How to make a sausage heart. Sandwiches with hearts

09.07.2023 Meat dishes

Delicious and fragrant beef heart sausage is sure to please your taste. By itself, it would be harsh, but if you include pork meat and a little lard in the composition, then juiciness and tenderness will increase. Do not forget that the flavors of minced meat can be changed with the help of spices, spices (dried thyme, oregano, rosemary, ground red and black peppers, etc.).


  • 0.5 pcs. beef heart
  • 300 g meat with lard
  • 50 g fat
  • 1–1.5 m intestines
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 1 handful dried thyme
  • 30 ml vegetable oil


1. Rinse all meat products in water, cut off the skin from the fat. Strip the heart of fat, veins, films, etc., leaving only a purple pulp. Cut the meat, heart and lard into large cubes. Peel the garlic cloves and rinse. Do the same with a small onion if you like.

2. Pass all meat products and garlic through a meat grinder, installing a grate with large holes in it. Pour salt, ground black pepper and dried thyme into the minced meat, mix the minced meat thoroughly. Leave for 3-4 hours in the cold, covered with a bag or cling film. During this time, the minced meat will absorb the aromas of spices and spices.

3. Install a special nozzle on the meat grinder, rinse the intestine and pull it onto the nozzle, tie the end and pierce it several times with a needle. Fill the intestine with chilled minced meat, trying not to stuff it tightly so that the sausage does not tear when frying. As soon as air collects in the intestine, pierce it with a needle and release it. Tie up the end of the gut. If desired, you can divide the circle of the workpiece into equal parts, forming portioned sausages.

Thought I'd post it here in case it's useful to someone :)

Today I will tell you how a “sausage” is made of plastic, or the so-called cane technique.
I'll show you how to make a heart-shaped sausage :)
So, we need plastic of any two colors and black. I took blue fimo with sparkles and blue cernit.

It is desirable that the plastic in the sausage be of the same softness. This will help to avoid deformation of the pattern in the sausage and the formation of too large “tails”.
We knead the plastic from which our heart will be and make a cylinder with a diameter of 2.5-3 centimeters from it.

We cut our cylinder lengthwise in half.

We take one half of the cylinder and turn it into another, only flattened cylinder so that the cross section is like an ellipse. The length of the resulting "cylinder" should remain the same.

Cut it in half along the wide side.

We add the received parts as but photos:

We give the resulting figure the shape of a heart in cross section.

Thinly roll out black plastic.

Carefully wrap our heart with the resulting black sheet. To make the hollow between the halves of the heart look beautiful, black plastic can be carefully “filled” into it with something like the blunt side of a knife.

Now we take the plastic from which the background will consist, and rolling thin sausages and plates out of it, we begin to fill the space that will be our background.
The more carefully this is done and the less empty places remain, the better and more accurate our sausage will turn out :)

Now we need to give our sausage the desired size. To do this, with one hand we press its upper end with glass, and with the other we gently squeeze the sausage starting from the middle and gradually moving up and down. Attention: the sausage must not be rolled, otherwise the pattern inside it may be deformed. It can only be squeezed and carefully pulled out.

When the sausage has reached the desired size, you can roll it a little, but with a low range of motion - just to correct its shape.

Cut off the "tail" and get this:

From the resulting sausage, you can cut off plump plates, pierce holes in them and use them as finished beads. And you can cut it thinly and stick around a round bead. It can be molded from unnecessary remnants of various plastics, or, in order to save material and reduce the weight of the finished product, stick around a ball of foil. Only the ball must be rolled very tightly to avoid the fragility of the bead.
The plates must be fitted tightly to each other so that the pattern is not distorted.
When the plates are stuck on the bead, you need to gently roll it in your palms, changing the direction of "rolling" after 2-3 "turns" to smooth the seams. If you roll the bead too hard, the design on it can twist into a spiral.

That's it, that's all :)
Hope I explained everything clearly :)

For Valentine's Day, you can, of course, cook something interesting, for example, a salad in the shape of a heart. But if you are used to having breakfast in a hurry, then you can make sandwiches with hearts for breakfast, and a cup of tea or aromatic coffee with them. Such a beautiful breakfast will immediately set you in a positive mood, cheer you up. So,


- bread or loaf;

- any sausage, you can buy ham;

- hard cheese;

- 1-2 boiled eggs;

- a little mayonnaise;

- canned ginger


1. Bread is best bought already sliced. Sausage or ham, cheese can be cut into slices by yourself (in any supermarket, sausage and cheese will be cut evenly and neatly). You will also need a set of cookie cutters in the form of hearts of different sizes. For a large sandwich, a silicone mold for scrambled eggs was used.

Put a slice of black bread or a loaf on a plate, a heart shape on it, carefully cut along the contour.

2. 2 boiled eggs, 50 g of hard cheese, grate on a coarse grater, add a little mayonnaise, salt, mix well.

Spread the heart with the egg-cheese mixture.

3. Squeeze a heart out of a slice of sausage or ham with a cookie cutter and a smaller cheese mold. Place the sausage and cheese on the sandwich, top with a piece of pickled ginger. Garnish with dill sprigs.

4. Another option for a sandwich. Squeeze out hearts from a slice of bread or a loaf. In their place - such hearts of sausage and cheese.

5. Top with balls of egg-cheese mixture, pickled ginger pieces, dill.

6. Heart sandwich with wings. Squeeze out hearts of the same size from bread, cheese, sausage with a cookie cutter. Lay on top of each other, don't forget the layer of egg and cheese mixture. Wings on the side - they can be made from chips.

7. Another design option for heart sandwiches. Round holes are made using a wide straw for cocktails.

1. Such sandwiches can be made a little differently. Spread a slice of black bread with butter, lettuce leaf on it, a thin slice of cheese on top, ham hearts on it, you can add a little mayonnaise or ketchup. With a pastry bag made of mayonnaise or ketchup, you can make playful inscriptions.

2. If you don’t like sausage, then instead of it you can take fresh tomatoes, cut into slices and squeeze a heart out of it. remove the form, press your finger on the middle, you get a bright red heart.

Bon appetit! Let this breakfast for lovers start a day full of pleasant and romantic experiences.

Sausage with a heart is a very tasty meat dish that you will surely succeed even the first time if you carefully follow the steps of the recipe. I advise you to add piquant flavors to the dish: garlic, ground hot pepper, as well as bright spices - dried thyme.

Salted intestines can be purchased at the market or in the butcher's shop if ordered in advance. You can also buy them in the online store. Add pork fat to the sausage, based on the fat content of the undercut (brisket): if it is fatty, then add less fat, and vice versa. Be sure to cut off the skin from the underline.

Many chefs advise adding onions to sausage with beef heart, but do this only if you do not plan to freeze the semi-finished sausage product, as onions give the meat product an unpleasant flavor when frozen.

So, let's prepare all the necessary ingredients and start cooking.

We will definitely cut off fat from half of the heart - its taste is bitter. Rinse, cut off the veins, films from the heart, cut into portioned cubes. We will do the same with meat and lard.

Peel the garlic cloves and pass them through a meat grinder with meat products, turning everything into minced meat. Salt, pepper and add ground red pepper and dried thyme. Thoroughly mix the minced meat and leave for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator for flavoring.

Using a special nozzle, fill the washed intestines, tying one end. When the minced meat enters the intestine, we pierce it with a needle, releasing air. Remember that the intestines do not need to be filled tightly, otherwise the sausage will burst. Let it be better half-empty, but whole! When the minced meat is over, distribute it throughout the intestine and tie the second end, punching and releasing air. In this form, sausage with a heart can be frozen in the freezer.

But we will fry it right away. To do this, heat the pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, reduce the heat to a minimum and place the sausage in the pan. Cover and cook on one side for about 10 minutes.

After that, turn over to the other side and fry the same amount of time.

Put the hot sausage on a dish and serve it with preservation and hot pickled peppers.

Don't forget the mustard!

Happy you!