How to cook jam from. How to make jam

24.11.2020 Beverages

A 70% jam consists of sugar and only 30% of the water, "says Professor Niily and MMA. Sechenova Boris Sukhanov. - By calories, it is not inferior to chocolate desserts. Vitamins in it remains no more than 10-30%. The heat treatment by 80% destroys the vitamin C. The finished jam contains 2-3 times less than carotenoids and vitamins of the group B and 4-5 times less nicotinic acid than the original product.

How to save nutrients

  • Prepare a five-minute jam or cold jam.
  • The five-minute jam retains vitamins by 70%, cold jam - by 95%.
  • Prepare in several techniques.
  • Hold the jam on the fire after boiling for 3-5 minutes, then cool (6-8 hours). Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
  • Send the right fruits for processing.

    Best of all, when cooking, vitamins are preserved in currant (red and black) and in a sea buckthorn.

Sweet medicine

Raspberries - It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

Dogwood - Treats colds, stomach disorders, urolithiasis.

Nut - Improves the work of the heart, normalizes blood circulation, it is recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland. It is used for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Black currant - helps with avitaminosis, heart disease and vessels, laryngitis, bronchitis. Improves blood formation, eliminates rotten and fermentation processes in the intestine.

Cranberry - Due to the high content of Tanin, sorbitates pathogenic bacteria in the body and displays them out.

Barberry - polyvitamin, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Sea buckthorn - Natural biostimulator, improves digestion, reduces liver dystrophy during hepatitis, lowers cholesterol levels.

What is more useful - home or shop?

Homemade, "Candidate of Medical Sciences is convinced, a nutritionist Irina Ghushchina. - During the harvesting of jam on an industrial scale, preservatives, artificial pectins and flavors are necessarily used.

Has bone?

Preferably, Irina Ghushchina believes. - In the bone of some fruits and berries, a blue acid is contained - a dangerous poison, which in time begins to penetrate the jam. True, in order to get serious poisoning, you need to eat at least a three-liter bank of overdue jam with bone.

Is it possible to prepare from the pitched fruits?

No, "Elena Tereshhina argues. - Fruits with Gnitza contain mycotoxins that are not destroyed when heated. These microorganisms accumulate in the body and eventually can provoke serious diseases, including oncological.

In which dishes it is better to cook

In a wide, low edges - moisture evaporates faster in it, the cooking process is reduced, and therefore vitamins are better preserved, "says the doctor of biological sciences, the recreation of the Research Institute of Gerontology Roszdrava Elena Terreshina. - To prepare the jam, the tops are best suitable or pans with a capacity of 2 to 6 liters of non-oxide metals - enamelled or stainless steel. But the copper basin is better not to use. Copper ions destroy ascorbic acid. Also does not suit the dishes from aluminum: fruit acids destroy the oxide film on the surface of aluminum.

Why it flies

Jam can be stored under 3 years old, "Elena Tereshhina says. - If it deteriorated in the first winter, it means that the rules for its preparation or storage were violated.

  • Non-quality raw materials

    The jam cooked from the pitched berries is kept no more than a month.
  • Failure compliance

    Low sugar content in jam (less than 65%) can cause drying, molding and fermentation, and excess - sugar.
  • Wrong processing of dishes

    Banks for jam need to be sterilized - roll in the oven or quivel.
  • Wrong storage conditions

    At room temperature, you can only store classic and syrup jam. Cold jam and five-minute jam should be stored in the refrigerator.

By the way

According to the Foundation "Public Opinion", household jam prepare 73% of Russia inhabitants.


1. Classic recipe

How to cook: treated berries or fruits are placed in the dishes, fall asleep with sugar (usually in a 1: 1 ratio) and put on fire. After occasionally stirring, brought to a boil and boil on a small fire until ready, while a drop of syrup, applied on a silent, does not spread. "Right" jam retains the color of fresh fruits. If the finished jam has a brownish shade - it is digested.


Can be stored at room temperature.


The most disastrous method of preparation for vitamins.

2. Berries in syrup

How to cook: First make syrup: the desired amount of sugar sand is poured into a saucepan or pelvis, poured with water (from calculating from ½ to 2 glasses of water by 1.5 kg of sugar) and put on fire. Stirring, bring to a boil, filter. Then lay in berry syrup or fruits and boiled until readiness.


Well stored.


Labor-intensive way

With any deviation from the recipe, the jam loses its commodity view

Quickly suachaded.

3. Five minutes' jam

How to cook: Berries fall asleep with sand or poured with syrup, bring to a boil, hold on fire for 5 minutes. Ready jam roll with covers.


Saves vitamins, original taste and color of fruits

Low-calorie: sugar takes less - 500-700 g per 1 kg of berries.


Stored in the refrigerator

Working preparation.

4. Cold Jam, or Loaded Jam

How to cook: Sugar (1.5 kg of sand per 1 kg of berries) falls into a bowl with berries) and peat a wooden pestle to a homogeneous mass. In the cans over the jam, a sugar layer is poured with a thickness of 1 cm.


Keeps all vitamins and minerals.


The most popular fruits used for cooking jam

2. Black currants

3. Strawberry

According to companies - manufacturers of jam.

First, you should decide on the raw material, that is, with berries or fruits that you want to use.

The main rule here is: Take raw materials that are evenly ripe, that is, every berry or fruit of identical degree of maturity.

This advice is complied with an identical degree of readiness.

As you understand from the name, the jam is boiled.

Accordingly, if you cook the raw materials of varying degrees of maturity, then in the end it turns out completely dissimilar mass. Some berries (for example) will be solid and textured, and others will become a full porridge.

Of course, for experienced cooks, it makes sense to use this effect. For example, overripe berries (again for example, there may be fruits and even vegetables) become a kind of background, and less mature are wondering on the surface of this background with solid and slight crispy details.

However, for such an option requires a deep understanding and even some artistic taste, so it is better to take the raw material of identical maturity.

In order to accomplish this selection, look at the color and consistency of raw materials. Take only evenly painted and slightly soft berries and fruit are completely mature.

By the way, pay attention to the size, because perfect when the raw material has an identical size, so to speak, the berry to the berry.

Wash the fruit correct

Gentle berries may be damaged during washing, so caution should be caution.

Use a colander and a lightweight water stream, can take, for example, shower.

After that, you need to leave berries in order to allow watering water and dry out a bit.

If we are talking about something more dense and durable, then a simple jet of running water is completely fit. You can even help your hands in order to make washing more efficient.

Previously before starting the wash, it is sometimes necessary to carefully override existing raw materials, clean from twigs and dirt.

Selection of dishes

First, it is necessary to dispel a pair of myths that were previously perceived normally and were actively used. Let's start with copper.

Cooking the jam in copper containers ultimately do not advise you.

First, fruits and berries will dissolve copper oxides, as a result, you will receive a patina on the dishes and a little copper in the jam itself, secondly copper ions destroy ascorbic acid, that is, as a result, the product is obtained without this vitamin.

As you can see, this noble metal, although it remains useful, for jam is not at all optimal option.

We continue aluminum, which is also not needed for jam at all. The point is again in oxides, but now aluminum, which are destroyed by the influence of fruit-berry acids. As a result, in your jam it turns out aluminum, which is clearly nothing to do there.

What optimal option - you ask. This option is:

  • enameled dishes - but only without chips;
  • stainless steel utensils.

A second essential question regarding the dishes is the choice of capacity and here it is necessary to advise the pelvis, which is optimal from all sides.

Thai relative to the cooking jam is much better than a saucepan, they better warm and give a thinner layer of jam, which ultimately becomes more dense and uniform.

In addition, in order to mix in the pelvis, you can move the dishes itself, and in the pan you will have to climb something and in the end it is possible to damage berries or fruits.

Therefore, if you choose dishes, take a stainless steel pelvis or enameled, which has a thick bottom. Just do not take excessively deep.

Nobody canceled the rules

The basic rules that need to be followed if the recipe does not imply another:

  • the proportions are near a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of raw materials so that the jam was stored and did not proceed;
  • stages - jams are boiled not with one boiling, but in 2-3 cooking;
  • paper or parchment - when the jam "rests", use the parchment so that berries or fruits do not dreamed;
  • flame - After boiling, the flame is reduced to control the foam;
  • just jam - do not prepare other dishes nearby, the jam actively absorbs odors.

Follow these tips and you will get the perfect recipe.

Special approach

There are special advice that act for special raw materials. Here are these tips:

  • preliminary varka - Quince, apples, pears require pre-not long cooking before the main process;
  • black Rowan - pre-boiled for a couple of minutes in boiling water and lemon acid add to the cooking of the jam himself;
  • black currant - pre-blanks in boiling water 40-50 seconds;
  • apricot - requires preliminary soaking in the water, where they added soda, per liter of water, a half of the spoons, hold there apricot five minutes to preserve the form;
  • apples - Sliced \u200b\u200bslices first hold a couple of minutes in water, where a couple of salt spoons were added, then an identical amount of time in boiling water, so they will not darken;
  • yagoda - To save the shape, pinched the toothpick.

We choose the method of cooking

In general, there are two main ways: classic (long) and modern (short). In the classic version, you first boil the syrup, then add raw materials, after which you perform a pair of cooking and boiling steps. Manipulation long and time-consuming.

In the modern version, you first put the raw material and sugar in the container and leave watches for five, and then perform one cooking. After that, immediately decompose on banks.

Not to say some way to be better they differ not only in the number of stages and technology, but also to taste.

Jam you can not digest

The easiest option: take a saucer and drip there ready jam. If the drop spreads, then you need to boil further if the drop remains and freezes in a convex form, the jam is ready.

In addition, the finished jam visually becomes transparent, and the foam is closer to the center of your enameled pelvis or copper pan, if you have not followed the previous advice.

Right packing

In order to get the optimal composition in the banks, only the cooled jam should be laid.

If you pre-compose, then in banks there will be layers that consist of syrup and actually the main product.

In addition, banks do not need to immediately rollSince the warm jam can highlight a pair, which in turn gives condensate, which droplets remain in the tank and from there mold may appear.

By the way, banks need to be pre-sterilized and there is a mass of ways from oven to boiling.

Only after sterilization you need to carefully dry banks.

Proper storage

There should be a jam at no more than a year and a half and use for the most part banks of no more than two liters.

Probably, you know about it, but repeat, storage must be organized in a cool space, where the temperature does not increase by more than 15 degrees Celsius.

Finally, we will give you some valuable tips to the time proven. For example, if the jam began to burn, it is possible to fix the dish if you pour into another container and turning normally. Lemon acid, which is added in a small quantity in five minutes before the end of the cooking will help from sugaring jam.

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Fruits cooked in sugar syrup. For the preparation of jam, you need to take fruit and berries not only good quality and without damage, but also a suitable degree of maturity: unripe fruits are not sufficiently juicy and fragrant, and the overripes are welded. It is important that sugar syrup can be evenly impregnated by fruit - then they are not deformed and not pop up. Do not boil jam on strong fire: at high temperature, juice inside the fruit begins to boil, which interferes with the penetration of sugar syrup.

Secrets of flawless jam

So that the jam is impeccable, there are a number of techniques. Some fruits blanched, clean, berries (for example, gooseberry) are glowing. There are berries that are pre-shrink by sugar and leave for 8-10 hours. Sometimes a multiple cooking is used - but do not overdo it: the total duration of all the voyages is not more than 30 minutes. Despite the fact that the jam wants to cook more, and temptation to take a huge pan and download it is completely large, remember: simultaneously boil no more than 2 kg of fruits!

How to determine the readiness?

To understand, ready jam or not, there is an old method: if the drop of jam does not blur on a cold saucer - it is ready.

How to save jam?

There are three ways: hot spills, pasteurization and cold spill. Each method of preserving jam has its advantages - but whatever you choose, remember the hazards waving your jam.

How can you ruin jam?

If the jam was boiled incorrectly or the bank was non-sterile, the jam would deteriorate. If you have taken little sugar or a bank when packing turned out to be wet, the jam can be molded. If you digest the jam, it can snap, but it is corrected: put the jam in the cooking pan, add 1 tbsp. l. Water is 1 kg of jam, heat up to boil and decompose on the banks hot.

Black currant

Recipe for black currant jam

It is necessary:

1 kg of black currant berries
1.5 kg of sugar
4 glasses of water


1. Berries blanched in boiling water 3-5 minutes.

2. Water in which berries blanched, strain, then use to prepare a syrup.

3. Lower the berries in boiling syrup.

4. Cooking jam in 3-4 receptions for 5-7 minutes, measuring time from the moment of boiling. Between the cooking, stand the jam for 6-8 hours.

Drain jam

Plum jam recipe

It is necessary:

1 kg plum
1.5 kg of sugar
1 glass of water


1. Take ripe, but solid plums. Divide on halves and remove bones.

2. Swift sugar syrup.

3. In the syrup, shifting the plum. The drain should be completely covered with syrup, for this dish, in which the jam is boiled, time from time to time, shake the circular motions.

4. Bring the jam to a boil, then cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

5. Stop jam, give cool to room temperature. Then cook until ready.

6. Face jam on hot banks.

Apple jam

Recipe apple jam

It is necessary:

1 kg of apples
1 kg of sugar
2 glasses of water
2-3 g of citric acid
Pinch of vanilla sugar
Lemon zest 1-2 lemons


1. Prepare sugar syrup. We respect the syrup before the formation of thick drops.

2. Clear apples from skin and cut core. Cut into small cubes and put in syrup.

3. Cooking apples in a syrup of 30 minutes. Then add citric zest and vanilla sugar.

By the way:the darkness turned out the jam, the better. The jam should remain light - this is a sign that it is cooked correctly.

To maintain maximum benefits, jam is boiled in 2-3 receptions for a minute of cooking, leaving between cooking to complete cooling. This is a gentle vitamins of cooking, although you can cook and in 1 reception - as a rule, from 10 minutes and until it is unable to densely. If the drop of boiled jam syrup does not break in a spoon, and retains its shape, the jam is welded.

How to cook jam

General principle
Berries or fruits cleaned, wash and cut as you like, and then boiled with sugar. Sugar is a strong preservative, so any jam is stored for a long time, and if you observe the rules of hygiene, then the jam will just have the whole winter.

1. The proportions of fruits and sugars when cooking jam.
As a rule, 1 kilogram of sugar take 1 kilogram of berries.

2. What should boil jam?
The jam is boiled in brass or steel tableware - ideally wide enough basins so that the lower layers of fruit do not soften under the weight of the upper.

3. Storage of jam.
The jam must be poured into the prepared banks: washed in hot water with the addition of soda and heated to complete dryness in the oven (at a temperature of 60 degrees 10 minutes). Store jam at a temperature of 5-25 degrees in a dark place, at least occasionally ventilated.

4. On what fire can cook jam?
Jam must be cooked on a quiet fire so that it does not fit and so that all the beneficial substances do not douse.

5. When is the jam is ready?
The jam was welded when a drop of syrup becomes completely tight.

6. Show foam from jam?
Foam with jaming jam shoot.

7. What if the jam does not hush?
It is recommended to once again bring the jam to a boil. Either add a bit of the gelling component. You can use lemon juice - it will give a contained natural gelatin. Another option is to use dry powder.

8. How to cook jam without cooking? :)
For one jar of fruits, take 1 jar of sugar (or 1 kilogram of fruits - 2 kilograms of sugar), crushing with a mixer. Store a staggering mass in the refrigerator.

9. How to organize storage of jams?
For storage of jam, you can print labels with the name of the billets and the date. Or just to write a marker on the bank.

Cookware for cooking jam

Jam cook B. pan or pelvis. The pelvis is good because the large outdoor surface provides reinforced evaporation of the liquid - the jam will be thick, but the fruits or berries will not digest. Pan is more convenient to use, it takes less space on the plate or on the table in the interruptions between the jam cooking stages.

Can be used:
Enameled dishes - it is suitable for cooking jam. But it is worth considering that even the small magnificent enamel makes it impossible to use a pelvis or pan.

Stainless steel utensils are suitable for cooking jam, but sometimes the finished product acquires a "metallic" taste.

Can not use:
Copper thai, although they are traditionally considered the best dishes for cooking jam. Modern studies are convinced in the opposite - copper is not suitable for cooking jam. Fruits and berries contain acid capable of dissolving copper oxides, in the form of a patina (dark waters) protruding on the surface of the dishes. Even if the pelvis dies to the brilliance, it is still not worth using it for cooking - copper ions destroy ascorbic acid, depriving jam even the minimum amount of vitamin C.

Aluminum dishes It is categorically impossible to use for cooking jam. Fruit acid destroys oxide film on the walls of a pan or pelvis and aluminum molecules fall into the product.

Pour jam in banks is better than a small half, because Tarry cans are usually narrow - probably the risk of pouring jam.

About Sahara in jam

- Sugar at cooking jam acts as a sweetener, thickener and preservative. When cooking jam, sugar is divided into fructose and glucose, it contributes to his fastest assimilation by the body.

When cooking jams, sugar obtained from sugar varieties of beet and cane is most often used. Exotic sugar types: maple, palm, soring in Russia are rare and for cooking jam are not used, like brown unrefined reed sugar raw.

If you reduce the sugar laying rate, the jam will be less calorie. But there is a risk at the exit to obtain a consistency of the compote, not jam. Sugar is permissible to replace the Pectin-based food additives. It is improving the consistency of the jam "Confiture", "Kvittin", "Nefsky" and the like.

Methods of cooking jam

1 method of cooking jam - classic

1. Pour sugar in the dishes.
2. Pour sugar with cold water.
3. Put the dishes on fire.
4. Stir sugar to complete dissolution.
5. Bring the syrup to a boil.
6. Syrup boil 2 minutes and turn off the fire.
7. Add berries.
8. Cool jam 5 hours.
9. Put on the fire, bring to a boil again and cook 10 minutes, carefully stirring and removing foam.
10. Cool again.
11. Last time to bring to a boil and cook 3 minutes.
12. Cool and pour jam into banks.

2 Method Hardware Jam - Fast

1. Fruits wash and dry.
2. Lay out the fruits in the dishes.
3. Sugar sugar and prevent.
4. Leave for 5 hours.
5. Put the pelvis on fire.
6. Bring to a boil, regularly interfering.
7. Cook for 5 minutes.

Jars for jam

Glass jars are used for storage of jam. Close the cans of tin caps using a twist machine or twist the "twist" with the lids - they are different diameters, you need to choose the cans suitable to the neck.
Ready jam is unfolded into clean dry banks. If the product is packaged into a jar where water drops remained, then the jam will not be stored - moldy or wanders. Banks wash hot water with soda. You need to rinse the jar inside and outside with water, pour a teaspoon of soda to a sponge and thoroughly wipe first internal, and then the outer surface cans. Then wash the jar thoroughly with water. The fact that the bank is well washed, says a characteristic creak when holding a finger along its surface. Household chemistry (detergents for dishes) is better not to use. These funds have a strong smell that persists on the dishes and can spoil the aroma of the jam itself. Covers are also thoroughly wash with soda.
Clean banks in which it is planned to store jam, you need to sterilize. For this:
1. Pour water in the pan, install a special holder for cans and put on the middle fire.
2. When the water boils, set the bank to the holder with Donets Up (neck enters the holder hole). Processing the jar of ferry for 5 minutes.
3. Remove the jar from the holder (using a towel or tape) and put down the neck on a clean towel down. Five minutes later put the jar on the side - so wet steam will go out, and the hot walls of the cans dried the inner surface. After 5 minutes, the clean dry jar can be used for its intended purpose.
4. The covers must also be sterilized: put in a saucepan with boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Remove (hook for a fork) and put dry on a clean towel.
More ways to sterilize cans:
- Pour 5-5 centimeters of water into a wide saucepan, set the grid for the microwave and put banks upside down. When water boils, steam will sterilize banks. So it is necessary to sterilize their 15 minutes.
- strengthen the jar on the spout of a boiling kettle;
- Pour the jar with steep boiling water and give to stand 10 minutes under the lid;
- In the microwave: pour a little into the jar (about 1 centimeter from the Donette) of water. Put in the microwave, power 700 W, processing time 2 minutes;
- In the oven: Wet jars put on a baking sheet. Enable oven. Heating temperature is not more than 130 degrees, processing time is about 5 minutes (up to drying cans inside and outside);
- In a slow cooker: Pour 2 glasses of water into the bowl of the device, placed in the grid for a pair. Modes "Baking" or "Cooking for a pair". Treatment time is 5 minutes after water boiling. This method is good for small jars.
Attention! When overheating or temperature drop (for example, cold water will fall in a hot jar) can burst. Observe care!

Fruit jam

Berry jam

Other jams

All about cooking jam

Author / Editor - Lydia Ivanova

Reading time - 8 min.

What do you cook?

  • Billets
    • Jam

The jar of home, welded with their own hands, jam will help in the winter to remember about the summer and will eat with vitamins.

So, cook jam and everything will succeed!

Council. If you close the jam by the usual lid, without pasteurization and ordering, put under the cover of the filter paper moistened in alcohol or vodka. It will protect your jam from mold with long-term storage.

1. royal jam from gooseberry


1. Large green unripe gooseberry - 5 glasses

2. Sugar - 1 kg.

3. Cherry leaf - 2 glasses

4. Water - 3 glasses

5. Cleaning walnut - 2 glasses

How to cook royal jam from the gooseberry:

Berry gooseberry free from the fruits, "flowers", gently climb and remove the pulp with a bone from nickname, trying to preserve the integrity of the berry.

1 cup of cherry leaf pour water, bring to a boil and cook on slow heat for 3-5 minutes, watch the water remains green.

Strain, pour berries, put 24 hours in a cold place. The second glass of cherry leaves is prepared as follows - remove coarse parts, split each sheet into 4 parts.

With a berry, to drain the cherry decoction and put in each berry on a piece of the cherry leaf and a piece of walnut, sprinkle the berries with vodka.

In the leaky decoction, add sugar and cook on a small fire Syrup about 15 minutes (watching not "Porozovka"!).

In the finished syrup, pour the berries and cook for 15 minutes. IMPORTANT! - To cool very quickly! - To save green color.

2. Mint jam

Mint jam is not only unusual and very nice to taste, but also useful for health: helps with colds and gastric diseases.


1. Mint - 300 gr.

2. Water - 500 ml.

3. Lemon - 2 pcs.

4. Sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook jams from mint:

So ... The collected leaflets of mint along with branches and stalks (and with flowerflocks), lemons, chopped together with the "skin" to pour water and cook for 10 minutes.

It was insisted by a witchcraft brew one day. After a day, squeeze the mass, and to strain the infusion. Add sugar and cook until ready.

The word willingly frightened me, but ... I cooked two hours on a small fire, removing the foam.

Then later ... After three hours, it also praised and poured into banks.

It is better to put a parchment into the cap so that the mold does not appear due to condensate after a while.

That's all ... in winter, God forbid you to catch a cold, you will have a medicine or just sweet "summer"

3. "Live jam" from raspberry and currant

From raspberry:


1. Raspberries - 1 kg.

2. Sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook "live jam" from raspberry:

Malina to go through and shifting into a cup. Fall as a sugar and leave for 2 hours.

After that, mix the wooden blade in one direction.

During the day, mix the jam until sugar is completely dissolved.

If you want to store the jam not long, then you can cut the amount of sugar by 500 gr.

From currant:


1. Currant - 1 kg.

2. Sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook "live jam" currants:

Currants to go through, remove stalks so that there are only berries, wash and fold on the sieve to the glasses excess fluid.

Shipping currants into a cup. Fall as a sugar and leave for 2 hours. Mix. Immersed blender beat up to homogeneous mass.

In sterile and dry jars to pour jam, close plastic lids and store about 4-5 months in the refrigerator.

If you want to store jam not long, then you can cut the amount of sugar by 500 gr.

4. Jam from kiwi and lemons


1. Kiwi - 1 kg.

2. Lemon - 1 pc.

3. Lemon juice - 1 pc.

4. Sugar - 900 grams.

How to cook jam from kiwi and lemons:

Lemon thoroughly wash the brush and cut into thin circles.

Put in a saucepan with 100 g of sugar and 100 ml of water. Prepare on a small heat for 10 min.

Kiwi clean from the peel, cut into circles and put in a pan with lemon circles.

Add lemon juice and remaining sugar. Boil.

Pour into ceramic dishes and leave at room temperature for the night.

The next day, return the jam in the pan, bring it to a boil and cook for 20 minutes., It is stirring from time to time.

Pour from sterilized banks, let cool. Then close and put it on storing into a dark cool place.

5. Jam from orange crusts


1. Orange - 3 pcs.

2. Water - 400 ml.

3. Sugar - 300 grams.

4. Lemon Acid (half of incomplete C.L.) - 0.5 h. Spoons

5. Ginger root (optional) - 10 gr.

How to cook jam from orange crusts:

Oranges are carefully mine, we blow up with boiling water (in order to wash off the wax that is applied to the orange to be spoiled during transportation) and clean it in any way convenient to you.

We will cover the core in the center so that two hemispheres come.

Then we cut each hemisphere half and every part for another three stripes.

If the orange is fine-core, the inner part can be left, if the thick-starring is to remove a little from the inside, so that the curls are easier to wrap and they were careful.

Collapse each piece of peel into a tight roll and ride on a thread like beads. Threads must be sharpening to be floppy so that the curls do not unfold.

Pour orange beads with cold water. Water change two or three times a day. It is necessary to pushed the peel 3-4 days, until the crusts become soft and will not cease to be patterned.

After that, the peel to break 3-4 times to 15-20 minutes, every time changing water. After each booze, the peel must be seen cold water.

Proverbs the first time - beads put in a bowl with cold water, poured fresh hot water into the saucepan and put the peel there. And so several times. Now we need to weigh the peel.

The proportions for jams are such - sugar more than 1.5 times, the water is twice. If you do not have scales, I give other proportions: 10 oranges - 1 kg of sugar, 1-1.2 liters of water and 1 tsp. citric acid (or half of the lemon half).

So - crusts from 3 oranges (200 gr.), 300 grams of sugar, 400 grams of water, (as discarded - chopped into small pieces of ginger root weighing 10 grams) We put in a saucepan and cook to light thickening - the syrup should be enough Liquid, similar after cooling on very liquid honey.

Lemon acid add before removing from fire. Threads remove after cooled of jam. Pour into a clean dry jar. At the exit, it turned out a little more than 0.5 liter jars.

6. Raspberry jam with vanilla


1. Raspberry - 250 gr.

2. Lemon Juice 2 Art. Spoons

3. Sugar - 500 gr.

4. Vanilla - 1 Vanilla Pod (Vanillin - 1 tbsp. Spoon)

How to cook raspberry jam with vanilla:

Malina, juice and 2 tablespoons of water put in a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Reduce the temperature and leave for 5 minutes. Add sugar and mix until complete dissolution.

Square the pod of Vanilla and leave to boil for another 10 minutes.

Try the jam to taste and if it is not ready to boil another 5 minutes.

Pour jam to the jar and serve.

7. Blueberry jam


1. Blueberry - 1 kg.

2. Sugar - 1 kg.

3. Lemon Acid - 2 grams.

How to cook jam from blueberries:

Prepared to shift in cooking utensils, pour hot 70 percent sugar syrup (700 g of sugar per 300 ml. Water) and to withstand 3-4 hours in syrup.

After that, cook on low heat until complete readiness, removing the foam. At the end of the cooking you can add citric acid.

Hot blueberry jam packaged to prepared, warm banks.

Pastenerized at a temperature of 95 ° C: half-liter banks - 10 minutes, liter - 15 minutes.

Bon Appetit!