Poultry snacks: a step by step recipe with a photo. Dishes and snacks from meat and poultry Complicated cold chicken dish

08.07.2023 Bakery

For cold appetizers, mainly tenderloin, thin or thick edges, loin, pork, lamb, veal hams and young well-fed poultry are used. Lamb fat has a high melting point and therefore cold appetizers are rarely prepared from it. Boiled and fried meat is cooled and stored at 2-6°C, peeled and cut before serving. All cold meat dishes are served with horseradish sauce or mayonnaise and a vegetable side dish.

Ham with garnish . The peeled ham ham is cut into 2-3 thin wide slices per serving, sliced ​​fresh cucumbers, fresh tomatoes and green salad are placed on the side. Horseradish sauce with vinegar, mayonnaise or mayonnaise with gherkins are served separately.

Any cold fried or boiled meat is also served. Meat jelly cut into cubes can be added to the side dish.

Assorted meat. Usually this dish includes 4-5 types of different meat products (roast beef, veal, ham, game fillets, etc.). It is served in the same way as ham with a side dish.

Fried bird . Small chickens, hazel grouses or partridges are served whole or cut near the keel bone along the carcass in half, and legs are separated from large birds and a part of the fillet is cut into wide thin slices. The legs are cut into several pieces, placed on a dish, thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfillets are fan-shaped on the legs, and around - bouquets of garnish (cucumbers, gherkins, fruits, lettuce and meat jelly). Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins is served separately.

Veal and tongue aspic . They are prepared in the same way as fish aspic, but meat jelly is used (a transparent broth drawn with a meat brace with the addition of gelatin). Pieces of meat are cut out so that the jelly layer is at least 3-5 mm around the circumference, placed on a dish, and a side dish is laid out around the bouquets: red cabbage salad, green lettuce, boiled green peas and fresh cucumbers and tomatoes cut into circles. In winter, non-feminine cucumbers, gherkins or pickles are served. Separately - horseradish sauce with vinegar.

Filled piglet. A young pig being scalded , hair is removed, dried, rubbed with flour and singeed (especially near the nose, eyes, ears and between the legs). The belly and breast are then cut open and the entrails removed. The cleaned piglet is washed in cold water, laid on its back and cut with a large knife along the interscapular part of the spine and the pelvic bone to half their height. After that, the pig in a fish boiler is poured with cold water for 6-8 hours, changing it after 2 hours and washing the pig each time beforehand.

Before cooking, the skin of the prepared pig is rubbed with lemon (or diluted citric acid ), stack backrest on a napkin and tie the ends at front and hind legs, put in a fish boiler, pour cold water and set to boil. As soon as the ox boils, reduce the heating and at the temperature of the water 90- 95°C boil a pig 1 -2 hours When a piglet is pierced with a needle to the bone of the spine between the front legs, a colorless transparent juice should appear in the finished pig .

The boiled piglet is cooled in a decoction (but in order to keep its white skin, it is better to transfer it to salted cold boiled water With food-vymdom), then cut along the spine in half and across into portions. A large oval dish is stacked with a dressed potato salad. Then chopped pieces are placed on the salad, so that a fork of a whole pig is obtained. Each piece is decorated with slices of eggs, pieces of vegetables, greens. After that, the piglet is poured completely or in the form of a mesh with transparent jelly and cooled. Bouquets of vegetable garnish and jelly cut into cubes are beautifully laid on the sides. Horseradish with sour cream is served separately.

Piglet can be poured in individual portions or served unfilled just like ham with a side dish.

Chickens and game under mayonnaise. Taken from the bones And the cleaned chicken or game fillet is stewed and cooled. Cut into small cubes (5 -6 mm) boiled carrots, potatoes , pickled cucumbers and boiled green peas seasoned with mayonnaise, placed on a dish . Bird fillets are laid out on top, covered with mayonnaise from an envelope with a scalloped neckline, decorated with brightly colored vegetables, and the rest of the vegetable garnish is laid around in bouquets.

Game cheese (fromage). They fry or boil a bird (grouse, partridge, capercaillie, black grouse, pheasants), cool it, remove meat from the bones, chop it finely, skip 2 -3 times through a meat grinder with a frequent grate , add strongly softened or slightly melted butter, grated cheese, beat well with a mixer. Salt is added to the mass, red pepper Madeira, nutmeg, mix well .

In the form they make a "shirt" of meat jelly, on which brightly colored products are laid out in the form of a pattern and fixed with semi-hardened jelly , then fill the mold with a pastry bag with cheese so that it for 4-5 mm did not reach the edges of the "shirt". The surface is poured with semi-hardened jelly and cooled.

Before serving, the form is dipped in hot water , are holding 3 -7 s, quickly take out, turn upside down, but at an angle of 45 °, shake and spread the cheese (fromage) on a dish . Pieces of jelly, cut or cut into beautiful shapes, and parsley sprigs are placed around the cheese. . Mayonnaise sauce is poured separately in a gravy boat

Stuffed chicken (galantine). The prepared but uncooked chicken is placed on the breast, the skin and flesh are cut lengthwise over the spine, and the skin and flesh are carefully cut off in one layer. The flesh is carefully removed from the skin, frame and legs. The fillet is cleaned of tendons and films, beaten off and placed in the middle of the removed skin. From meat of chicken and veal or low-fat pork, a knelle mass is prepared, seasoned with salt, pepper and, if desired, grated nutmeg. Then add scalded and peeled whole pistachios, cut into small cubes (5-6 mm), bacon and boiled tongue. The skin and chicken fillet are transferred to a wet napkin. Minced meat is laid on the skin and fillet in length, completely wrapped with skin in the form of a roll or carcass, the roll or carcass is rolled tightly into a napkin, the ends of the napkin are tied with twine. Then the chicken is dipped into a broth cooled to 60-70 ° C (cooked from bones, films and tendons of chicken and veal) and boiled for 60-90 minutes at a low boil. The boiled stuffed chicken is taken out on a sheet, slightly cooled, unfolded, the napkin is cleaned of protein clots with the blunt side of the knife, the chicken is again laid on the napkin, tightly wrapped, the ends are tied up, cooled and placed under a light press. If the chicken is served whole (to order), it is cut and folded in the form of a carcass, decorated with vegetables, herbs, poured with transparent jelly and served.

Before serving in portions, the chicken is cut across into pieces 0.5 cm thick and laid out on an oval dish, a vegetable garnish is placed next to or separately in a large salad bowl. Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins is served separately.

Meat jelly . Prepared heads, legs and lips are chopped, poured with cold water (2 liters of water per 1 kg of offal), brought to a boil, skimmed off the foam and boiled at a very low boil, periodically removing fat, 5-6 hours until tender. 1.5 hours before the end of cooking add onions and roots, and 30-40 minutes - bay leaf, pepper, salt. The meat is separated from the bones, cooled and cut into cubes (approximately 1x1x1 cm). The finished broth is filtered, fat is removed, chopped meat is dipped into the broth, boiled for 10-15 minutes, salted to taste, cooled to a slightly noticeable thickening and gently mixed. Chopped garlic can be added to the jelly before pouring or at the end of the secondary boil. After that, the broth with meat is poured onto a baking sheet or into molds and cooled.

Before the holiday, the jelly is laid out from the mold, cut into portions and garnished with green salad, cucumbers and tomatoes. Horseradish with vinegar is served separately in a gravy boat.

Game pate . Prepared pheasants, black grouses, hazel grouses or partridges are cut off the pulp. The cleaned fillet is cut into sticks (1-1.5 cm in diameter), which are wrapped in thin slices of bacon and marinated for 4-6 hours in Madeira; boiled tongue and lard are cut into the same sticks. The rest of the bacon is cut into small cubes, lightly fried, finely chopped onion and roots, thyme, marjoram, bay leaf and pepper are added and lightly fried again. Then put the diced liver, fry well, cool and pass 2-3 times through a meat grinder along with the pulp of raw poultry. The crushed mass is beaten with a mixer, diluted with Madeira (in which the fillets were marinated), mixing well, seasoned with red pepper, nutmeg and salt.

If the pate is prepared in a simpler way, the fillet pieces are not wrapped in bacon and not marinated, but simply added to the pureed mass. You can cook pate without fillet pieces.

Butter unleavened dough is rolled out with a thickness of 3-8 mm and the bottom and walls of the pate form are laid out with it. Thin slices of bacon are laid on the dough, then a layer of minced meat, and on it - pieces of game, tongue, bacon (so that later on the cut they are staggered) and so on to the top of the form. Minced meat is covered with thin slices of bacon, covered with dough, the edges of the dough are pinched, a dough decoration is made on top, smeared with an egg, holes are left for steam to escape and the pate is baked at a temperature of 180-200 ° C in an oven for 40-90 minutes.

The baked pate is cooled, the gaps between the minced meat and the dough are filled with semi-hardened jelly and cooled again. Before serving, the pate is cut across, and round - along the radius, placed on a dish or plate. Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins is served separately.

Liver pate . Finely chopped bacon is fried, chopped vegetables (onions, carrots) are added, fried again, diced liver is placed, fried until cooked, slightly cooled and passed 2-3 times through a meat grinder with a fine grate. The crushed mass is combined with butter, broth, seasoned with salt to taste, molded in the form of a fish, square, cue ball and garnished with chopped egg, herbs and butter.

Stuffed chicken or game fillet (chauffroy). The cleaned game fillet is beaten off with a chopper, minced meat is placed on it, cooked like a la pate, from the liver and bacon with vegetables and spices, molded into a cutlet With both pointed ends and allow. The finished fillet is cooled and poured with a red low-fat sauce with wine (Madeira) and gelatin, decorated with boiled egg white and again poured with meat dark jelly with a layer 1 - 2 mm, prepared from fried poultry bones (with the exception of the backbone) with the addition of gelatin. They poop on 1 -2 pcs. per serving .

The basis of success is the choice of high-quality meat, preferably the loin, tender and fresh. Meat can be anything: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey. Cooking technology: frying, baking, salting, drying, drying, boiling in water or steaming - recipes for meat snacks are varied, choose for every taste.

The five most commonly used ingredients in meatloaf recipes are:

How to cook meat snacks and serve them beautifully?

In order for the preparation of meat snacks to bring joy not only to the chef, but also to the guests, decide in advance on the choice of a recipe with a photo. The beauty is that you can prepare the dish in advance by storing it in the refrigerator. Especially if these are sausages, ham, stroganina, roll or cold ham, boiled pork, balyk, which are cut into portions when served. With small rolls it is more difficult - they must be prepared directly on the day of serving.

Meat snacks - decoration of the festive table

The main thing in a meat appetizer is beautiful cutting and serving. The thinner the pieces are cut, the more beautiful they look on the plate. Slices of meat are laid out overlapping in a circle, diagonally. In the center - a flower of a tomato or carrot, below - green lettuce leaves. The roll is cut thicker so that the filling does not fall out and is also laid out on an oblong dish with vegetable decorations. It is convenient to paint fried meat or a roll with mayonnaise from a bag - simple and cute. Moreover, it is not necessary for the guest to eat it - scrape it off with a knife and put it aside.

Snacks from pork meat are more festive for Russians and appear on the tables more often due to the delicate structure and taste of this meat compared to other varieties. From them you can cook complex dishes: salads, rolls with rich fillings, snack cakes, assorted canapes and tartlets.

Poultry dishes were familiar to people in ancient times, both game and poultry were often served on the table. Today, we often use poultry meat, which is great for cooking both second courses and soups.

Chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks can be served both stewed and boiled or fried. Poultry dishes, the recipes of which you will find on our website, will certainly please your relatives and friends.

Cold appetizer of poultry


  • chicken fillet 4 pieces
  • sea ​​salt 3 tbsp. spoons
  • ground turmeric 1 tsp. spoon
  • ground paprika 1 tsp. spoon
  • freshly ground black pepper 0.5 tsp. spoons
  • hot pepper 1 tsp. spoon
  • dry red wine 20-30 milliliters
  • cognac 20-30 milliliters

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients (salt and spices). It is good to roll the chicken fillet in this mixture. Add wine and cognac to it. Read more:
  2. As best as possible, try to rub everything into the meat, as if massaging.
  3. Put in a container with a lid and refrigerate for 12 hours. Then rinse off excess salt. Dry with paper towels.
  4. Put in the refrigerator for 48 hours. You can just put it on the wire rack, but I came up with my own lifehack))).
  5. After the time has elapsed, put the meat for storage in the freezer. The meat will not freeze there due to the high salt content.
  6. We take out as needed and enjoy the yummy.

Quesadilla with chicken and cheddar


  • Chicken breast 3 pieces
  • Onion 1 head
  • Tomatoes 1 piece
  • Cheddar cheese 100 g
  • Red sweet pepper 1 piece
  • canned corn to taste
  • Dill to taste
  • Tomato paste 100 g
  • Tortillas 6 pieces
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the onion, tomatoes and bell pepper, add corn (optional), fry everything in a small amount of oil, transfer to a bowl, if desired, you can add finely chopped dill (for freshness).
  2. Cut the chicken fillet into thin sticks (no more than 1 cm thick) and fry in olive oil over high heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add tomato paste, salt and pepper, mix, hold on fire for another 1 minute and shift the meat to the vegetables.
  3. Grate the cheddar cheese on a coarse grater (it can also be parmesan, gouda or other hard / semi-hard cheese).
  4. Sprinkle cheese on half of the tortilla, then put the filling, top with another layer of cheese, cover with the second half of the tortilla, cut in half (as in the picture) and fry in a pan or grill for 2–3 minutes on one side, then gently flip and fry on the other sides for another 1-2 minutes.

Chic appetizer with duck


  • 200 g puff pastry
  • 2 duck breast fillets
  • 9 large champignons
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 1 cup poultry broth
  • 1 glass of dry red wine
  • large bunch of spinach
  • 6 art. l. butter
  • 4 green onions
  • a few sprigs of parsley, thyme and basil
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 garlic clove

Cooking method:

  1. Wash spinach, pat dry and remove stems. Fry the leaves in a saucepan over high heat with 1 tbsp. l. butter and coarsely chop. Salt, pepper, add chopped parsley, transfer to a plate. Peel the mushrooms, remove the legs, cut the caps into slices and fry in the same saucepan with 1 tbsp. l. butter.
  2. Add chopped green onions, stir and set aside.
    Slice the tomatoes crosswise, dip in boiling water for 1 minute, then transfer to cold water. Peel off the skin, cut into 8 parts, remove the seeds. Fry the pulp in a pan in olive oil over high heat for 30 seconds, mix with chopped basil, salt, pepper, set aside.
  3. In another skillet, sear the duck breasts until "medium rare" in 2 tbsp. l. butter (over medium heat, this is about 4 minutes on each side) and remove from heat. With a sharp knife, cut each breast into 20 thin slices.
  4. In the oil where the breasts were cooked, saute, reduced heat, chopped shallots, garlic, thyme leaves and bay leaf, 5 minutes. Pour in red wine. Reduce by half, then pour in the broth. Reduce again until about 1 cup of sauce remains. Strain it through a sieve and keep warm.
  5. Roll out the dough into a rectangle 20 cm long and 10 cm wide. Prick with a fork, slightly cut with a knife so that you get 4 equal parts (do not cut through the dough!) And put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes.
  6. Take out, divide the puff into 2 halves: top and bottom. Lay a layer of spinach, a layer of champignons, a layer of tomatoes on the lower part.
  7. Then lay out the duck fillet and cover with the top of the puff: along the lines that you cut on the raw dough, the pie can be cut into portions. Add the remaining butter, salt and pepper to the sauce. Serve the pie hot with warm sauce.

Peking duck appetizer


  • 1 gutted duck weighing 2.5–3 kg
  • 50 ml rice wine
  • 3 art. l. light soy sauce
  • 3 art. l. liquid honey
  • 1 st. l. dark sesame oil
  • 1 st. l. ginger powder
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper

Cooking method:

  1. From the duck, remove any fat that may be in the tail and neck area. Remove all the "roots" of the feathers with tweezers.
  2. Prick the skin of the duck as often as possible with a fork. Place the duck in a colander in the sink and pour a full pot of boiling water over all sides. Duck skin will turn white and stretch. Let the water drain.
  3. Dry the duck, rub with wine and salt. Place breast side down in a colander and, uncovered, refrigerate for 12 hours. The skin of the duck should dry out. Then spread the duck with 1 tbsp. l. honey and return to the colander breast side up for 12 hours.
  4. Place the duck, breast side up, on a rack set in a baking dish. Pour 1 cup of cold water into the pan. Cover the entire structure with foil. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 50 minutes.
  5. Mix soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger powder and freshly ground pepper. Remove the duck from the oven, drain the liquid from the baking sheet. Brush the duck on all sides with the aromatic mixture. Return to oven for 30 min.
  6. Raise the oven temperature to 250-260°C. Brush the duck with the remaining honey mixed with the remaining soy sauce and return to the oven for 10 minutes. The skin should turn golden brown. Transfer the duck to a board, cover loosely with foil and let rest for 20 minutes.
  7. While the duck is cooking, make pancakes. In a blender, combine 270 ml of water and flour, beat until smooth. With the motor running, beat in the eggs one at a time and pour in 3 tbsp. l. oils. Turn off the motor, let the dough stand for 1 hour.
  8. Bake thin pancakes in a non-stick skillet over medium heat without adding oil. Pancakes should be very pale. Put the finished pancakes in a pan and cover with a lid.
  9. When both pancakes and duck are ready, peel the cucumber, cut in half, and scrape out the seeds with a spoon. Cut the cucumber into thin long strips. Cut the onion diagonally into slices about 3 cm long. Put the cucumbers and onions on a plate, put hoisin sauce next to them.
  10. Cut the duck meat off the bones so that most of the pieces have skin. Place on a warmed dish. Let everyone take a pancake, smear the center with hoisin sauce, put some duck, onion and cucumber, roll it up with their hands and eat.

Appetizer stuffed turkey breast


  • turkey breast fillet - 1 kg
  • boiled sausage - 200 g
  • Russian cheese - 100 g
  • blue cheese - 100 g
  • basil - 3 sprigs
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper
  • basil - 2 sprigs
  • mayonnaise - 200 g
  • white wine vinegar - 2 tsp.
  • sugar - 1/2 tsp
  • salt - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the turkey breasts, dry them, lay them on the work surface and, holding the knife parallel to it, make a deep longitudinal cut in each breast, not reaching the opposite edge of 1.5 cm.
  2. Open the fillet like a book, place it between two layers of film and roll it into a thin layer with a rolling pin. Spread cling film on the work surface and spread the breasts so that you get a square with sides of 25–30 cm. Salt and pepper.
  3. Cut sausage and Russian cheese into thin slices, blue cheese into small cubes. Rinse the basil, pat dry and chop coarsely. Sprinkle the turkey fillet with herbs. Lay sausage pieces on top.
  4. Lay out slices of Russian cheese, sprinkle with cubes of blue cheese.
  5. Using a film, roll the fillet with the filling into a roll.
  6. Tie the roll tightly with twine. Put on a greased baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 170 ° C for 1 hour 30 minutes, basting from time to time with the juice that stands out.
  7. Prepare the sauce. Wash and chop the basil. In a bowl, mix mayonnaise, wine vinegar, sugar, basil and salt. Remove to refrigerator. Cut the finished roll into slices 1 cm thick and arrange on a warmed dish. Serve with chilled sauce.

Lula kebab from turkey

Do not buy ready-made minced meat for this dish and do not even twist the fillet in a meat grinder. Only when using lean fillets, which you chop with a knife, mixed with oil, will you get the right result: the lula will be tender and retain all the juice.


  • 500 g turkey breast fillet
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • 2 small eggs
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper
  • onion rings drizzled with vinegar and olive oil for serving

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the skewers in cold water for 1 hour. This is necessary so that the skewers do not burn during baking and the meat does not stick to them.
  2. Finely chop the turkey fillet, then chop with a heavy knife or cleaver into coarse minced meat. Chop the onion.
  3. Soften the butter. Mix minced turkey fillet with onions. Add eggs and oil. Salt, pepper and stir until smooth. Place mince in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  4. Wetting your hands in hot water, wrap the skewers with the resulting minced meat in the form of small elongated cutlets.
  5. Put the skewers from the cradle onto a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C (you can additionally turn on the “grill” mode in the oven). Bake until golden brown, 20 minutes, flipping a couple of times.
  6. Serve with chopped onion rings drizzled with vinegar and olive oil.

Turkey roll with mushrooms

Dietary turkey meat baked with mushrooms and parsley is a wonderful cold appetizer. Turkey rolls are very tasty and hot with any side dish, as a second course.


  • turkey thigh fillet 1 pc.
  • champignons 5 pcs.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • a bunch of parsley 1 pc.
  • lemon 0.5 pcs.
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil Altero 2 tbsp. l.
  • paprika 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the turkey fillet into two parts, beat off, sprinkle with lemon juice, set aside and do the filling.
  2. Fry finely chopped mushrooms, onions in Altero vegetable oil and mix with parsley. Add salt, pepper to taste and lay on one edge of the beaten turkey.
  3. We turn each piece into a roll, pull it with culinary twine.
  4. In a baking dish, greased with oil, lay the rolls and sprinkle them with paprika. You can lay the rolls on a vegetable pillow of onions and bell peppers. Bake 45 min. at 190 degrees.
  5. We release the finished rolls from the twine and serve warm with a side dish of vegetables.
  6. You can cool the rolls and only then cut for a cold snack.

Bird snack pie


  • filo dough 500 g
  • egg 5 pcs.
  • feta cheese 200 g
  • cheddar cheese 70 g
  • spinach frozen 500 g
  • turkey fillet 200 g
  • lemon 1 pc.
  • butter 10 g
  • dried oregano 2 g
  • ground nutmeg 2 g

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the lemon and remove the zest with a grater. Defrost spinach and squeeze, chop, add zest, nutmeg to it and mix. Finely grate the cheddar. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees. Wash and dry the turkey, cut into 1x1 cm pieces.
  2. In a frying pan over high heat, heat the oil and fry the turkey for 2-3 minutes, salt and pepper. In a bowl, mix 4 eggs, turkey and feta. Pepper the mixture to taste, add oregano and stir. Salt if necessary. Mix spinach with egg mixture.
  3. Moisten a sheet of parchment under water and crush, then wring it out and straighten it on a work surface, sprinkle with vegetable oil. We are starting to work with filo dough, be careful when we open it, we will have to work quickly, otherwise the dough will dry out.
  4. Separate 1 layer of dough and put it on parchment, sprinkle with oil and a little salt, then lay out the second. Repeat this 3 more times for a total of 5 layers. Transfer the dough on parchment to a baking dish, tamp a little in shape.
  5. Put the filling in the dough and smooth it, sprinkle with cheddar on top. Close part of the filling with dough from the edges, carefully separating it from the parchment. Put more sheets of dough on top of the filling, crushing them a little and twisting them to cover the entire surface.
  6. Whisk an egg and brush it over the top of the pie. Put it in the oven for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

Stuffed chicken breasts

Stuffed chicken breasts cooked in a double boiler are both tasty and healthy, and very festive. If you don't have a steamer, see the tip at the end of the recipe.


  • 20 g dry porcini mushrooms
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 pickle
  • 2 sprigs of parsley and dill
  • 2 tbsp. l. extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 chicken breast fillets
  • 4-5 sprigs of rosemary
  • 10-12 juniper berries
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan with warm water and leave for 20 minutes. Then put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes, then drain.
  2. Strain the broth through cheesecloth or a fine sieve into a separate bowl (it will not be needed here, you can use it in other dishes - soups or sauces). Cool the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Finely chop the cucumber, squeeze out excess moisture. Chop parsley and dill.
  4. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry carrots and mushrooms, 2 minutes. Add greens and cucumber, pepper, cook for another 2 minutes. and take it off the fire.
  5. With a thin sharp knife, make a longitudinal deep “pocket” in each fillet, not reaching the opposite edge 1–1.5 cm.
  6. Salt the fillet. Carefully spread the prepared stuffing over the “pockets”, pressing it inward so that the minced meat lays down more densely.
  7. Secure the edges with toothpicks. Place sprigs of rosemary and juniper berries in a water steamer. Put the stuffed chicken fillet on the grate, turn on the double boiler and cook for 25-30 minutes. Serve hot.

Poultry brisket basturma


  • 2 pieces of fresh, not frozen breast on the bones - 1.5 kg
  • coarse or sea salt
  • ground garlic
  • ground red and black pepper
  • sweet ground paprika
  • dried parsley
  • pepper mix
  • chaman (fenugreek)


  1. Remove the breast fillet from the bones, if there is fat - cut it off too, it will not be needed to prepare the basturma.
  2. In the process of salting, the meat will take shape, so in what form you lay it, it will remain so.
  3. Prepare a container for basturma - you can take a plastic one. Pour salt on the bottom, not sparing.
  4. In the process of dehydration, you will have to add more salt.
  5. Roll the fillet tightly into a ball, place it in a container and generously sprinkle with salt. The blanks must be completely covered with it, you will see all this in the video below.
  6. In the process, a liquid will appear, the chicken's own juice, which will begin to salt the fillet, and it may turn out to be over-salted. Therefore, the brine will need to be drained every 3-4 hours and new, dry salt added.
  7. Approximate curing time is 1-2 days. Depends on the temperature of the refrigerator and the mineral composition of the salt.
  8. The meat should be much tougher than it was originally and a nice reddish color.
  9. Rinse off excess salt on the surface of the chicken fillet quickly so that water does not get back into the meat cells.
  10. Pat dry with a paper towel and leave to dry for 2-3 hours.
  11. Wrap in a towel and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.
  12. Prepare the dressing. Mix the spices with boiled water to the consistency of liquid sour cream and refrigerate for an hour.
  13. So they will “open up”, and all essential oils will become active, tasty.
  14. Apply spices in thin 3-4 layers, letting each dry so that the spices do not fall off during the cutting process.
  15. Take cheesecloth and wrap pieces of meat in it. Tie with thread, leaving the ends for hanging.
  16. Send to the refrigerator for 14 days or to the balcony if it is winter outside. It should be 5-10 degrees Celsius.
  17. It is not necessary to keep it outside at sub-zero temperatures, otherwise the drying process will slow down.
  18. Then, for about a week, the basturma should simply be hung in a cool room, for example, in a pantry.
  19. Periodically, chicken basturma needs to be tasted.

Appetizer chicken rolls

"Stumps" are baked chicken rolls with mushroom omelet as a layer. The incomparable taste and unusual serving will make this appetizer a real decoration of your festive table. Of course, you will have to spend a little time on its preparation, but the result, believe me, is worth it.


  • 3 large chicken fillets;
  • 5-6 eggs;
  • 100 g of champignons;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • small bulb;
  • fresh greens;
  • flour;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Cut the mushrooms and onions into small cubes, and then fry them until golden brown in refined oil. Read more:
  2. Salt a little at the very end.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. We wash the greens, remove the thick stems and finely chop with a knife.
  5. From the greens, both dill and parsley are suitable.
  6. In a cup, shake with a fork until smooth 3-4 eggs (depending on size).
  7. Then add chopped greens, grated cheese and fried mushrooms to the egg mass.
  8. Stir, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.
  9. We heat the pancake pan and spread about 1/3 of the egg-mushroom mass on it.
  10. Smooth out so that the omelet pancake is uniform in thickness.
  11. In total, we bake three mushroom omelettes, which will then become the filling for chicken rolls.
  12. We take the chicken fillet and with a sharp knife make a horizontal cut, but not completely.
  13. And we unfold the fillet like a book. We get a larger meat layer.
  14. We get a chicken fillet of a fairly large size.
  15. Remove the top film, leaving the chop to lie on the bottom film.
  16. We add salt, pepper the chicken fillet a little and put the mushroom omelet on top of it.
  17. If necessary, cut the omelet to the size of the chop.
  18. Now it must be wrapped tightly with a roll.
  19. We do the same with the other two fillets, resulting in three chicken rolls.
  20. Remove the film from the frozen rolls.
  21. They have become more solid in shape, so it will be easier to bread them.
  22. First, bread the rolls in flour, then dip in beaten eggs and fix the breading with a layer of breadcrumbs
  23. Fry until golden brown in a frying pan with enough oil.
  24. To make the crust even, periodically scroll the rolls from one side to the other.
  25. Rolls in the process of frying are covered with a ruddy crispy crust, but they still do not reach full readiness.
  26. Therefore, we place them in a heat-resistant form and leave for 20-30 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.
  27. During this time, the rolls will reach readiness.
  28. It turns out very beautiful and original, and the taste of the chicken appetizer with mushrooms and cheese is not inferior to the design.

Snacks are usually called dishes more or less spicy or salty, which are usually served before hot dishes for lunch or dinner.
Snacks can be sandwiches, salads, vinaigrettes, pates, aspic dishes, jellies, fish, boiled meat, poultry, which can be served with various sauces and seasonings, all kinds of pickles and marinades.

For the preparation of cold appetizers from meat and poultry, pigs, pork, veal, lamb, beef, sausage, ham, poultry and game are used. Meat for cold appetizers can be cooked by yourself or purchased ready-made.

If the meat is frozen, then the slower the thawing of the meat, the less meat juice and nutrients are lost. It is best to defrost meat in the refrigerator by placing it in a deep container.

To thaw the meat faster, you can leave it for 2-3 hours at room temperature. It is not recommended to thaw meat in water.

You need to wash the meat in a whole piece, and then cut into portions. The meat is then boiled, fried or baked as required in the recipe.

Ready meat should be cut across the fibers obliquely into wide thin slices. It can be laid on one large dish in even rows, or it can be served in portions: meat products - 2-3 pieces per serving, poultry - 2 pieces each.

Fresh vegetables can be served as a side dish for fried cold meat; light vegetable salads are a good side dish. Be sure to serve meat with various sauces (the recipes for which are given in the "Sauces" section - see at the top of the page).

Beef tongue can be taken ready-made, but it is better to cook it yourself. To do this, fresh tongue should be boiled in salted water with spices (bay leaves, peppercorns, onions) for 1.5-2 hours, put in cold water for a few minutes to make it easier to remove the skin. It must be removed from the thin end. The finished tongue is cut into thin slices across the fibers and laid in even rows on a dish or served in portions, garnished with parsley leaves. Horseradish, mustard, mayonnaise or sauces are served separately.

Ham, boiled pork must be cut across the fibers with a long thin knife with a narrow blade (knives must always be well sharpened). You need to try to keep the slices thin and even.

Ready poultry and game are first cut lengthwise into two parts, then, depending on the size, they are divided into several pieces. Pieces are placed on a dish, decorated with various herbs. Pickled apples, sauerkraut, pickled plums, lingonberries, cranberries, green salad leaves can be a side dish. Mayonnaise or sweet and sour sauce can be served with poultry, and fruit and berry sauce or lingonberry jam can be served with game.

To prepare jelly for jellied dishes, gelatin must be soaked for 40-50 minutes in cold water at the rate of 1:5. Add pre-soaked gelatin to the hot broth or broth (in which the original product was boiled) and cook, stirring, over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved, without boiling. Leave the finished jelly to infuse for 20 minutes, then strain.

To get a more transparent jelly, you can add 1 raw egg white to 1 liter of broth. Beat the protein, add 1 cup of cold broth, 1 tbsp. tablespoon of vinegar or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, pour into hot broth, cover, put on low heat, bring to a boil, remove from heat and let it brew for 20 minutes, then carefully strain.

Unlike cold appetizers, hot appetizers are prepared just before serving.

Unlike hot dishes, to prepare hot snacks, meat is cut into small pieces, served in fireproof dishes or on dishes, putting them on trays or napkins.

Recipe designations for beginners:
* - the simplest,
** - more difficult,
*** - more complex.

In each section, the recipes are arranged in ascending order of difficulty.

Ham rolls with horseradish *

Ingredients :
300 g sliced ​​ham, 100 g horseradish, 6 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 bunch of green salad, salt and sugar to taste.


Finely grate horseradish, immediately mix with sour cream, add salt and sugar.
Lubricate the slices of ham with the resulting mass, roll up into rolls, wrap each roll with lettuce leaves and place beautifully on a dish.

Ham, bacon rolls**

Ingredients :
200 g sliced ​​ham or bacon, 100 g cheese, 1 garlic clove, 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, dill.


Grate the cheese on a fine grater, add finely chopped garlic cloves and dill, mix everything and season with mayonnaise.
Put the resulting mixture in the center of each piece of ham or bacon and roll into a tube.

boiled pork; stuffed with garlic **

Ingredients :
500 g pork ham, 3-4 cloves of garlic, parsley and dill, ground black pepper, salt to taste.


Stuff the ham with garlic, grate with salt, pepper and fry until tender in the oven, pouring over the juice and fat that stand out during frying.
Cool, cut into portions of 3-4 pieces, put on a dish and garnish with parsley and dill.

Appetizer of meat and grated cheese **

Ingredients :
300 g boiled beef, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 50 g cheese, 1 egg, 5 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, dill, salt to taste.


Peel the onion, finely chop, sauté in butter until tender. Boil the egg, finely chop.
Pass cold boiled meat through a meat grinder, combine with fried onions, egg, cheese, grated on a fine grater, melted butter, mayonnaise and salt.
Mix everything thoroughly.
When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

Chicken in batter **

Ingredients :
500-700 g chicken or chicken fillet, 3-4 eggs, 2/3 cup milk, 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, 4-5 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, dried herbs, black pepper, salt to taste.


Cut the chicken fillet into portioned pieces (small and flat).
Preparation of batter. Mix eggs, milk; flour, dried herbs, salt and pepper (consistency - like sour cream).
Dip chicken pieces in batter and fry in hot vegetable oil, like pancakes, on both sides.

Ham or ham in cocottes ***

Ingredients :
200 g ham or ham, 100 g champignons, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 4 tbsp. spoons of sour cream or mayonnaise, 50 g of cheese, dill, ground black pepper, salt to taste.


Peel the onion, finely chop and lightly sauté. Finely chopped champignons fry in butter for 10 minutes, then add the onion, salt and fry until tender.
Cut the ham or ham into thin strips, combine with fried onions and mushrooms and lightly fry.
Put in cocottes, pour sour cream or mayonnaise, lightly sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven.
Sprinkle with finely chopped dill before serving.

Chicken roll ***

Ingredients :
1 chicken, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, parsley, bay leaf, peppercorns, black pepper, salt to taste.


Gently separate the poultry flesh with the skin from the bones, put it on a cutting board with the skin down, salt, pepper, roll up, wrap in foil, giving the shape of a cylinder, tie with a thread in two places.
Dip the roll into boiling salted water, adding roots, onions, bay leaves, peppercorns, cook over low heat for 1-1.5 hours until tender.
Cool the finished roll, remove the foil, place under oppression in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
When serving, cut into portioned slices, garnished with parsley.

Jellied tongue ***

Ingredients :
1 beef tongue or 3 pork tongues, 20-25 g gelatin (for 2.5-3 cups of jelly), 1 parsley root, 1 onion, 2 eggs, 1 fresh cucumber or 5 gherkins, parsley, bay leaf, pepper peas, salt to taste.


Boil the tongue, peel (see the section "Cold Meat and Poultry Appetizers"). Cut the tongue into thin slices, put them on a dish, garnish with slices of hard-boiled eggs, fresh cucumber or gherkins, parsley leaves, pour half-hardened jelly in 2-3 doses so that the decorations do not budge and cool until completely solidified.
Prepare the jelly in the broth obtained by boiling the tongue, after removing the fat from it (see the section “Cold Meat and Poultry Appetizers”).
When serving, cut into portions.

Beef liver pate ***

Ingredients :
400 g beef liver, 40 g bacon, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, ground black pepper, salt to taste.


Finely chop the onion, carrot and bacon and fry until soft, add chopped liver, salt, pepper and fry until tender (10-15 minutes).
Cool, pass through a meat grinder twice, add softened butter, cold milk, mix thoroughly until smooth.
Shape the finished pate into a sausage shape and garnish with a chopped egg.

Boiled sausage with mushrooms and onions ***

Ingredients :
200 g boiled sausage, 200 g champignons, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 4 slices of white bread, 1 teaspoon of mustard, dill, ground black pepper, salt to taste.


Boiled sausage cut into circles, spread with mustard, fry on both sides.
Cut the mushrooms into strips and fry in vegetable oil, add the chopped onion and fry until tender.
Cut out circles from bread and fry in butter, put fried sausage on them, and fried mushrooms with onions on top.
Sprinkle the appetizer with finely chopped dill.

Studen ***

Ingredients :
1 pork leg, 1 turkey wing, 300 g beef, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 3-4 garlic cloves, bay leaf, peppercorns, salt to taste.


Thoroughly rinse the leg, turkey wing and meat, pour cold water over so that it covers the food. Bring to a boil, remove the foam, carefully remove the wing, cover with a lid and leave to cook over low heat for 3 hours.
Then put the wing and cook for another 2 hours.
Add onions, carrots, bay leaf, peppercorns, salt and cook for another 1 hour.
Separate the cooked meat from the bones, finely chop, put into molds and pour strained broth, adding finely chopped garlic, put in the refrigerator to solidify.

Julien chicken ***

Ingredients :
3 chicken breasts, 100 g mushrooms, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1-2 cups of sour cream sauce (see recipe "Sour cream sauce"), 4-5 tbsp. tablespoons of grated cheese, salt to taste.


Boil chicken breasts in salted water for 20-25 minutes, chop into strips. Chop the mushrooms into strips and fry in butter for 10 minutes.
Combine everything, season with sour cream sauce, heat for 4-5 minutes and arrange in cocottes, greased with butter, sprinkle with grated cheese.
Place in preheated oven and bake until golden brown.
Serve julienne hot in cocotte makers, placing on a paper napkin.

Cold and heat processing of cold dishes and snacks included in the recipe is basically the same as for hot dishes.

The poultry for preparing cold dishes is also processed in the same way as for hot ones: the frozen bird is thawed, dried and singeed with a gas burner, after which the neck with the head and legs (above the ankle joint) are cut off. The goiter and entrails are removed from the singed bird, washed, and, giving the carcass a look convenient for further processing, with the help of a chef's needle and thread or tucking the legs and wings "into the pocket", they are fried and then cooled. Small poultry is pre-fried until a fried crust is formed and brought to readiness in an oven. A large bird (turkey, goose) is salted, sprinkled with fat and fried in an oven, periodically watering it with the juice released during frying. An old bird with tough meat is placed in a deep bowl, poured with fat in which it was fried, a little water is added, covered with a lid and stewed until the poultry meat becomes soft.

The readiness of poultry meat is determined using a chef's needle or fork: if the needle enters easily into the soft part of the leg and clear juice is released, then the poultry meat is ready; if the juice is reddish, the poultry meat is not yet ready.

The bird, as a cold appetizer, is sold boiled and fried, with and without a side dish, aspic, under mayonnaise and in the form of complex preparations.

Poultry is chopped in two pieces (fillet and a piece of leg), and game - in half a carcass or also in two pieces.

Cucumbers, fresh and pickled tomatoes, green salad serve as a side dish. In addition, pickled fruits and berries can be served with game. The garnish is placed on one side of the dish, without covering the main product with it; the sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

After complete cooling, cut the fried bird in the same way as the hot one. The finished bird should first be cut lengthwise into 2 parts, then each part, in turn, cut into several pieces, depending on the size of the bird. Grouse and partridge should be cut into 2 or 4 parts. Cut slices only from the breast of large birds; pieces with bones as an appetizer should not be served.

Most cold poultry dishes are filled with jelly, which is prepared in advance. Pour the bird without bones on baking sheets and in forms.

Chicken and turkey are poured boiled in light jelly, and duck is stewed in dark jelly.

Poultry fillet is served with mayonnaise. Sliced ​​fillets are placed on a potato salad dressed with mayonnaise, sprinkled with mayonnaise on top and garnished with bouquets of vegetables and finely chopped jelly.

On vacation, cold dishes and snacks are beautifully decorated, using the main products that make up the product for their decoration, but choosing the most suitable in shape and color, cutting and stacking them beautifully.

Products for their design are selected from those that are included in the recipe and are combined in shape and color. Additionally, greens are used. Lay them so that they do not cover the sides of the dishes.

When serving, decorate with sprigs of parsley, lettuce or other herbs, beautifully chopped fresh cucumbers and gherkins, etc.

Parsley branches, green salad, colored vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas, carrots, fruits - grapes, oranges, lemons, plums and pears from compote or marinated are most suitable for this purpose.

Often used when decorating dishes are hard-boiled eggs, cut into circles, slices or chopped. Decorations should not come to the fore, they should complete the design of the dish, complement it, but not obscure the contents. Therefore, decorate should be moderate, in no case overloading the dishes.

After decorating, clean the edges of the dish from crumbs and remnants of fat.

Keep dishes with snacks in the refrigerator or in a cold room at a temperature of +2 to +4 ° C, covering them with a slightly dampened napkin or gauze. The best way to prevent cold meat dishes from drying out is to fill them whole, including decorations, with a thin layer of jelly.

A transparent layer of jelly gives the dish a very beautiful look at the same time. Jelly can be colored with caramel or tomato. It should be poured in two or three doses, with a spoon, in a thin layer, cooling each time.

Jelly frozen on a small plate, cut or squeezed out with a syringe (syringed), can serve as a decoration.

For serving cold dishes and snacks, special porcelain, crystal, glass, cupronickel dishes are used: round and oval dishes, salad bowls, vases, herring caviar bowls, sockets, bowls (for lemon, caviar, greens), snack plates, etc.

When a group of consumers (at the same table) orders several identical dishes at the same time, they are usually served in multi-portion dishes (in two-, three-, five-portion dishes or salad bowls).

When you leave cold dishes should have a temperature of 10-12 ° C.

Preparation of complex cold sauces.

Cold sauces are served with cold dishes of fish, crayfish, game and vegetables. Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins and herbs is also served with fried hot fish dishes. Cold sauces also include vegetable marinades, salad dressings and herring.

A variety of raw materials are used for sauces: wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade, vegetables - carrots, white parsley root, onions, tomatoes, tomato paste, bones, pickled and pickled cucumbers, cooking oils, butter and margarine, vegetable oil, spices , vinegar, wine, etc. When using natural grape wine (red and white, dry and semi-dry), it must be prepared before use. To do this, the wine is poured into dishes and slightly evaporated, while the wine alcohol evaporates, and the remaining components give the sauces a special aroma and taste. Vinegar is better to use wine or fruit. It can be replaced with citric acid or lemon juice. The spices and seasonings used diversify the taste and aroma of sauces: peas (allspice black), ground pepper (black, red, white), cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, bay leaf, cloves, ginger, ready-made mustard, vanilla and vanilla sugar. Most of the spices are put into the sauce 10-15 minutes before readiness, bay leaf - 5 minutes, ground pepper - into the finished sauce. During storage, a film forms on the surface of the sauce, which is undesirable. To do this, sauces are pinched with butter or margarine, that is, pieces of fat are placed on the surface of the sauce. Fat melts, spreads over the surface of the sauce, which prevents the formation of a film. Store ready-made sauces on a food warmer under a lid at a temperature of 75--80 ° C.

Horseradish sauce with vinegar.

Ingredients: horseradish root 150g, vinegar 9% 125ml, water 225ml, sugar 10g, salt 10g.

Peeled horseradish root, frozen in the freezer, grind on a grater, put in a bowl and pour boiling water, cover the bowl with a lid. When the horseradish has cooled, add vinegar, salt, sugar and mix thoroughly.

This sauce is served with cold and hot meat and fish dishes.

Horseradish with sour cream.

Ingredients: horseradish root 150g, sour cream 350g, sugar 78g, salt 7g. Grind the frozen horseradish root on a grater, mix with sour cream, add salt and sugar, mix.

This sauce is served with cold boiled piglet and meat jelly.

Sour cream sauce for fruit salads.

Ingredients: sour cream 400g, berries (raspberries or strawberries) 50g, oranges 1 piece, small lemon 1 piece, liqueur 20 ml, sugar 40 g, cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

Rinse the berries through a colander and let the water drain, wipe through a sieve. Peel the lemon and orange from the zest, squeeze the juice. Finely chop the zest, scald with boiling water and cool.

Combine the resulting juice (berry, lemon and orange) and zest with sour cream, add sugar, ground cinnamon, liquor and mix well.

Only chilled products are seasoned with this sauce.

Sour cream sauce is served with salads of oranges, tangerines, melons, watermelons with fruits.

Sour cream sauce for vegetable salads.

Ingredients: sour cream 200g, vinegar 3% 40ml, sugar 20g, ground pepper on the tip of a knife, salt to taste.

Pour vinegar into the bowl, add sugar, salt, ground pepper and mix well. Before serving, combine this mixture with sour cream.

This sauce is served with salads of vegetables, fruits, cauliflower, mushrooms with vegetables and the like.

Mayonnaise sauce with jelly.

Ingredients: mayonnaise sauce 150g, broth 350ml, gelatin 13g.

Introduce gelatin soaked in cold water into hot meat, chicken or fish broth. When the gelatin dissolves, strain the broth. Add ready-made mayonnaise sauce to the unfrozen jelly broth and beat with a whisk.

This sauce is used for pouring cold fish, poultry or wild bird fillets.