Pretzelka cookies.

14.11.2020 Salads.

Such nut pretzels-crescent are considered traditional Christmas cookies in Germany and Austria. Try to cook this gentle crumbly aromatic cookie and serve it as a treat to your guests - they will ask you to cook it again and again!

Publication author

I loved to prepare another student. In the same years, from all sorts of trips to different countries began to bring and collect culinary books, of which at the moment the collection of more than 100 books is collected. And with moving to Italy, the active development of new gastronomic "secrets" began. Live in this country and not to love to cook almost impossible! Appreciates affordable and delicious casual cuisine, only proven recipes are divided! Prefers to live on the principle "Happiness is when there is for whom and what to cook." Happy wife and mom two daughters.

  • Recipe author: Irina Pozunina
  • After cooking you get 50 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 2 hours


  • 50 gr Almonds
  • 50 g Funduk
  • 270 GR Flour wheat
  • 2 tbsp. corn starch
  • 1/4 Ch.L. Dough dough
  • 130 gr sugar
  • 2 tbsp. Zezdra Lemon.
  • 200 grams butter cream
  • 3 pcs. Yolk egg
  • 50 g sugar powder

Cooking method

    Nuts are crushed to the state of flour. The skin can not be cleaned. Walnut flour slightly fry in a frying pan before the appearance of a light nut aroma. Cool.

    For the preparation of the test, it is best to take advantage of the blender so that the dough does not have time to warm up the heat of the hands. In the bowl of the blender, laying out wheat flour, nut flour, corn starch, baking powder, sugar. Lemon is thoroughly washed and with the help of a shallow grain to remove the zest from it (only yellow layer). Cold butter cut into pieces. Add to flour oil, zest and egg yolks.

    Knead the dough in a bowl of blender. At first it will acquire the consistency of loose damp crumb.

    Share the dough on the table and quickly assemble his hands into the ball, then give it the shape of the cake. Wrap the dough into the film and remove at least 1 hour in the refrigerator (you can and longer).

    Turn on the oven to warm up to 175 degrees. From the cooled test, separating pieces of the same size, approximately 12 grams.

    Roll the dough into a thick sausage and give the shape of the horseshoe. Everything is preferably done very quickly, while the dough is still cold and enough plastic.

    Put the strovers formed in such a way, covered with bakery paper.

    Bake in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes - until ready and light golden color. Finished cookies are initially very fragile, so you need to give it to cool 2-3 minutes, then carefully remove with the opposition. It is still warm to apply it carefully from all sides in the sugar powder with the aroma of Vanilla.

    Walnut cookies Pretzels are ready. Bon Appetit!

Delicious homemade cookies "Pretzelki" from a sweet dough on soda and sour cream - you will not compare anything! Such a baking will enjoy both an adult and a child. In this regard, any hostess simply needs to know not a complex recipe for cooking such a cookie. If it is interesting to you, let's consider the recipe for its cooking ....


  • Wheat flour - 2 glasses __newl__
  • Sugar Sand - ½ cup __newl__
  • Margarine Cream - 75 grams __newl__
  • Chicken Eggs - 1 PC .__ NEWL__
  • Kefir - 4 tbsp. spoons __newl__
  • Salt - ¼ h. Spoons __newl__
  • Soda - ¼ h. Spoons __newl__
  • Sesame - for powder__newl__

Let's start cooking a dough for home cookies from the preparation of deep and comfortable for kneading capacity. We ask wheat flour into it. Add the desired amount of salt and soda. Mix everything carefully.

Then in another deep container mix kefir, egg and sugar sand. Mix everything thoroughly.

We mix the above ingredients to the complete dissolution of sugar sand and salt.

Separately smear a wooden shovel creamy margarine. We do it within 7-8 minutes.

The sophisticated margarine will look at about thus as in the photo.

Gradually begin to enter into a softened creamy margarine mixture sour cream with sugar sand and egg.

Then add flour to this mixed mass and mix very quickly. Why is it so important to mix the dough quickly? Therefore, as soda, in contact with acid in kefir, forms carbon dioxide. And this gas, with a long-term knee, may vote. And because of this, the product will be solid, dense and not loosened.

Our dough is ready. I form a ball from it. Yes, by the way, kefir can be replaced in the dough of sour cream, spoken or other sour milk product.

Now, for the powder of our home cookies in a pan, slightly dry the sesame on the slow heat, constantly stirring the wooden blade.

Prepare a baking tray for pastry baking. Waste it with parchment paper. The working surface is trusted slightly wheat flour. Then we roll a thin layer using a rill. Cutting it with a strip of a width of about 1 cm.

We form from the strips of "Pretzels", as shown in the photo. We post them separately about each other on the sheltered parchment sheet.

We sprinkle on top of the cookie sesame seed.

Today I decided to cook for the first time the pretzels with cinnamon. The siem is usually often, but I have not yet been configured. I was interested, but what is the pretzel, why he has this form, and why he is so popular.

That's what I learned: the word has German roots and translates how to twist (bend). In the North European countries, the pretzel is the emblem of shop signs and bakery. It was once baked by the monks as a sign of gratitude to the creator, and symbolizes he crossed on his chest hand praying.

So this baking is not just tasty, and also with a deep meaning.

For the preparation of strokes with cinnamon prepare products on the list.

Take flour, sugar, sour cream, soda, honey, room temperature, egg, pinch of salt. Just connect all the products together and knead the soft, obedient dough.

And roll flashes. And you can roll out the dough into a rectangular layer, cut it into stripes and roll flashes from the strips.

Fold the flagella's flagella, as shown in the picture.

Mix sugar and cinnamon and to dip each pretzel in this mixture on one side.

Put the cookies on the baking sheet "clean" side and bake in a heated to 180 degrees oven 15-20 minutes, to a light blush.

Delicious strobs with cinnamon are ready.

Bon Appetit!

Sugar pretzels cook very easily and quickly. Minimum ingredients, minimum of time, even a newcomer in cooking - solid advantages. They are eaten as quickly. Excellent suitable for evening tea or afternoon. Children can take them with them to school for snack. The cookie does not crumble, while quite fragile. If you are not a sweet lover, the amount of sugar can be cut half.

  • creamy butter - 200 grams
  • sugar - 70 grams
  • vanillin - on the tip of the knife
  • flour - 600 grams
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • quail egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method

The softened butter is rubbing with sugar and vanilla, while sugar is completely dissolved. Creamy oil is recommended to get from the refrigerator 1-2 hours before use.

Add chicken egg. We whist in a homogeneous mass of the wedge.

Suck the flour and knead the homogeneous soft dough.

No need to withstand it in the cold. Immediately proceed to the cut. We divide into four equal parts.

We take one piece, form a thick sausage from it and cut into six parts. Thanks to such proportions, we get cookies the same in size. Next, we take one piece, roll in a thin harness, cut in half. We form two blunders. Similarly, we separate all the dough.

Products lay down on the baking sheets down at a short distance from each other. When baking, cookies do not increase in size, so they can be put close to each other.

Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Quail egg split into a bowl, mix with a spoon of milk. Quail eggs are small, so they are convenient to use for baking lubrication, as the mixture is completely used. If the quail is not, then you can use the half of the chicken. Lubricate the pretzels with a mixture.

Top sprinkled with sugar.

Ovens 15-20 minutes before golden color.

Finished sugar pretzels feed with tea, coffee, milk or hot chocolate.