Chicken drumsticks with cauliflower in a slow cooker. Chicken legs stewed with cauliflower

31.10.2019 Winter blanks

Time: 60 minutes

Servings: 2

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Cauliflower and chicken delicacy cooked in a slow cooker

It's no secret that in order to look great and feel great, you need to eat right. And most of the right diet is made up of fruits and vegetables.

After all, it is these products that give us the most vitamins and minerals that the body needs so much. They are also rich in fiber and dietary fiber, which are of great benefit. They help preserve the intestinal microflora.

But it is worth noting that it is not necessary to bite raw zucchini or eggplant. They can be stewed, boiled and steamed. And boldly add cheese, meat or fish to vegetables. For example, a rather interesting dish is chicken with cauliflower in a slow cooker.

By the way, this vegetable is just very dietary and incredibly healthy. It contains only those trace elements that are quickly absorbed. Cauliflower also gives us protein, mineral salts and carbohydrates.

But in order to get this whole bunch of useful substances into our body, you need to be able to cook vegetables properly and it is advisable to use a slow cooker for this. Housewives, who already have such a unit in the kitchen, can afford to relax while cooking.

Today I propose to cook chicken with cauliflower. This dish has a rather delicate taste, moreover, it is very useful. Such a meal is suitable for the whole family, and I am sure everyone will like it.


Cooking technology

Step 1

Breast must be peeled and film free. Then rinse and cut into medium sized pieces.

Pour a little oil at the bottom of the bowl. When it warms up a bit, put the fillet slices in the same place. Salt, pepper and add spices.

Step 2

Cabbage needs to be sorted into inflorescences, washed and laid on top of the meat.

Both fresh and frozen vegetables are suitable for this recipe. It all depends on what season it is. It is clear that in winter it is hard enough to find a good, fresh cabbage. If you use frozen. Then you can not even defrost it.

Step 3

We send sour cream to the bowl and mix well.

Set the "Baking" mode and you can relax for forty minutes. After the beep sounds, turn on the heating mode. It takes about fifteen to ten minutes to get the dish.

Breast with vegetables is a tasty independent dish, but it can also be combined with a side dish, such as potatoes or porridge.

Chicken with vegetables

What is required

  • One forks of cauliflower.
  • Half a fillet.
  • One large onion.
  • A pair of medium carrots.
  • A spoonful of vegetable oil.
  • A glass of tomato juice.
  • One clove of garlic.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Two peas of allspice.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • Greenery.

Cooking technology

Step 1

We make frying from chopped onions and carrots in the "Baking" mode. Then there we send the cut fillet and cabbage, divided into inflorescences. Without changing the mode, and without mixing, we cook everything for about half an hour.

Step 2

Grind the garlic and send it to the slow cooker, there goes the tomato juice and all the spices, do not forget to salt. We install the "Extinguishing" program and cook a little less than an hour.


What is required

  • A pound of chicken.
  • About a kilogram of cauliflower.
  • Onion head.
  • Seven eggs.
  • One hundred grams of cream.
  • A pinch of curry.
  • The same amount of pepper.
  • Salt.
  • A spoonful of vegetable oil.

Cooking technology

Step 1

Boil the cabbage in boiling water for about three minutes. Drain the water. I do this with a colander. If you decide to do this in a slow cooker, then install the “Soup” program and wait twenty minutes.

Step 2

Chicken breast is sent to a bowl pre-greased with vegetable oil. Fry the fillet for fifteen minutes in the "Frying" mode. Periodically open the lid and turn the meat over. Peel, finely chop the onion and send it to the chicken. For some more time we fry everything.

Step 3

Beat the eggs and add the cream to them. Salt, pepper and add spices. Now beat well until foam appears.

We spread the vegetables on top of the meat, and pour everything with the egg mixture. Cooking the casserole in the stew mode a little more than half an hour.

See another version of this dish in the video below:

In the view of most of the current housewives, stew is a dish of stewed vegetables and meat (or only vegetables). Moreover, they are stewed slowly and delicately - so that the pieces do not fall apart and, if possible, retain a maximum of natural taste and color. To cook such a stew for "five plus" allows everyone to know the miracle of kitchen technology - a crock-pot. It stews both meat and vegetables in such a mode that they become soft, but at the same time they do not turn into “porridge”. This applies to both fresh and frozen vegetables. Try it yourself in a slow cooker to cook chicken and cauliflower stew with frozen green beans and fresh tomatoes - and you will understand how wonderful this recipe is in every way.


  • chicken fillet (or chicken pieces for chakhokhbili) - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 700 g;
  • medium-sized tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • frozen cauliflower (fresh is also suitable) - 300 g;
  • frozen green beans - 300 g;
  • medium-sized onion - 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh parsley - 10 g;
  • a set of spices for chicken - 1-2 pinch;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.
  • Cooking.   Chicken fillet is cut into large square pieces. If you use a ready-made chicken semi-finished product for chakhokhbili, then its pieces can be laid in stew in the form in which they are. Vegetable oil is poured into the bowl of the multicooker (olive or sunflower oil is not so important), the “Frying” mode is turned on and pieces of chicken, pre-salted and sprinkled with black pepper and a pinch of the ready-made seasoning for chicken, are placed there (it is usually sold in all stores). Chicken is fried in boiling oil on all sides until a golden crust appears - in a slow cooker this happens quite quickly. The lid does not need to be closed during frying.

    Shortly before the end of the frying, the onions and chopped carrots, chopped in half rings, are spread to the chicken. These vegetables are also stewed in oil along with meat for 1-2 minutes. Then the "Frying" mode must be disabled.

    In the bowl of the multicooker - where the chicken and carrot and onion fries still remain - put the peeled and chopped potatoes, chopped tomatoes, cauliflower and green beans. It is clear that frozen vegetables do not need any special training. And fresh cauliflower before laying in a slow cooker must be washed and disassembled for inflorescences. Green beans, if it is present only in fresh, not frozen, you need to wash, cut the pods transversely into 2-3 parts and blanch for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

    Salt, black pepper and finely chopped parsley greens are added to the products laid in the multicooker. Everything is gently mixed with a plastic or silicone spatula. You do not need to add water to the stew - it will be stewed in the juice that stands out from the vegetables. Close the lid of the appliance and set the “Extinguishing” program. When working with an ordinary multicooker, you need to set the time for about 1 hour. If you have a slow cooker, then 20-25 minutes will be enough. At the end of the stewing, the stew can be kept in the “Heating” mode for another 15-30 minutes - thanks to this, the dish will acquire a more rich and rich taste. And then, of course, it remains only to bring it to the table.

    Date: 2014-10-14

    Hello dear readers of the site! Autumn is in the yard, which means it's time to use her gifts. Cauliflower is one of the most unique foods rich in vitamin and mineral composition. Inflorescences of cabbage, with proper preparation, are not just a storehouse of vitamins, but also the basis of delicious and low-calorie dishes. Just today, we have on our menu such a useful and very tasty dish from the chef of the site Vera Tyumentseva - chicken with cauliflower in a slow cooker - pressure cooker.


    • Cauliflower - 1 medium-sized forks
    • Chicken (chicken fillet) - 500-800 gr.
    • Onions - 1 pc.
    • Sour cream 15% - 1.5 tablespoons
    • Ground pepper mixture

    How to cook chicken with cauliflower in a pressure cooker:

    Vera cooked chicken with cauliflower in a slow cooker - a pressure cooker Polaris 0503AD (power 900 W).

    We peel the onion from the husk and cut it into rings. We send the onion rings to the bowl of the multicooker - pressure cooker.

    We wash the cauliflower with cold water, sort it into inflorescences and, like onions, send it into the crock-pot.

    We pass to the chicken. You can use any part of it (drumsticks, thighs, breast, etc.), or use chicken fillet. If desired, the skin from the chicken can be removed, so we will get rid of excess calories. Add chicken to cabbage and onion inflorescences.

    Do not forget to salt the products and season with spices (in our case, only spices from ground pepper are made from spices). Add low-fat sour cream. Mix everything well, install the pressure cooker lid and turn on the “quenching” mode at maximum pressure. Cooking time, 15-20 minutes after a set pressure.

    After the beep, our fragrant chicken with cauliflower in a pressure cooker is ready!

    Enjoy your meal!

    Recently, we shared with you a recipe for cooking fish with cauliflower. Today we want to offer you to cook chicken legs with cauliflower.

    Prepare the following products:

    • legs - 2-3 pcs. (depending on size), you can take only the thighs or lower legs;
    • onion - 2 large heads;
    • cauliflower - 400 gr;
    • tomato juice - 1/2 cup (you can take tomato paste - 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons);
    • low-fat sour cream - 1/2 tbsp. spoons;
    • vegetable oil - 2 spoons;
    • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • parsley - 1 bunch.

    Cooking chicken legs in a slow cooker step by step

    To prepare the legs, you will need a marinade, for the preparation of which you need:

    • salt - 1/3 tsp;
    • mustard - 1 teaspoon;
    • seasoning "for chicken";
    • if you want, add 2 teaspoons of mayonnaise, but this is not necessary.

    Step by step recipe in the photo

    1. We mix all the ingredients prepared for the preparation of the sauce, coat the chicken legs with the marinade and leave them for 20 minutes, so that they are saturated with them.

    2. Now prepare the cauliflower. It must be washed and disassembled into inflorescences, preferably the same size. Boil 2 liters of water in a saucepan and lower the inflorescences in boiling water. Boil for no more than 5 minutes, and immediately pour out the water.

    3. By this time, the legs were already sufficiently saturated with marinade. Roll them in flour, and put in a slow cooker. Set the mode "Frying" and fry them until a crust appears, about 15 minutes. When the legs are lightly browned, pour the onion, cut into half rings, switch the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode, close the lid and simmer for about 25-30 minutes.

    4. The lid will periodically need to be opened and the meat turned over. When the legs are almost ready, add the cauliflower.

    5. Further cooking has several options. At your discretion, you can add half a glass of tomato juice, or 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste, after mixing it with water, or 1/2 cup low-fat sour cream.

    6. Once again, close the crock-pot with a lid and continue to simmer another 10 minutes. You have an aromatic dish with an amazing taste. It remains to lay the vegetables on a plate, put a leg on top, pour sour cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

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    Hello! Today I want to talk about cooking delicious chicken with cauliflower in a slow cooker. Different types of cabbage have a number of useful properties, contain vitamins and minerals. Therefore, you must periodically include cabbage in your menu. With inflorescences, you can cook vegetables, legumes and even meat.

    In this recipe, the dish is made from homemade chicken. It needs to be cut into pieces, and then fry. You can cook from a chopped carcass, or use the hips, breast or drumstick. Stew carrots can be crushed in circles, and onions in large pieces. Frozen cauliflower must first be doused with boiling water. You can also add potatoes. Then the meat with vegetables is served to the table as an independent dish. Chicken with vegetables must be eaten warm. You can additionally serve fresh vegetables to the summer table, for example, sweet pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes. And in winter, this dish goes well with pickled cucumbers, tomatoes or eggplant.

    Ingredients for Cooking Chicken with Cabbage

    1. Chicken - 600 g.
    2. Cauliflower - 100 g.
    3. Red onion - 1 pc.
    4. Carrots - 1 pc.
    5. Potato - 2 pcs.
    6. Sunflower oil - 30 ml.
    7. Drinking water - 100 ml.
    8. Seasoning for chicken - 0.35 tsp.
    9. Salt to taste.

    How to cook chicken with cauliflower in a slow cooker

    Defrost meat of a home or purchased chicken. Wings cut into 2-3 parts. If the hips and lower leg are large, then part of the fillet can be cut. Rinse the meat thoroughly with water.

    Pour sunflower oil into the equipment bowl, heat it in the “Frying” program. Put the meat, fry on each side. The frying process takes approximately 20 minutes.

      While the meat is fried, you need to peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Cabbage divided into inflorescences.

      Peel red onion, crumble in medium pieces. And cut off the skin from carrots, rinse with water and crumble in circles.

      Pour onions with carrots to the meat, fry for about 3 minutes.

      Then add potatoes with cauliflower to the overall mixture.

      Pour some drinking water. Sprinkle vegetables and meat with seasoning and salt to your personal taste.

      Cook the chicken under the closed lid for 1 hour in the “Stew” program.

    Chicken with cauliflower is tender in taste. Hot meat can be put on a plate so that it cools slightly. If the dish is made from chicken breast, then it can be cut into pieces. Enjoy your meal!