longer the frozen raspberries will retain their shape and color.

Raspberry frost with sugar

If you have a good but slightly overripe raspberry, you can compromise: sprinkle it with sugar. Its crystals will take on the liquid, which will certainly be present when thawing overripe fruits.

When laying in a container, it is convenient to sprinkle each layer with sugar directly in the container; it is easier to put berries already sprinkled with sugar in a plastic bag.

The layers should not be mixed - the integrity of the soft fruits will be violated. The amount of sugar is determined by eye. So, for 250-300 g of berries you need 3-4 tablespoons.

Simple and unsophisticated nuances will help you freeze raspberries for the winter and store it for 12 months or more. Frozen raspberries with sugar are not stored for too long - up to 3-4 months.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter: the rules for freezing berries

In this article we will tell and show how to freeze raspberries and what, about simple freezing and freezing with sugar.

How to freeze raspberries: ways with sugar and without it

Raspberry is a very tender berry, and if you do not know certain subtleties, then you will not be able to save it for the winter. How to freeze raspberries in different ways, you will learn in this article.

Only fresh berries are allowed for freezing. Overripe and mashed raspberries should not be taken.

  • Choose the right packaging. The basic rule for dry freezing: condensation should not form in a container with stored berries. Otherwise, instead of crumbly berries, you are guaranteed to get crumpled ice mass and a layer of hoarfrost. It is best to use plastic containers with tight-fitting lids. Conventional dense polyethylene bags have proven themselves well.
  • Ideally, the container volume should correspond to one serving. Remember: the less often the berries leave the freezer and come in contact with warm air, the less frost forms on them. This will help to preserve the color and shape of frozen raspberries for a longer time.
  • No need to fill containers completely. Raspberries will crumple and give off juice, which is not good for her. If the freezer is small, then the pre-frozen berry can be packed in plastic bags.

Each box with raspberries needs to be additionally packed in polyethylene. This will protect the berry from the formation of frost if the lid is not tight enough.

With sugar, you can freeze slightly ripened raspberries. Sweet crystals absorb all excess fluid. When laying berries in containers, each layer should be sprinkled with sugar. About three to four tablespoons of granulated sugar are taken for 250 grams of raspberry. No need to mix.

During storage of raspberries in sugar in a freezer, it is desirable to maintain a temperature of –18 to –22. The method of dry freezing helps preserve raspberries from one crop to another, that is, at least 8-12 months. Frozen in sugar, it is stored for no longer than four months.

With quick and proper freezing, raspberries retain their taste and benefits. From it you can prepare a warming drink that will accelerate recovery from a cold, and create bright, delicious pastries.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter correctly - Woman s Day

  How to freeze raspberries? At home, the berry can be frozen in a dry way and in sugar.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter.

Raspberry is a tasty and healthy berry, but in our latitudes it grows only in the summer. And the hostesses so want to keep her fresh and full of vitamins for the winter. There is a great solution - freezing.

Preparing raspberries for freezing.

Raspberries collected at their own site or bought at the market need to be frozen as quickly as possible, before they have lost their beneficial properties. There more, it deteriorates quite quickly. But first, the berry must be washed carefully. To do this, put raspberries in a colander in small portions, substitute under a gentle stream of water. Or dip a colander several times in a large container with clean water. Then the berries should be dried on a cotton cloth, laid out in one layer. An hour later, raspberries will dry out and need to be sorted out, removing damaged and overripe berries. You can freeze raspberries in several ways: whole, mashed potatoes, whole berries in mashed potatoes, seedless mashed potatoes.

Freezing raspberries for the winter with a whole berry.

Put the prepared raspberries on a cutting board or tray in one layer. It is important that the berries do not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together when frozen.

Place the tray in the freezer for several hours to let the berries freeze. Remove from the freezer and pour into a bag or plastic container and place in the freezer for permanent storage. Such raspberries can decorate a cake, morning oatmeal, pour jelly.

The planet "FOOD" will tell you how to freeze raspberries for the winter with whole berries?

Freezing raspberry puree.

For mashed potatoes, you can take and overripe berries. Turn the prepared raspberries into mashed potatoes using a wooden pestle or blender. You can add sugar at will, then the consistency of the puree will be softer. It is convenient to freeze the mass in plastic cups or special rectangular containers. You can also use silicone molds for this.

If your containers are not enough, and you will freeze a lot, you can do as follows. Cover the container with a plastic bag, pour mashed potatoes, freeze. Take it out of the freezer, remove the bag from the freezer from the container and put the finished mashed potatoes back into the freezer for storage. Puree in the bag will take the form of the container into which it was poured during the freezing process. Thus, it will be convenient to store it in the freezer, and the container will be used only to make it convenient for ready mashed potatoes.

Freezing whole raspberries in mashed potatoes.

Add whole berries to the raspberry puree, mix gently so as not to damage the raspberries, freeze in a convenient container.

Freezing raspberry pureed seedless.

If you like to eat raspberries, but small seeds interfere with you, you can freeze the raspberry puree without stones. To do this, wipe the finished raspberry puree through a sieve, freeze. Raspberries, frozen in this way, are ideal for sweet sauces for desserts, added to drinks.

Defrosting raspberries.

It is better to defrost berries in the refrigerator, if time permits you. Or at room temperature if raspberries are needed urgently. It is better to freeze mashed potatoes in a small container to use the entire portion at once. With repeated freezing, raspberries lose their beneficial properties. If you plan to cook a dish that is cooked from raspberries (for example, compote), then you can not defrost it, but use it immediately for cooking.

As you can see, it is possible to freeze raspberries for the winter quickly and easily, if you know some subtleties. And then in the winter you will have a supply of healthy and beautiful berries.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter

  How to freeze raspberries for the winter. Raspberry is a tasty and healthy berry, but in our latitudes it grows only in the summer. And the hostesses so want to keep her fresh and full of vitamins for the winter.

Hello dear readers. Raspberries differ from other berries in their beneficial properties. From early childhood, our mothers prepared warming tea with these fragrant berries. He always helped with colds and flu, saved after long winter walks. During the raspberry season, it can be prepared for future use. For this, the option of freezing berries is perfect. It retains not only its shape, but also its benefits, while observing the preparation technology and the freezing process.

  How to prepare raspberries for freezing

For freezing, it is worth choosing dense, not overripe berries, which were collected recently. If raspberries have been lying for some time, then juice is formed, it can wrinkle under its weight.

Such a crop will not be able to remain in a friable state when frozen, as the saying goes “berry to berry”. Another nuance when collecting, it is better to choose cool weather or late afternoon, removed from the bush raspberries in the heat, will quickly darken and let the juice.

  Stages of proper freezing

  1. To pick berries in your garden, it is better to use shallow containers, and small boxes or trays.
  2. Before freezing, it is imperative to sort the raspberries, if it was bought in the market, then rinse. Do this only in a bowl of water, not under the tap. Running water can damage the berries.
  3. After washing the berries, transfer to a paper towel, wait for them to dry completely. If this is not done, then being in the freezer, an ice layer will form on it.
  4. Depending on the size of the shelves in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, put raspberries on a tray in one layer or in a tray. For convenience, you can cover it with a baking mat, then frozen berries will be easier to pour.

  How to freeze raspberries, mashed with sugar

Raspberries are very helpful in the winter, before the freezing, grated with sugar. For this, it is not necessary to use only selected berries.

You will need the same ratio: to 1 kilogram of raspberries, 1 kilogram of sugar.


  1. Berries with sugar are transferred to a container of suitable volume.
  2. Grind in any convenient way: using a submersible blender is most convenient.
  3. A mixture of raspberries with sugar is left at room temperature until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. It is better to choose containers small, portioned. So raspberries do not have to re-freeze.
  5. Tanks and lids, if necessary, are washed and dried until the moisture evaporates completely.
  6. The ground berries are mixed and poured into prepared containers. Close tightly with lids and transfer to the freezer.

You can freeze raspberry juice, for this, transfer the sweet-berry mixture into a colander, covered with two layers of gauze or in a fine sieve. Squeeze the juice, pour it into small plastic bottles or containers and send to the freezer. Such a recipe is suitable for those who do not want to drink tea with raspberry seeds in the winter.

  How to freeze fresh raspberries so that the berries are whole

It is pleasant to surprise children with fresh raspberries on the table in the winter season. To do this, it is enough to freeze it with whole berries. This is very easy to do if you follow these guidelines.

In advance, sort out the crop, remove all the stalks, leaves or trapped insects. If necessary, rinse the berries by carefully pouring them into a colander and lowering them several times in a container of water. Or gently pour raspberries with water.

If there are a lot of bugs on raspberries, you can get rid of them if you add a spoonful of sodium chloride to the washing water. After that, rinse the raspberries already in ordinary water, without removing it from the colander.

If the berries were washed, then completely dry them on a clean cloth or on paper towels. It is preferable to choose a raspberry that does not need to be washed. She’s better frozen.

You will need to lay the berries in one layer on a pallet, which is suitable for the size of the shelf of the freezer.

Once again check the integrity of the berries, if crushed, remove them immediately. Send for several hours in the freeze.

After that, get the pallet, pour iced raspberries into a tight bag, tie it well.

If this sequence is observed, the berries will remain intact, after freezing they will remain in a friable state.

  How to freeze raspberries without sugar

If you don’t have enough time to prepare jam or no one eats it in the family, and the raspberry crop has already ripened, you can save it. For this, freezing berries without sugar is suitable. This method will allow you to cook jelly or compote in the winter, bake flavored cakes.

Three ways to freeze sugar free

  1. In the container

For this method, prepare raspberries in advance: sort out twigs and bad berries, rinse if necessary, immersing in a container of water (to remove bugs, slightly salt the water), then dry well on a paper towel.

Lay out the sorted berries on the shelf of the freezer, having previously covered it with a baking mat. After freezing, it will be easier to separate it from the surface.

Leave to freeze for a couple of hours. When the berries are frozen, pour them into plastic containers.

For convenience, you can sign them. Put back in the freezer.

  2. In the package

This method is similar to the previous one. Its difference is that after preliminary freezing, the berries are poured into dense packets and well tied.

Each packaging can be signed. This method is suitable for those who have a small freezer or want to save space in it.

  3. chopped raspberries

Raspberry puree can be frozen without adding sugar. To do this, sort the berries, removing the garbage. You can grind it in any convenient way: through a meat grinder, a submersible blender, or mash it with a fork.

Distribute the resulting mass into plastic containers or small bottles, the most optimal volume of 0.33 liters. Sign and place the containers in the freezer.

  Frozen raspberries - what can you make from it

Raspberries are perfectly frozen, retains their shape after thawing. Such a preparation will make it possible to prepare fragrant desserts with your favorite berry all year round. It will be a great filling for pies, rolls, a component for smoothies or milkshakes. Of course, you can cook compotes from it, the taste will be like fresh berries.

Recipes with frozen raspberries.

  1. Mannik

You will need:

  • kefir - 2 glasses;
  • frozen raspberries with whole berries - 250 grams;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • semolina - 2 glasses;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • soft butter - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Kefir pour into a bowl, pour semolina. Stir, leave to swell for 1 hour.
  2. Remove raspberries from the freezer, leave on the table to defrost.
  3. Whisk sugar and egg with a whisk or blender, add to the kefir-semolina mixture.
  4. Add oil and soda, mix well.
  5. Pour the contents of the bowl into a mold pre-coated with oil, if silicone is used, you do not need to lubricate it.
  6. Drain the liquid from raspberries, spread the berries on top of the dough, deepening a little.
  7. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

  2. Lazy oatmeal with frozen raspberries

This option will be an excellent breakfast that does not take away precious morning time. All cooking takes place in the evening, then is cleaned in the refrigerator until morning.

Would need:

Long cooked oat flakes - 25 gr.;

Frozen raspberries (mashed potatoes or berries without sugar) - 40 gr.;

Ryazhenka - 150 ml .;

Sugar - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Prepare a small jar or glass;
  2. Pour oatmeal into it, add fermented baked milk and sugar, frozen raspberries.
  3. Stir, cover with a lid or cling film.
  4. Put in the refrigerator until morning.

If you properly prepare and freeze raspberries, then it will not lose its shape and vitamins. How to choose it correctly:

  1. For freezing, use only dense berries. Refuse overripe, darkened. They will definitely let the juice turn into ice.
  2. Send raspberries to the freezer only chilled. We'll have to wait a while until it cools off from the hot summer sun. In your garden, it is advisable to pick berries in the evening, and having bought them at the market, put them on the table to acquire room temperature.
  3. Any kind of raspberry is suitable for freezing, the preparation technology is the same for them. First freeze, then remove in containers for long-term storage.
  4. It is preferable not to wash the berries before freezing. Under this condition, it will not freeze in one lump, but will be crumbly.
  5. It is more convenient to freeze raspberries in portions, in small containers or bags. If you get it, and then re-freeze it, then a layer of frost will appear on the berries.
  6. If the raspberry crop is overripe, but it is still necessary to preserve it, then the berries can be transferred to containers, with a thin layer, each sprinkled with sugar. You do not need to mix them.
  7. Frozen raspberries retain their vitamins well, can lie in the freezer for up to 6 months.

  How to thaw raspberries properly

Raspberries from the freezer, with proper defrosting, will be no worse than fresh berries.

Slow defrost

Remove the berries from the freezer and place them on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. 30 minutes will be enough, but you can leave it for 1 hour. After this time, get the berries and thaw to the end at room temperature.

Raspberries, which is used for pies, can be thawed if desired, but this is not necessary. So that she does not let the juice in during the heating process, you will need to pour it with potato or corn starch, for every 250 grams of berries, two teaspoons will be enough. If you put frozen raspberries in water for faster defrosting, then it will certainly lose its shape and secrete juice.

Raspberry is an exceptionally healthy and tasty berry. In order to be able to include raspberries and off-season in their diet, they harvest it in various ways, including freezing it. It should be noted that freezing berries is one of the most optimal ways of harvesting them. In fact, when freezing foods, we lose only a small fraction of vitamins and other beneficial substances.

How to freeze fresh raspberries?

  • Of course, it’s good if you have a separate powerful freezer in your household that provides shock freezing, but you can completely get by with a modern powerful refrigerator.
  • Raspberry berries should be sorted before freezing. We remove leaves, insects accidentally caught and overripe berries, we leave only whole, elastic, undamaged.
  • Before freezing, it is better not to wash the delicate raspberry berries so that they do not lose their shape and do not let the juice go. If you still had to rinse - put it on a napkin, let it dry well.

What is the best way to freeze raspberries?

  • It is better to freeze raspberries in small portions: the approximate optimal volume is a 250-300 ml glass.
  • We pour the prepared raspberries into a small bag, tie it on a knot, and then put it in another bag, which we tightly tie, leaving a little empty space in both packages (this technique will allow the berries not to crumple). You can also use dry clean plastic containers with lids.
  • Now we place the prepared containers with raspberries in the trays of the freezer compartment and freeze until completely frozen. When the berries are completely frozen, you can transfer packages or containers to shelves in the freezer and store until the next harvest.
  • It is best to thaw frozen raspberries before use at room temperature. However, if you plan to use it for further heat treatment, you can resort to more active methods of defrosting.

We will tell you what can be prepared from frozen (already thawed) raspberries.

Frozen Raspberry Sour Cream Pie


  • frozen raspberries - about 400 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • brandy - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • high-grade wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml (or creamy melted);
  • sugar - about 100-150 g;
  • canceled soda - 1 pinch;
  • vanilla - 1 pinch.


Beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream, butter, quenched soda, vanilla, brandy. Sowing a little flour, knead the dough. Mix thoroughly, you can with a mixer. The dough should turn out to be liquidy. We grease the baking dish with oil (this is not required for silicone molds). Pour half the dough into the mold, spread a layer of berries on top, then fill in the dough and spread the second layer of berries. We bake the cake in the oven at a temperature of about 200 degrees C for about 30-40 minutes. Readiness is checked by piercing a match in the middle, it should remain dry. Cool slightly before cutting. Serve with fresh.

Frozen Raspberry Jelly


  • thawed raspberries - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • potato or corn starch - 4-6 tbsp. spoons.


Wash the berries through a sieve. In a saucepan, dissolve sugar in water and put on fire. We dilute starch in a small amount of water. Let the syrup boil for about 3 minutes. Then pour in the starch and lay mashed raspberry mass. Gently stirring, bring to a boil. Serve best when warm.

Frozen Raspberry Compote


We will not boil the compote, otherwise we will lose vitamin C, which is a lot in frozen raspberries. It’s better to put raspberries thawed in a natural way in a thermos and pour boiling water, or even better - with water at a temperature of no higher than 80-70 degrees C (there are modern electric kettles that provide controlled heating). Hold in a thermos for at least 20 minutes, let the compote infuse. Sugar - you want - add, you want - no, without it it is more useful.

Any housewife who cares about family health needs to know how to freeze raspberries for the winter in the refrigerator or in the freezer without sugar, especially for followers of paragraphs. Raspberries - very tasty and healthy, has a low calorie content (41 kcal per 100 g) and high taste. Recipes of many pp pies, mousses, cocktails, casseroles, desserts include the use of not only fresh, but also frozen berries.

Raspberry jam preparations are very popular, but it has a significant drawback: it is prepared with sugar and subjected to lengthy heat treatment. Therefore, it is better for adherents of good nutrition to freeze raspberries for the winter, and not cook jam from it. Besides freezing without cooking allows you to save all the beneficial properties of berries.

Why freeze raspberries at all?

I like to freeze raspberries in the fall.

There are such varieties - repairing ones - they give two and even more crops, and this one, the last one, I send to the freezer.

In autumn I try to freeze both strawberries and greens.

So blanks lie less in the freezer, which means that nutrients are stored better.

In winter, frozen berries will help diversify the diet. They prepare a lot of pp-shnyh and not only dishes. These berries are very useful in many ways:

  • rich in natural sugars - fructose, glucose, pentose;
  • contain the necessary organic acids for man - tartaric, malic, salicylic, citric;
  • saturated with vitamins of various groups - C, A, B.

It also has many other substances that have a positive effect on the body. Thanks to salicylic acid, berries have an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

But what should especially appeal to those who are following the figure or are at the stage of pp-weight loss - raspberries are indispensable in the diet of losing weight!  Due to its low glycemic index, an easy laxative and cleansing effect, the ability to stimulate the production of bile and lower cholesterol, this berry contributes to weight loss!

Japanese scientists have proven that the ketones that make up raspberries act as a fat burner for synephrine, speeding up metabolism and allowing you to burn more calories, moreover, using exactly fat reserves. The only condition is that the whole diet at the time of eating raspberries as a fat burner should be with the minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates.

The best pp ways to freeze raspberries

You can freeze fresh raspberries in various ways: whole and in the form of mashed potatoes, independently and as part of fruit and berry mixtures.

This is done both in the freezer with the function of shock freezing, and in an ordinary freezer in any refrigerator (just such a way of freezing is common at home).

Whichever option is chosen, the benefits of frozen raspberries are in any case higher than those of boiled and canned.

Do raspberries wash before freezing

Often housewives are interested in whether to wash raspberries before freezing.

It is believed that freezing raspberries for the winter does not require washing, since the bacteria located on the surface of the berries die as a result of exposure to negative temperatures during freezing and storage in the freezer.

Besides raspberry is a very delicate product, and is easily damaged even under the influence of a stream of water.

But in addition to bacteria on the berries can be dust, harmful substances and other undesirable particles.

Therefore, it is still worth washing them.

It is most convenient to use a double colander - silicone or plastic. Berries are placed in the lower colander, the upper one is set on top, only then a stream of water is sent to the dishes. The jet disperses into small drops and washes the berries without crushing or damaging them. You can also drop a colander with berries into the water, let the water drain and put the dishes on a towel to completely get rid of the water. It is absolutely unacceptable to rinse fresh raspberries with shaking.

Freeze whole vitamin berries

Here's how to freeze whole raspberries for the winter without sugar:

prepared dried berries are poured onto a plastic tray covered with paper and put in the freezer for a couple of hours;

after they are poured into dishes or a container;

let out air, for example, as in the photo - using a regular straw. Z is sealed and sent for final freezing and long-term storage;

Freezing raspberries in bags, bypassing the preliminary freeze on a baking sheet, is a faster way, but the berries can stick together and lose their shape. In addition, sticky berries are difficult to dose later in use.

If the berries are mixed with other types of fruits, then they are treated the same way: dried, frozen, packaged. It is good to combine raspberries with cherries, plums, blackberries, apricots, currants and even oranges.

You can decorate desserts with whole raspberries, and instead of ice cubes they can cool cocktails and herbal teas.

Raspberry puree for the winter

Berry puree is also a good option.

The prepared berries are beaten in a blender, knead with a rolling pin or a crush, poured into molds, covered with foil or film and placed in the freezer. It is very tasty to put raspberry puree in a casserole, mousse, smoothie or compote in the winter. Raspberry puree can be mixed with mashed potatoes from other fruits. It is interesting to fill in mashed orange peel halves and freeze.

Sometimes it is advised to remove the bones by wiping through a sieve. No need to do this - it is in the bones that the magic “weight loss” ketones are hidden, as well as substances that help fight viruses, colds.

Here is a simple video on how to freeze raspberry puree:

Raspberry honey

Another way to freeze raspberries for the winter is to mix it with honey.

It is necessary to take 1 part of honey for 5-6 parts of prepared berries and combine everything.

Frozen in sachets or pouches.

I put the packages in small containers, fill the mass, and then, as it freezes, I take out the bag, wrap and store such “bricks”.It’s convenient that the dishes can be used again, and the form is the best for the freezer.

Whole large berries are suitable for freezing unchanged. And the pressed, less beautiful, pressed down will fit for mashed potatoes.

Berries with signs of spoilage, rot, mold must not be frozen, hoping that the cold will stop putrefactive processes. This may argue the whole party.