What to drink in the heat: water or tea. What to drink in the heat

27.08.2019 Beverages

Hello dear readers. There are only a few days left before the summer. I don’t know about you, but it’s already very hot here, especially during the day. Not many people endure heat. But you need to somehow adapt to the sultry days. Summer, heat, sea, sun, beach ... It is with these words that we associate summer. Summer gives us a lot of joyful emotions and impressions. But sometimes it spoils the heat and stuffiness, which is simply difficult to endure. To survive the hot days, in the heat, doctors recommend drinking more. Preference should be given to clean water. Compliance with the drinking regime on hot days is very important. But how to quench your thirst? That is the question. In the heat you need to drink drinks that quench your thirst and refresh. The most important thing to give preference to healthy drinks.

Heat is dangerous primarily because the body, as a result of sweating, loses a large amount of fluid. As a result of fluid loss, minerals are lost. To quench your thirst, you can buy table water with a degree of mineralization of not more than 2.5-3%.

In fact, dehydration is very dangerous, as a person can feel: fatigue, weakness, headache, dry mouth, dizziness, etc. All these are signs of dehydration.

On hot days it is very important to carry a bottle of water in your purse, especially if you are walking with children. You can get drunk and wash at any time. Especially if you feel dizzy, weak, dry mouth ... Never go out in the summer without water.

What to drink in the heat. How to quench your thirst?

On hot days, it’s important to drink healthy drinks that help quench your thirst. But now there are a huge number of drinks, so it is important to note the most useful.


All life on our planet consists of water. Man is 70% water. We all remember that drinking is important for our body. You need to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day.

You can add a little salt to the water. For 1 liter of water, it is recommended to add 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt. Table salt can be replaced with sea salt. This salt is most rich in useful trace elements.

In extreme heat, the temperature of the water you drink should not be low. Water from the refrigerator is not recommended to be consumed immediately. But sometimes you don’t take water from the house, but you want to drink, sellers often have all the water in the refrigerator. Therefore, if you bought water from the refrigerator, then drink it in small sips.

In the summer heat, it is better not to give preference to carbonated drinks. The same applies to water.

Water with lemon (lemon water)

In hot weather, it is good to drink acidified water. It can be water with lemon or orange. Due to the loss of fluid by the body, the blood thickens, and lemon water helps to thin the blood.

Very tasty and healthy lemonades can be prepared at home. Squeeze the juice of half a small lemon into a glass of purified water. In a glass, you can add slices of fresh lemon. To taste add honey. Such a drink can be prepared not only with lemon, but also with orange. In the heat, such soft drinks are very common in summer cafes.

Lemon water helps quench your thirst, restore Ph in the body. In addition, water with lemon improves immunity, improves digestion, improves liver function, helps cleanse blood, and lowers cholesterol.

But if you are allergic to citrus fruits, then you will have to refuse such drinks. It is still important to know the measure. Drink lemon water, but do not completely replace the lemonade water.


But useful natural homemade kvass. Pops from bottles with a bright label do not fit at all. Everyone understands that this is not a natural drink.

In summer, kvass is a very popular drink. There are a lot of recipes for kvass. Kvass can be prepared at home and eat a tasty and healthy drink. Bread kvass is very useful, you can not only drink it, but also make okroshka on kvass. Fresh, tasty kvass, with a pleasant acidity, which could be better.

Green tea

Another drink that can be consumed in the heat is green tea. Tea helps quench your thirst, but only green. In the heat, you can drink hot, cold or warm green tea. It is important to give preference to quality varieties of green tea.

For example, I really like green tea with a slice of lemon. I drink it both hot and cold. In the morning I drink warm green tea, and during the day you can drink ice tea with lemon. Green tea can be drunk without sugar, or sweetened with honey or sugar.

Green tea not only helps to cope with thirst, but also has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain, blood vessels, and improves metabolism in the body.


No less tasty and healthy are berry compotes. Summer is a season of fresh fragrant berries, from which you can make delicious compotes.

Strawberry compote is very tasty, as well as cherry, raspberry, currant, apricot, etc. You can add melissa to the compote if you wish.

Once I tried blackcurrant compote with mint, what a delicious drink it is, especially chilled. The drink cools and perfectly quenches thirst. If you like berry compotes, I highly recommend trying it.

Compote can be cooked from fresh or dry berries. Dried fruit compote is called. Prepare it from dried fruits and berries. It is no less useful than compote from fresh berries. You can add sugar to your compote to taste or drink it without sugar. It is useful to give compote to children if they are not allergic to the berries and fruits that make up the compote.


It is very useful to use freshly squeezed juices in the heat of summer. But, I want to note that juices are useful from fresh fruits and berries, and not from packs.

Useful are plum, cherry, tomato, orange, grapefruit and other juices. These drinks help quench your thirst.

Although juices with pulp worse quench thirst. Juice, in itself, is a concentrated product, it is best to dilute natural juices with clean water.

Now you know what to drink in the heat and how to quench your thirst. I would be glad if you share your proven recipes for drinks that help quench your thirst.

What you should not drink in the heat

In the heat, it is better to abandon alcoholic beverages. In the summer heat, drinking beer, vodka and other alcoholic beverages can be dangerous for the heart and blood vessels. Drinking alcohol only exacerbates the situation on hot days. The same applies to power engineers.

Coffee in the heat will also have to be abandoned. Not without that, you can have a small cup of coffee in the morning, at breakfast, but you should not abuse this drink. Coffee has a diuretic effect and flushes out potassium, calcium, etc., trace elements necessary for our body.

Separately, I want to say for sweet carbonated drinks, such as: Pinocchio, Lemonade, etc. Sweet carbonated drinks do not quench your thirst at all, you feel thirsty even more, especially on hot days. All this due to the sugar content and artificial components. After their use, after 5-10 minutes, you are thirsty again. It is better to give preference to water than carbonated drinks.

We all know that summer gives not only a warm bright sun, juicy fruits, but also hot days. Not all people tolerate heat easily, but you need to adapt to the heat somehow. Summer, the sun, the sea, joyful emotions and impressions, but all this is overshadowed not only by the heat, but also by the stuffiness, which is beyond the strength, not a single person.

What to drink in the heat, how to quench your thirst? This question worries every person, therefore, today we’ll talk about him.

To make the heat easier to carry, doctors advise to use more fluids. Preference should be given simply to water, and it is also important to observe the drinking regime on hot days.

In the heat, thirst-quenching and refreshing drinks should be consumed, but most importantly, they should be useful. Intolerable hot days are very harmful to the body, because when profuse sweating occurs, it loses a lot of fluid, and hence minerals.

Why is dehydration dangerous for humans?

The fact is that when the body is dehydrated in the heat, it is very serious and dangerous. Due to dehydration, people feel tired, weak, feel pain in the head, dizziness, and dryness occurs in the oral cavity.

Therefore, leaving home in the summer, be sure to put a bottle of water in your bag, especially if you are walking with a child. Thus, you can wash your face or get drunk at any moment, especially at a critical moment. In summer, healthy drinks should be preferred. What to drink in the heat? Now you will know about it.

Water for quenching thirst

All that is living on earth consists of more water. Even people are 70% water. We all know that drinking is a must.

You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily. You can also add salt to it in a small amount. For example, per liter of liquid ¼ teaspoon of salt. You can use sea salt if you wish. After all, it has many useful trace elements.

When extreme heat sets in, the temperature readings of the water you drink should not be low. Never use liquid from the refrigerator. It often happens that you don’t pour water at home in a bottle, and then on the way you buy water in a store from the refrigerator. But if that happens, try to drink it slowly.

Summer heat is not worth drinking carbonated drinks, the same applies to water. Lemon water is a wonderful choice, that is, you can add a couple of drops of lemon to the liquid to make it acidified, you can also add orange juice, but only in small quantities. When fluid in the body is lost, blood tends to thicken, and thanks to lemon water it liquefies.

Water with lemon: benefits and contraindications

There is a different rumor about this method, which helps to cleanse the body, improve digestion and even helps to lose weight: many people think that this is a great way to help you lose weight quickly and efficiently, and some say that this drink is harmful to the stomach.

Why do you need to drink lemon water?

In general, this drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs. In addition, it helps to lose weight, and also improves skin and face color.

But no one claims that lemon water is a panacea for all diseases or a magical remedy. This is ordinary water to which lemon juice is added. And this seemingly harmless drink has contraindications, there are not many of them, but they have a place to be, and they are as follows:

  • you can not drink lemon liquid for people suffering from peptic ulcer, gastritis and with high acidity;
  • with allergic reactions to citrus fruits.

How to make lemon water?

In order not to buy harmful drinks in the store, you can make tasty and healthy lemonade at home.

Lemon Water Recipe

To prepare a drink, take purified glass in the amount of one glass, add a small lemon slice to it. Then, to your taste, sweeten the juice with honey. Everything, the drink is ready!

A drink with honey and lemon favorably affects the digestive system, cleanses the body, and also fills it with energy. But you should not drink such juice to people who suffer from diabetes.

There are other recipes, for example:

Boil water, cool, and then squeeze fresh lemon juice from citrus into it. Proportions: 1.4 lemons per 250 ml of water.

But the most important thing is that often with such a simple cooking process, many make mistakes. For example, you can’t use cold water from the refrigerator, and you should not squeeze the lemon in advance, because after two hours, the drink will lose all the vitamins.

There is another equally gross mistake, never use more than 1.4 part of a lemon in a glass of liquid, otherwise there will be problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And it is also worth remembering that too concentrated a drink damages tooth enamel.


If you want to get the maximum effect and at the same time not harm the digestion and other organs, then you should drink water following a few simple rules:

  1. drink lemon water in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast. It is necessary to limit yourself to one scan and make sure that there is not too much lemon juice in the water;
  2. try to prepare a drink immediately before you drink it: you should not prepare it in the evening, but keep it in the refrigerator until morning;
  3. after you drink juice, have breakfast without fail, breakfast should be healthy and full, porridge, fried eggs, sandwiches, granola or milk dishes are perfect;
  4. Drink a lemon drink using a straw so that the lemon is less in contact with tooth enamel.

But if you suffer from allergies and can not eat citrus fruits, then you should not drink a drink. Even if you are a completely healthy person, the measure in the use of lemon water should also be known. Drink such a drink, but do not completely replace clean water with it.

Kvass - best quenches thirst

A drink such as kvass should be characterized. And if you still care about the question of what to drink in the heat, how to quench your thirst, then be sure to pay attention to this magical drink. Thanks to the substances that make up kvass, it has many useful properties.

Kvass gives vitality, removes thirst, relieves fatigue, gives freshness and improves the functioning of the digestive organs. But, you should use only healthy natural kvass, cooked at home.

Effervescent kvass in bottles on which a bright label flaunts a completely wrong choice. Everyone knows that this is far from a natural drink that contains a lot of chemistry and harmful additives.

In the summer, kvass is a very popular drink, and there are a lot of recipes for its preparation. You can cook it at home, and then give your household a tasty and healthy drink.

Bread kvass has useful properties, it is not only drunk, but also used to make okroshka. What could be better, tasty, sour and aromatic kvass!

The best recipes for kvass

If you really prefer only healthy drinking drinks, then right now you can learn about simple recipes, delicious and vitamin homemade kvass!

Beet Kvass

In order to make this drink you will need.


  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • beets - 1 kg.

And kvass is prepared like this:

  1. Peel and wash the beets, and then cut the fruit into plates.
  2. Place the beetroot plates in a glass container, pour sugar here and pour warm boiled water. Cover and leave to roam in the room.
  3. After a week, the drink will be ready to drink. When you drink a few glasses, you should again add water to the container and let the drink wander again.

This homemade drink is very tasty, vibrant and fragrant!

So, in order to cook kvass for this recipe you will need.


  • thick rye sourdough - 100 grams;
  • hot water - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • borodino bread - 1 piece;
  • dark malt - 3 tablespoons.

And the drink is prepared like this:

  1. Immediately prepare crackers. Cut the crust from a loaf of bread, and then cut the crust with the crumb into strips.
  2. Now cut the bread strips in the form of cubes and place on a baking sheet and put everything in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for half an hour.
  3. Next, you need a glass bowl, pour crackers into it, add rye dark malt and pour boiling water.
  4. Wrap a carefully filled container and leave it overnight.
  5. In the morning, when the infusion has cooled, add another 100 grams of rye sourdough to it.
  6. Now add sugar here and mix everything thoroughly. Close the lid with a water lock and let the drink infuse for a day.
  7. Then strain it, pour into bottles, add raisins, cool and kvass is ready!

Apple Kvass


  • apples - 3 pieces;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 50 grams;
  • fresh yeast - 5 grams;
  • raisins - 5 pieces;
  • mint to your liking.

And the drink is prepared like this:

  1. Wash apples immediately, peel the peel and remove the middle with seeds. Cut the fruit in the form of slices and transfer to a container, it is better to use an enameled saucepan. Pour hot water here, boil the contents and boil apple slices for 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and set aside the drink to cool.
  2. Pour a little decoction of apples and dilute the yeast in it, leave for 15 minutes.
  3. As soon as a foam appears on the yeast, pour everything into a container with boiled apples, pour sugar here and pour in lemon juice, mix.
  4. Close the lid and leave the drink for 12 hours in the room, let it wander.
  5. Strain the finished infusion, add raisins and mint, cool the kvass, pour into glasses and can enjoy!

Rye bread kvass

So, in order to make a drink according to this recipe you will need.


  • rye bread - 400 grams;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • dry yeast - 6 grams;
  • dried mint - 10 grams;
  • raisins - 1 handful;
  • water - 2 liters.

And the drink is prepared like this:

  1. Cut the bread into slices and send the bread slices to bake in the oven until golden. Then leave the golden bread for two days, let it dry.
  2. Then put the crackers in a container, add mint here, pour hot water, mix, wrap the container and set aside for 5 hours.
  3. Then filter the infusion.
  4. Now add yeast and sugar to the drink and place in a warm place for 7 hours. Next, strain the infusion through a gauze cut, pour into glass bottles, add raisins and cool. Everything, real useful kvass from thirst is ready!

There are probably people who know that green tea is no less tasty and thirst-quenching. Tea perfectly quenches thirst, but for this purpose only green is needed. It is worth choosing only high-quality varieties of this tea drink.

You can also add lemon slices to a cup of tea. In the early morning tea is drunk in a warm form, and throughout the day in cold with the addition of lemon. You can drink the drink without adding sugar and with it, you can also add honey, it all depends on your desire.

How to brew green tea?

It is probably impossible to specifically answer this question. After all, when brewing tea, you should take into account which variety you purchased, and also take into account the characteristics of taste.

If you purchased a tea drink in a special store, then you should consult with the seller and get advice on the intricacies of its brewing.

But there are some rules that must be followed when brewing green tea:

  • water quality, its temperature plays a very important role in such a process as brewing tea;
  • the amount of drink should be taken into account;
  • and also do not forget about the brewing time.

If we do not forget about these three parameters, you can make tasty and healthy tea.

How to brew green tea?

What proportions should be followed when brewing a tea drink?

The amount of tea should be determined on the basis of the desired saturation of the tea leaves. The optimal dose is: tea - 1 teaspoon, water - 250 ml.

How much time is required to brew tea?

As for time, it should be determined based on the size of the tea leaves, as well as on what effect you want to achieve: tonic, fast or slow.

The bottom line is that a substance such as thein gives the tea a tonic effect and saturates the drink for the first time in seconds. And then tea is saturated with tannins.

Therefore, if you want to get vigor after a tea party, you should not brew tea leaves for more than a minute. If, on the contrary, you want to stay awake for a long time, then you should brew a drink longer than the time indicated on the package.

What water is better to use for brewing tea?

Spring water is perfect. Of course, not everyone can use this advice, so spring water can be replaced with filtered liquid.

If there is no such liquid, then use tap water, just let the water settle. Do not expose the water for brewing a tea beverage to re-boil.

What water temperature should be for brewing green tea?

And do not forget that green tea is in no case recommended to pour heavily boiling water. Optimum temperature indicators of water vary from 80 to 90 degrees.

What utensils should I use to brew a drink?

A porcelain or clay teapot is suitable. For example, the Japanese use enameled cast iron, and the Arabs use silver containers. But the most important thing is not to forget about one rule, you can not allow dishes to give the tea odors.

Green Tea Brewing Procedure

  1. Heat the kettle, hold it over the fire.
  2. Then pour tea leaves in it.
  3. Then wrap the kettle, use a napkin or towel, let it stand for three minutes.
  4. Next, fill the teapot with 1/3 of the hot water, soak another two minutes, and then add the kettle with water to the top.
  5. As for the cups themselves, in which you will be drinking tea, rinse them with boiling water.
  6. If you pour the drink in cold containers, it will cool, and very quickly. Green tea is brewed for no more than three minutes.
  7. If you decide to make tea in a glass or mug, then do not put more than 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. Such a drink is infused for 2 minutes.

They say that green tea cannot be combined with sugar. It is better to use it with honey or dried fruits.

How many times is a green tea drink brewed and how is it drunk?

Green tea leaves are brewed a second time, but in general a good variety is brewed up to seven times. Each time you make tea, increase the brewing time. The fact is that the first brewing has the strongest aroma, then the taste of the drink will already be revealed.


  • in no case do not drink tea in a very hot form, it must cool, otherwise burn the esophagus. A hot drink increases the risk of such an ailment of the esophagus as cancer, so you should be wise, especially if you are going to have a tea ceremony;
  • it is recommended to drink tea one hour before a meal, or a few hours after it;
  • do not add sweets and seasonings to the drink, as they contribute to the release of saliva, due to which the body is depleted, and after caffeine ceases to act, the person becomes lethargic and experiences apathy.

Thirsty compotes

Delicious and healthy compotes are another great option to quench your thirst. And if you do not know what to drink in the heat, then be sure to seek help from these drinks.

Very tasty and refreshing compote from strawberries, as well as from cherries, raspberries, currants and apricots. In such drinks, if desired, you can add mint or lemon balm.

Compote gives the body cooling and helps quench thirst. To prepare such drinks, you can use fresh or dry berries, as well as fresh or dried fruits.

Delicious compote recipes

These drinks are very healthy and tasty, as well as harmless to the child's body!

Pumpkin compote


  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • orange - 1 citrus.

And the compote is prepared like this:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, and then cut into slices. Transfer pumpkin slices into a container, pour water here and send to the fire, let the pumpkin cook.
  2. Then chop the softened pumpkin slices, use a blender.
  3. Next squeeze the juice from orange citrus. Pour it into the mashed potatoes, add sugar here, add a little citric acid and cook everything together for 10 minutes. That's all, the incomparable tasty compote helping quench your thirst is ready!

Zucchini compote


  • zucchini - 1 piece;
  • lemon - 0.5 citrus;
  • sugar - to your liking;
  • water - 1 liter.

And the compote is prepared like this:

  1. Wash the zucchini, and then cut into small pieces.
  2. Wash the lemon and cut into small slices.
  3. Boil water with sugar.
  4. Then, in a boiling liquid, send a lemon with zucchini and cook everything together for 7 minutes. That's all, the delicious, vitamin compote is ready!

Redcurrant compote

So, in order to cook compote you will need.


  • red currant - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 milliliters;
  • sugar - 250 grams.

And the drink is prepared like this:

  1. Wash the berries thoroughly.
  2. Boil water with sugar.
  3. In a boiling sweet liquid, send the currant berries and brew the drink for 10 minutes.

Everything, incredibly tasty compote is ready, it perfectly quenches thirst and cools in the hot summer days!

Juices for quenching thirst

You can cook plum, cherry, pomegranate, tomato, orange, grapefruit and other juices. Thanks to these drinks, thirst is quenched. Juice is a concentrated product, so it should be diluted slightly with water.

What you should not drink in the heat

In addition to the fact that the heat gives us a lot of problems, we often add them ourselves. Do not forget that when it is hot, do not drink alcohol.

Beer, vodka and other alcoholic beverages adversely affect the heart and blood vessels. Drinking alcohol, you only exacerbate the situation, the same applies to energy.

As for coffee in the heat, you should forget about this drink for a while. You can only drink a small cup of coffee drink before breakfast in the early morning, but do not abuse it. Coffee has a diuretic effect, it helps to wash out potassium and calcium from the body.

It is also worth separately touching carbonated drinks, they do not contribute to quenching thirst, but rather aggravate it, especially on hot days. Therefore, it is better to give preference to clean water!

Today we will talk about what is best to drink in the heat in summer, because it is Summer, the hottest time of the year ... And to help your body cope with temperature anomalies and dehydration, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed.

Even from the school course on anatomy, everyone knows that the human body is 80% and the brain is 75% water. Aqua vita est - the ancients said. Water is an excellent regulator of metabolic processes, a source of biologically active mineral and organic compounds. In the hot summer season, natural cooling mechanisms work in our body to protect against overheating - here water acts as a regulator of body temperature.

How much should I drink in the summer?

  But how much liquid, after all, must be drunk in the heat, how to drink it and what is better to quench your thirst?

If we are talking about the mandatory amount of fluid intake in the summer, it is important to consider factors such as age, physical activity, and the environment. For example, in a hot, humid climate, a person sweats more, respectively, and you need to drink more.

Observing the correct drinking regimen also plays an important role, since situations of all extremes can be harmful to health: a large volume of water drunk in a short period of time entails a change in the volume (even composition) of blood, which, in turn, overloads the work of the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

Formula for calculating the required amount of water

After a long debate, scientists came to the conclusion that the liquid we receive from food is also included in the calculation of the daily norm. To date, there is a formula for calculating the liquid needed for each individual. To do this, multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.04 - we get the daily rate of fluid in liters, in other words, for every kilogram of our body weight, 40 ml of fluid per day.

From the time of his fall and until now, man has been so preoccupied with satisfying natural needs, including thirst, that he invented a great variety of all kinds of drinks. Moreover, the choice is so huge that this clearly indicates a deviation from its primary goals.

What is better to drink in the heat

Well, let's focus on this variety in order to understand what is better and preferable to drink in the heat. At the same time, we should remember that on hot, sultry days sweating increases, and with it the loss of minerals. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between drinks that quickly compensate for the loss of the body, and those that, on the contrary, have diuretic properties, dehydrating it.

  Of course, pure, better spring water is the absolute leader on this list and it is best to drink it in the summer in the heat, it is recommended for both children and adults.

If you don’t like to drink just water, you can fantasize over tastes by adding lemon juice or a sprig of mint. By the way, ordinary water with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 5 perfectly quenches thirst, being at the same time a general tonic and even an unusual healing drink.

Well, we already wrote separately and in detail on our self-development portal, so read separate articles about this most useful summer drink, and we will continue.

Can I drink cold drinks in the heat?

All of us in the summer give preference to chilled fluid, but the body is not ready to absorb it until it warms up to body temperature. Therefore, cold drinks in the summer heat can become a source of trouble for us - lead to an attack of angina pectoris or stroke.

It is proved that drinking water is better than room temperature or even hot. That's why in hot countries they drink hot green tea, it quickly normalizes the water balance, in addition, it is a source of antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamins.

Mineral water, undoubtedly, is one of the drinks that best quench thirst in the hot season, it moisturizes and purifies toxins as much as possible.

Do not forget, however, that one of the components of the mineral water is salt, which can retain fluid in the body. In connection with this feature, it is better to drink mineral water in the dining room or in the medical and dining room, limited to 2-3 glasses a day.

What is the best drink in summer?

Thirsty and healthy drinks include any fruit drinks, compotes, preferably with a minimum amount of sugar, natural freshly squeezed juices, such as apple, orange, various smoothies with herbs, fruits and vegetables, and of course, bread or oat kvass. Prepared at home, it not only refreshes, but has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, improves appetite and cleanses the intestines.

As for dairy drinks, here the choice is also in favor of natural products. Thirst, hunger, tan, ayran, yogurt, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk are not badly quenched, plus they are rich in useful bacteria, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

What you can not drink in the heat?

  Now let’s dwell on the fact that you can’t drink in the heat in summer or at least it’s better to limit it to use when the temperature in the street reaches 30 degrees and above.

In the heat, black tea, so beloved by many coffee, should be avoided. These drinks have a rather high caffeine content, due to which their diuretic effect is manifested - calcium and zinc are removed from the body.

It is most reasonable to refuse sweet water, where dyes, preservatives, and a huge amount of sugar are present, which, like salt, interferes with the excretion of liquids and increase the risk of obesity and diabetes mellitus, and the phosphoric acid contained in Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola ”, contributes to the development of osteoporosis.

Can I drink alcohol in the heat?

To date, scientists have proven that not all types of alcoholic beverages can harm during the hot season, and there are excellent thirst-quenchers. First of all, it is dry wine (red or white), it brings blood vessels into tone, and in diluted form it perfectly quenches thirst and relieves fatigue.

Only drink no more than two glasses a day and not on an empty stomach. It should be borne in mind that even the best wines cause a headache. The cause of this pain is polyphenols - those compounds in which the greatest value of wines lies. So experts advise choosing low-fermented varieties.

It is better to refrain from fortified wines, vermouths and liquors in the summer in the heat. Passionate beer lovers can pamper themselves no more than once a week with only a light and light (up to 4% alcohol) drink in a safe one-liter dosage.

Just do not forget that in large quantities, beer negatively affects the work of the pancreas, it additionally contains a huge amount of female hormones that negatively affect the male body and contributes to obesity in both men and women.

In addition, any alcohol, both in winter and in summer, unambiguously leads to the destruction of brain tissue and possible genetic disorders in you and even more so in your children, so the self-development portal cannot recommend you to drink alcohol in hot or cold weather, and rather lead a healthy lifestyle and improve their intellectual level.

We drink!


Naturally, water comes first. She should be at this place, by the way, in any season.

A healthy adult needs, on average, 1.5-2 liters of water daily.

The best water is water from natural sources. It is also known as "spring water" or "well water." Spring water is naturally filtered, it is enriched with oxygen and minerals (sulfur, magnesium, calcium) from nature. This water does not come into contact with our polluted environment.

As for mineral water, as its name implies, it contains an increased amount of minerals. Although mineral water such as "Essentuki" and "Narzan" is sold freely in stores, it is not worth drinking without the advice of a general practitioner. This is especially true for people with chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys and gastric tract.

Read more about which water should be drunk and which not.

Pomegranate juice

Summer brings not only heat, but also a large amount of ultraviolet radiation, which in excess is harmful to the skin and general health. Numerous clinical studies using pomegranate extract show that pomegranate slows down skin pigmentation caused by ultraviolet radiation. This is due to antioxidants. Garnet owes its strong antioxidant properties to a unique polyphenolic complex. The main components of this complex are polyphenols of elagitanins. It is he who is believed that pomegranate has such a strengthening effect on health.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice contains carotenoid lycopene. It is known about lycopene that it also effectively resists UV damage to the skin. By the way, lycopene is lipophilic (“loves fat”). In practice, this means that it is good to add a few drops to tomato juice.

Tomato juice is also a good source of potassium. Potassium is responsible for the balance of fluid within the cells.

Coconut Water

Coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk) perfectly quenches thirst. Coconut water, like tomato juice, contains a large amount of potassium. In addition, it contains in a significant amount and almost all other electrolytes - sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Electrolytes in blood plasma maintain water-electrolyte balance and osmotic pressure.

Coconut water is a low-calorie product. On average, 100 ml of coconut water contains only 15 calories.

Green tea

Green tea is a source of unique EGCG polyphenols, which also help protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Green tea, in addition, is a rich source of manganese mineral and, depending on the variety, contains up to 50% of the daily norm of this element in one cup. Chilled green tea can be a great alternative to the so-called ice-tea. Just make tea, let it brew, add herbs, spices and fruits to your taste (for example, mint, ginger, slices of orange or lemon), and, if you like, a little honey or stevia. Allow to cool. Serve with ice.

Do not drink!


Cold beer in the heat can quench your thirst and give a feeling of long-awaited coolness, but this feeling will not last long.

Alcohol does not cover our need for liquids; on the contrary, it leads to dehydration. In addition, alcohol intoxicates and gives an additional burden on the heart and blood vessels.

Fruit juices

I recommend giving up fruit juices. First, they contain relatively many calories. On average, about 150 calories in one glass of juice is comparable to two slices of bread, two small potatoes, or two chocolates. Secondly, fruit juices contain a large amount of (natural) sugar, which immediately enters the bloodstream and causes a jump in blood sugar. The jump is followed by the same rapid decline, as a result of which you feel tired, lack of concentration and so on. It is always better to eat a whole fruit than drink the juice squeezed from it.


The sour berry juice seems to be very refreshing. Traditional fruit drinks, however, contain no less sugar than carbonated drinks. Read about them below.

Sweet soda

It seems that everyone has long known that carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, etc. consist of extremely harmful ingredients, the most important of which is sugar. However, repetition, as you know, is the mother of learning. So I repeat: these drinks should be discarded completely.

Light soda

Light soda is no less harmful than normal. I recommend completely abandoning products containing synthetic sweeteners.

Sweeteners are added to food by manufacturers to make sugar-free sweet foods. All sweeteners are assigned E-numbers (E, by the way, means "Europe"). Take for example one of the most common sweeteners - sodium cyclamate (E 952). Cyclamate is 30-50 times sweeter than sugar. Sodium cyclamate appeared on the US market after its approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1951. In the 1970s, a report of an increase in bladder cancer in rats and monkeys that were injected with mixtures of cyclamate and saccharin (10: 1) led to a ban on cyclamate in the food industry in the United States and several other countries. It should be noted that cyclamate is still completely banned in the United States.   For example, company Coca Cola, which uses cyclamate in its European products, replaces it with another synthetic sweetener in the United States. The FDA believes cyclamate is a potential carcinogen. In almost all other countries of the world, alas, cyclamate is used today, often in combination with other sweeteners.

I hope this blog has been helpful to you. About which products are relevant in the heat, read in my previous one.

One of the main recommendations of doctors in the heat is compliance with the drinking regime. What to drink in the heat, what water and drinks can be consumed, and what should be discarded in the summer heat. The answers to all these questions I will try to answer in this article.

What water to drink in the heat

In the heat, as was said in the previous article "", the body loses more fluid due to increased sweating. To replenish the fluid, doctors recommend drinking more water, increasing the usual norm by 1.5-2 liters. But, of course, each person is individual. To a healthy person, excess fluid entering the body will not bring harm.

Lack of water in the body can cause dehydration. And this is more dangerous than excess fluid. The first signs of dehydration can be dry mouth, fatigue, fatigue and lethargy, headache, dizziness, and lack of urination for several hours. You need to drink enough to feel comfortable.

Drink is recommended not just water, but mineral. This is due to the fact that not only liquid, but also minerals are lost in the process of perspiration. And above all, elements such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium necessary for maintaining health.

For drinking, you need to buy table or medical and table water with a small degree of mineralization (not more than 2.5-3%), which should be indicated on the label. Mineral water with a high degree of mineralization is considered medicinal and the use of such water in large quantities is contraindicated.

If it is not possible to buy mineral water, then you need to add salt to ordinary drinking water. You can add sea salt. She is richer in these elements.

How much salt to add to drinking water? Many years ago, they gave me the book of Dr. Batmanghelidzh. In his book, he recommends taking ¼ of a teaspoon per 1 liter of water. In extreme heat, the amount of salt consumed can be increased. But you don’t need to get involved in salt much. Water should be salted, but not salty.

The temperature of the drinking water should not be very low. This can be deplorable not only for the throat. The fact is that at high air temperatures, blood vessels dilate. And with a sharp temperature drop, a spasm of the vessels can occur, which can lead to an attack of angina pectoris or a stroke. This also applies to the cold soul, who so want to cool the body.

Sparkling or plain drink water? You can drink sparkling water in the heat. But you don’t need to get involved in large amounts of such water. Sparkling water gives a feeling of quenching thirst faster, but with excessive use, the body's ph is disturbed. You can not give sparkling water to small children.

Drinking water can be acidified with lemon juice. During heat, due to a large loss of fluid by the body, the blood thickens. There is a risk of blood clots. contains beneficial substances that help thin the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots.

Water can also be acidified with cranberry or lingonberry juice.

With intense heat in the air, oxygen levels decrease. In large cities, it can generally fall to a critical point during the heat. With a high degree of gas contamination and the release of harmful substances, the lack of oxygen is very dangerous for health. There is oxygen water in our market. I can’t say that she appeared not so long ago. But, unfortunately, it is not widespread yet, and many have not heard of such water at all.

It is sold more in sports nutrition stores. But oxygen water can be ordered online. Oxygen water is usually of artesian origin and is enriched in the production process using special technology with pure oxygen.

You can replenish the amount of oxygen using an oxygen cocktail or oxygen cans. Yes, such a product also exists in our market.

You can make oxygen water at home. I don’t remember, but some company offers a device for saturating water with oxygen. The principle of operation of such a device as for enriching water with oxygen in an aquarium.

Those who have an oxygen concentrator can also enrich drinking water with oxygen. You won’t do much for the supply of such water, oxygen quickly leaves, but in order to drink immediately, it is quite suitable.

Or breathe oxygen for 20-30 minutes. There are also devices for breathing such as oxygen generators. It differs from the oxygen concentrator in that it is not suitable for the preparation of oxygen cocktails and less oxygen at the outlet.

What drinks can I drink in the heat

Green tea . Green tea can be drunk in any form during heat: hot, warm or cold. You can add a slice of lemon to tea. Green tea perfectly quenches thirst, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and cerebral vessels.

You can drink in the summer heat juices, fruit drinks, nectars. Plum, cherry, dogwood, cherry plum, grapefruit, tomato and other clarified juices are best suited for quenching thirst. Juices with flesh quench thirst worse. Before use, juices and nectars should be diluted with water.

Natural homemade kvass   also quenches thirst well. Rich in homemade kvass and many other useful substances, it contains carbon dioxide caused by natural fermentation.

Dairy drinks. It is also better to give preference to natural dairy products: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ayran, tanu, natural drinking yoghurts.

Compote.  Homemade compote, cooked from fresh or dried fruits and berries, also quenches thirst well. Cook compote without sugar.

Homemade soft drinks.   Making homemade lemonade is easy. In addition to quenching thirst, such a drink will also bring health benefits. You can make homemade lemonade on the decoctions of basil, tarragon, mint. See even more homemade lemonade recipes.

What you can not drink in the summer heat

Alcohol.  In the summer heat, any use of alcohol should be excluded: alcohol, vodka, beer. Why you can not get involved in alcohol in the heat. There are two main reasons: alcohol is dangerous for the heart and blood vessels, because with heat, the load on these organs increases already. And the second reason - the work of the liver in the heat also slows down. This means that detoxification of the body is slower. Moreover, an appetizer for alcoholic beverages also exacerbates the manifestations of heat.

Coffee.   It is also better to refuse it. Coffee has diuretic properties. And then we already lose enough calcium, potassium and other useful minerals.

Black tea should be limited. It has the same properties as coffee. If you really can’t do without black tea, blend it with green or red tea.

Sweet carbonated drinks.   Why drink them if you still do not quench your thirst. Such drinks, despite the inviting advertising, actually give a false quenching of thirst. After a few minutes, I feel thirsty again and more. In addition, the high sugar content in such drinks and other artificial components is not at all good for health.

Energy tonics. Yes, energy tonics give for some time relief from fatigue. But do not forget, in heat, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases. Eating energy drinks that are high in caffeine and taurine increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, and heart attack. Drink better oxygen water. It has the same effects as energy, but without dangerous components.

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