How many milligrams in 1 g. We recall the school curriculum - how many milligrams are in a gram

05.08.2019 Dishes for children

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in my head, I didn't want to believe it. I turned to the master from whom my sister ordered a love spell. We worked with her for 5 days, all this time I was tormented by insomnia, I was very scared for the consequences. When it was all over, I felt incredibly calm inside myself, our relationship improved instantly, I didn’t even understand how it happened. Girls fight for your happiness, because we have one life! Here is the address of the master who helped me: [email protected] Wrote: Name
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I thought for a long time, and still decided, because I had no other choice. Not much time passed, and he came to visit.
I spent the evening with Misha, though it was very unexpected! I already thought that nothing would happen, but when I opened the door and saw him, I didn’t even know what to say, it was joy along with tears, everything turned upside down inside me! But now I think I'm the happiest person in this world! He returned and we are together again as before ... we love each other.
I would be very happy if I can help someone else with my story. Here is the magician's address:
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I thought for a long time, and still decided, because I had no other choice. Not much time passed, and he came to visit.
I spent the evening with Misha, though it was very unexpected! I already thought that nothing would happen, but when I opened the door and saw him, I didn’t even know what to say, it was joy along with tears, everything turned upside down inside me! But now I think I'm the happiest person in this world! He returned and we are together again as before ... we love each other.
I would be very happy if I can help someone else with my story. Here is the magician's address:
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Folic acid is one of the vital vitamins. As a rule, there is not so much of it in the usual diet, so vitamin B9 deficiency is far from uncommon. To replenish the balance, you need to know the correct dosage of folic acid and be able to properly use additional folates.

Vitamin B9 (medical name - folic acid) is one of the most important nutrients for humans, which is needed for many processes in the body. Folic acid helps cells grow, maintain the integrity of DNA, so the vitamin prevents the development of cancer.

In addition, folic acid is involved in hematopoiesis, helps the heart and blood vessels. By improving blood circulation, acid has a beneficial effect on immunity, improves the functioning of the nervous system and the general condition of the body.

Our intestines can produce folic acid on its own, but in very small amounts, so the bulk of this vitamin must come from food.

Reception features

Like any other drug, folic acid should be taken regularly. At the same time, consider its interaction with other drugs. For example, acid reduces the effect of phenytoin, therefore, its dose must be increased.

A number of substances reduce the absorption of folic acid by the body:

  • Antacids
  • cholestyramine,
  • some antibiotics (sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, tetracyclines, neomycin, polymyxin)

Reduce the effect of the action can also:

  • cytotoxic drugs ( Methotrexate),
  • antibacterial agents (pyrimethamine),
  • diuretics (Triamterene).

With this option, doctors prescribe calcium folinate instead of folic acid.

How to take for prevention

For prophylaxis, small daily doses of B9 are used: 400 mcg for adult.

Teenagers this dosage may be prescribed for the prevention of anemia, immunodeficiency, and physical retardation.

Women planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to use 1 mg of acid once a day for medicinal purposes for six months in order to reduce all kinds of fetal malformations.

When is the best time to take

"Folk" must be taken orally after meal, as indicated in all instructions for the drug.

The fact is that taking vitamins on an empty stomach can lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa: like other acids, folic acid increases its acidity. This provokes diseases of the stomach - gastritis, ulcers, etc.

If you take a vitamin while eating, food will be more difficult to digest, since the acid forms an insoluble complex with zinc.

Important: if you miss a pill, you do not need to take a double dose

Admission courses

To maintain optimal levels of folic acid in the body, a daily intake is necessary.

It is better to drink any vitamins in the morning during breakfast, drinking plenty of fluids. So unabsorbed vitamin surpluses can be easily removed by the body

How many folic acid tablets per day should I take

The number of tablets depends on the mass of the active substance in it, since folic acid is now sold in different dosages.

Most often, pharmacies sell folic acid in a dosage of 1 mg. For medicinal purposes, you need to use 1-2 tablets. per day. Pregnant women - 1 tablet per day for prevention.

Folic acid and vitamin E: regimen

Vitamin E and folic acid - a couple of useful elements that complement each other. Most often, gynecologists prescribe this combination of vitamins to girls from the first stages of pregnancy or to those who are just planning it.

Vitamin E and B9 guarantee the full development of the internal organs of the child and the development of the central nervous system. Vitamin E is directly responsible for the reproductive system, increases the fertility of the girl, reduces the threat of miscarriage in the short term, and prevents the placenta from exfoliating.

When used with folic acid, the intestinal wall is strengthened, the mother's condition improves: working capacity increases, immunity increases, the nervous system is restored.

Optimal dosage:

  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 0.8 mg per day.;
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - 0.3 mg per day..

Is it possible to drink folic acid without a prescription

Any pharmacy will tell you that this medicine is available without a doctor's prescription.

If you find yourself deficient in folic acid, then the smallest daily dose will not harm you, since the excess is excreted by the body on its own.

The best option is dietary supplements, where the composition already contains folic acid. Like vitamin complexes, dietary supplements contain many other useful substances.

The daily volume of folic acid is determined by various factors: gender, age, lifestyle and body condition; Only a doctor can help you choose.

Despite the widespread belief that folate is easily excreted from the body and its overdose is impossible, it should be borne in mind that the vitamin has a number of contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to B9,
  • malignant anemia,
  • oncology,
  • vitamin B12 deficiency.

Release form

Folic acids in pharmacies can be found in the form of powders or tablets (usually 1 mg, 25 and 50 pieces per pack).

However, there are other forms of release:

100 mcg

  • the minimum dosage may be prescribed by a doctor for prevention;
  • 100 mcg is how many mg: 0.1 mg

400 mcg

  • dosage in tablets 400 mcg:
    1 tab. per day (if there is no deficiency), or half a tablet (1/2 tablet of acid) at a dosage of 1 mg per day - for children over 4 years old and adults as maintenance treatment; pregnant women to prevent fetal defects
  • 400 mcg is how many mg: 0.4 mg;
  • folic acid 400 mcg how many tablets:
    1 tab. a dosage of 400 mcg or a quarter of a tablet with a dosage of 1 mg is the recommended daily dose for women of childbearing age and during pregnancy.

800 mcg

  • dosage in tablets 800 mcg:
    1 tab. or slightly less than 1 tab. a dosage of 1 mg is prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.
  • 800 mcg is how many mg: 0.8 mg

1 mg

  • dosage in tablets 1 mg:
    1 tab. for the treatment of anemia, pregnant women - from 1.2 to 2.5 tab. per day in the first trimester.
  • 1 mg is how many mcg: 1000 mcg

4 mg

  • dosage in 4 mg tablets:
    attributed when planning pregnancy. There is no need to be afraid of such doses: if the doctor has prescribed this volume for you, then you or your baby do not have enough B9

5 mg

  • dosage in tablets 5 mg:
    adults 1 tab. per day for the treatment of beriberi, children - in smaller doses depending on age
  • 5 mg is how many grams: 0.005 g

Dosage of folic acid for children

Folic carbon dioxide is necessary for the growth and proper development of the body, because the body's immunity is developed directly in childhood, the main life-supporting systems are formed, so it is important to give the child all the necessary vitamins for its construction.


Infants are recommended 25 micrograms of folic acid each day. With normal development, the baby receives all the nutrients from mother's milk, but if the doctor has identified a lack of nutrients in the newborn, B9 is prescribed additionally. Often, folic acid is required for premature babies.


At a transitional age, B9 is necessary for children for the normal course of sexual development: vitamin B9 helps the young body to establish hormonal balance. In adolescence, many face skin problems of the face and body: acne, pimples, redness. With the help of folic acid, you can fight redness and irritation of the skin.

For the prevention of vitamin deficiency, children at this age are recommended to use 150-200 mcg, this is half a tablet with a dosage of 400 mcg. But we must remember that if the body needs to be restored, then the therapeutic dose of acid is determined by the doctor.


Folic acid for school-age children from 6 to 10 years old is prescribed at a dosage of 100 mcg per day; from 10 to 14 years - 150 mcg.

Schoolchildren need vitamin B9 to regulate brain activity in order to help children cope with the study load and relieve emotional stress.

How much folic acid do children need: summarizing

Daily Value for Women

To maintain the balance of vitamins in the body, an adult woman needs to take at least 400 micrograms of folate per day.

In addition to the fact that vitamin B9 strengthens the body, normalizes internal processes and improves the general condition, folic acid (folka, as mothers like to call it) is of particular importance for women:

  • beneficial effect on the reproductive organs,
  • stops hair loss, rejuvenates and tones the skin;
  • normalizes the hormonal background;
  • reduces the symptoms of menopause;

How many times to take per day

Doctors advise taking folic acid (vitamin B9) like all other vitamins according to the scheme: 1 time per day, preferably in the morning, with meals. Drink a small amount of water.

Daily allowance for pregnancy planning

Pregnant doctors necessarily attribute folates. Normally, a woman should receive 400-600 micrograms of acid per day, this is half a 1 mg tablet.

Daily allowance for pregnant women

How many weeks to take folic acid?

Due to the fact that folates do not accumulate in the body, acid is needed already in the first weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend taking it even at the planning stage of the baby.

IMPORTANT!A woman's body needs vitamin B9 the most in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Daily allowance for breastfeeding mothers

When breastfeeding, a young mother should drink this medicine with a dosage of at least 500-800 micrograms of "folk" per day. It is better to take it as part of dietary supplements or multivitamins, since not only the mother's body, but also the baby needs nutrients at this moment.

Daily Value for Men

If the male body receives at least 700 micrograms of folic acid daily, then the risk of spermatozoa with different types of abnormalities in the chromosomes is reduced by 25-30%.

To avoid infertility in men, B9 is advised to be taken in conjunction with vitamin E.

When a couple is planning a pregnancy, a man needs to drink folic acid 2-3 months in advance.


  1. Vitamin B9 ( in other words folic acid) participates in the formation of the circulatory system and immunity.
  2. Folic acid is essential women who decided get pregnant, as it participates in the normalization of the process of formation and development of the fetus.
  3. folic acid for men necessary for the good functioning of the digestive tract, improving memory, as well as increasing fertility.
  4. Folic acid is prescribed children to improve appetite, brain function and boost immunity.

In contact with

Measures of the volume of liquids

1 teaspoon = 5 ml.

1 dessert spoon = 2 teaspoons = 10 ml.

1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons = 15 ml.

Example: 1

Composition - 15 mg / 5 ml. (indicated on the package or in the instructions) This means that 1 teaspoon contains 15 mg. medicinal product.

If you are prescribed a single dose of 15 mg, then you should take 1 teaspoon of syrup at a time.

If you are prescribed a single dose of 30 mg, then you should take 2 teaspoons of syrup at a time.

Example: 2

The bottle contains 80 mg / 160 ml, where 80 mg is the active ingredient. In this case, the drug is recommended to take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

We calculate the dose in 1 ml: for this, the dose of the substance in the entire volume must be divided by the entire volume of the liquid:

80 mg divided by 160 ml = 0.5 mg in 1 ml.

Since a teaspoon holds 5 ml, we multiply the result by 5. That is: 0.5 mg X 5 \u003d 2.5 mg.

Therefore, 1 teaspoon (single dose) contains 2.5 mg. active substance.

Example: 3

The instructions indicate that 60 ml of the finished solution contains 3000 mg of the active substance.

And 60 ml is 12 teaspoons of 5 ml.

And now we are doing the calculations: the indicated dose of the substance is 3000 mg. divided by 12. That is: 3000 mg / 12 = 250 mg.

So 1 teaspoon of the finished solution is 250 mg.

Example: 4

100 mg. the active substance is contained in 5 ml.

In 1 ml. contains: 100 divided by 5 = 20 mg. active substance.

You need 150 mg.

We divide 150 mg by 20 mg - we get 7.5 ml.


1 ml aqueous solution - 20 drops

1 ml alcohol solution - 40 drops

1 ml alcohol-ether solution - 60 drops


1 mg = 1000 mcg;

1 mcg = 1/1000 mg;

1000 mg = 1 g;

500 mg = 0.5 g;

100 mg = 0.1 g;

1% corresponds to 10 g/l and 10 mg/ml;

2% 20 g/l or 20 mg/ml;

1:1000 = 1 g/1000 ml = 1 mg/ml;

1:10,000 = 1 g/10,000 ml = 0.1 mg/ml or 100 µg/ml;

1:1,000,000 = 1 g/1,000,000 ml = 1 µg/ml

If the solvent is not provided in the package, then when diluting the antibiotic by 0.1 g (100,000 IU) of the powder, take 0.5 ml. solution.

So for breeding:

0.2 g. 1 ml is needed. solvent;

0.5 g. You need 2.5-3 ml. solvent;

1 g needs 5 ml. solvent;

Example: 1

The vial contains 0.5 g of dry drug. How much solvent should be taken to make 0.5 ml. the solution was 0.1 g of dry matter.

When diluting the antibiotic for 0.1 g of dry powder, take 0.5 ml. solvent, therefore:

0.1 g of dry matter - 0.5 ml. solvent

0.5 g of dry matter - X ml. solvent

Answer: to 0.5 ml. the solution was 0.1 g of dry matter, 2.5 ml should be taken. solvent.

Example: 2

The vial contains 1,000,000 units of dry medicine. How much solvent should be taken to make 0.5 ml. solution was 100,000 units of dry matter.

100,000 units of dry matter - 0.5 ml. dry matter

1 000 000 IU - X ml. solvent

Answer: so that in 0.5 ml of the solution there are 100,000 units. dry matter, you need to take 5 ml. solvent.

Example: 3

The vial contains 0.25 g of dry drug. How much solvent do you need to take in order to 1 ml. the solution was 0.1 g of dry matter.

1 ml solution - 0.1 g.

X ml. - 0.25 g.

Answer: so that in 1 ml. the solution was 0.1 g of dry matter, 2.5 ml should be taken. solvent.

Example: 4

The patient needs to enter 400,000 IU. penicillin. A bottle of 1,000,000 units. Dilute 1:1.

How many ml. solution must be taken.

When diluted 1:1 in 1 ml. solution contains 100,000 IU. 1 bottle of penicillin 1,000,000 IU. dilute 10 ml. solution.

If the patient needs to enter 400,000 units, then 4 ml must be taken. the resulting solution.

Attention! Before using medications, you should consult your doctor. The information is provided for informational purposes only.

From arithmetic we know that 1 g is a multiple of 1 kg, that is, a thousandth of a kilogram. And when you need to find out how many grams are in a kilogram, we multiply the figure denoting kilograms by a thousand and get:
1 kg x 1000=1000 g, or 1 kg=103 g.

So, a milligram is also a thousandth of a value, which is called a gram.

And similarly, the problem is solved when you need to find out how many milligrams are in it.
We attribute three zeros to the number that indicates the amount of g.

1 g x 1000=1000 mg, or 1g=103 mg. Here is such a simple answer to the question - how many mg are in 1 gram.

Putting knowledge into practice

Life constantly confronts us with a situation where we have to solve such arithmetic problems. Most often, this occurs when taking medications.

For example, if the instructions for use say that more than 0.2 g of the drug should not be consumed per day, and the weight of 25 mg is indicated on the tablets in the blister, then you need to find out how many tablets you can use.

Solution algorithm: 0.2 g x1000 = 200 mg, 200 mg: 25 mg = 8 tablets.

But the reverse conversion from milligrams to grams is also common, especially when cooking or for chemical solutions for household purposes.

We remember that if 1 g = 103 mg, then 1 mg = 10-3 g or 1 mg = 0.001 g.
Suppose, according to the recipe, we need to add 300 mg of granulated sugar and 800 mg of salt somewhere, and our scales measure only g.

International unit (IU)- in pharmacology, it is a unit of measurement of the amount of a substance, based on biological activity. Used for vitamins, hormones, certain drugs, vaccines, blood constituents and similar biologically active substances.

How many milligrams in a gram?

Despite the name, the IU is not part of the international SI measurement system.

The exact definition of one IU varies for different substances and is established by international agreement. The Committee for Biological Standards at the World Health Organization provides reference blanks for certain substances, (arbitrarily) sets the number of IUs they contain, and defines biological procedures for comparing other blanks with reference blanks. The aim of such procedures is that different preforms having the same biological activity contain an equal number of IUs.

For some substances, over time, mass equivalents of one IU were established, and measurement in these units was officially abandoned. However, the IU unit may still remain in wide use due to convenience. For example, vitamin E exists in eight different forms that differ in their biological activity. Instead of specifying the exact type and weight of the vitamin in the preparation, it is sometimes convenient to simply indicate its amount in IU.


International unit (IU)— internationally agreed standards needed to compare the levels of different biological compounds tested on the basis of their potency.

If purification by chemical methods is not possible, the substance is analyzed by biological methods, and a stable standard solution is used for comparison. Serum standards are held at the State Serum Institute (Copenhagen, Denmark), at the National Institute for Medical Research (Mill Hill, UK) and at the World Health Organization (WHO) (Geneva, Switzerland).

international unit set as a specified amount of standard solution (for example, one IU of tetanus antitoxin = 0.1547 mg of the standard solution, which is stored in Copenhagen).

Pharmacology And Pharmacotherapeutics (New Revised 21st Ed.)

5 milligrams is how much?

What is the difference between 5 mg and 5 ml?

People quite often confuse two completely different concepts: a milliliter and a milligram. Some people think they are one and the same. So let's figure it out.

First, you need to determine which dosage form before us.

Solids are dosed by weight (weighed out), while liquids are dosed by volume (measured).

In the first case, the unit of measure is gram\milligram\microgram, and in the second case it is liter\milliliter.

Dosing by weight

Weight designations :

1.0 - 1 g (gram)

0.001 - 1 mg (milligram)

0.000001 - 1 μg (microgram)

Measuring weights, weights, scales (according to the principle of weighing, there are: spring, lever, manual, platter and others).

Measuring tools for the consumer: the measure of measurement in this case will be the dosage of the drug prescribed by the doctor. We discussed dosages in more detail in article.

Dosing by volume

Volume designations:

1 ml - 1 milliliter

1 l - 1 liter

Measuringmanufacturer tools: volumetric and pharmacy pipettes, volumetric flasks, cylinders, beakers, burettes.

Measuring tools for the consumer: caps, pipettes, syringes, cups, measuring spoons.


What does the sign say 1,0 ?

Answer: This is the mass of a substance weighing in 1 gram.

Clarification: If we are talking about the volume of the dosage form, then next to it will be the designation - ml, that is 1.0 ml(or simply 1 ml).

How to calculate the required number of drops?

The non-standard unit of volume is a drop.

How many milligrams are in 1 gram?

This is an inaccurate indicator for calculations, because the volume of a drop depends on the physical properties of the dispensed liquid.

For comparison: the volume of 1 drop of an alcohol solution is on average 0.02 ml, and for an aqueous solution it can vary from 0.03 to 0.05 ml.

Pharmacists and doctors have decided to jointly designate a standard measure for this unit of measure. It is generally accepted that the volume of 1 drop is 0.05 ml.

When the dosage of the medicinal product in drops is prescribed, it is understood that the volume of one drop is 0.05 ml. If you have a medical syringe with a volume of 1 ml at home, then you can easily determine the required amount of medicine: 2 drops - 0.1 ml, 3 drops - 0.15 ml, 5 drops - 0.25 ml.

spoons are also an inaccurate measuring device for determining the volume of the dosage form. For them, the conventions of volume are also accepted.

Memo when dosing liquid dosage forms:

1 cap. (drop) = 0.05 ml

2 cap. \u003d 0.1 ml (we measure with a syringe, 1 ml in volume)

20 cap. (with a pipette) = 1 ml

1 tsp (teaspoon) = 5 ml

1 dl (dessert or children's spoon) = 10 ml

1 tbsp (tablespoon) = 15 ml

1 st. (glass) = 200 ml on average (glasses come in different capacities: from 110 to 320 ml)

In one of the following issues, you will learn how to determine the content of the active substance in a dosage form, and how to calculate single / daily doses of the drug.

Be healthy! Heal Consciously!


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Quick answer: 1 g - 1000 mg.

Whatever you say, we tend to forget some information from the school course, especially if we don’t come across it in any way throughout our lives. For example, do you remember how many milligrams are in 1 gram?

How many milligrams are in one gram?

Well, if you remember, but there are people who have forgotten this information. Let's not blame them - a person is not able to store in his head all the data that he once received. And here's the answer to the question.

A milligram is a unit of mass in the international SI system of units. A milligram is one thousandth of a gram (or one millionth of a kilogram). It turns out that 1 g of the substance contains 1000 mg. 1 milligram, in turn, contains 0.001 g of the substance.

Easy to remember?

Quite. However, in practice we often meet with cases that often lead us into a stupor. A simple example: you need to take a pill. The packaging says that the weight of each tablet is 0.25 g, while you need to take 750 mg. Since we already know that one gram contains a thousand milligrams, we simply translate the values. So, 0.25 g is 250 mg. Divide the prescribed 750 mg by 250 mg and get the number 3. Three - that's how many pills you need to take.

Of course, you can transfer everything back. 750 mg is 0.75 g. The tablet weighs 0.25 g. Divide 0.75 g by 0.25 g and get the same figure - 3. As you can see, everything is quite easy and simple, but if you have any questions on this topic, you can ask them to us using the comments section.

When working with small quantities of a substance, the unit of mass used is often the milligram (mg). A milligram is a thousandth of a gram. that is, one gram contains one thousand milligrams. In order to convert grams to milligrams, you don’t even need a calculator - quite elementary knowledge in arithmetic.


1. In order to convert grams to milligrams, multiply the number of grams by 1000. That is, use the further primitive formula: Kmg = Kg * 1000, where Kmg is the number of milligrams, Kg is the number of grams. So, let's say, the mass of one tablet of activated carbon is 0.25 grams. Consequently, its mass, expressed in milligrams, will be: 0.25 * 1000 = 250 (mg).

2. If the number of grams is an integer, then to convert grams to milligrams, primitively add three zeros to it on the right. Let's say one tablet of ascorbic acid with glucose weighs 1 gram. So, its mass in milligrams will be: 1,000.

3. If the number of grams is expressed as a decimal fraction, move the decimal point three digits to the right. Let's say the table of contents of glucose in one tablet of ascorbic acid with glucose is 0.887 grams. Consequently, in milligrams, the mass of glucose will be 887 mg.

4. If there are less than 3 digits later than the comma, complete the missing signs with zeros. So, let's say, the table of contents of ascorbic acid in one tablet of ascorbic acid with glucose is 0.1 gram. In milligrams, this will be - 100 mg (according to the rule, it turns out 0100 mg, but the leading zeros on the left are discarded)..

5. If all the initial data are given in grams, and the result must be presented in milligrams, then carry out all intermediate calculations in grams, and translate milligrams only the result of the calculations. So, let's say, one tablet of allochol contains: - dry bile - 0.08 g, - dried garlic - 0.04 g, - nettle leaves - 0.005 g, - activated carbon - 0.025 g. In order to calculate: how many milligrams of energetic substances are contained in one tablet of allochol, add up the masses of all components, expressed in grams, and translate the total into milligrams: 0.08 + 0.04 + 0.005 + 0.025 = 0.15 (g). 0.15 * 1000 = 150 (mg).

Gram is a unit of mass measurement belonging to the system of metric measures. Gram is one of the main units of the system of unconditional measures of the CGS (centimeter, gram, second) - widely used before the adoption of the international system of measurement (SI). Denoted as g or g.

How many milligrams are in one milliliter

Multiple unit of mass kilogram is one of the basic SI units, denoted by kg or kg.


1. Gram is equal to the mass of one cubic centimeter of water at the temperature of its maximum density (4°C). As a measure of body weight, the gram is a derived unit in the metric system. It is one thousandth of a rod unit of mass - kilogram but. The kilogram was defined (with an accuracy of 0.2%) as the mass of one cubic decimeter (0.001 cubic meter) of water at its highest density temperature. At the current time to determine the mass kilogram and the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris keeps the standard kilogram a - a cylinder about 39 mm high, made from a platinum-iridium alloy in 1889.

2. Gram equal to one thousandth kilogram and (1 g \u003d 0.001 kg), therefore, to translate the known body weight, which is given in grams, you need to multiply it by 1000.

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The conversion of grams to milligrams is mainly used in calculations related to the preparation of drugs and their dosage. When calculating, be very careful - an oversight of each by one decimal place will lead to a tenfold error.

When we graduate, we often forget a lot of what we have been through in the program. For example, not everyone remembers how many milligrams are in a gram. However, this knowledge is sometimes simply necessary in everyday life. For example, the correct dosage of various components in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology often depends on how well we have mastered the system for transferring mass from kilograms to grams, from grams to milligrams. Treating this lightly, you can easily spoil the result. After all, it is much easier to figure out how much and where to add, knowing how many milligrams are in a gram. Small values ​​are often used when working with small volumes of substances, and it is very important not to confuse the ratio. Even on the Internet, you can sometimes find statements that confidently say that a gram contains 100 milligrams. But it is quite possible that, after reading such a post, the other person will simply make a mistake with the calculations. So, how many milligrams are there in a gram? And how to do the calculations right?

A milligram is a thousandth of a gram. The meaning of the prefix "milli" means 10 to the -3 power, respectively, indicating one thousandth. That is, one gram consists of one thousand milligrams. In fact, it is not difficult to translate these quantities even without a calculator. To do this, it is quite enough to use the most elementary knowledge of arithmetic.

In order to make it easier to understand how many milligrams are in 1 gram, I will present an illustrative example:

1 gram is equal to 1000 milligrams

And vice versa:

1 milligram is equal to 0.001 grams

It follows that:

1 kilogram is equal to 1,000 grams, which is equal to 1,000,000 milligrams

With the help of such a simple table, you can correctly calculate the amount of substances.

Knowing how many milligrams are in one gram is necessary if you want to follow the recipes of various cosmetics and medicines correctly. Indeed, situations often arise when we can quite understand all the subtleties and nuances on our own, however, ignorance of how many milligrams are in a gram and well-founded uncertainty about the correctness of the calculations makes it difficult to find a rational solution.

Suppose you need to give medicine to a small child. But it is known that the dosage of some drugs is quite strictly different in adults and babies. In this case, the most difficult thing is to choose the required dose, which will not cause any side effects and negative effects on health, for very young children, up to three years old. Having a whole tablet and knowing its standard weight, as well as the amount of active substance, you can easily do this. In an example, it looks like this.

The weight of the tablet is 500 milligrams. The pediatric dose of this drug is 0.25 grams. Difficult? Not at all. One has only to use the elementary school formula, as everything will fall into place. You can use two different ways to convert values ​​- from grams to milligrams or vice versa. Here is the result:

500 milligrams = 0.5 grams. And you only need 0.25. We divide the tablet into two parts and get the right dose of the necessary medicine.

You can also do the opposite:

0.25 grams = 250 milligrams

The result is two numbers - 500 milligrams and 250 milligrams. And now it is much easier to understand how to properly divide the pill.

I will give a few more examples of converting grams to milligrams and vice versa.

0.12 grams = 120 milligrams.

540 milligrams = 0.54 grams

0.03 grams = 30 milligrams

36 milligrams = 0.036 grams

Here's how you can easily deal with such obscure quantities. There is no need to divide or multiply if you understand the number of zeros correctly. In the 540 milligrams version, 0.54 grams can be obtained by simply moving the separating comma forward three digits, which means three zeros in 1000. Did you remember that there are 1000 milligrams in one gram? And in the case of converting 0.03 grams to milligrams, the comma moves back three digits and the missing zero is added. 0.030 = 30.

1000 mg - how many grams is it?

    1000 milligrams, in fact, this is not much, and one can even say little, since in total, this formidable-looking figure is nothing else in its total equivalent, like one gram (1 gram) weight of a particular substance.

    Chemistry is a very exact science, I remember in practical classes at school they constantly weighed these same milligrams and grams. Are you saying that if you make a mistake, you can do such things, even an experienced teacher will not be able to help.

    With age, everything is done by eyequot ;.

    One milligram seems very small, because the prefix milli is an abbreviation for 1000 units. So 1000 mg is 1 gram.

    10000 mg is 10 grams

    This is called jewelry precision, because when a ring is cast, they always monitor the mass of the finished product. A gram of a product is very expensive, and an additional milligram can significantly increase the price of the finished product.

    So when buying, how much do you hang grams or milligrams?)

    Mille is a thousand in Latin.

    In the international system of SI units, it was agreed that what is a thousand times smaller than the main unit (gram, in our case) should be written with the prefix milli- (and what is 1000 times more - with the prefix kilo-, also thousand , but from Greek).

    A millimeter is one thousandth of a meter, for example.

    A milligram is one thousandth of a gram.

    1000 * (1/1000) = 1 (One) gram.

    1000mg = 1gram, 1000mg: 1000 = 1 gram

    Milli is a prefix used to express a thousandth of something, in our case a gram.

    Milli is a unit of measurement, in Russian it is denoted by the letter m and the international m, used in the International System of Units (SI).

    A million is a thousand thousand or 1000000: we check 1000 = 1000 and get 1000 * 1000 = 1000000.

    1000ml: 1000 = 1l. (liter).

    1000mm: 1000 = 1m. (meter).

    As you can see from the examples, the milli is mainly used to shorten numbers by 1000 so that numbers can be written and denoted without adding zeros, which actually makes it easier to work with numbers.

    In the worldwide system of units of measurement, there are multiples (for example, kilograms) and sub-multiples (for example, grams) units. So, a milligram is also a submultiple unit, equal to 10 to the minus 3 power of a gram or gram / 1000, which is expressed as 0.001 grams. Accordingly, if 1000 is multiplied by 0.001, we get 1 gram.

    When we need to weigh something very small and very light, we need very accurate scales. They are very delicate (heavy things cannot be weighed on them) and the weight in them is considered not in tons and kilograms, but in grams and milligrams.

    1 mg is equal to 0.001 g. Therefore, 1000 mg is 1 g.

    This measure of weights has found application in the pharmacy and jewelry business.

    Do not think that 1000 mg is very little, since everything is relative.

    For example

    if one tablet of some expensive medicine weighs 20 mg, then 50 such tablets will be just our weight, and if we consider that a plate of such tablets (10 pcs) will cost a lot, then five such plates will cost a tidy sum.

    Oh, those measures of weight and lengths, units of time ... all these grams-milligrams, it's not so easy to remember all of them and translate one into another! From the school bench I remember the back page of a notebook in a box - there was always a hint with which you could convert meters to millimeters, grams to kilograms.

    So, consider what 1000 mg is, that is, one thousand milligrams. Prefix milli in the word milligram indicates that 1 gram is 1000 times greater than 1 milligram. And this means that 1 gram = 1000 milligrams.

    The same can be said about millimeters: a meter is 1000 times larger than a millimeter, which means that there are 1000 millimeters in 1 meter.

    Prefix milli - this is the answer to your question. It reduces the number by a thousand units, because 10,000 milligrams is 10 grams, and, accordingly, 1000 milligrams is just one gram.

    A smaller unit of measurement is already micrograms.

    One thousand milligrams is exactly one gram of weight (or mass). This is written in numbers like this: 1000 mg \u003d 1 g. And one milligram is exactly one thousandth of a gram. Or 0.001 g x 1000 = 1 g.

    Milli- is a prefix to a unit of measure, denoting one thousandth of a given unit. Therefore, if I have no idea what, say, the unit of measure is sievert, I know for sure that sievert includes 1000 millisieverts. Can be applied to any unit that does not contain other similar prefixes. So, a millihour is equal to 3.6 seconds. At one time, students proposed a unit for measuring talkativeness - Ken. Their physics teacher (Milliken) had the eponymous gab. The idea of ​​prefixes to units of measurement was deeply felt by the monkey, who said: Your height is equal to two of your halves, or four halves of your half. I recommend thinking about why the circumference of the Earth is exactly 40 thousand kilometers.