Recipes for raw tomato adjika with aspirin for the winter, with and without boiling. Adjika raw spicy, adjika with horseradish

31.08.2019 Restaurant notes

To prepare the sauce without sterilization, you should take fleshy vegetables of the soil method of growing. They are the most fragrant and rich in taste, so adjika with aspirin will turn out to be very fragrant and piquant. Producers harvest imported tomatoes and peppers unripe so that vegetables do not deteriorate when transported over long distances.
In any version of recipes for preparing adjika with aspirin for the winter without cooking, it is better to prepare the sauce by dividing it into 2 parts - let one be slightly spicy, the second can be seasoned with a lot of hot pepper. Thus, all food lovers will not be left without attention.

Adjika recipe for the winter with tomato aspirin

Fresh harvesting is perfectly stored all season in the cellar or in the refrigerator thanks to acetylsalicylic acid, which plays the role of a preservative. It is not enough to harm health, and at the same time, salicylic acid remarkably protects the sauce from damage.


4 kg of fleshy tomatoes with a thin skin;
1 kg of bell peppers, orange or red;
3-5 pcs. bitter pepper;
2-3 garlic heads;
table salt - to taste;
20 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid.


1. Sort out all vegetables, rinse, dry on a towel or paper napkin.
2. Cut off the stalks of the peppers and remove the seed boxes, peel off the garlic.
3. Cut the blanks into pieces that are convenient for rolling in a meat grinder or blender. Pass the garlic through a special press.
4. Grind all vegetables into a homogeneous mass, add salt and mix. It is necessary to observe the measure with salt - add a little, let the seasoning dissolve, add more if necessary.
5. Crush tablets of salicylic acid into powder, mix with adjika. For 10 liters of finished vegetable mass, 40 pieces must be added. Therefore, the puree should be weighed before filling with aspirin.
6. Stir everything thoroughly, send it to the refrigerator overnight so that all the components dissolve in each other and the salicylic starts to work.
7. In the morning, spread the prepared mixture into sterilized dry jars, close with nylon lids and store in the basement or cellar.

Serve this dressing with fried meat, cutlets or an appetizer with fresh pork lard.

Important! You cannot use aluminum equipment when working with vegetables - the workpiece will acquire an unpleasant metallic taste and become unhealthy due to the interaction of aluminum with fruit acids.

Recipe for raw adjika with tomato juice and aspirin (step by step)

Not everyone likes the slices of tomato peel found in standard cooking options for a savory addition to meat dishes. Therefore, some housewives prepare a sauce based on tomato juice. A simple recipe with a photo will tell you how to do it right.


2-2.5 kg of very ripe tomatoes;
1.5 kg of fleshy sweet pepper;
2 large heads of garlic;
8-10 small hot peppers;
table salt - to taste.


1. Peel and rinse the peppers and garlic. Pat dry on a kitchen towel or paper towel and cut into suitable sized pieces.
2. Prepare juice from tomatoes by passing them through a juicer.
3. Grind the peppers and garlic into a homogeneous mass, mix with tomato juice.
4. Pour the mass into half-liter sterilized jars in order to determine the amount of preservative - one salicylic should fall on one container.
5. Drain the vegetable puree into a large common bowl, mix with crushed salicylic and table salt to taste.
6. Soak raw adjika in a cellar or refrigerator for at least 12 hours so that the salicylic is completely dissolved.
7. Pour the sauce into prepared jars
8. Cover with nylon lids, store in the cellar.

You can vary the amount of garlic and hot pepper as desired. Fresh herbs are best added to a flavored snack just before use.

Attention! Such a blank is not suitable for storage in a city apartment!

Adjika recipe for the winter with aspirin for long-term storage

The difference between this version of the blank is that you can roll the sauce directly under the metal lids. It is ideal for storing the workpiece on the balcony or in the closet.


10 kg of ripe tomatoes;
3 kg of bell pepper;
0.5 kg of peeled garlic;
10 gr. table salt;
30 tablets of acetyl.


1. Rinse, peel, dry all vegetables.
2. Cut into small pieces and grind in a meat grinder. Season to taste.
3. Divide into half-liter jars, add 1 aspirin tablet to each container, roll up.
Store in a basement or cellar. Or take it out to the balcony.

Recipe for raw adjika of their tomatoes with garlic

A very tasty and savory addition to all dishes. Not everyone likes the aroma of a sweet vegetable, so lovers of tomato sauces can do without it.


1 kg of tomatoes, very ripe;
1 hot pepper;
5 garlic cloves;
100 ml table vinegar 9%;
1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
1/3 Art. l. table salt.


1. Rinse, peel and dry all vegetables.
2. Grind the components of the sauce in a meat grinder into a homogeneous mass.
3. Season tomato adjika with garlic with salt, sugar and vinegar. Stir well and set aside to dissolve the spice grains.
4. Put the sauce in sterilized dry small jars and close with plastic or metal screw caps. Send the workpiece to the refrigerator.

Attention: This method of preparing adjika is only suitable for storage in a very cold place.

Adzhika recipe without cooking with horseradish

An excellent option for preparing a sauce using a crop of spicy roots growing practically in any garden or personal plot. It should be remembered that when working with horseradish, it is better to wear safety glasses, since the essential oils of the root vegetable are very irritating to the mucous membranes of the eyes.


2.5 kg tomato;
250 g sweet pepper of red or orange shades;
250 g peeled horseradish;
150 g hot pepper;
250 g peeled garlic cloves;
0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
0.5 tbsp. table salt;
1 tbsp. table vinegar 9%.


1. Rinse, peel and dry all vegetables from excess moisture with a kitchen or paper towel.
2. Cut into small pieces, as shown in the video, grind into a homogeneous mass in any convenient way.
3. Combine all ingredients in one bowl.
4. Add salt, sugar and vinegar.

Arrange the "crap" in jars with screw lids, send to the refrigerator.

You can store such a blank only in a cold place, so those who want to cook adjika without boiling with horseradish for the winter should take into account the volume of their refrigerator. You can pour the spicy dressing into ziplock bags and freeze in briquettes. Before use, remove the "crap" from the freezer and let it defrost at room temperature.

To prepare the sauce without sterilization, you should take fleshy vegetables of the soil method of growing. They are the most fragrant and rich in taste, so adjika with aspirin will turn out to be very fragrant and piquant. Producers harvest imported tomatoes and peppers unripe so that vegetables do not deteriorate when transported over long distances.
In any version of recipes for preparing adjika with aspirin for the winter without cooking, it is better to prepare the sauce by dividing it into 2 parts - let one be slightly spicy, the second can be seasoned with a lot of hot pepper. Thus, all food lovers will not be left without attention.

Adjika recipe for the winter with tomato aspirin

Fresh harvesting is perfectly stored all season in the cellar or in the refrigerator thanks to acetylsalicylic acid, which plays the role of a preservative. It is not enough to harm health, and at the same time, salicylic acid remarkably protects the sauce from damage.


4 kg of fleshy tomatoes with a thin skin;
1 kg of bell peppers, orange or red;
3-5 pcs. bitter pepper;
2-3 garlic heads;
table salt - to taste;
20 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid.


1. Sort out all vegetables, rinse, dry on a towel or paper napkin.
2. Cut off the stalks of the peppers and remove the seed boxes, peel off the garlic.
3. Cut the blanks into pieces that are convenient for rolling in a meat grinder or blender. Pass the garlic through a special press.
4. Grind all vegetables into a homogeneous mass, add salt and mix. It is necessary to observe the measure with salt - add a little, let the seasoning dissolve, add more if necessary.
5. Crush tablets of salicylic acid into powder, mix with adjika. For 10 liters of finished vegetable mass, 40 pieces must be added. Therefore, the puree should be weighed before filling with aspirin.
6. Stir everything thoroughly, send it to the refrigerator overnight so that all the components dissolve in each other and the salicylic starts to work.
7. In the morning, spread the prepared mixture into sterilized dry jars, close with nylon lids and store in the basement or cellar.

Serve this dressing with fried meat, cutlets or an appetizer with fresh pork lard.

Important! You cannot use aluminum equipment when working with vegetables - the workpiece will acquire an unpleasant metallic taste and become unhealthy due to the interaction of aluminum with fruit acids.

Recipe for raw adjika with tomato juice and aspirin (step by step)

Not everyone likes the slices of tomato peel found in standard cooking options for a savory addition to meat dishes. Therefore, some housewives prepare a sauce based on tomato juice. A simple recipe with a photo will tell you how to do it right.


2-2.5 kg of very ripe tomatoes;
1.5 kg of fleshy sweet pepper;
2 large heads of garlic;
8-10 small hot peppers;
table salt - to taste.


1. Peel and rinse the peppers and garlic. Pat dry on a kitchen towel or paper towel and cut into suitable sized pieces.
2. Prepare juice from tomatoes by passing them through a juicer.
3. Grind the peppers and garlic into a homogeneous mass, mix with tomato juice.
4. Pour the mass into half-liter sterilized jars in order to determine the amount of preservative - one salicylic should fall on one container.
5. Drain the vegetable puree into a large common bowl, mix with crushed salicylic and table salt to taste.
6. Soak raw adjika in a cellar or refrigerator for at least 12 hours so that the salicylic is completely dissolved.
7. Pour the sauce into prepared jars
8. Cover with nylon lids, store in the cellar.

You can vary the amount of garlic and hot pepper as desired. Fresh herbs are best added to a flavored snack just before use.

Attention! Such a blank is not suitable for storage in a city apartment!

Adjika recipe for the winter with aspirin for long-term storage

The difference between this version of the blank is that you can roll the sauce directly under the metal lids. It is ideal for storing the workpiece on the balcony or in the closet.


10 kg of ripe tomatoes;
3 kg of bell pepper;
0.5 kg of peeled garlic;
10 gr. table salt;
30 tablets of acetyl.


1. Rinse, peel, dry all vegetables.
2. Cut into small pieces and grind in a meat grinder. Season to taste.
3. Divide into half-liter jars, add 1 aspirin tablet to each container, roll up.
Store in a basement or cellar. Or take it out to the balcony.

Recipe for raw adjika of their tomatoes with garlic

A very tasty and savory addition to all dishes. Not everyone likes the aroma of a sweet vegetable, so lovers of tomato sauces can do without it.


1 kg of tomatoes, very ripe;
1 hot pepper;
5 garlic cloves;
100 ml table vinegar 9%;
1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
1/3 Art. l. table salt.


1. Rinse, peel and dry all vegetables.
2. Grind the components of the sauce in a meat grinder into a homogeneous mass.
3. Season tomato adjika with garlic with salt, sugar and vinegar. Stir well and set aside to dissolve the spice grains.
4. Put the sauce in sterilized dry small jars and close with plastic or metal screw caps. Send the workpiece to the refrigerator.

Attention: This method of preparing adjika is only suitable for storage in a very cold place.

Adzhika recipe without cooking with horseradish

An excellent option for preparing a sauce using a crop of spicy roots growing practically in any garden or personal plot. It should be remembered that when working with horseradish, it is better to wear safety glasses, since the essential oils of the root vegetable are very irritating to the mucous membranes of the eyes.


2.5 kg tomato;
250 g sweet pepper of red or orange shades;
250 g peeled horseradish;
150 g hot pepper;
250 g peeled garlic cloves;
0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
0.5 tbsp. table salt;
1 tbsp. table vinegar 9%.


1. Rinse, peel and dry all vegetables from excess moisture with a kitchen or paper towel.
2. Cut into small pieces, as shown in the video, grind into a homogeneous mass in any convenient way.
3. Combine all ingredients in one bowl.
4. Add salt, sugar and vinegar.

Arrange the "crap" in jars with screw lids, send to the refrigerator.

You can store such a blank only in a cold place, so those who want to cook adjika without boiling with horseradish for the winter should take into account the volume of their refrigerator. You can pour the spicy dressing into ziplock bags and freeze in briquettes. Before use, remove the "crap" from the freezer and let it defrost at room temperature.

Adjika with aspirin

For 10 kg of tomatoes - 3 kg of sweet pepper, 300 g of hot pepper, 0.5 kg of garlic, 100 g of salt, 30 aspirin tablets.

Pass the tomatoes, peppers, garlic through a meat grinder, add salt and aspirin, arrange in jars, roll up.

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From the book of Adjika, lecho, caviar - 6 the author Cooking Author unknown -

Adjika with aspirin For 10 kg of tomatoes - 3 kg of sweet pepper, 300 g of hot pepper, 0.5 kg of garlic, 100 g of salt, 30 aspirin tablets. Pass the tomatoes, pepper, garlic through a meat grinder, add salt and aspirin, put in jars,

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Adjika 3 kg of eggplants (cut into cubes and fry in a cauldron), 1 kg of sweet red pepper, 500 g each onion, tomatoes, 100 g each garlic, hot red pepper (without seeds), 250 g herbs and parsley root. Cut all vegetables very small cubes, salt to taste, add

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Adjika 2.5 kg of sweet pepper, 200 g of hot pepper, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, 1 kg of tomatoes, 1 bunch of parsley, 8-10 Antonovka apples, 1 tbsp. l. salt. Wash vegetables, peel and mince. Boil the resulting mass in a container from

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Adjika No. 3 Store in the refrigerator. 3 kg of red bell pepper, 8-10 pods of hot pepper, 400 g of garlic mince. Add 200 ml vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. salt and 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Adjika turns out to be a beautiful red color, although without tomatoes, and very

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Adjika 1 kg of red pepper, 1 kg of tomatoes, 100 g of garlic, 100 g of hot pepper. Peel the pepper, mince all the products. Salt. Let it stand for 1 day to ferment. Bring to a boil, put in jars, roll up. Alevtina Savchuk, g.

From the author's book

Adjika 5 kg of ripe tomatoes without peel, 0.5 kg each of carrots, sour apples and onions, 2.5 kg of sweet red pepper, 300 g of garlic, 10 hot peppers, 0.5 l of vegetable oil, salt to taste. rinse, peel and mince. Add vegetable

From the author's book

Adjika with aspirin For 10 kg of tomatoes - 3 kg of sweet pepper, 300 g of hot pepper, 0.5 kg of garlic, 100 g of salt, 30 aspirin tablets. Pass the tomatoes, pepper, garlic through a meat grinder, add salt and aspirin, put in jars,

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Adjika 5 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of carrots, 1 kg of apples, 8 pcs. sweet pepper, 1 cup of crushed garlic, 100 g of 6% vinegar, 100 g of sugar, 0.5 cups of salt, 0.5 l of vegetable oil. Pass the vegetables through a meat grinder, put on low heat for 4 hours. Add garlic, vinegar, sugar,

From raw vegetables, without any heat treatment, adjika with aspirin is prepared for the winter. The spicy seasoning itself is well stored, and in the presence of an additional preservative it does not change its consistency and taste for a very long time. The fact is that the classic adjika recipe has undergone changes long ago.

Most of the Caucasian appetizer options now contain tomatoes. Acetylsalicylic acid perfectly dissolves in tomato puree, creating obstacles for the development of pathogenic microflora, protecting the vegetable preparation from the appearance of mold.

By tradition adjika contains a large number of ingredients with antimicrobial properties: various types of hot and sweet peppers, grated horseradish root, garlic. The seasoning is prepared with a large amount of salt, which slows down the development of the vital activity of bacteria. All these features have historically been due to the purpose of the hot seasoning. She represented a thick paste of spices and hot pepper, ground with salt.

In our time in cooking, such strongly salty and spicy seasonings are less in demand. But the duration of storage of winter blanks is always relevant. Cooking adjika with aspirin reduces the pungency and salinity of the workpiece. The presence of tomatoes in recipes improves the taste, makes it possible to use the seasoning as a sauce or a kind of snack.

It must be said about the large amount of vitamins that raw adjika contains. That is why it is important to preserve the beneficial properties of the seasoning as long as possible. The cooking process itself is very simple.

If, at the same time, long-term cooking is excluded, then most of the time is spent only on peeling vegetables. Crushed aspirin is added to canned food at the very end, before packing into cans.

Raw adjika recipes

The proposed recipes are prepared without heat treatment and, without exception, are suitable for long-term storage. Adjika is being prepared with ordinary aspirin, which is available in almost every home and is sold over-the-counter in pharmacies.

Adjika with tomatoes and horseradish root

The non-boiled version of adjika with horseradish is very popular. Its composition can be adjusted to suit your taste, and among the people this simple and invigorating seasoning is simply called "horseradish".

Would need:

  • ripe red tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • hot pepper - 10-15 pods;
  • sweet pepper - 500 g;
  • garlic - 5 whole heads;
  • horseradish root - 100-150 g;
  • coarse salt - 25 g;
  • aspirin tablets - 6 pcs.

Important! The main thing in any workpiece that is prepared without boiling is the preparation of high-quality raw materials.

Adjika is no exception for the winter without cooking. Vegetables should not show signs of spoilage, they are sorted out, rejecting all suspicious specimens. The basis of the seasoning is tomato puree. The final result largely depends on the ripeness and taste of the tomato. Only high-quality tomatoes of a deep red color will give the sauce the desired shade. Tomatoes are thoroughly washed, cut into slices, removing rough areas at the base of the stalk.

Sweet and hot peppers are cleaned by removing the stalks and seeds. Wash, let dry. Cut into strips. Horseradish roots and heads of garlic are peeled, washed, allowed to dry. When cleaning hot peppers, horseradish, it is better to use medical gloves to protect your hands from burns. All components are ground in a vegetable cutter or electric meat grinder.

The resulting sauce is mixed by adding salt and crushed salicylic acid tablets. Seasoning is packaged in small jars, sealed and stored in a cool place. It will acquire a real vigorous taste and characteristic aroma in a couple of weeks, when all the ingredients are infused.

Important! Store preparations with raw vegetables in the refrigerator or cellar, at a temperature of 6-8 degrees.

Adjika from tomato and garlic

This winter harvest has a milder taste. It is made from traditional ingredients, but acetylsalicylic acid is added to the sauce instead of vinegar as an additional preservative. Served as an independent snack or as an original seasoning for meat dishes.

For its preparation are used:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • sweet bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • hot chili pepper - 150 g;
  • garlic - 250 g;
  • sugar - 30 g;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • acetyl tablets - 20 pcs.

For raw preparations, it is important to select only high-quality vegetables, without any signs of spoilage. Wash and dry tomatoes and peppers. The stalks, seeds and internal partitions are removed from pepper pods, which subsequently increase the bitterness of the final product. Pepper is washed from seeds and allowed to drain off excess water. Tomatoes are cut into quarters, simultaneously removing rough areas near the stalk. Garlic is peeled, washed, dried.

In the next step, all ingredients are ground in any suitable way. It can be a vegetable cutter, electric or mechanical meat grinder, blender, food processor. Aspirin tablets undergo the same procedure. They can be ground in a coffee grinder or ceramic mortar.

Then all the ingredients are mixed by adding salt and sugar. Lastly, crushed salicylic is poured into the sauce. The mixture is left overnight in a common container. During this time, all components will dissolve in tomato juice, and the necessary biochemical processes will begin.

The next day, the finished product is packed in small glass jars. Pre-containers, including lids, must be washed and sterilized. Subject to the preparation technology and the required temperature, the shelf life of the workpiece is very long. Some housewives keep such spices in the refrigerator for several years.

The use of aspirin as a preservative is controversial. Its presence really helps to extend the shelf life of vegetables, which is very difficult to achieve without cooking. The fresh taste of the product also speaks as an argument in defense of this method of canning. Adjika seems to have just been cooked, the unique taste and aroma of tomatoes and peppers is preserved.

There is no need to add a large amount of salt to the preparation, which means that it can be used as an independent dish, and not as an additional seasoning.

The difference between a fresh snack and one that had to be cooked for a long time is very large. These are products that are completely different in composition and taste. But the choice depends only on the hostess, her priorities and capabilities. In any case, this method of harvesting can come in handy because of its accessibility and convenience.

Adjika is a great alternative to ketchup and other expensive sauces. The peppers and tomatoes that make up the composition give an unsurpassed aroma and a bouquet of vitamins. It will perfectly complement any main course and even soups. Now, during an active harvest, it's time to think about rolling up a few jars for the winter.

Adjika is prepared in two ways. In the first case, it is boiled and rolled over the banks. The second method, no less tasty, is obtained by cold rolling. How? - you ask. After all, in fact, raw vegetables do not have a long shelf life. Everything is very simple.

There is a little secret that will allow you to prepare crispy adjika, with a more pronounced taste of vegetables. This is the addition of acetylsalicylic acid, or, simply, aspirin to the dish.

Some people are afraid to add this kind of drugs to dishes, believing that it is harmful. However, in reality, we eat purchased vegetables, fruits, meat and semi-finished products every day. Believe me, there are much more substances harmful to the body in them than in a jar of vegetables with the addition of one aspirin tablet.

You can roll up a cold snack without acetylsalicylic acid. However, storage will be short-lived. But it doesn't scare me, because my adjichka never lingers on the table.

In my family, adjika is simply adored and every time they ask for more. Therefore, I close several dozen jars every summer. I use several recipes to diversify my daily meals. Today I will introduce you to four proven ways to roll adjika for the winter.

Adjika for the winter from pepper and tomatoes. Hot workpiece

It is very simple to prepare such adjika. In winter, you will thank yourself for the time spent and for such a delicious treat. When you urgently want something spicy and fragrant, you shouldn't run to the store at all. It is enough to get a jar of bright adjichka and enjoy it.

Now I will introduce you to the hot method of cooking this blank. That is, we will cook adjika and then immediately pour it into cans.


  1. a pound of ripe tomatoes;
  2. 3-5 cloves of garlic (depending on size);
  3. 200 grams of red sweet pepper (weighed in a seed-free form);
  4. 200 grams of onions;
  5. 3-4 peeled carrots;
  6. 4-5 hot pepper pods;
  7. half a glass of sugar;
  8. 2 teaspoons of salt
  9. half a teaspoon of ground ginger;
  10. half a glass of vegetable oil;
  11. a glass of apple cider vinegar;
  12. coriander and paprika optional;
  13. a few pieces of peas and cloves.

Cooking steps:

All vegetables must first be washed and dried. They need to be cut into pieces of such a size that they fit in a meat grinder.

If you want a sharper adjika, it is better not to remove the seeds from the hot pepper.

Tomatoes are better for soft, sweet and ripe. They determine the thickness and consistency of the sauce.

1. Pass all prepared vegetables through a meat grinder. Better to skip alternately. That is, not all the tomatoes at once, then the peppers, and so on. I do this - first I scroll through a few slices of tomato, then a couple of peppers, carrots, etc. Thus, the mass will be easier to mix until smooth.

2. Add all seasonings except vinegar and oil. Put on high heat and boil for about half an hour, so that the mass thickens slightly and evaporates unnecessary water. After that, pour in the oil, mix it well and simmer for another hour and a half. The mixture should not boil, but literally bubble a little.

3. Pour vinegar and boil with it for another 15-20 minutes. After that, the adjika is ready.

4. Pour the prepared mass into prepared jars directly while hot. Be careful! Screw on the covers and turn upside down. Leave them as they are until they cool. Better yet, cover with warm material. Then the jars can already be taken away for storage.

Georgian adjika for the winter without cooking with acetylsalicylic acid

Aspirin in raw adjika acts as a preservative. It is important to observe proportions in order to prevent short-term storage or an overabundance of the substance.

Acetylsalicylic acid should be added in a ratio of 40 tablets per 10 liters of finished product. That is, as soon as you skip all the necessary vegetables, the mass must be weighed and after that add aspirin.

You can store such a product in a regular cellar or other cool room.


  1. sweet pepper - 1 kilogram (any color);
  2. 3 heads of garlic;
  3. half a liter of tomato paste;
  4. 3 hot pepper pods;
  5. 3 tablespoons of vinegar (9%);
  6. half a glass of granulated sugar;
  7. 2 tablespoons of coarse salt (no slide);
  8. a pound of parsley;

The range of products is minimal and especially available in the summer season.

Cooking steps:

Peel the entrails from the sweet pepper and remove the tail. Cut into pieces of such a size that it is convenient to pass through a meat grinder. Peel the garlic. You just need to cut off the tail from the hot pepper, you do not need to remove the seeds.

1. Pass all prepared peppers, herbs and garlic through a fine nozzle of a meat grinder. It is better to skip them in portions, one at a time. That is, first a third of the harvested sweet peppers, then 1 bitter pod, a third of parsley and a few cloves of garlic. And so 3 times. Can be divided into more parts. This will make the mass easier to stir.

2. Once all the food has been chopped, mix them well to get an even mass.

3. Add all other ingredients to the mass, except for oil and aspirin. Stir long and diligently. After that, you need to weigh the future adjika in order to accurately determine the required number of tablets. In this case, you should get about 3 kilograms, taking into account half a glass of vegetable oil.

4. Pour oil into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add it to the mixture immediately afterwards and stir.

5. After adding the oil, crush the required amount of acetylsalicylic acid, in our case, this is 11 tablets. The tablets should be ground into flour. Add them to the mass and stir very thoroughly.

6. Adjika is ready to move to jars. They must first be sterilized and the lids must be boiled. After seaming, store the snack in a cool and dry place.

Adjika recipe for the winter without cooking and aspirin

A recipe dish without cooking and adding acetylsalicylic acid can also last all winter if you prepare it correctly and handle the container for storage. In addition, such a workpiece should only be stored in the refrigerator, in the basement it will deteriorate faster. You will learn one more secret of long storage right now ...


  1. a kilogram of sweet Bulgarian pepper;
  2. 3-4 pods of hot red pepper;
  3. a pound of ripe tomatoes;
  4. 1 head of garlic;
  5. 50 milliliters of white wine vinegar;
  6. salt - about 2 tablespoons (to taste).

Cooking steps:

As a variation, we will prepare this recipe with a blender. You can also use a meat grinder if you wish.

1.Wash the tomatoes, wipe off moisture drops and cut into small pieces. Transfer them to a blender bowl. Add peeled cloves of garlic and hot pepper to them. Beat until smooth.

2. Bell peppers need to be freed from seeds and crumbled into small pieces in the same way. They also need to be chopped in a blender to a mushy state. Combine tomato mixture and liquid peppers.

3. Add salt and vinegar and stir very well with a wooden spoon. Stir adjika in this way 2 times a day for five days. After each stirring, cover the dishes with adjika with a loose lid or saucer. In no case should you cover it with cling film or close it tightly, since the dish needs oxygen access.

After 5 days of storage and timely stirring, adjika is ready for filling into cans. They must be washed and sterilized without fail. This adjika will last all winter.

Have a nice blank!

Video - Adjika for the winter, mom's recipes

Cooking adjika, as you already understood, is easy and quick. Moreover, if you have your own summer cottage and a little extra peppers and tomatoes. In winter, at the dinner table, while tasting a sandwich with home-made fragrant adjika, you will thank yourself 100 times for the time spent in the summer.

For a variety, you can add apples, zucchini, or any other suitable ingredient to the dish. Do not be afraid to experiment and delight your loved ones with delicious and delicious homemade delicacies!

Good for you, long-stored blanks!