Plum tart recipe. French Pie Tarte Tatin with Plums - step by step recipe with photo how to cook it

In fact, under a beautiful and mysterious name, there is a wonderful shifter pie loved by many culinary specialists and sweet tooth. There is a version that this sweet pastry was invented by the sisters Stephanie and Caroline Tatin, the owners of a small French restaurant. In the original version, Tarte Tatin is made with apples, but the delicate butter-short pastry goes well with caramel plums. And a few dry cloves or fresh rosemary leaves will turn a simple pastry into a gourmet dessert.

Recipe Information

Cuisine: French.

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 4-6 servings .


for the test:

  • flour of the highest grade - 1 cup
  • white granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • cold butter - 100 g
  • ground nutmeg - a little
  • egg (yolk + protein) - 1 pc.
  • dry white wine - 2-3 tablespoons
  • salt - a pinch


  • large plums with a small stone - 8-10 pcs.
  • cane sugar - 2-3 tablespoons
  • butter - 1 tablespoon
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch
  • rosemary or dry cloves.

How to make Plum Tarte Tatin

  1. We prepare the dough: chop the flour sifted twice and cold butter with a knife to a state of large crumbs for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Add a chilled chicken egg and pour in ice dry wine.

  3. Quickly knead the dough, shape it into a ball, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

  4. Prepare the filling: put a piece of butter in a frying pan and pour the cane sugar. When the sugar dissolves in the butter, pour in the pitted plums, cut into slices. Sprinkle plums with fresh rosemary needles or dry cloves.

    Tip: Plums can be chopped coarsely or even left whole halves.

  5. Cook the plums over high heat for about 3-4 minutes until the plums begin to caramelize. During the frying process, I recommend not to mix the plums, but to shake the pan slightly to save the slices.

  6. Transfer plums in caramel with rosemary to a baking dish, previously greased with butter. Cool at room temperature.

  7. Roll out the chilled dough between two layers of cling film (so that it does not stick to the rolling pin). Carefully and carefully cover the caramelized plums with the resulting circle of dough.

  8. Send the form with the formed tart tatin to a heated oven and bake for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 220-230C. I recommend covering the top with foil - the dough will rise slightly and bake quickly. Transfer the finished pie with plums upside down to a dish immediately. To do this, cover the form with a dish and quickly turn it over. Ready Tarte Tatin with plums looks something like this:
  9. French Tarte Tatin with Kuban plums is best served chilled. This sweet cake can be topped with whipped cream, a scoop of ice cream, or soft cheese like Mascarpone/Ricotta. Enjoy your meal!

If you decide to treat your guests with an exquisite, but at the same time uncomplicated dessert, then plum tart is the best for this. It will not take you much time, but everyone who has tried it will then remember for a long time and tell friends and relatives about your culinary talents.

What is a tart?

This is a typical dish. French cuisine. Tart with plums is made from a special shortcrust pastry, as a rule, neither sugar nor salt is used to knead it.

In French cuisine, tart can be not only a dessert, but also a main dish on the table, if you add meat, cheese, vegetables, fish or mushrooms instead of berries and fruits. The process of baking this pie resembles the preparation of a classic pizza - in the form of a regular flatbread. Molds for baking or cakes can also be used.

If you are preparing a meat, fish or vegetable tart, then the filling must be poured with a creamy egg mass. Among the sweet types of this pie, the most popular are those with the addition of apples, cherries, raspberries and, of course, plums.

Varieties of tarts

A tarte doesn't have to be a big pie. There are many variations of this dish in French cuisine.

If you decide to bake it in small molds, you will get well-known tartlets. They must be small, a maximum of 10 centimeters in diameter, the base must consist of shortcrust pastry. The filling can be anything - meat, fish, vegetable salads, caviar, cherry jam, assorted berries.

Another variety - tartinki - are tarts that are cooked in the oven immediately after laying firewood. This is already an old recipe, today it is practically not used anymore.

Also, these pies can be baked in ovens and barbecues. If you decide to use the latter option, you will get an unforgettable French tart with smoky plums.

What do you need for plum tart?

In order to prepare this delicious cake, you will need a simple set of products. For 8 servings of a delicious tart, you need the following ingredients.

Butter, about 100 grams. Refrigerate the plum tart before you start making it. One egg yolk. Quite a bit of sugar - about 20 grams, which is about four teaspoons without a slide. Wheat flour - at least 200 grams.

Remember that during the cooking process you will need two tablespoons of ice water, prepare it in advance. One tablespoon of lemon juice.

To prepare the main thing - the filling, take about 150 grams of yogurt, it is better to take unsweetened one so that the tart tatin pie with plums turns out with its own individual taste. Two eggs, one egg white, 130 grams of sugar, two tablespoons of starch.

And, of course, the most important ingredient is plums. You will need about half a kilo, spend time in the market or in the store to choose the ripe and freshest.

Cooking the dough

When all the ingredients for making a plum tart are at hand, you need to start by getting shortcrust pastry.

Cut the pre-chilled butter into cubes, they should be quite small in size. If your butter is melted, then this problem can be solved by sending it to the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

Sift the flour and add to the diced butter. We send sugar and a pinch of salt to taste there. The resulting mixture is thoroughly rubbed with an ordinary tablespoon or use a food processor.

You will get a thick mixture in which you need to make a small depression in which we lay out the egg yolk. Mix again with a tablespoon.

Ultimately, you should have a butter-flour mixture. It is important that it be crumbly, only in this case you will achieve the correct and tasty shortcrust pastry.

Cooking next tart tatin with plum. Mix ice water with lemon juice. Gradually add the dough to this liquid, without ceasing to mix everything thoroughly. Now you have the dough in your hands in the form of a nice elastic lump. It must be wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator. There it should lie for at least half an hour.

Cooking stuffing

To prepare a delicious filling, you will need a deep glass bowl. To make the tarte tatin with plums pie with a rich taste and aroma, make a dressing filling.

To do this, mix yogurt, sugar, both eggs, one protein and starch. Beat the resulting mixture with a whisk. It can be replaced with a mixer, only in this case the speed should be very small. Achieve a homogeneous mass.

Bake a pie

Now we proceed directly to baking our pie. Carefully spread the dough over the entire surface of your chosen baking dish. The sides should not be very large, no higher than three centimeters in height.

Wash the plums, remove the pits and cut them in half. Lay them out on the dough. Top with filling, evenly distributing it throughout the cake.

Tarte tatin with plums should be baked in the oven. The recipe advises to preheat it, and then send it for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. Readiness can be determined by the state of the fill, it should be as thick as possible.

After the cake is required to cool directly in the baking dish. Only then can it be transferred to a festive dish.

signature recipe

As with most pies and cakes, there is no one right recipe. Each hostess makes some changes, and eminent chefs offer their own dessert options, making them public.

Tarte tatin with plums is in exactly the same situation. The recipe with the photo that you see belongs to the famous foreign chef Jamie Oliver. What is its uniqueness?

The main difference he proposes to use in his pie is the frangipane. It is very thick. It contains butter, eggs, sugar and, of course, almonds. Frangipane is often used for all kinds of desserts, from cakes to tartlets. It gives them a special taste, while on top it is covered with a crispy crust, and inside it remains soft.

Tart with almonds

Tarta with almonds does not fundamentally differ from the classic one. You will need almost the same ingredients.

The main difference is in the process of preparing the filling. After all, it has our secret ingredient - almonds. Best of all, cooks advise to grind it into small crumbs using a combine for this. In parallel, beat the butter and sugar with a whisk or mixer until a fluffy white mass forms. Add the almonds and the beaten egg to it.

The resulting cream is thoroughly mixed and sent for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator.

In order to give the plums a piquant taste, sprinkle them with vanilla sugar and leave for 10-15 minutes to absorb its taste.

We prepare shortbread dough in the same way and, after it has been infused in the refrigerator, roll it into the correct circle over the entire baking dish. But then small differences from the classic recipe begin.

Oliver recommends making small holes in the dough with a fork or knife. pre-send in the oven for 10 minutes. The temperature should be 180 degrees.

If you are afraid that your dough may get wet from the filling, then you can play it safe. To do this, grease it with protein and put only the dough in the oven for one minute.

Then spread the plums and pour the filling. Bake for 40 minutes at the same temperature. To make the tart even tastier, it can be served with thick rustic sour cream or ice cream, vanilla is best.

I have repeatedly confessed my love for the summer. First of all, I love it because you can cook a variety of goodies from fresh and tasty berries and fruits. Here, I recently saw beautiful plums on the market, which just asked to be cooked in some kind of dessert. Of course, I couldn't pass. I immediately thought of the upside-down pie, the recipe of which had been published on the blog a long time ago. True, when shooting a video, I still changed it a little, adding notes of vanilla, increasing the number of plums and reducing the dough by a third. The result is simply incredibly tasty and tender tart, which is prepared quickly and easily.

Cooking time: 15 minutes
Baking time: 35 minutes


  • 500 g Plums (it is better to take dense and sour)
  • 120 g fine Sugar (or powdered sugar) + 10 g for caramelizing plums
  • 120 g Butter + 10 g for caramelizing plums
  • 120 g flour
  • 3-4 g baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 15-20 ml Cognac or Calvados
  • Pinch of Salt
  • almond petals for garnish

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven to 170°C.

Lubricate the form with butter, sprinkle with sugar and put in the refrigerator until the right moment.

Remove the pit from the plums and cut them into slices. As long as we put it aside.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla extract to a light creamy mass. Add melted butter in a water bath (or in a microwave), mix well. Mix flour with baking powder and sift add to the rest of the ingredients, mix again until absolutely homogeneous. Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff and gently fold into the batter.

Melt a little butter in a frying pan, add a little sugar and a little cognac for even more incredible taste and caramelize the plums over medium heat for 30-60 seconds.

We spread the plums on the bottom of the form, completely closing it. Pour the dough over the top so that it covers all the plums. We send it to the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a toothpick. We stick it into the part with the dough, if it remains dry and clean - it's ready. Do not overbake the cake, it should remain tender.

We let the finished pie stand in the form for 30 seconds, cover with a plate and quickly turn it over. So that the plums are on top, and the dough is on the bottom.

You can decorate the cake a little with almond petals, well, or whatever you wish! And if you eat it warm, you can add a ball of ice cream. Mmm… Bon appetit!

If you decide to treat your loved ones with a delicious and at the same time simple dessert, I offer a recipe for a tart with plums. Shortbread dough and juicy plums, sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, go well together. Incredibly fragrant, but at the same time very easy to prepare plum tart will appeal to your family.

We will prepare the products according to the list.

Cooking dough. Pour wheat flour into a container, add corn flour, mix.

Pour the powdered sugar, baking powder and salt, mix with a hand whisk or spoon.

Add the egg, lemon zest and chilled butter, cut into pieces. Mix until crumbs form. You can prepare this dough using kitchen appliances - for example, a food processor or a stationary mixer.

Lubricate a heat-resistant form (diameter - 26-27 cm) with a small amount of butter and lightly sprinkle with flour, or cover the bottom of the form with baking paper. Pour the resulting crumb into the prepared form. We distribute it evenly in shape, slightly crushing. Do not forget to form the sides.

Ripe, but not too soft plums are cut into halves and spread on the dough. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. We place the cake in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees and cook for 30-40 minutes, focus on your oven. As soon as the edges of the tart are browned, it can be removed from the oven.

Plum tart is ready. Let it cool completely in the form, then carefully take it out, put it on a dish and cut it into portions.

Hello dear site readers. Over the weekend, I accidentally switched the TV during the program, where Tatyana Litvinova was telling the recipe for the French tart tatin pie with plums. In the Russian-speaking Internet, such a plum pie is called a “pie with plums changeling”.

I glimpsed the program, there was no time to linger near the screen, later reviewed the recording online. Plums have been spoiled a lot this year, I have already cooked, I could not resist - I decided to cook a plum cake changeling.


For test:

  • 150 g of softened butter;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 60 ml of warm milk;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 200 g flour (I got 1⅓ cup, 250 ml cup).

For plum filling:

  • 50 g butter;
  • 0.5 stack. Sahara;
  • dense plums - about 400 g.

How to make plum pie? Step by step cooking recipe

For the dough, you need to grind soft butter with sugar.

Add the eggs one at a time to the butter mixture and stir.

Then pour in warmed, but not hot milk. Milk will give the dough softness and milky taste.

Later add flour with baking powder.

Add enough flour so that the dough is viscous, a little thicker than.

Next, you need to prepare the plum filling. This is not even a filling, but an impregnation. I don't even know how to describe it. I cooked it a little differently, not like Litvinova did in the video, later it became clear that I needed to cook it like in the video.

I put 50 g of butter in a ladle, let it melt and added a little more than half a glass of granulated sugar. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves. When this mixture began to interfere, it curled up with me and the sugar did not want to dissolve. I was even upset at first. She kept it a little longer on the fire, the sugar began to caramelize and the mass began to turn golden, but all the same, all the sugar did not melt. However, this did not affect the final result.

It is recommended to bake such a changeling cake in a form that does not open, i.e. you can not use a detachable baking dish, because the juicy filling remains at the bottom and can leak out and you will not get such a soaked dough effect. Even some housewives simplify the cooking process: the syrup is made immediately in a frying pan without a handle, and then the tart is baked in it. I took a glass fireproof container.

Cut the washed plums in half and remove the pits.

Plums should be taken dense, slightly greenish.

Of course, I don’t care where you take them, just don’t take a bad example - don’t climb into someone else’s garden. This can be costly these days. Not everyone has such good neighbors as Tanya (see video below). I used plums "Hungarian - Eel".

Lay the plums cut side down on the cooked butter syrup. While I was preparing the camera and pointing the angle, the filling crystallized again. Creamy syrup should be poured into the bottom of the container in which the cake will be baked.

It is better to spread the plums closer to each other, slightly overlapping. In the process of cooking, they decrease in size and gaps form.

Pour batter over fruit. It is desirable to level the dough so that there is no bubble in the middle when baking. Very similar to cooking charlotte.

Bake in the oven at 160-180°C for 30-40 minutes. I write the approximate cooking time. I got a tall cake, where there is a large layer of dough due to the small diameter of the mold. If you take a larger diameter, then the dough will spread more and there will be a smaller layer of dough, respectively, and the baking time will be less. Use a wooden stick to check if the pastry is done.

To turn over, you must first walk with a knife or along the edges of the cake so that they are definitely behind the form, then cover the form with the cake with a dish and turn it over with a sharp movement.

This is how the plum pie turns out, the recipe of which I told you - such an airy, delicious plum cake with a milky taste of the dough. The dough slightly reminded me of loose texture, but maybe I haven’t eaten it for a long time, and it just seemed to me. They also make such a pie with apples and pears, but I think that the plum one is still juicier.