How to make kvass from lemon. lemon kvass

09.07.2023 Egg dishes

In the heat of summer, it is nice to have a soft drink in the form of kvass in the refrigerator. And if it is cooked at home, it is doubly pleasant.

Rinse the lemons well and pour over with boiling water, then dry. Water for kvass is better to take spring or filtered.

Pour water into a large saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. Bring water to a boil, then remove and cool to about 30 degrees. Remove the zest from the lemons and then squeeze the juice out of them.

When our sweet water has cooled, add yeast, zest and lemon juice to the pan. Mix everything well.

Cover the pot with the future kvass with a lid and leave at room temperature for 5-6 hours. I leave the pot overnight. Small bubbles will appear on the surface of the water, which means that our kvass has begun to ferment.

Strain kvass through cheesecloth and bottle. Drop 8-10 raisins into each bottle. Close the bottles with kvass with lids and refrigerate for 24-27 hours.

Step-by-step recipes for making lemon kvass in various versions

2018-05-20 Galina Kryuchkova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


11 gr.

43 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Lemon Kvass Recipe

In the summer, many are looking for recipes for drinks that are refreshing, tonic and easy to prepare. Do not be lazy and make lemon kvass.


  • 280 gr. lemons;
  • 360 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 15 gr. pressed yeast;
  • 40 gr. raisins.

Step-by-step recipe for classic lemon kvass

The quality of kvass depends primarily on water. Therefore, I advise you to pour it first into a bucket for settling.

Pour clean water carefully, and remove the sediment.

Bring the water to a boil.

Pour two cups of sugar into the water.

Mix the syrup well and boil.

Scald the lemons with boiling water.

Remove the clean zest with a grater.

Cut each lemon in half crosswise.

Squeeze out the juice. You should have one glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Lemon kvass needs good yeast. Break the pressed yeast into pieces, and then grind with 10 grams of sugar.

Pour lemon juice into syrup.

Add yeast to water with juice and sugar in parts and stir.

Put kvass in a darkened warm place.

Check the condition of your drink after four hours. Bubbles should form on the surface.

Prepare the following items: a piece of double gauze, a convenient funnel, several bottles with caps.

Place a washcloth at the bottom of the funnel.

Insert the funnel into the bottle.

Pour kvass from the jar into bottles.

Wash the raisins, sort and sort into bottles.

Place kvass in bottles in a cool place.

After two hours, the drink will be finally ready. Pour and try! Store the rest in the refrigerator.

Option 2: Quick Lemon Kvass

Mix the ingredients for kvass for a short time, just do not have the patience to wait for the completion of fermentation. Therefore, I buy ready-made kvass, add sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste, stir and drink.
Make the next version of lemon kvass three hours before bedtime so that in the morning you have a ready-made refreshing drink.


  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 st. l. instant coffee;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • 1 dessert spoon of citric acid;
  • 2 teaspoons of raisins.

How to quickly cook lemon kvass

Prepare a clean three-liter bottle.

Pour half a liter of warm boiled water into the ladle. Add sugar, stir, and then pour into a balloon.

Pour 0.5 liters of water again, add citric acid, stir and pour into syrup.

Dilute a spoonful of instant coffee in a glass of water, and then pour into a bottle.

Now stir dry yeast in a small amount of water, and then pour into the same bottle.

Stir the future lemon kvass. Add more water and raisins.

Cover the jar with a napkin and take it to the sun.

After three hours, strain the kvass and pour into clean bottles.

Put kvass in the refrigerator. There it will settle, it will become cool and pleasant to the taste. It is nice to drink such a drink right after sleep.


Raisins in kvass prolong the fermentation period and add sharpness to the taste. So use it at your own discretion. You can not add this product at all.

Option 3: How lemon kvass was made in the 19th century

I liked the old Russian proverb: “Drink kvass and drive away melancholy!” How was this drink prepared, that it improved the mood? I found a recipe from the cookbook "Kukhmister" for 1854.

The recipe calls for molasses. Instead, you can take artificial honey. The number of ingredients is indicated for 20 liters of kvass, apparently they didn’t waste time on trifles before and prepared kvass for a large family with supplies.


  • 400 gr. (1 lb) raisins;
  • 5 pieces of large lemons;
  • 1600 gr. (4 pounds) molasses;
  • 1 cup for 200 ml of yeast;
  • 3 art. spoons of flour;
  • 20 liters of water.

How to cook

In an old recipe, kvass is made in a tub. However, not everyone has such a unique capacity. It is easier to find a large enamel pan.

Take one pound (400 gr.) of raisins, carefully sort and wash.

Choose large lemons. Wash them with a brush. And cut into slices.

Place clean raisins and sliced ​​lemons in the bottom of a tub (pot).

Pour molasses (warmed natural or artificial honey) on top.

Water for kvass should be special. Well, if you have the opportunity to dial it from the well. Or dial it from a regular tap and let it stand. Then pour into a suitable container and boil.

Pour boiling water into a tub, in our case, into a saucepan.

Some private bakers or monks in monasteries make their own hop yeast for baking. If you don't have them, then use regular pressed ones. Dilute them with water to a creamy state and rub with flour.

Let the water in the tub cool down. Then pour the yeast into the warm liquid.

Stir the future kvass thoroughly with a ladle. Cover and leave overnight.

Prepare another five liters of clean boiled water.

The next day, pour the cooled water into kvass.

Check fermentation periodically. Don't miss the moment when the lemons and raisins float to the surface.

Strain kvass through a dense sieve or gauze.

Do not bottle to the very top. Seal and store in a cellar or refrigerator.

There was a lot of kvass, enough for several hot days.

How to make molasses for lemon kvass? You will need white or brown sugar and honey, measure an equal amount of these products. Pour some water, it should be six times less. Mix the ingredients and cook in a water bath. The molasses should be viscous and thick.

Option 4: Apple-lemon kvass with lemon balm

Another old recipe for kvass from apples and lemons. The drink turns out to be saturated with vitamins, the taste is sweet with sourness, and the smell is pleasant.

You will need large juicy lemons, sweet yellow apples with a pinkish barrel and a few leaves of fresh lemon balm.


  • 8 large sweet apples;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 20 gr. pressed yeast;
  • 4 cups of sugar.

Step by step recipe

For apple-lemon kvass, perfectly clean fruits without a wax coating are needed. Therefore, thoroughly wash both apples and lemons in warm water.

Cut the apples. Remove stems and cores with seeds.

Place the apple slices in a saucepan. Fill them with five liters of water.

Put a pot of water and apples on the stove, make medium heat. Fruits should be completely boiled.

Take lemons. Cut off a thin layer of zest from them.

Squeeze juice from peeled lemons.

Put the zest into a pot of boiling water and apples. Keep cooking.

Place a metal sieve over an empty pan. Line the bottom with gauze.

Carefully pour the decoction through a sieve into an empty saucepan.

Mix twenty grams of yeast in 120 ml of water.

Add lemon juice, sugar and diluted yeast to apple broth.

Put the container with kvass in a cool place.

After a couple of days, pour the drink into glass bottles. Add a whole leaf of lemon balm to each.

Option 5: Mint-lemon kvass on black bread

This is the most popular recipe. Instead of yeast, brown bread crumbs are used. Lemon and mint are added for a more pleasant taste and smell.


  • 0.5 kg of black bread;
  • 3 liters of boiling water;
  • 12 gr. yeast;
  • 1 tsp flour;
  • 3 mint leaves;
  • 0.5 lemon.

Step-by-step instruction

Cut black bread into pieces.

Put the bread on a baking sheet and dry in the oven.

Transfer the crackers to an enamel container.

Pour croutons in a saucepan with boiling water. (I never pour boiling water into a glass bottle, I'm afraid that it may burst.)

Mix yeast with flour.

Add one liter of cracker infusion to the yeast with flour.

For active fermentation, put the starter in a warm place.

Chop the lemon and mint first.

Put all the sugar and slices of lemon with mint into the cracker infusion.

Heat the pot with infusion and additives.

If the yeast has already come up, then add them to the infusion.

Cover the pot with a towel and place in a warm place.

The next day, foam should form on top. She needs to be removed.

Strain and pour into a convenient container.

Pour chilled kvass into a tall glass. Put a few frozen raspberries or currants. Now quench your thirst for health!

Berry analogues have long competed with traditional kvass. At home, you can also prepare lemon kvass, which is not just pleasant to drink. It is refreshing and helps to quench thirst. Such kvass is suitable for delicious sweets, pastries. Decorate a festive feast.

Try it with stronger spirits and you won't be disappointed either. Don't be afraid to experiment and create your own "family recipe"!

Homemade lemon kvass

recipe with honey without yeast

For one and a half liters of the finished drink you will need


  • water - one and a half liters,
  • eight to ten raisins,
  • honey - four tbsp. l.,
  • lemon,
  • sugar five to six tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

Cool the boiled water slightly. Prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Squeeze the juice from a lemon or use a ready-made option. If you like a light citrus bitterness, thinly slice the lemon zest.
Mix all ingredients.

Cover the dish with gauze and leave the kvass to infuse for a day in a warm place (25–27 degrees).

Then filter the liquid with a colander (with the smallest holes) or gauze.

Pour into bottles, adding raisins to each (four to five raisins). Experts advise using champagne bottles. They are stronger than any others, because they are able to withstand (without the sad consequences such as unwanted explosions) the pressure that occurs during the fermentation process.

Seal bottles carefully. And remove the kvass (for aging and maturation) in a cold place for two weeks (at least!). Store bottles lying down. How to check if it's ready? Firstly, you will understand this if you feel a specific kvass smell. Secondly, be sure to hear the hiss in the bottle during the fermentation process, which indicates that everything is going as it should. Third, try. This is an error-free verification method.

Drink lemon-honey kvass only chilled. Then you can appreciate the delicate and pleasant taste of this drink on merit!

Bon appetit!

Sincerely, Anyuta.

One of the best lemon refreshing summer drinks + RASPBERRY KVASS RECIPE
Recipe and notes under the cut...

Dried flour, steamed lemons and flour, kvass after 2 days and filtered


1909 P.P ALEKSANDROVA-IGNATIEVA "Practical foundations of culinary art."

lemon kvass


Lemons - 6 pcs.

Molasses, honey or sugar - 1, 2 or 1, 4 kg.

Boiling water - 26 bot.

White raisins - 400 gr.

Yeast - 50 gr.

Wheat flour - 1 tablespoon.

Recipe. Taking good ripe lemons, wash and cut them into thin slices without cutting the zest; take out all the grains, otherwise the kvass will be bitter, put the lemons in a barrel, preferably stone, add white peeled raisins, from which the grains are also removed, and white sugar molasses or refined sugar, but fresh honey is best, pour it all in one teapot ( 5 bot.) boiling water, cover and leave until the next day in a warm place. The next day, pour all this with cooled boiled water in the amount of another 21 bottles. , add yeast there, best of all beer or, in the absence of the latter, ordinary dry, diluted with tepid water and seasoned with a little flour (1 tbsp. Spoon). After putting the yeast, leave the kvass in a warm place until it turns sour: this can be easily recognized, because the lemons and raisins will rise to the top. Then strain kvass through a thin cloth, pour into bottles, cork and take out in the cold.

Use not earlier than after 5 days. In order for the sugar to dissolve better, it can be poured with part of the water (2 bottles) and boiled, and then pour lemons with syrup and add the rest of the boiling water.


Lemon kvass.

Take the zest, grated, from 5 lemons, put in a tub and brew 10 bottles of boiling water. When the water has cooled, put the yeast on 2-3 kopecks. (stir them in slightly warm water - 1/2 stack.) then put 1 ½ cups of sugar, stir well with a spatula, strain through a sieve, add not a full spoonful of cream tartar and juice from 5 lemons. Pour into bottles, cork well and leave in the room. When foam appears on top of the bottles, take the kvass to the cold, in two days it will be ready. Proportion for 10 bottles.

1893 V. FILATOVA "New allowance .."

Lemon kvass.

On a bucket of boiled water put 4 lbs. honey, 4 sliced ​​lemons (removing seeds), 1 tbsp. raisins and one tea cup of all-purpose flour. When it cools down like fresh milk, put two tea cups of good yeast, let it ferment well (in this case, the whole mass will rise up and bubbles will appear), strain, pour into bottles, cork, tie with a rag or, better, tar, put on ice, and through day ready.


Lemon kvass.

For a bucket of water (20 bottles) take 6 lemons, 3 ½ lb. sugar, 1 f. raisins, 1 cup yeast (less than ¼ lb.). Raisins, sugar and lemons, cut into 4 parts and without seeds, pour boiling water; when it gets cold, pour in the yeast, leave until the morning. Strain in the morning, let stand for a while, bottle and put on ice. After 3-4 days kvass is ready.


Lemon kvass.

After cutting 4 good ripe lemons into circles, they take out the stones from them and, completely discarding the tops of the lemons, put them in a pot and add 3 to 3 ½ pounds of granulated sugar. At 2 p.m., all this is poured with 45 glasses of boiling water, and, having mixed the water with sugar, cover with a towel and leave until the kvass cools down so much that it is warm. At 8-9 o'clock in the evening, 7-9 spools of yeast are bred in ¼ glass of the same kvass and, poured into kvass, stir well; after 10-11 hours, the kvass will foam and the lemons will rise to the top. Then, having filtered kvass through a silk strainer or through a napkin, it is poured into bottles, leaving the necks empty; the bottles are corked with corks and tied with a string or rags, they are taken out into the cold. After 4-5 days kvass will be ready. If kvass is needed as soon as possible, then, having corked the kvass, leave it warm for several hours, and then take it out into the cold, then on the next - third day, kvass can be served. This kvass can be tinted with 1 - 2 pounds of cranberries boiled in water, then the number of lemons is reduced by 1 - 2 pieces.

1897 COOKING TEXTBOOK "Advice to a young housewife"

Lemon kvass.

Take 5 lemons, cut into slices, remove the seeds, 1 pound of raisins, 4 pounds of honey, put in a tub, pour 30 bottles of boiling water; when cool, pour in a cup of yeast, lined with 3 tablespoons of wheat flour. The next day, pour 6 bottles of cold water into the kvass, and when the lemons and raisins rise to the top, remove them with a slotted spoon, strain the kvass and pour it into bottles, putting two raisins in each. Cork well and keep in a cold place for 6 days. Then you can use.

1891 N.A. KOLOMIYTSOVA "An essential reference book .."

Lemon kvass.

Proportion for 36 bottles.

Good ripe lemons 5.

Raisins 1 lb.

Molasses sugar 4 lbs.

Brewer's yeast ½ tea cup.

Cereal flour 1 table. Spoon.

Cold boiled water 36 bottles.


First, prepare the anchor and cut a 1 ½-inch square hole, or a tub with a good lid. Then, cut into circles 5 lemons with skin (grains off), put the sliced ​​lemons in an anchor or a tub, add molasses there, pour boiling water over all this in one teapot, close the anchor hole tightly or, if a tub is used, then cover tightly with a lid and leave in room for a day.

Then take ½ tea cup of good brewer's yeast, mix with one tablespoon of coarse flour, dilute a little with cold boiled water, stir and pour into an anchor or tub, pour all 36 bottles of boiled cold water, cover and leave where it stood.

When fermentation begins, which will be noticeable by the white bubbles, and the raisins and lemons will float to the top, the kvass will be ready. It must be filtered into a special bowl, through a sieve, and immediately poured into either champagne bottles or seltzer jugs and, having corked, after three hours, take it out into the glacier and after 5 days or a week it can be consumed.

N.B. This kvass is good because it is not very complicated, it is made simply and its composition is not expensive, but it tastes very pleasant.


Lemon kvass.

Put in a tub 1 lb. Raisins and 5 sliced ​​lemons, together with the skin, having selected the seeds, are poured over 10 pounds. Molasses and add 30 bottles. boiling water; everything is well stirred and allowed to cool, after which 3 evils are added. dry yeast, dissolved in 1 cup cold water with ½ stack. flour.

The next day, you can add another 5-10 bottles. cold water. When the raisins and lemon float to the top, kvass is filtered through a cloth, bottled, corked well, the necks are tied with ropes or wire and stored in a lying position in the cellar.

Instead of molasses, you can, to taste, take honey or sugar.

In this way, you can make excellent kvass from all fruits or berries, which is called berry or fruit kvass.

The recipe of Filatova and Simonenko was taken as a basis. Of course with changes.

LEMON KVASS (calculated for 6 liters of water).

Take a capacious enamel pan (in this case, a pan with a volume of 8 liters).

Dry in a pan (in the oven or on the hob, stirring often to prevent burning) 1 cup of wheat flour (see photo), until the flour begins to change color, or only the color of the flour becomes creamy, i.e. slightly dry) . Let the flour cool down.

Take 2-4 lemons (in this case 3 lemons were used) - about 450-500 g. Remove the tips from the lemons, cut across the rings and remove the seeds.

Place the cooled flour in a bowl and while stirring with a whisk, pour in 1 cup of cold water. Mix well.

Place prepared lemons, flour diluted in water and 6-8 tablespoons of sugar (or honey) in a saucepan (tank or barrel, if any) and pour prepared boiling water over it, stirring with a spoon or wooden paddle (you can boil a kettle in 2 passes, pour boiling water, stir and, when the missing boiling water is ready, add it there).

Cover the pan with a lid and LET IT COOL! to the temperature of fresh milk (up to room temperature, if you like).

After the water has cooled, add either sourdough - 50 ml (bread sourdough "thickness of sour cream", rye or wheat ..) or, if there is no sourdough, ordinary ("wet") yeast - 1 tablespoon.

Add a handful of raisins (preferably light).

Leave for 2 days. Then kvass is filtered through a sieve and bottled. Cool down.


If any kvass, bottling, is hermetically sealed, then the kvass will be tart and will “gain degrees”! THIS SHOULD BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT FOR THOSE WHO DRIVE CARS, AIRLINES, BOATS AND SWIMMING MATTRESSES J. And from such kvass, children literally get drunk.

Adding raisins to the finished filtered, bottled kvass and hermetically sealing the kvass, the kvass will gain “bitterness” in addition to degrees.

It is convenient to cork kvass in bottles with screw caps. If with corks, then the corks must be carefully tied with wire. And, in any way, when the time comes to uncork the bottle, you should expect a stormy foam from the bottle - it is better to substitute a tray or a bowl (especially for fruit kvass - cherry, raspberry, apple ...). Opening bottles with kvass is very similar to champagne. Careful J.

It is best to drink fresh chilled kvass that has not been hermetically sealed. In addition, such kvass is not bitter.

The taste of lemon kvass can be made soft if you cook it by peeling the lemons from the skin (remove the seeds anyway).


RASPBERRY KVASS (calculation for a 3-liter jar).

Cook like lemon, but instead of lemon, take 1 cup raspberries, ½ cup flour and at least 3 tbsp. l sugar and 1 teaspoon of yeast (or 25 ml of sourdough).

Raspberry kvass

Lemon and raspberry kvass

Consumption ecology. Food and recipes: One of the best lemon refreshing drinks + raspberry kvass recipe

1909 P.P. ALEKSANDROVA-IGNATIEVA "Practical foundations of culinary art."

lemon kvass


Lemons - 6 pcs.

Molasses, honey or sugar - 1, 2 or 1, 4 kg.

Boiling water - 26 bottles.

White raisins - 400 gr.

Yeast - 50 gr.

Wheat flour - 1 tablespoon.

Recipe. Taking good ripe lemons, wash and cut them into thin slices without cutting the zest; take out all the grains, otherwise the kvass will be bitter, put the lemons in a barrel, preferably stone, add white peeled raisins, from which the grains are also removed, and white sugar molasses or refined sugar, but fresh honey is best, pour it all in one teapot ( 5 bot.) boiling water, cover and leave until the next day in a warm place. The next day, pour all this with cooled boiled water in the amount of another 21 bottles. , add yeast there, best of all beer or, in the absence of the latter, ordinary dry, diluted with tepid water and seasoned with a little flour (1 tbsp. Spoon). After putting the yeast, leave the kvass in a warm place until it turns sour: this can be easily recognized, because the lemons and raisins will rise to the top. Then strain kvass through a thin cloth, pour into bottles, cork and take out in the cold.

Use not earlier than after 5 days. In order for the sugar to dissolve better, it can be poured with part of the water (2 bottles) and boiled, and then pour lemons with syrup and add the rest of the boiling water.


Lemon kvass.

Take the zest, grated, from 5 lemons, put in a tub and brew 10 bottles of boiling water. When the water has cooled, put the yeast on 2-3 kopecks. (stir them in lukewarm water - 1/2 cup.) then put 1 ½ cups of sugar, stir well with a spatula, strain through a sieve, add not a full spoon of cream tartar and juice from 5 lemons. Pour into bottles, cork well and leave in the room. When foam appears on top of the bottles, take the kvass to the cold, in two days it will be ready. Proportion for 10 bottles.

1893 V. FILATOVA "New allowance .."

Lemon kvass.

On a bucket of boiled water put 4 lbs. honey, 4 sliced ​​lemons (removing seeds), 1 tbsp. raisins and one tea cup of all-purpose flour. When it cools down like fresh milk, put two tea cups of good yeast, let it ferment well (in this case, the whole mass will rise up and bubbles will appear), strain, pour into bottles, cork, tie with a rag or, better, tar, put on ice, and through day ready.


Lemon kvass.

For a bucket of water (20 bottles) take 6 lemons, 3 ½ lb. sugar, 1 f. raisins, 1 cup yeast (less than ¼ lb.). Raisins, sugar and lemons, cut into 4 parts and without seeds, pour boiling water; when it gets cold, pour in the yeast, leave until the morning. Strain in the morning, let stand for a while, bottle and put on ice. After 3-4 days kvass is ready.


Lemon kvass.

After cutting 4 good ripe lemons into circles, they take out the stones from them and, completely discarding the tops of the lemons, put them in a pot and add 3 to 3 ½ pounds of granulated sugar. At 2 p.m., all this is poured with 45 glasses of boiling water, and, having mixed the water with sugar, cover with a towel and leave until the kvass cools down so much that it is warm. At 8-9 pm, they dilute 7-9 spools of yeast in ¼ glass of the same kvass and, pouring them into kvass, stir well; after 10-11 hours, the kvass will foam and the lemons will rise to the top. Then, having filtered kvass through a silk strainer or through a napkin, it is poured into bottles, leaving the necks empty; the bottles are corked with corks and tied with a string or rags, they are taken out into the cold. After 4-5 days kvass will be ready. If kvass is needed as soon as possible, then, having corked the kvass, leave it warm for several hours, and then take it out into the cold, then on the next - the third day, kvass can be served. This kvass can be tinted with 1 - 2 pounds of cranberries boiled in water, then the number of lemons is reduced by 1 - 2 pieces.

1897 COOKING TEXTBOOK "Advice to a young housewife"

Lemon kvass.

Take 5 lemons, cut into slices, remove the seeds, 1 pound of raisins, 4 pounds of honey, put in a tub, pour 30 bottles of boiling water; when cool, pour in a cup of yeast, lined with 3 tablespoons of wheat flour. The next day, pour 6 bottles of cold water into the kvass, and when the lemons and raisins rise to the top, remove them with a slotted spoon, strain the kvass and pour it into bottles, putting two raisins in each. Cork well and keep in a cold place for 6 days. Then you can use.

1891 N.A. KOLOMIYTSOVA "An essential reference book .."

Lemon kvass.

Proportion for 36 bottles.


Good ripe lemons 5.

Raisins 1 lb.

Molasses sugar 4 lbs.

Brewer's yeast ½ tea cup.

Cereal flour 1 table. Spoon.

Cold boiled water 36 bottles.


First, prepare the anchor and cut a 1 ½-inch square hole, or a tub with a good lid. Then, cut into circles 5 lemons with skin (grains off), put the sliced ​​lemons in an anchor or a tub, add molasses there, pour boiling water over all this in one teapot, close the anchor hole tightly or, if a tub is used, then cover tightly with a lid and leave in room for a day.

Then take ½ tea cup of good brewer's yeast, mix with one tablespoon of coarse flour, dilute a little with cold boiled water, stir and pour into an anchor or tub, pour all 36 bottles of boiled cold water, cover and leave where it stood.

When fermentation begins, which will be noticeable by the white bubbles, and the raisins and lemons will float to the top, the kvass will be ready. It must be filtered into a special bowl, through a sieve, and immediately poured into either champagne bottles or seltzer jugs and, having corked, after three hours, take it out into the glacier and after 5 days or a week it can be consumed.

N.B. This kvass is good because it is not very complicated, it is made simply and its composition is not expensive, but it tastes very pleasant.


Lemon kvass.

Put in a tub 1 lb. Raisins and 5 sliced ​​lemons, together with the skin, having selected the seeds, are poured over 10 pounds. Molasses and add 30 bottles. boiling water; everything is well stirred and allowed to cool, after which 3 evils are added. dry yeast, dissolved in 1 cup cold water with ½ stack. flour.

The next day, you can add another 5-10 bottles. cold water. When the raisins and lemon float to the top, kvass is filtered through a cloth, bottled, corked well, the necks are tied with ropes or wire and stored in a lying position in the cellar.

Instead of molasses, you can, to taste, take honey or sugar.

In this way, you can make excellent kvass from all fruits or berries, which is called berry or fruit kvass.

The recipe of Filatova and Simonenko was taken as a basis. Of course with changes.

LEMON KVASS (calculated for 6 liters of water).

Take a capacious enamel pan (in this case, a pan with a volume of 8 liters).

Dry in a pan (in the oven or on the hob, stirring often to prevent burning) 1 cup of wheat flour (see photo), until the flour begins to change color, or only the color of the flour becomes creamy, i.e. slightly dry ). Let the flour cool down.

Take 2-4 lemons (in this case, 3 lemons were used) - about 450-500 g. Remove the tips from the lemons, cut across the rings and remove the seeds.

Place the cooled flour in a bowl and while stirring with a whisk, pour in 1 cup of cold water. Mix well.

Place prepared lemons, flour diluted in water and 6-8 tablespoons of sugar (or honey) in a saucepan (tank or barrel, if any) and pour prepared boiling water over it, stirring with a spoon or wooden paddle (you can boil a kettle in 2 passes, pour boiling water, stir and, when the missing boiling water is ready, add it there).

Cover the pan with a lid and LET IT COOL! to the temperature of fresh milk (up to room temperature, if you like).

After the water has cooled, add either sourdough - 50 ml (bread sourdough "thickness of sour cream", rye or wheat ..) or, if there is no sourdough, ordinary ("wet") yeast - 1 tablespoon.

Add a handful of raisins (preferably light).

Leave for 2 days. Then kvass is filtered through a sieve and bottled. Cool down.


If any kvass, bottling, is hermetically sealed, then the kvass will be tart and will “gain degrees”! THIS SHOULD BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT FOR THOSE WHO DRIVE CARS, airplanes, boats and swimming mattresses J. And children literally get drunk from such kvass.

Adding raisins to the finished filtered, bottled kvass and hermetically sealing the kvass, it will gain “bitterness” in addition to degrees.

It is convenient to cork kvass in bottles with screw caps. If with corks, then the corks must be carefully tied with wire. And, with any method, when the time comes to uncork the bottle, one should expect a stormy foam from the bottle - it is better to substitute a tray or a bowl (this is especially true for fruit kvass - cherry, raspberry, apple ...). Opening bottles of kvass is very similar to champagne. Careful J.

It is best to drink fresh chilled kvass that has not been hermetically sealed. In addition, such kvass is not bitter.

The taste of lemon kvass can be made soft if you cook it by peeling the lemons from the skin (remove the seeds anyway).


RASPBERRY KVASS (calculation for a 3-liter jar).

Cook like lemon, but instead of lemon, take 1 cup raspberries, ½ cup flour and at least 3 tbsp. l sugar and 1 teaspoon of yeast (or 25 ml of sourdough). published