What to drink in the heat.

27.08.2019 Restaurant notes

We all look forward to the onset of summer, but already the first hot days become a real test of strength for all body systems. When the thermometer “rolls over” for thirty, special attention must be paid to what we eat and drink to reduce the burden on organs.

  • Limit the use of salt and sugar in your daily diet;
  • Refuse alcohol in any variation;
  • Do not overeat, reduce the number of trips to fast food establishments;
  • To quench your thirst in the heat, use drinking and mineral water, bread kvass, natural juices and fruit drinks, green tea, low-fat sour-milk products, compotes with honey;
  • To include seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries in the composition of familiar dishes.

How to provide good nutrition in the hot season

Compliance with diet in hot weather  It will help not only maintain vigor and stay in an excellent mood all day, but also lose a few extra pounds.

In hot weather you need  replace “heavy” sweets with juicy berries, honey, fresh and dried fruits according to the season. A big mistake is made by those who “escape the heat” with beer and low-alcohol drinks. Such fluids contribute to the accumulation of water in tissues, the body overheats, and the risk of heart attack, stroke, or a malfunction of the nervous system increases. Beer and drinks containing alcohol do not quench, but increase thirst, forcing the excretory system to work to the limit. Do not want health problems - completely abandon alcohol in the hot season!

Limiting Salt and Sugar, we control thirst, preventing the fluid from stagnating in the body, creating an additional burden on the heart and blood vessels.

What is better to drink in the heat

In hot weather, the body then loses 2-3 liters of fluid per day. To make up for the moisture deficit, drink hot water and healthy drinks often in the heatbut in small portions.

The best solution to the problem of dehydration is to drink water during the hot season. It is better to use table mineral water with a salt content of not more than 1-3 grams per liter, still or slightly carbonated.

The addition of a small amount of citrus juice will enrich the water with useful vitamins and minerals and make its taste more saturated. On the one and a half liter bottle of water, add the juice of one orange, squeeze a lemon, lime or half a grapefruit.

Can be cooked at home herbal infusion : Pour boiling water over a sprig of mint or lemon balm. In a cooled liquid, add a couple of teaspoons of honey and a little freshly squeezed juice of lemon or orange, you can ice. A tasty and healthy drink perfectly refreshes in the heat, has a pleasant taste and supports strength.

Perfectly quenches thirst in the heat green tea . Brew your favorite green tea and drink in small portions several times a day. This approach perfectly compensates for the lack of fluid in the body without overloading the urinary system.

In the summer months you should not get carried away too much with black coffee - in the heat this drink does not refresh, but provokes thirst, simultaneously washing out the calcium and microelements necessary for health from the tissues.

If finances permit - buy a juicer and treat yourself freshly squeezed juices and fresh   from seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries in any variation. Or use a manual juicer. Such drinks make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals, perfectly quench your thirst, reduce hunger, charge with vigor and energy. A glass of fruit or will be an excellent breakfast or snack after arriving from work. You should not buy packaged juices - they contain a large amount of sugar and only increase the feeling of thirst.

And in the heat you need to drink ordinary from any fruit and berries. Bring water with chopped fruits to a boil, boil for several minutes, add fresh berries and mint or currant leaves and remove from heat. Let the drink brew, bottle it - the elixir is ready for thirst!

The real salvation in hot weather dairy drinks   - low-fat kefir, ayran, tan or whey. And . They are easily absorbed, make up for the loss of minerals and perfectly satisfy hunger and thirst. Drink a glass of yogurt or natural yogurt during a break at work - such a snack will give a powerful charge of energy, without causing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

What to eat when it's hot and you don’t want to eat

Each of us noticed that in extreme heat our appetite decreases noticeably. In hot weather, it is worth adjusting the diet, replacing “heavy” dishes with light vegetable salads and okroshka. Fried potatoes, fatty meat and fish, pastries, and all types of fast food require a lot of effort to digest and overload the body with excess calories. Take advantage of a decrease in appetite to tidy up your figure. Many housewives ask a question - what to eat when it’s hot?

We drink!


Naturally, water comes first. She should be at this place, by the way, in any season.

A healthy adult needs, on average, 1.5-2 liters of water daily.

The best water is water from natural sources. It is also known as "spring water" or "well water." Spring water is naturally filtered, it is enriched with oxygen and minerals (sulfur, magnesium, calcium) from nature. This water does not come into contact with our polluted environment.

As for mineral water, as its name implies, it contains an increased amount of minerals. Although mineral water such as "Essentuki" and "Narzan" is sold freely in stores, it is not worth drinking without the advice of a general practitioner. This is especially true for people with chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys and gastric tract.

Read more about which water should be drunk and which not.

Pomegranate juice

Summer brings not only heat, but also a large amount of ultraviolet radiation, which in excess is harmful to the skin and general health. Numerous clinical studies using pomegranate extract show that pomegranate slows down skin pigmentation caused by ultraviolet radiation. This is due to antioxidants. Garnet owes its strong antioxidant properties to a unique polyphenolic complex. The main components of this complex are polyphenols of elagitanins. It is he who is believed that pomegranate has such a strengthening effect on health.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice contains carotenoid lycopene. It is known about lycopene that it also effectively resists UV damage to the skin. By the way, lycopene is lipophilic (“loves fat”). In practice, this means that it is good to add a few drops to tomato juice.

Tomato juice is also a good source of potassium. Potassium is responsible for the balance of fluid within the cells.

Coconut Water

Coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk) perfectly quenches thirst. Coconut water, like tomato juice, contains a large amount of potassium. In addition, it contains in a significant amount and almost all other electrolytes - sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Electrolytes in blood plasma maintain water-electrolyte balance and osmotic pressure.

Coconut water is a low-calorie product. On average, 100 ml of coconut water contains only 15 calories.

Green tea

Green tea is a source of unique EGCG polyphenols, which also help protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Green tea, in addition, is a rich source of manganese mineral and, depending on the variety, contains up to 50% of the daily norm of this element in one cup. Chilled green tea can be a great alternative to the so-called ice-tea. Just make tea, let it brew, add herbs, spices and fruits to your taste (for example, mint, ginger, slices of orange or lemon), and, if you like, a little honey or stevia. Allow to cool. Serve with ice.

Do not drink!


Cold beer in the heat can quench your thirst and give a feeling of long-awaited coolness, but this feeling will not last long.

Alcohol does not cover our need for liquids; on the contrary, it leads to dehydration. In addition, alcohol intoxicates and gives an additional burden on the heart and blood vessels.

Fruit juices

I recommend giving up fruit juices. First, they contain relatively many calories. On average, about 150 calories in one glass of juice is comparable to two slices of bread, two small potatoes, or two chocolates. Secondly, fruit juices contain a large amount of (natural) sugar, which immediately enters the bloodstream and causes a jump in blood sugar. The jump is followed by the same rapid decline, as a result of which you feel tired, lack of concentration and so on. It is always better to eat a whole fruit than drink the juice squeezed from it.


The sour berry juice seems to be very refreshing. Traditional fruit drinks, however, contain no less sugar than carbonated drinks. Read about them below.

Sweet soda

It seems that everyone has long known that carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, etc. consist of extremely harmful ingredients, the most important of which is sugar. However, repetition, as you know, is the mother of learning. So I repeat: these drinks should be discarded completely.

Light soda

Light soda is no less harmful than normal. I recommend completely abandoning products containing synthetic sweeteners.

Sweeteners are added to food by manufacturers to make sugar-free sweet foods. All sweeteners are assigned E-numbers (E, by the way, means "Europe"). Take for example one of the most common sweeteners - sodium cyclamate (E 952). Cyclamate is 30-50 times sweeter than sugar. Sodium cyclamate appeared on the US market after its approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1951. In the 1970s, a report of an increase in bladder cancer in rats and monkeys that were injected with mixtures of cyclamate and saccharin (10: 1) led to a ban on cyclamate in the food industry in the United States and several other countries. It should be noted that cyclamate is still completely banned in the United States.   For example, company Coca Cola, which uses cyclamate in its European products, replaces it with another synthetic sweetener in the United States. The FDA believes cyclamate is a potential carcinogen. In almost all other countries of the world, alas, cyclamate is used today, often in combination with other sweeteners.

I hope this blog has been helpful to you. About which products are relevant in the heat, read in my previous one.

Restore fluid balance correctly

The heat returned to the Central region of Russia and the thermometer column stably shows +27 +30. In such weather, under the influence of external heat, the human body begins to lose more fluid than usual. If the body’s water supply is not replenished on time, then unpleasant symptoms appear - general discomfort, loss of coordination and endurance, weakness, poor concentration, irritability, dizziness, nausea, digestive problems, and so on.

Water is generally the basis of human life. Our body consists of it by almost 70%, and the brain by all 80%. Having understood the importance of water and developed the habit of drinking a sufficient amount of water, not only in the heat, but always, you can qualitatively improve your life and health. Ekaterina Tsvetova, an expert in the field of nutrition, is confident in this, and she has given readers recommendations on how to drink water.

Tip one: what is better to drink in the heat

A proven option of "moisturizing" the body in hot weather, which is suitable for everyone - drink plain non-carbonated water. Plain water best quenches thirst and has virtually no contraindications for any disease.

“I do not recommend drinking tap water, as there may be dangerous bacteria and chlorine. In extreme cases, clean the water with a filter. It’s best to buy bottled water and ideally not plastic, but glass. The fact is that chemicals from plastic fall into the water and do not very well affect health. Since on a hot day a large amount of nutrients is washed out of the body with sweat, you can drink water with the addition of electrolytes. This is beneficial and will help replenish lost minerals and vitamins. If a person has no health problems, then he can sometimes diversify his summer drink with mineral water containing a small amount of salt, ”says Tsvetova.

Therapeutic mineral water which contains more than 10 g of salt per liter can be used only with the permission of a doctor. Carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones, are undesirable to drink not only in the heat, but also at any time of the year. They not only do not quench thirst, but on the contrary, cause it.

Tip two: how much water should be drunk per day

As for the daily norm of water for humans today, there are several opinions. Some experts say that you need to drink only when you want, others call specific numbers - 30-35 ml per 1 kg of weight, someone measures in glasses (from 8 to 15 pcs per day).

“I recommend that adult men drink at least about three liters a day, and women at least two liters. This amount of water is enough to bring the necessary portion of mineral substances into the body, to spill into vessels, cells, tissues and joints, as well as remove toxins and impurities from the body, ”continues our expert.

However, the amount of water consumed must be changed depending on external factors and a person’s lifestyle. If it’s hot outside or you are high in the mountains, you need to drink about 0.5-1 liter more per day. We also add water after drinking alcohol, during illness, while taking antibiotics and during sports.

If a person eats a lot of water-containing food - green vegetables, juicy fruits, respectively, and pure water, he can use less.

Tip three: how often you need to drink water during the day

Drinking these 2-3 liters of water, of course, is not necessary at a time. They must be consumed throughout the day in small portions. You need to create a dropper effect and drip water through your body. If you drink water in large portions, it will immediately come out without fulfilling its functions, which means that the effect of such a drink will be small. “I recommend everyone to start their day at least half, and preferably with a full glass of water. Drink it immediately after rising half an hour before breakfast. Ideally, during the day, you need to replenish the body with water every 30 minutes in small portions. No need to wait for the feeling of thirst! Naturally, one must drink if one is thirsty. Also, drink water if you notice that for several hours there was no urge to urinate. This is also a sign that it’s time to replenish the body’s water supply, ”says Tsvetova.

Fourth tip: should you drink water before and during meals

Be sure to drink water 30 minutes before a meal to prepare your body for digestion. The fact is that a lot of water is taken from the body’s reserves in this process. It produces saliva, gastric juice and other auxiliary fluids. “As for whether or not to drink food, there are many different opinions. I try not to drink, so as not to interfere with the digestion process. However, half an hour after eating, you need to drink. I recommend that you try not to drink a lot of water in the evening, as this can cause swelling. It’s better not to drink water a couple of hours before bedtime, ”continues Ekaterina Tsvetova.

Tip five: what temperature should be drinking water

It is important not only the amount of water that you drink in the morning and during the day, but also its temperature. Ideally, the temperature of the water should correspond to the temperature of our body, that is, 36-37 degrees. The use of just such water improves metabolism, digestion, normalizes the intestines, removes toxins from the body, and heals the skin. Moreover, warm water lowers blood cholesterol, has a vasodilating effect, relaxes muscles and improves blood flow throughout the body.

Tip six: what else to drink to moisturize the body?

In the heat, green tea is also good. Thanks to vitamin P, it has beneficial effects on blood vessels and improves blood circulation, which is very important in the hot season. Tannin, which is contained in tea, acts on the mucous membrane of the mouth, moisturizing and cooling it. It reduces thirst. It also helps to cope with dystonia, the attacks of which are exacerbated in the summer. Green tea can be consumed both warm and cold.

You can also prepare vegetable smoothies, adding a few fruits or berries with a low sugar content (for example, strawberries, blueberries or raspberries) for taste. However, they should be consumed carefully and monitor the amount drunk and the portion size.

Tip seven: what you can not drink in the heat?

In a hot period of time, it is better to completely abandon black tea, coffee and alcohol. These products, by contrast, remove water from the body and lead to dehydration. In extreme cases, you can drink white wine, diluted with water and ice. But keep in mind that if you drank alcohol or a cup of coffee, then you need to add more clean water to the diet.

Today we will talk about what is best to drink in the heat in summer, because it is Summer, the hottest time of the year ... And to help your body cope with temperature anomalies and dehydration, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed.

Even from the school course on anatomy, everyone knows that the human body is 80% and the brain is 75% water. Aqua vita est - the ancients said. Water is an excellent regulator of metabolic processes, a source of biologically active mineral and organic compounds. In the hot summer season, natural cooling mechanisms work in our body to protect against overheating - here water acts as a regulator of body temperature.

How much should I drink in the summer?

  But how much liquid, after all, must be drunk in the heat, how to drink it and what is better to quench your thirst?

If we are talking about the mandatory amount of fluid intake in the summer, it is important to consider factors such as age, physical activity, and the environment. For example, in a hot, humid climate, a person sweats more, respectively, and you need to drink more.

Observing the correct drinking regimen also plays an important role, since situations of all extremes can be harmful to health: a large volume of water drunk in a short period of time entails a change in the volume (even composition) of blood, which, in turn, overloads the work of the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

Formula for calculating the required amount of water

After a long debate, scientists came to the conclusion that the liquid we receive from food is also included in the calculation of the daily norm. To date, there is a formula for calculating the liquid needed for each individual. To do this, multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.04 - we get the daily rate of fluid in liters, in other words, for every kilogram of our body weight, 40 ml of fluid per day.

From the time of his fall and hitherto, man has been so preoccupied with satisfying natural needs, including thirst, that he invented a great many drinks. Moreover, the choice is so huge that this clearly indicates a deviation from its primary goals.

What is better to drink in the heat

Well, let's focus on this variety in order to understand what is better and preferable to drink in the heat. At the same time, we should remember that on hot, sultry days sweating increases, and with it the loss of minerals. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between drinks that quickly compensate for the loss of the body, and those that, on the contrary, have diuretic properties, dehydrating it.

  Of course, pure, better spring water is the absolute leader on this list and it is best to drink it in the summer in the heat, it is recommended for both children and adults.

If you don’t like to drink just water, you can fantasize over tastes by adding lemon juice or a sprig of mint. By the way, ordinary water with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 5 perfectly quenches thirst, being at the same time a general tonic and even an unusual healing drink.

Well, we already wrote separately and in detail on our self-development portal, so read separate articles about this most useful summer drink, and we will continue.

Can I drink cold drinks in the heat?

All of us in the summer give preference to chilled fluid, but the body is not ready to absorb it until it warms up to body temperature. Therefore, cold drinks in the summer heat can become a source of trouble for us - lead to an attack of angina pectoris or stroke.

It is proved that drinking water is better than room temperature or even hot. That's why in hot countries they drink hot green tea, it quickly normalizes the water balance, in addition, it is a source of antioxidants, flavonoids and vitamins.

Mineral water, undoubtedly, is one of the drinks that best quench thirst in the hot season, it moisturizes and purifies toxins as much as possible.

Do not forget, however, that one of the components of the mineral water is salt, which can retain fluid in the body. In connection with this feature, it is better to drink mineral water in the dining room or in the medical and dining room, limited to 2-3 glasses a day.

What is the best drink in summer?

Thirsty and healthy drinks include any fruit drinks, compotes, preferably with a minimum amount of sugar, natural freshly squeezed juices, such as apple, orange, various smoothies with herbs, fruits and vegetables, and, of course, bread or oat kvass. Prepared at home, it not only refreshes, but has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, improves appetite and cleanses the intestines.

As for dairy drinks, here the choice is also in favor of natural products. Thirst, hunger, tan, ayran, yogurt, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk are not badly quenched, plus they are rich in useful bacteria, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

What you can not drink in the heat?

  Now let us dwell on the fact that you can’t drink in the heat in summer or at least it’s better to limit it to use when the temperature in the street reaches 30 degrees and above.

In the heat, black tea, so beloved by many coffee, should be avoided. These drinks have a rather high caffeine content, due to which their diuretic effect is manifested - calcium and zinc are removed from the body.

It is most reasonable to refuse sweet water, where dyes, preservatives, and a huge amount of sugar are present, which, like salt, interferes with the excretion of liquids and increase the risk of obesity and diabetes mellitus, and the phosphoric acid contained in Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola ”, contributes to the development of osteoporosis.

Can I drink alcohol in the heat?

To date, scientists have proven that not all types of alcoholic beverages can harm during the hot season, and there are excellent thirst-quenchers. First of all, it is dry wine (red or white), it brings blood vessels into tone, and in diluted form it perfectly quenches thirst and relieves fatigue.

Only drink no more than two glasses a day and not on an empty stomach. It should be borne in mind that even the best wines cause a headache. The cause of this pain is polyphenols - those compounds in which the greatest value of wines lies. So experts advise choosing low-fermented varieties.

It is better to refrain from fortified wines, vermouths and liquors in the summer in the heat. Passionate beer lovers can pamper themselves no more than once a week with only a light and light (up to 4% alcohol) drink in a safe one-liter dosage.

Just do not forget that in large quantities, beer negatively affects the work of the pancreas, it additionally contains a huge amount of female hormones that negatively affect the male body and contributes to obesity in both men and women.

In addition, any alcohol, both in winter and in summer, unambiguously leads to the destruction of brain tissue and possible genetic disorders in you, and even more so in your children, so the self-development portal cannot recommend you to drink alcohol in hot or cold weather, and rather lead a healthy lifestyle and improve their intellectual level.

Great drought: what is better to drink in the heat

If usually the human body evaporates 2-2.5 liters of moisture per day, then in hot weather and with a fair amount of physical exertion, the “leak” reaches 4 liters. Is it a lot or a little? Scientists have calculated that with the loss of 1 liter of liquid, thirst begins to torment us, 2 liter - mental activity decreases, 3 liter - dizziness begins, 4 liter - fainting and heart attacks are possible. About a third of the moisture deficiency can make up for bread, soups, vegetables, fruits, and as much as two-thirds - drinks. We rated their ability to quench their thirst on a 5-point scale.

  According to scientists, this is the best way to quench your thirst - it takes one third (!) Less than water. And it does not matter if it is cold, hot or a little warm. Green tea is favored by a high content of vitamin P, which has a positive effect on blood vessels. This magic elixir is easier to drink and does not leave yellowness on the teeth, but black tea due to caffeine tones better. In one glass of both this and the other - 12-15 mg of flavonoids, which are an excellent means of preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases. However, in green - simple flavonoids, and in black - complex. It is easy to guess that the former are absorbed faster.

Secret. Hot green tea can protect your skin from ultraviolet rays: 4 cups of drink per day - and the result is obvious!


The most common and inexpensive drink. By the ability to quench thirst due to the large number of salts and biologically active substances, the cool mineral water takes the second place after tea. It perfectly refreshes, stimulates the appetite and even relieves fatigue. Perfectly suitable table water with a degree of mineralization of not more than 1 g / l, as well as medical and table water with a mineralization of 4 ~ 5 g / l, such as Borjomi. More than 10 g / l is already a medicine that should be used only as directed by a doctor.

If you do not have gastritis or a stomach ulcer, give preference to sparkling water. Carbon dioxide, getting into the mouth, causes severe salivation and faster thirst.

Secret.  To overcome the "enemy" will help added to the water a slice of lemon or a few sour berries - cranberries or lingonberries.

In order for moisture to linger in the body, dissolved nutrients, mainly sugars, organic acids and minerals, must be part of tea, juice or soda. After all, the meaning of quenching thirst is not to take as much cool liquid as possible, but to restore strength and replenish the nutrients that have “floated away” from the body.

Juices and Nectars

In summer, tomato, cherry, grapefruit, plum, cherry plum and cornel juice help well. The acid irritates the taste buds, the abundant salivation begins - and it seems to us that it is not so hot around. Juices with pulp, as well as blended (mixed) juices quench thirst much worse. However, they also contain fiber, pectin, fat-soluble vitamins, so their nutritional value is higher.

Secret.  In hot weather, the best is diluted juice. The fact is that isotonic (close in concentration to blood plasma) drinks are absorbed faster and bring relief.

Dairy products

Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, including organic acids, perfectly quench your thirst. In addition, they are quickly absorbed (in an hour - by 91%, while milk - only by 32%). Some of them - for example, bifidokefir, bifidok - help restore the normal composition of the intestinal microflora. Sour milk of all kinds can be consumed with sweet fruits, berries, vegetables.

Secret.  In the process of fermentation, lactose is converted into lactic acid, so dairy products are suitable for people suffering from individual intolerance to milk sugar.

When the temperature "overboard" has exceeded all possible limits, try drinking a glass of skim milk or whole, diluted with water. This drink relieves stress, prevents breast cancer and osteoporosis (a disease that leads to bone fragility), lowers blood pressure and fights excess weight.

Secret.  Tea with milk is a tonic drink that favorably affects the gastric mucosa.
Not recommended.  Drink milk after eating, as it reduces the secretion of gastric juice.


The secretary of the Patriarch of Antioch, Macarius, who made a trip to Muscovy in the 18th century, wrote that "people drink kvass instead of water, and therefore never get sick from diseases caused by bad water." In the XIX century, it became clear that this drink really has bactericidal properties - in it after 20 minutes cholera vibrios and typhoid bacilli die. Real, classic kvass, thanks to its carbon dioxide and amino acids, is an excellent thirst quencher. He is full. In addition, kvass belongs to the group of so-called fermented drinks, and therefore contributes to a faster digestibility of food.

Secret.  With regular consumption, kvass improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Not recommended.  Drink bottled carbonated kvass. Additives of food colors, sweeteners, citric, sorbic and benzoic acids turn it into ordinary lemonade, only remotely resembling the original product to taste.


Unfortunately, the beloved “hop nectar” contains alcohol, and therefore more than a couple of bottles a day is already overkill. The point is not even in beer alcoholism, but in the fact that alcohol cannot fully compensate for the loss of water. In addition, beer is high-calorie, which means it is not suitable for those who follow the figure.

Secret.  Czech and German doctors claim: in a small amount (not more than one cup per day), beer reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, positively affects the kidneys, preventing the formation of stones, and increases the body's defenses.


If you observe accuracy, the compote does not apply to drinks, but to sweet dessert dishes, since the most valuable thing in it is not liquid, but berries or fruits. The thirst quenching ability of compote is quite low - due to the fact that it contains more sugar than organic acids and mineral salts.

Secret.  If on a hot day you decide to drink cold compote, dilute it with a small amount of water and add red wine there (at the rate of 1 glass of wine per 3 liters of compote syrup) - and thirst will be reversed.
Not recommended.  Drink ice compote.

  The prototype of all modern carbonated drinks was lemonade, which was prepared by mixing a small amount of sugar, alcohol tincture of zest and citrus juice with water. Now manufacturers refuse fruit syrups and infusions of fragrant herbs, replacing them with cheaper concentrates. Therefore, the main components of softdrinks are food colors and preservatives (most often sodium benzoate, suspected of causing allergies). They almost do not quench their thirst and are consumed in larger quantities than tasteless liquids. Pleasant sensations play a bad joke with us, because with every sip we get a lot of “foreign” substances - flavors, food additives ... All this “chemistry” leaves a sugary aftertaste, and the so-called residual sweetness has to be washed down again and again.

Secret.  Truly healthy lemonade can be made at home. To do this, just dilute the fruit puree with mineral water.
Not recommended.  Quench thirst with lemonade. It is better to drink a glass of juice, fruit drink or eat yogurt.

  - This is a light, refreshing drink, enhanced by the power of a modern formula based on resveratrol. It not only helps you properly replenish fluid in the body, each 500 ml bottle contains more resveratrol than a whole bottle of red wine, giving you a surge of natural vitality. And with the help of the content of natural electrolytes, Sisel Splash becomes an ideal way to support the body with an active lifestyle and especially in the heat.

The best thing is that it has a great taste and contains only three grams of carbohydrates. It achieves a balance of ideal ingredients to give Sisel Splash the perfect flavor. Everyone who tried it really liked the sweet combination of pomegranate, natural agave nectar and purest stevia.
  You may never want to drink plain water again ...