The best apple pie recipe ever. Grated pie with apple-curd filling

Open apple pie is rightfully considered a classic among homemade pastries. This budget sweet dessert is perfect for family or friendly gatherings over a cup of tea, because it not only has an amazing taste and aroma, but also cooks very quickly. The combination of fresh apple filling and tender dough will impress your household, as well as relatives and friends. Consider step by step and with a photo how to cook an open apple pie.

Open apple pie based on shortcrust pastry

One of the most popular and simple options for preparing this wonderful tasty dish.

You will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 650 g flour;
  • Butter - 210 g;
  • Baking powder - 10 g;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Sugar - 2/3 cup.

For filling:

  • Apples - 700 g;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Granulated sugar - to taste (about a third of a cup).

Step-by-step cooking scheme:

  1. In a convenient container, combine sugar and butter, then grind them well. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with salt and add here;
  2. We knead the mixture until smooth with a mixer or a whisk, add the sifted flour along with the baking powder and make a soft dough for our future masterpiece;
  3. We slightly moisten our hands and roll a ball out of it, then move it to a baking dish, smeared with oil;
  4. The mass is evenly placed on the entire surface of the mold, while creating small sides along the edges, then we move it to the refrigerator to cool the dough;
  5. Let's do the stuffing. We wash the fruits thoroughly, remove the stalks, seeds and cores. It is also desirable to remove the skin;
  6. We cut the fruits into large slices and place them in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Sprinkle them with sugar and keep on a strong flame for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, then cool completely;
  7. We spread our filling in a mold on top of the test layer and put it in an oven heated to 185 degrees. The duration of the baking process is 45 minutes;
  8. The delicacy is served chilled and cut into portioned pieces.

Open yeast pie with apples

An open apple pie made from yeast dough is distinguished by its special splendor, taste and aroma. Making it at home is very easy and inexpensive.

For this you will need:

  • Half a glass of milk;
  • One chicken egg;
  • A large spoonful of sugar;
  • 4 apples;
  • 2 cups flour;
  • 2 teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • A quarter of a small spoon of salt;
  • 2 large spoons of vegetable oil;
  • Powdered sugar - to taste;
  • Egg for brushing.

Cooking instruction:

  1. We place the yeast in warm milk, wait until they melt, then add sugar and salt, drive in an egg, stir everything well;
  2. Pour the pre-sifted flour into the resulting mixture and make a dough. At the end of the kneading, add vegetable oil and thoroughly knead the dough piece again. Next, we place it in a separate container and leave it to “approach” for 40 minutes, then we crush it again and again leave it for the same time;
  3. 3/4 of the dough mass is rolled out according to the diameter of your baking dish. The thickness of the layer should be about one and a half centimeters. We put it in a mold and create "sides";
  4. We clean the fruits from the skin and seeds, cut them into medium cubes, put them on top of the test layer and sprinkle with powdered sugar;
  5. Roll out the rest of the dough, cut into strips and lay them on top of each other on top of the apples, forming a “lattice”;
  6. We coat our future masterpiece with an egg and let it “rest” for half an hour;
  7. We bake in the oven, heated to 210 degrees, for about 20 minutes;
  8. The finished dessert is served chilled.

Puff pastry recipe with cinnamon

Another simple apple pie recipe. But this is the case if you take ready-made puff pastry. In this case, you will spend on cooking only about 15 minutes, not counting the baking process. But if you decide on your own, then the total cooking time of the treat will increase significantly.


  • Puff sheet (250 g);
  • 3 apples of sour varieties;
  • Large egg yolk for lubrication;
  • One third of a glass of sugar;
  • A small spoonful of cinnamon;
  • Jam or jam - two large spoons (optional);
  • Butter - 50 g.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Lightly dust the table with flour and roll out a defrosted puff sheet on it, depending on the size and geometry of your baking dish. Trim the edges with a knife. Transfer the dough to a baking sheet or mold and send it briefly to the freezer;
  2. Combine peeled and cut into small slices apples with sugar and cinnamon;
  3. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Take out the dough piece and coat it with egg yolk whipped with a teaspoon of water. At the same time, it is better to leave 2 cm from the edges not smeared so that the sides become airy during the baking process;
  4. Using a sharp knife, evenly slightly cut the test plastic (but not through!), separating the sides from the middle;
  5. Divide the apple slices and arrange the butter pieces. The dessert is baked for half an hour until the apples are golden and soft;
  6. If desired, to decorate and enhance the taste, spread the delicacy with jam;
  7. Ready-made pastries are cut into portioned pieces and served warm.

Video: A simple and quick recipe for an open apple pie

The next post, that is, this one, will be devoted to the wonderful and delicious topic of APPLE PIE and how to make pie dough.

Apple pie is a classic of the genre. There is hardly a person who has never tried apple pie and there is hardly anyone who does not like it. In the cuisine of different countries there are their own recipes for this pastry. Charlotte and Tatin, who came to us from France. Strudel - popular in Austria, Hungary, Germany and the Czech Republic and many more options.

But whatever they are called, in my opinion, with which you, of course, have the right to disagree, in the end it is, by and large, an apple pie. The difference is only in the method of preparation and the finished appearance.

I dare to suggest that in Russia a large number of pies were baked during the Apple Spas. This is a Christian holiday, which is celebrated on August 19 and actually has pagan roots. The holiday is dedicated to the new harvest of apples. On this day, all believers brought fruits and honey to the church for consecration. It was even believed that apples should not be eaten before the Apple Savior. Here is a micro-excursion into history for you.

There are no problems with apples these days. In modern supermarkets, they can be bought all year round, and the product is presented in at least five types. And for thrifty gardeners, winter varieties are stored, almost until the spring of next year. So if you want to bake an apple pie, there will be no problems.

The main thing that distinguishes apple pie is the RECIPE, which is very simple and even the most inexperienced cook can do it.
Now, with your permission, I will make the dough for the pie. It is known to be the foundation. No dough, no pie. The apple pie itself will not be purely apple, in addition to fresh apples, we will add apple jam and dried apricots (dried apricots) to the filling.

By tradition, the entire article will be accompanied by photographs of each stage of preparation and, of course, a video at the end of the article. You know, every time I take photos and record videos, I worry not to miss anything. To make it clear to you dear readers. And I am extremely happy when I receive real comments, such as from Vova, on: “Yes ... it turned out not just delicious, but super))) ...”
Remark: the cake that you see in all the photos and videos is made from ½ of all the ingredients needed for the dough. But the recipe itself is given in its original form, i.e. full.

Pie dough: ingredients

For the test we need:
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- sugar - 2.5 tablespoons;
- salt - ½ teaspoon;
- flour - 3 cups (maybe a little less or more, how much the dough will take);
- vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
- melted butter - 100 grams;
- warm milk - 1 glass (200 ml.);
- dry yeast - 3 teaspoons (without a slide);

The procedure for preparing the dough

Step 1. Pour some water into a glass and pour the yeast into it, while we mix the rest of the ingredients, the yeast will dissolve. I always dissolve them in water, even if the recipe doesn't call for it. Firstly, they dissolve faster in water than, for example, in milk. And secondly, it is better to knead the dough in which the yeast is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume than when they remain granules.

Step 2 Slightly heat the milk, melt the butter and combine everything in a bowl in which we will knead the dough.

Step 3 We break the eggs there and pour vegetable oil.

Step 4 Then add sugar and salt.

Step 5 All, as it should, mix with a whisk until foam forms and pour the dissolved yeast into it.

Step 6 Sift the flour and gradually introduce into our dough. It is not necessary to pour out everything at once, it may turn out to be a lot, and the dough will turn out to be very steep.

Step 7 Knead soft dough. Lubricate a clean bowl with vegetable oil, place the dough in it and cover with cling film. In this state, we send for an hour and a half in the refrigerator. NOT IN THE FREEZER!!!

In the meantime, while the pie dough is in the refrigerator, prepare the filling. Above, I said that I make my pie with a filling of fresh apples, apple jam and dried apricots. Therefore, dried apricots pre-soaked in hot water I cut us into pieces. I also cut fresh apples and mix everything with apple jam. The proportions are completely arbitrary.

If you are making your pie with only apples, then cut them into wedges and sprinkle with sugar. Apples, of course, are best cut just before the bookmark. Otherwise they will turn black. There is another option, sprinkle apples with lemon or orange juice, then they will not turn black and will calmly wait for their turn.

Recipe: making a pie with dried apricots and apples

Meanwhile, an hour and a half has passed, the dough is ready, the filling is ready. Let's get started:
Step 1. We divide the dough into 2 parts. One is bigger, the other is smaller. The one that is larger is the base, which will be the smaller upper part. We roll out the base so that it is enough for the sides of the form in which we will bake. I have a round one. You can have a rectangular or any other.

Step 2 We spread the filling on the base, cover with the second part of the dough, which was also rolled out beforehand. The diameter of the “lid”, let's call it so, is smaller than the base and approximately equal to the diameter of your form.
We connect the edges of the two layers of dough (upper and lower parts) and weave the same braid as on. But before that, cut off the excess dough around the edges, it will come in handy for decorations. Don't forget to make a small hole or cut in the center of the pie. This is done so that it does not tear during baking.

We cover the finished decorated apple pie with a napkin and leave it in a warm place for 30 minutes to come up. Before baking, grease with an egg, you can only use the yolk, and send it to the oven. Baking time about 20 minutes at 180˚C. We check the readiness with a toothpick, piercing the pie in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe edges, where the dough is thicker.

We leave the finished apple pie in the mold to cool slightly and only then take it out of the mold. I hope this apple pie recipe, which I described, will be a great decoration for your table.

Bon Appetit!

Related videos

Dear friends, if something is not clear in the photo recipe, be sure to watch the video, I hope you will find the answer there.

Looking forward to your feedback and comments!
Sincerely, Evgenia Ponomareva.

Do you have a reliable as a tank and a simple recipe for apple pie, so to speak for every day, so that after a delicious snack with a sweet dessert?

We have enough apples in the district, the children are already nibbling white filling with might and main, other early-ripening varieties are on the way, so there are no problems with these raw materials. Where you get apples - decide for yourself, just don't climb into someone else's garden - it used to be with a portion of adrenaline you could get just a portion of salt in a soft spot, but today no one knows what kind of retribution will be. I won't bother anymore, let's get down to business.

Step-by-step recipe for lush charlotte


  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • apples - 4-5 pcs.;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • semolina - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - for greasing the mold.

Cooking time: 50 minutes;
servings: 8;
cuisine: Russian.

Cooking an apple pie in the oven

1. Wash apples well, cut them. We remove the middle from them and cut into pieces about 1.5 by 1.5 centimeters.

2. Drive fresh eggs into a saucepan or bowl, pour a glass of sugar and beat well with a mixer.

3. Add a teaspoon of soda to the cup and pour it with a teaspoon of vinegar, as soon as this mixture stops hissing and gurgling, pour it into the pan with the eggs. Add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream - it will be more tender and softer.

4. Add one and a half cups of flour and mix well with a mixer. It will turn out liquid, like sour cream, dough.

5. Pour the chopped apples into the dough and mix. Now turn on the oven and heat it up to about 180 degrees.

6. A baking dish, preferably with thick walls (and we generally use a cast-iron pan without a handle), grease it with plenty of vegetable or butter, sprinkle lightly with semolina, you can use breadcrumbs and pour the prepared dough into it.

7. Put the mold in the oven and bake over low heat for about 30 minutes. The pie should brown well. To make sure that it is ready, pierce it in several places with a match, if the dough does not remain on the match, the charlotte is ready.

According to this simple apple pie recipe, you get a fluffy and soft charlotte, it spreads instantly, sometimes I don’t have time to try it - all the kids take it away. However, they also gobble up so that do not yawn!

Pies with apples attract housewives with their simplicity and speed of preparation, the availability of ingredients, their usefulness, as well as their taste and aesthetic qualities.

Apple pies have several dozen cooking options: apple pie in the oven, slow cooker and even in a pan, with puff, yeast, biscuit dough.

Pie "Apple charlotte"

This is perhaps the most famous and easiest apple pie recipe. It takes no more than an hour to prepare it, and baking products are almost always at hand.


  • Eggs (4 pcs.);
  • flour (1 cup);
  • Sugar (1 cup);
  • Apples (2 pcs.);
  • Lemon;
  • Butter for greasing the mold.


  1. We wash the apples thoroughly, cut into 4 parts. We remove the core from apples. If the skin on the apple is too tough, you can cut it off as well.
  2. Cut apples into thin slices and put in a bowl. Sprinkle with lemon juice so that the apple does not darken, and mix.
  3. In a separate bowl, break the eggs and beat them into a lush foam (it is better to do this with a mixer).
  4. While beating in a thin stream, gradually pour sugar into the eggs, and continue to beat until a fluffy egg mass is obtained (this will take about 10 minutes).
  5. Pour flour onto the surface of the whipped mass and gently mix the dough. It is necessary to interfere not in circular motions, but from the bottom up, until the dough absorbs the flour.
  6. Lubricate the baking dish thoroughly with butter and spread half of the resulting dough on the bottom.
  7. Lay a layer of sliced ​​apples on top and cover them with the remaining dough.
  8. The resulting charlotte is baked for about 35-40 minutes (in a preheated oven) at 180 degrees.
  9. In no case should the oven be opened during baking so that the cake does not fall off.
  10. Charlotte is ready when a light brown crust appears on top, and when pierced with a toothpick, no traces of raw dough appear.

This easy apple pie recipe can be spice-packed with cinnamon or nutmeg to bring out the flavor of the apples.

Layer cake with apples

You can use store-bought puff pastry to make this apple pie, but it's best to make your own.


  • Flour (500 g);
  • Water (1/2 cup);
  • Apples (0.5 kg);
  • Salt (1/4 teaspoon);
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Margarine (200-250 g).


  1. Sift flour and mix with salt.
  2. Gradually add cold water to the flour, kneading the dough in such a way that it gathers into a lump.
  3. Knead the dough until soft and elastic, adding flour if necessary. Then cover the dough so that it does not dry out, and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and knead again, adding flour. To keep the dough from sticking to your hands.
  5. Roll out the dough into a thin rectangle.
  6. Rub the margarine on top on a coarse grater and distribute it evenly over the surface.
  7. Fold the dough in 3 times, wrapping the edges to the center: first one edge, then the other. We put it in the refrigerator for about 15-20 minutes.
  8. Gently roll out the dough lengthwise away from you so that the butter does not fall out.
  9. Fold the dough in thirds again and refrigerate for another 20 minutes.
  10. We repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.
  11. We roll out the finished dough away from ourselves, giving the shape of a rectangle, and cut it into 2 equal parts.
  12. My apples, cut into pieces and remove the core (you can thinly cut the peel). We rub the apples on a coarse grater.
  13. We spread the filling on half of each of the parts, while leaving at least 1 cm indents along the edges.
  14. Sprinkle apples with sugar or icing sugar.
  15. We cover the filling with the free part of the dough, folding each of the parts in half. The edges are carefully sealed.
  16. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the pies on it.
  17. We cut the pies into several equal parts (without cutting to the bottom - only the top part) so that the finished cake does not crumble and break.
  18. We bake a puff pie with apples in a hot oven (preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees) until golden brown, depending on the oven, for 15-20 minutes.

In this apple pie recipe, you can add raisins, nuts or dried fruits to taste, mixing them with the filling.

Shortbread apple pie

Sandy pie with apples is very tender and literally melts in your mouth. The most important thing in preparing shortcrust pastry is not to knead it for a long time, and not to let it overheat in the oven.


  • Margarine (150 g);
  • Flour (250 g);
  • Lemon (1 pc.);
  • Powdered sugar (100 g);
  • Apples (1 kg);
  • Chicken egg (1 pc.);
  • Walnuts (100-150 g);
  • Vanilla sugar (1 sachet).


  1. Sift flour into a bowl and mix with sugar.
  2. Add the egg and softened pieces of margarine.
  3. We quickly connect all the components, preventing them from heating up from the heat of the hands. If it seems that the dough is hard, you can add a little milk or cold water.
  4. We wrap the finished dough in a film, put it in a bag. Then we send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  5. Peel the apples, cut into 8 pieces and remove the cores. We put the resulting slices in a bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  6. Grind the kernels of nuts and add finely grated lemon zest and vanilla sugar to them.
  7. We take out the dough for the shortbread pie from the refrigerator and roll it out in the form in which it will be baked. This is done quickly so that the dough does not have time to heat up.
  8. Prick the entire surface of the dough evenly with a fork. Then sprinkle with nuts with vanilla sugar and zest.
  9. We lay a layer of apples and sprinkle nuts on top again.
  10. In a preheated oven (up to 200 degrees), place a shortbread pie with apples and bake for 25-35 minutes.

The resulting cake can be coated with warmed apricot jam, marmalade or marmalade, preheated to room temperature.

Biscuit apple pie

Biscuit pie with apples, in fact, the same charlotte, which can be prepared using a somewhat unusual recipe.


  • Apples (2-3 pieces);
  • Butter (150 g);
  • Sugar (2 cups);
  • Rum or cognac (2 tablespoons);
  • Egg (4 tablespoons);
  • Flour (1.5 cups);
  • Lemon zest (1 tablespoon).


  1. Break the eggs (room temperature) into a tall bowl and beat in a light foam, gradually pouring 1 cup of sugar. The mass should approximately double - after which we continue to beat for another 1-2 minutes.
  2. Sift the flour into the egg mass, and gently knead the flour into the dough from top to bottom until it becomes homogeneous and the flour dissolves in the egg mass.
  3. We wash the apples and free from the core, cut into slices.
  4. Melt the butter in a frying pan and lightly fry the apples over low heat. Add 0.5 cups of sugar and fry for about a minute. Pour 0.5 cups of sugar again and keep in the pan for another minute.
  5. Add rum to the apples and set fire to it: the apples will be covered with a fragrant crust and you will get a more savory charlotte.
  6. Lubricate the baking dish with butter. We put apples on the bottom and pour dough on top.
  7. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees and bake a delicious apple pie for about 20 minutes.

A biscuit pie with apples can also be prepared by mixing the dough with the prepared filling - this greatly simplifies the process, but does not spoil the overall positive result.

The recipe for any apple pie - easy to prepare and with a minimum set of products, is available even to a novice housewife who can indulge her family with tasty and healthy pastries.

6 best recipes

In terms of popularity, apple pies occupy a leading position among confectionery products around the world. They have been baked for more than one century, every nation and every culinary specialist strives to bring something special, unique to his recipe, as a result of which such a variety of apple pies has arisen. There are many recipes, but only the most beloved apple pie recipes are collected here.

This apple pie is one of the variations of the Mediterranean cuisine apple pie, it is very popular in Spain, Italy and France. Just imagine how delicious it is: a shortcrust pastry basket filled with the most delicate custard and apple filling. And in our case, these are not just apples, but beautiful roses. Intrigued? Then we go to the kitchen to cook an apple pie with roses.


  • pie dough:
  • 250 gr. premium flour
  • 120 gr. butter
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 yolk
  • 80 ml. ice water
  • pie cream:
  • 0.5 l. milk
  • 100 gr. sugar
  • 4 yolks
  • 2 tbsp heaped flour
  • 3 tbsp rum (optional)
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife
  • zest of one lemon
  • pie filling:
  • 4 red apples
  • 1 glass of water
  • 4 tbsp Sahara
  1. The dough is very easy to make. We take one and a half glasses of flour (250 gr.), Sift. Chop cold butter into pieces, combine with flour. Using your fingertips, grind the butter and flour to make a crumb (it is not necessary to grind the butter completely). Add sugar, a pinch of salt and egg yolk.
  2. By adding a little ice water, we begin to knead the dough. The result should be a not very tight dough. We form a cake from the dough, wrap it in food plastic, hide it in the refrigerator for an hour. Refrigerate the dough to make it easier to work with.
  3. Roll out the dough on a floured surface so that the cake is much larger than the size of the mold.
  4. Lightly grease an apple pie mold with butter. We lay out in the form of cake. The cake should lie on the bottom and walls of the form so that a dough form is obtained.
  5. Cut the dough that goes beyond the boundaries of the form with kitchen scissors. Thus, we get a beautiful and even basket for the pie.
  6. We prick our cake with a fork so that it does not rise during baking.
  7. We put the cake in a well-heated oven. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees. We make sure that the cake is browned, but not burnt. Perhaps in your oven the cake will cook faster or vice versa, it will take longer, so do not leave the kitchen.
  8. We leave the finished cake for apple pie to cool in the form. When the basket has cooled, take it out of the mold.
  9. Apple pie filling

  10. Let's make the syrup first. We take a wide pan, pour a glass of water into it, put 4 tbsp. Sahara. Bring to a boil.
  11. For this apple pie with roses, we buy red apples, preferably those that even have a slightly reddish flesh. My apples, cut in half, remove the core. We cut each half into slices about 1-2 millimeters thick.
  12. Put apple slices in hot syrup. Make sure they don't stick to each other. If there are a lot of apples and too little syrup, you can add a little water.
  13. Boil the plates in syrup over low heat. Apple slices should become translucent. Depending on the type and thickness of the plates, this can take 2-5 minutes. Carefully remove the finished apple slices from the syrup and put them on a plate to drain the syrup from them.
  14. Cream for apple pie with roses

  15. Now that the petals for the roses are prepared, let's quickly prepare the custard. So, we separate the yolks from the proteins. We put two tablespoons of flour with a slide.
  16. We pour out 50 gr. sugar, add vanilla.
  17. Add 3 tbsp. cognac or water, mix with a whisk.
  18. Since the mixture is quite thick, add a little more milk and beat well with a whisk so that no lumps remain.
  19. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, add 50 gr. sugar, put the pan on the fire. Pour the egg mixture into warm milk. Do not forget to stir with a whisk to avoid the formation of lumps.
  20. Stirring constantly, bring the cream to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes until thickened. To give the cream a special taste, you can add lemon zest.
  21. That's it, the apple pie cream is ready. Pour the cream into the previously baked basket for our apple pie.
  22. How to make roses from apples

  23. And now the most interesting. Previously, there was routine work: to make dough, cook cream, but now real creativity begins - we will make roses. To do this, put several apple slices in a row on a plate. It is desirable that one edge has smaller plates, this will be the center of the rose.
  24. From the edge where the smallest slice was, we begin to fold the rosette. Nothing complicated, just take it and roll it into a roll.
  25. When the roll is rolled up, turn it with the bud up and slightly straighten the petals. Perhaps the first rose will not be the most beautiful, but on the second you will already feel that it turns out much better.
  26. Ready-made roses are "planted" directly into the custard. It turns out beautifully if you make roses of different sizes. To do this, twist roses from a smaller number of petals.
  27. When the entire surface of the cake is covered with apple roses, put the cake in the refrigerator for two to three hours. The custard should set well. We serve our amazing apple dessert chilled.
  28. Ingredients:

  • sand dough:
  • 250 gr. flour
  • 120 gr. butter
  • 1 yolk
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 100 ml. water
  • apple topping:
  • 1 kg. apples
  • 30 gr. butter
  • 1 st. Sahara
  • lemon peel
  • cinnamon
  1. Be sure to try this unusual apple pie invented by the French. They are not like people: the cake is baked with the filling down, thanks to which the apples are caramelized and acquire a very beautiful color. The pie is prepared quite quickly and simply, but you still need to know a couple of secrets so that everything turns out OK! See step by step apple pie recipe.


  • 1 kg. apples
  • 1 st. Sahara
  • 1 st. flour
  • 3 eggs
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/3 tsp soda
  • 1 tbsp sour cream
  • 50 g butter
  1. The recipe for a traditional and beloved charlotte with apples. Housewives adore charlotte for its speed and practicality, and households for its amazing taste, for the amazing harmony of slightly sour apples and sweet dough. We look.

Apple Pie Strudel


  • dough:
  • 3 cups premium flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp ghee
  • 1 tbsp vodka
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 glass of water
  • filling:
  • 4 large apples
  • 20-30 gr. raisins (optional)
  • 20 gr. sl. oils
  • 1 tbsp starch
  • sugar
  • cinnamon
  1. And this is a German representative of the apple pie family. German strudel has gained worldwide fame thanks to its originality and ease of preparation. Strudel will require any apples and the most common dough, which is kneaded in a few minutes. See step by step apple strudel recipe.

american apple pie


  • dough:
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 yolk
  • 180 gr. butter
  • 100 ml. water
  • filling:
  • 1.5 kg. apples
  • 1 st. Sahara
  • 20 gr. butter
  • ground cinnamon
  • zest of 1 lemon
  1. Thanks to the movies, many have heard about the American apple pie. Unlike other apple pies, the filling is prepared separately in this one (the apples are caramelized), and then the pie itself is baked. It turns out a very tasty and unusual dessert, I recommend it. See step by step American Pie recipe.

Tsvetaevsky apple pie with cream


  • dough:
  • 1.5 st. flour
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 120 gr. butter
  • 1/2 st. sour cream
  • filling:
  • 4 things. apples
  • 1 egg
  • 150 gr. sugar
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 1 st. sour cream
  • vanilla
  1. There are legends about this apple pie, and every self-respecting housewife should certainly cook this very tender and tasty pie. Preparing an apple pie is quite simple, but the result is amazing. Bake and see for yourself. We are watching a step-by-step recipe for Tsvetaevsky apple pie.

Biscuit Apple Pie - My Grandma's Recipe


  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 30 gr. butter
  • 400 gr. finely chopped apples
  1. Apple pie on biscuit dough is a recipe from childhood. The cake turns out to be very tasty, beautiful and fragrant, and the dough is simply magnificent - white, airy, with an appetizing golden brown crust. And best of all, it's very, very easy to make. We look at the recipe for apple pie on biscuit dough.