That from chips. Making chips not from potatoes

11.12.2020 Restaurant Notes.

In stores, whole departments are assigned to popular "yummy" - potato chips. Advertising from TV screens every day convinces youth that the party without chips will not be so fun. We are offered to charge "energy" very dubious origin. And it seems everyone knows about the dangers of chips, but continue to absorb them in incredible quantities. And their main consumers are teenagers and young people. So what is potato chips? And can they be useful?

Tell me what you eat and i will tell you than you are sick



These words can be fully attributed to the product that today is called potato chips. In fact, this, with the permission to say, the delicacy has not yet had anything to do with what it was produced in the year before last. Then it was really thin slices of potatoes, roasted in oil with the addition of salt. Today it is a modified starch, wheat flour and many chemical additives to make chips dense, give them the desired taste, extend the shelf life. To illustrate the entire palette of harmful substances, we will show that they add to the finished chips to give them the taste.

Table: Substances contained in chips, and their effect on the body

Chemical additives Impact on the body
LactoseContraindicated to people suffering from allergies to her.
Sodium glutamate (taste amplifier) \u200b\u200b- E 621It causes allergies, in large quantities leads to the thinning of the retina of the eye and can cause blindness.
Sodium Guanilla (Taste Amplifier) \u200b\u200b- E 627It is dangerous for newborns, contraindicated as an additive for children up to 12 years old, asthmatic and people suffering from gout.
Inosinate sodium (flavor softener) - E 631Causes sharp drops of arterial pressure in hypertensive, contraindicated with asthma and gout.
Calcium orthophosphate (acidity regulator) - E 641A little learned substance that causes the disease of the digestive organs. Acts as carcinogen and contributes to the accumulation of harmful cholesterol.
Sodium orthophosphate (acidity regulator) - E 339With constant use, calcium is washed from bone tissues, changes the exchange of mineral salts, causes disorders of the digestive system.

This table shows the most dangerous synthetic additives. Of course, there are norms of their safe use. But, if you consider, in what quantities people eat potato chips, you can only assume how much this chemistry is accumulated daily in their body. Especially since three of them are taste amplifiers - are contained in almost all chips in full.

We will continue the "mournful" list of what contain potato chips. For their production uses:

  • dehydrated or frozen potatoes in puree;
  • wheat gluten;
  • soy and potato starch (often modified);
  • unrefined oil - corn, soy, palm, less often sunflower.

The reasons for using such raw materials are quite explained - cheapening the cost of production. Whereas in stores potato chips are not suiced, and they are also declared as a natural product. But the use of cheap raw materials turned out to be insufficient, and manufacturers began to save on oil, or rather, on his quality. What does it turn around for the consumer? But what - when frying ready-made chips, oil rarely change. In addition, the ingredients used are formed by heating extremely hazardous compounds, in particular, acrylamide is a substance contained in the entire fast food undergoing thermal processing. It is formed when heated carbohydrates up to 120 ° C. Acrylamide is a carcinogen.

The dose of up to 1 μg per day is considered to be relatively safe. It is contained in just 0.5 g of chips. This means that its maintenance even in a small pack (28 g) of this product exceeds the maximum allowable level of 56 times!

And now a few words about nutritional value. Chips are a high-calorie product. Range of KBJI values \u200b\u200bare taken for the most popular varieties.

Table: Nutritional value of potato chips

Even the most "low-calorie" chips contain an almost fourth part of the daily need of the body in energy resources. But the most unpleasant that these calories are "empty". They do not give the body of those substances that need it for work.

Are chips useful?

We believe that the answer is obvious. You can only talk about the safety of their use, but not about the benefits. Without much harm to the body, you can eat no more than one small pack of chips 2 times a month. It should not go about any daily eating this product (if you, of course, take care of your health). And again I want to turn to the words of the hippocrat: "Most of the diseases comes from the fact that we introduce yourself."

"Imagine yourself" better home chips that you can make your own hands. Then they are definitely not harm, but even some benefits are possible.


So what harm do potato chips apply? Their regular non-harmony use is extremely dangerous for children and adolescents. Harmful substances accumulated in their organism in a few years can "shoot" hazardous diseases:

  • obesity as a result of metabolic disorders;
  • the threat of diabetes mellitus (because the pancreas suffer greatly);
  • gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • formation of malignant tumors;
  • increasing cholesterol and early development of cardiovascular diseases.

The constant consumption of chips can reduce the level of testosterone in the body, worsen the quality of sperm and disrupt the reproductive function.

Negatively affect chips and women. Their consumption subsequently may affect the production of breast milk.

Fatty acid transisomers contained in potato chips lead to a disorder of the nervous system and reduce immunity.


A categorical contraindication for the use of chips produced by industrial way is children's age, pregnancy and lactation period. You can not eat them and people suffering:

  • diabetes;
  • cardiac and vascular diseases;
  • gout;
  • asthma;
  • allergies;
  • dish and stomach diseases;
  • obesity.

Is it possible to gain weight from chips?

Of course! Moreover, it is inevitably if there are them every day. Starch, which and falls on all grams of carbohydrates, is rapidly processed by the body in glucose, and its excess is deposited in the liver. When it accumulates the glycogen stock that needs it, they will start turning into fat deposits.

Chips during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Premenhenev and deciding to preserve the child, any sensible woman should reconsider his diet and eliminate harmful food from it. First of all, it concerns such products as chips. Unfortunately, many cannot deny themselves in pleasure and continue at least sometimes there are them. In this case it is useful to know which consequences can cause similar weakness:

  • chips will contribute to the set of unnecessary weight;
  • they will cause heartburn and strengthening toxicosis in early terms;
  • the large content of salt will cause the formation of edema in late terms and provokes the rise of blood pressure.

In addition, the placenta is not a reliable obstacle to penetrate the child of harmful chemistry contained in chips. At the same time, every woman knows how sometimes during pregnancy, the body requires some "nasty". Such an unbearable desire can be satisfied with a small number of chips (several pieces), and then only on the third trimester and in the absence of edema and problems with heartburn. And it is better to prepare them at home.

During breastfeeding, potato chips must be completely excluded from the diet. With Mother's Mother, the kid receives the entire dose of harmful substances that are contained in them. The result is disorder of digestion and allergic reactions.

The use of chips of a nursing mom can cause a child from the child, the Svetka Quince is the most severe reaction to food allergies.

If you are not able to abandon completely from this harmful meal, you can afford to use chips only after a child is 4 months and he does not have any allergies. A permissible dose is 100 g per day and no more than 2 times a month.

Chips in the diet of children

Once I tried chips, the children are very quickly "sitting" on them and often embark on their parents along with sweets. Parents, unable to refuse to love their loved ones, go for him. This is completely unacceptable, because the consequences of the use of chips for the child are unpredictable. They have nothing that would be useful for a children's body, and the harm from them we described in previous chapters. The worst thing is that the constant unlimited use of chips can slow down the growth of the child and provoke gastritis, heart problems and obesity. Ideally, children before school age should not even suspect the existence of chips.

Dependence on chips

Manufacturers add chemical taste amplifiers to chips. As a result, natural food is perceived as absolutely fresh. The brain, accustomed to taste additive, begins to demand that food from which a person enjoys. This inevitably leads to food dependency. It, of course, cannot be compared with narcotic, but it is quite difficult to get rid of it from it.

Can acne and diarrhea be the result of eating chips?

How can you! Food additive E 339 (acidity regulator) just causes disorders of durability with diarrhea. With constant eating chips, all organs of the gastrointestinal tract suffer, so the liquid chair may be the result of the disorder of the liver and the pancreas.

As for acne, the person is reflected in the first place the disorder of the intestinal and metabolism. Chips are fatty food, and it leads to an increase in skin fatty, failures in the work of sebaceous glands and, as a result, to the appearance of acne.

How to cook potato chips at home?

If you want to pamper yourself with crispy slices, make chips yourself. The process is long and time-consuming, but it happens that "hunting will be in the forest." So, two ways to prepare home chips.

Chips in boiling oil

For the preparation of one portion, 1 potatoes will need 1 potato. It is desirable that it be without the eyes, otherwise slices will turn out uneven and ugly. Purified potatoes are cut by thin slices, better vegetable cutter. Then they need to be rinsed from excess starch in cold water - so they will not stick together during frying. Washed potatoes for drying on a paper towel and at this time, put the container with vegetable oil on fire. It should be so much so that it covers potatoes by 2 - 3 cm. In the boiled oil, add slices one by one. Cooking time is determined by the appearance of chips. If they purchased golden color, then ready. Let's drag fat by posting chips on a paper towel, and add salt to taste.

Spices can use any, but better to refuse them, especially if you are preparing a delicacy for children.

Chips in the oven

Preparation for baking is similar to the one that is described in the first recipe. Cover the baking sheet with bakery and lubricate it with vegetable oil. Slices themselves, too, sprinkle with butter and gently mix. Chips must be put on the sheet so that they do not come into contact with each other. Place the baking sheet in the hot oven and bake potatoes at 200 ° C until golden color. Ready chips Spare to taste. They are less fat, so they are preferable for children.

Video: 10 facts about chips

Returning to the hippocrates, let's say that the wisdom of life is to know the measure in everything. Take care of yourself and the health of your children. There is nothing more important in life than their well-being.

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Chips are an extremely popular view of light snacks. The cumulative world market for the sale of this product is assessed in more than $ 4 billion. Why and how bad chips for adults and children are? Why can not eat chips? Is it possible to poison this snack and how often it is recommended to use it with modern nutritionists? You will read about this and many other things in our article.

Production and composition of the popular view of light snacks

Chips, as you know, are different. The main overwhelming majority of this type of product is potatoes, but they also make it from different root plates and even fruits.

Classic product recipe has been developed by a cook George Kramom Back in the 1850s, it is very thinly chopped potatoes, just roasted in fryer according to the standard technology "Potatoes". For more than a century and a half, large manufacturers of semi-finished products and snacks have significantly modified the composition of the product in order to simplify and reduce its mass release.

The exact recipe for the most famous market players is a commercial secret. Usually, the potato itself in the product is no longer more than 40-50 percent - The rest is replaced by the additives. Such additions include risk, wheat, corn and other ingredients of this series, as well as special inclusions in the form of spices, taste amplifiers, preservatives and substances that allow for a long time to preserve the form and consistency of the product.

Of all the necessary ingredients, a slurry is created, which is later pressed, is repeated, it is twisted and cuts, after which it is fried in the fryer, it is dry, processed by powdered or liquid flavoring flavors, is packaged by packs.

Harm chips for health

Modern nutritionists and numerous separate profile specialists include chips to the most harmful to health snacks. The main negative moments of the influence of chips on the body:

  • High overall calorie. The average energy value of chips ranges from 500 to 750 kcal / 100 grams of the product, which is a kind of record among all snacks. The well-known "beer belly" for men does not cause any beer itself as a drink, but a tasty, but extremely calorie addition. Behind the evening, in a bar or house, along with you can easily use up to 200 grams of chips, without even noticing this, which in itself is the minimum of the daily dose of the recommended dietary energy value, and regular events provoke obesity;
  • Transjira. Modern producers of chips proudly report on the absence of cholesterol in their products, but do not specify the type of polyunsaturated fats, most of which (and this is about 10-15 percent of the total mass of the product) are in transconfiguration. According to global statistical research of WHO, transjira significantly increase the probability of developing cardiovascular diseases, increase the risk of developing oncological diseases and violate the work of a number of metabolic processes, including inhibiting the functions of prostaglandins, testosterone and cytochrome oxidase;
  • Potential carcinogenic effect. The specificity of the production cycle of most enterprises producing modern chips suggests a relatively long stage of their frying (from 30 seconds to 1 minute). In this case, the thermal processing of the starchy product (with the 5-15 seconds recommended) provokes the formation of acrylamide - monomeric amide acrylic acid, potential carcinogen. Moreover, about 10 percent of it, when entering the body, disintegrates with the formation of glycidamide - several more dangerous compounds with a proven toxic effect;
  • Numerous additives. Salt in large quantities, sodium glutamate, powerful flavors and other additional ingredients can not be considered useful or even neutral for the human body.

Than harmful chips for children

Chips love not only adult men, but also children - crispy and fragrant pieces in bright packaging are becoming a welcome acquisition in the store. A child often uses this product, exposes its health even greater risk than an adult.

The regular use of chips by children negates all the principles of healthy rational nutrition, provokes the development of obesity, as well as a violation of the metabolism.

In addition, the results of the frying of the product in the fryer in production are made of the frying of the product in fryer - they are formed, some of which are counted for carcinogenic.

They can accumulate over time and provoke the development of the pathologies of the cardiovascular, urinary system, violate the work of the liver, create prerequisites (to perform one of the provoking factors) development of malignant tumors.



Despite all the possible pathological problems and the harmfulness of chips associated with their use, this snack still remains very popular and is not limited to distribution. What is the reason? The main feature is the frequency of product use.

If there are extremely rare chips, then no negative symptoms will naturally appear - the individual system of the human body is well coped with the filtering function and simply neutralize the potential health threat.

However, the chips are dangerous than regularly eats a snack described above, combining it with no less harmful additions, the higher the chances of forming medium-term and long-term consequences, the most typical of which are:

  • Obesity with a resistant disorder of metabolism in the body;
  • Various allergic manifestations, including both local rashes by type of urticaria and systemic reactions, up to the pathologies of the autoimmune spectrum;
  • Resistant violations work cardiovascular system with an increase in the risk of atherosclerosis and heart attack;
  • Frequent dyspeptic disorders, disorders of the digestive process with the development of gastritis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Potential danger Education and development of cancer processes.

How often can you use chips without harm to the body? Nutritionists recommend doing it as much as possible. Naturally, if a person eats 1 small bundle every six months, then there will be no negative consequences and harm to the body. However, when chips are used several times a week or even a day for months - this is a good reason to worry about your own health.

What chips are the most harmful

As mentioned above - chips are different from the technology of their production, as well as the presence of a number of substances depends on the degree of harmful products in general.

  • Homemade chipsit can be attributed to the most harmless chips for the human body, since they are made of natural product (in particular 100 percent potatoes) and are usually roasted not in boiling oil, but in a pan or classic drying with the addition of a small amount of salt;

Can be allergic to chips?

Allergies to chips - a typical problem with both regular and rarely use of this product. Similar to this individual components of the product added during its production.

In most cases, a person has classic signs of food allergies with local rash, gastrointestinal disorders, however, systemic reactions are sometimes diagnosed, up to autoimmune responses.

The problem in the situation described may cause:

  • Potatoes Or starch based on it. Sometimes it is found in people who are prone to food allergies;
  • Butter on a vegetable basis. Production is commonly used vegetable oil based on corn, sunflower, rapeseed or olives, which can act as a potential allergen;
  • Lactic acid. Chips in minor quantities contain milk acid and lactose, which can cause pathological manifestations in the intolerance of these components;
  • Additives. Glutamate and sodium guanilla, paprika, pepper, onion garlic and cheese powder, various synthetic flavors also provoke allergies with regular use.

Product poisoning and help for intoxication

Modern clinical practice regularly identifies cases of poisoning by chips around the world - this trend is not massive, but from time to time is diagnosed in patients treated with complaints of dyspeptic disorders. It is possible to poison this products in the following situations:

  • Failure to comply with the right technology within the framework of the production cycle. The use of new unverified recipes in the production of chips, various violations of biological safety techniques, poor sealing of packages, leading to development inside the product of fungal and bacterial infections, other factors may affect the final quality of the product;
  • Incorrect storage of chips. Under the storage conditions, chips have a fairly long expiration. However, if they are broken (too high humidity in warehouses, finding packages for a long time under direct sunlight and so on), then no one can designate the exact time of possible safe use of them as a snack;
  • Problems with gasts. In people who have chronic or sharp diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as children and the elderly chances of food poisoning, even suitable chips are large enough, especially if the products are used without measure.

As a rule, intoxication in chips poisoning has a moderate character without systemic pathologies and is accompanied by classic dyspecical disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain), as well as general lethargy, weakness, sometimes headache.

In the case of allergies, manifestations are more dangerous - from shortness of breath before appearing in feces, urine, vomiting the masses of bloody inclusions. The hospitalization of the victim in the separation of intensive therapy is necessary.

Possible actions at home:

  • Stomach wash;
  • Use of sorbents;
  • Bed mode;
  • Abundant drinking in small sips.

If the symptoms of poisoning do not disappear for several daysOr progress - it is necessary to call an ambulance aid.

In his opinion, potatoes. The cook of this fashionable establishment had an excellent sense of humor and decided to swallow over Vanderbilt. He chopped potatoes with very thin slices, and roasted in oil so that he began to crunch.

To the surprise of the cook, the milliona liked the dish, and the restaurant's management even added it to his menu. After some time, crisp potatoes began to release.

Chemical composition of chips

Chips of any manufacturers are harmful to health, due to its composition. The fact is that the product was originally done from potatoes. Recently, there are practically no natural ingredients in it. Now chips are prepared from corn or wheat flour, as well as a mixture of starch. Most often it happens starch from genetically modified soy. In addition, manufacturers began to add glutamate sodium to a snack to increase the taste, and various flavors that give the product the taste of sausages, cheese, fish, shrimps, etc.
Chips are roasted in large numbers not always high-quality vegetable oil, after which carcinogens appear in the product.

A few years ago, a glycidamide was found in chips, which is able to destroy DNA.

1.. Even an absolutely healthy person will eat a bag of chips daily daily, in his month he will appear, gastritis or intestinal diseases.
2. A large amount of salt in chips violates the metabolism. And hazardous carcinogens, the number of which is exceeded 500 times can lead to cancerous tumors.
3. Excess sodium chloride disrupts bone growth and causes heart disease. Immunity decreases, liver and kidneys are destroyed.
4. The function and quality of the seed produced is deteriorating from chips. The risk of breast appearance increases.
5. The use of this product leads to the disorder of the nervous system. This is expressed in the strength of the limbs.

A longer use of a hazardous product leads to the accumulation of cholesterol and the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

The greatest damage chips bring. Parents are recommended to make every effort so that their children consume only natural healthy food, instead of a slowly poisoning the body of the delicacy.


  • Damage chips, their composition and benefit

Parents, whose children at least once tried the only slice of chips, well know how difficult it is to explain to the child that this is an unhealthy food whose abuse leads to health problems.

Indeed, a huge amount of starch, flour, taste and odor amplifiers, color stabilizers, frying in the non-coolest oil lead to diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines, cholesterol formation, diabetes, obesity and other affectable diseases. But how to explain this to the taste of the child who is offended by the "unconscious" parents who refuse to buy "delicacy"?

The problem solving options are not so much: either categorically prohibit the child and all households use of this product, suffering whims and hysterics, or cook chips on their own, retaining peace and peace in the family. Chips prepared, much different from shopping - thin, crunchy, with various additives, selected according to the individual taste of ordered delicacy, but at the same time completely harmless and delicious.

Such home chips will appreciate not only children, but also adults: for them you can cook more acute crispy snack, in contrast to the child's option. But the main difference between this delicacy from purchased chips - they are not needed to fry in oil and richly squeeze with artificial taste additives.

To prepare chips, you will need Lavash, preferably, from fresh. Lavash can be purchased ready, you can bake yourself - in any case, only water, flour, salt and some vegetable oil should be included in its composition.

Lavash spread on the work surface, lubricated with olive or vegetable oil, sprinkle with salt and spices. If the chips are prepared for children, it is best to use the dried greens that they like, but the sharp seasonings like pepper should not be added. Chips intended for adults can be acute at the expense of various types of ground pepper, saffron, garlic. The same spices affect the appearance of the delicacy: saffron gives golden color, paprika - orange-red.

With the help of a knife or kitchen scissors, a sheet of prepared pita is cut into strips, each strip - on squares or diamonds. Slices neatly laid on the baking sheet, sprinkled finely grated cheese and put in the oven heated to 180-200 degrees. As soon as the cheese starts to melt - chips are removed and poured into the cooked plate.

It should be extremely attentive and not to leave the chips unattended - the pitaash is dried very quickly, depending on the power of the oven, cooking time can vary from 2 to 5 minutes. It is recommended not to dry Lavash for too long - the cheese will acquire a bitter taste, and the edges of the chips can burn.

Video on the topic

Extremely popular, insanely tasty and even stylish product - potato chips. For many, this is one of the types of snack, easily accessible and very nutritious. He who loves to eat or at times allows you to delight yourself with this delicacy, should understand what harm it is for its body.


The amplifier of taste, added to the chips, has no harmful effect on the body in small doses. It is present in many products such as, for example, mushrooms and meat in small quantities, is well absorbed and has a natural origin.

But with the use of a large number of food containing glutamate sodium, human can develop neuroses, breaking the sleep and occur liver disease.

Fat in chips

Frying in itself does not add product of beneficial properties, but it is also important to understand that the fat used in production is cheap.

Cheap refined fat is cleaned with the help of chemicals and traces of these chemicals inevitably remain in oil in small quantities. Consequently, they also fall into the food.

Combination with other products

Potatoes are a product with a large carbohydrate content, in particular starch. Starch is processed in the body in sugar. This process takes a long time, since starch is thick and slowly absorbed into the blood. Therefore, the starch is called a long carbohydrate.

Often chips are used with sweet carbonated drinks and low alcohol drinks like beer or cider. It is important to understand that alcohol is also processed in sugar in the body. So these drinks are mostly fast carbohydrates.

Such a combination of fast and long carbohydrates, gives saturation of the body above the norm. This is a direct way to obesity, diabetes and problems with vessels.


Chips can be eating sauces like Ketchup or Curry Sauce, mayonnaise or cheese sauce.

All listed have a large sugar content in their composition. And many of them contain additionally starch to thicken the sauce.

The only sugar sauce is mayonnaise. If in its composition and there is sugar, then its number is very small. But there is another side of the medal, the high content of all the same cheap fat.

Some of us, in your free time and home trouble, love to lie down with the TV and see your favorite TV series or TV shows. But few people can lie calmly, most need something to bother or hurt something. Therefore, I return home, we, along with the necessary products, capture the pack of chips or crackers. The habit developed by months is the habit of the TV is affected by the state of health, and the use of chips, snacks and crackers only exacerbate the situation.

So why chips and crackers are considered harmful products?

In the process of preparation of such appetizers, quite a lot of vegetable oil is used, which does not change after each portion, and, it means, some amount of carcinogens fall into food. As a result of such a preparation, the product becomes not just harmful, but also dangerous, since in oil there are many not the necessary fats and various chemical compounds.

To give a dish taste and fragrance, the manufacturer adds a variety of different dyes and flavors. One of the most harmful substances is the glutamate sodium, which is addictive and provokes us to use such food more and more.

During the preparation of chips, snacks and crackers, a large amount of salt is used, an excess that extremely negatively affects the condition of the body as a whole. Salt provokes a fluid delay by disturbing the water-salt balance, causing swelling and slowing down the metabolism. With regular use of such food, a person may develop obesity, problems with the cardiovascular system will appear, hypertension will develop.

Naturally, not frequent and in moderate quantities, the use of such products of great harm to health will not apply, but eating even a small portion, a person does not notice that over time he needs more and more prohibitive meals.


Once upon a time, chips were made exclusively from potatoes and were less harmful than in modern times. This fact is due primarily to an increase in demand for this product, and as it is known, demand gives rise to a sentence.

And to the great regret, many manufacturers in pursuit of enrichment do not think about the quality of the product produced, and as a result, forget about the most important thing about the life and health of their consumer. That chips are harmful to know each.

Nowadays in stores, you can find such a product from natural potatoes, but it is harmful to the human body, since cheap vegetable oils are used for their roasting, which contain unnecessary calories, toxins and carcinogens (for example, palm oil).

If you use these substances to eat systematically, then this can provoke the development of cancer.

Harmful and dangerous chips contain 500 kcal per 100 g, it is usually half of the daily diet of a healthy person. In their composition there is a large proportion of fats, which makes them harmful and for the shape. Thus, the excessive use of such a product often leads to obesity.

Moreover, their composition also includes numerous taste additives, which is essentially chemicals. This appears dependence, which forces a person to use harmful organisms chips in an incommensurable quantity.

What are the chips are dangerous today?

In modern times, almost any manufacturer of chips uses GMO (genetically modified) potatoes, which is a very disastrous product for the human body. And GMO, in turn, destroys immunity and is the cause of various diseases, including cancer.

How harmful chips and how their use affects the body of an adult is quite clear, but what kind of "favor" are they delivering to children?

Harm to children

Harmful and absolutely not necessary chipses chips will never enter the diet of the child if his parents are competent people. This product leads to diseases of obesity, annoy the gastrointestinal tract, sharply food needs, cause allergies, worsen liver and kidney activities, etc.

Good parents never subjected to their child with such risks.

The most harmful substances

1. passionous acid transisomers.

  • reduce immunity;
  • increase the risk of infertility, diabetes, glaucoma;
  • violate the metabolism;
  • increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Transisomers are always in any quantities, even in small doses. In many states, in the case of the use of this substance in the manufacture of any products, the manufacturer must indicate this on the packages at mandatory.

In this case, a possible percentage of transzomer content is not more than 1%, and in 100 g of harmful chips, their content is as much as 60%. One fact answers the question of why chips are extremely harmful and indicates that it is simply impossible to use them.

2. Acrylamide (Popenamide)

  • strikes the liver;
  • rapidly violates the activity of the nervous system.

Making chips not from potatoes

To date, more and more often, manufacturers create harmful and contraindicated chips not from potatoes, but from various mixtures of starch, containing GMOs, flour (corn, wheat) and soy. And the smell of potatoes in this case is attached to flavors.

The assortment includes: bacon, mushrooms, paprika and many others. Therefore, the chips are harmful to their work (not from potatoes).

Contraindications to use

  • people with diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • people who have problems with weight and metabolism;
  • people who have suspicion of oncological diseases during the examination;
  • people who have increased blood cholesterol;
  • people in one degree or another suffering from diabetes.

And harmful chips, mainly children. Up to 12 years, chips are simply contraindicated with nutritionists around the world.

If still an uncontrollable desire to buy this "useful" product, then follow the attention to one moment - their price. The cheaper, the more harmless.

This is explained by the fact that less nutritional additives, chemicals, flour, and potatoes are cheaper than all of the above additives at its cost.

Accordingly, it can be assumed that just cheap chips are most likely made of potatoes.

Publication date: 02/15/2012

Chips are one of the harmful products on Earth. To this conclusion, many researchers have come long ago who have brought them into a group of risk products. And, probably, few people who still do not know about it. Let's figure the chips harmful?

Yes, because this product is a mixture of fats with carbohydrates with the addition of flavoring substitutes, salts, dyes and sugars. And especially harmful are chips produced from potato flour, and not from solid potatoes. There is no benefit in the form of minerals or vitamins in this product at all.

Of course, the potato itself is a useful product for the human body. But the process of its processing in this case leads to the loss of all useful substances, and instead, only harmful properties are purchased, carcinogenic.

To figure out more detail than harmful chips, consider the technology of their production. So, chips are frying not on sunflower oil, according to many, but on special technical fat. Such fats lead to an increase in the human level of cholesterol, increase the likelihood of atherosclerosis, as well as a heart attack and stroke. In addition, having carcinogenic properties, fats that are contained in this product and which are called hydrogenated, even cancerous diseases can cause.

Why are the chips harmful yet? Because they contain a lot of salt. And this, firstly, violates the natural metabolism in the human body, secondly, prevents the normal growth of bone tissue, thirdly, causes problems with the cardiovascular system. Especially cautiously to chips should be hypertensive, since this product can increase pressure. After all, the fact that in large concentrations of salt contributes to the detention in the water body, thereby increasing the amount of blood as a result of which the blood pressure increases. It is not recommended to use chips also to people who have problems with the kidneys.

If you believe the allegations of scientists, then chips contain such a molecule as a transzymeer. She, falling into the human body, contributes to some extent a decrease in testosterone level. This is a hormone that is responsible for the sexual functions of the male population. For women, this molecule is also unsafe, because adversely affects the lactic glands, increasing the risk of breast cancer by about 30-40 percent. Also, her hitting the female organism can worsen the quality of milk in nursing mothers and increase the likelihood of birth of children with a small weight.

It is very harmful to this product for people having problems with unnecessary kilograms. After all, the content in the chips and carbohydrate chips (starch) is very high. So, 100 grams of chips are about 550 kilocalories. In addition, various flavors and dyes, which are simply impregnated with each piece of product, some people can cause allergies. And in addition to all, as many scientists found out, chips can cause addictory.

After reading this article on the question "are harmful to chips?" You can give a definite answer: yes, of course! And whether there are them, and give it to their children, let him decide for himself.

Select the estimate is not entirely partially yes as a whole - yes yes