What to drink in the heat. What to drink in the heat - tips and tricks

Summer is not only pleasant moments, but also a sizzling heat, which not all people can afford. It is especially hard for those who live in the southern regions of the country, or in regions with high humidity - there the heat is felt more strongly than in a dry climate.

Everyone uses their means to save from the heat, but no drinks can do without drinks that can quench their thirst. What is recommended to drink in the heat, and which drinks are most effective for quenching thirst?

6 best drinks from the store that will easily cope with thirst in the summer heat

  • Naturally, the first item will be ordinary drinking water.   Not boiled, not ice, but ordinary water at room temperature. Ice should not be drunk - firstly, there is a risk of "catching" a sore throat, and secondly, ice water will not quench your thirst and will not save you from dehydration. It is more useful than all other drinks.
    Experts recommend slightly adding salt to the water during the heat by adding a quarter teaspoon of sea or classic table salt to 1 liter of water. It is important to note that in the heat you should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Mineral water. Mineral water becomes either due to artificial action, or "by nature." As for natural water, it is classified as canteen, medicinal-canteen and simply medicinal, in accordance with the level of salt concentration in a given liquid. It is important to remember that healing mineral water is only for treatment! Such drinks should not be abused - they are drunk strictly as prescribed by doctors. For example, to quench your thirst, you can choose table water, mineralized to 1 g / l, or medical-table - 4-5 g / l. All that is above 10 g / l is a “medicine” that one does not drink from thirst. But the artificial “mineral water” will not bring harm, however, it will not bring special benefits either. But still she will quench her thirst and even arouse her appetite. As for the carbonated mineral water, it is even easier and faster to defeat thirst with it, but it is contraindicated in gastritis.
  • It is hot tea in Asian countries that is considered the most preferred drink to save from heat and stimulate sweating, which helps to remove heat (and fat!) From the body and then cool it. In addition, a hot drink is immediately absorbed into the blood, unlike a cold drink that leaves the body without delay.
    Of course, this method of thermoregulation is not too familiar for us, but for hundreds of years it has been successfully used in Central Asia and not only, which means that the method is really effective.
  • Kefir . The benefits of quenching thirst with kefir are many. Among the main ones is the presence of organic acids in the composition, which quickly cope with thirst. And also quick assimilation: unlike the same milk, complete assimilation of kefir occurs in just an hour. In addition, the list of fermented milk products to quench your thirst includes tan and ayran, as well as classic drinking yogurt without additives and sugar.
  • Morse. Naturally, natural. In such drinks - not only salvation from thirst, but also a storehouse of vitamins. When choosing fruit drinks in the store, give preference to natural drinks, because sweet artificial fruit drinks will not do you any good. Fruit drinks that can quench your thirst should not contain sugar!
    If you wish, you can do it yourself. The main rule for the preparation of fruit drinks: we cook only berries! That is, we take 300 g of berries, squeeze them, pour the juice into a saucepan. Meanwhile, rub the berries with ½ cup sugar (no more) and boil for about 5-7 minutes. Now it remains only to strain the drink, cool, and only after that add freshly squeezed juice from the saucepan. With this cooking method, the entire "storehouse of vitamins" is maintained at 100%.
  • Mojito.   Under this fashionable name is a drink that will be a real salvation in the heat for both adults and children. Of course, this is not a classic mojito with white rum, but non-alcoholic. The drink is made from cane sugar, tonic with lime and mint. However, today they offer refreshing berry mojito cocktails, which are no worse in taste and refreshing properties.

9 best homemade drinks to quench your thirst in summer heat

At home, thirst-making drinks will certainly cost less than store-bought drinks - and there’s no need to talk about their taste!

If we talk about drinks that should definitely be “given to the enemy” in the hot summer period, this is sweet soda, as well as store juices and fruit drinks that not only do not quench your thirst, but also strengthen it due to the presence of sugar and other artificial components. Therefore, we only drink natural drinks without sugar and only at room temperature.

In the diet, we include the maximum amount of vegetables and fruits, especially watermelons, cucumbers and other very watery fruits. And when drinking water, do not forget to slightly salt it.

And what drinks do you drink in the summer heat? Share thirst quenching recipes with us!

Great drought: what is better to drink in the heat

If usually the human body evaporates 2-2.5 liters of moisture per day, then in hot weather and with a fair amount of physical exertion, the “leak” reaches 4 liters. Is it a lot or a little? Scientists have calculated that with the loss of 1 liter of liquid, thirst begins to torment us, 2 liter - mental activity decreases, 3 liter - dizziness begins, 4 liter - fainting and heart attacks are possible. About a third of the moisture deficiency can make up for bread, soups, vegetables, fruits, and as much as two-thirds - drinks. We rated their ability to quench their thirst on a 5-point scale.

  According to scientists, this is the best way to quench your thirst - it takes one third (!) Less than water. And it does not matter if it is cold, hot or a little warm. Green tea is favored by a high content of vitamin P, which has a positive effect on blood vessels. This magic elixir is easier to drink and does not leave yellowness on the teeth, but black tea due to caffeine tones better. In one glass of both this and the other - 12-15 mg of flavonoids, which are an excellent means of preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases. However, in green - simple flavonoids, and in black - complex. It is easy to guess that the former are absorbed faster.

Secret. Hot green tea can protect your skin from ultraviolet rays: 4 cups of drink per day - and the result is obvious!


The most common and inexpensive drink. By the ability to quench thirst due to the large number of salts and biologically active substances, the cool mineral water takes the second place after tea. It perfectly refreshes, stimulates the appetite and even relieves fatigue. Perfectly suitable table water with a degree of mineralization of not more than 1 g / l, as well as medical and table water with a mineralization of 4 ~ 5 g / l, such as Borjomi. More than 10 g / l is already a medicine that should be used only as directed by a doctor.

If you do not have gastritis or a stomach ulcer, give preference to sparkling water. Carbon dioxide, getting into the mouth, causes severe salivation and faster thirst.

Secret.  To overcome the "enemy" will help added to the water a slice of lemon or a few sour berries - cranberries or lingonberries.

In order for moisture to linger in the body, dissolved nutrients, mainly sugars, organic acids and minerals, must be part of tea, juice or soda. After all, the meaning of quenching thirst is not to take as much cool liquid as possible, but to restore strength and replenish the nutrients that have “floated away” from the body.

Juices and Nectars

In summer, tomato, cherry, grapefruit, plum, cherry plum and cornel juice help well. The acid irritates the taste buds, the abundant salivation begins - and it seems to us that it is not so hot around. Juices with pulp, as well as blended (mixed) juices quench thirst much worse. However, they also contain fiber, pectin, fat-soluble vitamins, so their nutritional value is higher.

Secret.  In hot weather, the best is diluted juice. The fact is that isotonic (close in concentration to blood plasma) drinks are absorbed faster and bring relief.

Dairy products

Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, including organic acids, perfectly quench your thirst. In addition, they are quickly absorbed (in an hour - by 91%, while milk - only by 32%). Some of them - for example, bifidokefir, bifidok - help restore the normal composition of the intestinal microflora. Sour milk of all kinds can be consumed with sweet fruits, berries, vegetables.

Secret.  In the process of fermentation, lactose is converted into lactic acid, so dairy products are suitable for people suffering from individual intolerance to milk sugar.

  When the temperature "overboard" has exceeded all possible limits, try drinking a glass of skim milk or whole, diluted with water. This drink relieves stress, prevents breast cancer and osteoporosis (a disease that leads to bone fragility), lowers blood pressure and fights excess weight.

Secret.  Tea with milk is a tonic drink that favorably affects the gastric mucosa.
Not recommended.  Drink milk after eating, as it reduces the secretion of gastric juice.


The secretary of the Patriarch of Antioch, Macarius, who made a trip to Muscovy in the 18th century, wrote that "people drink kvass instead of water, and therefore never get sick from diseases caused by bad water." In the XIX century, it became clear that this drink really has bactericidal properties - in it after 20 minutes cholera vibrios and typhoid bacilli die. Real, classic kvass, thanks to its carbon dioxide and amino acids, is an excellent thirst quencher. He is full. In addition, kvass belongs to the group of so-called fermented drinks, and therefore contributes to a faster digestibility of food.

Secret.  With regular consumption, kvass improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Not recommended.  Drink bottled carbonated kvass. Additives of food colors, sweeteners, citric, sorbic and benzoic acids turn it into ordinary lemonade, only remotely resembling the original product to taste.


Unfortunately, the beloved “hop nectar” contains alcohol, and therefore more than a couple of bottles a day is already overkill. The point is not even in beer alcoholism, but in the fact that alcohol cannot fully compensate for the loss of water. In addition, beer is high-calorie, which means it is not suitable for those who follow the figure.

Secret.  Czech and German doctors claim: in a small amount (not more than one cup per day), beer reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, positively affects the kidneys, preventing the formation of stones, and increases the body's defenses.


If you observe accuracy, the compote does not apply to drinks, but to sweet dessert dishes, since the most valuable thing in it is not liquid, but berries or fruits. The thirst quenching ability of compote is quite low - due to the fact that it contains more sugar than organic acids and mineral salts.

Secret.  If on a hot day you decide to drink cold compote, dilute it with a small amount of water and add red wine there (at the rate of 1 glass of wine per 3 liters of compote syrup) - and thirst will be reversed.
Not recommended.  Drink ice compote.

The prototype of all modern carbonated drinks was lemonade, which was prepared by mixing a small amount of sugar, alcohol tincture of zest and citrus juice with water. Now manufacturers refuse fruit syrups and infusions of fragrant herbs, replacing them with cheaper concentrates. Therefore, the main components of softdrinks are food colors and preservatives (most often sodium benzoate, suspected of causing allergies). They almost do not quench their thirst and are consumed in larger quantities than tasteless liquids. Pleasant sensations play a bad joke with us, because with every sip we get a lot of “foreign” substances - flavors, food additives ... All this “chemistry” leaves a sugary aftertaste, and the so-called residual sweetness has to be washed down again and again.

Secret.  Truly healthy lemonade can be made at home. To do this, just dilute the fruit puree with mineral water.
Not recommended.  Quench thirst with lemonade. It is better to drink a glass of juice, fruit drink or eat yogurt.

  - This is a light, refreshing drink, enhanced by the power of a modern formula based on resveratrol. It not only helps you properly replenish fluid in the body, each 500 ml bottle contains more resveratrol than a whole bottle of red wine, giving you a surge of natural vitality. And with the help of the content of natural electrolytes, Sisel Splash becomes an ideal way to support the body with an active lifestyle and especially in the heat.

The best thing is that it has a great taste and contains only three grams of carbohydrates. It achieves a balance of ideal ingredients to give Sisel Splash the perfect flavor. Everyone who tried it really liked the sweet combination of pomegranate, natural agave nectar and purest stevia.
  You may never want to drink plain water again ...

Why in the heat, even in healthy people, dizziness, headaches and loss of strength occur, concentration and attention decrease, and work capacity drops? It turns out that this is facilitated by dehydration. Often it comes unnoticed by the person himself, and you can only guess what is happening only by alarming symptoms.

How to prevent dehydration and what to drink in order to quench your thirst and not harm the body?

Weather "overboard" more than twenty degrees Celsius is always stress for the body. The situation worsens when there is not a cloud in the sky, and a cool breeze, although it could help, but walks somewhere far away.

The steam room created by nature forces a person to actively lose moisture. When, under normal conditions, about two liters of liquid a day are left with sweat, then in hot weather this figure can reach up to 4 liters!

If you do not make up for the lost volumes in time, your well-being will suffer. In addition, there is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases - primarily, the heart and kidneys.

However, not all drinks are suitable for hot summers. Some, despite the high water content, do not quench thirst, but even more fuel it; others and even worse - remove moisture from the body, while at the same time jeopardizing the health of the gastrointestinal tract. What can and cannot be drunk in summer?

When a person feels thirsty, his body actually has already lost 1% of the total volume of fluid necessary for the body to exist.

First of all, it is worth giving up alcohol. Experts have calculated that if 10% alcohol is present in a drink, it removes more water than comes with it. And if the percentage is even higher, the effect is stronger.

Drinking alcohol in the heat can lead to heat stroke. In addition, alcohol increases blood pressure and gives an additional burden on the heart, which in the heat works at the limit of possibilities. Therefore, on sunny sultry days, doctors recommend that you refrain from drinking all types of alcoholic beverages, from beer to wine and brandy.

And which drinks also fall into the category of “taboo”?

Coffee, Americano, Expresso

The best choice:  homemade brewed tea. Make a drink from herbs that grow in your home garden or give preference to branded drinks - green or black tea. To diversify the taste of the drink, and at the same time bring more benefits to the body, introduce useful supplements - lemon slices, cranberries, raspberries or currants. But it is better not to add ginger root, it has warming properties, which can negatively affect your well-being. Another undesirable ingredient for making tea in the summer is sugar.

Research conducted under the supervision of a doctor of medicine Heather mangiera, representative Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, showed that caffeinated drinks are more thirsty in people who do not smoke. An amazing paradox that requires non-smokers to drink more water.

Milk-based cocktails, as well as new varieties of the popular drink such as coconut, chocolate or vanilla milk, are banned in the summer! They contain a large amount of sugar, which stimulates thirst, and all kinds of E supplements that do not bring benefits to the body.

The best choice:  kefir. This unpretentious drink can win the title of “best energy” among really healthy foods. It contains calcium and vitamin D, beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Classic kefir owes its thirst-quenching properties to the content of lactic acid. It gives the drink a distinctive taste and perfectly prevents dehydration.

Energy drinks

In addition to a shock dose of caffeine (much higher than in one serving of coffee), such drinks contain a lot of sugar and chemical additives - dyes and flavor enhancers. Drinking such a drink in the heat is pleasant, if you do not think about the composition, but instead of quenching your thirst, you will get a dry throat and an obsessive thought: drink a glass of water.

The best choice:  sports drink. Both energy and sports drinks are positioned as healthy food, but only in the second can you see the benefits. Sports drinks contain electrolytes - in other words, salts. They more effectively compensate for fluid loss while improving overall well-being. But still - it is better to drink them only during training and not to abuse.

“Magic bubbles” - this is perhaps the only advantage of these drinks, and that is doubtful for the health of the gastrointestinal tract. The rest of the input is even worse - caffeine, additives E, a lot of sugar or sugar substitutes. In soda there are no reducing and tonic substances that are present, for example, in ordinary tea or natural kvass. In addition to pleasant taste sensations, it does not give anything, but it enhances thirst.

The best choice:  kvass. This amazing drink, which appeared in Russia at the beginning of the X century, still does not lose popularity. Prepared according to the classic recipe at home, kvass quenches thirst and replenishes the deficiency of fluid in the body. This happens due to the content of the same lactic acid, the effectiveness of which is enhanced by carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). Kvass is best drunk chilled, in this form it is pleasantly refreshing and invigorating.

Sweet soda increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, affects the health of teeth. Specialist research American Physiological Society showed that the use of sparkling water to quench thirst increases the percentage of dehydration, and in addition, can cause kidney problems.

Fruit and berry smoothies

In this drink based on milk, berries and fruits, there are many advantages - and antioxidants, a small amount of fiber (if pulp is present). But a frequent component is also sugar, which causes a sweet taste and therefore causes thirst even more. In addition, to quench your thirst, this drink is too thick, and can only be perceived as a pleasant dessert.

The best choice:  natural vegetable or fruit juice. It is only about freshly squeezed options made from berries, fruits and water, without adding sugar. But adding salt to vegetable juice is not only possible, but also necessary. For example, salted tomato juice, in addition to thirst, will partially satisfy hunger and make up for electrolyte loss in the body. If the natural juice is too thick, dilute it with water, the drink will only benefit from this.

According to experts, in one cup of such a drink there is more sugar and calories than in one can of Coca-Cola. Although the drunk chocolate will cause increased perspiration, which will cool the body, it will not quench the thirst, but, on the contrary, leave a characteristic aftertaste and make you look for the source of “life-giving moisture”.

The best choice:  lemonade. This is a home-made drink that was loved by children in the Soviet Union. The lemonade that is being produced now cannot be compared with a drink that was previously prepared with just four ingredients - lemon juice, pieces of fruit, sugar and water. As a refreshing ingredient in homemade lemonade, you can additionally put mint, fresh leaves of currant or add cucumber juice.

Healing mineral water

There are three types of natural mineral water - canteen, canteen, and curative. At the same time, despite the beneficial properties of these waters, it is worth drinking them in the heat with caution and only according to indications. Especially when it comes to healing water, in which the concentration of mineral substances is significantly higher. With prolonged use, it can harm health.

The best choice:  . There is nothing more useful than simple filtered water, and certainly not from the refrigerator. You can add mint, cucumber juice or tarragon to it, and then its taste will become more piquant and interesting. And if you add salt or squeeze lemon juice into it, thirst will recede for a long time and dehydration will become just one unfulfilled prospect.

In the heat, it is not recommended to drink chilled drinks “only from the refrigerator”. Due to the stressful temperature difference, they can cause hypothermia and, as a result, lead to colds. If you like cool water, it is better to put an ice cube in the drink.

In summer, Russia has record temperature conditions, it is worth recalling 2010. Scientists today say that this is the hottest summer in the history of meteorological observations.

And if you imagine that in the next decades, such heat will happen again or become the norm?

The usual summer regime, in which it is good to eat sweet sorbet, drink a couple of liters of sparkling water, and in the evening to celebrate a girlfriend’s birthday with champagne and salads, unfortunately, will not work in such conditions.

We will talk about how to quench your thirst, what to drink in the heat and not harm yourself.

What is heat, what happens to the body in heat, why does a person want to drink?

The high temperature regime of air masses warmed by the sun's rays is called heat.

With a significant difference in the temperature regime of the human body and the environment, the body is subjected to stress.

Water leaves the body in order to cool it.

In this case, the proper functioning of the brain and other organs and systems is disrupted.

A person can often experience a lack of comfort from hot sunny days in the summer.

He may develop symptoms of dysphoria, namely, a lack of mood, he can become embittered and aggressive. In addition, spontaneous fears, lack of sleep may appear.

In someone, the heat can cause stress, which will cause CNS disorders, because the body is always in tension, trying to protect itself.

The heat has a negative effect on people of various age groups, from, small to large.

But, in particular, people with chronic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, old people and babies suffer. In the heat, people more often than at other times of the year seek the help of doctors.

There are more patients with high blood pressure (hypertension), problems with blood circulation in the brain, myocardial infarction.

In anticipation of the hot summer season, negative effects of heat on human health are possible.

Therefore, it is very important to protect the body from overheating and replenish the loss of fluid.

How much fluid do you need to consume in the heat?

Those people diagnosed with heart failure are not allowed to drink plenty of fluids.

Doctors even in terms of therapeutic measures give medications that stimulate additional water withdrawal, but in this article we are talking about people without severe cardiovascular pathologies, because they should visit their doctor who will adjust the medication during the heat season.

When it comes to the bulk of people who do not have severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, they need to increase the volume of water for the duration of the heat.

There is another very important factor. In the heat, especially in obese people, K and Mg are eliminated from the body along with fluid, and this can lead to serious health problems.

Drugs with these minerals should be used. In the heat, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid.

The best drinks to quench your thirst in the heat

So what to drink in the heat?

  • Water

Better mineral water without gas, purchased in bottles.

Mineral water contains salts and trace elements that a person spends when sweating in the heat.

It is possible to add lemon juice to the water, squeeze orange juice or grapefruit juice.

Such a drink will remove thirst well than juice into which sugar or sugar substitutes are added.

One and a half liters of water will require the juice of 1 lemon, 1 citrus or half a grape. Water should be drunk often and gradually.

In the case of mineral water, you should prefer table water, or medicinal-table. Permissible mineralization is 1-3 g / l.

The healing varieties of mineral water will not work.

Moderate drinking is the main rule.

Drinking tea in the heat is very beneficial, but green varieties should be preferred.

You need to brew quality green tea in a special tea pot and drink in small portions.

Tea 100% will help quench your thirst, but he does not like large cups and fuss.

You should also remember the fact that hot tea of \u200b\u200bblack varieties has a warming effect, and coffee, in addition to provoking a desire to drink water, also leaches salts and Ca from the human body.

To green teas, you can add mint leaves, lemon balm - such a drink will not only quench your thirst, but also soothe.

  • Freshly squeezed juices in the heat

You can drink freshly squeezed juices, they will bring only benefit. In addition, they will reduce the feeling of hunger. The body is filled with vitamins and minerals.

Juices from fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, refresh and cheer up. One drawback is the cost, because the juice must be fresh, just squeezed.

  • Kvass

Kvass is only a natural and not a carbonated drink of a dark color, which is sold in stores.

Homemade kvass is an ideal solution on hot days, especially if it is made with sourdough, with horseradish and delicious herbs.

  • Compote, fruit drink and lemonade

Ideal for the hot season. The drink must be cooled, poured into bottles and drunk in small sips.

A decoction of herbs such as mint, basil, lemon balm will save you from the heat.

The hot broth should be cooled, add ice cubes to the glasses and drink in small sips.

Perfect to cook and chill.

  • Sour-milk drinks

Sour-milk drinks such as Ayran, Tan, Katyk will quench your thirst on hot days. A real katyk mixed with mineral water is very good in the heat.

Lemonade and any sweet carbonated drinks quench your thirst for a minimum period, after a while you are thirsty again. The same thing applies to alcoholic beverages, beer, vodka, wine or other alcohol will not quench your thirst, but rather provoke the possibility of developing health problems.

Why do they drink hot tea in the heat?

Hot green tea quenches thirst well and replenishes the norm of fluid in the body.

The hotter the tea, the better it lowers body temperature in the heat. The cooling process starts, as in computers.

What to drink in the heat - video

Rules of conduct in the heat - how to prevent overheating?

  1. Do not eat sweets and salty.
  2. Refuse alcohol.
  3. Do not overeat.
  4. Drink mineral water, natural kvass, green tea, compote, fruit drink, freshly squeezed juice and cold-smoked products.
  5. Eat a lot of raw vegetables, okroshka.

These principles will help you feel better, as well as throw off a couple of kilos.

Adhering to the rules of behavior in the summer, without drinking alcohol, you can easily survive hot days.

Hello dear readers. There are only a few days left before the summer. I don’t know about you, but it’s already very hot here, especially during the day. Not many people endure heat. But you need to somehow adapt to the sultry days. Summer, heat, sea, sun, beach ... It is with these words that we associate summer. Summer gives us a lot of joyful emotions and impressions. But sometimes it spoils the heat and stuffiness, which is simply difficult to endure. To survive the hot days, in the heat, doctors recommend drinking more. Preference should be given to clean water. Compliance with the drinking regime on hot days is very important. But how to quench your thirst? That is the question. In the heat you need to drink drinks that quench your thirst and refresh. The most important thing to give preference to healthy drinks.

Heat is dangerous primarily because the body, as a result of sweating, loses a large amount of fluid. As a result of fluid loss, minerals are lost. To quench your thirst, you can buy table water with a degree of mineralization of not more than 2.5-3%.

In fact, dehydration is very dangerous, as a person can feel: fatigue, weakness, headache, dry mouth, dizziness, etc. All these are signs of dehydration.

On hot days it is very important to carry a bottle of water in your purse, especially if you are walking with children. You can get drunk and wash at any time. Especially if you feel dizzy, weak, dry mouth ... Never go out in the summer without water.

What to drink in the heat. How to quench your thirst?

On hot days, it’s important to drink healthy drinks that help quench your thirst. But now there are a huge number of drinks, so it is important to note the most useful.


All life on our planet consists of water. Man is 70% water. We all remember that drinking is important for our body. You need to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day.

You can add a little salt to the water. For 1 liter of water, it is recommended to add 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt. Table salt can be replaced with sea salt. This salt is most rich in useful trace elements.

In extreme heat, the temperature of the water you drink should not be low. Water from the refrigerator is not recommended to be consumed immediately. But sometimes you don’t take water from the house, but you want to drink, sellers often have all the water in the refrigerator. Therefore, if you bought water from the refrigerator, then drink it in small sips.

In the summer heat, it is better not to give preference to carbonated drinks. The same applies to water.

Water with lemon (lemon water)

In hot weather, it is good to drink acidified water. It can be water with lemon or orange. Due to the loss of fluid by the body, the blood thickens, and lemon water helps to thin the blood.

Very tasty and healthy lemonades can be prepared at home. Squeeze the juice of half a small lemon into a glass of purified water. In a glass, you can add slices of fresh lemon. To taste add honey. Such a drink can be prepared not only with lemon, but also with orange. In the heat, such soft drinks are very common in summer cafes.

Lemon water helps quench your thirst, restore Ph in the body. In addition, water with lemon improves immunity, improves digestion, improves liver function, helps cleanse blood, and lowers cholesterol.

But if you are allergic to citrus fruits, then you will have to refuse such drinks. It is still important to know the measure. Drink lemon water, but do not completely replace the lemonade water.


But useful natural homemade kvass. Pops from bottles with a bright label do not fit at all. Everyone understands that this is not a natural drink.

In summer, kvass is a very popular drink. There are a lot of recipes for kvass. Kvass can be prepared at home and eat a tasty and healthy drink. Bread kvass is very useful, you can not only drink it, but also make okroshka on kvass. Fresh, tasty kvass, with a pleasant acidity, which could be better.

Green tea

Another drink that can be consumed in the heat is green tea. Tea helps quench your thirst, but only green. In the heat, you can drink hot, cold or warm green tea. It is important to give preference to quality varieties of green tea.

For example, I really like green tea with a slice of lemon. I drink it both hot and cold. In the morning I drink warm green tea, and during the day you can drink ice tea with lemon. Green tea can be drunk without sugar, or sweetened with honey or sugar.

Green tea not only helps to cope with thirst, but also has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the brain, blood vessels, and improves metabolism in the body.


No less tasty and healthy are berry compotes. Summer is a season of fresh fragrant berries, from which you can make delicious compotes.

Strawberry compote is very tasty, as well as cherry, raspberry, currant, apricot, etc. You can add melissa to the compote if you wish.

Once I tried blackcurrant compote with mint, what a delicious drink it is, especially chilled. The drink cools and perfectly quenches thirst. If you like berry compotes, I highly recommend trying it.

Compote can be cooked from fresh or dry berries. Dried fruit compote is called. Prepare it from dried fruits and berries. It is no less useful than compote from fresh berries. You can add sugar to your compote to taste or drink it without sugar. It is useful to give compote to children if they are not allergic to the berries and fruits that make up the compote.


It is very useful to use freshly squeezed juices in the heat of summer. But, I want to note that juices are useful from fresh fruits and berries, and not from packs.

Useful are plum, cherry, tomato, orange, grapefruit and other juices. These drinks help quench your thirst.

Although juices with pulp worse quench thirst. Juice, in itself, is a concentrated product, it is best to dilute natural juices with clean water.

Now you know what to drink in the heat and how to quench your thirst. I would be glad if you share your proven recipes for drinks that help quench your thirst.

What you should not drink in the heat

In the heat, it is better to abandon alcoholic beverages. In the summer heat, drinking beer, vodka and other alcoholic beverages can be dangerous for the heart and blood vessels. Drinking alcohol only exacerbates the situation on hot days. The same applies to power engineers.

Coffee in the heat will also have to be abandoned. Not without that, you can have a small cup of coffee in the morning, at breakfast, but you should not abuse this drink. Coffee has a diuretic effect and flushes out potassium, calcium, etc., trace elements necessary for our body.

Separately, I want to say for sweet carbonated drinks, such as: Pinocchio, Lemonade, etc. Sweet carbonated drinks do not quench your thirst at all, they make you want to drink even more, especially on hot days. All this due to the sugar content and artificial components. After their use, after 5-10 minutes, you are thirsty again. It is better to give preference to water than carbonated drinks.