How to make a shortbread dough with your own hands. Safety dough

14.11.2020 Soups

This is an intermediate option between sandy and puff pastry. It crumbly, but durable, therefore suits the basis for large cakes and Kiev.

In the recipe before each ingredient and item, you can add the word "cold", and this should not be neglected. Water should be ice, oil - hard as a stone. Bowls, knives and even the board on which you will work with the dough, hold well in the freezer. It is better to move the cutting table from the battery or open the window.

The secret of sand dough in oil. It is thanks to him that the baking is obtained by crumbly.

All these efforts in order for the oil not melted. Because otherwise it turns out a completely different product.

Classic way


  • 200 g of butter;
  • 300 g of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 50-100 ml of water.


Cold butter is disturbed into small cubes and remove in the freezer for 15 minutes. At this time, ask for flour with salt, pour it on the table or the board. Lay out the oil cubes on top, generously sprinkle them with flour and knife or two chop dough.

It is important to touch the oil as much as possible: the heat of the body will quickly melt it, the consistency will not be the one that you need.

When oil and dough are connected and turn into small grains, we gradually add water, kneading the mass into the plastic com. Remove it for 15 minutes in the freezer. Then roll the dough, put the filling, for example, and send it into the oven.

Lazy way

Technical progress does not stand still, why not use it in cooking. You will need the same ingredients and a food processor with blade knives. The oil does not necessarily cut into small cubes: the device will cope. Throw into the bowl of oil, flour and whip. The main thing is not to overdo it, as a result, all the same grains should turn out.

Gradually tighten the ice water until the dough starts to gather into the ball. Further instructions are the same as in a classic recipe.

Shortbread dough can be stored in the freezer for several weeks.


You can retreat from the basic recipe. Here are some ideas:

  1. Put 50-100 g of sugar in the dough for a sweet cake.
  2. Replace 30 g of flour to a similar amount of cocoa - you will have a chocolate dough.
  3. Add up to half a glass of finely outdoor nuts.
  4. Fragravize a mixture of citrus sister or vanilla.

For this recipe, it turns out a more plastic dough, which is convenient to roll out. Baking from it less crumbs. By the way, in culinary disputes, some confectioners refuse to call sandy chopped dough. They believe that only with the help of a similar recipe you can get a classic base for tarts and baskets.

Oil must be not cold, but cooled. What is the difference between one state from the other, it is impossible to explain. Just get the product from the freezer an hour before cooking.


  • 100 g of oil;
  • 100 g of sugar (better - powdered sugar);
  • 250 g of flour;
  • 1 egg (or 2 yolks).


The components are better mixed with a culinary blade or spoon, and the hands are connected only at the last stage, when you need to collect the dough into the ball. Distribute oil with sugar, add flour, then egg.

If there is a food processor, delegate all these duties to him.

You can cool the dough, and then divide it. You can first give it the desired shape, and then send to the freezer. It is important that it should get cold in the oven.

3. Curd Shortbread Dough

It is the dough less capricious in the work than its congratulations without cottage cheese, and less calorie, since the milk product replaces half the oil.


  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 180 g of flour;
  • ½ teaspoon soda;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


Wipe cottage cheese through a sieve, cold oil on the grater. Mix both ingredients for a fork, add flour, soda and salt. Emboss the dough quickly to a homogeneous mass, put in the package and remove for an hour in the refrigerator.

What to do next

If in the Pie menu, roll the dough to the size of the form, pinched several times for the fork, so as not to swell, cover with parchment paper and pour out the cargo. Special heat-resistant balls or beans can be played as a weight loss. This design is baked about 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. Then remove the load, lay out the filling of the cake and bring until readiness.

Starting is better to choose a correction for the sugar content in the test. Having a chopped is suitable for kiev with fill, pies with meat and vegetables. The dough with the addition of sugar will be the basis for fruit and berry

The baskets are also baked, only the cooking time should be reduced in proportion to the decrease in the size of the cakes. Cookies and other minor products are enough to bring in the oven to the light rumyanta, otherwise they will be too hard.

Sometimes I want to enjoy some pastries. And the more successful, the greater the sense of satisfaction. Each of us has a favorite delicacy, the basis of which is a sandy dough. A classic recipe for his skillful mistress can supplement its favorite ingredients, which will create an individual culinary masterpiece.

Safety dough

This is a semi-finished product that is used in the preparation of flour products and on an industrial scale, and at home. It turns out when mixing different ingredients is mixed and is the basis of many recipes, therefore it depends largely on how delicious dish is. At the same time, it is necessary to know which dough for what purpose is preparing and how to knead it.

The dough can be prepared on two different technologies:

  • yeast;
  • breakingless.

In the manufacture of the first technology, yeast is used as a baking powder. Here are two ways: a jar (Okvask is mounted first, and then the dough itself) and the unsopular (the dough is used immediately after the kneading).

Break-free dough is divided into biscuit, sandy and layer. Each of them is preparing in its technology and is significantly different in taste.

The classic recipe for which is based on the compliance with the ratio of 3: 2: 1 (flour / oil / sugar), goes to baking cookies and pies, also occurs in some recipes of cakes and cakes.

Classic sandy dough

Delicious and gentle turns out the right sandy dough. A classic recipe suggests several options:

  • flour, oil, sugar, water, egg yolk;
  • flour, oil, sugar, water;
  • flour, oil, sugar, eggs, soda, vanillin;
  • flour, oil, sour cream, sugar, soda, baking powder.

Such dough is preparing easily and quickly, it turns out very gentle and crumbly.

The sandy dough, the classic recipe of which necessarily turns on the oil, is mixed in several ways. It depends on what consistency is oil. Frozen rubbed on a grade, solid oil from the refrigerator is cut into the cubes with a knife, softened to put into flour and mixed with it a mixer, melted poured and also mixed. If you need to get a lean sandy dough, then the butter is replaced with vegetable.

Dough for cookies

Freshly prepared homemade shortbread possesses a unique taste and gentle aroma. This is the case when the simplest is the best. Such a cookie, intended for perhaps, will prepare longer than to turn on the dinner table.

Classic does not contain any sings, unnecessary ingredients. Such cookies are good because it is served with warm, sometimes hot, as they say, with heat with heat. This is his charm and consists. Special appeal to such cookies and their form include: you can cut the animals, flowers and stars.

So, take the necessary products:

  • 200 g of butter;
  • 100 g of sugar sand;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 0.5 h. L. soda.


If you wish before baking, you can add raisins, cocoa powder, nuts.

Dough for cake

The classic sand dough recipe for the cake allows you to well hold moisture, which is distinguished from fruits when baking. At the same time, the cake remains outside the crispy, and so that it is not fluttering, it is necessary to put a little starch in the stuffing.

The minimum version of such a test looks like this. As ingredients, take:

  • 235 g of flour;
  • 115 g of butter;
  • 115 ml of water.


  1. All products and inventory will take ten minutes in the fridge.
  2. I apply the oil into small cubes with a knife and then we assign it with flour.
  3. In a fine oil crumb, add ice water and collect the dough in whom.
  4. Wrapped with a film, we send the dough into the fridge for half an hour.
  5. We post on the table, roll off, add a stuffing and send it into the oven.

If you do everything according to such technology, the dough will turn out to be crisp and will not form bubbles when baking.

Pie can be made open and closed, on the contrary and in shape. As a filling for such a cake, you can take strawberries, cherry, forest berries, apples. Skipping can be simply sprinkled with sugar, and you can pour berries or fruits with gelatin dissolved in yogurt. Such a delicacy will appreciate everything.

Beautiful dessert

A beautiful ruddy crust forms a classic sandy dough when baking. Recipe with a photo of the finished product - a bright example.

The dough made for the previous recipe is very good for the cake with berries. The only thing you can add to the ingredients is sugar sand. In addition to sweetness, it still forms a pleasant fragrant crust, which will give the finished product a beautiful appearance.

Such a cake will be a beautiful dessert, it is very well combined with milk, juice, compote. Enthusiastic praise of loved ones will be a reward for the efforts in the preparation of the cake.

Different sand dough products

Recently, the products from the sand dough were very popular, because they are simply prepared, and their taste is home.

Made correctly dough has a crumbling structure and a sweet taste. From it you can cook closed and cakes, cakes, bagels, tartlets. They will decorate the festive table, come for a modest evening tea party.

Wonderful shortbread dough, whose classic recipe is supplemented with kefir, will go to the balcia with a jam. Kefir makes the dough very elastic, which allows you to twist the rogali, filled with fragrant stuffing.

The sandy dough, the classic recipe of which allows you to roll it very subtle, will be a great base for the cheesecake with cottage cheese. This baking is very loved by children, because it has a very gentle creamy taste.

1. Cold oil cream oil, not frozen, cut into pieces.

2. Connect the oil with a flour sifted through a sieve.

3. Quick movements with a knife with a knife so that it turned out a small flour crumb. Add the soda, salt with sugar and continue the movement with a knife so that the products are evenly distributed.

4. In the flour crumb, make a small deepening in which to drive the egg.

5. Mix a fork or knife to make the egg evenly distributed over the entire mass.

6. Fast movements knead the dough by collecting it in a lump. Here, in fact, there is no need to knead anything, just frank the dough from the edges to the middle, forming it with one whole "bombmer".

7. Wrap the dough with polyethylene and send to the refrigerator for half an hour, and better an hour. In the refrigerator the dough can be 1-2 days. You can also freeze it for a period of 3 months.
After a certain time, you can proceed to baking cookies, cakes, cakes, pies. But note that since the dough contains a large amount of fat, then the board and rolling pin must be chilled, so they recommend it for some time to withstand in advance in the refrigerator. It is also important to roll the dough very quickly, because It is impossible to make it warming.

Note: The test can be given a special taste and aroma. To do this, vanilla sugar, lemon or orange grated zest, crushed chocolate, cocoa powder, ground or crushed nuts, cinnamon, etc. Additives should be kept when the test is kneading and with them it is cooled in the refrigerator.

The number of sand dough recipes is difficult to even count. Each recipe has its own characteristics, but all of them combines one - the mandatory presence of a large amount of oil.

In the basic recipe for the preparation of sand test uses a minimum of components, and on its basis, you can prepare a wide variety of desserts.

The standard set of products consists of 12 tbsp. l. high-grade flour, 200 g of fat oil, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Vanillin is added at its discretion.

Instead of oil, it is permissible to take quality margarine, and instead of sugar - sugar powder. Major crystals make a mass of more rigid, so even better grind the usual coarse sugar in a coffee grinder to a powder state.


  1. Remove the oil so that it acquires room temperature.
  2. Sift flour. Add the remaining bulk components and mix.
  3. Throw the flour with butter, trying not to score a lot. The dough for cookies can not be kneaded energetically like yeast. Mass should be tender and elastic. Sometimes a little ice water is added to the mixture.
  4. To form a ball, carefully cut it into the flour, cover with the film and put it in the refrigerator for ½ hours. It is not recommended to hold it longer in the cold, as the oil starts to harden, and then such a mass is difficult to roll in the root of the desired thickness.

The finished dough can be freezing or used immediately for its intended purpose.

Cooking Recipe

Based on this test, you can furnace open and closed pies with different salns and sweet fillings. For salt baking from the list of ingredients, you need to remove sugar.

In addition to standard products (4 tbsp. Flour, 1 packs of oil and 25 g of sugar) Such components will be needed:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • bustyer - 5 g;
  • vanilla sugar - at personal discretion.

The preparation algorithm is not complicated at all:

  1. Melt the oil on barely warm stove in suitable for this container.
  2. Sugar sugar and mix. Wait until the mass completely cools.
  3. In the cooled mixture, knock the eggs, mix.
  4. Sierted flour to connect with other bulk products.
  5. Connect all components and knead the elastic mass.

Range it and put in a cold place for 25 minutes so that it is better suggested. Then the sandstop dough for the cake must be rolled out into the formation of the necessary thickness, form on the edges of the sides and lay out a pre-prepared stuffing.

It is desirable that the filling is not too liquid, but had a thick consistency.

Bake the cake is necessary at the bottom of the oven, otherwise the top will cover the burner crust, and the bottom will not succeed. If the cake is already burning on top, and it's still wet, the situation is quite easy to fix - it's enough to cover the top of the baking foil.

Classic Pattern Cookie Dough

Each hostess needs to know the classic sand dough recipe for cookie cookie.


  • flour - 12 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 1 pack;
  • sugar powder - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 yolks or 1 whole egg.

The baking powder is not needed, since the baking is obtained by loose due to a large amount of fat.


  1. Put the oil in the freezer so that it becomes solid. Grind on a large grater.
  2. Smeak flour and mix with sugar. Introduce the crushed oil and lose hand to the form of crumbs.
  3. Enter yolks and knead the elastic but tight dough. Cool

Mass can be rolled into the sausage and cut into thin pieces or roll out into the layer and cut cookies using molds. The billets are laid on the tray and bake 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. It is not necessary to lubricity for baking with oil, as in fat products, they will not adhere.

Option based sour cream

The dough on sour cream is obtained more gentle and soft. It remains fresh and well suited for the preparation of cakes and soft pies.

Besides 12 Art. l. flour, 100 g of oil and 3 tbsp. l. Sahara still needed products:

  • sour cream - 10 tbsp. l.
  • lemon zest;
  • basin - 2 h.


  1. Cut the butter with small squares and leave before softening.
  2. Remove the peel from the lemon with a shallow grater.
  3. To the oil add sour cream, sugar and lemon zest. Stir the spoon.
  4. Add sainted flour with a breakdler and knead the dough. The mass should be homogeneous, soft and not stick to the hands.

Baking yeast

Sand-yeast dough combines the best qualities of both species. Such products have no specific fat. But since the mass is very dense, you should not expect the dough to rise greatly. It will simply be more delicate and layered.

In addition to 500 g of flour, 250 g of oil and 2 eggs will need such products:

  • water - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • dry yeast - 2 h.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and Vanillin.


  1. Dilute yeast in warm water.
  2. Choise oil with cubes and knead the dough. Collect the mass into the ball, cover with a clean towel and put on a breakdown for 2 hours.
  3. Roll the dough into a 5 mm thick layer. If necessary, you should plug the flour. Cut curly cookies using molds. Optionally, spray cinnamon and sugar.

Bake not more than 10-12 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. As soon as the baking shovels, it means it is time to remove it out of the oven.

Weching without Yaitz

Without eggs, baking is no less tasty.


  • flour - 250 g;
  • creamy oil - 125 g;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • sugar powder - 25 g;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife.

Shortbread dough without eggs is not inferior to his "fellow".


  1. It is possible to remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance and confused with sifted flour.
  2. Add salt and sugar to water, mix to dissolve. Pour into the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Share the mass on the table and knead until it stops sticking to the hands. It will take 1-2 minutes.
  4. Share a rolled dough reservoir in the prepared shape and fill in any filling. To such a test, fruits, apples, pears, plums are well suited to such a test. They are beautifully laid out in the form of a circle. Fruit slices are preferably sprayed with sugar and put on top of a chip of butter.

Bake 30-35 min at a temperature of 200 degrees. The finished product must be twisted at the edges.

Lazy way cooking in the kitchen combine

Hostesses, whose house has a food processor, is very lucky. This machine can knead the dough in minutes.


  • flour - 300 g;
  • oil - 150 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • cold water - 90 ml;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Cool oil cut into pieces.
  2. Sift flour.
  3. Add the ingredients to the combine bowl and turn to turn out to be crumbly crumb. Long knead no need.
  4. Dissolve salt and sugar in water. Small portions pour into the crumb and mix.
  5. Shift the mass to another container, cover with the film and put in a cold place by ½ h.

After that, the dough can be used for its intended purpose.

Unusual chopped sand dough

Chopped dough is the best choice for the preparation of the bases for different desserts.


  • flour - 12 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 150 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 30 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife.

By this recipe you can cook a walled chopped dough, removing sugar from the list of ingredients.


  1. Smeak flour and salt on the table. Sugar sugar.
  2. Cut pre-cooled oil by cubes. Make it better on a large wooden board with a knife. Mix the flour with oil with hand or use the combine.
  3. Drink egg and mix. Mass should not be homogeneous, the main thing is that it is thick and crumbly. If it is very scattered, you can add slightly sour cream or yolk of one egg.
  4. Over the ball of the test of the film and put in the refrigerator.

The main thing is not to wash the dough, collecting it into the ball. It needs to just suggest.

Preparing with cottage cheese - step-by-step recipe

Cottage cheese gives the test unusual softness and tenderness. It can be prepared both sweet and salted products that will be less calorie.

Required components:

  • flour - 300 g;
  • oil - 1 pack;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Cut the oil with pieces.
  2. To put all the ingredients, except for cottage cheese, and cripple into a small crumb. It will take no more than a minute.
  3. Mash cottage cheese through a sieve and add to the rest of the mixture. Mix with a combine no more than 10 s. Mass must be gathering in com.

It remains to gently collect the dough, wrap it with a film and put on the cold.

Plastic and gentle sandy dough

Plastic and melting in the mouth dough are prepared according to such an uncomplicated recipe.


  • flour - half of the kilogram pack;
  • sugar powder - 1 tbsp.;
  • oil - 1 pack;
  • 2 eggs or 4 yolks - to choose from.


  1. Remove the oil from the freezer an hour before cooking.
  2. To lose it with sugar blade or with a spoon.
  3. Add flour and eggs.
  4. Carefully blind ball and put it on the cold.

You can first first give the test form, but only then put in the refrigerator. The main thing is that the products fall into the oven chilled.

Perfect dough for cakes and baskets

You need to know what to get the perfect dough for baskets in the heat is practically not real. It does not tolerate high temperatures, so it needs to be done in a cool room.

Required components:

  • flour - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - ½ packs;
  • egg - 60 g without a shell;
  • water - 15 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt to taste.

The main thing is that all the components are cold.


  1. Smeak flour and mix it with the rest of the bulk ingredients.
  2. Cut oil by cubes.
  3. Folded the prepared products in the container and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Beat eggs with a wedge with water and also put on the cold.
  5. Throw flour with butter palms in the crumb. Better, if this makes a mixer so that the oil does not in contact with warm hands.
  6. If the oil does not melt, you can immediately add the egg mixture. Baby became warm? So, before adding eggs, it needs to be cooled and only then mix for a few seconds on low revs.
  7. Quickly knead the dough without unnecessary movements. The mass should not stick to the table, and if it lipnet, it means that the dough overheated.
  8. Put the dough on bakery paper, accumulated flour, roll out, cover with another sheet and put on a cold on 1.
  9. Roll down the dough, if necessary, and lay out in the form. Wait until it falls, then gently press the walls. Cut protruding sides and pinch with a fork.

French confectioners stood the workpiece with a special film, fall asleep with rice, and then put in a refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours. After that, the shape with the dough is sent to the oven preheated to 170 degrees and bake up to shivel. Then the film with rice is cleaned, and the foundation itself is baked for another 10 minutes. Already at the very end it is neatly lay out on the grille and are used for its intended purpose.


  • flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • mayonnaise - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 11 tbsp. l;
  • egg is large;
  • vanillin - bag;
  • soda and vinegar or lemon juice.


  1. Connect sugar with eggs and mayonnaise. Add vanillin, repay soda lemon juice.
  2. Small portions pour flour, constantly stirring.
  3. Cut the softened oil with pieces and quickly mix. The mass should be soft, and in no case is not cool.

Such a dough can be used to prepare any desserts.

Shortbread dough at times, two, three

This recipe is good because the number of ingredients can be easily remembered once and for all.

The same dough is prepared by simple technology:

  • 1 serving sugar;
  • 2 portions of fat;
  • 3 portions of flour.

Sometimes egg yolks are added for the ligament. The principle of cooking is completely similar to the previous recipes. Thanks to this simple formula, you can make exactly the amount of test you want.

Kourn's dough - what is the feature?

The dough for a heater is prepared on margarine or butter.


  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • sugar - 2 h.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 0.5 h.;
  • soda and lemon juice.


  1. Connect oil with sugar and salt. Stir fork.
  2. Drink egg and mix again.
  3. In small portions, enter flour and add a haired soda.
  4. Quickly knead the dough and put on the cold.

After that, the dough is used according to the recipe. It is separated by 2 parts, rolled into 2 layers, and then one of them is laid out. Forming flights and distribute meat filling. The second layer lay out on top and make several holes in it. Pie is preparing no more than 40 minutes.

From a conventional sand test you can make a huge number of salt snacks and sweet desserts. A recipe is easy to choose from the proposed in accordance with your own preferences and the presence of the desired ingredients in the kitchen.

I was looking for a certain recipe for sand cookies, it seemed to have found, baked, I tried it - no, not what I wanted ... I sit, it means I drink tea with dogs with dogs, I think that it was not so in them in comparison with what I need , And suddenly the husband of the husband declares: "And I always do a 1: 2: 3 shortbread cookies." To present the depth of the sediment, in which I fell out, you need to see this person. He is generally not a confectioner, but a builder, a hefty such a men with a weight of 135 kilo and a beard, like a Canadian logger. I understand, just that I couldn't imagine Chirillo, making cookies - and then it suddenly it turns out that he also knows the recipe for heart !!! This, you know something in general out of a series of outgoing.

Do you know what it is for the recipe for sand cookies, which is able to remember by heart, even a man, extremely far from confectionery craft? It is called "Shortbage Dough 1: 2: 3". This is the ratio of ingredients, and as a sign that makes such cookies simply like "times, two, three."

What is one there, what are these two and what are three? Also easy to memorize. What cookies are you? Shortborn! So, the sand is taken as the basis. And here it will be one part. It is difficult to confuse, it will be too obvious that garbage is obtained. One part of the sand, two parts of the oil, three pieces of flour. Those. For example, 100 grams. Sand, 200 gr. Oil, 300 gr. flour. Or 50 gr. Sand, 100 gr. Oils and 150 gr. flour. The weight of the basic ingredient - sand - multiply on 2 to get the weight of the oil, and on 3 - to get the weight of flour. And if you wish, you can add anything - different flavors and seasonings, cocoa, nuts ... But if you remember the ratio of 1: 2: 3, then you remember a reliable recipe for sand dough once - and for life. By the way, according to Chirillo, it is suitable for disembarking from the meat grinder, which means that you can make such a cookie and from the syringe. Well, I decided to try to roll out - it was also all right.

We mix oil with sugar sand. The oil should not be immediately from the refrigerator, but should not be soft, like cream.

Add flour, wash this something like something.

We form a single comer from the lumps from the lumps, turn it into polyethylene and remove at least 1 hour in the refrigerator.

Chilled dough roll on a 4-5 mm thick surface on the spill of the flour, cut the cookie. Remains can be formed in a new com, cool it in the refrigerator and roll again. Total cookies are about 3 opposes.

We bake the shortbread 1: 2: 3 at a temperature of 200 C in the oven at the middle level of 8 minutes.

And sit down to drink tea.