Subscribe to news. Where are the Golden Eggs hidden? All Golden Eggs in angry

Golden eggs (Golden Eggs) - are items that are hidden at different levels, with the help of which access to the bonus level is opened. In addition, a golden egg can be obtained if you complete the entire episode, with the highest results of three stars. The original golden eggs can only be found in Angry Birds and Angry Birds Seasons, in other episodes these items have a different appearance.

List of locations for golden eggs in the original Angry Birds game:

1) When you get to episodes 2-14 of Poached Eggs, a white bird will become available to you. Go to the help menu, you will see a video that teaches how to play birds. You need to click on the checkmark 4 times, after which you will be shown how to shoot a white bird. On the monitor, instead of the usual egg of a white bird, there will be a golden egg, click on it. If you play on PC, then there is already an egg in the middle.

2) At level 5-19 of the Mighty Hoax episode, you should look high, high above the rocket-shaped structure, there is a golden egg, you can get it with the help of a yellow bird.

3) On level 2-2 of Poached Eggs, there is another egg, this time hidden in a beach ball.

4) You need to score three stars in each of the levels of the Poached Eggs episode (189 stars in total).

5) You need to view the credits (click on the gear icon (settings), then click on the letter "i"). The golden egg is located at the end.

6) To get the next egg, you need to touch the chest at level 1-8 Poached Eggs, and write the word Open on the keyboard.

7) You need to score three stars in each level of the Mighty Hoax episode (126 stars in total).

8) At level 4-7 Mighty Hoax, the egg is located high on the right on the hill, from there it can be reached with the help of a yellow bird.

9) At level 6-14 Danger Above, the golden egg can be found in the yellow balloon on the bottom right. Get it with a green or yellow bird.

10) Another golden egg is located after the level selection screen #8 of Danger Above. You need to pull the screen to the left, and you have it.

11) In order to get the next egg, you need to score three stars in each level of the Danger Above episode (135 stars in total).

12) At level 8-15 Danger Above, it is hidden under the platform on which the slingshot is mounted, it can be obtained using a green or yellow bird.

13) Another egg is hidden at level 9-14 of The Big Setup episode, it is on the right on the hill, in a helmet.

14) The next egg is hidden on level 10-3 of The Big Setup in the yellow duck.

15) At level 11-15 of The Big Setup, another egg is hidden behind the platform on which the slingshot is installed, try to get it.

16) Again, score three stars in each level of The Big Setup episode (total 135 stars) and the egg is yours.

17) On level 12-12 of Ham "Em High, the egg is hidden in a goblet.

18) At level 13-10 Ham "Em High, the egg is hanging from a high hill on a rope.

19) The next egg is at level 14-4 Ham "Em High, it is located high, high on a hill.

20) To get the next egg, you need to score three stars in each level of the Ham "Em High episode (144 stars in total).

21) Another egg is waiting for you at level 13-12 Ham "Em High. shoot the white bird in the opposite direction and drop the egg onto the platform.

22) At level 15-12 of Mine and Dine, the egg can be found high up on the right.

23) At level 16-9 Mine and Dine, the egg is also high on the right.

24) Once again, we need to score three stars in each level of the Mine and Dine episode (135 stars in total).

25) At level 17-12 Mine and Dine, the egg is hidden in the treasure chest.

26) To find the next egg, you need to go to the screen of the second location of the Mine and Dine episode, it is hidden in the helmet of one of the pigs.

27) At level 19-14 of the Birdday Party episode, another egg is hidden. First you need to first accurately hit the cake with TNT on the left, then to the left of the platform on which the slingshot is installed, a golden egg will appear, use the yellow bird.

28) On level 20-6 of the Birdday Party episode, the egg is located high on the right in a square wooden block, launch the yellow bird at it.

29) At level 24-8 of the Red's Mighty Feathers episode, another golden egg is hidden. To get it, you have to knock down the engine with the help of a yellow bird.

30) Once again, we have to go through all the levels of three stars of the Red's Mighty Feathers episode and get your egg (90 stars in total).

31) At level 26-15 of Short Fuse, the egg is hidden under the slingshot, use the green bird.

If you searched but couldn't find all the hidden items in the game Angry Birds (Angry Birds) “Golden Eggs” (Golden Eggs) - you've come to the right place.

Guide to Finding the Golden Eggs

We are pleased to present you the most complete guide to collecting Golden Eggs in the vastness of the Russian Internet. With this guide you will be able to collect all 28 Golden Eggs. And, of course, enjoy the passage of new fun (and sometimes requiring brains!) Levels.

2011-06-17 - Added 23rd Golden Egg in Mine And Dine (v1.6.0)
2011-08-12 – Added 24th Golden Eggin episode Mine And Dine (v1.6.2)
2011-09 -08
Added 25th and 26th Golden Eggin episode Mine And Dine (v1.6.3)
2012-02-20 - Added 27 Golden Eggs to Birdday Party episode (v2.0.0)
2012-12-12 - Added 28 Golden Eggs to Birdday Party episode (v3.0.0)

Using the guide is simple - the numbers in the picture above indicate which one it is. golden egg and follow the instructions for finding or activating it below. Just follow the instructions to find and get golden egg. After opening each Egg, you need to go through the corresponding level to get the Star. In this case, we have a separate walkthrough, which can be viewed here (still, unfortunately, not ready - in the process of translation and adaptation).

Lazy to read? - No problem! Scroll down and watch the Golden Eggs video walkthrough. If you prefer to use the paper version - you can print the PDF version of the walkthrough and keep it with you! ( at the moment we are translating the PDF version into Russian, so it is not on the site yet)

Special thanks for the provided video walkthroughs and the PDF version are expressed to the English-language site of the game

Where are the Golden Eggs hidden?

#1 - In any level, pause the game and click on the “ ? ” (help) in the lower left corner. The egg will be on the White Bird instructions.

#2 - Mighty Hoax episode level 5-19 (rocket): the egg is on the right side behind the screen. If you shrink the screen and run the Yellow Bird in that direction, you will see it when the screen moves a little in that direction. To “collect” it, use either the Yellow Bird or the White Bird to throw an egg bomb on the right side of the wooden fortification of the first tower, after which the bird will ricochet and knock down the egg (but, it seems to me, it is easier and more convenient to do this with the yellow bird).

#3 - Level 2-2 of the Poached Eggs episode: just spread the beach ball.

#4 - Get 3 stars in all levels of Poached Eggs.

#5 - On the main screen, press the “ i” (about the authors), watch the credits to the end - and the egg will appear under the White Bird.

#6 - Poached Eggs Episode Level 1-8 (chest): poke on the treasure chest (sometimes you have to poke several times in a row). PC and Mac users: to open the chest, click and hold the left mouse button on the chest and type the word on the keyboard open .

#7 - Get 3 stars in all Mighty Hoax levels.

#8 - On the episode selection screen, double-tap the sun (lower center of the screen).

#9 - Level 4-7 of the Mighty Hoax episode: zoom out and the egg will be on the edge of the cliff on the right. Aim and hit him with the Yellow Bird.

#10 - Level 6-14 of Danger Above episode: take out the yellow ball under the tree house. Try to bounce the Yellow Bird off the tree or use the Boomerang Bird.

#11 - Danger Above episode level selection screen: On the “coming soon” screen, scroll the screen all the way to the right and drag in the same direction - the egg will be on the right. Even if you have all levels open, you can still scroll the screen to find the egg. Note, PC/Mac users - you need to click inside the window.

#12 - Get 3 stars in all Danger Above levels.

#13 – Level 8-15 of Danger Above episode: the egg is under the launch platform. To collect it, launch Yellow into the trampoline spring at the bottom right of the egg or use the Boomerang.

#14 - Level 9-14 of The Big Setup: zoom out and you'll see an egg with a hard hat on the bottom right. Take it out with the Boomerang.

#15 - Level 10-3 of The Big Setup: smash the duck under the bridge.

#16 - Level 11-15 of The Big Setup: If you shrink the screen so you can see the entire level, the egg will be on the left under the pad. Shoot it down with the Boomerang Bird.

#17 – Get 3 stars in all levels of The Big Setup.

#18 - Level 12-12 of Ham 'Em High: Break the goblet surrounded by diamonds in the center of the structure. Let me warn you right now that this is not easy!

#19 - Level 13-10 of Ham 'Em High: First, zoom out the screen. Now start the White Bird and at the right moment poke the screen to launch it into the egg.

#20 – Level 14-4 episodesHam 'Em High: First zoom out completely and you will see the Golden Egg on top of the cliff high to the right. Launch the Yellow Bird (← on the screenshot shows the correct trajectory) by clicking on it at the right moment and sending it in a parabola so that it collects the Egg.

#21 – Get 3 stars in all Ham 'Em High levels, including the three Facebook levels.

Super Bowl / Rio #22 - Level 13-12 of Ham 'Em High:

#23 – Level 15-12 of Mine and Dine: Lower the level and you will see the Golden Egg on the top rock ledge. Run (see screenshot) and apply acceleration at the right moment to knock down the Golden Egg. You can also try White Bird, but it's harder.

#24 – Level 16-9 of Mine and Dine: Lower the level and you will see the Golden Egg located on the top of the cave on the right. The first yellow bird is to remove the stone structure above the slingshot. This will make it easier to shoot the Egg, but is not a requirement. With the second Yellow, accelerate at the right moment to collect the Golden Egg. It doesn't always work the first time - practice!

#25 – Get 3 stars in all Mine and Dine levels.

#26 – Mine and Dine level 17-12: Decrease the level and you will see a treasure chest high up on the second rock. Get rid of the Red and White Birds, then launch the Yellow Bird on a high trajectory so that it flies over the first rock ledge. Next - use acceleration in time so that the bird passes over the ledge of the second shelf and hits the chest.

#27 - Level 18-6episode Birdday Party: Decrease the level and you will see the Golden Egg on the shelf at the top in the right corner of the level. Shoot the two Blue Birds and hit the egg with the Yellow one.

- Level 19-14episode Birdday Party: The egg is not immediately visible. You need to blow up the TNT “cake”, after which the egg will appear behind the launch platform below (there is a balloon). Collect it with the last Boomerang.

In the near future, the section will be completely redesigned, video walkthroughs will be updated and supplemented.

For your convenience, we have divided the video walkthroughs into separate blocks, so you do not have to scroll through a long, long video in search of a walkthrough of a single Egg. The video walkthroughs are extremely easy to use: just decide which egg you want to open and follow the instructions to find the egg. If you don't have time, just pause the video. If you are completely stuck - write in the comments or on the Forum.

Golden Eggs Walkthrough Video: Levels 1 – 5

Golden Eggs Walkthrough Video: Levels 6 – 10

Golden Eggs Walkthrough Video: Levels 11 – 15

Golden Eggs Walkthrough Video: Levels 16 – 19 + Rio / Super Bowl (Rio / Super Bowl)

And once again we express our gratitude to the English-language site of the game for the provided video walkthroughs.

Super Bowl / Rio - Level 13-12 of Ham 'Em High: Zoom out and launch one of the White Birds in the opposite direction and throw an eggbomb on the back side of the hill. This step is shown in the video walkthrough below. If this is not enough for you and you need a more detailed video - watch this video (soon!).

The new aircraft, called the "Flying Gondola", optimizes flight performance through center of gravity control technology. Reliability, which allows people to move safely, is an essential part of airborne mobility. However, in order to widely use the Flying Gondola aircraft as a means of transportation in the airspace, its creators from Aeronext Inc (Japan) believe that achieving both "safety" and " comfort." So that every passenger can easily use the aircraft without any reason for doubt.

Aircraft Breaking News: Japanese developer Aeronext has unveiled the "Flying Gondola" for easy air travel.

According to the developer Aeronext, the new "Flying Gondola" air mobility concept not only provides "safety" but also "comfort", which is different from the traditional air mobility concept, which mainly focuses only on passenger convenience.

When will the "Flying Gondola" replace the conventional aircraft?

The Flying Gondola delivers a new flight experience that Aeronext says allows the passenger to enjoy the joy and freedom of flying, the scenery in the sky. Development is moving forward and the next project "Next Mobility" will be the first principle prototype of the "Flying Gondola", but more on that later in the review.

The vertical takeoff and landing of the craft is controlled by a center of gravity technology called "Tiltbody".

The technology that is integral to the new "Flying Gondola" aircraft concept is the recently announced "Tiltbody" technology (a collective term for Aeronext's center of gravity control technology).

The developed technology stabilizes the takeoff and landing of VTOL aircraft (the term stands for vertical takeoff and landing). During the transition from takeoff to level flight, unlike traditional aircraft where the rotor is fixed, the movable rotor arm (referred to as the "propeller arm") moves to achieve optimum flight performance while maintaining cabin level relative to ground level. Perhaps this could mean that comfort and safety are maximized.

Also, the company is developing the first conceptual prototype of the Next Mobility single-seat passenger aircraft. This is a prototype that embodies the new concept of air mobility like a flying gondola (Flying Gondola). It features 4D GRAVITY center of gravity technology and the newly announced VTOL Tiltbody center of gravity technology. The all-new Next Mobility model is the first prototype to be a 1/3 size model of a single-seat aircraft.

Aeronext Flying Video Review: The Next Mobility prototype embodies the Flying Gondola concept.

In the future, the Japanese developer Aeronext promises to announce similar aircraft that can be used by several people.

Technical characteristics of the Aeronext aircraft and the advantages declared by the developer:

A vehicle with remotely controlled automatic navigation that does not require a pilot on board;

Smooth and stable transition from takeoff to level flight;

Comfortable landing in the device, because the seat is flush with the ground.

The passenger can relax and enjoy a conversation on a mobile phone;

It is easy to get into the aircraft even in a skirt or high heels;

The front, left and right sides of the apparatus are covered with glass to enjoy the view of the flight;

The aircraft is specially equipped with wings and a propeller system to prevent collision even in an emergency landing situation.

Whether you are waiting for the release of iOS 14 with secrets or not, this is important to know. The new iOS 14 operating system from technology company Apple may share the gadget compatibility list with iOS 13. What can this mean for users of Apple electronic devices? According to news sources, the full version of iOS 14 may cover support for about eighteen iPhone models. Naturally, the new list of smartphone support is expected to include this year's iPhone 12 series as well as the highly anticipated iPhone SE 2. Plus, an iPadOS update is expected to coincide with the release of iOS 14.

Operating system news and rumors: Which Apple devices will be updated to iOS 14 and when will the update be released? Read on.

If you've been following updates from Apple's iOS team, it's no surprise that with each new update, Apple compiles an iPhone compatibility list. For example, while iOS 11 and iOS 12 were released for the iPhone before the iPhone 5S version. A particular phone was an exception to the iOS 13 compatibility list.

As you know, Apple periodically disables support for older devices in its updates. The suspected reason for changing the compatibility list is the processor architecture of the device. However, it seems that this may not be the case this year when iOS 14 is released. According to the French source "iPhone Soft", Apple's new iOS 14 system (it's still in development) can run on all those iPhones. which are currently supported by iOS 13. Allegedly, this is information from a "developer friend at Apple".

Naturally, the list can be replenished with iPhone models of the current year (12 and SE 2). So, according to rumors, if this is true, when the iOS 14 update is released, it will be available for all iPhone models of the following list:

iPhone 12 Pro Max (rumored only);
- iPhone 12 Pro (according to rumors);
- iPhone 12 (rumors);
- iPhone SE 2 or known as iPhone 9 (currently known);
- iPhone 11 Pro Max;
- iPhone 11 Pro;
- iPhone 11;
-iPhone Xs Max;
-iPhone Xs;
-iPhone X;
-iPhone XR;
- iPhone 8 Plus;
- iPhone 8;
- iPhone 7 Plus;
- iPhone 7;
- iPhone 6s Plus;
- iPhone 6s;
- And iPhone SE model.

There is a rather longer list of Apple phone models for the new operating system than ever before. In addition, if this is the case, then the update may also affect the 7th generation iPod Touch media player.

However, this cannot be said about tablet computers. The report added that the debut in a couple of months, again according to rumors, the iPadOS 14 system may bypass the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4 model (that is, tablets with Apple A8X and A8 chips will be discontinued). For iPadOS 14, users are left to assume the following list:

9.7-inch iPad Pro;
- 10.5-inch iPad Pro;
- 11-inch iPad Pro;
- 12.9-inch iPad Pro;
- iPad Air 3rd generation;
- iPad 5th generation;
- iPad 6th generation;
- iPad 7th generation;
- And the 5th generation iPad Mini model.

The list may be replenished, according to rumors, the forthcoming version of the tablet "iPad Pro 5G".

In 2019, with the release of iOS 13, the iPhone 5s, which is popular in Russia, "turned out to be without support." The smartphone has received six major updates to the mobile operating system in its life.

Given that the iPhone SE, iPhone 6S Plus, and iPhone 6S were the last iPhones to feature headphone jacks, many Apple smartphone users preferred to hold on to their older iPhones for as long as possible. So if you're still using a 2015 iPhone, you might be able to breathe easy. A new rumor claims that iOS 14 will be compatible with the original iPhone 6S and iPhone SE.

New iOS 14 features and secrets:

What will iOS 14 be like?

As for the functionality of the new system, there is absolutely no information about what you can expect from iOS 14. Apple IT Corporation, as every year, is likely to introduce a new version of iOS at its annual WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference - this is a worldwide conference for Apple developers), which will be held in the United States around June 2020. The latest version of iPadOS will also debut at the event.

On this day, not only an announcement about the main changes is expected, but also about the release date of iOS 14 for download to developers (for beta testing), and the release date for download for ordinary users.

We will definitely write a review of what new things will be added to the system, what are the advantages of iOS 14 over version 13. Is it worth updating, about the termination of support and possibly device problems after the update.

Summary of iOS 14:

Apple has an incentive to keep supporting as many iPhones and iPads as possible for the new version of iOS 14 to increase the chance of engaging users with the latest features of subscription services like Apple Arcade and Apple TV+.

But, since this is the first time we hear about iOS 14 in 2020, so the information should be taken with the understanding that this is a rumor. After all, details from leaks and rumors are sometimes misunderstood. We will all be able to verify the reality of the forecasts only after Apple itself introduces a new version of the operating system at the end of this year.

Soon, we will discuss the burning secrets of iOS 14. We expect good news for older devices.

The most elegant AZZA Pyramid 804 computer case has a pyramid-inspired design. On all four sides, the innovative case is equipped with four tempered glass side panels, allowing you to showcase your beautiful computer design from all angles. And user access to ports such as USB Type-C, HD Aduio and USB 3.0 can be done through the opening glass door of the case. The package already includes a 120mm Hurricane II digital RGB fan, which allows you to customize its color to the taste of the owner of an unusual computer.

News about the most beautiful cases for a computer: The innovative model AZZA Pyramid 804 was created as a glass pyramid transforming into a table.

The eye-catching Pyramid 804 computer case from AZZA is designed not only to showcase one assembly of powerful hardware. It is capable of supporting most builds that fit in any conventional mid-rack chassis. For example, it supports EATX motherboard, 300mm graphics card, two 2.5" SSD bays, one 3.5" HDD bay (the bay is also compatible with 2.5" SSD inches) and still supports water cooling up to 360mm in length or 120mm fans in the amount of three, in the bottom of the case. In other words, you can change the hardware as needed or at the request of the computer user.

As mentioned above, the cool computer case is equipped with a built-in 120mm Hurricane II digital RGB fan, which, thanks to its futuristic lighting, will be a cool highlight. But, it's not all about pleasing aesthetics for the user.

The versatility of a computer case

The undoubted advantage is that the unusual case of the Pyramid 804 computer can be demonstrated to others in more than one way. In addition to the usual installation on the bottom surface, like pyramids, the manufacturer also offers an additional stand with four legs, which allows you to install the computer case "upside down" (inverted). The bottom of the computer case then becomes a flat surface, allowing the case to be practically used as a glass table.

No matter what you do with this unusual computer case, it will prove to be functional and pleasing to look at in any circumstance.

Video review of the AZZA Pyramid 804 computer case with an elegant pyramidal design:

Physical dimensions of the AZZA pyramid case: Height 585 mm, width and length of the base 490 mm each.

The new CES 2020 Consumer Electronics Show (in Las Vegas, America) featured a massive collection of amazing robots designed to perform just about anything, from daily chores to cultivating the good in a person. Perhaps as a reflection of our increasingly busy lifestyles, this year's tech show was also filled with a surprising array of robots designed to provide camaraderie and alleviate feelings of loneliness.

Latest robot news: Reviews and videos on the best robots presented by the international electronics exhibition in 2020

Filled to the brim with the latest in robotics technology, CES 2020 has begun showing funny robots and wowing attendees from all over the world. Here are some of the bright innovations that aroused the interest of visitors.

Spherical robot Ballie.

Samsung's Ballie, the unexpected announcement of a companion robot. The novelty is a bright rubber ball with built-in lenses for the camera. How amazing can this ball-shaped mini robot be? The commercial shows Ballie (the size of a tennis ball) merrily rolling around a chic apartment, interacting with the hostess, pet, TV, robotic vacuum cleaner, mechanical curtains.

For now, Ballie's ball-shaped robot is just a concept. The idea is that the robot moves around the premises, interacting with existing gadgets. This is the era of the Internet of Things!

Video review of the spherical robot Ballie: announcement of opportunities.

In this way, the Ballie robot can improve the quality of your day and take care of your loved ones and your home. If you are interested in other novelties of household robotics, write, we will publish a new thematic review.

Therapeutic robot Petit Qoboo.

Petit Qoboo is a robot created by Yukai Engineering. If tickling and tummy rubbing is your main reason why you need a feline friend, then the Petit Qoboo robot might be a bit strange, but almost animal-like, for you. The companion robot in the form of a fluffy therapeutic pillow with an expressive tail looks like a substitute for a cat.

A larger model of the robotic therapy pillow with a tail can already be bought on Amazon for about $150, but the new Petit Qoboo robot model, which debuted at the latest at the 2020 CES Electronics Show, is still in the prototype stage. The creator of the new robot is working on an ambitious schedule and hopes to have his miniature cat substitutes in stores later this year.

Video review of Petit Qoboo: Comparison of the old and new model of the companion robot.

Comment on the history of the creation of the robot "Petit Qoobo", from the developer:

Saaya Okuda, Overseas Marketer at Yukai Engineering Inc:

"Yukai Engineering Inc. decided to create a new companion for Qoobo, "Petit Qoobo", as a result of listening to the voices of Qoobo owners and fans. We received comments hoping for a smaller, more portable version of the Qoobo to carry around. There were also requests for additional features that would make Qoobo more realistic. "Petit Qoobo" and its features are the answer to these voices.

"Petit Qoobo" is much smaller than the original Qoobo, and users can easily carry it for a walk, take it to visit a friend, and so on. In addition to Qoobo's original function of wagging its tail when touched, "Petit Qoobo" also responds to loud sounds such as clapping or saying its name. Users can also feel light heartbeats and breathing movements, which provide a more realistic experience. "

Friends, how do you like the Japanese therapeutic robot in the shape of a cute pillow with a tail? BellaBot service robot with delivery function.

We continue the review of the new robots of 2020, adhering to the theme of cats. Bellabot, from Chinese manufacturer PuduTech, is a quirky cat-trolley hybrid that will bring you dinner and let you pet its ears. This particular waiter can load 10 kilos.

According to the developer, "BellaBot is the latest model of PuduTech's delivery robot. On the one hand, it is not inferior to the previous generation product, such as the four-level structure of large food trays, rich delivery functions, high-precision positioning and navigation, stable and efficient system. planning and, on the other hand, shows breakthroughs in appearance design and human-machine interaction, making BellaBot a new type of cute yet powerful delivery robot that is popular in this field."

For some time, serving robots have been roaming Chinese restaurants. A similar Peanut robot can be seen from manufacturer Keenon Robotics, but the fun addition of ears and whiskers makes BellaBot a much more attractive and individual robot. Next, look at what robot manufacturers have shown.

Video review of the delivery robot BellaBot: a new product of PuduTech.

It is worth noting that BellaBot is not the only such robot from PuduTech. Last year, Chinese engineers developed a less emotional PuduBot waiter robot. The 30 kilogram device, similar to the BellaBot design, holds 3 to 5 pallets with a load capacity of about 10 kilograms.

Domestic robot or bionic cat MarsCat.

MarsCat by Elephant Robotics is a robotic pet that at first glance appears to be a feline version of Sony's Japanese Aibo puppy robot, but in fact, these robots are completely different. You may not be able to teach the old Japanese robot Aibo new tricks, but the MarsCat model is open source and controlled by a small Raspberry Pi computer, so you can work MarsCat however you like.

Even if you're not into robot customization, the MarsCat model still has a lot to offer, performing a variety of feline tasks regardless of your involvement. The new robot will also respond to your touch on its head or chin, and you can even give it voice commands. Frequent interaction with a robot can develop its personality, which will determine how friendly, vociferous and frisky it is.

It is worth noting that the MarsCat robotic project has already more than quintupled its funding goal on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform, and there is still time before the fundraising is completed. The MarsCat robot is expected to sell for $1,299, which is certainly a huge amount, but less than half the price of Japan's latest Aibo robot.

Video review of the bionic cat MarsCat: now a pet robot.

Completely self-contained, interactive and easy to program, MarsCat is the perfect companion with endless possibilities.

Interactive humanoid robot Reachy Pollen Robotics.

Also at CES 2020, Reachy was unveiled by French developer Pollen Robotics, a new open source interactive robot. It has a wide range of abilities, such as performing tasks that people only do with their upper body.

The Reachy robot's shaking antennae make it look like an insect, a remarkable feat of engineering to create a user experience. Each arm of the humanoid robot has seven degrees of freedom, and its specialized neck joint allows the head to turn and tilt in an amazingly realistic manner. The robot head itself is equipped with a camera, microphone and speaker.

Like the MarsCat home robot, the new Reachy model is open source - you can use the Python programming language to create your own robot control programs. Another developer, Pollen Robotics, suggests using it for research and development, as a recorder robot, or as a useful interactive guide with artificial intelligence (AI).

What is the price for such a robot? A complete Reachy with head, body and two arms will cost around $17,000. Yes, this is an expensive robot, but a cheaper version of the robot with one arm is currently available for $9,000.

Video review of the Reachy robot:

Is it possible to customize the functions of the robot to suit your tasks? According to the developer's plan, Reachy's open source software tools are open source and can be freely modified or customized by the end user to suit their needs.

Comment on the creation of the Reachy robot, from the developer:

Pierre Rouanet, CTO of Pollen Robotics:

"We decided to create Reachy so that users can run their own interactive robotic applications in the real world. Creating simple service robotic applications should be easy, and Reachy was designed as a platform to speed up the development process.

We started by designing just the arm, and then, working with our clients (prosthetic researchers, university, event planners, and design agency), we added a torso and head for expressiveness and more focus on human interaction.

We strongly believe that by designing a robot that looks attractive and has simple interactions, we can really improve and make many applications of service robotics more natural. "

Such marvels of robotics can be applied to different lifestyles. Surely we will be presented with even more curious, unusual and very useful robots in 2020. We will definitely add news and videos about technological advances in robotics.

The new Air Pix device from the AirSelfie legend is a small selfie drone (photo or video). It can be used as the easiest and most enjoyable way to free your hands when taking selfies. The Air Pix hovering in the air allows the user to create stunning panoramic photos and videos in high resolution. You can use your own pocket personal photographer in almost any environment and share created selfies on social networks.

The latest drone news: Miniature, handheld flying camera Air Pix from AirSelfie.

The flying camera drone started as a crowdfunding project (using public funding on Indiegogo and Kickstarter). He raised over two million dollars for his development.

What can a user do with the Air Pix mini drone?

Easily create stunning HD aerial photos and videos, edit them right in the app, and then instantly share them on your favorite social networks.

Specifications of Air Pix Drone with Camera

AirSelfie Air Pix has a compact size (pocket size), weighs less than a golf ball, creates 12 megapixel photos or 1080p video at 30 frames per second, can track people's faces during autonomous flight, is additionally controlled by a touch mobile application, has an internal memory of 8 Gigabyte. The Air Pix uses a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi connection to connect your smartphone to the Air Pix.

Video review of a flying small drone Air Pix:

Why do you need a mobile version of the site? In today's complex world, more and more advanced technologies are being created. In the last decade, we have witnessed an astonishing growth in the development of mobile technologies. Almost every week we see new gadgets appearing on the world market. It seems that smartphones and tablets are ahead of laptops and computers. More and more people are using mobile devices in their lives. Entertaining, getting information or even working with a business, it can all be done easily. Despite this apparent growth in mobile technology, there are still some webmasters who are too stubborn to convert their websites to mobile websites.

Website Technology News: The Benefits of Converting Your Website to a Mobile-Optimized Website.

In this article, we will start discussing a very hot topic that seems to be very annoying for webmasters, why should we turn an existing website into a mobile website. The first obvious reason is that most websites that have not been converted to mobile sites will not display correctly on mobile devices. You can easily lose repeat visitors and sales in this situation. For example, if a mobile user is looking for something to buy on your site, but finds out that your site structure is loading too slowly, they will certainly leave looking for the desired item on other mobile websites.

Mobile sites are the best

Why a mobile version of the site? On top of all that, mobile websites also rank higher in search engines. It is clear that in classical search engine optimization (SEO), things have already gone too far. But with mobile SEO, everything is just getting started! The world's largest search engine, Google will, in fact, first display results that are optimized for mobile users. That's how you can get the means to reach your goals and beat the competition!

With mobile websites, you can be on site for your visitors all the time. Most mobile phone users are on the move looking for information on the go. If you display a phone number on your mobile site, your visitor can call you directly from their mobile device. For example, if you are the owner of a restaurant, this hungry user appears to be walking through your site. He can directly call the restaurant from his mobile phone and ask about food, location or any other information he needs! That's what the mobile version of the site is for.

Now you can see how great it can be to transform an existing website into a website for mobile devices (phones, smartphones, phablets, tablets)!

Before you finish reading, think about some numbers. The world population is 6.7 billion people. Of these, five billion mobile users. If that's not enough to convince you to convert your site to a mobile version of a website, here's another fact; an incredible 80 percent of these mobile users access the Internet using mobile devices every day! That's four billion users every day. Undoubtedly, it is clear that the mobile industry is moving very fast. Within the next two years, the mobile internet will overtake the natural website industry. So, friends, don't forget to take care of your mobile site today!

Electronics manufacturer Cooler Master has a range of hardware products such as keyboards, power supplies, headsets, computer (PC) cases, mice and, of course, coolers. Each of its products has been custom designed based on community feedback. Including hybrid keyboards. Cooler Master even had a Kickstarter project, an analog keyboard with pressure-sensitive keys called the ContolPad. With that said, let's take a closer look at what can make the new Cooler Master SK621 keyboard special to the user.

Keyboard news today: Cooler Master SK621 review - a mechanical wireless keyboard with a separate wired connection option.

The first thing that is noticeable in the review is the ability to easily pair the wireless keyboard with three different devices. Connecting a device is as simple as holding the function button and Z, X or C. This feature makes it very easy to switch from using your phone to using your computer. Turning on the Cooler Master SK621 keyboard is also easy. Either connect it via a USB Type-C cable, or activate a very simple switch to wireless mode on the left side.

Specifications of Cooler Master SK621 Wireless Keyboard:

You can map a wide variety of colors (shades) to any key, adjust lighting modes, or set up macros using the Cooler Master software.

How does a wireless keyboard work?

When using the SK621 for the first time, it is recommended to connect to a computer via USB Type-C and install the Cooler Master Portal. This will allow you to control various lighting effects and wireless keyboard settings. It is possible to create preset profiles, which makes it easy to switch between profiles when using elements. You can also adjust the lighting effects with the controls, but the portal mentioned above is more user friendly. The wireless keyboard setup is very easy to use and has many combinations. There are options - adjusting the speed, direction and brightness of the keyboard backlight effects.

Macros can also be programmed. It's also worth adding that all functions such as RGB lighting, macros and controls are available when using the SK621 via a Bluetooth connection. The battery life of the wireless keyboard is also impressive. It may take a couple of full working days before the indicator turns red, indicating that the battery is low. Charging the SK621 wireless keyboard is also easy. Just connect your keyboard via USB Type-C. The keyboard can still be used as a wired keyboard as long as the cable charges the keyboard battery.

The body of the keyboard is crafted from brushed aluminum, making it lightweight, durable and looking great. There is also a nice smooth accent on the edge of the aluminum which adds a touch of elegance. The keys are made of plastic and don't have much texture.

The low-profile Cherry MX keys are quiet enough for office use. The key switches are incredibly responsive, and using the Cooler Master SK621 wireless keyboard takes some practice. This is because the keys register a press to the nearest millimeter or less.

The SK621 hybrid keyboard is designed to be compact and quite portable. A nice addition is a velvet bag. It's definitely made for gaming thanks to the Cherry MX keys, but it's easy to use for work.

The Cooler Master SK621 does everything it's meant to do. However, the keys are great for gaming, but too sensitive for typing. Plastic keys are also prone to oil stains on the fingers, so eating while playing can be tricky. Maybe if the keys had some sort of oil resistant coating or more texture, the oil prints wouldn't be as pronounced.

SK621 Wireless Keyboard Features:

Brushed aluminum body design;

Flat brushed aluminum keyboard top, floating keycaps and a slim, minimalist chassis design.

Color backlighting of the Cooler Master keyboard (RGB LEDs);

Individual key illumination with LEDs and a customizable surrounding LED ring.

Hybrid wired and wireless;

Connect up to three devices via Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology or a wired connection and charge the battery at the same time.

Minimum keyboard layout by 60%;

We can say that this slim wireless mini keyboard has a unique design for maximum portability.

Easy to use software.

Low profile Cherry MX keys;

The reduced travel distance and actuation point functions with the same durability and accuracy (according to the wireless keyboard manufacturer).

Available controls;

In real time, you can customize the keyboard backlight and macros without the need for software.

Summary of Cooler Master SK621 Wireless Keyboard:

Overall, the electrical and keyboard manufacturer Cooler Master has exceeded all expectations. This is especially impressive due to the fact that it can make for a really interesting wireless keyboard. The SK621 has a variety of lighting effects and customization, a compact design and a host of user-friendly functions. Using the SK621 at work and then bringing it back home to play can make the gadget a favorite wireless keyboard for almost $200 USD.

3D printing news: ETH Zurich creates concrete columns with a special concrete 3D printer.

In the Swiss Riom, at the Origen festival, nine columns 2.7 meters high are installed. Each column is 3D printed with concrete. The new columns were custom-designed using custom software and produced using the Concrete Printer, a new automated concrete 3D printing process developed by the ETH Zurich team with support from NCCR DFAB.

3D printing from concrete

MA students in Digital Manufacturing and Architecture explore the unique possibilities of multi-layer extrusion printing, demonstrating the potential of computer-aided design and digital fabrication for the future of concrete construction. Perhaps in the construction industry, this process will become more environmentally friendly in the future if they develop new eco-concrete for 3D printing.

Video review of 3D concrete printing: Concrete choreography.

Here's how easy and fast concrete 3D printing works.

3D printing of houses, concrete buildings is a perspective for construction.

Hollow concrete structures are printed for the strategic use of materials, providing a more sustainable approach to specific architecture. In addition, the calculated material structure and surface textures are an example of the versatility and significant aesthetic potential of concrete 3D printing when used in large-scale structures.

The new review will be about printing on a 3D printer with metal.

It is worth noting that there is a technology that would carry out 3D metal printing. This is also a promising direction for construction, but other materials (for example, powder), programs and other types of printers are used for this (which we will talk about soon).

Honor News: With the new 3D holographic color phones from Honor, it's possible to add some new color to life.

Unsurprisingly, most people don't mind hiding the backs of their phones behind opaque plastic cases. In cases, the user can choose the appropriate color of the phone case to give the mobile a bit of personality. But the new Chinese Honor 20 Pro and Honor 20 series phones are the world's first smartphones with a 3D dynamic holographic design, and their reflective exterior could become the new industry standard.

"Always better" is the motto of the company. Perhaps this motto indicates that she refuses to follow the industry standard, simply experimenting with layers of paint when creating each new phone model.

Color 3D holography for phone case.

In order to achieve a shimmering optical illusion for the body of the phone, manufacturer Honor has designed its Honor 20 with a depth layer containing millions of shimmering microscopic prisms, and on top of this is placed a so-called 3D curved glass layer. The combination of these technologies makes the light "play and dance" on the back of the phone when the user turns it in different directions.

Two colors for the Honor 20 phone can be found under these dynamic layers, they are Midnight Black and Sapphire Blue. Unlike the newfangled phrases for some phone colors, the mobile Honor has color gradients for phones that really evoke the effect of a shimmering night sky or a shimmering gem.

Although the color options of the cases sound exciting, with the Chinese phone Honor 20 Pro, you can go even further. This upgraded model contains the proprietary "3D Triple Mesh" containing three layers. Instead of just painting the back of the phone itself, this time with a body color layer, sandwiched between the outer 3D layer and the inner depth layer. According to the handset manufacturer, this makes the color shift effects much more dynamic.

The Honor 20 Pro mobile phone is actively sold in two colors such as phantom black (Phantom Black) and phantom blue (Phantom Blue). Although the names of these phone colors are not so metaphorical, you should not think that their rear panels are less dynamic.

Honor's obsession with picking the right colors might seem overly dramatic, but in the UK, for example, a survey of hundreds of Britons found that forty-nine percent of them consider color when choosing a phone to buy.

What is the sale of a phone with a changing color scheme for?

What is a phone for? The choice of a mobile phone, as Honor designer Jun-Soo Kim put it, is "Prolonging a person's life." In essence, Honor is stating that customer identities cannot be captured by one unchanging color.

The history of the creation of color phones Honor.

The Honor 20 model shows a natural evolution of the company's experiments with dynamic color in phone design (iridescent colors). With the Honor 8, the trend of a 2.5D layered back wall, which creates a 3D lattice effect, began. The Honor 9 version then evolved into a phone with 3D curved glass, echoes of which can be found on the Honor 20. Well, last year the Honor 10 featured an Aurora back glass that reflected colors from all sides.

What is it, the screen in the Honor phone?

Honor's design innovations are not limited to the color of the phone's body. It is worth paying attention to the placement of the Honor 20's camera. Instead of cropping the screen to make room for the "selfie" camera. The phone manufacturer has cut a 4.5mm hole in the top left corner of the screen, leaving more screen real estate for the user's needs.

AI camera or AI camera on your phone.

On the phone's description, it's worth noting that on the back of the handset, the Honor 20's AI camera has four lenses and is positioned to leave more space for the battery with more storage. But most importantly, the result is a 48-megapixel camera that uses the Kirin 980 AI microchip to take DSLR-level stills and enhance photos.

Honor phone color summary.

In summary, phone descriptions, technical compatibility, and cutting-edge hardware innovation are what usually draw attention to Chinese Honor phones. But, in this case, the technology is almost dwarfed by the uniquely colored case design, which may make some users reluctant to go back to plain 2D phone case colors in the future.

Rumors about the release of the Google Pixel 4 mobile phone continue to arise. A new set of information or predictions comes from an image leaked on the Internet (3D rendering of colored cases) that is believed to be of the Google Pixel 4. It is not uncommon for users to follow behind the topic of novelties, such images are overlooked. In the meantime, for some analysts, the new picture helps make a few guesses about more than just the color of the phone.

A new, unofficial image of the Google Pixel 4 gives rise to rumors about the color options of the mobile phone's body.

While another image of the phone's body itself doesn't seem to show any more than what's been discussed online before, the model seen in the background of the photo is surprising because of the color. That mobile phone has a shade of magenta that the Pixel model didn't have before.

Elsewhere, there have been other leaks of the same Google Pixel 4 with "three phones" (variants) stacked in a row. There are white and black colors plus a third has a bluish tint that some call mint green. Would you like to buy a blue phone? Probably the name of the colors of the phone will still be updated.

Whatever the phone's color leak may be true or false, it's safe to assume that this year's new Google Pixel 4 will definitely feature an additional color. More interestingly, in the image, the physical buttons on the sides of the phones contrast with the body color. You can see white, blue and yellow buttons that give the phone a fun look.

For some strange reason, all of the images and leaks seen so far have only shown the back of the Google Pixel 4 smartphone. According to various sources, Google allegedly shared a rendering of the phone, and there was also a part where the square camera bump was featured. The double camera block was visible.

The leaked photos in question, including the image along with the cases, show the rear panel in different colors and the camera module. What do you think is the best phone color?

About the specifications of Google Pixel 4:

Obviously, the idea of ​​a fingerprint scanner does not leave fans alone. Some wish the phone had either face ID to unlock the phone, or an in-display fingerprint scanner, or both.

Some other aspects and specifications, such as the dimensions of the phones and the overall thickness of 8.2 millimeters higher than the 7.9 mm seen in the Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, can be taken as close to reality.

There is speculation that the Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL versions of the phone may look more like the "Apple iPhone 11" variant that is scheduled to release in a couple of months. When exactly? Tech company Google has yet to announce an official release date for the Pixel 4, but various sources are hinting at a release of the new phone at the end of the year.

Have you ever wondered why you need a phone of the latest model? Soon, we will talk about this in more detail, so stay tuned for news about new smartphones from Google.

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  1. - In any level, pause the game and press the “?” (help) in the lower left corner. The egg will be on the White Bird instructions.
  1. – Level 5-19 of the Mighty Hoax episode (rocket): the egg is on the right side behind the screen. If you shrink the screen and run the Yellow Bird in that direction, you will see it when the screen moves a little in that direction. To “collect” it, use either the Yellow Bird or the White Bird to throw an egg bomb on the right side of the wooden fortification of the first tower, after which the bird will ricochet and knock down the egg (but, it seems to me, it is easier and more convenient to do this with the yellow bird).
  1. – Level 2-2 of the Poached Eggs episode: just blow the beach ball around.
  1. - Get 3 stars in all levels of Poached Eggs.
  1. - In the main screen, press the “i” button (about the authors), watch the credits to the end - and the egg will appear under the White Bird.
  1. - Level 1-8 of the Poached Eggs episode (chest): poke at the treasure chest (sometimes you have to poke several times in a row). PC and Mac users: to open a chest, left-click on the chest and type the word open on the keyboard.
  1. - Get 3 stars in all Mighty Hoax levels.
  1. - On the episode selection screen, double-tap the sun (bottom center of the screen).
  1. – Level 4-7 of the Mighty Hoax episode: zoom out and the egg will be on the edge of the cliff on the right. Aim and hit him with the Yellow Bird.
  1. – Level 6-14 of Danger Above: Take out the yellow balloon under the tree house. Try to bounce the Yellow Bird off the tree or use the Boomerang Bird.
  1. – Danger Above episode level selection screen: On the “coming soon” screen, scroll the screen all the way to the right and drag in the same direction - the egg will be on the right. Even if you have all levels open, you can still scroll the screen to find the egg. Note, PC/Mac users - you need to click inside the window.
  1. - Get 3 stars in all Danger Above levels.
  1. - Danger Above level 8-15: The egg is under the launch pad. To collect it, launch Yellow into the trampoline spring at the bottom right of the egg or use the Boomerang.
  1. - Level 9-14 of The Big Setup: zoom out and you will see an egg with a hard hat on the bottom right. Take it out with the Boomerang.
  1. – Level 10-3 of The Big Setup: Smash the duck under the bridge.
  1. - Level 11-15 of The Big Setup: If you zoom out to see the entire level, the egg will be on the left under the pad. Shoot it down with the Boomerang Bird.
  1. - Get 3 stars in all levels of The Big Setup.
  1. - Level 12-12 of Ham 'Em High: Break the goblet surrounded by diamonds in the center of the structure. Let me warn you right now that this is not easy!
  1. – Level 13-10 of Ham 'Em High: Zoom out first. Now start the White Bird and at the right moment poke the screen to launch it into the egg.
  1. - Level 14-4 of Ham 'Em High: First zoom out completely and you'll see a Golden Egg on top of a cliff high to the right. Launch the Yellow Bird on a high trajectory (← on the screenshot shows the correct trajectory) by poking it at the right moment and sending it in a parabola so that it collects the Egg.
  1. - Get 3 stars on all Ham 'Em High levels, including the three Facebook levels.

Super Bowl / Rio #22 - Level 13-12 of Ham 'Em High: Zoom out and launch one of the White Birds in the opposite direction and throw an eggbomb on the back side of the hill. This step is shown in the video walkthrough below. If this is not enough for you and you need a more detailed video - watch this video (soon!).

  1. – Level 15-12 of Mine and Dine: Lower the level and you will see the Golden Egg on the top rock ledge. Launch the Yellow Bird on a high trajectory (see screenshot) and apply acceleration at the right moment to knock down the Golden Egg. You can also try White Bird, but it's harder.
  1. – Level 16-9 of the Mine and Dine episode: Lower the level and you will see the Golden Egg located on the top of the cave on the right. The first yellow bird is to remove the stone structure above the slingshot. This will make it easier to shoot the Egg, but is not a requirement. With the second Yellow, accelerate at the right moment to collect the Golden Egg. It doesn't always work the first time - practice!
  1. – Get 3 stars in all Mine and Dine levels.
  1. – Level 17-12 of the Mine and Dine episode: Lower the level and you will see a treasure chest high up on the second cliff. Get rid of the Red and White Birds, then launch the Yellow Bird on a high trajectory so that it flies over the first rock ledge. Next - use acceleration in time so that the bird passes over the ledge of the second shelf and hits the chest.
  1. - Level 18-6 of the Birdday Party episode: Decrease the level and you will see the Golden Egg on the shelf at the top right corner of the level. Shoot the two Blue Birds and hit the egg with the Yellow one.

Golden Egg #28 - Level 19-14 of the Birdday Party episode: The Egg is not immediately visible. You need to blow up the TNT “cake”, after which the egg will appear behind the launch platform below (there is a balloon). Collect it with the last Boomerang.