Delicious home rolls. Biscuit roll

12.01.2021 Dishes from seafood

Sweet rolls are such a special kind of cakes that are made from various types of dough. Very often, such a product is prepared with an apricot jam or with apple jam. And serves delicious delicacy with hot tea.

Dessert has a huge number of species that differs from each other the basis for twisting the roll, as well as the composition of the filling. In this case, each dish is characterized by its unique aroma, a unique taste and excellent texture.

It seemed simple, but an incredibly appetizing delicacy would be able to prepare absolutely each, even without having a large culinary experience by the shoulders. And all because baking is preparing quickly, easily and with a minimum of the ingredients spent for this.

If never prepared such sweetness, but you want to do this to pamper not only yourself, but also your households with some delicious dessert for tea, then you will find a large number of different recipes from the photo where the step-by-step instruction is given correctly Prepare sweet rolls yourself at home. Try, experiment with a roll for a roll - and will certainly get a delightful tasty product, which will then do regularly.

Recipes with step-by-step photos

  • Padernik
  • Sweet Heart Shaped Roll
  • Puff dough strudel
  • Pear strudel
  • Strudel with cherry
  • Apple strudel
  • Roulet with jam
  • Vertuutu with apples
  • Biscuit roll with boiled condensed milk and nuts

The history of the occurrence of baking

The history of the appearance of baking, which is called "sweet rolls", began several centuries ago. And all thanks to European chefs who spent some culinary experiences. As a result, they managed to cook a roll with a sweet filling.

According to one of the versions, the described product came up with Swiss. However, at the same time, the rolls were already known in French, German and Russian cuisine.

On another legend, for the first time sweet rolls appeared in France. On the Christmas holiday, it was customary to bring a huge dwelling, to sprinkle with olive oil, warm wine with spices and put in the home burning focus. At the end of the nineteenth century, one French confectioner decided to make a cake on a Christmas holiday in the form of a large loan. And then, the sweet biscuit roll, which was decorated with chocolate cream, leaves and mushrooms made from cream and meringues.

The word "roll" with French is translated as "wrapping" or "roll". It is this transition very accurately describes the most important feature of this delicacy, namely: it is a baking twisted in the form of a cylinder, inside which contains a filling.

Queen of England Victoria introduced a fashion on such popular sweet rolls with layers in the form of a jam. Then in the palace, this product was prepared almost every day. After that, the recipe for making rolls with sweet filling got into Australia.

To date, sweet rolls are widely demanded and popular in most countries of the world. Such delicious, magnificent and fragrant baking loves anyone who has ever been torn to the product described.

Characteristics of the features of sweet rolls

The characteristic of the features of sweet rolls directly depends on what basis is used, as well as from which ingredients the filling consists.

As you know, such a product can be prepared from various types of test, namely:

Test type

His features


If you want to make a roll on a yeast dough, then the consistency of the flour composition should not be liquid. The dough is kneaded by hand. The filling is distributed over the surface of the rolled dough, which is then wrapped in the roll. In this case, the edges of the test should be seen. However, it is not worth sending to the oven immediately. The roll should stand at about thirty minutes.

This type of dough for the roll should not be completely deflected. It is advisable to warm up a little bit in a microwave oven so that the dough is easier to roll. If you use a berry stuffing for puff pastry, it is best to take fresh berries. If you take a frozen product, then during baking berries will be allowed juice, and as a result, the product will become watery. If you take fresh fruits, such as apricot, nectarine or peach, you do not need to remove the skin with them. Fruits need to just cut into small pieces.


It is this kind of test that is more likely to create sweet rolls, because biscuit cakes are very simple and fast in the manufacture. Young hostesses, who have no time for a more complex pasting, make sweet rolls with a biscuit base "on an ambulance hand."

Almost all recipes for the preparation of sweet rolls include ingredients that are used to create festive cakes. In this case, the dough for the rolls is impregnated with a stuffing in the form of jam, jam, jam, cream or condensed milk. In addition, the filling may include cottage cheese, poppy, dried fruits (for example, prunes, dried) or ground nuts.

Already the finished baked roll is falling on top of sugar powder or watering chocolate glaze.

If you do not want to mess around for a long time with the dough, then some recipes are offered to create a sweet roll of footwash, which is done in five minutes. The filling is simply wrapped in Lavash and goes to the refrigerator for several hours for impregnation. Such a dish can be served to tea or coffee.

You can also make a sweet roll without baking dishes in the oven. As the basis, ground cookies and cocoa powder are used. So it turns out a chocolate dough. A stuffing can act butter with sugar powder and coconut chips. The finished roll is sent to the freezer of the chamber for thirty minutes. After that, the sweet product can be served to the table along with hot tea.

In the Turkish kitchen there are also its sweets that are drawn up in the form of a roll, namely, the "barn of Baklava" (a roll with melid choppedups) and a bowum, which has a square shape, but may also be wrapped in the roll.

As for the benefit for the body, it is definitely homemade sweet rolls much more useful than those sold in stores. This is due to the fact that manufacturers producing this product, for the sake of improving taste, can include various synthetic additives, as well as preservatives. For example, a roll with a jam filling prepared at home will contain glucose, which has a positive effect on the activity of the brain.

However, a lot of calories are contained in a sweet roll, because it is a flour product. In this regard, you should not be too involved in a similar dish, if you do not want to gain extra kilograms.

Secrets of cooking dishes at home

Secrets of cooking sweet rolls at home are quite simple and easy to remember. To make the cakes easily wrapped, and also that dessert is in the end turned out not only sweet, but also tasty, experienced cooks give some good, and most importantly, the right advice.

So, what should be remembered when you are preparing a sweet roll:

  1. A mold for baking is necessary to cover with a parchment, lubricated butter, so that the korzh does not stick to the bottom of the latter until it is baked in the oven.
  2. Since the biscuit root bakes in a matter of minutes, they must constantly check it on readiness so that the biscuit is not burned.
  3. While the dough was not cooled, it must be tilted onto the towel and carefully remove the parchment paper.
  4. If you do not want the roll to crack during folding, it should be lubricate with syrup or coffee. When the dough is soaked and becomes a soft enough, the roll can be easily folded into the tube. However, do not overdo the liquid. Otherwise, the korzh can soften and it will be difficult to wrap it.
  5. Sweet filling is applied onto the roll, until he has cooled. After distributing the filling on the kid, you need to turn it with a roll and wait until the product is completely cooling. Then the surface of the dessert can be decorated with some berries or fruit.
  6. However, if you did not have time to put the root in the roll, and he already cooled, it does not matter. Send a biscuit to the preheated oven for about five minutes. The korge will again become warm, as well as soft, and it can be easily minted in the roll.
  7. Do not turn the roll very tight. Otherwise, the filling can simply get out, and the dessert itself will not be sufficiently air.
  8. In order for the finished product to look quite neatly and attractive, the edges of the roll must be very gently cropped with sharp kitchen knife.
  9. If you want a sweet roll to derive and saturated fragrance, it is permissible to add a little cinnamon, vanilla or orange zest into the dough.
  10. When the assembled roll finally cools, it can be sprinkled with either dry cocoa powder or sugar powder. Also, the surface of the dessert can be poured with icing, hot chocolate or sweet (it must be melt before).
  11. To beautifully arrange the roll, you can use fresh fruit or berries, as well as whipped cream.

However, in addition, how to turn the biscuit root in the roll, you need to know how to bake the air and lush sweet roll on your own at home, so that the result is perfect dessert.

First, in any recipe it is indicated that the flour must be at least a couple of times to sift with the help of sieves.

Secondly, eggs must be chilled. This allows you to better beat egg whites.

Thirdly, the roll will always get air, if you beat the proteins correctly and add ingredients to them. Proteins must certainly beched in clean and dry dishes. Initially, the proteins are embroidered with a wedge on a weak velocity mode about a pair of minutes until yellow foam appears. Then, for a minute, the mass is whipped on medium speed, and after the mode switches to maximum and proteins are whipped to stable peaks.

Fourthly, the dough does not like to be stirred too long. Otherwise, the composition will be not lush enough.

Fifth, before sending the root to the furnace, the oven pre-warm up to one hundred and eighty degrees.

Sixth, while Biscuit bakes, the oven cannot be converted. Otherwise, the korzh can settle down. The roll will be ready when the surface of the product will cover a light brown crust.

On-seventh, ready hot biscuit must be extremely careful to extract from the mold. Due to the wrong exposure, the puff product can disappear.

In kneading the dough there are also some nuances, namely:

  1. For a sweet roll, egg whites must be separated from yolks. The latter are rubbed together with sugar sand until the mass turns and does not increase in volume. Proteins, as mentioned above, are whipped to elastic consistency.
  2. When proteins are swamped, part of the protein mass must be added to yolks and stir well. You need to interfere at the bottom up.
  3. Then flour is added to the egg mass, it is very thoroughly mixed, but not only a mixer, but a whisk. After that, the remaining part of the protein mass is introduced and mixed.
  4. If the recipe is required to include in the dough such ingredients such as vanillin, baking powder, cocoa powder or starch, then all these products need to be added to the flour.
  5. In order for the flour composition, the specialists are recommended to replace the 4th of the flour to starch.
  6. The dough breakdler is used only if there is cocoa or butter.
  7. As soon as they knead the dough, the composition must be immediately pouring into the form for baking and send it into the oven.

Since the test for a sweet roll is not too much and the flour composition is poured on a baking sheet with a thin layer, the korzh bakes pretty quickly. Biscuit will be ready after fifteen minutes.

If you clearly adhere to these recommendations, then accurately prepare so tasty, fragrant and delicious delicacy that it will be impossible to break away from it until you dare the last piece.

On the site you can find a wide variety of step-by-step recipes with photo fiction, how to prepare sweet rolls at home.

In the oven, a thin cake for the biscuit roll is baked approximately for 15-20 minutes. Therefore, for the preparation of sweet delicacy from the biscuit dough will take no more than an hour. Yeast rolls are prepared significantly longer, but yeast dough is considered less capricious than biscuit. That is, it is almost always quite lush and delicious even with those owners who are just beginning to learn to prepare homemade baking.

Fast biscuit cake. Watch the video!

Biscuit dough for the roll


Eggs (3 pieces)
flour (1 cup)
Sugar sand (1 cup)
Package Vanillina

How to prepare biscuit dough for a roll:

    Eggs need to carefully beat, mixing with sugar, it is better to use a mixer or blender for this.

    Beat at least five minutes. When the air cream-like mass from eggs and sugar will be ready, it should be added to the flour, sifted through a colander. If the flour does not sift, then the dough will not be air.

    Whipped eggs are mixed with flour to a state of homogeneous mass. The finished dough is distributed on the contrary thin layer. It can be broken with a spoon so that the surface of the embedded embers was smoother.

    The oven must be preheated to 200 ° C, then put it with a baking sheet and reduce the temperature to 180 ° C. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Yeast dough for the roll

Lovers of lush yeast baking This recipe will probably have to taste. Yeast dough rolls are perfectly combined with an apple and poppy filling.


Flour (4 tbsp. Spoons with a slide)
Fresh yeast (25 g)
Milk (1 cup)
Creamy oil or margarine (50 g)
Package of vanilla sugar
Sugar (4 tbsp. spoons)
Salt (half h. spoons)
Water (50-70 ml)

How to cook yeast dough for a roll:

    Flour must carefully sift through the sieve, then add salt, sugar, yeast, egg, warm milk and warm water to it.

    It is important to remember that water and milk should not be hot, and otherwise the dough will not work as air, since the protein added to the dough egg will come.

    Creamy oil melts in warm milk and also poured into the dishes with the dough. The resulting dough must be stirred, cover with a lid or polyethylene film, leave about 60-80 minutes.

    When the cap will rise on the test, it is ready. The dough must be rolled out, put it on it filling (for example, apples with cinnamon) and roll in the roll.

    Then the roll is laid out on the baking sheet, lubricated with vegetable oil. Baking time is approximately 30-40 minutes, the temperature of the oven is 180-200 ° C.

The biscuit roll is a very simple and beautiful version of the home dessert, which is simply indispensable for friendly tea drinking. It is very easy to prepare for the arrival of guests, spending literally half an hour of pasting time.

The basis of the roll is biscuit rootwhich is preparing in a matter of minutes. The dough recipe is always almost the same. It includes flour, eggs and sugar. If you wish, you can add some milk and various flavors. Also, the test is easy to give chocolate or coffee taste. To do this, it is enough to use cocoa or ground coffee.

The root of the crick form immediately after cooking so that the dough does not have to cool. Then he needs to fasten the shape. To do this, it is enough to cover the roll with a towel and leave for 10-15 minutes. After such preparation, it can be safely deployed and adding the stuffing inside.

The filling can be simple, for example, jam, jam or condensed milk. For a more complex dessert, you can prepare a custard, curd, oil and any other cream at the discretion of culinary. Inside the roll also lay fresh or canned fruits.

Biscuit roll in itself looks very presentableBut you can additionally decorate it with sugar powder, whipped cream, melted chocolate or poppy. Before serving, the dessert must be in the cold at least 1 hour.

Secrets of cooking perfect biscuit roll

The biscuit roll is a delicious and gentle dessert to tea, which looks great on the table. The easiest recipe occupies no more than 20 minutes of time and requires a small amount of available products. How to cook a biscuit roll at home, the following secrets of experienced confectioners will be prompt:

Secret number 1. Jam or jam for a roll should not be too liquid. It is best to choose a filling of medium density.

Secret number 2. So that the roll is fluffy, the eggs need to be hit at least 5 minutes.

Secret number 3. Korzh for the roll should not be thick or very thin. The optimal thickness is 2 cm.

Secret number 4. Korg cooking time is better to adjust independently. It is important that he only slightly smoothed.

Secret number 5. You need to turn the korzh more hot, otherwise it will dry and break.

Secret number 6. So that the korzh was not overwhelmed and turned out well before making a roll, you can soak it with a liqueur, butter or conventional boiled water.

Secret number 7. To use too much impregnation is impossible - the dough can be blocked.

Very fast, simple and at the same time unusual dessert. You can safely treat guests or your households. Jam will suit any, but not too liquid or thick. Sour cream, on the contrary, it is better to take an elder and walking.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Bustyer - 1 tsp;
  • Sour cream - 1 cup;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Jam - ½ cup;
  • Sugar - ½ cup;
  • Sugar powder - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Eggs mix with sugar and beat well before the formation of lush and thick foam.
  2. To the egg mixture add sifted with a bundle of flour.
  3. Mix the dough well and pour it into a rectangular shape for baking, lubricated with butter.
  4. Bake in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, while the korzh will not be twisted.
  5. Getting ready to cover with bakery paper, disconnect the edges from the battle and roll into the roll.
  6. Roulet cover with a towel and leave for 10 minutes.
  7. Roll deploy, remove the paper and lubricate the sour cream over the entire surface.
  8. Out of sour cream, lay out a smooth layer of jam and roll the roll again.
  9. Place the dish in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then sprinkle with a powder.

Interesting from the network

A simpler domestic recipe simply not to find. From the minimum of the ingredients, a delicious and fragrant dessert is obtained, which is at times better than purchased. If the korzh succeeds a bit over, it is possible to impregnate it with a small amount of jumped.


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Flour - 200 g;
  • Jam.

Cooking method:

  1. Eggs with sugar whipping a mixer, add flour and knead the dough.
  2. Little baking sheet with parchment, lubricate with oil.
  3. Pour the dough on the baking sheet, the oven is 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  4. Parchment segment, commensurate, smear with vegetable oil.
  5. Gently turn the root on the prepared sheet.
  6. Remove the top layer of paper, korzh lubricate jacket.
  7. Collapse roll, while separating the root of paper.

To prepare such a roll, you will have to tinker a little, but this magnificent, gentle and very tasty dessert necessarily justifies the time spent. Bananas need to choose ripe and, desirable, smooth. Cocoa use not necessarily.


  • Milk - 1 ¼ cup;
  • Sugar - 1 ¼ cup;
  • Creamy oil - 100 g;
  • Bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • Starch - 40 g;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Flour - 100 g;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Cocoa - 1 ½ tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - ¼ h. L.;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. In the saucepan, mix the following ingredients: 1 egg, a glass of milk, one tablespoon of flour and cocoa, a half of the sugar and a little vanillina.
  2. The contents of the saucepan mix well and put on fire.
  3. Bring cream to a thick consistency, stirring intensively.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the fire and cool.
  5. Add to cream 50 g of butter room temperature, beat.
  6. The remaining milk and butter is put in a saucepan and warm up.
  7. 3 eggs and the rest of the sugar beat with a mixer 10 minutes.
  8. To sift the flour together with starch, soda, salt and cocoa.
  9. Add the resulting mixture into a bowl with eggs and mix thoroughly.
  10. Pour hot milk with butter in a common bowl, mix once again.
  11. Lay out the dough on a baking sheet with wipen parchment.
  12. Prepare a root at 190 degrees 15 minutes.
  13. Collapse the root along with paper and then cool.
  14. Roll deploy, remove the paper, lubricate the cake with cream.
  15. Bananas lay out over the cream so that they find themselves in the middle of the roll.
  16. Again to turn the root with a roll and send to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Gentle dessert, which just melts in the mouth. In this case, each time different fruits can be used, thereby getting a new delicious dish. Brandy can be replaced with a liqueur or rum, and as a syrup will suit the juice from those most canned fruits.


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 2/3 glasses;
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Brandy - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Fruit syrup - ½ cup;
  • Canned fruit - 1 bank;
  • Whipped cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Eggs and half of the specified quantity of sugar to beat into the lush white foam.
  2. Add to eggs flour, mix until uniformity.
  3. Stay on the baking paper baking paper, lubricate with oil.
  4. Pour the dough over the paper, bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.
  5. Collapse the root roll, without removing the paper.
  6. Syrup pour into a saucepan, add remaining sugar, warm up.
  7. Mix starch and brandy, pour into the same saucepan, bring to a boil.
  8. Grind half of the fruit, mix with the sugar-liquor mixture.
  9. Add cottage cheese and beat carefully.
  10. Expand the roll, remove the paper and put the stuffing, leaving a little place at the edges.
  11. Place the roll in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then decorate the remaining fruit and cream.

Now you know how to cook a biscuit roll on a recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

Sweet rolls look very seductive on the shelves of confectionery stores. Of course, the store rolls are very tasty, but cooked independently will be a hundred times better.

But when there is a jam, there is nothing easier than to cook the roll with jam. In order for the biscuit turned out to be more juicy and gentle, it is recommended to soak it with sweet syrup, and a bit of cinnamon, vanilla or citrus sages are added for the fragrance. From above Sprinkle with a roll with sugar powder, coconut chips, to pour in icing or sweet or decorate with berries, fruits, chocolate chips.

Roll with apricot jam

Thanks to a step-by-step recipe, even an inexperienced hostess can easily prepare such a biscuit roll.

3 raw eggs,
1 tbsp. Wheat flour,
1 tbsp. White sugar,
1 tbsp. Liquid jam.

First we prepare the biscuit dough. We take eggs and separate yolks from the proteins, after which it is sent to the refrigerator for some time. With the help of a mixer whipping yolks and 0.5 cups of white sugar, until the magnificent white mass is formed.
Further from the refrigerator, we get already cooled proteins and whipped with a mixer, adding all the remaining sugar. As soon as the foam becomes very thick, finish you beat.

Carefully mix the driven proteins with yolks and in small portions we introduce a predetermined flour - diligently mix the biscuit dough with a spoon. The dough is completely ready, and now it is necessary to bake a biscuit reservoir for the roll.

It is advisable to lay the dough on a special silicone baking mat or on parchment sheet, well blurred sunflower oil. We lay the dough with the help of a spoon and evenly distribute it to a smooth layer (not the thicker of one centimeter).
Heat the oven to 180 degrees in advance and put a baking tray in it. Biscuit crude bake about 15, you can 20 minutes, you need to constantly monitor it so that it is not burned, but slightly shook.

As soon as the crude is fully prepared, get it out of the oven, and now it is necessary to act very quickly until he cooled and hardened - we turn the korzh along with the silicone rug and leave for about a minute. Further turn the root and lubricate it with an apricot jam, after which they quickly fold quickly, but now without the help of the rug.

You can feed the roll in this form or decorate it. Most often, the edge of the biscuit embezzle is fried much stronger, so we neatly cut the edges with a knife. From above, the roll is poured with sugar icing, which can be easily prepared - on a slow heat heating 1.5 tablespoons of water and ¼ cup of white sugar. We must wait until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mixture will begin to boil, while constantly interfere with the glaze so that sugar is not burned. It is necessary to cool the glaze slightly, and then pour it the biscuit, as soon as the glaze completely cools, it will become white and turn into an appetizing crispy crust.
Biscuit cut into pieces, shift onto a beautiful dish, and can be served to the table.

Roll with jam and condensed milk

Such a roll is preparing very quickly, thanks to which it is very popular among experienced owners, because it can be easily baked before the arrival of guests, and at the same time they do not have to hold half a day in the kitchen.

1 tbsp. Wheat flour,
2 raw eggs,
1 tbsp. l. vinegar
1 bank of condensed milk,
0.5 h. L. Food soda,
Any jam, sugar powder - to taste.

In a deep bowl, we beat the condensed milk with eggs in a deep bowl, after which we enter soda, repressed in advance in vinegar. Now add to the mixture of sifted flour, we all mix well.

Baking baking tray with parchment paper and lay out on ready-made dough. By this time, the oven should warm up to 180 degrees, put a baking sheet with a dough and bake the root to complete readiness.

As soon as the crude is twisted, take it out of the oven and cut off the knife around the perimeter, after which you carefully remove the parchment layer. Korzh lubricate jam and turn into a roll.

Now the roulet is laying out on the prepared dish and we sprinkle with a small amount of powdered sugar. As soon as the roll will cool down slightly, cut it with small portions and can be supplied to tea.

Yeast roll with jam

This recipe will be a bit more complicated by the previous ones and will suit more experienced hostesses, Which can work with yeast dough.

500 g of milk,
100 g of white sugar,
800 g of wheat flour,
300 g margarine,
1 yeast sachet (dry),
1 tsp. shallow salt.

First take milk and slightly heat it so that it is room temperature. As soon as the milk warms up, add sugar to it, we introduce yeast and let it go.
Margarine gets in advance from the refrigerator so that he sink slightly. Soft margarine mix with flour and add a little salt - all mixed well.
Now we connect the flour and yeast mixtures - we knead homogeneous dough. Then we leave for some time the dough so that it can go to how to rise, then roll over with a subtle plate, lubricate with a small number of margarine and fold the converter. Again roll off the dough and repeat such a procedure exactly three times.
At the end, roll the dough, lubricate with any jam, after which we turn the roll, cover with a clean towel and leave for a while. As soon as the product rises, lubricate it with eggs and put on 15, you can 20 minutes in the oven heated to 220 ° C.


Such a dessert is preparing enough quickly and will become an excellent decoration for any celebration.

1/2 Art. any jam,
1 raw egg,
½ st. sour cream
200 g of oil,
2/3 of Art. White sugar,
2.5 tbsp. Wheat flour.

First, on the table we sift the flour, after which we add softened oil and sugar - rubbing your hands. Next, we enter sour cream and a raw egg, make a pretty mixing homogeneous dough.

Finished dough rolling into a thin layer, after which we lubricate with any jam and gently fold into the roll. We lubricate the roll with a whipped egg on top and put in a heated oven, we bake until the product acquires a dark brown color, but at the same time it is important to constantly monitor that the roll is not burned.

Roll with raspberry jam

This rollster is prepared very easily and will have to taste not only to children, but also adult sweets.

1 tbsp. White sugar,
4 raw eggs,
2 tbsp. l. Potato starch,
1 tbsp. sifted flour
¼ h. L. Food soda,
Any jam - to taste,
Lemon juice or vinegar (to repay soda).

With one cup of sugar whipped in advance cooled eggs, after which we add starch to the mixture and again we beat everything carefully.

Through the sieve sifting the flour, and then we enter it into the dough. Gasim lemon juice or vinegar soda and introduce it into the dough - there should be a dough of homogeneous consistency.

Baking tray lubricate margarine or oil, and then pour ready on it dough and recall the spoon. It is important to ensure that the test layer is not the thicker of two centimeters, otherwise it will be very difficult to roll the roll.
In the preheated oven we bake the roll for 20 minutes. A ready-made korzh lubricate jam and neatly fold into the roll, we leave for a while to cool, after which you hang the edges, cut into portion pieces, and can be served to the table.

Roll with cherry jam

The roll, prepared on this recipe, is obtained unusually gentle and tasty, besides, it can be baked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker.

100 g of butter cream
200 g of milk,
100 g of white sugar,
2 raw eggs,
1 tbsp. Wheat flour,
1 pinch of salt,
1 tbsp. l. yeast (dry)
Vanillin, jam - a little, to taste.

First, we knew homogeneous dough from the listed components, after which we put it in a warm place for an hour and a half and wait until it rises.

We lay out the finished dough on the table, sailed in advance with a small amount of flour, and roll in not very thick layer (approximately 1 cm). Further the dough is lubricated with cherry jam (it is necessary to use a bone jam) and gently turn into the roll.

Multivarka's bowl thoroughly lubricate with a small amount of oil and put a roll in it. Now we close the Multivarka bowl and turn the heated mode for 15 minutes. Further turns on the "Baking" mode, and we bake the roll of 60 minutes, after which we turn the roll and leave another 20 minutes so that it is uniformly twisted on all sides.

You can feed such a roll with whipped cream or with ice cream, it turns out very tasty.

6 tbsp. l. any jam,
¾ Art. Wheat flour,
1 tsp. Vanilla extract,
0.5 Art. White sugar,
3 raw eggs.

First we turn on the oven, as it should warm up to 200 ° C. Baking shape with parchment paper
In a bowl, placed on a water bath, we drive eggs, we introduce salt, we introduce sugar and leave for five minutes. Then remove the bowl from the bath and whip the mixture with a mixer for two minutes.

We add to the mixture of vanillin, as well as sifted flour and mix well - it should be a homogeneous dough, which is transfused into the shape of shining with parchment, and recall with a spoon.

We bake the cake for 15 minutes, while the korzh will not be twisted and will not begin to fall behind the walls of the form.

The new leaf of parchment sprinkle with a small amount of sugar and shift the crude on it, leave for about five minutes so that it is slightly cooled.

Lubricate the cake with any jam (it is desirable that the jam is not too thick), and then carefully turn the root in the roll. To facilitate this process, you can use a parchment, which is gradually separated from the look.
Immediately before serving, the roll rolls sugar powder and cut into portion pieces.

Cottage cheese roll with jam

Such a roll is obtained very gentle, soft and literally melts in the mouth, and it is also prepared very easily.

For dough:
100 g of cottage cheese
1 raw egg,
100 g of butter cream
1 tsp. Food soda,
1 tbsp. Wheat flour,
1 tbsp. l. White sugar.
For filling:
1 tbsp. l. White sugar,
150 g of cottage cheese,
Jam is a bit, to taste.
For powder:
Sugar and sesame.

First you need to grind cottage cheese and knead the homogeneous dough from all components. Finished dough rolling into a thin layer and sprinkled soda. We turn the dough into the roll and repent it in the form of a rectangle, after which we lubricate jam.

To prepare the filling, mix cottage cheese with sugar (simple sugar can be replaced with liquid honey). I put the stuffing on top of the jam, while slightly retreat from the edges of the dough.

We turn the dough into the roll and lay out into the form for baking. From above, the roll is sprinkled with a small amount of sesame and sugar, but if desired, you can not do.

We bake the roll in a pre-warmed oven for about 20 minutes, after which we give cool, get out of the form, shift on the dish, cut into small pieces, and can be served to the table.

A very tasty combination of such a cottage cheese roll with condensed milk can be served with ice cream. In this case, it is desirable to use a seal, ice cream with flavors can kill the taste of the roll.

Useful advice of professional cooking:

If a recipe with yeast test is used, it is necessary to remember that it is impossible to take hot milk, since in this case the yeast will not begin the fermentation process. That is why it is necessary to use milk of room temperature;

During the bake of the biscuit roll, it is very important not to overtake it in the oven, otherwise the korzh will be very dry, and it will be hard to minimize it. Proteins should be placed half an hour in the refrigerator, because cooled they are whipped much better and faster. You will need to turn the biscuit roll until it is hot.

Baking is a very long and painstaking process. Our society does not unreasonably believes that culinary masterpieces are born in true flour. They require complete dedication and colossal time spending. So, do not think to dissuade supporters of this hypothesis if they are lucky enough to taste the dish you prepared. Sweet baking to tea uses special demand. An excellent option will be a rapid biscuit roll in 5 minutes. It is quite simple to prepare it, a variety of fillings and impregnations give a dessert a novelty of taste. And the time spent on the manufacture of this appetizing sweetness, let them remain forever your small mystery.

The basis of all variants of biscuit rolls is a korzh, which is still warm, it is necessary to lubricate the appropriate on the occasion of the filling and roll into the tube.

The easiest and most fast classic recipe for a biscuit test roll will require the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 200 grams of sand sugar;
  • 3-4 chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 teaspoon soda (repay);
  • salt at the tip of the knife;
  • stuffing (cream, jam, jam, etc.).

Quick preparation stages:

  1. Before starting work, turn on the oven for heating, turning the temperature control knob to full power;
  2. Prepare a baking sheet with sides, lifting it with rich parchment or foil;
  3. Separate from the shell eggs, add sugar, salt and take care of the formation of thick foam. At the same time, the mass should increase in the amount of at least twice;
  4. Gradually spare flour, sieving through a sieve. This will give the test additional ease and airiness. Add haired lemon juice or vinegar soda. Mix;
  5. Equally distribute the dough with a thin layer in the baking form. Put in the oven and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees about 5 minutes, without opening the door;
  6. Hot cake carefully remove from the bench, separate the foil (paper), quickly smear the stuffing and roll up the tube. It will take a few more minutes so that the biscuit is soaked with stuffing, and can be served to the table.

It is very important that before cooking a biscuit roll, you should consider the sequence of all actions. Prepare food, oven and stuffing. If you are promoted, and the crude will cool, turn the roll will not work.

Campus Biscuit Rule Cream

Filling for confectionery using condensed milk is always the most: favorite, delicious, calorie. If you just smear something condensed milk, it will be tasty. Therefore, the cream for a biscuit roll based on CHACHUS is always a win-win option.

For its preparation you will need the following components:

  • 1 bank condensed milk (without vegetable additives in the composition);
  • 1 pack of cream oil from 80% fat (made of cream);
  • 1 teaspoon of aromatic fragrance (liqueur, balm).

Cooking cream:

  1. In order for the cream to be less liquid, and its color is more saturated, the jar of condensed milk can be pre-welded. Remove the paper label from the tin can. Dress on her cellophane package and lower in a saucepan with cold water. Boil 3 hours so that water all the time covers the top. Cool to room temperature;
  2. Put the oil packs in a knife. It should be soft, but not melting;
  3. Put into the oil of a condensedum and take a mixer to a homogeneous thick mass. Add the fragrance (optional), take a minute and the cream is ready.

Good cream is always obtained from natural products. The only drawback is that he melts. Roll with cream filling is best stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for cooking cream with jam

The main cunning of sweet baking with cream and jam is that first the root is riveted with jam or confiture, and then layer of cream. If you are not gourmet and prefer simple dishes, then just lubricate the biscuit with your favorite jam.

For those who love cream and jam, but does not want to mess around with each stuffing separately, the next recipe is ideal:

  • ½ pack of butter;
  • 200 grams of beloved jam;
  • 15 grams of vodka.


  1. Beat separately half of the volume of jam and slightly softened butter;
  2. Connect whipped ingredients, mix the blender. Add, whipping, residue of jam and alcohol. The cream is ready.

The filling with jam is another option that is suitable for the children's table:

  • 1 pack or packing of soft curd (180-200 grams);
  • ½ cup of jam.


Beat the cottage cheese and jam to a homogeneous state and missed the biscuit. Remove in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cooking with bananas

Very original will offer the guests a roll with fresh fruits or berries. The classic of the genre is a biscuit and bananas that do not require special training. It is enough to remove the peel and cut.

For a roll with bananas, you will be needed:

  • 100 grams of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 3-4 chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of sand sugar;
  • 1 cup sour cream (20%);
  • 1-2 banana;
  • pinch of powdered sugar.

Recipe step by step:

  1. In two capacities, we take separately: yolks with sugar and egg whites;
  2. In the yolk mass gradually add flour and smear. Then, slowly enter the protein foam;
  3. Lay out the foundation of the attachment on the baking sheet, covered with washed paper and send to a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes;
  4. Warm biscuit Roll into the roll along with a washesized substrate and leave so while cook cream;
  5. Distribute 2 tablespoons of sugar with sour cream. Clean and make a banana at your discretion;
  6. Expand the root, remove the substrate. Understatently grease sour cream. Place the banana cutting on the edge, take care of the roll. Sprinkle with sugar powder.

Fast chocolate roll with cream

For a quick chocolate biscuit roll with cream you will need:

  • 300 grams of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 bank of condensed milk;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda (hawed);
  • 2 grams of vanillina;
  • salt at the tip of the knife;
  • 180-200 grams of vegetable cream;
  • 3-5 tablespoons of strawberry jam.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Slightly beat eggs with salt, stirring, add cocoa, vanillin and condensed milk;
  2. Gradually pour flour, soda. It turns out the dough consistency sour cream. Cross it on parchment by contrast and send it to jam in a heated oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees;
  3. Put out the finished roll out of the mold, roll into the tube and let it cool a little;
  4. Cream with a whitewash mixer;
  5. Roll deploy, lubricate the jam and whipped cream. Carnate the soaked biscuit and send 1.5-2 hours to the refrigerator soak.
  6. 200 milliliters of milk;
  7. 200 grams of poppy seeds;
  8. 20 grams of honey.
  9. Cooking step by step:

    1. Poppy seeds pour a glass of milk, add 50 grams of sugar and boil on a small heat for 8-10 minutes. Remove from the stove and leave a fourth quarter;
    2. Wear eggs with salt, remaining sugar, vanilla. In the biscuit mass, stirring, sprinkle starch and flour;
    3. On the fight, spread foil and distribute liquid dough evenly. Bake the korzh in a warm ovens of about 10 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees;
    4. Poppy squeeze, mix with honey;
    5. Hot root Mix the poppy filling, roll out and put in the oven for another 5 minutes. Machine roll cool down and apply to tea. Bon Appetit.

    Now that you yourself made sure that you can cook a biscuit roll in 5 minutes each, pay some time to this tasty dessert. Please make your loved ones and guests of your home with sweet baking without dyes and preservatives.