Cake County ruins with ready-made meringues. Cake County ruins Classic recipe with photo step by step with meringue

10.03.2020 Soups

Air meringue in combination with gentle biscuit, pasted with delicious cream and nuts. It is worth eating only one piece of this delicacy and, it seems that it is already impossible to stop. Cake "County ruins" with meringue and biscuit just can not not be delighted! Try to cook this cake, and it will definitely become a permanent "guest" on your desk.


For the basics:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Package Vanillina
  • Flour bright - 1 st
  • Fat sour cream - 150 gr
  • Sugar - 1 st
  • Pinching of soda

For meringues:

  • Egg whites - 4 pcs
  • Citric acid
  • Sugar - 1 st
  • Vanilla
  • Pack of oil
  • Half jars condensed milk (boiled)

For layers:

  • Walnuts - 150 gr


Cooking the cake to start with baking meringue, and only then we will take a biscuit.
As it should be mine, and degrease the dishes, in which we will beat the proteins, then carefully separate the proteins from yolks. See the main thing that the yolk is not damaged and accidentally do not focus in proteins, otherwise they will not get up.

We add a pinch of citric acid to the bowl and begin the beating process at the lowest mixer speed. When the mass becomes more in its volume, we put sugar portions, and the mixer now exhibit at a maximum without stopping to beat. When the protein mixture will well hold the form - you can bake.

I exhibit the temperature in the oven at the mark of 110 ° C - we give heated. Make it preferably in advance. On the baking tray, we put the parchment paper, and lay a spoon on her meringue. You can use a confectionery bag for these purposes - so the meringues will turn out beautiful and neat. We put meringues into the oven for the watch. After that, we will open the door and dry about 30 minutes, then turn off. We leave our aircraft to cool out, and only when they are completely cool - we get out of the oven.

Now the time is biscuit. We mix the components for our cake: first eggs come with sugar to the foam.

We pour sour cream. Pretty mix.

Now the sour cream-egg mixture in a cup of more, and add vanillin, and gradually befelling flour.

At the last stage, do not forget to pour the haired soda. It is possible to extinguish with vinegar, but it is possible to lemon. There should be a dough for such a consistency as in the photo.

We put bake about 35 minutes at 180 ° C. Do not open the oven during cooking, otherwise the biscuit can fall and then it will not be so gentle and fluffy.
Ready korzh should be cut into two equal halves and leave to cool.

As soon as cool, cut one piece to pieces, like this.

Let's make cream. It turns out it is a beautiful caramel color, and in taste something reminds Irisk.
So, we mix boiled condensed milk with oil (it should be soft enough), add vanillin. It is better to mix with a blender, so the cream will turn out more homogeneous and lush.

Now grinding nuts. Nuts will suit any, even walnut, even hazelnut or almonds. We used walnut.

So we approached the final stage - assembling the County Ruins cake.
We scroll the whole half of the biscuit base with cream.

We put pieces of cut biscuit, we are wearing cream again.

County ruins are a cake with meringue or with pieces of biscuit, very tasty and not at all difficult to cook at the best recipes.

This delicious, beautiful and air dessert probably tried each at least once. Cake options Count ruins, probably, as much as the owners cook it. Why is such a name? Most likely due to the shape of the cake, which, according to the idea, should resemble the ruins of the castle. Be that as it may, lovers of sweet and gentle desserts will definitely appreciate his taste.

  • egg protein - 4 pcs
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  • salt - chipotch

Oil cream:

  • creamy butter - 200 gr
  • condensed milk - 300 gr


  • walnut - 100 gr
  • bitter chocolate - 100 gr
  • milk - 50 ml

For the preparation of the cake, the county ruins with meringue take egg proteins, sugar sand (can be powdered with sugar), butter, condensed milk with sugar, bitter chocolate, purified walnuts, milk (or cream), lemon juice and salt pinch.

First, you will prepare a classic white cookie meringue. In addition to the products, we will need a suitable dishes and a mixer. We take a bowl, my and thoroughly dry it. Even advised to degrease it with lemon juice, and then once again thoroughly wipe dry. Pour cold proteins and pour salt pinch.

We begin to beat egg whites on low revs, gradually increasing speed up to the average. When the proteins begin to foam and become air, add lemon juice

We continue to beat at almost maximum speed for another minute or two. In the process of whipping, we add sugar or powder on the tablespoon. We increase the torque of the mixer to the maximum and beat the meringue, not forgetting about sugar. If you use the planetary mixer, it turns out much easier, because your hands are free. The manual mixer whipped the proteins as if we draw eight or infinity sign. It is necessary that the mass is sharpened evenly.

In general, the whipping of proteins you will go about 10-15 minutes. When sugar is completely dissolved, the mass will be like it.

See what the finished meringue looks like - it is thick and dense, with fluffy.

If you collect it in one place, Merenga does not spread, but perfectly holds the form.

Now decide for yourself how to disembark cookies - I love with a culinary bag with a "Rose" or "Star" nozzle. You can just with a spoon.

A baking sheet with parchment paper and sit down a meringue. She keeps her shape perfectly. I got a whole tray of small in size (4-4.5 centimeters in diameter) liver meringues.

Now they need to dry. To do this, turn on the oven (you can in advance) and prepare cookies at the average level at 90-100 degrees about an hour, maybe more or less. 3-4 times I open the door to check mart. Watch that cookies do not start dark: meringue is a snow-white delicacy. Although this is a matter of taste - some love to rumble. Cookies meringue is ready when it is well departed from paper, while it becomes easy and dry to the touch. See, the bottom is also white (well, can with the barely noticeable cream tint). While leave ready-made meringue and make the cooking of oil cream.

Creamy oil in advance from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft. We put it into suitable for whisk dishes. We whipitate soft butter on high speed mixer so that it becomes fluffy. Approximately minutes 2-3.

Then, without stopping the beating, we pour a condensed milk with a thin flowing. Here I stopped the mixer specifically to make a photo, but you do not interrupt his work.

Wake up the cream is needed to puff, glossy shine and complete homogeneity. You will have a lot of time to do this - just 4 minutes.

The finished oil cream with condensed milk holds the shape, it is completely homogeneous and brilliant. You can immediately work with such cream. It decesses well with a confectionery bag and does not lose shape.

Finally, we collect County collapses. We take a suitable flat dish (desirable sewing, as the cake is not very small) and lay the first layer meringue on it. This is the basis of the cake - it must be approximately round.

Now the bottom of each meringue is wing with oil cream. You can use a confectionery bag (so more convenient) or just a spoon.

Similarly, we scroll all without snowless, laying them with a neat smooth slide. The gaps between the cookie decorate the cream so that the cake becomes one.

It remains only to decorate a cake. To do this, you need to make a chocolate glaze. I advise you to take the bitter chocolate to pay the sweetness of the cake itself. We break it on the slices or finely rubbing the knife. Milk is pretty warm, so that it was hot, and pour into the pile with chocolate. Quickly interfere with the fork, so that the chocolate can be melted, but it did not turn from high temperature. It turns out smooth and shiny chocolate glaze.

Table spoon watering the cake still warm icing.

And decorate the purified walnut nuts. You can chop them in large or use half-quarters.

Home cake County ruins with meringue and oil cream is a refined and delicious sweet treat that will decorate any festive table. Sweet tooths will definitely appreciate this gentle and hearty dessert.

Recipe 2: Cake County ruins at home

How to bake Cake County ruins? Which of the owners did not ask this question? When I first saw this dessert, I thought that his cooking would master only an experienced confectioner. But I was mistaken. You just need to bake two biscuit korzh and give them the right form. Therefore, I can confidently say that a simple cake recipe Count ruins exists.

It's time to present a step-by-step classic cake recipe. County ruins with photos. Prepare chocolate cake Count ruins are not difficult.

For dough:

  • Flour 2 tbsp.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Cocoa powder 50 g
  • Sour cream 1 tbsp.
  • Bolder 1 tbsp. l.

For glaze:

  • sugar - 100 g;
  • creamy oil - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • cocoa powder - 100 g

For cream:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag;
  • sour cream (thick) - 0.5 liters.

We connect in a bowl or in the mixer bowl all ingredients for the test. Whip up to obtain a homogeneous mass.

We add flour to the resulting mixture (it must be sifted) with a breakdler. Mix well.

Finished cakes are taken out of the form and cool.

If you like cakes faster, then take more sour cream. In this case, do not forget to add and more sugar to keep the proportions of the cream.

We beat all the ingredients for cream to dissolve sugar. You need to beat carefully so that the sour cream does not turn into the oil. Carefully monitor its consistency.

To prepare the glaze you need to mix all the ingredients in the bowl and put on a water bath.

Bring to a boil to a boil, while stirring the glaze.

When water boils, immediately turn off the fire. Rent a bowl with icing, cool.

White crude put on the first, lubricate it with cream.

Chocolate korzh is preferably cut into cubes, but you can break your hands.

Korg's pieces need to lubricate with cream and lay out the pool.

Cake ready. You only need to put it in the refrigerator for impregnation. Then he will become more tastier.

Recipe 3: Cake County ruins with sour cream (with photo)

The cake is easy to prepare, but to be even easier, I broke the process into several stages. A couple of days before the assembly can be cooked meringue. The next day, bake the cakes, and in the hour x you will only have to make cream and collect the cake. Begin!

For cortex:

  • 100 gr. sour cream;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. flour;
  • 20 gr. cocoa;
  • 1 tsp. Basin.

For meringues:

  • 3 egg whites;
  • 150 gr. Sahara.

For cream:

  • 200 gr. oils;
  • 1 bank condensed milk.

Merning contains only 2 components: egg whites and sugar. The classical ratio of components 1: 2. Approximately, the proteins from three eggs we will leave 150 grams of sugar. With this uncomplicated set of products, you can create a practically miracle - the delicious crumbly meringues for the cake and not only. Do you need step-by-step recommendations?

Separate proteins from yolks and overflow them into a deep bowl. Check that the dishes and the whisk are dry and low-fat. We begin to beat the proteins. The better you get them up without sugar, the air and more stable will get a meringue.

When the protein mass increased significantly in the amount, starting to pour sugar and still continue to beat. Soon you will notice, Merenga became so dense that turning over the bowl, it does not follow.

Whipped proteins shift into the culinary bag and sedenting small strawshes. In principle, for the cake you can lay out a spoon. The taste and appearance of this will not be ruined.

Drink mart in the oven at a temperature of 90-100 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

Before assembling the cake, keep a meringue in a dry room. You can leave in the cooled oven.

It's time to take care of the cog. According to this recipe, they turn out wet and very porous, more like the cupcake than the biscuit.

Mixer with sweeping sour cream, egg and sugar. Very magnificent mass will not work, so we just need to achieve the combination of ingredients.

In the detachable form we swell the bottom of the parchment and shift the dough. We bake about 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

A little cool the cake in the form and then remove it.

Since we have a cake with meringue, the cream is needed on an oil basis. I propose the easiest and most tasty option with boiled condensed milk. Most likely, the question is how to cook such a cream does not occur. Just mix the pack of very soft oil and a jar of condensed milk, and then beat a little.

It remains to collect a cake. Biscuit cut along two embers. We wash the cream and to add an interesting taste accent, laying dry fruits. Bevel is perfectly combined with prunes. His acids advantageously emphasizes the sweetness of the dessert. Close the second cake, which also generously lubricating cream.

It's time to create on the cake "ruins". We take a meringue, loyering into the cream and lay out at first to the smooth layer as in the photo.

Next, the layers will decrease in diameter and getting more and more on the debris of the tower. So at home we will receive an unusual and delicious cake with a chocolate base, a crispy layer and an interesting fruit accent.

To complete the picture, grow chocolate directly in the pastry bag and, when it will cool down, with a cake with plenty.

I want to note that the cake is quite modest (20 cm in the diameter of the base). Therefore, a large company can be safely increased by the amount of ingredients twice. And believe me, he stands it!

Recipe 4, step-by-step: Cake County ruins with meringue

Air meringue in combination with gentle biscuit, pasted with delicious cream and nuts. It is worth eating only one piece of this delicacy and, it seems that it is already impossible to stop. Cake "County ruins" with meringue and biscuit just can not not be delighted! Try to cook this cake, and it will definitely become a permanent "guest" on your desk.

For the basics:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Package Vanillina
  • Flour bright - 1 st
  • Fat sour cream - 150 gr
  • Sugar - 1 st
  • Pinching of soda

For meringues:

  • Egg whites - 4 pcs
  • Citric acid
  • Sugar - 1 st
  • Vanilla
  • Pack of oil
  • Half jars condensed milk (boiled)

For layers:

  • Walnuts - 150 gr

Preparation of the County Ruins Cake Let's start with baking meringue, and only then we will take a biscuit.
As it should be mine, and degrease the dishes, in which we will beat the proteins, then carefully separate the proteins from yolks. See the main thing that the yolk is not damaged and accidentally do not focus in proteins, otherwise they will not get up.

We add a pinch of citric acid to the bowl and begin the beating process at the lowest mixer speed. When the mass becomes more in its volume, we put sugar portions, and the mixer now exhibit at a maximum without stopping to beat. When the protein mixture will well hold the form - you can bake.

I exhibit the temperature in the oven at the mark of 110 ° C - we give heated. Make it preferably in advance. On the baking tray, we put the parchment paper, and lay a spoon on her meringue. You can use a confectionery bag for these purposes - so the meringues will turn out beautiful and neat. We put meringues into the oven for the watch. After that, we will open the door and dry about 30 minutes, then turn off. We leave our aircraft to cool out, and only when they are completely cool - we get out of the oven.

Now the time is biscuit. We mix the components for our cake: first eggs come with sugar to the foam.

We pour sour cream. Pretty mix.

Now the sour cream-egg mixture in a cup of more, and add vanillin, and gradually befelling flour.

At the last stage, do not forget to pour the haired soda. It is possible to extinguish with vinegar, but it is possible to lemon. There should be a dough for such a consistency as in the photo.

We put bake about 35 minutes at 180 ° C. Do not open the oven during cooking, otherwise the biscuit can fall and then it will not be so gentle and fluffy.

Ready korzh should be cut into two equal halves and leave to cool.

As soon as cool, cut one piece to pieces, like this.

Let's make cream. It turns out it is a beautiful caramel color, and in taste something reminds Irisk.

So, we mix boiled condensed milk with oil (it should be soft enough), add vanillin. It is better to mix with a blender, so the cream will turn out more homogeneous and lush.

Now grinding nuts. Nuts will suit any, even walnut, even hazelnut or almonds. We used walnut.

So we approached the final stage - assembling the County Ruins cake. We scroll the whole half of the biscuit base with cream.

We put pieces of cut biscuit, we are wearing cream again.

Sprinkled with crushed nuts and lay out the meringue layer. Then repeat the layers.

Desert the top of the dessert nuts. Here we have a cake "County ruins".

It's not difficult to do it, but there is a lot of time for cooking, about three hours. But the result exceeds all expectations. It turns out very tasty and unusual. Pleasant tea drinking!

Recipe 5: County ruins with condensed milk (step by step)

Cake County ruins is a chic cake that can decorate any festive table. The cake is collected from meringue in the form of the ruins of the palace or the castle, therefore it has such a name. Air meringue in combination with cream made of butter and condensed milk, chocolate and nuts like both children and adults. Prepare is not difficult, having all the necessary products at hand. The most elementary ingredients will be required, and a real masterpiece will be obtained. The cake is very tasty, prepare and you will not regret the time spent. Cake is served exclusively from the refrigerator.

  • egg 10 pcs.
  • salt 1 chip.
  • sugar 250 g
  • creamy butter 200 g
  • milk condensed 7 tbsp.
  • vanilla sugar 10 g
  • walnuts 20 pcs.
  • chocolate dark 50 g

Initially, we prepare the surface for baking - a baking sheet with a parchment and lubricated oil.

We use oil from the refrigerator and leave at room temperature for about 30 minutes. For cooking, we use only chicken proteins. Gently separate the proteins into the bowl one by one, overflowing each protein into a large and dry capacity, no gram of yolk should not get to the proteins.

Add salt to proteins and beat 4 minutes on the minimum speed of the mixer.

Then we continue to beat 6 minutes on the middle turns of the mixer of the protein, adding on one spoon of sugar.

And we continue to beat 4 minutes by a mixer at maximum turnover.

We get a perfectly whipped protein mass that does not fall out of the tank if it is turned over.

The finished dough, not a honey, lay out the tablespoon on the pre-prepared baking sheet.

We remove the baking tray for 2 hours, putting the temperature of 100 degrees, do not open the oven during the cooking process.

Meanwhile, the noise of nuts.

Fry them for 7 minutes on a tiny fire.

Roasted walnuts will fly to a plate and leave until complete cooling.

While the meringue is prepared, prepare the oil cream. To whipped for a minute, creamy oil add vanilla sugar, one spoon condensed milk and continue to beat.

The total whipping time is 3 minutes, ready-made cream assign.

We take out ready meringues and give a couple of minutes to cool.

As long as the chocolate is growing in any way.

We collect a cake in a flat plate. We lay out the first row meringue, smearing the bottom of each cream, and sprinkled with nuts.

By linding the bottoms without a meringue, lay out them on each other and spend the layers with fried walnuts.

In the assembled form, the cake looks like a slide that one small meringue completes.

Chaotic pour chocolate and remove into the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Ready cake "County ruins". Bon Appetit.

Recipe 6: County ruins - Cake in chocolate glaze

  • sour cream - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • soda, hated by vinegar - 1.5 ch. l;
  • vanillin on the tip of the knife.
  • sour cream - 1 l;
  • sugar powder - 0.5 tbsp. (can be increased or reduced depending on taste preferences);
  • nuts.
  • cocoa - 6 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 12 tbsp.;
  • creamy oil - 100 g;
  • milk - 6 tbsp.

We start cooking the dough. Turn on the oven by 220 ° C.

In a deep bowl, add eggs and sugar, and then we carry them with the help of a mixer or a whin.

Success cocoa and gently mix.

Add soda, hawined by 9% table vinegar and vanillin.

In a bowl, we sift the flour (it is necessary to seek for it to enrich air) and lay out sour cream. All thoroughly mix before the formation of a homogeneous consistency of thick sour cream. There is a small nuance: the dough can be divided into two parts and only add cocoa to one of them. Then the cake county ruins will be similar to his brother - Zebra.

Lubricate the form for baking with sunflower or butter (you can additionally sprinkle semolina or use parchment paper, which you still have to lubricate with oil).

We lay out the dough into the form and align the back of the tablespoon, and then put in the oven for about 20 minutes - 30 until the biscuit is twisted.

While the dough is baked with cream. In a clean deep bowl, we pour sour cream and add sugar. Better mixer not to use, because The cream is very liquid, it will be enough for everything just mix the wedge or spoon. You can add boiled condensed milk instead of sugar to cream, it turns out very tasty.

Ideally, the cake is worth using walnuts, but they can be replaced by peanuts. In any case, they need to slightly fry until golden color and immediately lay out on the board to the glass oil, and after shifting into some container.

While the cream was preparing and roasted nuts, baked biscuit, the readiness of which can be checked with a toothpick or match, they should remain clean if the baking baked in the roast cabinet. We free baking from the form and let it cool a little.

We take a wide and sharp knife and, retreating from the surface somewhere 5 - 10 mm, cut off the top.

The resulting cake is impregnate with milk (you can prepare special impregnations on sugar syrup, lyker or Roma).

The remaining top of the biscuit is cut into medium-sized cubes of approximately 2.0 - 2.5 cm.

In a standard recipe, everyone has a cube to coat into the cream and spread the slide on the prepared root. However, it is much easier to add all the pieces to the cream immediately.

Very neatly manually mix the cream and biscuit cubes.

By this time, the korzh is already a little soaked and not in a hurry, we begin to lay out the pieces of the biscuit.

Periodically, the steps of the slides carry fried nuts.

When the "ruins" will take place, you can begin cooking the glaze. We connect milk, sugar, cocoa and butter in the containers. Instead of cocoa, you can use a chocolate tile weighing 100 g.

On slow fire, with constant stirring, cook the glaze of about 5 - 10 minutes (until it starts thick) and immediately remove from the fire.

Waiting until the icing will be cooled, it is enough to pour a cake outside. Here you can go two ways: completely hide the contents of the cake under chocolate sweet or just thin splashes decorate the delicacy.

Recipe 7: Cake County ruins with chocolate

Today we offer to your attention a step-by-step recipe with a photo of the preparation of the County Ruins Cake at home. Cake "County ruins" today is far from new. However, he does not lose its popularity to this day, because Does not require intricate ingredients and special culinary training. It is preparing very easily, from pieces of biscuit cakes, and it turns out to be impregnated, gentle, moderately sweet and unlikely to be delicious!

  • eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • flour - 250 gr.,
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp,
  • food soda - 1 tsp,
  • sugar - 300 gr.,
  • sour cream - 500 gr.,
  • black chocolate - 100 gr.

100 ml sour cream connect with 100 gr. Sugar and a mixer are well swept to an increase in the amount of twice.

Add eggs, and take the products again before smoothness.

Put flour and food soda. Mixer Mix the dough until uniformity.

Finished dough divide into two parts: 1/3 and 2/3. To most add cocoa powder and interfere well.

Both types of dough pour into forms. Light place in the form for the cake, because It will be the root of the base, and brown dough pour into any convenient shape, because The root will crumble.

Bake the cakes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Light cake will be ready after 10 minutes, brown 20-30. Readiness Check the wooden rash - it should be dry. Cooling ready-made cakes, and lay a light root on a dish for a cake design.

Brown crude cut into any pieces of about 1.5-2.5 cm.

The remaining sour cream with sugar is connected in a bowl and mixer to puff. You will have about 10 minutes to this process.

Slices with a tablespoon lay out the cake in the form of a slide. If the cream remains, then pour it on top to the cake.

Cut chocolate with pieces and connect with creamy oil.

Melt the chocolate to the liquid consistency, but do not bring to the boil. Mix it with butter before smoothness.

Pour the cake with chocolate icing. Make it with a teaspoon so that the glaze is applied in chaotic order. Send a cake for impregnation to the refrigerator for 3 hours. As you can see, it is not so difficult to prepare the County Ruins Cake at home, if you use this step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Recipe 8: County ruins with prunes and nuts

Prepare "Graft ruins" at home is very simple. In a classic recipe for the cake base, air meringue is used, but we will not spend half a day for the manufacture of this light cookie. We will prepare a well-friendly biscuit, which is not inferior to air meringue. The dough, which we will prepare, will be as easy and porous.

Let's rather delight our relatives and close to this delicious cake. Prepare this option "Graft Railing" will help our step-by-step recipe with a photo. Everything is so simple that the cooking process itself will take you no less pleasure than the further pleasure of this gentle taste.

  • chicken Egg - 2 pcs
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. for dough and 1 l for cream
  • sugar - 1 cup for test, ½ cup for cream and 3 tbsp. For glaze
  • wheat flour - 2 glasses
  • dental dough - 2 tbsp.
  • prunes - 200 gr
  • walnut - 200 gr
  • cocoa powder - 1-2 tbsp. For test, 3 tbsp. For glaze
  • cream 10% fat - 3 tbsp.
  • creamy butter - 50 gr

To begin with, prepare the dough. Take a glass deep container, pour sugar sand into it and add eggs. With the help of a mixer, take them up before the formation of thick foam. Wheat flour seek through a sieve several times. Add sinking flour, sour cream and dough for sugar-egg mixture. Pretty mix all the components.

Select the resulting dough into two identical parts. In one half, put a few spoons of cocoa powder and carefully interfere with it in the dough. Take a round shape for baking and lubricate bottom with soft oil sides. Gently lay out the light half of the dough. Chocolate dough can be baked in arbitrary form. Baking baking baking preliminarily needed to lubricate with oil. Oven warm up to 200-220 degrees. Both parts of the cooked dough send to the preheated oven and bake until complete readiness. Now prepare sour cream. Take a deep bowl, add to it sour cream, sugar, walnuts and prunes.

Finished cakes remove out of the oven and completely cool. Chocolate crude cut into cubes so that each side is no more than two centimeters. Light cake lay out on the dish and abundantly smeared with sour cream. In order for the biscuit is better soaked, make small cuts in it with a knife. Chocolate sliced \u200b\u200bcubes Place in the container with the remaining cream and gently mix. Make sure that each piece is completely "redeemed" in the cream from all sides. Now slowly and neatly lay out chocolate cubes on a light root. Cake as a result should have a shape of a small slide. It's time to cook the glaze. Add three tablespoons of cream and butter into the saucepan and bring them to a boil. Pass sugar and cocoa. Mix all the components thoroughly and boil until the glaze becomes thick. Apply chocolate glaze on the cake. Lubricate it as you want. You can apply chocolate thin lines, and you can completely cover chocolate cake.

Finished cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Let him be pretty soaked. Due to the fact that the biscuit has a porous structure and each cube is coating with cream, a cake is enough for impregnation. Well, if you leave it in the refrigerator for the night, the next morning the cake can be bought with lips. Now you can cut your culinary masterpiece. Cake "County ruins" is perfectly impregnated, and in the context he looks amazing. Surprise your relatives and loved ones with this magnificence. Be sure that in this preparation option, this cake will be your favorite delicacy of all the nice guests!

Recipe 9: Cake County ruins with orange

  • Wheat flour of top grade 2 st
  • Flour dishes
  • Dough breakner 1 tsp
  • Egg chicken 4 pcs
  • Brown sugar 1 st
  • Sour cream 500 g
  • Cream 33% 500 ml
  • Poppy grains 50 g
  • Cocoa 3 tbsp
  • Orange 1 pc
  • Amaretto liquor 50 ml
  • Almond ground 50 g
  • Maple syrup 50 ml
  • Salt chipotch

Eggs beat with sugar and sour cream in a magnificent foam.

To sift the flour with a bundle, gently join with an egg-sour cream mass and mix, divide the dough into two parts. Clause shape to parchment, pour half the dough and bake a white crude. Readiness to check for dry rachin.

In the second part of the test add poppy and cocoa, mix and bake a dark root. Readiness to check for dry rachin.

Prepare a syrup-impregnation: with an orange to remove the zest, squeeze the juice; Pour into the saucepan of half a cup of water, add 4 tbsp. Sugar, Amaretto Liquor, half of the portion of the zest and juice of orange, respect the sugar dissolution.

For cream mix sour cream, cream, the second half of the zest and juice of orange, if necessary, add sugar. Here you already need to regulate on your taste preferences, if you like sweet cream, then 5-7 tbsp. Enough.

Ready dark root to cool, cut in half and halves to impregnate with syrup.

Top post 3-4 tbsp. Cream and evenly distribute over the entire surface of the dark embarrassment. To cover it the second half.,,,,, ,

All recipes are carefully selected by the site culinary club.

There are 2 types of County Ruins Cake: Meringue and Biscuit. They are both popular in Russia, but the classic is considered a cake, which is based on meringue. It is definitely unknown who and as for the first time prepared this dessert, there are only a few interesting versions about the history of the origin of this cake.

The history of the dessert "Graft ruins" stretches from Switzerland of the 17th century. Then the Italian Condryer Gasparini was worked there, who experienced a passion for everything new and loved to create invisible confectionery products. Once he had long whipped squirrels with sugar and noticed that they turned into a stable magnificent foam. While the dough was not settled, he divided it into small balls and put it in the oven. As a result, it turned out an air, unusual dessert consistency, which later became popular in Europe and received the name of Merengi, in honor of the city of Mainingen, which was manufactured.

Especially popular Merenga became in France, where they collected various composite desserts. The ideas of composite French desserts and formed the basis of the County Ruins cake, which appeared in the USSR in the kitchen of one Soviet pastry. There is an opinion that "county ruins" is one of the variations of the popular Cake "Kiev". In Soviet times, many wanted to repeat the delicious Kiev dessert, and, in the process of its creation, something went wrong and the County Ruins cake turned out.

It is also an opinion that the first Count of "Counting Ruins" was created from biscuit, and not from meringue. The confectioner wanted to bake a biscuit cake, but in the end it turned out not as I wanted. Then the cook decided not to throw away the biscuit, but to crumble him in the form of a slide and pour cream. The resulting cake surpassed all expectations, surprised by his tenderness and unusual taste. Due to the simplicity of manufacturing and amazing taste, the cake recipe has become people, passed from in hand to hand, has undergone various changes. That is why the preparation options "Count ruins" are a huge set.

We consider the County Ruins Cake from meringue classic and original option. The "county ruins" is very easy to prepare, even a novice confectioner will continue to take it. True, it is worth noting that the option of a cake from meringue is more capricious in preparation due to meringue.

Motherland Cake "County Ruins": Russia


  • Egg protein - 200 grams;
  • Creamy oil - 400 grams;
  • Sugar - 400 grams;
  • Boiled condensed milk - 800 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • Walnuts - 200 grams;
  • Dark chocolate - 200 grams.

Step-by-step recipe

The process of preparing a classic cake "County ruins" from meringue at home consists of a 3rd stages:

  • baking meringue;
  • cooking cream;
  • build and cake decoration.

In addition to the above ingredients to create an original County Ruins Cake, the oven, maintaining the temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, mixer, cornetics, confectionery tools, baking paper and dishes.

Stage 1 - baking meringue:

  1. Heat the oven to 100 degrees Celsius.
  2. Chicken eggs consistently break carefully, separating the protein from each egg into a clean and dry container. To ensure that the yolk does not get into a bowl with a protein. You just need to get 200 grams of egg protein.
  3. Pour 1 tablespoon of lemon juice into proteins and pour out 100 grams of sugar.
  4. Start whipping proteins by a mixer. During whipping, when the protein increases, gradually pour out 150 grams of sugar, a little later, another 150 grams of ordinary sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar. Continue to beat while sugar is not completely dissolved in protein and to stable peaks.
  5. Place meringue in a confectionery bag.
  6. On the baking sheet to lay paper for baking.
  7. With a confectionery bag, planted on a baking sheet, covered with paper baking, disk, diameter of 20 centimeters, and near small balls, 3 centimeter diameter. That is, the base of the cake and balls should turn out, from which the hill will be gathering.
  8. Place a meringue to preheated up to 100 degrees aiming oven and bake for 2 hours. Readless meringues have white, are not prepedential and spacked well from paper baking.
  9. After that, turn off the oven and turn the door slightly, leaving meringue. This will allow smoothly to cool with meringue and prevent the appearance of cracks.

Stage 2 - Cooking Cream:

  1. Get 400 grams of cream oil from the refrigerator and leave at room temperature for softening.
  2. As soon as the oil softens to beat his mother's mixer.
  3. Add to whipped oil 800 grams of boiled condensed milk and 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar. Mix well manually until uniformity.

Stage 3 - assembly and cake decoration:

  1. Put 20 centimeter base of cake on a dish or tray on which a cake will be supplied.
  2. Lay out the resulting cream in a confectionery bag and planted a small layer on a 20 centimeter base.
  3. Put the balls from meringue on the cream.
  4. Next on the balls from the meringue on top of the applied cream.
  5. Then put the balls from meringue on the cream, but in such a way that they occupy a smaller area than the previous layer of balls.
  6. Apply a layer of cream from above.
  7. Continue to lay out the balls and apply the cream from above, but in such a way that the area of \u200b\u200beach new level is less than the previous one. It is necessary that the cone is in the end.
  8. Choombing 200 grams of walnuts.
  9. Melt in a water bath 200 grams of dark chocolate.
  10. Half the cake from above melted chocolate.
  11. Sprinkle with walnut.

Classic cake "Graft ruins" from meringue is ready. Bon Appetit!

431 kcal

3 h

8 Ingredients

926 rubles

100 ° C.

2.23 kg


PictureThe name of the ingredientnumberMeasureCalorieWeightPrice
1 200 gram90 kcal200 gr21 rubles
2 400 gram2992 kcal400 gr180 rubles
3 400 gram1548 kcal400 gr12 rubles
4 800 gram2520 kcal800 gr144 rubles
5 2 tea spoon32 kcal8 gr6 rubles
6 1 tablespoon6 kcal18 gr3 rubles

Lovers of a sweet cake "Graft ruins" with meringue is well known. Many people love for an unusually delicate taste. In winter, such a cake to add nuts, dried fruits, boiled condensed milk, and add strawberries and whipped cream in the spring and summer. Versions of the execution of this cake are very much, everyone can choose to taste. Today I want to show you Spring-summer cake Recipe "County Ruins" with meringue. Or you can say - the cake based on the "Graft Razvalin". Bakeless can be baked on the eve or even a week before the manufacture of the cake.


So, for the preparation of a cake "Graft ruins" we will need:

meringue (meringue) - 1 kg.

For cream:

cream for beating (fatness not less than 33%) - 500 ml;

sugar or sugar powder - 100 g (or to taste);

strawberry - 300 g;

ginger fresh - a piece of 1.5 cm long (optional);

mint - a few twigs.

Stages of preparation

Stir and our cream for the County Ruins Cake is ready.

Layers repeat. Top layer lay out meringues. You can immediately start tea drinking. But the next day the Count Ruins will be no less tasty.

Our air, gentle delicacy is ready. The top of the cake can be decorated in different ways, for example, chocolate. Cake "County ruins" with meringue, prepared on this recipe, has a simple magical taste. Be sure to try!

Delicious tea drinking!

Cake "County ruins" with meringue - will take a worthy place on the festive table. Dessert is quite easy to prepare, and not take a lot of extra time at the hostess. For the first time, the delicacy was manufactured at the Kiev factory for the production of cakes. Of course, the confectionery recipe changed somewhat. And it is only for the better. After all, modern pastars know the exquisite confectionery baking. How to cook the Count Ruins cake with meringue, and that we will need to know this article for this.

Cooking the County Ruins Cake

Cake "County ruins" with meringue and biscuit - a fairly budget version of the preparation of a confectionery product. The main components of the biscuit are wheat flour, eggs and sour cream. We advise you to carefully study the composition and shelf life of the ingredients. Give preference to the flour of the highest grade. Sour cream must necessarily be fatight at least 20%.

To prepare cakes, such ingredients should be prepared:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • soda, greased by vinegar;
  • 750 grams of flour;
  • 30 grams of cocoa powder.

Cooking method:

In a dry bowl, we drive chilled eggs. Pour sugar. We proceed to the whipping of the mass, until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the mass becomes homogeneous, we introduce the glass of sour cream, stirrate the spoon and proceed to the addition of wheat flour and greased soda vinegar.

Let's prevent the dough with a spoon, then we divide into two equal parts, in one of which I introduce cocoa. Mix the chocolate mass and give it a little "relax".

Molds lubricate with butter. We lay out two types of tests in different forms and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes.

While the cakes are baked, proceed to cooking cream. For this follows. 500 grams of oily sour cream beaten with a glass of sugar. The cream should succeed slightly rare. We assign a delicacy to the side, pull the cakes and give them a little cool.

For cooking glaze, we take a pair of black chocolate tiles, break them into pieces and put on a water bath. When the chocolate mass begins to hide, we introduce 80 grams of oily cream, and 50 grams of water and butter. Let's prevent the mass to obtain a homogeneous consistency and remove from the fire.

Opinion expert

Anastasia Titova


After cooling the cortex, cut the white and chocolate biscuit along (it is possible to do it with a knife or thread), and proceed to the formation of the cake.

Captition Secrets for Cake "County Ruins"

Confectionery cakes are very similar to taste with classic chocolate and white biscuits. The difference lies only in the addition of sour cream, which makes baking even more gentle and fragrant.

For the preparation of cortex, for the County Ruins cake, the recipe of which is indicated above, it is necessary to prepare room temperature products. That is, a couple of hours before the preparation of the dessert, you should post them from the refrigerator. What's the secret? Under this condition, all the ingredients used are mixed well between themselves, and form a homogeneous dough, which is evenly absorbed.

How to cook cakes?

  1. The optimal temperature regime is 180-200 degrees Celsius.
  2. From above, biscuit must necessarily be covered with foil, to preserve moisture in the korzh.
  3. Bakeing time 20 minutes. Readiness to check the toothpick.

If the cakes will seem dryly, they can be rehabilitated by impregnation. But remember that it is impregnated only by the upper pair of biscuit layers. The corgis, which will be used as decorating elements - do not impregnate, since chocolate glaze will fulfill its mission 100%.

Opinion expert

Novikova Yana.


As an impregnation, you can use a diluted liquor, orange or cherry jam, missed through a sieve.

Cream Cream: Cooking Options

The classic preparation of the cake cream assumes the use of the entire pair of the main ingredients: sour cream and sugar. It is absolutely not necessary to follow the proposed recipe, because options for the preparation of creams for the "Count Zavalin" - mass.

  • Cream with boiled condensed milk

500 ml of condensed milk mix with 500 ml of sour cream, vanilla and 50 grams of powdered sugar. Mass whipped in a blender, before the formation of a thick cream. You can also add crushed walnuts or almond nuts, and a few drops of alcohol.

  • Fruit cream

For the preparation of a fruit cream, we will need: a liter of milk, a glass of sugar, 3 eggs, 50 grams of vermouth, a glass of berry syrup, packaging jelly. I pour the milk with dishes. Here we introduce sugar. We bring to a boil and remove from the fire. We whip the eggs, we enter into a slightly cooled mass.

Jelly pour berry syrup, and let him swell. We introduce the swollen gelatin in the mass, constantly stirring it with a spoon. The dishes with fruit cream put in the bulk container, we pour water into the container (but so that it does not shed in jelly), and put in the oven. Tim about one hour at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius.

  • Cream with condensed milk

Banks of solid condensed milk, mix with packing of butter and 100 grams of powdered sugar. We beat a lot of blender, and put in the refrigerator so that it froze.

How to shape a cake

When the cakes are baked, cream and glaze are prepared, it is time to start the main stage - the formation of a confectionery product. Do not forget the meringues or bake them yourself (2 squirrels are whipped with a glass of sugar powder, we enter a teaspoon of lemon, lay a spoon "dough" and a volume in the oven for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 140 degrees).

White biscuit we divide into two parts with a knife. Chocolate biscuit mode in random order. But it is desirable to cut small oblong cubes from the biscuit.

Stages of confectionery formation:

  1. White crude generously lubricating cream. We lay out the second Corogik, and also apply a cream on it.
  2. Discovered chocolate biscuits, spread the mountain to white korzh in an arbitrary order.
  3. Generously pour the cake to the remaining cream.
  4. Lay out meringues.
  5. In the pastry bag, pick up a cooked chocolate glaze and proceed to the cloth of a confectionery product. Stripes in randomly look at the baking well, just perfect.

Opinion expert

Anastasia Titova


The recipe for "County ruins" of meringue - will take a worthy place in the book of culinary recipes. And you can feed it with hot drinks to choose from!

Confectionery is enough just to cook, but still some recommendations will help you not be lost in the process of creating sweet baking.

  1. Eggs with sugar should be scored exclusively in dry dishes.
  2. To quickly separate the cakes from the mold, put it on a cold towel after cooking.
  3. During baking, it is impossible to open the oven.
  4. If you plan to add nuts to cream - be sure to fry them in a pan. So, they will give their oils and exquisite fragrance.
  5. Make sure that the glaze does not frozen. And if it happened, it can be rehabilitated, heated in a microwave or water bath.
  6. If there is no strength, cook without yourself, buy it in the store. Very advantageously delicacy looks in white and pink.

Please the households with original taste. On average, it takes about 90 minutes to prepare, but the result obtained is definitely worth the time spent.

Good recipe?
