Pancakes from expired sour cream. Pancakes on sour cream lush recipe with photos

23.04.2019 Healthy food

It is not worth waiting for any reason to please your loved ones with a delicious breakfast. Both children and adults are delighted when delicious pancakes baked at home appear on the table.

In the morning, eating such a dish does not harm anyone, even those who watch their figure. Moreover, your day will begin with a good mood and the right mood.

Many housewives are well aware that sour cream pancakes are a real find. The fact is that their recipes are diverse, but at the same time very simple.

You can cook them when there is absolutely no time for cooking more serious dishes. Plus, the necessary components do not cost expensive amounts, and therefore, having a couple of bills in your pocket, you can perfectly feed the whole family.

The list of ingredients is really small, but everyone will be satisfied, eating delicious surprisingly tasty homemade pancakes.

I know different recipes. They bake pancakes on sour cream, kefir, milk, with the addition of yeast, chicken. eggs, on different grades and types of flour.

Even an aspiring cook will be able to bake pancakes on sour cream at home; they will turn out thin, delicate and very beautiful. The choice of which recipe to use is yours.

Product Preparation

In fact, no special action is needed. Before you bake pancakes on sour cream or on water you need to sift a couple of times the specified amount of flour. Thus, the mass will be saturated with oxygen, and your pancakes from sour cream will be even tastier.

All products should first be removed from the refrigerator so that they are at the same temperature, but not more than 37 grams.

The main secret of cooking lies solely in what you need to do exactly what your chosen recipe indicates.

On this, with a theoretical basis, everything, I suggest to proceed to practice. I hope that at least one recipe from my article will appeal to you, and you will definitely try to implement it in the near future.

I will begin, perhaps, with an interesting recipe, inherited from my grandmother. To make it clearer to understand the actions, I attached a photo to them.

Grandma's recipe

Before I tell you how to make pancakes on sour cream using my grandmother’s method, I need to clarify that in the end, baking will turn out to be delicate, soft, you will definitely enjoy the pleasant creamy taste.

If you compare the dough for pancakes on sour cream, it is very different from the one prepared in milk, even if the recipe on sour cream also includes chickens. eggs, and baking on the water.

Components: 2 tbsp. flour; 2.5 Art. water; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 3 tbsp. sour cream; 1 tbsp. sugar and rast. oils.

Algorithm cooking, painted step by step:

  1. Chickens Mix eggs with sugar and salt. Complements a lot of sour cream.
  2. I add water to the container. Begin to beat the dough mixture.
  3. Flour fall asleep. Be sure to sow it before this, try not to neglect this item. I interfere with the mass, only then I enter the growth. butter.
  4. I give the mass to stand in a calm state, although a quarter of an hour. This point can be neglected as needed.
  5. I fry thin pancakes on sour cream, paying attention to each side. Finished pancakes piled on top of each other, forming a pile.

It should be noted that such pastries on sour cream will not immediately dry. You can eat it even on the second day after preparation.

If desired, pancakes on sour cream can be warmed up if you have a microwave oven at home. You can also reach the goal in the pan, you should not even grease the dishes. oil

This recipe does not end there, because below I have prepared some more interesting ways how to prepare a dish on sour cream at home.

Openwork pancakes with sour cream on yogurt

Preparing pancakes on sour cream and kefir, you will notice that the dough will not be as thick as it was in the above case.

I always advise to dilute the mixture with water or make it on kefir. Baking you can cook fragrant, openwork, and even covered with mouth-watering holes.

Ingredients: 250 ml sour cream; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 1 tsp soda; 3 tbsp. var. oils; 2 tbsp. kefir and flour; salt, sugar - by the eye.

Algorithm of cooking, supplemented by photo:

  1. I combine sour cream and kefir in one bowl. Mix well two compositions.
  2. I add to the mass on kefir salt, sugar, rast. butter and flour. Beat up. If you need to report part of the flour yet.
  3. Dough on kefir does not even need to give time for sludge, you can use for frying immediately after preparation.
  4. I cook thin pancakes on the first side very carefully, since otherwise, they cannot be turned over successfully, as can be when cooking with milk.

As for flour, the amount of this ingredient in this case may vary. Everything will depend on how fat sour cream is.

Fluffy sour cream pancakes with milk

These pancakes will not only be lush, but also have a very unusual taste. I like them very much, like my relatives.

In the morning, they can have breakfast with tea, complementing the dish with some topping, certainly not one of those who enjoy a tasty meal will refuse.

Components: 1 pack. vanilla; 1 tbsp. sour cream and flour; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; a little soda and salt; 0.5 tbsp. milk

Pancake cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. Vanillin, chickens. eggs and sugar beat together. Stir separately soda, salt and flour. Pour milk, then sour cream in a third bowl.
  2. I mix the first mixture with the second and third. Stir the dough does not stop all this time.
  3. I clean the lumps, start baking pancakes. How exactly to make pancakes on sour cream is up to you. They can be thin or thick, with holes or not.

This item will also depend on the size of the pan itself.

Pancakes with sour cream

I liked the recipe because it is very simple and takes only 25 minutes. This is in view of the preparation of products and baking. Dish on sour cream is obtained tender.

The set of products is not complicated, the method of cooking can be attributed to the ideal also because you can use expired sour cream on it.

The product may simply be forgotten by you in the refrigerator, but you should not despair, because with it you can make very tasty pancakes.

Components: 0.5 tbsp. flour; var. butter; 100 ml sour cream; 1 PC. chickens egg; a pinch of soda and salt; 50 ml of water and 1.5 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Beat the egg and mix with rast. butter, sugar and salt, add sour cream.
  2. Poured into a mass of 50 hot water. I interfere with the mixture in the water. The mass can be heated in a microwave oven, so that it is in a warm form.
  3. I put flour 1 tbsp. spoons. I exclude lumps.
  4. I make pancakes.

As a clarification, I would like to note that you can use not only sour cream, you can take a fresh product. The taste of this will not get worse or better.

Baking pancakes at home should not be difficult if you know these secrets:

  • When the kneading was done in large quantities, you can bake pancakes on two pans at once.
  • Liquid should be poured into flour during kneading, and not vice versa. Then there will be no lumps in the dough.
  • If the pancakes are hard, grease them before serving on the table sl. oil Cover the stack with a lid, this will allow the dough to soften.
  • Grease pan. or cl. butter before baking pancakes.
  • In order to get openwork pancakes, you can add a little mineral water with gases in the dough.
  • The finished product can be stacked and packaged in cellophane. In this form, safely put in the freezer. Before you eat, they will only need to be heated in a microwave oven or in a frying pan.

My recipe video

Hi everyone! And again we are talking about pancakes, and about those that are made from sour cream. Have you done such at least once in your life? What were your successes?

In fact, the technology of making such snacks is almost no different from the traditional classical variants on or only the main component will now be sour cream, maybe you have been lying around in your refrigerator for a long time and you can use it with great success in this dish.

Especially since I still want to offer you a little creative recipe at the very end, which you will notice after reading this article. Do you know why? Because this look will be very nourishing and unique in its taste.

Since there is a great variety of varieties, I offer you the first option so that the pancakes turn out thin, and then there will be others - lush. After all, there is a matter of taste, who prefers what, he will do such.

We will need:

  • flour - 200 g
  • sour cream 10% - 1 tbsp.
  • egg - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • vanillin - 1 pinch
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • butter
  • maple syrup to taste

Cooking method:

1. Add sugar, soda, and sour cream immediately after the flour.

Important! Before you make the dough, sift the flour through a sieve so that it is saturated with oxygen, and then it turns out those very necessary patterned holes.

Mix gently mass with an ordinary hand whisk, no need to shoot down. Add a pinch of salt and stir.

3. Mix egg mass with dough.

4. The dough will turn out to be watery and should be without a single lump.

5. Now take a piece of butter and grease the pan for the first pancake so that it does not stick.

6. It remains to fry now, to do this, heat the frying pan over medium heat and pour the dough into a pan, spread evenly over the surface. Wait until the first side is browned, then flip to the other side.

Grease each pancake with butter, you can decorate with balls of ice cream and pour maple syrup.

Pancakes on sour cream and milk (obtained openwork)

Even if you have never cooked these treats on sour cream, I assure you that you will not regret if you prepare them for an afternoon snack or a light dessert today. After all, precisely those sweet gourmets that are made with love and care for your loved ones will always remind you, the very taste from childhood.

I remember in my youth I loved to eat them so much that my grandmother did not have time to pour them into the pan, and I already asked for extras. There were times…

We will need:

  • sour cream 10-15% - 1 tbsp.
  • milk - 100 ml
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l
  • flour - 200 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Break a pair of chicken eggs in a bowl, and add sugar and salt to them quickly.

2. Carefully, slowly, whisk slightly into a fluffy mass.

3. Then add the milk, which is preheated to a warm state on the stove. Stir, then pour sour cream, it should be warm, but not hot, it will be enough if you have it on the table for some time and it will become room temperature.

4. For air bubble dough, it is necessary to sift the flour through a sieve several times, it will also saturate it with oxygen, which will affect the pleasant taste. It is necessary to try and mix the mixture well so as not to form lumps.

5. Next, add the baking soda, extinguish it lightly with lemon juice or citric acid. Although this step can be skipped, because sour cream is a sour product and the soda in it can easily be extinguished and the hissing and bubbling go.

6. Here is the reaction, all the dough for pancakes in the bubbles, as if in holes. Awesome property, two times and done).

7. Now put the dough to rest for at least 15 minutes, and then bake some snacks in the pan. It is best to fry the suns either on a special crepe maker, or to take a cast-iron or non-stick frying pan with a thick bottom so that the dough is well cooked and the pancake is not lindened to the dishes.

Before baking, grease the pan lightly with vegetable oil using a silicone brush, heat it and then pour the liquid over the ladle. As soon as you see the rosy edge, flip the pancake to the other side.

8. The second side is fried much faster than the first, keep this in mind. Delicious discoveries to you, help yourself!

Homemade sour cream pancakes: recipe without eggs

Another fairly simple option, suitable for the fast table, when it is Maslenitsa. Therefore, I suggest that you try it too, incredibly, but it turns out to be truly delicious too, although in my opinion, of course, the eggs are tastier with eggs))).

The recipe is quite interesting, because it uses starch, which gives a certain zest, pancakes are made fluffy and very elegant. Without starch, nothing will come out, the dough will stick to the pot.

We will need:

  • flour - 300 g
  • sour cream 20% - 200 g
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Get to work as usual with cooking dough. Sift all the dry ingredients through a sieve, it is flour, soda and starch in one cup, take it deeper. Then pour in small pieces of water at room temperature, stir.

2. Salt, sugar and sour cream you will need to mix in another container, and then add to the obtained without lumps of dough. Stir and pour in vegetable oil. Let stand for 30 minutes under the lid, and then proceed to baking pancakes.

3. It should be remembered that such round tortillas are fried in a well heated pan on both sides, for the first pancake the pan should be greased with vegetable oil, and all subsequent pancakes are already dry.

Bake on both sides until success in the form of beautiful and ruddy suns awaits you. Pour syrup or jam and eat for health! Enjoy your meal!

Delicious recipe for pancakes on water and sour cream

I would like to show you the recipe, which is distinguished by its unusual preparation, make these sweets with a bit of sugar, do not know what it is, then watch this video more quickly, you are unlikely to resist this magnificent dish.

Sour cream cheese pancakes - a step by step recipe

Already I wanted to finish the article, and then I came across this option, which struck me, really, and I couldn’t have thought of it myself before. Since I just love cheese, I just fell in love with this kind. Moreover, the dish has only become more satisfying and tasty.

If you are a cheese lover, then I suggest today to bake such gourmands for your favorite people for breakfast, they will delight everyone with their gentleness and appetizing. The main thing is that you can easily sgangan such a breakfast or say snack at any time. Children from such a dessert delighted! So, let's go, act.

We will need:

  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 2 tbsp
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp
  • hard cheese - 100 g

Cooking method:

1. Beat two eggs and add a little salt and flour, whisk with a whisk so that there are no lumps.

2. Add sour cream and continue to beat.

3. The dough turned out homogeneous and notice without sugar, as it is not appropriate here.

4. Heat the pan and grease it with butter.

5. Then pour and mix the mixture in the pan and fry in the pan until ready, then turn over and immediately sprinkle with cheese grated on a fine grater. Cover and hold for 10 seconds to melt the cheese.

6. After the pancake is roasted, put it on a plate and roll it into a roll.

7. Pancakes turn out not too thin, and the filling is very tasty and tasty, serve them hot, 4 pancakes will come out of this amount. Enjoy your meal!

Well, that's all, the note turned out to be short, but I think it pleased you with something. And if you want to make according to traditional or classic recipes, then choose or. In general, in Shrovetide week try to make different types of these gourmands.

See you on the blog, I tell everyone to see you again! Bye Bye! Come visit more often).

In pancakes on sour cream, the main task is to keep two main ingredients: flour and sour cream, and all other products can vary. They are perfect for Shrovetide or they can be prepared for tea. Children eat pancakes with pleasure. And if you cook them on sour cream, they will turn out even softer and tastier.

You can try the easiest recipe for cooking pancakes on sour cream. Preparing the dough is very simple. Just mix all the ingredients and you can bake pancakes. They can be any thickness, depending on your taste.

Required Products

  • 250 ml sour cream;
  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar;
  • soda at the tip of the knife;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil.


Recipe for making pancakes with milk

Pancakes in milk are very tasty and tender. In addition to the dairy product, the fermented milk ingredient is added to the dough, as it contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Sour cream is absorbed easier than milk. The recipe is very simple.

Required Products

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 6 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1pl. Sahara;
  • 2 p. sour cream;
  • flour.


Finished pancakes with milk need to be oiled and can be served.

Recipe for making pancakes with lemon zest

You can try to make unusual pancakes with lemon zest. They can be cooked as usual for the whole pan or in the form of small pancakes. Lemon gives pancakes a special taste.

Required Products

  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • lemon;
  • 65 grams of butter;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 160 grams of sour cream;
  • 1pl. olive oil;
  • 1pl. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.


Any recipe for cooking pancakes with sour cream will appeal to both adults and children. They can be cooked in any size and thickness. Serve pancakes on sour cream with jam or condensed milk.

Most housewives know that thin pancakes on sour cream with holes are an ideal and reasonably budget way to feed the whole family. In addition, this method does not take much time and does not require a separate campaign for groceries. Pancakes, depending on the need, can be breakfast, lunch or dinner. And how easy an afternoon snack this dish is simply irreplaceable.

Below is a recipe tested by time and received universal approval. It uses sour cream in the dough for pancakes. Pancakes mixed with sour cream and milk are thin, with holes, and extremely tasty. This step-by-step recipe will help you out when the need comes to feed your household with pancakes.

The only simple but important condition is the exact observance of the recipe and cooking technology. If you do not have sour cream, then you can cook. If you need to bake more pancakes, simply proportionally increase the food tab and get as many delicious pancakes with holes as you wish.

Recipe Type: Pancakes

Prep time: 10 mins

Cook time: 10 mins

Total time: 20 mins

  • Granulated sugar - 30 grams;
  • Salt - 20 grams;
  • Sour cream - 100 grams;
  • Milk - 250 milliliters;
  1. In a bowl, break one egg, add 20 grams of salt, 30 grams of sugar, 100 grams of sour cream. The fat content of sour cream does not play an important role.
  2. Using a mixer or whisk, mix all the ingredients until smooth.
  3. Pours warm milk with a volume of 250 milliliters and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add sifted wheat flour, mix to avoid lumps. Dough for pancakes ready.
  5. Heat the pan and proceed to baking pancakes. Put the finished pancakes on a plate and grease with butter. Pancakes are ready, you can serve.

Serving size: 7 pancakes

Ingredients (7 pancakes):

  1. Granulated sugar - 30 grams;
  2. Salt - 20 grams;
  3. Sour cream - 100 grams;
  4. Refined vegetable oil - 60 milliliters;
  5. Milk - 250 milliliters;
  6. Premium wheat flour - 100 grams;
  7. Large egg - 1 piece.

How to cook pancakes with sour cream and milk

The first thing you need to take a large bowl, it was convenient to knead the dough in it. Beat one chicken egg in a bowl.

Behind this, pour in the same rate of salt and sugar. The amount of sugar and salt can be varied according to your own taste.

After that, add to the bowl specified in the recipe rate of sour cream. Sour cream fat does not matter - use the one that was in the house at the time of cooking pancakes.

Next, using a whisk or a mixer, mix all the components until they are converted to a single-born mass and the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

After that, in the resulting mixture to enter the warm milk and again mix thoroughly.

Then, in a thin stream, add double-sifted wheat flour of the highest grade into the bowl. Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly.

Putting hot pancake pan, prepare a grease for frying. It is recommended to grease the surface with half of a raw potato, impaled on a fork that needs to be dipped in vegetable oil. Heat the pan strongly (ideally bake pancakes in a cast iron pan). Lubricate it with oil and, using a prepared ladle or spoon of suitable size, pour the dough in portions into the pan.

Try to keep the pan tilted and pour the dough from the top edge, rotating the pan lightly so that the dough is evenly distributed. Each portion (pancake) is baked a little more than a minute on each side. It is better to lubricate the pan once, after every second pancake. A lot of butter in the pan is not necessary. Put the finished pancakes on a dish, spreading each over the surface with melted butter. So they will be more juicy, fragrant and satisfying.

When the last pancake is baked, you can serve the whole pile on the table. To pancakes, depending on the preferences of your household, serve sour cream, jam, jam or honey.

Nutritionists say that reducing the number of calories in the diet, which we “eat” in the evening, the morning, on the contrary, are useful. Therefore, for breakfast, you can safely concoct your favorite thin pancakes on sour cream and saturate them with pleasure, of course, without forgetting about the sense of proportion. They are prepared as easily and simply as traditional milk or lean mineral water, and they are even more tasty, ruddy and crispy.

In our today's selection of the best recipes on this topic, we offer two of the simplest and one such, which will have to tinker a bit, but the amazing result - homemade pancakes is worth it! And to make the treat tasty and healthy, you should not save on food. It is better to take the freshest ones, because we will cook for ourselves and our household.

Home-made sour cream pancakes: a classic recipe


  •   - 3 pcs. + -
  •   - 4-5 tbsp. + -
  • a little less glass + -
  •   - 80 ml + -
  •   - 1 tbsp. + -
  •   - 5-6 tbsp. + -
  •   - 0.5 tsp. + -

How to bake classic thin pancakes on sour cream

To get a really rich taste of pancakes, you should use sour cream and butter with maximum fat content. But also on less-calorie foods, they also turn out appetizing.

  1. We take a container with high edges and beat all three eggs into it, we also send flour and sour cream to it. Salt mass and stir until smooth. This can be done manually, armed with a whisk, or a mixer.
  2. Dilute the mass with soda, add the prepared piece of butter.
  3. Pancake dough, which we have turned out, cover and insist (without a refrigerator).
  4. When the time is up, we take a crepe maker or a favorite griddle, heat it in the heat, lubricate the bottom from the inside with a drop of vegetable oil.
  5. The crucial moment is that the first ladle of the rather liquid dough is poured into the pan (it should be like this!) And distributed over the surface with a circular motion of the hand.
  6. As soon as the edge of the pancake begins to blush below, turn the product over, wait for 30 seconds and remove - the cake is ready. In the same way, bake all the rest.

To get a hearty meal, each pancake can be flavored with butter - it melts easily on a hot pancake surface. Sour-milk product cakes are so delicious that they don't even need to be filled - with fresh fruit or jam, they are very appetizing!

The recipe for homemade pancakes on sour cream - thin and crispy

We offer another simple way to bake wonderful pancakes. Slightly less sour cream, more flour - and we get a completely different, but no less interesting taste of your favorite delicacy.


  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. L .;
  • Flour from wheat - 2 tbsp .;
  • Filtered water - 2 tbsp .;
  • Chicken Egg - 2 pcs .;
  • Olive oil or sunflower - 1-2 tablespoons l .;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. L .;
  • Salt.

How to bake delicious thin pancakes on sour cream basis

  1. We foam the eggs with a mixer, combine with sour cream, pour sugar powder and salt, again use the mixer.
  2. Then pour water into the mass, and then gradually introduce flour, without ceasing to knead the dough with a mixer, in order to avoid lumpiness.
  3. In the end, we add nearly finished pancake dough with butter.

We bake pancakes in the same way as in the first case. Under each of them the bottom of the pan (crepe makers) must be oiled. If you add a little more vegetable fat to the dough, thin cakes will not stick without smearing.

Fill the blintsy with your favorite filling, turn them into an envelope, a triangle or a straw. If you fry them in butter, they will become even tastier, and you can serve them without frying - anyway, they will disperse into plates at the moment.

Thin fishnet pancakes on sour cream: original recipe

To cook the most delicate pancakes, decorated with a beautiful perforated pattern, you have to “conjure” a little. But the culinary masterpiece is definitely worth it!


  • Fresh chicken eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • Milk - 80 ml;
  • Flour from wheat - 5 tbsp. L .;
  • Sour cream - a little incomplete glass;
  • Butter or homemade cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar with vanillin - 1 bag;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar Powder - 1 tbsp.

Cooking homemade thin smetannye pancakes

  • Separating the egg whites, mix the yolks with sour cream, salt and still mix.
  • Slowly pour milk and melted butter.
  • When the mass becomes homogeneous (use for this mixer), you need to add all the flour.
  • Squirrels are waiting in the wings. After pouring the powder, turn them into a thick foam and add it to the dough.

After stirring, immediately begin to bake pancakes. In order not to waste time, it is advisable to warm up the pan in advance. Its surface under each cake should be greased with butter or a drop of lean.

Sometimes products linger in the fridge, and you have to urgently look for their use. On sour cream, for example, you get excellent thin pancakes, which will go "with a bang" for breakfast. They can be savored just by having their favorite jam, or wrapped in something not less tasty. In any case, you get breakfast (lunch or dinner), which will not need to be asked to finish, - there will be nothing left in it in a moment.

Two video recipes for pancakes from the chef of our site

Cook has many proven recipes for pancakes, which you can find in the video or on our website.