Silicone brew. Multi-review Silicone Welders, or Mr.Tea Benefit! Tea Sweet

09.02.2021 Salads.

All tea lovers, probably, know how it is unpleasant and incorrectly brew tea directly in the circle (if it is used with loose, not a packaged), and it is just lazy to brew in the wood. That's it precisely for such cases, a beautiful and simple assistant is a silicone savain for tea or silicone filter for welding, beautiful and cool.

Previously, they were, as many of us remember, such a cargo metal creek, which was put on the spout of the brew, and precisely through such a corticle of tea leaves were filtered, so that a clean drink came into the circle, without impurities (welding leaflets). Nowadays, you can buy such a corticle for a brewing chairs, and you can buy a fun Silicone brew in a mug and now, brewing tea in a circle will not have an additional need to accumulate tea in addition through the siter.

Silicone savory for tea

In the photo below the red-burgundy silicone filter for welding in the form of a sumuna with a comfortable thread handle in the form of a rope or lace from the same material for which you can pull and pull it out of the cup.

Form and view. Silicone breeders for tea in a mug can be in the form of various animals, plants and not only. For example, you can buy in the form of owls, strawberry, little man (resting on a cup), brewing chairs, snails, flower, chanterelles, cat, miscarriage, sloth, tea bag, dogs, walrus, hippopotics, leaf, waterfront, squirrels, sharks, sunflower , Batiskaph, Lemon, Orange, Pear, Fish. You can list for a long time. All colors accurately enumerate no sense - such filters for welding can be of a variety of colors: bright and cute (orange, blue, green, gray, pink, red and others).

Description. Such tea filters are made of pure food silicone with a neat and comfortable rope of sufficient length, which will not let the filter drown on the bottom. It is flexible and perfectly cleaned by conventional detergents for washing dishes. After buying, of course, it needs to be peeling well.

How to use a tea filter? Very simple. The product is from two parts. You should pour into the bottom half the required amount of tea welding per mug, close the filter on top of the upper part, put in a cup, after which you can pour in a cup of boiling water and wait for tea while the tea needed it is necessary for brewing.

If the brewers came up during the brewing of tea - it means the air remained inside, and it is very simple to drive out from there: it is enough to lower the brew on the bottom with a spoon. Physics will make their own - and the air will come out, and the filter will remain at the bottom.

With such merry modern kitchen accessories, the tea party process will give additional positive emotions, and maybe even lifting the mood in the gloomy rainy morning late in autumn. And in winter evenings, such a cat or squirrel on the circle will additionally warm you with their warmth and beauty.

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Give everyone! Last year, I saw interesting silicone brewers for tea on the expanses of large-scale aliexpress. Placed an order. Then it was a strawberry. The parcel never came. So I was twice. For the third time, I already, as they say, Pretchunul, and decided to order several different silicone treads for tea at once. I received 6 pieces! Let's see what I ordered there ...

Packaging and delivery

By packaging, nothing unusual, all goods were packed in ordinary Chinese packages, inside in individual sachets lay goods. One, who clearly stand out, it was Mr. Ti. He was packed in the seal, which Chinese did not regret. What for? - I do not know, because it is silicone and it is difficult for him to be damaged.

Immediately I want to say that you can write that it is impossible to brew this, everyone will die, it is poison and all that, but so far everything is alive. To make less questions, I will write like this - you can use at your own risk. I hope I secured myself. And if seriously, I have branded molds for cupcakes, so they do not differ in the tactile sensations from this product. And most baking are done in silicone forms. I do not want to think that the Chinese specially want to destroy all the tea fans, because they also want to sell a lot of tea. Humor humor, but let's already watch what is inside.

1. The first is strawberry. The colors are beautiful, green leaf on a long twig and a white berry herself. There is no smell. To the touch ordinary silicone. It opens easily, quite a spacious berry.

2. In the next bag, I got a lemmonchik. There is also a leaf, for which our juicy yellow fruit will be convenient. The medium-sized lemmonteor is placed in the cup without problems. On both sides there are holes for the distribution of flavors of tea. Holes are chosen by normal diameter. There will be nothing to fall out.

3. Hanging pear, and it can not be ease. As you understand, the next fruit brew has a pear. Bright yellow with green stem. Unlike all the fruits represented, the pear is very dense, so it just stands in a cup.

4. In the fourth sachet - I do not know how to name this berroda. Waiting for suggestions in the comments from you. Leaf is there, there is a stiff. There is still a wand on the cut, with which you can cling to the cup all the custard device. Holes here are located only on the bottom. They are not so much. I called it by parameters 90/60/150

5. I liked the fifth savage for tea more than the rest, since his form is very original - a regular tea bag. The seller has several color solutions. There is no smell, and at the capacity it wins the rest. Only the bottom of the bag opens. Sliding with your fingers - you can fall asleep enough tea, if necessary. Holes are on both sides. There is also a silicone thread and a flat tip, on which the logo of the original tea bags is usually located.

6. And the last, sixth weld for tea will be the most important character, meet Mr.Tea. Probably this is the most cheerful character from all presented. He is separated by big legs, which are our tank to fill tea. For the cup he keeps his hands. On his face he has eyes and mouth, which suggests that he is very good. A positive character who will appreciate your office, or just in your kitchen.

Then he decided to dance the bottom break!

General view of all welders

All welders are well made, everyone does not have a sharp and vile smell. To the touch - the usual silicone, which is used for the manufacture of baking. All the boils are individual, they are also comfortable to wash them, but it seems to me that it is all cons. So I'm happy with the acquisition, now I have fun in the kitchen. Maybe you will pick something for yourself. I will immediately say that - yes, those from the past, powerful and stainless - better, but I am glad. Write in the comments, what you liked more and what kind of fruit is such that I have not defined.

For many of us, tea drinking is an integral attribute of everyday life. But that the drink fully revealed its fragrance and taste quality, it is necessary to use a special dishes for its preparation. Let's try to figure out how to choose a good, practical savory for tea.


Choosing a weld for tea with a press or without, priority should be paid to the capacity of the tank. Much depends on how many servings should be calculated. It follows from the fact that the liquid in the kettle when brewing the beverage should occupy about 2/3 of its volume. From above, there must be free space in several centimeters, which is required in order for tea "breathing".

The optimal solution is to buy several products of various sizes. In this case, it does not have once again to translate the welding.

Material of manufacture

The classic option is a porcelain weld. A cup of tea, filled from such a container, will be more fragrant, because the material is quickly heated, it is perfectly kept warm.

Qualitative porcelain welders do not contain obvious deformations, possess homogeneous paint, glaze without roughness and cracks. At the bottom there must be a print of the manufacturer. You can check the quality of the material by tapping a pencil on it. At the same time there should be a ringing, similar to the sound of the bell.

Faianssey tea for tea is also well kept warm. However, when choosing this option, you will have to sacrifice the external attractiveness and strength of the product in favor of low cost. The main differences between the faience welders from porcelain - opaque, thick walls, the total fragility of the material. The advantage of such products is simple care and fast drying.

Ceramics is perfect for brewing green, yellow and, and cook in such boosters, it is also preferably the same drink. Since the material absorbs the smell well.

Choosing a ceramic savory for tea, it is necessary to ask how qualitatively the product was liked (it is desirable to achieve strength to ensure that this procedure is carried out at least three times). A sign of the use of natural material is the presence of a small clay rim without glazes.

A weld for tea glass is an extremely attractive option for designing any kitchen interior. However, such containers are poorly kept warm. In addition, tea raid is quickly formed on the glass, which reduces the transparency of the material. Standing stands on products with reliable metal parts that do not exude an unpleasant odor.

Silicone brewing for tea is suitable for drink lovers who do not want to use the kettle and prefer to cook it right in the cup. They are presented in the form of an elastic duration made from a safe material.

The form

The optimal shape for the brew is rounded. The lid must necessarily contain small holes. Otherwise, during the cooking, the drink will "fall" and will not reveal the taste. The base of the cover should be included in a special groove, which prevents its falling out during the spill of the beverage in the cups.

It is desirable that the savage for tea has a rather long spout, located at an angle of 30-35 oh. Otherwise, with full filling of the container, the liquid will splash under the influence of the slightest oscillations.

Ease of use

Comfortable exploitation of a brew in many ways depends on the balance of the product. A good kettle has a handle that is comfortable lies in the palm of the palm of your hand and never makes it "to break" the wrist when spilling a drink. Balanced capacity remains practical even when filling with a significant amount of fluid.

Internally "arrangement"

Picking up the scaling, it is worth it once again to look inside. It is desirable that the product contains a built-in strip or filter, which will not allow the Cainks to get into the cup of the beverage breaking.

Recently, the spread received glass containers with internal columns in the form of a solid creek, where the welding actually falls asleep. Unfortunately, most of these filters are made of metal, which is noticeably distorting the taste and aromatic qualities of the drink.


Undoubtedly, the choice of a savory based on the material of manufacturing, volume and practicality is the right solution. However, aesthetic appeal plays an important role here.

Usually, in the presence of pretty dishes, tea cooked in it seems much more tastier. Yes, and care for your favorite product more pleasant. Therefore, if the brew is often left by households in the unwaste state, it is constantly being shocking, it is possible to pay attention to another design, which will most like family members.


True gourmet, which instantly feel the smallest shades of the smell of drink and prefer expensive, it is recommended to acquire a whole set of porcelain or clay welders of various volumes for all occasions.

People who are not too versed in the subtleties of the tea ceremony or have no time to apply a large number of kitchen utensils, it is worth limking to the purchase of individual teapots for black and green tea.

No matter how much tea is advertised and aromate tea in bags, whatever the form these bags, but the true seelers know that there is nothing better than the present, caustal drink from the kettle, in which the chains are floating ... However, you can love tea and Hate these most chayans that are very unpleasant to swallow along with the last portion of tea from the cup. Therefore, they exist in the world, small jewelry for teaAnd today in our review - the most unusual and original design instances.


Somewhere in the ocean, the appearance of such a fin on the horizon would mean a catastrophe for fishermen, divers and lovers to plunge into the water away from the coast. And in a cup with tea, this fin is only one thing: someone is lucky to get a wonderful brewer of Sharky from the Pablo Matteoda designer. By the way, if you brew tea in the carcade, then the impression will be created, as if the shark was shot from the harpoon, and now the water stains her broken blood.

Robot brew robot

If in our world robots trust almost all: from the management of missiles to the swellery of babies, brew tea for sure. Cool Robotea Robot, thanks to its flexible-springs, ideal for any cup, whether it is a nursery, or a huge half-round mug of the big boss.


Another association with the underwater world is a silicone brew in the form of a diver. The treasure at the bottom of the cup it will definitely not find, but strong fragrant tea will probably make it perfectly on perfectly.


Well, and where there is a diver, there must be a submarine. Although this brew is more like a children's toy for swimming.


The same toy at first glance may also seem like a brew, which looks like a traditional rubber duck with which kids bathe. And for sure adults will not be able to stay from a smile, looking like in their cup such a yellow duckling, brewing tea.

Dinosaurian brew dinosaur

The green dinosaur in the glass, however, does not cause such a dignity as the yellow duck. But also in such a variety of welders for tea, there will certainly have their own fans. Moreover, if the duckling pleases, mostly girls, then the dinosaur is clearly designed for a harsh male audience.

Food fruit

Despite the fact that fruit teas are also very tasty, these brewers made in the form of fruits and berries are designed not only to brew that these drinks. Due to its form, the silicone jelly-strawberry can also be used as a dapper, and fruit-berry boils on a long handle - instead of a spoon for sugar stirring.

Welder "Strawberry with a propeller"

A conceptual brew called Chigra Tea Infuser will enjoy those who remained a child in the shower, and do not mind a little loose down at the table. So, the leaflets on this "strawberry" are not accidentally wrapped as a propeller blade: it is worth a breath on tea, turning it out to make a sip, and the yulat is wrapped in a cup.

Welded plant

Lovers of herbal teas will certainly pay attention to the brewing, which look like plated stalks covered with leaves. Thanks to long plastic or silicone stalks, it is convenient to descend to the cup with steep boiling water, without fear of burning fingers.


The tolerant tea brew for tea in the shape of a tea bag is probably designed to avoid disputes, which tea is still tastier, bagged or loose.


A very stylish Welded Luci from Cocoboat can be safely presenting as a gift to the very representative guest. First, it is a pleasant and useful trifle, and secondly, it is made from stainless steel with a handle from high-quality ceramics. Personally, this brewer reminds me of a bell, which in the aristocratic English families call tea. Well, Luci Loose Tea Infuser is brewing this tea.