Refill for vinegar with balsamic vinegar. How to make "Vinaigrette" - a recipe with mustard refueling

14.11.2020 Soups

This sauce under different names is likely to sign each culinary. As Wiki writes, "Vigret refueling, French refueling, Sauce Vinaigrette (FR. Vinaigrette, Sauce Vinaigrette, from Fr. Vinaigre - Vinegar) - Salad refueling, the main ingredients of which are vinegar and vegetable oil." Sometimes the sauce is additionally flavored with spices or greens. This sauce is served with a leaf or coastal salad, boiled and stew fish. Traditional Vegetable Vinaigrette, too, ideally fills with this sauce, and not just vegetable oil, as often as common.

For the preparation of sauce, the vinaigrette we need salt and pepper, dissolve in vinegar (lemon juice). I took soy sauce instead of salt, so the color turned out to be slightly darker. This refueling is very tasty to fill various salads. I really liked the meeting of the cooking method: a regular jar with a lid is used for whipping, since when a blender whipping is the likelihood of excessive thickening of the sauce (transformation into mayonnaise). If you use salt, then it must be dissolved in vinegar, and then add the remaining ingredients.

Vinaigrette is popular in all countries of the post-Soviet space Salad. It is impossible to find a person in Russia or nearby countries that would not prepare or tried this dish. Thanks to the boiled beet, a sauer cabbage and crispy salty cucumbers, a country of origin is considered to be Russia, and the dish is invalidious Russian. However, this salad is French roots. Not a gift, the word "Vinaigrette" comes from the French "Vinaigre", which means "vinegar". It is vinegar that is one of the key components, which is part of this dish. The famous French Salad refueling "Vinaigrette" consists of vinegar and vegetable oil. It is such a tandem that is used both modern hostesses and famous cooks when cooking Vinegret, actually says the name itself.

For today, Salad "Vinaigrette" is one of the most popular classic salads. The cold dish is in the soul, almost everyone who tries it. After all, it is not only tasty, but also a simple cooking. For this dish, it is not necessary to withstand clear proportions. The most important rule - the salad should be not acidic and not fresh. In the traditional version, it is used: beets, sauer cabbage, salt cucumbers, boiled potatoes and acetic dressing with vegetable oil. However, his recipe is constantly changing, depending on the taste preferences and fantasies of cooks. Today, meet the vinaigrette with squid, mushrooms or beans - the usual thing. Each itself decides, what kind of version it is more like: a classic or original. In this article we will analyze and offer the most interesting recipes for the preparation of Russian with French roots dishes - Vinaigrette.

Classic Poloker Vinaigrette

Vinaigrette is popular in Soviet cooking, mysteries based on boiled vegetables - relatively budget appetizer, relevant on the festive table, indispensable on benchmarks. In modern interpretation, the universal salad is complemented by bean, quashed cabbage, other pickles, and mandatory beets, carrots and potatoes often bake, but we will do classic vinaigrette.


  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Red beet (large) - 1 / 2-1 pieces.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Salted / pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Dill and parsley - 5-6 branches.
  • Green peas - 2-3 pods.
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


Decorating a branch of greenery, serve home classic vinaigrette to the table!

Vinaigrette classic with sauerkraut and peas

For this, acetic or citric acid will be required, vegetable oil is used for refueling, the salad has a pleasant contrast taste due to the sauerkraut and salt cucumbers.


  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Beet (large) - 1 pc.
  • Salted cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Sauer cabbage - 100 gr.
  • Canned beans - 80 grams.
  • Polka dots - 80 gr.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Salt, green onions - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Vinaigrette with herring and mayonnaise


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Lightweight cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Sellide (fillet) - 250 gr.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt to taste.


Vinaigrette with fresh cabbage

I propose to prepare a vinaigrette with fresh cabbage. It is no worse than the sauerkraut, but on the contrary, less dampness and acid.


  • Beet (medium size) - 4 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 6-8 pcs.
  • Carrots - 4-6 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Fresh cabbage - 2-3 handstokes.
  • Salted cucumbers - 4-5 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - for refueling.
  • Salt to taste.


The cooking time of the Vinegret is 2 hours, taking into account the cooking of vegetables.

Enjoy your appetite and success on culinary field!

Refueling and sauces for vinegar

Classical dressing for salad Vinaigrette is vegetable oil, but we propose to fill the usual vinaigrette interesting sauces-refueling that add spikes to this dish.

Asian sauce-vinaigrette


  • Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Rice vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Light soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 1 h. Spoon.
  • Sesame oil - a few drops.
  • Freshly ground white pepper - to taste.


All ingredients are placed in a jar with a screw lid and shake until the sauce is mixed into the most homogeneous mass. It is desirable to use such a sauce immediately.

Classic french sauce for Viniraret


  • Wine vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil - 9 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


In a glass jar with a screw lid, combine olive oil, wine vinegar and shake vigorously. Then to introduce a Dijon mustard to the resulting emulsion and mix the mixture to homogeneity, add ground pepper and salt. Sauce is ready! The refueling must be made immediately before serving, otherwise its constituents risk to stratify.

Sharp sauce


  • Red vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Acute pepper sauce - 3-4 drops.


Connect all ingredients in the bank and shake a lot more. Fill the obtained vinaigrette sauce. Bon Appetit!

Video recipes for the preparation of Vinegret

What is the sauce of vinaigrette, what components are traditionally included in it? What is his benefit, can everyone eat this fragrant additive? How to independently make a sauce, what dishes will emphasize the taste?

Vinaigrette is a sauce of French cuisine, the traditional ingredients of which are vegetable oil and vinegar. As additional components, mustard, salt and black pepper are usually performed. However, the classic recipe is often introduced by certain ingredients of the "highlights" - various greens, spices, crushed vegetables, etc. It is noteworthy that at least today is a vinaigrette and rank to the research of French cuisine, there is a version that "invented" Ancient Egyptians. Anyway, this salad refueling, definitely, deserves attention, because it is capable of not only to make the taste of dishes brighter and more interesting, but also to improve health.

Composition and calorie Sosta Vinaigrette

The composition of sauce vinaigrette is determined in many respects of the cook: first, we can take different types of oil and vinegar, secondly, various additional ingredients can be used to personalize tastes. But if you still talk about a classic recipe that perfectly combines taste quality and health benefits, the components will be as follows: Wine vinegar, olive oil, mustard, pepper and salt.

Calorie Susta Vinaigrette in this composition - 498 kcal per 100 grams, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.4 g;
  • Fats - 54.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 1 g;
  • Food fibers - 0.7 g;
  • Water - 40 g;
  • Organic acids - 1.1 g.

Please note that at least the calorieness of the sauce and not small and 100 grams of the product account for almost 40 grams of fats, it fits perfectly into the dietary diet.

First, a large amount of refueling to create a unique taste is not required; Secondly, oils of olive oil are represented by useful mononaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids that are absolutely necessary for our body to maintain many processes of vital activity. In addition, useful fatty acids are a real "vitamin" of beauty for women. However, this "vitamin" utility of sauce is not limited to this, it also contains many other biologically active substances.

Macroelements per 100 g:

  • Potassium - 31.38 mg;
  • Calcium - 20.51 mg;
  • Magnesium - 6.54 mg;
  • Sodium - 861,16 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 9.7 mg;
  • Sulfur - 5.22 mg;
  • Chlorine - 1270 mg.

Trace elements per 100 g:

  • Iron - 0.941 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.1383 mg;
  • Cobalt - 0.319 μg;
  • Copper - 32.46 μg;
  • Molybdenum - 2.34 μg;
  • Selenium - 1,116 μg;
  • Fluorine - 0.78 μg;
  • Zinc - 0.0634 mg.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A, RE - 0.4 μg;
  • Beta carotene - 0.004 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.013 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.006 mg;
  • Vitamin B4 - 0.96 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.01 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.09mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 0.436 μg;
  • Vitamin C - 0.49 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 6,592 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 3.5 μg;
  • Vitamin RR, NE - 0.041 mg.

Also in the composition of the product there are important organic acids in the amount of 1 g per 100 g of sauce.

The benefits of sauce Vinaigrette

The usefulness of French Salad Refill is a combination of the beneficial properties of its main ingredients. We will continue to consider the sauce, based on the composition - olive oil, wine vinegar, mustard.

So, the benefits of sauce vinaigrette is the following beneficial effects:

  1. Prevention of heart disease and vessels. The diet with a high content of the right fats, which are made in abundance in olive oil is a good prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids increase the level of HDL - the so-called good cholesterol, lower the LDL level - poor cholesterol. It is also important to note that potassium and magnesium are contained in wine vinegar - minerals, very important heart muscles for healthy work.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of olive oil has a powerful antioxidant - vitamin E (tocopherol). It provides a whole range of useful influences on the body: anti-inflammatory effect, preventing premature aging of the skin, as well as other tissues and organs, reducing the likelihood of development of tumor processes, including malignant. By the way, the last property must be mentioned separately. Recently, so-called antitumor agents have been found in olive oil and wine vinegar - the squalene and terpenoids in the first and resveratol in the second, they, along with tocopherol, significantly increase the anti-cancer protection of the body.
  3. Protect against obesity. Contrary to the problem of the conviction that the fats necessarily lead to a weight gain, nutritionists declare the opposite - the diet, poor fats leads to overeating, and saturated with correct fats helps to quench the hunger and perhaps feel satiety. In 2002, a large-scale experiment was conducted, which proved that a diet with olive oil was more efficient than a low fat diet. In turn, moderate use of wine vinegar is also a good prevention of obesity and diabetes.
  4. Improving hormonal background. Helps the sauce of vinaigrette with olive oil and establish a hormonal background, stabilize the work of the nervous system. In 2011, a study was conducted in Spain, which concluded that olive oil prevents the risk of developing clinical depression. Wine vinegar also has a favorable effect on the nervous system, helping to fight chronic fatigue, and mustard stimulates the brain work, improves memory.
  5. Beneficial effect on the digestive system. The benefits of the product also consists in the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The yellow mustard neutralizes the pathogenic flora and increases the digestibility of food, the wine vinegar has a beneficial effect on the work of the gallbladder, and the olive oil contains many dietary fibers, they help to improve the peristaltics, get rid of constipation, meteorism.
  6. Cleaning the body. Olive oil in the liver work is very helpful, it processes and removes strong toxins, salts of heavy metals from the body, radionuclides. This property for smokers and people often consume alcoholic beverages is especially useful.
  7. Vitamin Beauty. It has already been proven that olive oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, it helps to fight imperfections, removes the first signs of aging. The mustard as part of the sauce can respond even with such diseases as psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Also, the product contributes to the growth of hair and eyelashes, making both those and other volume and thicker.
  8. Use for men. For men, the sauce is vinaigrette - the most important product, all its ingredients in combination improve blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis, and therefore stimulate potency. In addition, there is a beneficial effect of olive oil on the mobility of spermatozoa.
  9. Strengthening immunity. Mustard has a powerful stimulating effect on immunity. During seasonal colds, it is especially important to introduce into the diet. It is worth noting that the product not only has a preventive effect, but also helps to treat ORVI.

As you can see, the benefits of French salad refill is without that comprehensive, but it must be remembered that it can always be strengthened by adding spice, greens and other useful ingredients to the spice sauce.

Note! The type of oil and vinegar has a huge impact on the useful properties of sauce vinaigrette. This means that if cold spin olive oil is replaced with refined sunflower, and instead of natural vinegar, take a synthetic table, the product will already be harmful than helpful.

Contraindications and harm Souce Vinaigrette

However, the harm can be harmful and the sauce prepared by the classical recipe, therefore, before cooking, you need to get acquainted with the contraindications. First of all, it is necessary to say about the importance of the measure - any product, even how much useful can become harmful, subject to excessive consumption. Add refueling into dishes in reasonable quantities and alternate with other useful sauces.

In addition, it is important to take into account the features of storage of the sauce. As we have already spoken above, it contains such a useful component as vitamin E, but in the air and in the light it is oxidized and turns into harmful. This means that the sauce needs to be prepared directly if necessary, it is not worth doing it.

Otherwise, if you do not have health problems, the harm of the sauce vinaigrette is unlikely to spread to you, otherwise, see the contraindications of each ingredient before entering the product into the diet.

Classic composition sauce is prohibited at:

  • Diseases of the digestive system, such as ulcers, gastritis with increased acidity, cholecystitis;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Allergies to grapes;
  • For diseases of the lungs and kidneys;

Note! If you add other ingredients to the sauce, you must also clarify their contraindications.

Also, it is worth noting that if you are in principle there are health problems, even if you are not listed above, before entering the diet of the sauce, even the classic composition, it is better to consult with your doctor.

How to cook Sauce Vinaigrette?

Despite the fact that the sauce consists of only three ingredients, it is not so simple to prepare it. It is important to comply with proportions and technology. Since it is necessary to work with poorly mixed ingredients, it is possible to achieve their complete "relationship", only following a specific scheme of work.

Consider several sauce recipes Vinaigrette:

  1. Classic sauce Vinaigrette. In a bottle with a tightly closing lid (better glass) pour vinegar (2 tablespoons), put the Dijon mustard (2 teaspoons), along the pair of pinch of salt and pepper. Close the bottle, turn the bottom up and shake, twisting the funnel. When seasonings and vinegar will be connected, add olive oil (6 tablespoons) and continue shake. When the ingredients are connected, the sauce is ready.
  2. Sauce Vinaigrette with Honey. The vinaigrette with honey is perfectly combined, for this it is necessary to add it to the above recipe in the amount of 1 teaspoon. Cooking technology will be like: First, vinegar and seasonings are mixed, then honey is added to them and at the end of the oil.
  3. Orange juice sauce. In this recipe, instead of honey, orange juice is taken (1 tablespoon) and added to the sauce after mixing vinegar and seasonings.

Any version of the sauce can also be diversified by greens, favorite spices and even shredded in a blender vegetables - options for the preparation of Vinegret so much that you can boldly fantasize, without fearing to spoil the taste.

By the way, if you do not want to mix the sauce in a bottle, you can use the same blender or beat the wretched filling in a deep bowl.

Note! It is best to cook sauce an hour before meals. After all, 3 hours after the preparation, refueling is already undesirable.

Recipes dishes with sauce Vinaigrette

Classic French sauce is good not only as a refueling for salads, it is also perfect for giving exquisite taste to second dishes - meat and fish. Let's look at some interesting recipes:

  1. Italian salad. At the portion plate, lay out the torn mix of salads - Corn and Iceberg (20 grams), as well as arugula (20 grams). On the Korean grater, soda carrots (1 piece), Cherry tomatoes (250 grams) cut on half or quantity - depending on the size. Sattail on a small grater of parmesan (20 grams), grind walnuts (20 grams). To put carrots, tomatoes on a salad pillow, pour cheese, nuts, taper, season and mix the vinaigrette sauce. After 10-15 minutes, the salad can eat.
  2. . Chicken breast (500 grams) rinse, cut into portion pieces, folded into a bowl. Pour soy sauce (3 tablespoons), vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), add finely chopped garlic (2 teeth) and ginger (1 teaspoon). After half an hour, heat the grill (if not - the pan), fry the chicken pieces on high heat for 3-4 minutes on each side. Share on the portion plates, pour Vinaigrette sauce. The perfect garnish will be rice and vegetables.
  3. Fish with almonds and sauce Vinaigrette. Almonds (30 grams) slightly fry in a frying pan, grind to large pieces of crusher. Fillet of the beloved sea fish (400 grams) is frying separately in a frying pan on a strong fire, 2-3 minutes on each side. In the classic sauce add finely chopped onions (half the bulbs), leave for 10 minutes. Put ready fish on a portion plate, pour sauce, sprinkle with almonds. The perfect garnish will become potatoes.

As you can see, all recipes with a sauce of vinaigrette are easy and sophisticated, you can cook dishes quickly, and dinner will get very original and tasty.

Traditionally, it is customary to cook sauce in a glassware, so it turns out tasty everything.

In addition, it is believed that it is impossible to disrupt the order of adding ingredients: first spices and vinegar, then additional ingredients (except for fresh greenery and ground vegetables) and, finally, oil. Mentioned fresh greens and vegetables are added to the finished refueling.

Most popular additives to sauce Vinaigrette: parsley, green onions, tarragon, dill, capers, onions, honey, citrus juice.

The mustard in the sauce is added to stabilize the emulsion - in other words, so that the oil and vinegar do not get separated from each other. Also, sometimes instead of it use welded boiled and crushed yolk.

Ready sauce should be laughed at least half an hour, but it is better an hour. Long storage vinaigrette is not subject.

How to cook Sauce Vinaigrette - Watch on video:

Sauce Vinaigrette - useful and delicious seasoning for various dishes. By entering it into its daily diet, it is possible to count not only on the expansion of the culinary horizon, but also on a good wellness effect. However, the consumption of sauce must be observed to be observed and take into account contraindications so that the potential benefits do not turn into real harm.

Favorite all vegetable winter salad will make a more delicious and interesting original refueling for Vinges. You can refuel such a snack not only by vegetable oil. Experienced cooks are preparing for her sauces with mustard, tomato paste, vinegar and other components.


  • 1.5 tbsp. l. natural apple vinegar;
  • 5 tbsp. l. refined sunflower oil;
  • 2 chopping of stone salt;
  • pinching of ground sharp pepper;
  • half of the h. l. Sweet mustard.


  1. Pour in the bowl of the blender all the declared amount of oil. Dissolve salt in it and sweet mustard.
  2. Add apple vinegar. Be sure to use the natural product, and not a common table with a fruit flavoring.
  3. Sweep salt and pepper.
  4. Conduct the components of refueling the blender to homogeneity.

Such a classic sauce recipe is suitable for the vinegar cooked according to any recipe.

Add garlic to the main recipe


  • 2 teeth of fresh garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. l. red wine vinegar;
  • 5 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • salt and mixture of ground peppers.


  1. Mix in one glassware wine vinegar and olive oil. You can do it manually or with a mixer / blender.
  2. Add the base to the shallow salt to taste and colored ground peppers.
  3. The latter complement the sauce with sophisticated garlic without a dark middle.

Cool refueling and use for freshly prepared vinegar.

With tomato paste


  • 3 dessert spoons of any vegetable oil;
  • as much thick paste from tomatoes;
  • 1,5 dessert spoons of Nezostroy mustard;
  • 4 dessert spoons of boiled water;
  • salt and sugar.


  1. In the bowl of the blender, the first thing to send vegetable oil and pasta from tomatoes. Cut the ingredients to a homogeneous state. It will be the basis of the future refueling.
  2. Add to it Uncooked mustard, pour boiled water and reconnect the components to uniformity again.
  3. Salt the refueling. To taste to add sugar sand to it.

Such salad salad vinaigrette is well combined with snack options, which added pickled cucumbers and no sauerkraut.

Refueling for the vinera a la "pesto"


  • 1 bunch of light basil;
  • 50 g in advance of finely grated parmesan;
  • 2 - 3 garlic teeth;
  • 1 handy of purified cedar nuts;
  • 2/3 of Art. Quality olive oil.


  1. Basil leaves to remove with stalks. Rinse and dry.
  2. Grind greens in a blender along with pieces of fresh garlic.
  3. Pour the resulting mass with olive oil.
  4. Push the crushed parmesan and mix the sauce well.
  5. The latter add cedar nuts and reconcile a lot of blender again.

Well cool the sauce before adding it to the salad.

With mustard and vinegar


  • ¼ Art. Neost of mustard;
  • ¼ Art. natural apple vinegar;
  • ¼ Art. low-fat sour cream;
  • 1 tsp. sugar powder;
  • small salt to taste.


  1. To the sour cream pour apple vinegar and add non-warring mustard. The number of the latter can be reduced by one's own taste.
  2. Mix well components.
  3. Add to Sugar Pudder sauce and salt to taste.
  4. Give the mixture to breed at least 10 minutes. It is desirable to remove it into the refrigerator.

The dressing for the vinegar with mustard and vinegar is combined with any option of salad. To taste in it you can also add various crushed nuts. For example, walnuts or cedar.

Recipe from laserson


  • 4 dessert spoons of olive oil;
  • 1 dessert wine vinegar spoon;
  • 1 small. spoon of acute mustard;
  • 1 small. a spoon of lime / lemon juice;
  • ¼ small. spoons of table salt;
  • ¼ small. spoons of sugar sand;
  • ¼ small. Spoons of ground black pepper.


  1. Pour into the glass tank olive oil and wine vinegar.
  2. Stir the liquid components of the sauce and add salt, sugar and pepper to them.
  3. When large grains of additives dissolve in the future refueling, you can send mustard to them.
  4. After another mixing, it is necessary to pour into the lemon / lime juice.

Ilya Laserson notes that the filling for the vinegar must be acidic. Therefore, citrus juice becomes a mandatory component for it.

Vigret refueling with balsamic vinegar


  • ¾ Art. corn oil;
  • ¼ Art. linous / lemon juice;
  • ¾ Mal. spoons of salt;
  • 1 small. spoon of balsamic vinegar;
  • 2 boiled egg yolks;
  • black pepper.


  1. Such a delicious dressing for the vinegar is preparing quickly and simple. First of all, you need to be confused by the fork boiled yolks of eggs, then immediately add salt and ground pepper to them.
  2. Corn oil is mixed with a balsamic vinegar and the resulting mixture of a thin flower pour the base for the sauce.
  3. It's good to confuse all the components and add lemon juice.

Beat a mass of a mixer until it acquires tender cream consistency.

Cook in french


  • 1.5 dessert spoons of Dijon mustard;
  • ½ lime;
  • 1 small. spoon of sugar powder;
  • salted salt to taste;
  • 30 ml of olive oil and 100 ml of sunflower.


  1. In a bowl put the Dijon mustard. From Lyme to squeeze the juice and immediately pour it to mustard grains. Well lose the components.
  2. Add to sauce with sugar powder, salting the resulting mixture to taste.
  3. Olive and sunflower oil mix together and cool them.
  4. Pour the oil mixture to the base of the sauce and thoroughly mix all the components of the refueling.

You should immediately use such a sauce to refuel the vinegar. By the way, it will suit and for lettuce with the podcol.

Any cooked sauce before adding to the salad you need to cool well.

The refueling must be laid at least a quarter of an hour so that its components are well connected. Especially this recommendation is relevant if the sauce includes a large number of different spices.

Many of our compatriots are used to filling winecraft with vegetable oil. This option is acceptable when there are many salted and pickled vegetables in salad, but in fact, classic snack recipes require more complex refill for it. In France, the word "Vinaigrette" (Vinaigrette) means "vinegar", the piquant lightweight refilling, which is prepared from the oil with the addition of mustard, fruit juice or vinegar. The dressing for the mustard vinegar will make it possible to give this salad a brighter and interesting taste with a French accent.

Features of cooking

Make sauce for vinegar with mustard, butter and vinegar is so simple that even inexperienced culinary will easily cope with the task. Knowledge of several subtleties ensures a flawless result.

  • For cooking, you need to take high-quality products. Furious oil and stratified mustard spoil and her, and salad himself.
  • Mustard for the preparation of refueling is used by a pasty, having a consistency of thick sauce. First, it is tricious with a vinegar or small amount of oil, then the remaining ingredients are added and whipped with a wedge.
  • Watching the sauce for refueling the vinera blender, experienced cooks do not advise. In a blender, refueling is too thick, resembling mayonnaise.
  • By adding a slightly balsamic vinegar to the Viperskaya refueling, you will give the Vigrekta to the noble shades.
  • Butter for the vinegar is better to take unrefined, as it contains more beneficial substances. However, products with a bright aroma are not the best choice. Experienced chefs prefer olive oil as a possessing the most neutral taste and smell.
  • If the filling is included with honey, it is pre-melted to a liquid state.

Filling for mustard vinegar is prepared from affordable products. The process does not take a lot of strength even in an inexperienced culinary. Filling a salad with different sauces, you will receive dishes with new tastes, even if they contain the same ingredients.

Refueling with mustard and wine vinegar

  • wine or apple vinegar (6 percent) - 40 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml;
  • mustard dining room - 5 ml;

Cooking method:

  • Put the mustard in a small container, pour the vinegar tablespoon to it. Distribute to obtain a homogeneous composition.
  • Add the remaining vinegar and oil. Be whipped by a wedge until the sauce becomes homogeneous.
  • Add pepper and salt, beat again.

This recipe can be called classic, as the refueling for the vigraine on it is most often prepared.

Refueling with mustard, garlic and lemon juice

  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • lemon juice - 60 ml;
  • dijon mustard - 20 ml;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • From lemon, push the juice, strain it.
  • Connect juice with oil, beat the wedge.
  • Put the mustard in a bowl.
  • Displays garlic with a special press, put to the mustard.
  • Add salt and pepper.
  • Pour to the mustard a tablespoon of a lemon and oil mixture, mix thoroughly.
  • Add the remaining mixture to the mustard mass.
  • Take the wedge to get a homogeneous composition.

The refueling prepared according to this recipe is obtained more fragrant compared to the classical one. It has an unusual and refined taste. Vinaigrette, seasoned with this sauce, will have to taste lovers of Mediterranean cuisine.

Refueling with mustard and balsamic vinegar

  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - 20 ml;
  • dried basil - 5 g;
  • honey - 5 ml;
  • table mustard - 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Honey melt on a water bath to a liquid state. It is possible to melt the product in another way, but then it will become less useful.
  • Mix honey with mustard.
  • Fill with balsamic vinegar, scroll to homogeneous consistency.
  • Pour olive oil and beat the wedge to get a homogeneous sauce.
  • Mix the refueling with dried spices, if you wish, satisfy and beat the wedge again.

This gentle and at the same time spicy refueling will make the taste of your salad with an exquisite and noble, decent festive table.

Refueling with mustard and soy sauce

  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • soy sauce - 5-10 ml (depending on the degree of salinity);
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • mustard dining room - 5 ml;
  • black ground pepper - chinful;
  • apple or grape vinegar (6 percent) - 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Mustache Distribute with sugar, pepper and soy sauce, put in a jar with a screw cover.
  • Add vinegar and oil.
  • Close the jar and shake well.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a sauce or immediately fuel wine.

Soy sauce gives this refueling unusual oriental notes. Vinaigrette, cooked with such a sauce, please entertain Asian cuisine.

Refueling for Vinegret with mustard without oil

  • orange - 150 g;
  • dijon mustard - 20 ml;
  • balsamic vinegar - 40 ml;
  • honey - 10 ml;
  • salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the honey to the liquid state, connect it with mustard, scroll to homogeneity.
  • Wash, dry the napkin orange, cut it in half.
  • With the help of juicer for citrus, get orange juice. If you will squeeze juice manually, you will need a larger fruit compared to the recipe specified.
  • Mix orange juice with balsamic vinegar, pour into a container with mustard and honey.
  • Be whipped the wedge until the refill will look homogeneous.

The recipe for this Vigarette refueling will have to do with people seeking to reduce the caloric content of used as much as possible.

Filling with mustard without vinegar

  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • table mustard - 5 ml;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Connect the ingredients.
  • While getting a homogeneous mass.

The refill on this recipe is thick, not too acute.

The dressing for Vinges with mustard is popular for the fact that she gives a popular Salat a new sound, making his taste even more spicy and at the same time noble.