Low fat foods. Fat-free products, harm or benefit

28.04.2019 Salads

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The concept of low fat foods

The general idea is simple: from the products of animal origin in various ways (technological or chemical) the fats contained in them are removed. Degreasing is partial, then the products are called low-fat. In other cases, the removal of fats is almost complete - then the product is called non-fat and put the mark "0% fat". Do not be mistaken: the minimum percentage of fat content (0.5-0.05%) in any product remains even with a "complete" degreasing. Most often, fats are removed from dairy products. With the development of technology, fats began to be removed from bread and sausages, but so far, for example, eggs, fresh meat and natural butter have not been degreased.

What attracts us to low-fat foods?

First of all, they are designed for those who want to lose weight, and we have more and more of these people: many have managed to spoil the metabolism of themselves and their children over the past decades of food "abundance". The vast majority of women among consumers of such food: in any diet for weight loss there are recommendations - there are low-fat and low-fat. And where to find it? You can, of course, make a balanced diet, use products with negative (zero) calories, but it takes time, and you can buy everything in the store ready-made: why bother if the wise manufacturer has already calculated everything? The fashion for "low fat" spread quickly. These products are regularly bought not only by losing weight, but also by those who want to maintain normal weight, as well as mothers who monitor the nutrition of children - they think that “it is more beneficial”. Many are attracted to packaging and advertising appeals: marketers are able to design products in such a way that they cannot be ignored - for example, they put images of their favorite slender movie heroes on the packaging.

How do low-fat foods affect the body?

Why do nutritionists recommend switching to low-fat foods? This is primarily due to a decrease in the calorie content of consumed foods due to the rejection of fatty foods. Therefore, women actively consume low-fat yogurts and cottage cheese, milk with the lowest percentage of fat content, refuse all fried. There is a certain logic in this: 1 gram contains 9 kilocalories, but in 1 gram of carbohydrates or proteins - only 4 kilocalories. From the point of view of losing weight, the transition to low-fat products is understandable and really works, but is everything so perfect? The main problem of low-fat foods is that such food does not saturate the body. And since fat-free foods do not harm the figure, women begin to eat them without restrictions. But here's the thing - low-fat foods cannot be called really low-calorie, as manufacturers compensate for the lack of fats by adding starch and sugar. These are known to be carbohydrates. What do we know about carbohydrates? That's right, they like to be put off in places unsuitable for the female silhouette: on the stomach, hips and buttocks.

Therefore, a diet on low-fat products not only does not bring the desired result in the form of weight loss, but also increases the kilocalories you consume. And this is precisely due to the fact that low-fat products are not able to bring a feeling of fullness. Also, extra pounds when consuming low-fat foods may appear due to an increase in insulin in the blood, which is inevitable when refusing fat. All metabolic processes in the body are disrupted, and weight is added. From a lack of fats in the body, the condition of the skin and hair begins to deteriorate, vitamins A, D, E and K, which enter the body with food, can dissolve only if there is fat in the diet.

How much fat do we need "for happiness"?

The optimal daily requirement for animal fats, which avoids problems with atherosclerosis and overweight, must be determined taking into account age and gender.

For kids:

  • primary school age requires 50-60 g of fat per day;
  • secondary school age - 60-70 g;
  • senior school age - 70-75 g.

For people from 18 to 40 years old:

  • in middle-aged men with normal body weight (performing work unrelated to physical labor) - 1-1.3 g per 1 kg of body weight;
  • in women - no more than 1 g / kg;
  • in middle-aged men with normal body weight (performing work associated with physical labor or increased motor activity) - 2 g per 1 kg of body weight;
  • in women - no more than 1.3 g / kg.

For persons over fifty years of age:

  • in men, 0.5-0.6 g per 1 kg of weight;
  • in women no more than 0.4-0.5 g per 1 kg. Therefore, in the period from forty to fifty years, it is necessary to gradually reduce the proportion of fat in the diet.

The benefits of skim dairy products

Fat-free foods have a low calorie content due to a minimum of fats, which has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system - the level of bad cholesterol in the blood does not increase fat-free foods, unlike, for example, butter or sour cream.

When organizing fasting days, nutritionists pay attention to skim milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt. The weekly use of such days helps not only to keep the weight in check, but also to get rid of excess with minimal effort.

This, according to advertising, is the main advantage of skim dairy products. In addition, low-fat products give lightness, improve digestion, normalize lipid (fat) metabolism in the body. Is this not a reason to switch to low-fat products, completely abandoning fatty cottage cheese and butter?

However, practice shows that the use of low-fat products is not so simple. The United States, where there is a cult of low-fat products, and where they produce the most skim milk, remains among the world leaders in the number of people suffering from obesity.

Recently, the undoubted benefit of skim dairy products is in doubt. Studies have appeared that not only cast doubt on the postulate of the benefits of low-fat dairy products, but also directly impair health with the regular use of low-fat products.

What is the harm of skim dairy products

Minimal nutritional value leads to hunger

Low-fat dairy products, as mentioned above, have a low calorie content, which helps to lose weight. However, in practice it turns out that people who regularly eat dairy products with zero or near-zero fat content eat an average of 200-300 kilocalories more if they do not specifically calculate the total calorie intake. Why?

The fact is that it is fats that give a subjective feeling of satiety. If there are no fats in the diet, or their amount is minimal, a person constantly experiences a feeling of hunger, even immediately after eating. If this is the result of a focused diet, during which a person controls his diet, then, in principle, you can put up with this. Many people with a persistent character are ready to endure a feeling of hunger in the name of a slender waist, or they have techniques for drowning out this hunger (for example, drink a glass of warm water).

However, most people who eat low-fat cottage cheese do not know about its cunning - inability to give a feeling of fullness for a long time, and ultimately, as mentioned above, eat more than planned.

Low Fat Yogurt Supplements

Partly, the higher calorie intake of the daily diet is due to the fact that many dairy producers are trying to improve the taste of low-fat product. If all fat is separated from yogurt, then this will be a slightly edible product of unpleasant consistency. Special additives give the taste and the necessary consistency.

These additives are stabilizers (i.e. starch), sugar and sugar-containing products. These supplements neutralize all the benefits that low-calorie foods can give the body, make such yoghurts more high-calorie, more carbohydrate and not just less healthy, but unsafe for health.

Sugar and starch are also added to dietary curds with a fat content of about 0 percent, to “dietary” curd and other sour-milk products. Before you buy a low-fat product, you should carefully read the composition.

Separated milk with zero fat content is an aqueous liquid that is slightly distinguishable in taste from ordinary water, slightly whitish. With such commercial qualities it is difficult to imagine who decides to drink such a drink even in the name of a healthy lifestyle.

Those who at least once tried store milk with zero fat content are ready to object: even skim milk has a taste and color of milk. In fact, these are the tricks of the manufacturers. To give skim milk a milky taste, manufacturers add powder concentrate to it.

This achievement of skim milk producers can hardly be called a healthy product. Powdered milk concentrate is a product of high temperature protein denaturation. Denatured proteins are difficult to absorb by the body; they put an additional burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

Skim milk and vitamin deficiency

Milk, even skimmed, is a source of calcium. For its absorption, the body needs vitamin A and D. In whole, that is, cow's milk with a natural proportion of fat, these vitamins are present in quantities sufficient for the absorption of calcium from milk. If skim milk is constantly consumed, the body will spend reserve reserves of vitamins A and D, thereby creating a deficiency in the body.

Skim milk, thus, does not give the body anything: the taste is fake due to the concentrate, the protein is almost not absorbed, the feeling of fullness occurs for a short time.

Lack of animal fats and intelligence

Some advocates of a healthy diet bring their idea to an absurdity, minimizing, to almost zero, the amount of animal fat eaten. This leads to a decrease in intelligence, since the brain needs animal fats for normal functioning.

Also, the absence of animal fats has a bad effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person: irritability, mood swings, tearfulness or aggressiveness appear.

So are low-fat foods an evil that can lead to poor health? Doctors and nutritionists are united - everything is good in moderation. Do not get carried away, trying to minimize the fat content coming from dairy products. Fasting days, a short diet based on low-fat dairy products will help to reduce weight without harm. The constant use of dairy products with a fat content of 0% can destroy health.

Choosing Low Fat Products Right

When choosing a product, you should not rely only on advertising designed to present any product in the most beneficial and not always true light. To avoid errors, carefully read the product label. The minimum percentage of fat is often adjacent to sugar or sweeteners, chemical preservatives and flavorings and other unsafe additives - the less they are in the product, the better for our health.

For example, dietary bread may turn out to be a fairly high-calorie product, they contain milk powder, salt and a significant amount of simple carbohydrates that do not saturate the body for a long time, so bread made from wholemeal flour is more suitable as a dietary product, from which the body will get the necessary him vitamins and fiber.

Do not include breakfast cereals (instant cooking) in your list of diet foods. Yes, there are no fats in them, but they are present: the same simple carbohydrates, flavorings, can also be part of trans fats. Following a diet, it is better to prefer ordinary cereals: buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal and others, cooked on water. Fat-free cottage cheese, oddly enough, can often have the same and even higher calorie content as a little more fat, be sure to read what is written on the package. The explanation is simple: substances that improve the taste of the product are often added to low-fat cottage cheese.

Fat-free dairy products can be bought only those with a minimum shelf life and sale. And compare calorie content - the energy value of low-fat dairy products differs little from similar products with a small percentage of fat content. Yoghurts should be bought only natural, without any additives and unsweetened.

If you buy lean meat semi-finished products, read the composition on the packaging, they often add trans fats, which are considered responsible for increasing the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. The same can be attributed to margarine and spreads. Of course, when you can choose more or less low-fat products of natural origin, you need to buy less fat. The diet must contain: rabbit, white poultry, veal, beef. As for fish, it is worth including in the diet both fatty and nonfat varieties of fish and seafood.

Scientific research

At the end of 2010, scientists at the British Center for Nutrition at the University of Sheffield and the American Dietetic Association proved that regular consumption of low-fat foods seriously impairs metabolism and also causes bouts of depression and irritability.

In addition, according to American scientists, foods with low fat content can pose a serious threat to the cardiovascular system: regular consumption of low-fat food reduces the elasticity of blood vessels and negatively affects blood coagulation. In supermarkets of low-fat products, you can often find dairy products.

In everything you need to know the measure - this is the golden rule. You need to monitor the amount of fats consumed, but you can not completely exclude them from your diet categorically. After all, fats are the most important building material of the body, providing mechanical protection and thermal insulation of cells, ”said Tamara Vantsova. First of all, fats are necessary for us to maintain immunity, as well as to fully absorb vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, even the elderly should eat at least 15-30 g of vegetable or 20-25 g of butter daily.

It is better to eat fats, which are part of dairy products. After all, they also contain protein, milk sugar, vitamins, trace elements (especially calcium and phosphorus), enzymes. Therefore, in the morning it is much more beneficial to eat a sandwich with butter than a dietary loaf or low-fat cottage cheese.

How to lose weight without harming the body, and with a guaranteed effect?

Low-fat nutrition is by far the most effective and easiest-to-carry weight control program.

She has one more advantage. Low-fat nutrition is not only easy to carry, but also easy to execute.

The list of fatty foods is not that big. Foods with a low fat content are much more (see table).

Table of fatty and nonfat products

High fat foods
Low fat foods
oils, margarines, lard, fatty meat, fatty dairy products, shortcrust pastry, chocolate, ice cream, creams low-fat meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, dairy and sour-milk products, egg whites; complex carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, bread, potatoes, low-fat pastries), vegetables, fruits, low-fat sweets - sugar, honey, marshmallows, pastille, marmalade, jam, etc.

And do not forbid yourself products from the "bold" list. There are many approaches that allow us to preserve all these goodies in our diet and at the same time significantly reduce the fat content of food, and, as a result, lose weight.

These are the approaches:

How to lose weight: 1. A statistical approach

The easiest way to lose weight is to eat less fat, it is more lean!

The fat content of the diet will be significantly lower if you use more bread, pasta and cereals. Due to their high satiety, these products very quickly cause saturation, and we reflexively reduce the consumption of other products, including fatty ones. There are direct studies showing that complex carbohydrates protect us from weight gain and promote weight loss. Vegetables have the same effect. The more vegetables in the diet, the less fat content.

This also includes the desire to eat more fish and dairy products. With an increase in their share in nutrition, a person naturally reduces the consumption of meat, and hence fat. After all, meat on average contains more fat than milk or fish. Great opportunity to lose weight!

A gain in the form of a reduction in fat content can be obtained if you often use soups without the so-called fry - onions and carrots fried in vegetable oil, as well as if there are milk and vegetable soups more often than meat soups.

With an increase in boiled and stewed foods, we will observe a decrease in the proportion of fried foods, and accordingly the oils that we use when frying.

By the way, statistical methods are well perceived as losing weight, because instead of the usual "you can’t do this!"

How to lose weight: 2. The analog approach

We use less fatty foods in a series of similar ones.

For example, cottage cheese can be fat and 0, and 5, and 7, and even 18%. It is clear that using low-fat cottage cheese instead of fat, we avoid the load of fat in 18-20 g per serving.

Standard mayonnaise has a fat content of about 72 - 80%, but there are also light varieties, the fat content of which is 25-30%. The use of such mayonnaise instead of the traditional one allows to reduce the fat content of each portion of salad on average by 5-6 g

How to choose dumplings if you want to lose weight? Dumplings with the addition of lard have a fat content of 35-40 g per serving. Dumplings from poultry meat have a fat content of about 5-7 g. Winning, about 30 g of "not eaten" fat per serving.

Milk. Its fat content can also vary from 0.05% to 6%. Accordingly, a glass of milk may contain 0.1 and 12 g of fat. It is clear that the first is much better for us than the second. This fully applies to fermented milk products - yoghurts, yogurt and so on.

It is somewhat more difficult to find a substitute for cheeses and sour cream. But here you can pick up something. For example, instead of sour cream, the so-called "sour cream" is ideal, which we actively recommend to our patients - soft low-fat cottage cheese mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with fermented baked milk. The taste, texture and properties of this mixture is very similar to ordinary sour cream. But the fat in it is 15 times less.

Instead of cheese, you can sometimes use dense sunflower cottage cheese. By the way, pay attention - according to GOST, the fat content in cheeses is indicated in terms of dry residue. Since cheeses always contain water, their actual fat content is usually one and a half to two times lower than stated. That is, if the label of Russian cheese indicates - 45% fat, then in fact there is unlikely to be more than 25%. Even less fat in the so-called soft cheeses - suluguni, Adyghe, brynza and so on. There, the actual fat content usually does not exceed 12%. Finally, home-made cheese is now on sale, very tasty, by the way. So, its fat content is not higher than 5%.

Desserts and sweets. A serving of milk ice cream contains 10 g less fat than a serving of cream. The fat content of a standard 100 gram chocolate bar is 45-55 g, while In no case should you forbid yourself fatty foods. There are many ways, as we have them, to have fun and lose weight.

A 100 g portion of marshmallows, or marmalade, does not contain fat at all.

Again, we repeat. We are not talking about a complete 100% replacement of fatty foods with less fatty counterparts. For weight loss, just change the ratio. For example, a person used to eat 4 servings of ordinary dumplings a week and one serving of dumplings with poultry meat a week, and in total he received 145 g of fat a week with dumplings. Now, on the contrary, 4 servings of dumplings from poultry meat and one serving of ordinary. In total - 60 g of fat. Winning 85 grams per week, or 12 grams per day, or more than four kilograms per year.

Well, and of course, do not forget about the specially developed at the Research Institute of Dietetics and Dietotherapy, which, with low calorie content, have a high saturating ability. Today it is - cocktails, cereals and soups. All these instant products, it’s enough to have a kettle with hot water on hand. Maximum pleasure for every calorie absorbed!

How to lose weight: 3. The third approach is culinary

Reduce the fat content of the dish during cooking.

How to lose weight through cooking products? For example, when cutting meat, you can partially remove visible fat, the fat content of poultry meat is reduced by 2.5-3 times, if you just remove the skin.

A very famous trick is that the meat broth is put in the refrigerator for the night, and in the morning the fat that has risen to the top is removed. This operation allows you to reduce the fat content of a standard serving of soup by 10-12 grams.

We get quite a lot of fats with fried foods. Hence the widespread idea that for successful weight loss in no case should you eat fried. Indeed, when frying in oil, foods absorb a lot of fat. For example, standard potato chips have a fat content of about 30 grams per 100 g of product, home-fried potatoes contain about 15% fat, and there is practically no fat in the potato itself. All the fat gets there from the pan. But everything miraculously changes if you use non-stick dishes. Then, to prepare 3-4 servings of fried potatoes, it will take literally 1, a maximum of two tablespoons of vegetable oil, and you will get a product with a fat content of not more than 3%. One spoonful of oil is enough to fry 8-10 pieces of fish. This will increase the fat content in each serving by just 2 grams.

I managed to fry a whole pancake dish, spending only 5 g of vegetable oil on this whole thing. And the pancakes were very decent. I took a frying pan with a non-stick coating, calcined it, and instead of pouring oil, I greased it using a half of raw potato as a shaving brush. As a result, from a glass of flour, a glass of milk with a fat content of 1.5%, one egg and 5 g of vegetable oil, I got 7 pancakes weighing 50 g each. The energy value of one pancake is 95 kcal, the fat content is 2 g. By the way, about the same calorie content in a pear or a standard slice of bread. A glass of fermented baked milk 4% fat has a calorie content of 140 kcal.

Another interesting technique in order to lose weight without compromising the quality of food. Quite a lot of fat is absorbed when frying slices of zucchini and eggplant. Their fat content can be reduced by drying the pieces with napkins. “Winning” with one serving can reach 15 grams of fat.

There are ways of frying, which not only do not increase the fat content of the product, but, on the contrary, reduce it. First of all, it is grilling, barbecue, grilling and other forms of the so-called infrared kitchen. So, when baking on skewers, the fat content of a standard portion of barbecue is reduced by 8-10 grams. A close result is obtained if the meat is baked in foil.

How to lose weight: 4. Gastronomic approach.

We reduce the fat content of food already directly on the plate, while eating.

How to lose weight at the table?  Everything is simple here - we cut off the pieces of fat and put them aside, remove pieces of skin from the bird, set aside and leave fatter pieces of cake, and so on.

How to lose weight: 5. Hedonistic approach

Perhaps the most important.

How to lose weight with the help of treats?  We divide food into daily and tasty. The task of the first is to saturate us, fill us with energy, the task of the second is to give pleasure and pleasure.

To fill up with delicacies is the same as pouring French perfume into the car’s gas tank. The car may go, but at what price !? Yes, and it is unlikely that such fuel will benefit her! So, eat delicacies when you are already full, when your body is already full of energy and nutrients. Then you will be satisfied with a very small amount.

A few more words about chocolate. Often my patients with the purpose of losing weight or keeping the weight in order refuse this delicacy. But keep in food fermented milk products. But a glass of ryazhenka 4% fat contains about 10 g of fat. As much as a quarter of a regular chocolate bar. And the fat here and there is the same, milk ...

Well, quite a simple wish for those who want to lose weight. The slower you eat a treat, the better you catch all the subtle nuances of taste.

The following table will help you navigate the fat content of familiar foods. Agree, it is much easier to use than a multi-page calorie table.

Fat content in the most commonly used products (per 100 grams of product)

Table of fat content in products (per 100 g)

Beef is not fat5-10
Fat beefup to 30
Pork meat25-35
Cooked sausages (Ostankino, doctor and others.)25-30 and more
Smoked Pork Sausages35-45
Sausages and wieners25-30
Dumplings with the addition of minced pork18-25
Butter and Margarine75-80
Ghee and cooking oils92-98
Vegetable oil95
Sour cream25-40
Hard and processed cheeses30-50
Sunflower seeds, pumpkins, nuts30-50
Ice cream15

To visualize what kind of gain this or that replacement gives in terms of nutrition in terms of the standard portion, pay attention to the table below.

Replacement slimming products

Product group
Fatty product
Less fat analog
Gain - the approximate amount of fat (per standard portion), which we managed not to eat and at the same time fully preserve the quality of food)
Milk productsMilk 5% fat 1 cupMilk 1.5% fat9
Sour cream 30% 1 tbsp."Smetanka" - a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese with ryazhenka5
Cheese Russian 50 gDense low-fat salted cottage cheese12
Creamy yogurt 6%Low-fat yogurt10
MeatAmateur sausage 50 gVeal baked in foil10-11
Fried PorkVeal barbecue20
Traditional dumplingsPoultry dumplings30-35
MayonnaiseProvansal 1 tbsp."Light" mayonnaise 20% fat15
DessertBiscuit cream cakeCake "yoghurt" 5% fat15
Ice creamFruit sorbet12
Fried berry pieBaked berry pie6-7

How to lose weight: 6. Method of pre-meal

Quite often, streamlining food, reducing appetite a bit and rather eating the so-called pre-meal helps.

For 10-15 minutes before the main meals you can sip a glass of warm water or weakly sweet tea with milk, or a glass of milk. You can eat a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese or curd mixture with ryazhenka and cereals or fruit, or drink a portion

No matter how much we think about low-fat products, no matter how much we try to lose weight with them, no matter how you recommend such products for use - then you will learn the secret of low-fat products, which often do not have benefits for your body.

Let's start in order.

Fat-free dairy products. Purchase only those products that have a minimum shelf life. It does not hurt to find out the caloric value of the purchased product, often low-fat products do not differ much in energy value from their counterparts whose level of fat is at an average level. If you buy products from skimmed milk, such as yogurt, then choose the one that does not have fruit additives and sugar, in which case you will have less chance to eat the category “E” additives.

About the dangers of low fat food

So, the harm of low-fat products lies in the fact that in many products they often artificially lower fat content and everything would be fine, BUT! In order for products with low fat content to seem at least a little tasty to us, manufacturers add various flavoring additives to them, as mentioned above, “E” category additives - fruit and berry flavors, they can cause allergies and indigestion. Also, manufacturers add sugar, which carries additional calories, and modified starch - carbohydrates.

To preserve the consistency, such as mayonnaise, thickeners and stabilizers are also used so that the product does not seem watery. And these additives when used lead to violations of the intestinal microflora, liver work, as well as to allergic reactions on the skin.

The harm of low-fat foods can also be in the fact that they do not soothe the feeling of hunger, so you will soon want to eat again. In this case, you can damage the nervous system and even eat more food, which also does not lead to a better result.

In conclusion, I would like to say that our body fats are extremely necessary, because without them, for example, the condition of hair and skin worsens, but most importantly, fat-soluble vitamins cannot be absorbed without fats!

It is necessary to eat fats! They are a useful part of the diet for our health. The fats that are most useful for consumption are unsaturated fats of vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, nuts, grain products, as well as fats of the Omega-3 category, which are contained in marine fish.

I would like to separately emphasize the dangers of fat replacers.

Fat substitutes are not particularly beneficial because they contain vegetable fat, which, as a result of the body’s internal processes, increases the amount of trans fats, and they are more dangerous for the heart than animal fats, as they increase cholesterol levels and, accordingly, increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. vascular disease. On the aesthetic side, these fats are deposited in the abdomen.

Passion for products "light", or skimmed, turned into a mass mania. Slim, attractive heroes of commercials say that such products are the solution to all the problems of our time: not only make us beautiful, healthy and ageless, but also help our career, personal life, and it’s not clear how we lived without them before? The supermarket shelves are filled with these products, and there are still special departments and individual stores: a lot of money is made on their production.

What attracts us to low-fat foods?

First of all, they are designed for those who want to lose weight, and we have more and more such people: many managed to spoil their metabolism for themselves and their children in recent decades. Women among consumers of such food are the overwhelming majority: there are recommendations in any diet for losing weight - there is a low-fat and low-fat diet. And where to find it? You can, of course, make a balanced diet, use products with a negative (zero) calorie content, but this takes time, and in the store you can buy everything in a ready-made form: why bother if a wise manufacturer has already counted everything?

Sometimes you can hear about meat skim products, but of them remove the fat more difficult. At our meat processing plants, fat-free soy isolate is usually generously added to sausages.

Let us clarify once again: low-fat products can be harmful not so much because they deprive our body of necessary fats, but because of their “filling” with a lot of unsafe additives used by our food industry. Of course, sometimes they can be consumed - for example, they are included in many diets - but it is better to eat a 2-2.5 times smaller portion of a regular product and do without health problems.

You can afford to drink skimmed yogurt from time to time, but do not abuse it.

What are dangerous fat free foods?

It would seem that they are specially created in order to maintain human health ... But, have you thought about how a product that has been stored for several months can be supported by human health? Of course, the mass media continues and continues to feed us with the information that eating fatty foods is very bad, that you need to forget about it once and for all, but is it really so?

Fats are simply necessary for our body to have a normal metabolism. Do you know that the human brain is a fat-like substance. Fat is a source of mechanical protection and heat insulation of the whole body. Fatty acids increase the elasticity and reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. Lecithin is a fat-like substance, when it combines with a protein, cell membranes form, and it is contained in vegetable oil, fat herring, and eggs. Do not exclude from the diet. But if you constantly use low fat foods, you can earn a metabolic disorder, and from this the amount of fat in your body will only increase.

Scientists believe that at present the consumption of fat should be at least 30% of the food that a person consumes per day. There are several types of fats.
- Monounsaturated Fat. They are useful for the body with little use. They are found in most nuts, olives, olive oil. Their use leads to the fact that the body decreases the level of bad and increases good cholesterol. They help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

- Polyunsaturated fats  also useful with little use. A large amount of these fats is found in any oily fish, green vegetables. These fats prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. It is enough to eat fish 3 times a week for cholesterol levels to be normal.

With frequent and excessive use saturated fats  harmful to the body and can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Also harmful to the body hydrogenated fats. They are created in an artificial way, and they are very similar in their effects on saturated fats. Contained in the so-called "soft butter" and margarine.

What products with fat content better fat-free products?

1. Fats help maintain a feeling of fullness in the body.
  2. It is known that fats help control insulin (it is necessary to know those who suffer from diabetes).
  3. If you refuse to eat fatty foods, then over time the body will forget how to burn fat.

Please remember one rule regarding defatted products: where one ingredient is removed, another is always added. If the products are removed fat, and they will be called "fat-free", then they added all sorts of sweeteners and flavors, trans fats, sugar, starch. Very often, when the product reduces the fat content, it can increase. I will give a simple example. Did you know that in yogurt with a fat content of 2.8% fat, there are 13.7 units of carbohydrates, and yogurt 3.5% of fat contains 6.3 units of carbohydrates. The calorie content of fatty and fat-free kefir differs little. Only only natural food can be useful.

Nowadays, unfortunately, it is not brands that sell products, but brands. Have you ever wondered what the name of the product “light” means? "Easy" compared to what? With the moon or maybe with a brick? Now the manufacturer writes on the packaging, anything, just to attract the attention of the consumer. Buying a product, well study the composition. Although it does not help. There is a so-called “25% rule”. It means that the manufacturer is obliged to indicate in the order on the label only those ingredients, a part in the product of which is 25% of the whole. And imagine what else is part of defatted products!

You can easily fall into the trap that you put low fat foods. Often a person thinks that if the food is degreased, then it can be consumed in unlimited quantities. And, ultimately, they consume much more than they need. Many sat on low-fat diets, and noticed that they didn’t help them get rid of such a weight loss system.

The advertisement is engine of the trade. After seeing an advertisement on TV that a particular product contains little cholesterol, we definitely buy it. After all, we know that cholesterol contributes to the development of many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke. But we do not think, but due to what the manufacturer reduces cholesterol? And this is due to the fact that the product reduces the level of beneficial cholesterol. Namely, it protects against heart attacks and heart attacks. But the bad cholesterol in defatted products  remains in large quantities. Instead of fat-free, better once a week, arrange yourself fasting days. It definitely will not cause any harm to your body, but rather will be useful.

Children are strictly forbidden low fat foods! Fat intake of children's body fat can lead to the fact that the body will experience a deficiency of beneficial fatty acids, and children need them for proper development. For a change, occasionally you can give the child a low-fat yogurt, but this should be no earlier than he turns 7 years old. American scientists conducted research and found that the use of defatted products  leads to an acute deficiency of vitamin E at the age of 2-5 years in almost 70%.

If a child has obvious problems with excess weight, then you should not stuff it low fat products. Better to limit it in sweet. After all, sugar is one of the main culprits in weight gain. Children like everything sweet, and for this reason, with sugar, they consume several times more than fatty foods. That's how sweets are the main source of childhood obesity.

  Natalia Garkavenko
  Women's magazine JustLady