What do you drink in hot weather? What to drink in the heat - tips and tricks.

27.08.2019 Salads

What do you think is better: drink water in the heat or tea?

We foresee the answer: what kind of tea can be in the heat if you want a cold one? Let's figure out what is best to drink in the heat.

What drinks to drink in the heat

Most often what do we drink? Stewed fruit, kvass, water, soda and mineral water, and so that from the refrigerator.

All this, of course, is not forbidden, but! Have you noticed that even having drained a whole bottle of soda, you still feel like drinking?

But the fact is that carbon dioxide contained in soda affects the taste buds of the tongue, causing a desire to drink it again. Often, caffeine is added to soda, and this leads to dehydration, so we can not get enough of such water. Soda contains a lot of sugar, a huge number of dyes, preservatives and flavorings. And we do not need such an unnatural drink!

What kind of drinks is better to drink in the heat?

It should be borne in mind that all sugary drinks do not quench thirst, you want to drink even more from them. In addition, they also play the appetite.

Sour drinks are best quenched by thirst: homemade bread kvass; stewed fruits and berries, acidified with lemon; jelly; currant and cranberry fruit drinks; cherry, plum, tomato, cornel, grapefruit, lemon juices; dairy drinks.

But no soft drinks can replace ordinary water.

Why drink water in hot weather

After all, what is thirst? Thirst is a signal of an organism about water shortage. Loss of water already at 1-2% of body weight leads to a feeling of thirst.

If you do not drink water, the liquid part of the blood thickens, a blood clot forms, which leads to heart attacks and strokes, which often happen in the summer.

With a deficit of water, the amount of circulating blood decreases, it flows from the head and a person can lose consciousness.

To quench your thirst, you need to drink and drink the water you need.

Compotes, jelly and juices only temporarily cool the body, and do not make up for water shortages, because they contain sugar, and sugar is already food.

Sour-milk products are also not very suitable, because they have little water.

It is best to drink plain water. Just not immediately in large quantities, but a little during the day.

If the feeling of thirst has come, then the body is already dehydrated, and this should not be allowed. It would be nice to develop the habit of taking at least two sips every half hour, and preferably half a glass of warm or hot water.

How much water to drink in the heat

Doctors say that if in winter it’s enough to drink 1.5 liters of water per day, then in summer this amount doubles, i.e. you need to drink up to 3 liters of water per day. But drinking more than 3 liters is also not worth it, because this is an additional burden on the kidneys.

And of course, one must take into account the physiological characteristics of a person, physical activity, and chronic diseases.

In general, of course, our body is very smart and knows when and how much water to drink, but sometimes it needs to be prompted.

So, one could already summarize: what is better to drink in the heat? First of all, clean water, purified through a filter, or purchased in bottles, and you can still mineral water, but without a lot of salts. See that it was not medicinal water, but a dining room, which contains up to 1 gram of salt per liter of water.

Mineral water makes up for salts and minerals, which are then excreted from the body.

It is better to drink still water. Large amounts of highly carbonated water can lead to swelling. And artificial water aeration also upsets the acid-base balance.

Why can not you drink cold water in the heat?

Drinking cold water, you can catch a sore throat in the summer.

There is an opinion that our body temperature is 36 degrees, therefore we need to drink water of such temperature so as not to disturb the heat balance. I want to drink a lot of cold water, because you don’t get drunk with it, you do not quench your thirst. And if you drink a glass of warm water, then this will be enough for the body, and you won’t want to drink more for a long time. That's why people drink hot tea in the heat, as it does not seem paradoxical!

Why drink hot tea in the heat

Pepsicols and fantas brought to us from the west. And people in hot countries know that you can’t drink cold drinks. This is what scientists say. Cold breaks and kills balance, and hot, on the contrary, balances, tones.

In the heat, it is better to drink hot tea. Here in Uzbekistan they drink tea several times a day. After taking hot tea, sweat is released, and after the sweat leaves, the body and body begin to cool. After all, we have special receptors in our mouths. And when we drank hot, the receptor sends a signal to the brain that it is time to start sweating. The body begins to give off heat, which means that overheating will be excluded.

This is not what we came up with :), so say the scientists and write.

In the heat, green and white tea are especially good at refreshing, you can drink black tea, but you only need to drink tea without sugar! And you can also make tea from fresh garden leaves of fruit and berry crops. And thirst quenches perfectly, and tasty, and healthy!

So, to the question: “What to drink in the heat?” Give preference to tea, rather than soft drinks, at least when at home. Well, do not forget about water.

Hello dear readers. There are only a few days left before the summer. I don’t know about you, but it’s already very hot here, especially during the day. Not many people endure heat. But you need to somehow adapt to the sultry days. Summer, heat, sea, sun, beach ... It is with these words that we associate summer. Summer gives us a lot of joyful emotions and impressions. But sometimes it spoils the heat and stuffiness, which is simply difficult to endure. To survive the hot days, in the heat, doctors recommend drinking more. Preference should be given to clean water. Compliance with the drinking regime on hot days is very important. But how to quench your thirst? That is the question. In the heat you need to drink drinks that quench your thirst and refresh. The most important thing to give preference to healthy drinks.

Heat is dangerous primarily because the body, as a result of sweating, loses a large amount of fluid. As a result of fluid loss, minerals are lost. To quench your thirst, you can buy table water with a degree of mineralization of not more than 2.5-3%.

In fact, dehydration is very dangerous, as a person can feel: fatigue, weakness, headache, dry mouth, dizziness, etc. All these are signs of dehydration.

On hot days it is very important to carry a bottle of water in your purse, especially if you are walking with children. You can get drunk and wash at any time. Especially if you feel dizzy, weak, dry mouth ... Never go out in the summer without water.

What to drink in the heat. How to quench your thirst?

On hot days, it’s important to drink healthy drinks that help quench your thirst. But now there are a huge number of drinks, so it is important to note the most useful.


All life on our planet consists of water. Man is 70% water. We all remember that drinking is important for our body. You need to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day.

You can add a little salt to the water. For 1 liter of water, it is recommended to add 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt. Table salt can be replaced with sea salt. This salt is most rich in useful trace elements.

In extreme heat, the temperature of the water you drink should not be low. Water from the refrigerator is not recommended to be consumed immediately. But sometimes you don’t take water from the house, but you want to drink, sellers often have all the water in the refrigerator. Therefore, if you bought water from the refrigerator, then drink it in small sips.

In the summer heat, it is better not to give preference to carbonated drinks. The same applies to water.

Water with lemon (lemon water)

In hot weather, it is good to drink acidified water. It can be water with lemon or orange. Due to the loss of fluid by the body, the blood thickens, and lemon water helps to thin the blood.

Very tasty and healthy lemonades can be prepared at home. Squeeze the juice of half a small lemon into a glass of purified water. In a glass, you can add slices of fresh lemon. To taste add honey. Such a drink can be prepared not only with lemon, but also with orange. In the heat, such soft drinks are very common in summer cafes.

Lemon water helps quench your thirst, restore Ph in the body. In addition, water with lemon improves immunity, improves digestion, improves liver function, helps cleanse blood, and lowers cholesterol.

But if you are allergic to citrus fruits, then you will have to refuse such drinks. It is still important to know the measure. Drink lemon water, but do not completely replace the lemonade water.


But useful natural homemade kvass. Pops from bottles with a bright label do not fit at all. Everyone understands that this is not a natural drink.

In summer, kvass is a very popular drink. There are a lot of recipes for kvass. Kvass can be prepared at home and eat a tasty and healthy drink. Bread kvass is very useful, you can not only drink it, but also make okroshka on kvass. Fresh, tasty kvass, with a pleasant acidity, which could be better.

Green tea

Another drink that can be consumed in the heat is green tea. Tea helps quench your thirst, but only green. In the heat, you can drink hot, cold or warm green tea. It is important to give preference to quality varieties of green tea.

For example, I really like green tea with a slice of lemon. I drink it both hot and cold. In the morning I drink warm green tea, and during the day you can drink ice tea with lemon. Green tea can be drunk without sugar, or sweetened with honey or sugar.

Green tea not only helps to cope with thirst, but also has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain, blood vessels, and improves metabolism in the body.


No less tasty and healthy are berry compotes. Summer is a season of fresh fragrant berries, from which you can make delicious compotes.

Strawberry compote is very tasty, as well as cherry, raspberry, currant, apricot, etc. You can add melissa to the compote if you wish.

Once I tried blackcurrant compote with mint, what a delicious drink it is, especially chilled. The drink cools and perfectly quenches thirst. If you like berry compotes, I highly recommend trying it.

Compote can be cooked from fresh or dry berries. Dried fruit compote is called. Prepare it from dried fruits and berries. It is no less useful than compote from fresh berries. You can add sugar to your compote to taste or drink it without sugar. It is useful to give compote to children if they are not allergic to the berries and fruits that make up the compote.


It is very useful to use freshly squeezed juices in the heat of summer. But, I want to note that juices are useful from fresh fruits and berries, and not from packs.

Useful are plum, cherry, tomato, orange, grapefruit and other juices. These drinks help quench your thirst.

Although juices with pulp worse quench thirst. Juice, in itself, is a concentrated product, it is best to dilute natural juices with clean water.

Now you know what to drink in the heat and how to quench your thirst. I would be glad if you share your proven recipes for drinks that help quench your thirst.

What you should not drink in the heat

In the heat, it is better to abandon alcoholic beverages. In the summer heat, drinking beer, vodka and other alcoholic beverages can be dangerous for the heart and blood vessels. Drinking alcohol only exacerbates the situation on hot days. The same applies to power engineers.

Coffee in the heat will also have to be abandoned. Not without that, you can have a small cup of coffee in the morning, at breakfast, but you should not abuse this drink. Coffee has a diuretic effect and flushes out potassium, calcium, etc., trace elements necessary for our body.

I would like to say separately for sweet carbonated drinks, such as: Pinocchio, Lemonade, etc. Sweet carbonated drinks do not quench your thirst at all, you even feel thirsty, especially on hot days. All this due to the sugar content and artificial components. After their use, after 5-10 minutes, you are thirsty again. It is better to give preference to water than carbonated drinks.

When the thermometer goes off scale, our thoughts are only about water and coolness: whether it's a glass of cold drink or the sea, a river.

Now all modern people are aware that they need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. But what about the summer? I want to drink constantly. Do I need to increase the amount of fluid I drink? And no! All the same 1.5-2 liters of pure water.

It is no secret that the human body consists mostly of liquid, which means that all deviations from the norm are undesirable and fraught with consequences. You can calculate the amount of necessary water for the body according to a simple formula: 40 ml of water per kg of body weight, which means that about 1.5 liters will be needed for 60 kg of weight. And talk about the fact that in the heat we lose a large amount of moisture through the pores in the skin and to restore the water-salt balance, we need to drink more - all these are common misconceptions.

Swelling on the legs in the evening and under the eyes in the morning, prolonged runny nose, headaches, even with slight fluctuations in the weather - these are all signs of excess fluid in the human body. But even without water it is impossible. Lack of fluid can result in thickening of the blood, and this can already turn into a serious health problem.

Remember, if you would not like to cool off, do not get involved in ice cream and cold drinks in the heat: the body adapts to the heat in the summer and therefore loses some resistance to cold, which can threaten you with colds.

Packaged juices, sugary drinks will not quench your thirst, but rather strengthen it, because they contain not only sugar, but also flavor enhancers and other harmful chemical compounds that will not help your body cope with thirst. If you want to drink juice, then drink exclusively freshly squeezed. But do not get carried away too much with them: all freshly squeezed juices are very concentrated, and a sharp increased amount of vitamins for the body is also useless.

In the summer heat, carbonated mineral water is not prohibited - it helps to quench your thirst pretty well with carbon dioxide, which allows the liquid to absorb faster.

So, what except water, is it necessary and possible to drink in the summer heat?

Beverage drink. For example, coffee is the most widespread morning drink in the world, removes fluid from the body, and therefore relies on one cup of aromatic drink to drink an additional glass of water: this is done in southern countries, for example, in Greece and Turkey - a glass of cool water is always served with a cup of coffee . But in extreme heat with coffee it is better to be careful: either refuse completely, or drink only in the morning, so as not to increase the load on the heart. And of course, do not forget to drink water during the day.

Oddly enough it sounds, but drinking hot tea is best served with hot tea. Cold drinks will not quench your thirst, they are absorbed into the body slowly, it will take at least 20 minutes after a drink before you feel relief, and all this time you continue to want to drink. Another thing is hot tea: it instantly quenches thirst, while stimulating sweating.

And the evaporation of sweat, at an air temperature above 33 degrees, is the only way to transfer heat from the body, preventing the body from overheating. In addition, green and black teas are considered one of the most healthy drinks in the world. They have a wide range of useful properties, contain many useful macro- and microelements. For example, potassium, which is simply necessary in the heat. Tea can be replaced with hot decoction of dried fruits without sugar. There is a lot of potassium in this broth.

Such drinks as mate, rooibos tea also quench thirst in summer heat.

Fleeing the summer heat, drink the right amount in the right amount and be confident in your health.

One of the main recommendations of doctors in the heat is compliance with the drinking regime. What to drink in the heat, what water and drinks can be consumed, and what should be discarded in the summer heat. The answers to all these questions I will try to answer in this article.

What water to drink in the heat

In the heat, as was said in the previous article "", the body loses more fluid due to increased sweating. To replenish the fluid, doctors recommend drinking more water, increasing the usual norm by 1.5-2 liters. But, of course, each person is individual. To a healthy person, excess fluid entering the body will not bring harm.

Lack of water in the body can cause dehydration. And this is more dangerous than excess fluid. The first signs of dehydration can be dry mouth, fatigue, fatigue and lethargy, headache, dizziness, and lack of urination for several hours. You need to drink enough to feel comfortable.

Drink is recommended not just water, but mineral. This is due to the fact that not only liquid, but also minerals are lost in the process of perspiration. And above all, elements such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium necessary for maintaining health.

For drinking, you need to buy table or medical and table water with a small degree of mineralization (not more than 2.5-3%), which should be indicated on the label. Mineral water with a high degree of mineralization is considered medicinal and the use of such water in large quantities is contraindicated.

If it is not possible to buy mineral water, then you need to add salt to ordinary drinking water. You can add sea salt. She is richer in these elements.

How much salt to add to drinking water? Many years ago, they gave me the book of Dr. Batmanghelidzh. In his book, he recommends taking ¼ of a teaspoon per 1 liter of water. In extreme heat, the amount of salt consumed can be increased. But you don’t need to get involved in salt very much. Water should be salted, but not salty.

The temperature of the drinking water should not be very low. This can be deplorable not only for the throat. The fact is that at high air temperatures, blood vessels dilate. And with a sharp temperature drop, a spasm of the vessels can occur, which can lead to an attack of angina pectoris or a stroke. This also applies to the cold soul, who so want to cool the body.

Sparkling or plain water to drink? You can drink sparkling water in the heat. But you don’t need to get involved in large quantities of such water. Sparkling water gives a feeling of quenching thirst faster, but with excessive use, the body's ph is disturbed. You can not give sparkling water to small children.

Drinking water can be acidified with lemon juice. During heat, due to a large loss of fluid by the body, the blood thickens. There is a risk of blood clots. contains beneficial substances that help thin the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots.

Water can also be acidified with cranberry or lingonberry juice.

With intense heat in the air, oxygen levels decrease. In large cities, it can generally fall to a critical point during the heat. With a high degree of gas contamination and the release of harmful substances, the lack of oxygen is very dangerous for health. There is oxygen water in our market. I can’t say that she appeared not so long ago. But, unfortunately, it is not widespread yet, and many have not heard of such water at all.

It is sold more in sports nutrition stores. But oxygen water can be ordered online. Oxygen water is usually of artesian origin and is enriched in the production process using special technology with pure oxygen.

You can replenish the amount of oxygen using an oxygen cocktail or oxygen cans. Yes, such a product also exists in our market.

You can make oxygen water at home. I don’t remember, but some company offers a device for saturating water with oxygen. The principle of operation of such a device as for enriching water with oxygen in an aquarium.

Those who have an oxygen concentrator can also enrich drinking water with oxygen. You won’t do much for the supply of such water, oxygen quickly leaves, but in order to drink immediately, it is quite suitable.

Or breathe oxygen for 20-30 minutes. There are also devices for breathing such as oxygen generators. It differs from the oxygen concentrator in that it is not suitable for the preparation of oxygen cocktails and less oxygen at the outlet.

What drinks can I drink in the heat

Green tea . Green tea can be drunk in any form during heat: hot, warm or cold. You can add a slice of lemon to tea. Green tea perfectly quenches thirst, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and cerebral vessels.

You can drink in the summer heat juices, fruit drinks, nectars.  Plum, cherry, dogwood, cherry plum, grapefruit, tomato and other clarified juices are best suited for quenching thirst. Juices with flesh quench thirst worse. Before use, juices and nectars should be diluted with water.

Natural homemade kvass   also quenches thirst well. Rich in homemade kvass and many other useful substances, it contains carbon dioxide caused by natural fermentation.

Dairy drinks. It is also better to give preference to natural dairy products: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ayran, tanu, natural drinking yoghurts.

Compote.  Homemade compote, cooked from fresh or dried fruits and berries, also quenches thirst well. Cook compote without sugar.

Homemade soft drinks.   Making homemade lemonade is easy. In addition to quenching thirst, such a drink will also bring health benefits. You can make homemade lemonade on the decoctions of basil, tarragon, mint. See even more homemade lemonade recipes.

What you can not drink in the summer heat

Alcohol.  In the summer heat, any use of alcohol should be excluded: alcohol, vodka, beer. Why you can not get involved in alcohol in the heat. There are two main reasons: alcohol is dangerous for the heart and blood vessels, because with heat, the load on these organs increases already. And the second reason - the work of the liver in the heat also slows down. This means that detoxification of the body is slower. Moreover, an appetizer for alcoholic beverages also exacerbates the manifestations of heat.

Coffee.   It is also better to refuse it. Coffee has diuretic properties. And then we already lose enough calcium, potassium and other useful minerals.

Black tea should be limited. It has the same properties as coffee. If you really can’t do without black tea, blend it with green or red tea.

Sweet carbonated drinks.   Why drink them if you still do not quench your thirst. Such drinks, despite the inviting advertising, actually give a false quenching of thirst. After a few minutes, I feel thirsty again and more. In addition, the high sugar content in such drinks and other artificial components is not at all good for health.

Energy tonics. Yes, energy tonics give for some time relief from fatigue. But do not forget, in heat, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases. Eating energy drinks that are high in caffeine and taurine increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart attack. Drink better oxygen water. It has the same effects as energy, but without dangerous components.

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On hot days, the amount of fluid consumed should be increased. But wisely.

It is known that water balance is one of the main conditions for the normal functioning of the body. And due to overheating, we begin to sweat more, lose a lot of water. And it is important to prevent dehydration. So the question of how much and what to drink in the heat is far from idle.

Experts advise drinking at least 2 liters of fluid daily. And on a hot day and all 3 liters. True, this also includes the “hidden” liquid of fruits and vegetables.

What are we drinking?

Doctors believe that the ideal drink is plain water. Nothing better in nature just exists. But, spoiled by civilization, we no longer enjoy this drink. Therefore, doctors made a rating of healthy drinks:

Lemon infusion quenches thirst well. It is easy to cook it yourself. Squeeze a quarter of lemon into a glass of water, add an incomplete teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt.

Mineral water with gas also quenches thirst quite well (due to carbon dioxide, which helps the fluid absorb faster). But a carbonated mineral water should not be taken by those who have stomach problems, especially an ulcer or gastritis.

Useful and appropriate on a hot day, slightly brewed unsweetened tea. It is possible with lemon. Black or green is a matter of taste. Moreover, hot tea will bring greater relief in the heat than cold, because cold drinks are absorbed no earlier than 20 minutes after consumption, and all this time a person wants to drink. And the hot ones immediately quench their thirst.

By the way, as it turned out, hot green tea also protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.

An indispensable drink in the heat is kvass. Better natural kvass, infused on bread crusts, which our grandmothers did. But it’s also suitable for purchase, if, of course, the manufacturer did not go too far with sugar.

Sour-milk drinks - yogurt, kefir, koumiss, yogurt and others will help cope with thirst. They are quickly absorbed and contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora. The main thing is that these drinks are fresh.

Juices, fruit drinks and nectars quench thirst well if they are natural (especially freshly squeezed), low in sugar, and best of all, half diluted with water.

But you should refrain from sweet soda and drinks. It is noticed that they not only do not quench thirst, but rather strengthen it. Coffee is also undesirable on a hot day. It loads the heart and blood vessels, can cause dehydration. So it’s better for coffee lovers to give up their favorite drink for a while or drink it only in the morning, so as not to increase the load on the heart.

It is better to drink beer only light, not stronger than 4.5 degrees.

From alcohol, you can allow dry white or red wine, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, with an ice cube. The fact is that alcohol accelerates dehydration, increases the load on the heart and blood vessels, and can pose a serious health hazard to even the strongest person.

How do we drink?

In the heat, it is important not only to drink the "right" drinks, but also to follow certain rules for their use. Here are some things to remember.

1   Even the most healthy drinks can harm the body if you drink them too cold. Strongly chilled fluids excite sweat glands, so that dehydration will only increase.

2 Do not get involved in ice cream: when the body adapts to the heat, it unwittingly loses its resistance to cold, and this threatens colds. It is best to drink liquids at room temperature.

3   Lightly salted water quenches thirst better. It helps to compensate for the loss of salts by the body during heavy sweating. But healing mineral water (it contains more than 10 g of salts per liter) should be consumed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

4   In the morning, it’s good to drink plenty of fluids. This will help to create a reserve in the body. And then during the day you can drink water in small portions.

5 Even in hot days, do not overdo it with drinking! Excess fluid increases the burden on all organs, especially the kidneys and heart. And during pregnancy, hypertension, heart failure, impaired renal function, you should even limit yourself to drinking. Swelling under the eyes in the mornings and legs in the evening, prolonged runny nose, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin, headaches with the slightest fluctuations in the weather - all these are signs of an excess of fluid in the body. If your thirst does not quench, just rinse your mouth with salted water.


In extreme heat or before hard physical work, eat a salted piece of bread or a small (!) Piece of herring. Then in the heat you will not feel like drinking longer.

Drinks are better to buy in glass (rather than plastic) bottles, and still water is more useful than carbonated.

In hot weather, all natural sources literally become sources of many diseases. Do not use unboiled spring or tap water!

Analyzing the advice of doctors, we can make an unambiguous conclusion: the first place in the ranking of healthy summer drinks is occupied by hot (but not boiling water) tea with lemon, but without sugar. It is he who quenches thirst faster and better than ice beer or other cold drinks, which is popular with many in hot weather.