Puff pastry for tubules recipe. Protein cream for puff pastry tubes: recipes and confectionery subtleties

26.11.2019 Dishes for children

Puff tubes with cream - a delicacy from childhood. Cooks, on the other hand, appreciate puff pastry tubes for a large number of fillings that can be used. By learning how to cook them, you can experiment with different flavors, developing your creativity.

When preparing tubules, ready-made puff pastry bought in a store is often used. You can knead it at home, it's not as difficult as you might think. Try once and prepare the dough in reserve.

Recipe composition for puff pastry:

  • wheat flour - 0.5 kg;
  • butter or margarine - 250 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • water - 150 ml (2/3 cup);
  • citric acid - ¼ tsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp

There are recipes in which alcohol is added in various proportions to improve the plasticity of the dough. However, it is preferable to do without it!

For filling:

  • boiled condensed milk - 200 g;
  • oil - 100 g;
  • walnuts - to taste;
  • powdered sugar for dusting.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare oil. It is good to knead it, or chop it with a knife into small crumbs. Add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour to remove excess moisture, and mix thoroughly. Form a rectangle from the resulting mass and cool.
  2. Mix warm water and egg, beat lightly. Add salt and citric acid.
  3. Take a deep bowl, pour 2/3 of the sifted flour and gradually add the liquid. Knead an elastic, not very tight dough, adding more flour if necessary. When it stops sticking to your fingers, form a ball. Sprinkle with flour and leave for 30-40 minutes to swell the gluten, which makes the puff pastry elastic.
  4. Sprinkle the surface with flour before cooking. Roll out the rested dough into a 1 cm square, slightly thinner around the edges.
  5. Put the chilled butter mass in the middle. Close it on four sides with dough, from the sides, top and bottom.
  6. Carefully, so as not to violate the integrity, roll out to a centimeter thickness. Fold in four and roll out again. Fold again in four layers and take out for half an hour in the cold.
  7. After rolling, repeat 3-4 more times, each time cooling the dough. Get multi-layered.
  8. We form cake tubes. Separate the desired amount of dough, put the rest in the freezer. Roll out into a rectangle with a thickness of half a centimeter. Cut into strips 2 cm wide and wrap each on a steel pastry cone. If there is no finished form, you can make it from cardboard and wrap it with foil.
  9. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Put the prepared tubes on a damp or parchment-shot baking sheet. Lubricate with beaten yolk. Bake for about a quarter of an hour. Separate the finished products from the molds and cool.
  10. While the horns are cooling, condensed milk is being prepared. Beat the butter in a tight mass, add boiled condensed milk. Chop the nuts and mix everything thoroughly.
  11. Using a pastry bag, fill the tubes with the resulting cream. Sprinkle the top with powdered sugar.

Cakes with condensed milk go well with tea and coffee without sugar.

Cooking with custard

Custard can be used to stuff puff pastry. It is not as sweet as cream with condensed milk.

  • cooked puff pastry - 300 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 250 g (1 tbsp.);
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 200 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost pre-prepared as described above or store-bought dough. Roll out, cut into strips and, wrapping around molds, bake.
  2. Prepare custard. Combine flour, sugar and vanilla. Add to them beaten eggs in a strong foam.
  3. Boil the milk and slowly add the egg mixture, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes until thickened.
  4. Cool and combine with well-whipped butter.
  5. Pour into a pastry bag and fill the tubes.

To boil milk, use a heavy-bottomed saucepan, after rinsing it with cold water.

You can sprinkle the finished horns with powdered sugar or chocolate chips. They can easily replace the more labor-intensive Napoleon cake.

Cakes with berry filling

In summer, tubes with protein cream are perfectly replaced with fresh berry filling. The delicacy is light with sourness.

  • puff pastry - 250 g;
  • strawberries, strawberries or raspberries - 0.5 kg;
  • heavy cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 10 g.
  1. Using the method described above, bake the tubes.
  2. The berry filling is easy to prepare. Grind the washed berries through a medium sieve. Combine with sugar and stir until it dissolves.
  3. Whip well-chilled cream until a thick stable foam.
  4. Gently fold the cream into the berry mixture.
  5. Dissolve gelatin in warm water. Stirring constantly, pour it into the berries with cream in a thin stream.
  6. After 30 minutes, fill the tubes with stuffing, decorating with whole berries.

In winter, fresh berries can be replaced with frozen ones. Put them in a sieve and wait until they melt so that excess liquid is gone.

Cheese Recipe

Delicious and healthy cheese cakes are obtained, which are easy to prepare.

Recipe for cooking:

  • puff pastry - 300 g;
  • dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • cream - 250 g.
  1. Prepare the dough, form tubes, bake until done.
  2. Prepare chocolate cream. Pour heavy cream into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Be careful not to boil!
  3. Grind chocolate into crumbs, pour hot cream to form a homogeneous mass.
  4. When cool, cover with a lid or film and leave in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
  5. Squeeze the ganache into tubes with a pastry bag. Drizzle melted chocolate on top.

Puff pastries with such delicious fillings will always delight and replace bulky cakes. They will take pride of place on the table of every chef.

Step 1: Prepare the puff pastry.

So, to begin with, pour the required amount of table salt into a deep bowl, fill it with clean water and dissolve, then gradually add the flour, previously sifted through a fine sieve. Slowly knead the dough. As a rule, flour comes across different, so you may need a little less / more to prepare the dough. At the same time, make sure that the dough as a result it wasn't too tight. Now leave the finished dough for about for half an hour for it to persist. At the same time, you should not place it in a cold place, just cover it with a clean kitchen towel and leave it on the table. This is necessary so that the "gluten" of the dough has time to swell, the moment is very important, because the dough, which has not stood for enough time during the rolling process, can tear. In addition, all products from such a test will not rise well, and the layers in them will not be visible. During this half hour, the dough will need to be kneaded once. It is advisable to do this after first 10 minutes and then leave it for 20 minutes to rest.

Step 2: Prepare the butter and roll out the dough.

At this time, take the butter (preferably at room temperature), place it in a separate container, then add 3-4 tablespoons, pre-sifted flour, mix well and form a brick from the resulting mass. This must be done so that the flour absorbs all the excess moisture, and the oil becomes a little dry, subsequently it will be much more evenly distributed between the dough layers. When the dough has rested for the required time, put it on the work surface of the table, sprinkled with flour in advance so that the dough does not stick to it. Roll it out into a small rectangle. At the same time, try to roll out the edges of the dough a little thinner than its middle. Place a butter brick in the center of the resulting rectangle. Now wrap the dough in the form of an envelope. It is extremely important that both the dough and the butter have approximately the same consistency. Because if you prepare dough that is softer than butter, then at the first rolling out, the dough will spread along the edges of the layer, and the butter will remain in the middle. Or vice versa, if the dough comes out "cooler" than butter, then the latter will spread along the edges of the layer and come out. Roll out the prepared dough with butter with a thick rolling pin, with smooth movements. Take your time, because when you roll out the layers of dough quickly, they will tear, and the products will not rise as they should when baking. Roll out the dough thick in 1 cm, remember that the edges should be thinner than the middle of the dough. Then fold it back into an envelope and leave 20 minutes. Then roll it out again, wrap the envelope and leave for another half an hour.

Step 3: We prepare blanks for the tubes.

Now it is necessary to prepare metal blanks, on which in the future we will have to wind the tubes. Wash and dry thoroughly before use. If you do not have such blanks, then you can use improvised means and prepare such blanks yourself. To do this, you need to take a sheet of ordinary cardboard (you can use it for children), then cut it across into 2 roughly equal parts, then cut a piece of baking paper exactly the same size. Place a sheet of parchment on cardboard and wrap the two sheets together in the form of a tube or cone. In this case, the colored side of the cardboard should remain on the inside. Fasten the lower base of the tube with a stapler, and wrap the upper corner inward.

Step 4: Divide the dough into equal parts and wind it on the blanks.

Divide the prepared and infused dough into 2 identical parts, then roll each of the parts on the table into a rectangle, the thickness of which should be 0.5 mm. Then divide each such rectangle into 8 approximately identical parts, while each of the parts should turn out to be approximately 20 cm in length and 1.5-2 cm width. The result is dough strips. Carefully wind the finished strips of dough onto the prepared tube blanks, do it slightly overlapping so that there are no empty spaces between the dough. From the given amount of ingredients, approximately 16 tubes should be obtained.

Step 5: Bake the puff pastry.

Lubricate the baking tray with water, then put the prepared tubes on it. Preheat the oven up to 240-250 degrees, then place the baking tray inside the oven and bake them about 10 minutes. The tubes should brown a little. Remove the finished tubes from the oven, cool, and then carefully remove them from the blanks.

Step 6: Prepare the tube cream.

While our tubes are cooling, we will prepare the cream. To do this, pour the granulated sugar into a separate enameled bowl, then pour boiling water over it and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, add citric acid to it, put the bowl on low heat and heat the mixture to a boil. As soon as you see bubbles at the bottom of the bowl, remove it from the heat ( it is very important not to boil the mass!). Break the eggs into a separate bowl, separating the yolks from the whites, beat the whites into a strong foam using a blender or mixer. Then pour in trickle prepared syrup, do not stop whisking. Whisk everything together for about 15 minutes.

Step 7: Stuff the tubes with the prepared cream.

Ready-made shiny cream that perfectly holds its shape must be placed in already cooled tubes. To do this, it is best to use a culinary syringe, draw cream into it and fill the tube. Crumble one tube into small crumbs, and sprinkle the finished tubes with this crumb.

Step 8: Serve the puff pastry.

Place the finished tubes beautifully on a serving dish and serve as an appetizing dessert. Before use, it is best to place the straws in the refrigerator, approximately for 1-2 hours so they can soak. You can additionally decorate the dish by sprinkling it with powdered sugar. In order for it to fit beautifully and evenly on the tubes, it must be sifted through a fine strainer. Good appetite!

In order to speed up the process of preparing treats and really make it easier, you can use ready-made puff pastry, which is sold frozen in almost any grocery store. Previously, such a dough must be thawed, according to the instructions indicated by the manufacturers on the product packaging.

To enrich the taste, dried fruits or walnuts chopped with a knife can be added to the tube cream.

In order for the tubes to turn out rosy and very appetizing in appearance, before baking they can be greased with a beaten egg using a special culinary brush.

Keep the straws on the lower shelves of the refrigerator. They can be stored safely at low temperatures for several days.

Probably each of us at least once in our lives tried puff pastry with protein cream. Today we offer you a recipe, thanks to which you can cook puff pastry at home. The recipe is extremely simple and cooking will not take you much time, but the result will be simply amazing!

  • To prepare the dish we need:
  • Ready-made puff pastry - 2 sheets
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc. (for lubrication)
  • For cream:
  • White of 2 eggs
  • Water - half a glass
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Vanilla sugar
  • Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt - a pinch

Recipe for puff tubes with protein cream

To form puff tubes, we need cones. If you do not have special cones, then they can easily be made from ordinary baking paper. The cones must be tight so that they do not flatten under the weight of the dough.

Defrost the finished puff pastry, roll it out a little and cut into strips.

We begin to form tubes. To do this, starting from the base, we wind the dough in such a way that each next row slightly covers the previous one from above. Since I wanted to make large puff tubes, I blinded 2 strips of dough together and already wrapped them around. We spread the finished tubes on a baking sheet, it can be greased with butter for reliability. It is better to lay out the tubes so that the place where you blind the dough is directed towards the baking sheet.

Separate the yolk from the protein. Put the yolk in a bowl, add a little water, mix. Lubricate our tubes well with yolk and put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees until a golden crust forms.

Cooking protein custard. To do this, separate the yolks from the whites of 2 eggs. Add a pinch of salt to the proteins and beat at high speed until stable peaks appear.

Pour half a glass of water into a saucepan, add a glass of sugar and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. We put on fire, bring to a boil and cook the syrup until the sample is on a soft ball.

The test for a soft ball is carried out as follows: a small container with cold water is taken, into which we drop a little syrup. The syrup will form into a drop at the bottom of the container. This drop should be easy to crush with your fingers. This means that the syrup is ready and can be removed from the stove.

Without ceasing to beat the proteins, pour our syrup into them. Beat the protein-custard until peaks begin to form on it, which hold their shape. The cream is ready.

Original snack tubes are perfect for the whole family. Incredibly fragrant, seductively mouth-watering appetizer is characterized by a simply unearthly taste. The tubules have an amazing taste quality both hot and cold. Gorgeous homemade pastries with filling are quick and easy to prepare - the delight of lovers of delicious pastries will be guaranteed.

Quick snack cheese rolls

Today we will prepare a simple, but very tasty and spectacular dish for a festive feast: cheese rolls with garlic and nuts. Cheese rolls according to this recipe are very tender and spicy, with an original garlic-nut filling. They will help you decorate any festive feast or friendly gatherings. The dish is prepared very quickly, and eaten even faster.


  • 8 slices of processed cheese;
  • two fresh chicken eggs;
  • 2 small cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of salami;
  • one small bunch of parsley;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • the third part of a faceted glass of walnuts.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash a small bunch of parsley (or any other greens) and finely chop.
  2. Cut the salami into small cubes. In principle, you can use any other smoked sausage. Read more:
  3. Fresh chicken eggs must be boiled in advance, cooled and peeled.
  4. Grate hard-boiled eggs on a fine grater.
  5. In a bowl with eggs, add garlic, passed through a press or grated on a fine grater.
  6. Salt the eggs, add salami to them and season with mayonnaise. We mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Then add chopped parsley to the filling and mix again.
  8. We fry the peeled walnuts in a dry frying pan or in the oven, then grind them in any convenient way: with a knife, rolling pin or in a blender. Just don't turn them to dust.
  9. For each slice of processed cheese, lay out one teaspoon of the filling (from one edge), twist it with a tube.
  10. Using a brush, coat the tubes with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  11. Roll all the tubes in chopped nuts.
  12. We put it in the refrigerator for a short time - and you can serve it on the table.
  13. They look beautiful on a dish decorated with green salad leaves: with green parsley sprigs and tomato slices.

Wafer rolls with filling

Such tubes can be served not only on the banquet table. They are perfect for a light feast and will help you out if you suddenly knock on the door unexpectedly. They are easy and simple to prepare, and they look spectacular and taste very successful. The filling can be changed and supplemented.


  • Wafer rolls - 10 Pieces
  • Chicken meat or chicken sausage - 200 Grams
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces
  • Parsley - 1 bunch

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare the filling, cut the boiled chicken meat or homemade chicken sausage into cubes. I took the sausage. It has a slight aftertaste of fire.
  2. Peel boiled chicken eggs and cut into cubes. It is advisable to cut all the products in the filling finely.
  3. The tube hole is not too big. Large pieces of filling will destroy the shape of the tubule.
  4. Grate the cheese. I took Caucasian cheese like Brynza or Adyghe
  5. Place cheese, meat and eggs in a salad bowl. Season with mayonnaise. Add some ground black pepper. Stir.
  6. Fill the finished wafer rolls with the resulting filling.
  7. These are the tubes we get.
  8. Chop up the greens. Dip the tip of the tube into the crumbled greens.
  9. Bring the tubes to the table.

Puff pastry is used not only for baking various sweet delicacies, it can also be used to make an original snack in the form of a carrot. Cooking it is quite easy: first you need to bake a puff pastry base in the form of a tube, in the middle of which you need to put the cooked salad.

Puff tubes carrots


  • 300-350 gr. puff pastry;
  • 100 gr. squid;
  • 100 gr. crab sticks;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • ground paprika;
  • 30-40 ml of tomato paste;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • flour;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ground pepper;
  • dill greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Dust a work surface with a handful of flour and roll out the puff pastry, then cut the dough sheet into small strips, they should be approximately 1.5 cm wide and 30 cm wide.
  2. If you have special metal confectionery tubes, great, but if you don’t have them, you can make them yourself. To do this, you need cardboard or ordinary office paper folded in half.
  3. After you make your own cardboard or paper cones, wrap them in baking foil and brush with butter.
  4. Pour the ground paprika onto a plate and roll the strips of dough in it on one side so that they are evenly coated. Coloring the dough in a different way will be described a little later.
  5. Then wind strips of puff pastry around them in a spiral. Do not wind the dough up to the top of the cone, leave a small free gap, so it will be easier to remove the dough after baking. There is another way to color the dough - using tomato paste. If you didn't roll the dough in ground paprika, then spread the dough evenly with the paste after wrapping it around the pastry tube.
  6. Prepare a baking sheet for baking puff pastry blanks, for this, grease it with vegetable oil.
  7. Preheat the oven to 190 C. Put the puff pastry tubes on a baking sheet and bake them for about 12-15 minutes until the dough is browned.
  8. Then take the snack blanks out of the oven, let them stand for a while, and then remove the confectionery tubes from them.
  9. Clean the squid tubes from the film, rinse. Then pour boiling water into the pan and first dip one squid carcass into the water.
    Hold the squid in boiling water for 10 seconds and remove it from the boiling water.
  10. Follow the same procedure with the rest of the squid carcasses. Due to the fact that the squid was subjected to heat treatment for a minimum of time, it will not taste “rubber”.
  11. Hard boil the eggs, peel and chop them finely.
  12. Cut crab sticks into small cubes.
  13. Cut the boiled squid carcasses in the same way as crab sticks.
  14. Add mayonnaise to the chopped salad ingredients, season it with spices and salt.
  15. The prepared filling will be placed in a plastic bag, then make an incision in the corner to simplify the procedure for filling the “carrots” with the filling.
  16. Fill each puff pastry tube with filling.
  17. At the end, insert a few sprigs from a bunch of fresh dill into each "carrot".
  18. Now put the appetizer on a dish and serve it on the table.
  19. Such an appetizer, no doubt, will stand out on the festive table. Prepare it and you, it's easy.
  20. For puff pastry appetizer "Carrot" you can use any other salad.

Tubes with melting filling

In a couple of minutes, we will prepare a snack that absolutely everyone will like. Delicious tubes with a crispy oatmeal crust and a tender cheese center are just a real culinary masterpiece. Children are simply crazy about such a delicacy, and adults cannot stop: the hand itself reaches for the supplement. Therefore, an awesome snack is eaten just instantly.


  • one loaf of bread;
  • 150 grams of processed cheese;
  • 2 fresh chicken eggs;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • one glass of oatmeal;
  • refined sunflower oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. First, prepare the oatmeal: grind them into medium crumbs and transfer to a separate bowl. We will use them for breading.
  2. Advice. You can grind oatmeal in any way available to you: in a blender, in a coffee grinder, or simply put it in a bag and roll it with a rolling pin. If the flakes are wet, dry them first in a dry frying pan.
  3. We prepare the batter: we drive two chicken eggs into a bowl and add half a teaspoon of salt, beat with a whisk or a fork.
  4. For tubes, bread is suitable, in which the pulp does not crumble. The ideal option is sliced ​​​​bread, preferably toast.
  5. We cut off all the crusts of slices of bread, roll out each slice of bread with a rolling pin.
  6. Lubricate the slices of bread with melted cheese (you can use cheeses with filling: I took with ham), roll up.
  7. After all the rolls are ready, pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan and put on the stove. Heat up the oil over medium heat.
  8. Dip each roll in the egg mixture and then roll in the oatmeal.
  9. Put in a pan and fry on both sides until golden brown.
  10. Crispy cheese rolls are delicious both warm and cold. You can serve them with any sauce (your choice).

Puff pastry with salad

This interesting-looking dish is based on the classic egg salad, which has long been served on a piece of white bread. However, in honor of the Easter holiday and the inconvenience of eating egg salad on bread during a quick breakfast, some culinary genius (I’m not afraid of this word) “packed” the salad in a carrot, which he himself baked.


  • frozen puff pastry - 1 pack
  • 1 egg milk - 1 tsp
  • egg salad (boiled eggs, herbs, mayonnaise, optional ham)
  • liquid food coloring - yellow and red

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Lightly beat the egg with milk.
  3. Roll out the defrosted dough lightly, trying not to break the rectangular shape. Carefully cut the dough into strips 1.5-2 cm wide.
  4. Brush each strip of dough with the beaten egg and leave to rest.
  5. From the strips, form rollers, first gently wrapping them with your fingers, and then rolling them into thinner and longer “threads” with both hands.
  6. Brush each strip with egg again before rolling.
  7. Slightly flattening the end of the strip with your fingers, start winding it around the conical nozzle for squeezing the cream.
  8. It is necessary to ensure that the tip is neat and does not separate from the rest of the turns. In the finished form, this can no longer be fixed.
  9. Wind up all the "carrots".
  10. Prepare a baking dish by lining it with parchment paper or foil.
  11. Mix yellow and red dyes in a ratio of 15 to 1mu.
  12. Dyes are different, so the proportions may also differ. The result should be a rich orange color.
  13. Paint the carrots with a brush and put them in a mold.
  14. If someone is allergic to dyes, you can use egg yolk for dyeing. The color, of course, will not be so saturated, but it will be possible to “identify” the carrot.
  15. Bake 6-8 minutes until done.
  16. Let cool, at least 5 minutes. Carefully taking the “carrot”, remove the cones with a rotational movement.
  17. Top with egg salad before serving. By the way, it can be replaced with another - your favorite.
  18. Stick sprigs of greens into the salad.

Filled liver tubes

Aphid test:

  • 500 g chicken liver,
  • 400 g beef liver,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 0.5 l milk,
  • 6 art. spoons of flour
  • salt pepper.

For filling:

  • 10 eggs
  • 10 pieces. carrots,
  • 4 bulbs
  • 6 art. spoons of mayonnaise,
  • 3 art. spoons of sour cream
  • garlic to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying,
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the chicken liver well, wash it with beef and cut into small pieces, grind everything in a blender.
  2. Transfer the prepared liver to a bowl, salt and pepper.
  3. If you took small eggs, then you can add one more, that is, use not 4, but 5 pieces for the test.
  4. Beat the eggs a little with a whisk and send to the liver. Pour some of the milk in there and mix everything.
  5. Pour the flour into the bowl with the liver mixture and knead the dough. To do this, you can use a whisk or an immersion blender, which is very convenient. After everything is mixed until smooth, add the remaining milk.
  6. We heat the pan, pour a little vegetable oil and fry thin liver pancakes in the same way as regular pancakes. About 30 pieces are obtained from the indicated quantity of products.
  7. Pancakes must be really thin, otherwise they will be impossible to twist. After frying the first, taste it and, if necessary, salt the dough.
  8. Simultaneously with the preparation of liver pancakes, it is quite possible to boil eggs and peel vegetables for the filling.
  9. Cut the onion into thin half rings, and then cut them in half.
  10. We take a large deep frying pan, pour a little vegetable oil and sauté the onion. It is not necessary to fry, it is better to leave it soft and tender. As soon as the onion softens, salt and pepper it.
  11. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the onion. Mix everything and simmer until the carrots are cooked.
  12. Grate hard-boiled eggs on a fine grater. It will work well if you alternate them with garlic, then the mass will be homogeneous. You can also use a press to grind the garlic, and then mix everything well.
  13. In the resulting mass, add mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, add salt, pepper to taste and mix everything.
  14. In the stewed vegetables, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, mix and warm a little.
  15. The amount of sour cream should be such that the filling does not become liquid, so it must be determined by eye. More than 2 tbsp. do not add spoons.
  16. After the vegetables have cooled down a bit, we begin the assembly. If, when frying liver pancakes, one edge turned out to be a little thicker than the other, then we will put the main filling on it.
  17. First, spread the egg mass on the pancake. Its layer should not be very thick, but not completely transparent.
  18. Then put the vegetable filling on the edge - about 1 tbsp. spoon.
  19. Wrap the pancake and cut in half.
  20. There are a lot of snacks, about 60 rolls. If you cook in advance, then you do not need to cut right away.
  21. It is convenient to put the whole "sausages" in a plastic container and put in the refrigerator, and cut just before serving.

Stunning stuffed tubes


  • chicken liver - 0.4 kg
  • beef liver - 0.5 kg
  • eggs - 14 pcs
  • milk - 500 ml
  • flour - 120 gr
  • carrots - 0.7 kg
  • onion - 0.4 kg
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp
  • mayonnaise - 120 gr
  • garlic
  • salt pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Grind beef and chicken liver in a blender. Transfer it to a bowl. Salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Whisk 4 eggs in another bowl. We shift the liver into a blender bowl, add milk, more salt and flour. Whisk everything until smooth. The dough should be liquid.
  3. We fry pancakes in vegetable oil.
  4. Boil the rest of the eggs. We clean the carrots and onions.
  5. Take a deep frying pan, pour oil into it. Cut the onion into quarters, transfer it to the pan. Sauté lightly until clear, then season with salt and pepper. Grate the carrots and add to the onions. Then put sour cream into the mixture and mix again.
  6. I'm preparing a spread. Rub the peeled boiled eggs on a fine grater. We clean the garlic and also rub it on a grater. Add mayonnaise and sour cream (1 tbsp) to the eggs. We mix everything.
  7. We take a pancake, spread it with egg spread and lay out a little filling. We turn the pancake into a roll and cut it into 2 parts. Transfer pancakes to a platter.

Cabbage patties

Absolutely everyone likes these pies. They are an excellent snack for dinner, or a snack on the road and at work. These pies are going to fly in no time. Made from tender puff pastry with a juicy filling inside, they cannot fail to delight you.


  • flour - 0.4 kg
  • vegetable oil - 9 tbsp
  • water - 150 ml
  • pinch of salt
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • sesame

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour into a bowl, add salt and mix. Pour the vegetable oil into the flour and grind it with your hands with the flour. The mass will turn out loose and loose. Then pour in a little water. Knead the dough until it becomes soft and elastic.
  2. Put the dough on the table and knead. It should become smooth and not stick to the table or hands. We remove the dough in a bag and leave it to "rest" for 30 minutes.
  3. We roll the dough into a roller and divide it into 14 parts. We roll each piece of dough into a ball and leave it to “rest” under the film for 10 minutes.
  4. We prepare a baking sheet. Line it with parchment paper and coat with oil.
  5. We form pies. Roll out a piece of dough into a thin layer. We spread the filling on one edge of the dough. We wrap the layer from one edge and from the other two, as if closing the filling. Then we wrap the pie in a tube. Transfer it to a baking sheet, seam side down. Thus, we twist all the pies.
  6. Shake the yolk in a bowl and grease the pies with it. Sprinkle the pies with sesame seeds.
  7. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees and bake them for 20 minutes. Leave to cool and serve.

Crispy rolls with filling melting inside

Delicious tubes with a crispy crust and delicate cheese filling should please many. Bread, cheese immediately draws the imagination of a sandwich. I'm here to get creative! Your family will thank you!


  • one loaf of bread for toast;
  • 150 grams of processed cheese;
  • two fresh chicken eggs;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • one glass of oatmeal.

Cooking method:

  1. Transfer the oatmeal to a blender and grind into medium crumbs.
  2. We drive two fresh chicken eggs into a bowl, add salt and mix with a fork or whisk.
  3. At bread (it is best to use toast, but you can also use regular bread, as long as the flesh does not crumble), we cut off all the crusts. Roll out each piece with a rolling pin.
  4. Lubricate the bread with melted cheese and roll into rolls.
  5. Pour odorless vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it up.
  6. Dip each tube in an egg, then roll in oatmeal and put in a pan.
  7. Fry over medium heat on all sides until golden brown.
  8. You can serve them both hot and cold - they are all equally delicious.

Super fast puff tubes

From one package of puff pastry, in just a few minutes, you get a whole baking sheet of snack pies. Puff envelopes with insanely tender and juicy filling will appeal to the whole company. Therefore, cook more: for sure, they will ask for supplements.


  • 500 grams of puff yeast-free dough;
  • 500 grams of ham;
  • 200 grams of cheese;
  • one fresh chicken egg;
  • 1-2 tablespoons sesame or flax seeds (optional)

Cooking method:

  1. If you bought the dough from a store, defrost it following the directions on the package.
  2. Cut the ham and hard cheese into very thin slices. Read more:
  3. Sprinkle the table with flour, lay out the dough, roll it out a little (not very thin) and divide it into parts (I got 12 parts).
  4. We lay out slices of ham on the rectangles, on them - pieces of cheese. Take the amount of both to your taste.
  5. We roll the dough with the filling into a tube, be sure to pinch the sides and edges tightly so that the cheese does not leak out.
  6. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, lay out the tubes and grease with a beaten egg. If desired, sprinkle with sesame seeds or flax seeds.
  7. We send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 15-20 minutes.
  8. We serve tender, juicy and mouth-watering tubules on the table with a cup of aromatic coffee: why not a great idea for a hearty breakfast?

Puff pastry rolls with protein cream - recipe with photo:

First prepare your tubes. To do this, roll out the puff pastry into a long rectangle with sides of about 30-40 cm and a dough thickness of about 3-4 mm.

Cut the rolled out dough into strips 1.5 cm wide, as shown in the photo.

Wrap the strips of dough in the form of a long spiral around a metal or homemade tube. By the way, it’s very easy to make such tubes with your own hands, just form a narrow cone from plain A4 paper, cut the cone to the desired size and, so that it does not unfold, fasten it with a stationery stapler. Wrap each tube on top in several layers of foil. That's all, you have blanks for making delicious puff pastry at home.

Add some water (literally 1 tablespoon) or milk to the egg yolk and shake lightly with a fork. Lubricate the products with the resulting mixture.

Bake puff pastry tubes in a preheated oven at 190-200 C for about 15-17 minutes until golden brown. The baking time of the tubes may vary slightly depending on their size.

Let the finished tubes cool and remove them from the baking dishes.

Prepare protein cream for straws from puff pastry. To do this, pour all the granulated sugar into a deep saucepan and add 35 g of water to it.

Put the saucepan on the fire, and gently stirring the mixture so that the sugar is completely dissolved, bring the syrup to a boil. After boiling, boil the syrup over medium heat for about 5 minutes or until a temperature of 112-116 C.

While the syrup is cooking, pour the egg whites into a large bowl and beat until light peaks form. Add vanilla sugar to them.

Continue beating egg whites to soft peaks.

When the syrup is ready, without letting it cool, pour it into the egg whites in a thin stream, constantly beating them with a mixer at maximum speed. Proteins will increase significantly in volume, so consider this when choosing a container for whipping. Beat egg whites until they cool to room temperature.

Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the strawberry protein cream and beat thoroughly again with a mixer.

Transfer the finished cream to a pastry bag with a curly or round nozzle. If suddenly you do not have a pastry bag, then put the cream in a tight bag or in a stationery file and cut off a corner from it.

Fill the cooled puff pastry tubes with ready-made protein cream.

If desired, you can sprinkle the cakes with powdered sugar before serving.

That's all - puff pastry tubes with protein cream are ready! You can serve them to the table.