Chicken breast skewers marinade recipes. Marinate chicken skewers in mayonnaise

10.08.2019 Dishes for children

In spring, barbecue season traditionally opens. A typical picture of a weekend in nature - pieces of pork or lamb oozing fat on skewers, mayonnaise, garlic sauce, ketchup, beer for adults, Coca-Cola for children, packaged juices. The perfect selection of the most harmful things you can eat on a picnic. Harmful, fatty, high-calorie, but sometimes you feel like it ... Is it possible to have a barbecue on pp? Yes! But only if it is a properly prepared diet chicken kebab, the calorie content of which is as low as possible.

Is it possible to have a barbecue at the PP?

PP kebab is a great protein food But proper nutrition is based precisely on protein foods with a small amount of fat and with a sufficient amount of slow carbohydrates.

If you choose the lean part of the chicken - breast, thighs without skin - then the number of calories in the finished dish can be significantly reduced.

Having correctly selected the marinade, it is easy to cook such meat on skewers or a wire rack that will meet absolutely all the rules of paragraphs.

By the way, during cooking on charcoal, fat is rendered from meat, which means that it is even more degreased.

KBJU chicken skewers

Losing weight pp-shnikov are especially concerned about the question of how many calories are in chicken skewers? Remember:

  1. chicken breast barbecue has a calorie content per 100 grams of about 120 kcal;
  2. shish kebab from other parts of the chicken- calories from 133 kcal;
  3. has a calorie content of 185 kcal, and the reason for such a high figure is that it is extremely difficult to remove the skin from the wings - namely, the main fat “hides” there.

Suddenly, the chicken was not at hand, remember that a low-calorie kebab can be cooked on a turkey grill, marinating it first with lemon juice and ginger, which not only break down fats, but also soften dryish turkey meat. Another pp barbecue can be prepared from a rabbit. Its meat is tender, dietary and perfectly digestible.

It is also important to take into account Proteins in dietary chicken barbecue 18-25 g, depending on which part of the carcass is selected, fats - 12-18, carbohydrates - up to 1 g per 100 g of the dish.

How to make chicken barbecue

Cooking low-calorie chicken skewers on a grill or on skewers is no more difficult than any other.

Choosing a part of the carcass

If you cook on skewers, then it is better to choose breast, fillet. They are very tender and bake quickly.

In addition, they are the most low-calorie dishes. On the grill, wings and thighs turn out well.

The fillet should be cut across the grain. It is enough to cut the fillet into three parts.

Marinating poultry for barbecue

Traditional options with vinegar, and even more so with mayonnaise, are completely unsuitable for our chicken. Vegetable and fruit marinades are ideal. It is not necessary to marinate the chicken for a long time, otherwise the meat will spread. Turkey, on the other hand, will benefit from an extra hour in the marinade.

Cooking shish kebab

Boneless meat is perfectly baked on skewers. Meat on the bone is best cooked on the grill. The thermal conductivity of the bone makes cooking faster. On the grid, this process is easier to control.

Usually on well-heated coals, the chicken is ready in half an hour. If in doubt - pierce with something in the “thickest” place - a reddish or pinkish juice stands out, which means it’s not ready yet.

Options for barbecue marinades

It’s not difficult to pickle a shish kebab - I personally have a lot of marinades in my piggy bank of ideas. Most loved:

  • onion, but only onions need almost as much as meat. It should be cut into rings, knead a little with your hands and mix with chicken pieces, leave for 4-5 hours. It's delicious to fry everything together. Salt and pepper - to taste and at will;
  • from kiwi: for 1 kg of meat - 1-2 fruits. Fruits need to be cut into thin circles, put in a bowl, alternating layers. The bottom and top layers are from kiwi. Marinate for no more than half an hour, otherwise fruit acids will disrupt the structure of muscle fibers. Kiwi can be supplemented with lemon, some spices, soy sauce;
  • from onions and tomatoes: for 1 kg of meat - half a kilo of onions and tomatoes, a couple of cloves of garlic, a pinch of nutmeg. Turn vegetables in a blender into puree and “drown” chicken pieces in it for 2-3 hours;
  • from fermented milk products: for 1 kg of meat - 1 liter kefir or ayran, tana, curdled milk, whey or even ordinary. It is good to add a mixture of peppers, rosemary, sage, cumin, oregano to the fermented milk product. We keep the meat for several hours;
  • from honey and garlic - a marinade for lovers of unusual mixes different tastes. For 1 kg of meat - 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 5-6 cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger - 1-2 cm, juice of 1 lemon. Make a sauce in a blender and coat the chicken pieces with it for 4-5 hours. This marinade is suitable for turkey, rabbit, veal.

Secrets of delicious pp chicken skewers

Don't be afraid to experiment with marinades. A delicious barbecue will turn out if there are 3 components in the marinade: aromatic, softening and flavoring. You can also try combinations of mustard + spices + greens, soy sauce + freshly chopped vegetables + seasonings, etc.

No need to use non-natural means for ignition- they impair the taste of fried foods.

Coal is convenient, but on wood, especially from fruit trees, it turns out much tastier any barbecue.

Serving chicken kebab is delicious with thin pita bread and plenty of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Although it is more correct to exclude pita bread.

Some vegetables can be baked with meat, it will be both appetizing and healthy.

For example, tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers, eggplant, zucchini. Eggplant must first be soaked in cold water with salt.

Diet chicken breast or turkey fillet kebab will be juicier if you dip it in the sauce.

Purchased sauces are a mixture of substitutes for all natural plus calories.

Natural sauces are prepared from vegetables and berries. Tomato juice is boiled with onions, garlic, fresh herbs and whipped in a blender. Berry sauces are prepared from gooseberries, red currants, lingonberries with the addition of a drop of honey. The berries are mashed and brought to a boil. My favorite for today is a dietary kefir chicken kebab with a sauce of olive oil, garlic, fresh herbs and ground paprika, cooked in a blender.

Video recipe for chicken skewers on kefir

Here is my favorite, simple option for preparing a dietary bbq-barbecue. Breast with kefir, herbs and garlic - the perfect combination! Short video instruction:

Cooks often observe how, being tender when raw, not cooked, the chicken breast quickly hardens at the moments of frying or boiling, stewing. It is considered a lean, even dietary product, which is recommended for those who are losing weight, diabetics. How tasty is chicken breast barbecue, can you achieve tenderness, softness in meat? Chefs answer: yes. And the “yes” is a definite one.

The secret here is in a well-chosen, seasoned marinade. You can make large, "street" kebabs or small ones using skewers. Here are 5 basic, popular recipes that will help everyone, even novice cooks.

1st place

The cooking time is total, it takes about 45-50 minutes, the indicated ingredients are designed for 2 equal, medium servings. Serve with delicious, bread cakes, cheese.

What will be required:

Chicken breast -700 gr;
Potato starch (ready) - 30 g;
Water, only filtered - 200 ml;
Turmeric - 5 gr;
Ground paprika (its smoked variety) - 5 g;
Salt (need sea) - 15 gr;
Paprika flakes -3 g;
Olive oil


To make the meat soft, it is important to soak it well with starch and water. First, cut the reserved breast with a sharp, large knife. First, cut the skin gently, then remove it completely, here you just need meat, without it.

If the breast is bought whole, not filleted, you need to cut it. In the center of the breast there is a special bone - the fork, as if it divides the breast in half. Cut the meat neatly along it. Then cut one, then the other side. Everything, there is a fillet.

Remove at the same time all the excess: veins, veins with pieces of fat, tendons. Cut off the edges of the small, leftover fillets. Then they will go either under the roast or under the cutlets. Under the fillet on skewers, only large, central pieces are needed. Cut them both into long, identical, thick strips.

Take a comfortable, deep bowl, pour cold, already filtered water into it, then pour starch, sea salt. Stir everything until the salt is all gone, dissolved.

If there is a separate, culinary syringe at home, then prick the fillet prepared for marinade with it (medical will not work here). If not, prick the chicken with a regular fork, then place all the pieces in a bowl, dipping them into the marinade. everything, leave to reach 25-30 full minutes.

Once the marinade has absorbed, transfer the fillet to another, shallower bowl. There, add the reserved spices to the meat (turmeric, followed by smoked paprika, flakes). There is no need to salt, because the marinade was already salty.

Everything, now you can carefully string each piece of fillet onto a small skewer and grease well with olive oil.

If the chicken fillet skewers are planned on the grill, 5-6 minutes will be enough for him on medium, not very hot coals. This is the total time, including all flips.

If the kebab is homemade, it will be in the oven, then first heat it, setting the maximum temperature available. We place the skewers on top of the baking sheet, but so that the meat remains “in the air” without contact with the metal. Everything, the cooking time will also be 6-7 minutes. Serve only hot, providing a side dish (preferably fresh vegetables), tortillas, cheese.

2nd place

Barbecue lovers can not always afford this dish, because it is considered fatty, high-calorie. Especially if you make it from fatty lamb. However, chicken breast barbecue is available to everyone, even those who are losing weight. The main thing here is to achieve softness, tenderness in meat. The marinade will help. the most delicious, according to this recipe, is kefir. It nourishes the breast, giving juiciness. Ready-made kebabs can be supplemented with sauces or mustard, as well as vegetables, herbs, as you like. Replace the fillet with your favorite steaks or thighs, wings.

What will be required:

Chicken fillet - 360 gr;
Kefir (regular) - 90 ml;
Tomato paste (from a jar) - 1 tablespoon;
Soy sauce - 30 ml;
Garlic - 2-3 zb .;
Mustard (needed in grains) - 1 tablespoon;
Chili pepper 2-3 rings;
A mixture of spices - 1 tablespoon;
Sea salt -1 teaspoon;
Pepper (ground, black is needed) - 1/2 tsp.


The amount of spices here is inaccurate, you can change according to your own taste. Under the marinade, you need a deep, comfortable bowl, medium in size. The main thing is to calculate the volume so that all the meat fits and you can mix it.

We pour in a mixture of selected spices, for our version it is: turmeric with curry, a little from paprika, dry vegetables with basil, thyme and literally a pinch of coriander. However, everyone makes their own bouquet. To spices goes tomato paste (you can ketchup).

We clean the garlic, pass all the cloves through the press, then add the mass to the spices. There is also a piece of hot, spicy chili, 2-3 medium rings (his own). Mustard (precisely in grains), soy sauce - they are needed for piquancy.

That's it, now it's the turn of kefir. Having made the marinade, mix it thoroughly, adding the remaining pepper with (need sea) salt. You can adjust the amount by trying the already prepared mixture.

Rinse the fillet, wipe it, then cut off the entire film and skin with a sharp, comfortable knife. Fat, if found, can be left. Cut the finished (for marinade) meat into identical, large pieces, then send everything to infuse, already in the marinade.

You string the pieces, taking ordinary, culinary skewers. Pour the rest of the marinade over the breast again. Bake them for 35-40 full minutes. If using a wire rack, place the baking sheet down.
All, after baking, immediately serve while hot.

3rd place

Instead of kefir, you can take mayonnaise, supplement it with soy sauce. An interesting, tasty marinade will come out that does not require long, overnight cooking. A couple of hours is enough.

What will be required:

Chicken fillet - 1.5 kg;
Mayonnaise - 150 gr;
Soy sauce - 100 ml;
Bulb - 2 pcs.;
Black pepper, you need ground.


First, rinse your fillet, lay it out, let the excess liquid drain off, and the meat will dry.
Cut all the fillet, taking a convenient, sharp knife. The pieces are medium, portioned. This kebab will be on the grill, so look at the size of the pieces. Small - the meat will burn, dry out. Large - will be raw.

Putting the fillet in a comfortable, large pan, add mayonnaise and sauce immediately on top. A little salt, because the sauce has its own degree of salinity, season with pepper. Everything, seasonings are enough.

In the meantime, peel the onions, cut them all into equal, small strips and immediately put them in a saucepan, where you will marinate later.

That's it, mix the collected ingredients, then leave it, let it stand in the room. Time - 2-3 full hours. Stir occasionally.

It is advisable to heat the coals, then let them cool a little, otherwise the meat will cook and dry faster, losing its juiciness. String already marinated pieces on skewers, keeping a distance, not tightly. In cooking, turn over more often, it will take 10-12 minutes somewhere. The main thing is to remove it in time, then the meat will surprise you with juiciness and taste.

4th place

Option with lemon. True, Italian herbs and other spices are also needed. However, if you don’t find them, you can replace them by making your own bouquet.

What will be required:

Chicken fillet -500 gr;
Lemon juice (fresh) - 3 tablespoons;
Garlic - 2 cloves;
Italian herbs - 2 teaspoons;
ground cinnamon;
Black pepper (also ground);
Olive oil;
Red onion;


After peeling, then chopping the garlic, mix it with all the herbs prepared for pickling, placing it in a convenient, deep bowl. There will also go a spoonful of fresh, squeezed lemon juice.
First wash the chicken fillet, then chop it, making medium-sized pieces of the same size. Put all the meat in the already prepared marinade. important: do not pour out all the lemon juice, 2 tablespoons will remain (one was used). Marinating time will be 2 hours.

Mix it separately by adding the desired olive oil. Next, heat up your grill or put on the grill. String alternately red onion, pieces of already marinated fillet. On the grill, everything is fried quickly, only 6-8 minutes, so stay close, turn often, lubricating the pieces with that oil-lemon ready-made mixture.

Here it is important to guess the moment and pull out the "chicken" skewers in time. Then the meat will not have time to overcook, retaining juices, pleasant softness. Serve this shish kebab with sliced ​​lemon.

5th place

Barbecue aged in a vinegar-vegetable marinade. Of course, any of the proposed recipes has a number of advantages, feel free to choose the one you like, there are no bad or unsuccessful ones. This recipe is the simplest, there are few ingredients and each one is easy to find in any possible kitchen.

What will be required:

Chicken fillet - 500 gr;
Sweet pepper -2 pcs;
Cherry tomatoes - 8 pcs;
Wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
Vegetable oil;
Allspice (need ground);


The secrets of the most successful kebab in terms of taste are always hidden in the marinade and aging time. Especially if the base is chicken breast, which is considered lean, harsh meat. It is important to select the ingredients, withstand the time and, when frying, guess the moment so as not to overcook. On the grill, put not hot, but medium coals, allowing them to cool slightly. Therefore, when different types of kebabs are fried, the chicken comes second, not first in order.

First, process the meat: rinse the breast, then cut off unnecessary parts (cores, film, skin) with a knife. Cut it up if you got it with a bone. Then cut, you need medium, approximately the same pieces. Count on future heat. Smaller ones will cook faster and burn. Large ones, on the contrary, will remain raw inside. If there is fat in the meat during trimming, leave it.

Next, you need a deep, comfortable bowl, there combine the vinegar with the oil prepared for the barbecue, spices there. The marinade is considered simple, except for these components there is nothing. Mix thoroughly, then pour over the meat. Marinating time will be short, 30 minutes. This recipe is considered fast, because other options involve 2-3 hours of exposure, here for half an hour. Anyway, the meat will have time to soak, soften.

On skewers, alternately string, alternating meat, then peppers, tomatoes. Yes, if you look at general tips, then you can’t make a mixed kebab when there is meat on the skewer right away, vegetables are nearby, because. the latter cook faster and by the time the meat reaches, they burn. Chicken skewers are an exception. It does not matter if it is on skewers in the oven or otherwise, on coals, the cooking time is shorter. 6-8 minutes, turn frequently.

Serve hot without removing the skewers. Provide with pita bread, onions. The vinegar will add more of its spiciness.

Varieties of recipes

What else, besides vinegar or kefir, can be added to the marinade?

Canned pineapples (although they will be "partners" of meat on skewers);
Mineral water (it is believed that mineral water is able to soften any, even tough meat);
Lemon (and both itself and its juice are taken) is considered a universal ingredient;
Wine (table or red, any kind).

Any chef who loves shish kebab is experimenting with marinade. Especially if the meat is “problematic” like breast. After all, it is easier to fry an ordinary chicken, or rather, there is no fear that it will come out harsh.
Frying features. It is interesting how the experts dispersed, discussing the types of firewood used for barbecue. One birch seems to be the most successful, while others, on the contrary, praise fruit trees.

For some, ready-made, packaged coal is more suitable. It is enough to kindle a small, compact fire, then add a handful of charcoal ready in a bag, that's all, you can fry.

Continuing the theme of the "kebab" season, let's talk about no less popular for the May holidays - this is chicken kebab.

Chicken, in particular, its breast fillet, refers to dietary products rich in proteins. Chicken meat contains polyunsaturated acids that are beneficial for the human cardiovascular system. And the B vitamins help strengthen hair and nails.

In addition, chicken is not only ... valuable dietary meat, but also a profitable, affordable product - the low cost of the product (it will favorably affect your budget). And chicken skewers are a wonderful choice for picnics, and just friendly gatherings. Cooking it at home is easy, frying it on coals or in the oven is quite simple. You need to know just a few subtleties of how to marinate chicken for barbecue.

It is chicken kebab that always turns out to be incredibly tender, but in case of improper preparation, it can be a bit dry. Therefore, before you start cooking chicken skewers, you should choose the right chicken.

Dear readers, first I want to ask you to pay a little attention and deviate a little from the main topic. Because I want to remind you that very soon, on June 14, a book will be released on how to create and maintain your own blog, something like mine. Thanks to a blog, you can run a business from the comfort of your home, with a computer and Internet access at hand. Everything else you will find in the very book edited by Denis Povaga. Earlier we already talked about this and there was a separate post on this blog ().

Today, June 14, Blogger's Day, you get a link to a special page where you can download the book for free, for a limited time. Within a certain time, the book will be available, do not miss this important moment, download right now. This link is already active for free download of the book. And now back to our recipes for making delicious chicken skewers.

How to marinate chicken for barbecue to make the dish fragrant, juicy and tender

The best option would be birds aged from 10 weeks to 1 year and weighing from 900 grams to 1.5 kg.
As with other meats, try to avoid frozen meats and opt for chilled options in the first place. If you can't find chilled chicken, defrost the chicken in the refrigerator. Never thaw meat at room temperature, as the chicken may lose all of its tenderness and the meat will be rougher and drier.
Fresh chicken meat can be distinguished by its aroma and tender skin, which will have a pinkish tint. Fresh chicken will smell nice and have a slightly sweet flavor.

The ideal part for cooking chicken skewers will be the thigh. Of course, chicken fillets are also great for cooking, but will be noticeably drier. Therefore, chicken fillet should be pre-marinated in a juicy marinade, which you can find a little lower. Do not throw away the wings - they turn out crispy, and there are lovers who are ready to prefer them to all other "meat" parts of the bird.
As for the skin, everything here depends solely on the taste preferences of the person who will be preparing this very kebab. Meat with skin will be noticeably juicier, but there is an increased risk of skin burning during charcoal roasting.

Step 2. Preparing and marinating chicken pieces for barbecue

My chicken, cut into portions (preferably without bones and tendons), salt, pepper, add chopped herbs, chopped (crushed) garlic. Mix everything with your hands, leave to marinate. The chicken will soak in the sauce and be ready in half an hour. Next, depending on the marinade recipe, pour sauce - kefir (yogurt, yogurt).

The chicken is soaked in the marinade sauce almost instantly. Half an hour is enough for her to absorb all the best. It is soaked with spices and seasonings only to obtain an exquisite taste, and not to soften the fibers. The only thing I would like to clarify is that it is not recommended to cook chicken kebab marinade in red wine, but use only white. For the rest, we should rely on our own tastes and preferences.

If you plan to cook barbecue from wings, then it is better to use a barbecue grill, if fillet, then skewers are better. The average estimated time for frying a kebab on skewers is 10 - 15 minutes, on a grid - grill 15 - 20 minutes.

A selection of delicious marinades for juicy chicken skewers

1. Lemon marinade for chicken skewers

1 tooth garlic
bunch of greenery
2 pcs. lemon
7-8 tablespoons olive oil
salt pepper
Grind the greens, chop the garlic as finely as possible, and squeeze out as much juice as possible from two lemons. Mix garlic, herbs, lemon juice, black and red ground peppers, 7-8 tablespoons of olive oil and a little salt and wait until all the salt has dissolved.
We spread the chicken in the marinade and leave it for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Bon Appetit!

2. Marinade for chicken with yogurt

2 onions
2 teeth garlic
0.5 l yogurt, salt,
cumin, cardamom, ginger,
ground red pepper


Chicken skewers in white yogurt (unsweetened) will have a rather pleasant taste. For half a liter of this tender fermented milk product, you need to take two onions, two cloves of garlic and pass them through a meat grinder. Of course, it is not forbidden to use a blender - the result will be exactly the same. Mix the vegetable mass with yogurt, add a teaspoon of cumin, ginger, salt, paprika, add a pinch of cardamom and hot red pepper. Marinate the meat in this mixture for only a couple of hours. It remains to string on skewers, fry - and bon appetit!

3. Teriyaki marinade for chicken skewers

½ st. soy sauce
½ tbsp ginger powder
4 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp honey
3 teeth garlic
Squeeze the garlic and combine it with the remaining ingredients. Stir the resulting marinade until smooth.
Pour the meat over them, pressing each piece well so that the meat absorbs as much juice as possible and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
This type of marinade is great for poultry.

4. Chicken skewers in citrus marinade

1/2 st. lemon juice
1/2 st. lime juice
1/2 st. honey
1 tooth garlic


Mix half a glass of lemon juice, the same amount of lime juice, add half a glass of honey and chopped garlic clove. Pour ¼ of the resulting marinade into an airtight bag, put all the prepared chicken into it and put it in a cool place for half an hour.
The remaining marinade will need to be poured over the meat already in the process of cooking. Chicken shish kebab with lemon, lime and honey has a very delicate, delicate taste. Try it - you'll love it!

5. Marinade for chicken barbecue on mineral water

Ingredients: chicken legs - 2 kg, mineral water - 750 ml, lemon - 1 pc, garlic - 1 head, onion - 3 pcs, ground black pepper, salt, cinnamon - to taste.


Divide the chicken legs into thigh and drumstick, wash. Coarsely chop the garlic, stuff each piece of meat with it. Cut the onion into rings with a thickness of 7 mm. Pepper, grate the ham with cinnamon (2 times more than ground pepper). Add mineral water, lemon juice to the meat. Put chicken skewers in an enameled pan, alternating with layers of onion rings. Soak chicken skewers for four hours, or better - for 10-12 hours. Fry on skewers or on a grill.

6. Lime Chilli Marinade Recipe for Chicken

4 teeth garlic
2 pcs. lime
4 tbsp peanut butter
2 pcs. Bay leaf
1 tbsp thyme
1 tbsp dried cherry
parsley bunch
salt pepper
4 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper with a blender bring to a puree state. Add the juice of two limes to the mixture and mix thoroughly until the salt dissolves.
We remove the marinade in the refrigerator for 2 hours, after which we add cloves, 4 tablespoons of peanut butter, 2 bay leaves, a bunch of parsley, a tablespoon of dry thyme and a tablespoon of dry ground cherries or currants.
This marinade is usually used for chicken - the bird should marinate in it for 4 to 6 hours.

7. Marinade for chicken skewers with mustard

Composition: 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp curry, juice of 1 lemon, 2-3 onions, salt


Bird skewers prepared according to the following recipe have an unusual taste: mix a spoonful of mustard powder and two tablespoons of mayonnaise, add to them a teaspoon of honey and curry seasoning, juice from one lemon, minced onion (two - three onions), salt. Coat each piece with all this composition, pour the rest on top. Sharp and sour at the same time. It's impossible to break away!

8. Chicken barbecue in orange marinade

100 g honey
3 pcs. Orange
2 tsp curry
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
ground red pepper to taste
salt to taste

Squeeze juice from two oranges, cut the third into thin slices.
Pour the legs, thighs, wings or breast (or all at once) with orange juice and leave for 15-20 minutes.
Combine honey, oil, curry, pepper. Mix into a homogeneous mass.
Marinate the chicken for 2-4 hours.
Put the finished bird in a mold, put orange slices on top, grease with marinade again and bake until tender. Salt immediately before use.
The recipe for this marinade is great for both cooking chicken in the oven and on the coals. Pleasant light sharpness is most harmoniously combined with orange notes and curry spice. Ruddy, golden, luxurious chicken!

9. Nut marinade for chicken

1 st. walnuts
3 teeth garlic, 1 pc. onion,
200 ml. vegetable oil
1 tsp ground black pepper
Fry a glass of peeled walnuts in a dry frying pan. Mince 3 cloves of garlic.
We mix all the ingredients (nuts, onions, garlic, 200 ml of vegetable oil and black pepper) with meat and keep in the refrigerator for one hour. This is one of the tastiest chicken marinade options.

10. Chicken skewers in beer

1 glass of light beer, 1 glass of kefir, ginger root, 2 cloves of garlic, salt.


Juicy and tender chicken skewers in beer are obtained. Its recipe is quite simple: mix a glass of light beer and kefir, rub a ginger root in them, squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic, salt to taste. Pour the chicken pieces with this liquid, leave for several hours - and cook. By the way, despite the presence of a foamy drink in the composition, the food is also suitable for children - in the end it still comes out non-alcoholic.

Next, marinated pieces of meat are strung on a skewer interspersed with onions, cut into rings. Also, fresh tomatoes, eggplants and other vegetables are placed on a skewer along with the usual ingredients, depending on the barbecue recipe.

If you plan to cook barbecue from wings, then it is better to use a barbecue grill, if fillet, then skewers are better. The average estimated time for frying a kebab on skewers is 10 - 15 minutes, on a grid - grill 15 - 20 minutes. The most successful skewers for frying are those whose thickness is about 2 mm and the width is about 7 mm. It is easy to remove portioned pieces from them, they will not bend under the weight of meat.

A simple marinade for barbecued chicken in mayonnaise on the grill

Chicken legs (legs, thighs) - 1 kg
Mayonnaise - 100-150 g
Butter - 50 g
Garlic - 3 cloves
Salt - 0.5-1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp
Parsley for decoration - 1-2 sprigs


Prepare food.
Peel the garlic and finely chop.
Cut the ham into portioned pieces. To do this, separate the shins, cut the thighs into two parts along the bone.

Grate the prepared chicken legs with finely chopped garlic, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Melt the butter. Make a few cuts and grease with oil and mayonnaise.
Stir, leave for 1-2 hours.

Thread chicken pieces onto skewers. String pieces with bone along the bone. Fry on skewers until cooked, not forgetting to turn them over in time.
Decorate the finished dish with herbs.

Bon Appetit!

Sometimes we do not have the opportunity to get out into nature, rain or snow interferes. And I really want a delicious appetizing kebab. Sometimes health problems interfere and meat from a fire is contraindicated. Then chicken skewers in the oven or in a pan will come to the rescue. At home, such a barbecue turns out no worse, and even nutritionists recommend chicken meat, unlike beef or pork barbecue.

Do you love chicken? Then this chicken recipe is just for you. Chicken in honey and soy sauce can be fried in a pan, baked in the oven or grilled.

How to Cook Chicken in Honey Soy Sauce in a Skillet

Chicken legs - 1 kg
Soy sauce - 100 ml
Honey - 2-3 teaspoons
Garlic - 2 cloves
Onion - 1 pc.
Greens - 1 bunch
Vegetable oil - 30 g

Wash and dry the chicken legs, cut into portions.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into thin half rings. Wash greens and finely chop. Peel the garlic, finely chop or crush in the garlic press.

Prepare a honey-soy marinade by mixing honey with soy sauce. Add onion, garlic and herbs. Mix everything well.

Place the chicken in the marinade. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours, overnight.
Heat up a frying pan, pour vegetable oil. Put chicken pieces in honey-soy sauce in hot oil (peel onions and greens thoroughly).

Fry the chicken in honey and soy sauce until golden brown over high heat (5-7 minutes). Then turn over and fry on the other side as well. Then put onions and herbs, add a little marinade, mix and cover. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Chicken in honey and soy sauce is ready. Serve with your favorite side dish, herbs.

Bon Appetit!

Chicken skewers in the oven - quick and tasty

Chicken meat (thighs, drumsticks, wings, brisket) - 1 kg
Onion - 5-7 pcs.
Salt - to taste
Pepper - to taste
Adjika - 100 g
Mayonnaise - 100 g
Prepare the ingredients for cooking chicken skewers in the oven.
Clean and wash the onion. Cut into half rings.

Wash and dry the meat. Cut into pieces. Salt and pepper. Leave for 20-30 minutes at room temperature.

Meanwhile, make the marinade for the chicken skewers. Put the onion in a bowl, lightly crush it with your hands. Add mayonnaise and adjika. Salt and pepper.
Mix everything well.
Lubricate the meat with mayonnaise. Let stand 10 minutes.

And then place the meat in the marinade, mix well. To cover with a lid. Marinate at room temperature for 4 hours, in the refrigerator for 10 hours.
Turn on the oven. Arrange the chicken on the grill. Lay the onion on a baking sheet. Put the baking sheet on the middle shelf, and above on the next shelf, the grill with chicken.
Roast chicken skewers in the oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes on one side, and then turn over and fry on the other side until cooked.

Chicken skewers in the oven are ready. Such a barbecue is no different from cooked on coals.

Bon Appetit!

How else can you marinate chicken skewers? Recipe for chicken barbecue in kefir

There are gourmets for whom the favorite way is "kefir".

The process of preparing this dish at home is simple, but you need to know some subtleties that will help you avoid mistakes. For example, chicken marinade for barbecue can be prepared on the basis of not only kefir, but also natural (without sugar and additives) yogurt, matsoni, yogurt.
However, keep in mind that these products come in different fat content and the longer they are stored, the more sour they become. So for tough meat, choose a more acidic kefir. After all, the task of the acid is to make the structure of the meat more tender, while retaining the juice.
The second point is the fat content of the fermented milk product. If you chose a dietary but slightly dry breast fillet for barbecue, then the base for the sauce should be fatty. If you prefer juicy thighs, use "zero" kefir.
Traditional spices are added to the marinade for chicken skewers in kefir: ground pepper (black and red), thyme. But you can and even need to show your imagination by adding all the herbs and seasonings that you like. For example, thyme, basil, oregano, dry parsley, etc.

If we take a carcass weighing about 2 kilograms, then we will need 4 medium-sized onions, 3-4 cloves of garlic, salt, spices according to taste preferences, and half a liter of kefir.


My chicken, cut into portions (preferably without bones and tendons), salt, pepper, add chopped herbs, chopped (crushed) garlic. We mix everything with our hands, and then pour the sauce - kefir (yogurt, yogurt). The chicken will soak in the sauce and be ready in half an hour. But if you made the preparation in advance, then store the pickled chicken in a cool place or refrigerator., No more than 3-4 hours. If you leave the meat under the marinade for longer, the meat will turn out too soft, which not many people like.

We fry the chicken skewers on the grill or ordinary skewers, not forgetting to turn over from time to time. This is a universal recipe that can be cooked at home in the oven or in a pan. To do this, instead of skewers, string the chopped chicken breast on wooden skewers. Fry thighs or legs on a baking sheet or in a pan. Bon Appetit!

How to cook a simple chicken skewers in a hurry. Chicken fillet marinated in olive oil and spices.

Chicken fillet - 4 pcs.
Seasonings for chicken - 1-2 tsp.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - to taste


Wash the chicken fillet, cut into cubes.

Salt the meat to taste. Add olive oil and seasonings, mix well.

Thread the meat pieces onto skewers, wrap in cling film and marinate the chicken skewers for 30 minutes. Fry chicken kebab on a grid, on hot coals, 10-15 minutes.

Any culinary masterpiece needs a worthy accompaniment, or rather a side dish and suitable drinks. In our case, a win-win option will almost always be an abundance of fresh herbs, leafy salads, tomatoes, bell peppers. Suitable early, young potatoes, boiled in uniforms or long-grain rice, with spices.

Complement your meal with a glass of dry, semi-dry, red, and even better white wine. Do not overdo it, it is better to choose the drink that is more expensive, but better in quality. Bon Appetit!

On the eve of our well-deserved and long-awaited May holidays, I tried to give in this article a lot of different barbecue recipes. Experiment with them, share with your friends the options you like. What's your favorite proven recipe? Write in the comments!

In the warm season, people go to nature, cook barbecue, grilled meat. Delicious incredible! But if you are on a diet, but you still want barbecue, then you don’t need to cancel it in any case.

Instead of fatty pork, you can make a great barbecue chicken breast. And do not be afraid that lean breast meat will negatively affect the taste of the barbecue. It all depends on the marinade in which the chicken breast will be cooked before frying at the stake. And then it may turn out that the taste of the chicken breast will change beyond recognition, the meat will become juicy and piquant.

So the benefits for those who watch their diet from chicken breast barbecue are obvious. By the way, I recommend it.

And since it's all about the marinade, this article will give marinade recipes for chicken breast barbecue. And the barbecue is fried in the same way, the best option is on the grill on live coals. Can be used in the oven and air fryer. But nothing compares to the first option of frying barbecue.

Marinades for barbecued chicken breast

Marinade with kiwi for barbecue

For 500 g of chicken fillet, you will need 1 kiwi, peeled and grated to a mushy state. Mix the fillet with kiwi, salt, seasoning for the grill is perfect here. Leave the chicken to marinate for a few hours.

Kiwi perfectly softens the fibers in the meat, and the finished chicken skewers are tender and juicy.

Marinade with pomegranate juice for barbecue

The piquant taste, pink color and juiciness of the chicken breast skewers guarantee that the meat will lie in the pomegranate marinade.

For 500 g of chicken fillet, cut into large pieces - 0.5 cups of pomegranate juice, 1 large onion, cut into half rings, salt and hops-suneli seasoning. Leave the chicken meat in the marinade for a couple of hours or more.

Marinade with lemon juice and garlic for chicken skewers

Lemon juice actively softens muscle fibers, garlic gives a fragrant and appetizing aroma, and therefore you should definitely pay attention to this marinade for chicken breast.

For 500 g of chicken fillet - 2 chopped garlic cloves, 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of ground paprika, 2 teaspoons of Italian herbs, salt to taste and 1 red onion, cut into rings.

Marinate chicken fillet in such a marinade for a couple of hours or more.

Marinade with pineapple juice for chicken skewers

Simply amazing-tasting chicken breast kebab with pineapple turns out, the combination is simply incredible in taste.

For 500 g of chicken fillet - a 400 g jar of pineapples in their own juice, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of porter (dark beer), 1 teaspoon of honey.

Pour the chicken fillet, cut into large pieces, with pineapple juice from a jar, salt. Dissolve honey in beer, slightly warm in the microwave and pour over the chicken fillet. Mix everything and leave to marinate from a couple to several hours.

When stringing chicken fillet on a skewer, alternate pieces of meat with pineapple.

Such an interesting chicken breast skewers are very popular with children.

Marinade with ginger for chicken skewers

In this marinade, in addition to the spicy and fresh-tasting ginger, there is also thyme, which gives the finished chicken kebab a divine smell. But ginger helps to soften the muscle fibers in the meat, like wine vinegar.

For 500 g of chicken fillet you will need: 2 tablespoons of grated ginger root, a table / spoon of thyme, 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 red peppers, cut into strips, black pepper and salt.

Marinate the chicken fillet for one hour or more.

Soy sauce and honey marinade for chicken skewers

Wings are usually infused in such a marinade, which can be cooked in a slow cooker, and best of all in an air grill to drain excess fat. The honey present in the marinade, when frying the kebab, envelops the pieces of meat and is colored, making the chicken fillet tanned.

For 500 g of chicken fillet 100 ml of soy sauce, 4 cloves of finely chopped garlic and a teaspoon of honey. Salt can not be poured, as there is enough of it in soy sauce. Marinate the chicken for several hours, or overnight.

Marinade with kefir and curry for chicken skewers

A tender shish kebab of bright yellow color is obtained from the marinade according to this recipe.

For 500 g of chicken fillet - 1 cup of kefir, add salt to taste, a teaspoon of curry, a teaspoon of red pepper, garlic if desired.

It is better to marinate the kebab all night so that the meat becomes soft and saturated with the aroma of curry.

In addition to kefir, chicken meat can be marinated in and.

And you can also try adding ready-made seasoning for pilaf, which are sold in the south, to the kefir marinade instead of curry, the aroma will be such that it knocks you off your feet.

As you have noticed, all the presented recipes for chicken breast barbecue marinades do not contain a large amount of fat, they do not contain mayonnaise, which is a sin for pork and beef barbecue marinades.

In addition to the barbecue with coals, chicken barbecue can be cooked at home. To do this, you will need wooden skewers soaked in water, an oven or an air grill. Cooking method .

Many mistakenly believe that breast skewers are dry and tough, but this is not so. The final result largely depends on the marinade and the method of preparation. Shish kebab can be cooked in the traditional way - on coals, or you can bake in the oven or fry in a pan if you do not have a barbecue.

Breast skewers - basic cooking methods

There are many recipes for marinade for breast skewers. The marinade can be based on kefir, mineral water, mayonnaise, wine, tomato juice or other sauce. Spices, herbs and onions are added to it. Depending on the recipe, the marinade may include vegetables, citrus fruits or fruits. The taste of meat depends on what ingredients you add to the marinade.

The breast is washed, dried and cut into fairly large pieces. The meat is mixed with marinade and left for two to three hours. Then strung on skewers and start frying.

Barbecue from the breast is fried very quickly, so you need to constantly monitor this process. On average, it takes about ten minutes, you no longer need to keep it on the coals, otherwise the meat will turn out dry and tough.

Recipe 1. Grilled chicken breast skewers


chicken breast;

a head of garlic;


bell pepper - 1 pc.;

Art. l. mustard;


a little vegetable oil;


Cooking method

1. Rinse and cut the chicken breast into equal pieces. Transfer the meat to a deep, clean bowl.

2. Peel the onion and chop it into thick rings. Disassemble the head of garlic into cloves and free them from the skin. Finely chop it with a sharp knife. Cut the stalk from the pepper, wash the seeds under the tap from the inside and cut into thin strips. Put all the vegetables in a separate bowl, season with the spices you prefer. Do not add salt! Add mayonnaise, butter and mustard here. Mix everything well with your hands. Transfer the marinade to the meat and mix so that all the pieces are evenly covered with it. Cover and leave for three hours.

3. Lightly salt the pickled meat, and put on skewers, alternating with onion rings. Light a fire in the barbecue. When the flame goes out, and the coals give off a strong heat, start cooking the barbecue. Place the skewers on the grill, and after a couple of minutes, we begin to constantly turn the meat. After about ten minutes, the breast skewers are ready. Remove meat from skewers and serve with ketchup or pickles.

Recipe 2. Chicken breast skewers with mineral water


two chicken breasts;


carbonated mineral water;


parsley and rosemary;

spices for chicken and salt;

olive oil - 100 ml.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the breast and cut it into medium pieces. Peel the onion, rinse it and chop it into thick rings. Wash the lemon under the tap, cut off both sides and cut into thin circles.

2. At the bottom of the dish in which you will marinate the meat, put the onion and breast, pour everything with oil and mineral water so that it completely covers the meat. Salt and season with spices. Leave to marinate for four hours.

3. Put the marinated breast on skewers, shifting the pieces of meat with onion rings. Grill on hot coals, turning constantly, until the meat acquires an appetizing crust. Keep the meat on the coals for no more than 10-14 minutes so that it remains juicy. Cover a plate with lettuce leaves, remove the shish kebab from the breast and serve with green onions, fresh vegetables or pickles.

Recipe 3. Turkey breast skewers


half a kilogram of turkey breast;

half a liter of kefir;

1 pc. Bulgarian pepper, tomato and onion;

salt and spices.

Cooking method

1. We clean the onion and cut it into large rings. We wash the breast under the tap and cut into fairly large pieces. We spread the meat in a deep bowl, lightly salt and sprinkle with spices. We spread the onion rings to the meat and pour everything with kefir. Gently mix with your hands, and leave to marinate in a cool place.

2. Cut the tomato into circles. Bulgarian pepper - thick rings. We string the turkey breast on skewers, alternating with pepper, slices of tomato and onion. Fry on hot coals, constantly turning over so that the meat is evenly fried. As soon as the breast acquires a uniform golden hue, remove the barbecue on a wide dish, decorate with green onion feathers and herbs. Serve with fresh vegetables or pickles.

Recipe 4. Breast skewers in a creamy marinade


one and a half kg of chicken breast;

three bulbs;

a head of garlic;

10 g of salt;

half a glass of heavy cream;

the same amount of water;

5 g of black and red pepper;


Cooking method

1. We clean and wash the onion, cut it into half rings. Peel the garlic and chop into small pieces. Combine cream with warm water.

2. Place the garlic and onions in a bowl, knead well with your hands, salt, pepper, add spices and diluted cream. Mix the marinade and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

3. Wash the chicken breast and cut into pieces. Put the meat in the marinade and mix. Cover and leave to marinate for four hours. Then put the skewers from the breast on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Put the kebab on a plate and serve with herbs, ketchup or other sauce.

Recipe 5. Breast skewers in grapefruit


1500 g chicken breast;

two grapefruits;

20 g of Khmeli-suneli seasoning;

salt and pepper;

six bulbs.

Cooking method

1. Wash the breast meat, dry it with a napkin and cut into large pieces. We clean the onion, rinse and cut into washers. Cut the grapefruits in half and squeeze the juice out of them along with the pulp.

2. Put the breast in a bowl, salt, season with spices and mix well with your hands. Pour in the juice so that the meat is completely covered with it. We remember the meat with our hands in the juice so that it is distributed evenly over all the pieces. Add onion. Stir gently to keep the onion rings whole. We cover the container with meat with cling film and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

3. We string the marinated breast on skewers, shifting the pieces of meat with onion washers. Cooking barbecue on hot coals for a quarter of an hour. Drizzle with marinade while frying. The meat should acquire an appetizing crust.

Recipe 6. Breast skewers in the oven


kg of chicken breast;

seven bulbs;

pepper and salt;

100 g of adjika and mayonnaise.

Cooking method

1. Clean and rinse the onion. We chop it into half rings. We wash the breast, dry it slightly and cut into pieces. Put it in a bowl, salt and pepper. Let's leave it to rest for half an hour.

2. Put the chopped onion in a separate container, slightly crush it with your hands so that it starts the juice. Add adjika and mayonnaise to it, salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. Put the meat in the resulting marinade and mix it so that each piece is smeared with it on all sides. We cover the container with meat with a lid and marinate for four hours.

3. Turn on the oven, put the pieces of breast on the grate. Lay out the bow on the deco and put it on the middle shelf. Lay the grill with meat over a baking sheet with onions. Fry the shish kebab for 25 minutes at 200 C, turning once. Put the finished kebab on a wide dish, garnish with green onions and serve with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 7. Georgian breast shish kebab


kg of chicken breast;

clove of garlic;

60 g sugar;


40 g spices;

50 g of tomato paste;

liter of water.

Cooking method

1. Wash and lightly dry the chicken breasts. Cut the meat coarsely. Peel the garlic and finely chop. Add salt, sugar, pepper, spices and garlic to the tomato paste. Mix everything well.

2. Put the resulting mixture into the meat and mix with your hands. Pour water over everything and leave to marinate in the refrigerator overnight.

3. The next day, drain the water and put the meat on skewers. Fry the kebab over hot coals, constantly turning over, for about ten minutes. Without removing the meat from the skewers, put the kebab on a wide dish and sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 8. Turkey breast skewers in soy sauce


600 g of turkey breast;

two sweet peppers;

5 g ground chili pepper;

two cloves of garlic;

20 ml soy sauce;

a bunch of green onions;

40 ml table vinegar.

Cooking method

1. Peel the peppers, rinse and cut into thin strips. Garlic is also peeled and finely chopped with a knife. Wash the green onions well and pat dry. We put all the vegetables in a blender bowl, add vinegar and soy sauce here. Blend well until smooth. Season with chili pepper and stir again.

2. Rinse the turkey breast, dry it with a napkin and cut into equal pieces. Put the meat in a bag and fill it with marinade. We close it tightly, shake it so that the marinade is distributed between the pieces of meat, and leave the breast to marinate for two hours.