How to make a delicious barbecue skewers. How to cook rabbit kebab tasty

07.08.2019 Bakery products

If you like rabbit meat, then of course you will also like rabbit skewers. Kebab from rabbit, the marinade recipe is very simple, it turns out fragrant, soft and very tasty.

Rabbit kebabs will be appreciated even by real gourmets, therefore it is obligatory or at the cottage for their friends and family.

The barbecue rabbit should be young, 3.5 - 5 months. After slaughtering the day, the carcass must lie chilled in the refrigerator so that the meat "ripens".

The recipes for rabbit marinade are varied, we will tell you about the best options for cooking rabbit meat on the grill or bonfire.


  • rabbit carcass - 1 pc.,
  • orange juice - 1 l,
  • garlic - 1 head,
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.,
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.,
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to cook rabbit skewers with orange juice:

Rinse the rabbit carcass and cut into portions.

Peel the garlic, crush it through the garlic, or chop it very finely. Add salt, pepper and grate the mixture of rabbit meat with the mixture.

Pour the meat with vegetable oil, and then fill with orange juice. Leave the skewers marinated for 8 hours in a cool place.

Cut the tomatoes into rings and string them on skewers along with the rabbit. Fry the rabbit skewers on the grill, periodically pouring with orange juice marinade.

Rabbit BBQ Vinegar


  • rabbit carcass - 1 pc.,
  • onions - 2 pcs.,
  • barbecue spices - to taste,
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.,
  • table vinegar 70% - 1.5 tbsp. l.,
  • water - 300-400 ml,
  • salt to taste

How to cook kebab from a rabbit:

Rinse the rabbit carcass well under running water.

Cut the rabbit carcass into portions and put in a saucepan.

Chop onions very large, add to the meat and sprinkle with black ground pepper and add any spices for kebab that you like. Add bay leaf immediately.

Dilute 1.5 tbsp. vinegar in about two glasses of water and pour the meat so that the rabbit barbecue marinade is at the level of contents and salt to taste.

Instead of vinegar, you can add sliced \u200b\u200blemon, beer or mineral water.

Mix everything thoroughly with your hands, rinse, and leave to marinate for four hours

Kindle the fire on the grill and begin to prepare the barbecue for frying.

To make the barbecue skewers softer, you can grease each piece of meat with vegetable oil.

Rabbit skewers can be fried either on the grill or on skewers - this is how you like it more.

String pieces of rabbit meat on skewers and start frying meat.

You need to fry rabbit skewers on skewers in the same way as you usually fry any kebabs on the grill: periodically turning over and making sure that the meat does not burn.

Serve barbecue skewers with vegetables and baked potatoes. Enjoy your meal!

Skewers of rabbit in sour cream


  • rabbit meat - 1 kg,
  • sour cream - 0.5 l
  • onions - 5 pcs.,
  • tomato - 1 pc.,
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp,
  • caraway seeds - 0.5 tsp,
  • salt and black pepper to taste

How to cook rabbit skewers in sour cream:

Slice the well-washed rabbit meat into portions. Sprinkle it with coriander, caraway seeds, black pepper and salt.

Then add the chopped onion and sour cream. Marinate in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

String meat, onions and slices of tomatoes on skewers in turn. Fry the rabbit skewers, marinated in sour cream, on hot coals until cooked. Serve with fresh vegetables.

  Everyone knows that rabbits "are not only valuable fur ..." Nutritionists around the world have long been singing praises for rabbit meat for easily digestible protein, which is also hypoallergenic. And if you cook rabbit meat not in a frying pan with oil, but on the barbecue, you get the perfect meat dish. The only minus of this type of meat is a slight dryness. However, this can also be avoided if you know how to properly marinate a rabbit skewers, which I will discuss in my recipe. Make this delicious marinade so that the meat is soft. If you decide to cook just a rabbit, take a look.

- rabbit meat - 400 gr.,
- tan - 250 ml.,
- seasoning for barbecue, garlic.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. As I said, rabbit meat is quite dry. Therefore, vinegar marinade does not suit him. I am cooking rabbit skewers in kefir or mineral water marinade. But it is better to combine both components, and tan is best suited for this - it is a sour-milk drink, which is also carbonated. Mix a glass of tan with a mixture of seasonings for barbecue. Rabbit meat seasoned with garlic. Leave for 5 minutes. It is better to use rabbit meat moderately fatty; meaty hips are best for barbecue. Cut the pulp into medium-sized pieces - 3-4 pieces come out of one leg.

  2. Marinate the meat in the tan for about 12 hours. As usual, it is better to put the kebab under the press overnight in the refrigerator.

  3. String the meat on a skewer, alternating with vegetables. To make the barbecue softer and juicier, cherry tomatoes are the best choice. When baking, they will give their juice to the meat, and it will not dry. Onions are also good - fresh rather than pickled. I think you will like this

If you want to get an extraordinary barbecue, rabbit meat will be the most successful option. The meat of this small animal is nutritious and has a great taste. Therefore, it is worth trying to cook such a barbecue - the result will delight you and will certainly surprise you.

There are many options for marinades, but the most common and delicious are compounds based on wine vinegar, sour cream or kefir. Also often used is a simple pickling of meat with the addition of water, table vinegar and favorite seasonings.

Very rarely, people perceive rabbit meat as an option for cooking barbecue. More often, this meat is used as a dietary product. When cooking such a kebab, you need to know some of the subtleties that should not be missed.

In the preparation of the rabbit, there are some secrets and subtleties that are worth paying attention to:

  1. Different parts of the little rabbit need different cooking. For barbecue, it is advisable to use only the back;
  2. Now about the cutting of the animal. First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the carcass under very cold water. Then divide into two parts: front and back. For marking, use the last lumbar vertebra. Both parts must be cut into small pieces, the back legs divided into two parts, and the front legs left in their original form;
  3. Be sure to soak the meat before cooking. For this, plain water or whey is used. If there is an unpleasant odor, you can add a little wine vinegar to the water, which will eliminate this nuisance. You can also use milk to soak. On average, the soaking time should be from 6 to 10 hours;
  4. In the process of pickling, the use of spices is mandatory. Adding them is possible during pickling, or with direct cooking. The most used and suitable spices for rabbit meat: dill, basil, bay leaf, black pepper (ground or peas), garlic, cinnamon, rosemary, lemon.

Marinade recipes

For the preparation of barbecue from a rabbit, there are a considerable number of marinade warrants. But to get juicy and good meat, we can only talk about a few of the most successful types. So:

  1. Wine marinade requires the following list of components:

  • dry white wine with a volume of 600 ml;
  • a quarter of a teaspoon of ground red pepper;
  • a teaspoon of mustard;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

During cooking, the meat is greased with mustard, sprinkled with salt and mustard, everything is thoroughly mixed. Add wine, mix. The minimum cooking time is 1 hour.

  1. Marinade with sour cream:
  • 200 ml sour cream of average fat content;
  • three garlic cloves;
  • salt at the discretion of the cook;
  • condiments: coriander, ground pepper black and red, caraway seeds;
  • three large onions;
  • one big tomato.

All components are mixed in a common container. Garlic is finely chopped, onion and tomato are cut into rings. The pickling time will be from two to three hours.

  1. Kefir marinade will require the following ingredients:
  • 500 ml kefir;
  • olive oil - one tablespoon;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • salt and spices at the discretion of the cook;
  • three large bulbs.

Add olive oil to kefir, chop the garlic, chop the onion in the form of rings. Marinate the meat for three hours.

How to cook rabbit skewers

In the cooking process, the soaking process is considered the most important, since this meat has a specific taste and smell.

The process of preparing the future kebab:

If necessary, rabbit meat can also be fried on skewers.

Actually, there’s nothing complicated in making barbecue skewers. The main thing is to follow all the rules and everything will work out.

Rabbit kebab is not only a delicious and original dish, but also a healthy, dietary one, which contains many useful substances and microelements. Therefore, you should definitely try this extraordinary barbecue.


Rabbit skewers  - This is a dish that is rarely cooked, and in vain. Kebab from rabbit meat is incredibly tender, juicy and has an unusual taste, it remains only to figure out how to make it. The main advantages include the simplicity of the pickle and the high speed of cooking. Many who have already managed to taste the rabbit meat barbecue, call the dish one of the most delicious compared to other barbecue recipes that many know.

We offer a step-by-step recipe with a photo, thanks to which cooking rabbit kebabs seems like a simple action. The meat itself will turn out to be juicy, tasty and guests will surely like it.

The main ingredients of the rabbit kebab, of course, in addition to the meat itself, in the proposed recipe is beer. It is thanks to him that the dish turns out to be very soft, and the taste is specific, but pleasant. But if desired, you can use mayonnaise or vinegar as a marinade. But keep in mind that in this case the meat will turn out to be ordinary.

Important! The classic recipe involves cooking barbecue on the grill.  But if desired, it can be cooked on a grill. If you need to make barbecue in the apartment, you can use the oven. You need to marinate the meat in the same marinade, and bake in the oven. Reviews indicate that the dish is just as tasty.


  •    (1 kg)

  •    (3-4 pcs.)

  •    (1/2 l)

  •    (taste)

Thinking of making barbecue skewers? The most delicious marinade, so that the meat is soft and juicy, you need to cook in advance. There are some amazing marinade recipes that will give meat an incredible flavor. It remains only to choose the appropriate option!

Rabbit meat is a dietary meat, so the backs of a young animal, whose carcass did not freeze, but simply cooled, are suitable for barbecue. For a better pickle, take portions of meat. To do this, it is better to chop the carcass into parts. So the kebab is better baked and will be tastier. Pieces should be marinated up to 3 hours. The best solution is to leave the rabbit in the marinade overnight.

Sometimes the carcass may emit a characteristic not very pleasant smell of a rabbit, which is easy to remove. The meat must be left in water for 2 hours, after adding 1 - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water of apple cider vinegar (can be replaced with lemon juice). To skewer the kebab, it is necessary to add products with a natural acidic environment - kefir or citrus juice, to the marinade, and you can also use vinegar.

For a bright aroma, marinade is seasoned with dill, thyme and rosemary, as well as basil. You can also prepare dressing on mineral water by adding sour cream or ketchup, which will make the dish especially tender and tasty.

With mayonnaise

  What do you need:

  • rabbit meat - 1 kg 200 g;
  • onions - 6 pieces;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • mustard - 2 tsp;
  • bay leaf 2 pcs.

Thinly chop the onion into rings. Then add vinegar. After salt and pepper. In the process of mixing, you need to take onion slices - its juice is needed for the marinade.

Prepared meat (washed and without film) cut into pieces and put in a container, pour the previously prepared mixture. Pour in mustard and mayonnaise. All ingredients must be thoroughly kneaded, covered, and then left in the refrigerator overnight.

String pickled meat on skewers. You can cook kebab in another way - lay rabbit meat on the wire rack. Cook the kebab on charcoal for about 50 minutes, depending on the intensity of the fire and the quality of the meat. Serve the dish in a sauce of your choice, with herbs and salads.

In tomato sauce

  What do you need:

  • medium-sized onions - 5 pcs.;
  • rabbit meat - 1 carcass;
  • tomato paste - 500 ml;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 dessert spoons (10 ml each);
  • salt and spices to taste.

After washing, the carcass should be dried with a waffle towel. Then separate the meat from the bones. Cut the fillet in portions. Finely chop the onion, and mix the pasta thoroughly with water until a homogeneous substance. Salt the meat in a deep bowl, add ground pepper. Then knead everything with onion. Pour with vinegar and diluted paste.

The meat should be marinated in a cold place for at least 5 hours. After stringing it on skewers along the fibers. If you choose cooking kebabs on the grill, do not forget to leave a little space between the pieces. Shish kebab is prepared for about 50 minutes. Turn the meat for frying from different directions every 3 minutes, as well as pour aromatic marinade. Cooking will take approximately 6 hours.

With the addition of orange juice

  What do you need:

  • rabbit carcass - 1 piece;
  • freshly squeezed orange juice - 1 liter;
  • garlic - 1 pc. (head);
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil (any) - 45 ml .;
  • salt, ground pepper to taste.

Put chopped meat in a large bowl. Finely chopped garlic salt and pepper. Grate pieces of rabbit meat with the resulting garlic mixture. Pour with vegetable oil, and then add orange juice. Knead all ingredients well. Put a bowl of meat in such a marinade in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

Cut the tomatoes in such pieces so that they can be strung on skewers, alternating with pieces of meat. On the grill cook kebab for about an hour or a little less. Turn skewers every 4 minutes. If you want to get flavorful and tender meat, you must definitely pour it with marinade.

With vinegar

  What do you need:

  • rabbit carcass - 1 piece;
  • bulbs - 2 pieces;
  • vinegar 70% - 25 ml;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Select the fillet and cut into medium portions. Put the meat in a deep bowl. Coarsely chop the onions and add to the meat along with the spices. Salt and mix again. Add vinegar diluted in water. Knead the pickled meat well and leave in the cold for 4 hours.

When putting meat on a skewer, grease all the pieces with butter for softness. Cook kebab for about an hour, pouring marinade. Do not forget to follow the roast. To prevent the food from burning, turn over every 4 to 5 minutes. Serve cooked kebab with baked potatoes and salads.

Option in vinegar and instant juice

  What do you need:

  • rabbit carcass - 1 pc.;
  • large oranges - 8 pcs.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 40 ml;
  • mustard - 2-3 drops;
  • juniper (berries) - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • ground coriander - a pinch;
  • salt to taste.

Squeeze the juice from the oranges. Separate the cake. To do this, you need to pass the fruit through a sieve. The resulting 3 cups of liquid mixed with apple cider vinegar. Drizzle mustard in the mixture and add coriander. After adding slightly crushed juniper berries. Knead the ingredients well, pre-salt.

The marinade should turn out with a sour, non-salted taste. Put pieces of rabbit in the mixture and grate the meat well with the marinade. Put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. After cooling, mix and bake. This recipe is convenient for cooking time. Barbecue cooks fast.

On kefir with lemon

  What do you need:

  • rabbit - 3.5 kg;
  • bio-kefir - 1 l;
  • onions - 200 g;
  • lemons - 5 - 6 pcs. medium size;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • salt to taste.

Rinse the carcass and pat it with a waffle towel. In a deep saucepan, put finely chopped pieces of rabbit. Cut peeled and washed onions into rings. Pour the lemons with boiling water, then cool and wipe dry. After the fruit, cut thinly into circles.

Put the chopped onions in a separate bowl. Add chopped lemon along with juice. Then pour kefir. Sprinkle crushed bay leaves and pepper. Salt and mix. The mixture should be slightly salted. Pour the contents of the “kefir” bowl into the meat pan. Knead thoroughly with your hands, cover and leave in the cold all night.

On mayonnaise and sour cream

  What do you need:

  • krol - 1 carcass;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • sour cream - 150 g;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • dry basil - a pinch;
  • salt to taste.

Rinse and dry the rabbit carcass. Chop into pieces. The added garlic is mixed with mayonnaise in an enameled deep bowl. Add sour cream and spices. Salt and knead well.

A homogeneous mixture will provide softening of rabbit meat. Stir the meat with the marinade, rubbing the pieces with your hands. Cover the bowl and place in a cold place for 3 hours.

On wine with honey

  What do you need:

  • rabbit meat - 3 kg;
  • red wine - 450 ml;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • onions - 200 g;
  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • thyme - 1 branch;
  • allspice - 2-3 peas.

You can chop the meat into pieces, and if desired, you can fry the whole carcass on a spit. Cut the onion into thin rings and mix with wine. Add thyme, peppercorns to the mixture. Salt the marinade and grate the rabbit. Put a bowl of meat in the cold.

After 3 hours, add honey and knead well. Leave on for 40 minutes. Due to the use of honey, the meat will turn out with a golden crust, and thanks to the wine - aromatic and soft.

On mineral water

  What do you need:

  • rabbit carcass - 1 pc.;
  • beer - 1.5 l;
  • onions - 250 g;
  • spice “For meat” - to taste;
  • salt to taste.

Cut the onions thinly into circles. Pour the beer into a deep bowl and add the onion. Pour spices into the container, salt. Put rabbit meat in the marinade. Knead well, rubbing the meat with a mixture of beer and onions.

Leave for 5 hours. Stir and rub the rabbit slices by hand with beer marinade from time to time.

So, now you have all the options to cook kebab from a rabbit. The most delicious marinade, so that the meat is soft, you will succeed. But it’s just as important that you like the ingredients themselves. Then the dish will be truly memorable.