Instant crispy sauerkraut in a jar. The most delicious instant sauerkraut, crispy and juicy: easy recipes with a step-by-step guide

07.09.2019 Salads

In winter, sauerkraut is rightfully considered the best snack. And how many recipes there are for its preparation, probably simply cannot be counted. I think that an attempt to collect them all in one place, or try to describe, will end in failure.

Each housewife or owner has their own cherished recipe, according to which they ferment this favorite vegetable from year to year. And among them you can find both very simple options with a minimum of ingredients, both ours today and more complex ones - with various spices and additives. After all, if you look at what is not added to this appetizer as additional components. And what methods of fermentation are not used.

Add dill seed, caraway seeds, coriander, various peppers, bay leaves, apples, beets ... And you can't list everything! They also cook in different ways: with vinegar, without it, with brine (hot, cold), use natural fermentation processes. There are recipes where cabbage is pasteurized at the end of fermentation, and there are recipes where the fermentation process is stopped at the right time.

I have already described some of these methods in one of my previous articles. In one of them, we examined. In one more - and in fast ways.

But it remained the most popular and will remain for a long time. We have also paid due attention to this option.

But I have another very easy and quick way of pickling cabbage, which can also be classified in this category. In it, fermentation processes occur in a natural way, and even without the presence of sugar, which, as you know, is simply necessary for this.

Here, everything you need is already in the cabbage itself - this is the sugar that has accumulated in the leaves over a long period of growth, and lactic acid bacteria, which is in the same place. Sugar will start the fermentation processes, and the lactic acid formed from this will be a preservative and a guarantor of storage. It will also help to ensure that our appetizer is crispy, and of course tasty and healthy.

After all, about the benefits of this product probably needless to say. Everyone already knows about it. In addition to the well-known vitamin C, which contains more in sauerkraut than in any other preparations, there is a whole complex of vitamins here. You can write a whole article about this.

And in addition to vitamins, the snack also contains macro- and microelements, enzymes, phytoncides, and useful fiber.

Therefore, it is imperative to ferment this vegetable crop! Moreover, there are very fast ways to procure it, requiring minimal labor and time. So today I decided to pickle only one head of cabbage for 2.5 kg. I will store the snack in the refrigerator in jars, and they will not take up much space there.

It will take me no more than half an hour. And it will ferment for two or three days. Of course, she also bites quickly, I think that a week will not last, but this is good. You can also ferment a head of cabbage right there. This is what the fast cooking method is good for!

Delicious crispy instant sauerkraut without vinegar

This is the simplest, easiest and fastest recipe I know of. Starting with the simplest calculation of products, and ending with the fact that after two days a delicious sauerkraut can be served on the table, this recipe is extremely attractive, and one of the most beloved and demanded.

It is especially convenient for those who have neither basements nor the ability to salt and store the workpiece in large quantities. Since fresh cabbage is now sold here from the beginning of summer until spring, that is, until the new fresh harvest, it can be harvested in this form at least a little every week so as not to clutter up the useful area of ​​the refrigerator.

It turns out that it is very tasty and crispy, that is, exactly the kind for which it is appreciated and loved most of all.

We need:

  • white cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 150 - 200 gr (less)
  • salt - 2.5 tbsp. flat spoons

I have written such a calculation of ingredients for the reason that it is exactly what I am going to use today. In general, you can take any number of kilograms of vegetables.

That is, as you can see, 1 kg of cabbage needs 1 level tablespoon of salt. You can add as many carrots as you like. Love more, add 200 grams, love less - you can get by with 100 grams.


We will store the appetizer prepared according to this recipe in jars. Their size doesn't matter. In which jars it is convenient to decompose it, we use these. The only thing I want to note is that from a given amount of ingredients, about 2 liters of the finished product will be obtained. Keep this in mind when preparing the cans.

1. For this recipe you need fresh juicy white cabbage. It will be fermented by natural fermentation, without adding sugar and brine to it, that is, only in the juice that it will extract itself. Therefore, the presence of the obtained juice is a prerequisite for the processes that will occur during fermentation.

How to choose cabbage, and which varieties are best to buy, we have already discussed in detail in one of the previous articles on this topic, namely, when they fermented.

I just want to remind you that the choice of cabbage is almost the most basic in the entire cooking process, so study this question if you want to get a product of such quality that will not disappoint you.

2. Free the vegetable from the upper coarse and dirty leaves. Usually, heads of cabbage with intact integumentary leaves are sold in the fall, and therefore it may be sufficient to simply remove them. But if you bought a product not during the period of its collection, but which was already in storage, then the upper leaves may turn out to be rotten. We naturally remove them, cut off all unnecessary, and be sure to rinse the head of cabbage under running water, holding it by the stump. We do this so that water does not get between the leaves.

Then we let it drain, and wipe the head of cabbage with paper towels or a napkin.

3. The next important step is to cut the vegetable into thin strips. I remember that at first, when I was still very young, it was a difficult task for me. It is not always easy to achieve that the straws are not large, of the same thickness. You need to be patient and take your time.

First, cut the head of cabbage into two or four pieces, depending on its size. Then cut the stump, although this is not necessary. You can leave it, and hold it with one hand (for convenience), and cut it with the other so that the leaves do not fall apart. Start shredding the vegetable from the end where the leaves are thinnest. And then stick to the specified size.

Especially I was always pissed off by the coarse thick veins that are on the upper leaves. It seems that you try to cut thinner, but when you get to the vein, it turns out to be thin on one side, but thick on the other. Therefore, they can either be cut off in advance, or cut again again, or simply eat a thickened piece. If the cabbage is juicy, then the veins are juicy, and it is a pleasure to eat them.

And now many also have various shredders. Therefore, if you have one, then chop the vegetable without any effort and time consuming. I have the simplest shredder, but I don't really like it. Each time I start with it, and then put it aside, and pick up the usual knife.

Yes, one more important point. The weight of the cabbage is given in its pure form, that is, without the cabbage stump and cut integumentary leaves. That is, let me remind you once again that one tablespoon of salt is needed for 1 kilogram of cabbage.

4. Carrots are also best purchased juicy. In appearance, such a carrot has an elongated shape, not very thick, and its nose is blunt. My mother always calls this sort of "Punisher", no matter how it is called correctly. I'm not very strong in carrot varieties, but when my mother says this name, we both perfectly understand what it is about.

Juicy carrots will add their juice, and therefore their juiciness percentage will also be very important.

Peel and coarsely grate the sunny orange vegetable. You can use a regular grater that is found in every home. Or you can use a Korean carrot grater with its medium-sized attachment. What am I doing. In my opinion, in this form, the finished snack will look more attractive.

5. If there is a large basin, then you can put chopped cabbage in it so that it is convenient to mix all the contents in it at once. If there is no such basin, then you can use dishes of a smaller volume for this, and mix everything there in parts.

That is, to put it simply, we need to mix all the chopped and grated components with salt. If we used cabbage juicy enough, then you don't need to crush it. If the fork is not juicy at all, then before sprinkling it with carrots, you can crush it a little. Otherwise, such cabbage will not let juice at all, and the fermentation process will not even be able to start.

You can crush it with the addition of salt, but as I said, add carrots only after that. Then mix all the contents.

My cabbage turned out to be small, but strong and juicy. My mother brought it to me from the dacha, and she always grows special varieties for pickling. Therefore, she did not crumple it. And I just added carrots and salt and mixed everything.

Already during this action, the vegetables are slightly moistened. This is a good signal, which means they will stand and give a lot of juice. And we will help them with this.

6. Transfer the chopped and mixed vegetables to a suitable saucepan. I will be using a five liter pot. Of course, I won't be able to complete it, but when fermented and fermented, the juice will not run away anywhere.

7. Tamp the contents tightly using both cams. Then cover with gauze.

8. Place a large flat plate on top of it. And put oppression on her. It can be a saucepan filled with water, a three-liter jar, also with water, or you can put a jar of cucumbers. I have not yet had time to put them into the basement, which I have recently mothballed, so they will be oppressive to me.

9. Leave at room temperature to start the fermentation processes. The warmer it is in your kitchen, the sooner the cabbage will start to ferment.

10. I fermented the cabbage in the evening, and after 4 hours juice began to form. It can be clearly seen by slightly pressing on the oppression.

In the morning, removing oppression, a plate and cheesecloth, you can simply pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick, or slightly turn it with a wooden spatula or a regular fork.

Apparently, the kitchen is not warm enough, so gas bubbles have not appeared yet. Although the juice is quite enough, and I think that by the evening the bubbles will appear.

It is necessary to stir up, or pierce the contents, for the very reason in order to release these bubbles out. If this is not done, then accumulating inside, they will make our snack slightly bitter. After all, cabbage itself is slightly bitter, and the gas formed during the fermentation process will make it even more unattractive in this regard. And so all the bitterness will come out, and you will want to eat cabbage just without stopping.

11. Then again crush the snack with your fists, cover with gauze and put oppression on top.

12. In the evening of the next day, pierce the cabbage again or slightly stir. Rinse the gauze in cold boiled water and cover again and set the oppression.

13. The next day, repeat the procedure also twice, in the morning and in the evening.

Moreover, if the room is warm, then the cabbage is already appetizing and tasty, with the same pleasant smell. And it can be sorted into jars, closed with nylon lids and put into the refrigerator for storage.

Do not pour out the juice, be sure to pour it into the jars, and it is advisable that it covers the contents. This will keep the cabbage better and longer.

14. If by the end of the second day you try the preparation, and it seems to you that it has not yet gained the desired taste, then leave it for another 12 or 24 hours. At the same time, repeat the already known procedures with piercing the vegetable mass, rinsing gauze and installing oppression.

In principle, this is the whole recipe. As you can see, everything is simple to such an extent that it couldn't be easier. And it's also fast enough. Of course, you can cook cabbage faster. For example, adding vinegar will speed up the process. But in this version, the product will turn out to be pickled rather than sauerkraut. And today we have a different task, namely, getting tasty and crispy instant sauerkraut. Which we did a great job.

And the Russian proverb "A good snack is sauerkraut!" very suitable for this recipe.

I hope that this simple and quick classic recipe will appeal to you as well, as our whole family once liked. According to this recipe, my grandmother also fermented cabbage, to this day my mother fermented. And now, for 35 years now, I have been picking it up.

The same recipe can be used for pickling vegetables in large quantities - in tubs and large pots. At the same time, you do not need to transfer them to banks. So we leave it in the pan, covering it with gauze and setting the oppression. The only thing is that after two to three days, the container with the contents should be taken out into the cold. Store there.

Even if the appetizer is covered with ice, this usually happens when you store it on the balcony, you can chop it with a knife, bring it into a warm room, let it thaw and eat as you want.

And we used to keep it in the woodshed, and dad chopped off pieces of cabbage with an ax. When I brought it into the house, we could not wait for it to thaw. They took frozen pieces and ate just like that, giving her the opportunity to melt in her mouth.

You can use such an appetizer as you want: simply season with onions and butter, prepare a vinaigrette, cook cabbage soup and borscht, cook vegetable stew, bigus. Use as a filling for pies and pies. That is, what can only be cooked with cabbage.

Well, the recipe is good, so I don't even want to stop. Words keep pouring out. But still it's time ...

I wish you good and tasty preparations.

And Bon Appetit!

Kira 10/04/12
Great recipe, sauerkraut turned out like in the picture, white, juicy and tasty. Now I cook only this way :-) and only on Wednesday

Sveta 07.10.12
Nice photo, you just want to eat cabbage. I will definitely try to ferment for the winter.

Tatiana 10/18/12
The cabbage turned out to be excellent! Thanks for the site and for all the recipes!

fret 06.11.12
for the first time I fermented cabbage, I am satisfied with the result, my husband liked it too

Julia 11/21/12
The cabbage was fermented for a long time, although I immediately put it in the cellar. But it turned out delicious, I will not say anything.

Julia, it is quite natural that your cabbage took longer to ferment than indicated in the recipe. After all, the lower the temperature, the slower the process goes. That is why the first 24 hours should be kept at room temperature.

Elena 02/01/13
Hello! I cooked cabbage exactly according to your recipe, but it turned out to be very salty. How can I fix this now? Today she is in the refrigerator for the first day.

good day, Elena! To save the cabbage, you need to do the following:
Buy another kilo and a half of fresh cabbage. It is advisable not to postpone this. Chop finely. Then remove the sauerkraut along with the juice, mix with fresh, and then put it tightly again in the vessel. Leave at room temperature for a day. Remember to blow off the gases a few times. After a day, put the cabbage in the refrigerator. And then everything is according to the recipe.
ZY In the sauerkraut recipe, I additionally prescribed again that we pour the spoons without a top.

Anna 02/11/13
The sauerkraut turned out to be excellent. For some reason, I always believed that the process of its preparation was a long-term business, therefore I did not do it. And it turns out just a few days and you're done. Thanks for the recipe. You have a good site!

Anna, thanks for the tip))) I'm glad that I liked the cabbage. Try fermenting a colored one (I have a recipe on my website). Usually, guests are not after delicacies, but chase after sauerkraut)))

Nastya 09/30/13
I liked the cabbage according to your recipe! Thank you!

Maria 10/07/13
On Friday I fermented cabbage, on Monday we have already tried it. It turned out good, now I will do more for the winter.

Natalia 10/14/13
It was according to this recipe, only without the addition of spices, that I made cabbage last year, I took the recipe from Natalya's site delicious recipe, the cabbage turns out to be just a miracle!

Natalia, thank you for your feedback, but you are a little confused, you can stew cabbage in a slow cooker, but you will have to sauer cabbage the old fashioned way, but I assure you, this cabbage is worth it.

Natalia 10/17/13
Alena, I didn't mix it up. The cabbage is simply fermented and the slow cooker has nothing to do with it, I just found a similar recipe there. I was looking for just such a recipe without water.

Now everything is clear))) Ferment the cabbage this year according to my recipe, it should turn out no worse

Natalia 10/20/13
Thank you, Alena. I was just going to ferment cabbage and I will try your recipe. I have no doubt that it will be very tasty. Your site is WONDERFUL! Thanks for your hard work!

Anastasia 10/31/13
Don't laugh at me either, but our family also has one tradition for sourdough cabbage. We do it on a full moon and it doesn't matter what day: female or male. The main thing is to have a full moon. And here there is no mysticism, the simple influence of the moon on the liquid, such as the ebb and flow. In general, we chop cabbage, carrots, spices, salt and put in a warm place. After a couple of days, the cabbage is ready. It always turns out delicious and crispy.

Anastasia, thanks for the interesting addition. I have never heard of such a tradition, I will have to try)))

Marina 11/18/13
That’s how much you fermented cabbage and didn’t even know that you need to pierce it several times to remove gas. Now I will take this advice into service and I will do so.

Lydia 11/20/13
Sauerkraut is a real storehouse of vitamin C, so in winter it is an irreplaceable food product! I always make two kinds of sauerkraut, with the addition of apple or beetroot! The oppression for sauerkraut is very important and be sure to pierce it and not be lazy!).

Lydia, thanks for your feedback. Today I was going to ferment cabbage, I'll try with an apple)))

Nina 01/16/14
I love everything sauerkraut: tomatoes, cabbage, watermelons. I read your recipe, and on the windowsill there is a keg, fermenting. Only I also add 1 tablespoon without a slide of sugar to the cabbage, as my mother taught.

Dusya 02/07/14
I also love sauerkraut. I put it in pies as well as filling, and carcass, and in cabbage soup. Only my mother taught me to add a pinch of sugar to the cabbage, so it lets the juice better and becomes even tastier.

Svetlana 02/11/14
In spring, sauerkraut and the recipe are especially relevant. I have never heard that you need to salt on Wednesday, you will have to take this fact into account. Yes, and about carrots well noticed, After all, really not such a white cabbage turns out if you put a little more carrots. This site always helps me with good advice and I am a regular guest here.

Svetlana, thanks for the feedback, and that you often visit the site)))

Zukhra 03/09/14
I hear about Women's Day on Wednesday for the first time, very interesting). But I like sauerkraut crispy and not very sour. I do not exclude the addition of an apple or beetroot, but the classic version of fermentation, of course, is at the forefront). A wonderful product from which you can prepare a wide variety of dishes. And the cabbage itself is good, with onions and butter!

Tanya 09/11/14
I love sauerkraut, it’s on my balcony all winter. I also make, only sauerkraut in a bucket or in a 25-liter saucepan.

sinatra 09/20/14
I read your recipe today and a lot of positive reviews, I decided to try it too. only I don’t understand what women’s day means? I will be grateful for your answer))

sinatra, is it Wednesday or Friday. Monday (he), Wednesday (she), etc.

Olga 10/17/14
the recipe is very simple, I did everything right - but every other day at room rate. cabbage has become "snotty", i.e. slippery and non-acidic. what did i do wrong?

If everything was done according to the recipe, did not forget about salt (normal, not iodized), then there is only one reason: cabbage with nitrates.

Natalia 10/20/14
I was also taught to ferment cabbage on Women's Day, mix it lightly with salt (do not wrinkle it with your hands) and "trample" tightly, put a little carrot, because it softens the cabbage and be sure to pierce. And the principle is the same. Thanks! The cabbage is really cool - juicy and crunchy!

Lidiya 10/25/14
The cabbage turned out to be directly saturated with life and health, it even seems to glow. I'm glad I chose your recipe.

Inna 11/03/14
I want to try to make sauerkraut for the first time, but does it matter in which container to cook, I have a plastic bucket for food? Thank you in advance.

Inna, I would not recommend fermenting cabbage in a plastic bucket, even food grade plastic does not fully comply with sanitary standards.
For starter culture, it is better to use glass, enameled containers or traditional wooden tubs, but you will not find them now in the afternoon with fire.
My cabbage is instant, so it is better to ferment it in small portions so that it does not over-acidify. We prepared a 3-liter jar or pan, ate it in a week or two, fermented the next portion. For sourdough cabbage in large volumes, a slightly different technology is required.

Inna 11/05/14
Thank you, Alena

Larissa 11/24/14
Can you please tell me how to distinguish winter cabbage?

Larissa, winter cabbage ripens in autumn. It has a narrow, oblong stalk; medium-sized cabbage usually has a round stalk. Ask to cut the cabbage and everything will become clear.

Marina 11/25/14
The cabbage turned out to be sharply salty and bitter, there is not enough sugar, added sugar and divine taste!!!

Marina, try to read the recipes carefully. Precisely in paragraphs 13 and 16, it is said about the need to pierce the sauerkraut in order to remove the accumulated carbon dioxide. If you do not do this or do it occasionally, then a bitterness appears. As for sugar, YES, it is optionally added before serving (paragraph 17).

Oleg 11/28/14
Thank you! A very interesting recipe, I will wait exactly three days and then I just can't resist)))

Vika 01/10/15
It seems that this is difficult - took cabbage, carrots, spices, chopped and grated, and you're done. But no, there are so many of its own nuances - someone prefers to ferment it in brine, someone in their own juice, as it is written here, there are those who add beets for color. But still personally closer to me classic way as in this recipe.

Vika 01/27/15
I decided to ferment the cabbage according to all the rules, and I am glad that the cabbage really turned out to be juicy and crispy. With lean butter and onion I just went with a bang. I decided to show off my photo, fortunately, that I managed to pour it into the plate in time, while the husband and son hadn't devoured everything))).

Vika, thank you for such a delicious review and photo)))

Vika 01/28/15
Alena, this is only thanks to your tips. After all, I didn't even know before that I needed to take winter cabbage, and when I tried it, it really turned out that it lets the juice better. And I learned about a special women's day from you, before that I smelled when I wanted to. And now I know these subtleties)), it's good that you share your secrets with us.

Ilga 02/25/15
It's good that I found this recipe, otherwise I tried to ferment cabbage several times before, but it turned out to be bitter and blackened on top. Now I see that I did a lot wrong. Thank you, now I will know.

Yuri 03/05/15
The bottle is feminine ...

Yuri, thanks for reporting the bug)))

Fedor 10/01/15
It has only been four days since we put the cabbage in the jar, and already we grump it all out :)) I liked the recipe, thanks!

Elena 10/31/15
I prepared cabbage according to this recipe, it turned out very tasty, just great!

Tamara_G 05.12.18
I didn’t understand one thing. Do you need 3 kg of shredded cabbage, in its pure form? Or a 3-pound head of cabbage?

Tamara, we take a 3-kilogram head of cabbage)))))))

Dilya 12/17/18
Thank you very much !!! Hello everyone from the city of Khujand! Cool site!

Dilya, thank you very much for your feedback)))))))))))

First recipe below- just such a valuable fermented version. For a leisurely fermentation, it is actually quick cooking. Crispy cabbage slices will be ready after 2-3 days of infusion in a jar at room temperature.

We have included a second sample in the article. Ultra-fast with hot marinade. It no longer contains the benefits of natural fermentation, because vinegar is included in the marinade. It is a preservative and does not form "live bacteria" with it. But spicy vegetables are ready for sampling in 12 hours.

Choose a funky snack for your taste and purpose and cook more often all winter long!

Quick navigation through the article:

Instant pickled cabbage without vinegar

Super crispy recipe for everyone who loves tasty and healthy. Sourdough in a marinade containing only salt and spices and can be adjusted to taste. Ready-made slicing without oil, therefore, requires refueling with something as useful as possible. For example, extra virgin olive oil. Everything .

With a short effort and a couple of days of patience, you will get the traditionally great ingredient in winter salads, sour soups and stews with meat.

  • Cooking time - 30 minutes for preparation + 2-3 days for fermentation. We try for readiness after 2 days of infusion in a warm place.
  • Calorie content per 100 grams - no more than 40 kcal.

We need:

  • Cabbage - 2.5-3 kg
  • Carrots - 3 pcs. and over average sizes
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt (no additives) - 2 tsp
  • Spices to taste
  • We have 6 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 1-2 hot peppers.

Important details:

  • You can put carrots as much as you like. We love it when there is a lot of it. This gives the brine a pleasant warm shade, and adds sweetness to the cabbage.
  • Spices can also be adjusted to suit you. More bitter pepper means more pungency. And also cumin, cloves, ginger and even turmeric. This classic pickled recipe responds favorably to many experiments.
  • Our proportions of ingredients will give traditional and juicy salad without too much spiciness. Brine can also be pleasant as a standalone drink.

Let's prepare the vegetables.

Thinly chop the cabbage. We are always helped by the Berner grater. Many housewives love a special hand shredder knife (or hand shredder). It can be bought right now during the fermentation season at any bazaar in the rows with barrel salting.

Chop the peeled carrots to taste. Do not forget that there is more than just a coarse grater. In this recipe, we are using medium.

Combine cabbage and carrot slices and mix, fluffing along the way. It is convenient to work with your hands.

We will have a brine in water, not fermentation in our own juice. Without grinding, the cabbage will be as crispy, refined and textured as possible.

We put the mixed vegetables in a jar in half and lightly tamp. Put spices on top. In our case, this is 1 bay leaf, 3 allspice peas and 1 tiny hot pepper. On top of the spices in the jar, put the remaining cutting of vegetables and repeat the set of spices again.

You can add cloves or remove the pepper, if you don't like even a hint of spiciness. These experiments will remain within traditional tastes.

Prepare the marinade, pour in the vegetables and put the ferment under supervision.

Water at room temperature (!).

It is beneficial to prepare 1.5 liters of brine for a 3-liter jar. The proportion for 1 liter is 2 teaspoons of salt. You need pure salt without additives. Accordingly, for 1.5 liters of water - 3 teaspoons. We put in spoons without tops and taste.

Our goal is a solution that is slightly saltier than the ideal soup. Usually 3 level teaspoons are enough if the salt is extra grinded. But there are different brands of salt, and the coarse grind is not so salty.

Stir the salt in water until it is completely dissolved and pour the cabbage in a jar, covering the slices. We take a plug and pierce vegetables deeper, allowing the brine to penetrate to the very bottom.

You can use a long wooden stick to nod to the principles of natural fermentation. Strict Zozevites and Ayurveda aficionados strongly recommend working with fermented foods only with wood or ceramics.

If these restrictions seem like unnecessary troubles to you, look for a long, two-pronged fork for turning fried foods. She will allow go even deeper in a dense layer of vegetables.

  • Use any tool to make simple movements: in depth and parted the cutting, let's go bubbles. And so in several places of the vegetable mass.

We add the brine almost to the top - 1 cm before the neck of the jar. Usually a few bubbles form at the top, like foam.

We put the jar in a bowl so that the inevitable fermentation foam can gently drain from the jar. We put a fork next to it, which will remind you of the need to pierce the thread from time to time. This will allow you to constantly release air bubbles formed during fermentation upward.

We pierce vegetables 2-3 times a day.

We keep the jar at room temperature for 2 to 3 days.

If your home is warm, it will take less time to cook. If the conditions are sports (+/- 20 degrees), then 3 days is the standard period. Next, we put the vegetables in the refrigerator to stop fermentation, otherwise the cabbage will turn out to be too sour.

  • We advise you to try the slicing already at the end of 2.5 days and proceed according to your own preferences for readiness.

We get good sauerkraut and quite a lot of liquid that flows through the neck of the jar. As soon as the cabbage is ready, cover the container with a nylon lid and put it in the cold.

Once we tried the honey version.

On top of the cabbage, 2 heaped tablespoons of coarse salt and the same amount of honey. Fill with water at room temperature. Follow the recipe above. Try it after 2 days - for readiness (i.e. is it time to put it in the refrigerator). Honey cabbage is also very tasty and will suit everyone who is not allergic to honey.

Pickling quick classic cabbage in 12 hours

This savory guest of our meals is called "Provencal". It is not only quick cooking, but also looks very impressive. And how useful it will be during the holidays! If you overdo it on alcohol, the tasty pickle is a popular first aid remedy for the morning after New Year's Eve.

  • Cooking time - 30 minutes for preparation + 1 day for pickling. We try for readiness in 12-14 hours.
  • Caloric content per 100 grams - no more than 100 kcal.

The result of simple work is a completely ready-made salad, already seasoned with oil. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month without problems, but eaten in a couple of sessions. So good!

We need:

  • Cabbage - 3 kg
  • Carrots - 300 g or to taste
  • Garlic - 4-5 large cloves, or to taste
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 2-3 pcs. medium size (can be frozen)

For a hot marinade for 1 liter of water:

  • Salt (rock, coarse) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Vinegar, 9% - 80 ml
  • Little vegetable - 1 glass

Important details:

  • 1 glass - 250 ml
  • Of the spices, the best decoration for the marinade is cumin, 5-10 grams. You can also add allspice (6-7 peas) and cloves (1-2 pcs.).
  • Carrots and garlic can be adjusted to taste. The proportion that many like: for 1 kg of cabbage - 1 piece of medium carrots and bell pepper.
  • Frozen sweet red peppers are pickled as good as fresh. If there is, feel free to use.
  • Convenient and safe preparation - in an enamel or stainless steel pan.

The preparation is simple and quick.

Shred cabbage as thick as we like in salads. We knead with our hands in a spacious bowl, lightly, without fanaticism. Carrots - sticks with a knife or grater ala Berner. Or a democratic option: three on a coarse grater. Cut the pepper into strips of 0.5-0.8 cm thick or into cubes about 1 cm. Combine the cut vegetables and mix well. Again, it is most convenient to work with your hands.

Cooking the marinade.

Start cooking when the vegetables are chopped and mixed. We heat 1 liter of water on the stove, add salt and sugar to it, pour in oil and mix until the bulk components are completely dissolved. As soon as the liquid boils, pour in the vinegar, spoon a couple of movements and turn off the heating. Be sure to cover with a lid so that the vinegar does not evaporate.

We put ½ of the vegetable mixture in the selected container and tamp it tightly. Fill in half a hot marinade. Add the other half of the vegetables and add the rest of the marinade again. We put a plate on top and bend (a 1-2 liter can of water).

Leave to marinate for 8 hours.

When the vegetables are cold put in the refrigerator for another 16 hours. After 12 hours of infusion, you can try.

TOP-2 secrets for successful fermentation

Which cabbage varieties are best for you?

Dense and flattened on both sides, the maximum white heads of cabbage are large (from 3 kg 1 piece). These varieties are crunchy and do not lose their shape even in thin slices.

Young cabbage is poorly fermented and too old. They soften untidy and often lose the crunch of varieties with a spherical head of cabbage.

How to prepare new refreshing meals?

In addition to the bright participation in stew with meat, in borscht or hodgepodge, both spicy cabbages will easily make friends with available colleagues in salads without heating.

Add onions, sweet apples, berry frosts, boiled beets, canned corn, boiled beans or potatoes to the appetizing result of pickling. You can enrich the flavor of your daily meals and add antioxidant vitamins to your winter menu.

We will be glad if you like any recipe for instant cabbage. Both are delicious! And you must admit that it is true that it takes more time for a healthy fermentation without vinegar.

Thank you for the article (9)

Sauerkraut is a great snack and a rich source of vitamins that are so lacking in winter. You can cook a lot of dishes with sauerkraut, soups are cooked with it, main courses are prepared, and pies are baked.

It takes up to several weeks to prepare a snack in the usual way, but instant recipes are also known and there are many of them. Here are six of the most popular fast-paced cabbage starter recipes.

Instant Sauerkraut Recipes - General Technological Principles

For a long time, wooden containers have been used for pickling cabbage, but modern housewives prefer to do this in enamel pots. There is a certain nuance, the enamel should not be damaged, otherwise the snack will acquire an unpleasant taste from the interaction of acids with metal. The most common option for pickling cabbage in a quick way in glass jars.

It is important what kind of cabbage to take for quick sourdough. Strong, dense forks of autumn vegetable varieties are ideal for quick fermentation of cabbage. They are white in color and their leaves are usually juicier.

When preparing for salting, the forks are washed well and the top leaves must be removed. Cut in half, remove the stump, then chop or cut into pieces of the desired size. Cabbage can be shredded with a knife or a special shredder, cut in checkers or large pieces.

If vegetables or apples are added, their amount should not exceed 3% of the prepared cabbage mass. To speed up fermentation, cabbage is poured with hot brine, in which, in addition to salt, sugar is also dissolved. Often vinegar is added to such a dressing, less often vegetable oil.

The optimum temperature for fast fermentation should not be lower than 24 degrees, so containers with cabbage are left warm, and after they are ready, they are placed in the refrigerator.

Instant sauerkraut recipe - two days


Five kilos of white cabbage;

300 grams of sweet carrots.

To prepare brine, per liter of purified water:

A flat spoon of sugar;

Two spoonfuls of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Having washed the forks, remove the upper dense leaves. We cut the head of cabbage and chop it thinly. It is convenient to use a special shredder or potato peeler for these purposes, although you can do this neatly and simply with a sharp knife.

2. After peeling the carrots, rub the root vegetable into a coarse grater or thinly cut into strips.

3. Combine cabbage and carrots in a wide bowl and mix thoroughly. If the cabbage is harsh, lightly crush it with your hands. Put the vegetables in a pickling container and prepare the pickle.

4. Fill a saucepan with 2 liters of water, add salt and sugar. While stirring, bring to a boil, then pour over the cabbage. If the brine is not enough, and it should completely cover the vegetables, you can slowly prepare an additional portion.

5. Cover the cabbage with a plate of suitable diameter or a wooden circle, press down a little. We place a small load on top and leave it warm for two days.

6. Move the container with salted cabbage to a cool place for storage.

Instant spicy sauerkraut: recipe for sourdough in a jar


Large forks of white cabbage;

Two leaves of lavrushka;

Three large carrots;

Two small pods of hot pepper;

Six peas of allspice.

Into the brine:

Two teaspoons of evaporated (fine) salt;

A liter of settled drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. Using a special device or a knife, thinly chop the cabbage. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater or grate on the one used to make Korean carrots.

2. After pouring the carrots and cabbage into a spacious bowl, mix well. If in the previous recipe the cabbage was required to knead a little, then this time, on the contrary, mix carefully. It is best to do it with your hands, "fluffing up" the vegetables.

3. Put the vegetable mixture in a clean three-liter jar, fill it halfway and tamp it lightly. On top we lay a leaf of lavrushka, a hot pod and three peppercorns. We fill the jar a centimeter below the shoulders with the remaining cabbage, tamp it slightly and spread the spices. It is unforgettable to put hot pepper, although if you don't like hot pepper, don't put it at all.

4. Cooking pickle for cabbage. Dissolve salt in cool, preferably room temperature water, the brine should be slightly saltier than the cabbage you want to get. Pour the brine into a jar and do it gradually. First, pour in about a third of the brine, gently pierce the cabbage layer with a long stick and slightly push the cabbage apart so that the water fills all the voids. After that, pour out all the brine, fill the jar, without adding 1 cm to the neck.

5. Put the container in a deep dish, bowl or saucepan and leave it warm without covering. Every day, during the day and in the evening, slightly push apart the cabbage layers with a stick to give vent to gases. We stand for three days.

6. Store in the refrigerator, under a tightly closed, preferably non-metallic, lid.

Instant sauerkraut: recipe with garlic and vinegar in 5 hours


A kilogram of late cabbage;

Two large carrots;

Into the fill:

Half a glass of unrefined sugar;

Half a liter of drinking water;

Black pepper - five peas;

A spoonful of coarse "pickled" salt;

Allspice - 4 peas;

Half a glass of refined oil;

Ten tablespoons of edible vinegar.

Cooking method:

2. After mixing vegetables in a large bowl, press four large cloves of garlic into the same press and mix again. It is convenient to do this with your hands.

3. Bringing the water to a boil, dilute the sugar and salt, add oil and vinegar, lower the peppercorns. After stirring, boil the brine for at least a minute.

4. Fill the cabbage with hot pouring, cover with a suitable plate and place the load on top of it. We insist instant cabbage for at least 5 hours at ordinary room temperature. Then we transfer it to a glass jar and put it away for storage, sealing it tightly.

Instant sauerkraut: a recipe with beets and garlic in a sauce with vinegar


Two kilograms of fresh cabbage;

Large head of garlic;

Two large beets;

Six peppercorns;

0.5 tablespoons of cumin (optional).

Brine, per liter of filtered water:

A spoonful of sugar;

35 ml of food vinegar;

Two level spoons of cage salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the head of cabbage into checkers - square slices, up to 4 cm in size.

2. We clean the beets, wash them. We rub one root vegetable using the largest grater, the other we cut into thin strips. Finely chop the peeled garlic cloves.

3. We rinse a three-liter jar in hot water with soda, wipe it dry with a towel. On the bottom of the container, lay out the beets and garlic cut into strips, add peppercorns and spices (cumin).

4. Densely, without tamping, put the cabbage in the jar. There should be some pouring space between the pieces. Put the grated beets on top of the cabbage.

5. Preparing the fill. Bring a liter of water to a boil, pour sugar into it, then salt, stir, completely dissolving the bulk components. Pour in the vinegar and bring it to almost a boil again, but do not boil it.

6. Pour hot filling into a jar of vegetables. Having tied the neck with several layers of gauze, leave it to salt for two days warm. Then we put it in the refrigerator, where we store it under a nylon lid.

Instant sauerkraut: a Georgian recipe in twelve hours


Large forks of white cabbage;

Small carrot;

Dark beetroot is a large root crop;

Onion head;

Hot pepper - 1-2 small pods;

Black or, optionally, allspice - 5 peas.

For a refueling of one liter of water:

A glass of vinegar;

Coarse salt - 2 full spoons;

Half a glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Peel, thinly cutting off the peel layer, carrots, beets and onions. Cut the carrots into thin slices, the beets into strips, and the onions into half rings.

2. Peeled large cloves of garlic, in the amount of 5-6 pieces, press with a special device into a small bowl. Alternatively, chop finely with a knife.

3. Cut the cabbage fork into four parts and completely remove the stalk. Cut the cabbage into large pieces.

4. Put the vegetables in a large bowl, add hot and pea peppers, and put the garlic. Mix everything thoroughly, you do not need to crush the cabbage. Putting it tightly, fill a three-liter jar with a vegetable mass, do not tamp it.

5. We dilute the specified amount of salt and unrefined sugar in a liter of water. Bring the dressing to a boil, if debris has collected at the bottom, filter it and boil it again. After mixing the hot filling with vinegar, pour it into a jar of cabbage.

6. After capping with a clean lid, leave it warm for 12 hours to “ripen”.

Instant sauerkraut: a recipe without adding vinegar with apples

Ingredients per liter jar:

Sweet and sour apples - 200 gr.;

50 gr. carrots;

A spoonful of sugar;

White cabbage without stalk - 700 gr.;

Two carnation umbrellas;

Allspice - two peas;

A spoonful of special salt for fermentation and pickling.

Cooking method:

1. Thinly chop the cabbage, transfer to a spacious bowl.

2. Coarsely rub the carrots there and mix.

3. We wash the apples, cut into six slices, remove the core.

4. Put half of the cabbage in a clean liter jar, on top of it, apple slices and cabbage again. We lay tightly, lightly tamping the cabbage layers.

5. Put sugar and salt in a container, put peppercorns and cloves on top of the cabbage. Pour hot water so that it completely covers the top layer of cabbage.

6. Tighten the neck of the jar with gauze and put it closer to the heat for two days. Several times throughout the day we pierce the mass with a wooden torch to release the air that has accumulated inside.

Instant Sauerkraut Recipes - Helpful Hints and Tips

It is strictly forbidden to use aluminum dishes for quick fermentation of cabbage. Such a metal, upon contact with acid, is quickly oxidized and even the fastest cabbage will have time to acquire a grayish tint and an unpleasant metallic taste.

Before shredding the forks, tear off and taste one sheet. If the pulp is juicy, with a slightly sweetish taste, you can ferment. It is better to stew not juicy, tasteless cabbage with fatty pork.

It is best to store sauerkraut prepared according to accelerated recipes in the refrigerator, tightly closing glass jars with nylon lids.

To please guests with delicious sauerkraut, you need to know the general rules for pickling:

  • the jar in which you put the cabbage with marinade should be placed in a larger container. So the juice released during fermentation will drain to the bottom of the container;
  • an ideal place for fermentation will be a warm place with a constant temperature of 18 to 25 degrees;
  • bubbles formed during fermentation should be removed as often as possible.

When choosing a head of cabbage for pickling, pay attention to the color, shape and degree of ripeness. Healthy cabbage is medium in size, white or greenish in color, and round. The leaves should not be damaged or dented.

The absence of spots and darkening on the head of cabbage is a sure sign of a vegetable that has ripened in ecologically clean conditions.

The main rule when choosing a head of cabbage is elasticity and juiciness, since the taste of the future harvest depends on this. The optimal weight of a head of cabbage should be no more than 4 kg, due to the fact that an overgrown head of cabbage will be less tasty.

Sauerkraut without vinegar added

Among the recipes for cooking cabbage in a short time, the absence of vinegar essence is welcomed. To do this, you will need:

  • 1 kilogram head of cabbage;
  • 3 pieces of carrots;
  • 900 ml of pure water;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1-4 bay leaves to taste
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara.

The cabbage should be chopped together with the carrots in cubes or thin strips. Boil water in a saucepan and season with salt and sugar first and then bay leaf.

Boil the mixture for about 3-6 minutes. While the marinade is preparing, you layer the cabbage layer by layer in a previously sterilized jar.

Make sure that the layers lay down evenly and tightly, as the taste of the product depends on this. Gently and slowly pour the boiling marinade over the cabbage so that the jar bursts from the rapid temperature drop.

When the brine reaches the level of the "shoulders" of the jar, then leave it to distribute the marinade evenly for 5-15 minutes.

Place the jar in a warm place for at least 2 days, periodically piercing it with wooden sticks to release the accumulated gas. Next, you can put the finished cabbage in the refrigerator and close the lid.

Korean Style Sauerkraut with Garlic

Korean cuisine has left its mark on the preparation of such a primordially Russian dish as sauerkraut and has made some adjustments to the classic recipe.

For him you will need:

  • a head of cabbage weighing about 1 kg;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 8 tbsp. l. vinegar 9% (apple cider can be used);
  • 2-7 cloves of garlic to taste
  • 0.5 cups vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 600 ml of water.

Chop the cabbage in the form of thin strips, and grate the carrots on a "Korean" grater. Next, press the garlic with a press and add to the mixture of carrots and cabbage.

Sugar, vinegar, salt and oil are the main components of the marinade, which should be added to water and boiled for about 5 minutes.

Place in a warm place for further fermentation. The minimum marinating time for such cabbage is 4 hours.

Sauerkraut with vinegar

If you want to cook a cabbage appetizer as quickly as possible, then you should use this recipe.

The following products must be purchased in advance:

  • 1 head of cabbage weighing 1.5 kg;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 1.5 glasses of clean water;
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil;
  • 6-7 small peas of black pepper;
  • half a glass of vinegar 9%;
  • 3-5 leaves of bay leaves.

The cooking principle is the same as in the previous recipe, but there are some nuances. Grate the carrots on a large one, and chop the cabbage.

Add salt to the resulting mixture and rub thoroughly with your hands.

In this case, the cabbage will juice and marinate much faster. Chopped cabbage and carrots are best placed in a wide saucepan.

Make a marinade with water, black pepper, vinegar, and bay leaf. Pour vegetable oil into the brine last and stir until smooth.

Pour the cabbage and carrots, and put them on top under oppression. A jar filled with water is used as oppression. First, put any wooden surface on the cabbage: cutting board, tub, dishes.

Sauerkraut in Slavic style

Quick pickling of cabbage was invented in the 9th century in Ancient Russia. This recipe is universal from the point of view of the safety of the cooking technology.

For him you will need:

  • 1 two-kilogram head of cabbage;
  • 1.5 liters of clean water (ideally spring water);
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tsp dried mint or caraway seeds;
  • 1 small capsicum;
  • brown bread crust.

Pre-scald the head of cabbage with boiling water. Remove dry leaves and dirt from it, cut into small wedges, and then place in a saucepan or earthen barrel.

This should be done because there are enough microorganisms on the surface of the cabbage.

With normal fermentation, they actively develop in the first stages of fermentation, but gradually lactic acid bacteria displace the rest. This process takes about 10-15 days.

With the described method, as a result of scalding the head of cabbage with boiling water, the microorganisms on the upper layers of the cabbage die.

Lactic acid bacteria remain inside the head of cabbage, which are quickly displaced, which leads to a quick fermentation. The crust of black bread serves as an additional sourdough.

The brine should be prepared in advance. Add all the spices, salt to hot water and boil. Pour the marinade over the cabbage and leave to cool for 20-40 minutes. Finish with a crust of brown bread on top.

Remove to a warm place for fermentation and remember to watch out for gas. The term for cooking cabbage according to this recipe is a maximum of 1 day.

Quick Sauerkraut will add variety to your daily diet and become an integral part of the holiday table.

There are a lot of variations in the preparation of pickles for pickling, but you can always experiment with combinations of pickle and different varieties of cabbage.