Chef desserts. Delicious desserts

14.09.2019 Grill menu

Contrary to popular belief, desserts are an integral part of good nutrition. The main principle that you need to adhere to, according to nutritionists, is that they should not be included in the daily diet. But for special events, various holidays, they can become a kind of "reward". New Year, Christmas are perfectly suited to treat yourself to goodies. Since the holidays are still going on, we offer an overview of the most popular desserts in the world that you can still cook.

Christmas Pudding (UK)

Not a single Christmas holiday in Britain is complete without much pudding. Despite its popularity in the country, and even beyond its borders, it is not as tasty as it seems. However, everyone still has a chance to try it. What if you like it.

Dulce de Leche (Argentina)

Condensed milk is the pride of Argentina. This is a mixture of milk and sugar, which is boiled before caramelization and turns into a thick, tender mass. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but it will be much tastier to cook at home.

Bolu Rey (Portugal)

Bolu rei, which is also called the royal cake, is a traditional Portuguese sweet bread with nuts and candied fruits, which is served on Christmas or January 6 on the King's Day.

Mazariner (Sweden)

Delicious almond baskets are considered one of the options for Italian crostata di mandodorle, almond pie. And the name itself suggests the origin of the dish. They are named after the Italian-French Cardinal Giulio Mazarin (1602–1661), also known as Jules Mazaren. Thus, the dessert is already more than four hundred years old, and such longevity only proves its amazing taste.

Cherry Pie (Holland)

Fans of cherries and chocolate will appreciate the lightweight version of the German Black Forest cake.

Gulabjamun (India)

Gulabjamun is one of the most popular Indian desserts, which is a donut made from condensed or skim milk, filled with pink sugar syrup.

Vininterta (Iceland)

In Iceland, this prune puff cake is also called the Striped Lady. It is usually cooked during the winter holidays, especially at Christmas. Here are just a single recipe, but there is the opportunity to try several of them.

Banoffy Pie (England)

Perhaps this is one of the most amazing desserts in England. It is made from bananas, cream and toffee, cooked from condensed milk. All this is laid out on cake from crumbled cookies and butter.

Knafe (Middle East)

Many Middle Eastern countries, such as Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Syria, claim to be considered the birthplace of this delicious dessert. But surely no one can say this. The same Greeks prepare a very similar dish called kataifi, only soft cheese is not put in it.

Tiramisu (Italy)

Tiramisu is one of the most popular Italian desserts, which is made from savoyardi cookies soaked in coffee and cream from beaten eggs, sugar and mascarpone. Due to its popularity, it has spread throughout the world and has acquired many variations.

Cranahan (Scotland)

A traditional Scottish dessert made from oatmeal, cream, whiskey and raspberries. This is an amazing opportunity to impress guests not only in the heart, but also in the stomach.

Rocky Road Cakes (Australia)

Rocky Road is an Australian dessert made from milk chocolate, marshmallows and served as cakes or cupcakes. In the US, it is usually served with ice cream.

Guinness Chocolate Cake (Ireland)

The Irish have their own idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating Christmas or St. Patrick's Day. And alcohol plays an important role there, even in desserts. And the combination of chocolate and beer in the cake will be simply unsurpassed.

Three Milk Cake (Mexico)

The cake got its name due to the fact that it is soaked in three types of milk. Although Mexican cuisine is known for its delicious, but very satisfying dishes, this dessert can be called the easiest and most harmless in terms of calories.

Cake "Food of the Devil" (USA)

The cake is made from dark chocolate, and it got its name for its rich and rich taste, which simply cannot be sinful.

Dobos (Hungary)

  "Dobosh" - a magnificent biscuit cake of seven cake layers, coated with chocolate-butter cream and decorated with caramel. He was named after the creator, the Hungarian chef Joseph Dobos.

Brazo de Guitano (Spain)

Although the name translates as “the hand of a gypsy”, this is just a biscuit roll. It is worth noting that he did not appear in Spain at all, but somewhere in central Europe, but it was here that he turned into a traditional Christmas dessert.

Christmas log (Belgium / France)

This is an incredibly delicious roll made from chocolate biscuit and chocolate cream. Usually it is sprinkled with powdered sugar, which should symbolize snow.

Melomacarona (Greece)

It’s simply impossible to tear yourself away from a small honey cookie. This is one of the most popular treats in Greece during the Christmas holidays. And to make the taste even better, melacaron is coated with milk chocolate.

Profiteroles (France)

Profiteroles - one of the best desserts in the world, representing balls of custard, filled with cream and coated with milk chocolate glaze.

Sacher Cake (Austria)

This is one of the most famous chocolate cakes in the world since its appearance in 1832 thanks to the Austrian Franz Sacher. It is a stunning sponge cake covered with a thin layer of apricot jam, and chocolate icing on top only emphasizes the greatness of its taste.

Pavlova Cake (New Zealand)

Let the name not mislead anyone, the dessert was invented in New Zealand. But really named after the great Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. It is a delicate meringue decorated with whipped cream and slices of fresh fruit.

Panettone (Italy)

This is arguably the most popular Christmas sweet bread in Europe over the past few decades. He appeared in Milan and soon became a symbol of the city. Now panettone can be found in many European and American cities.

Cheesecake (Greece / USA)

Incredibly delicious dessert, the origin of which is usually attributed to the Americans, will make the festive table unique. And the story of the cheesecake is older than it seems. The first memories of him date back to the fifth century BC. The ancient Greek doctor Egimus wrote a whole book about the art of making cheesecakes.

Black Forest Cake (Germany)

The Black Forest is a surprisingly delicious chocolate cake consisting of four sponge cakes, pickled cherries and whipped cream, sprinkled with chocolate chips and decorated with berries. And you can serve a cup for dessert

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National dishes are the most important component of the culture and traditions of any country. Agree that no trip can do without tasting the local cuisine. Sometimes incredibly tasty, sometimes strange or unusual for us, this food reflects the identity and spirit of the people.

Indian barbecue with coconut and milk

You will need:

  • 50 g butter (softened)
  • 100 g milk powder
  • 2 tbsp. l powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp fat cream
  • 150 g of condensed milk
  • 100 g coconut flakes
  • 100 g assorted nuts


  1. First, make milk barfies: in a deep bowl, mix the powdered milk, soft butter, and powdered sugar.
  2. Nuts need to be crushed by a blender into small crumbs. And add with cream to the total mass.
  3. We mix everything together and for 10 minutes we place the "dough" in the cold.
  4. For coconut barfies we combine condensed milk and coconut flakes. Mix. Then put the mass in the cold for half an hour. The chips should be saturated with condensed milk.
  5. After 10 minutes, we form balls of the same size from the milk mass, and then give them a cubic shape. The mass is very plastic, which allows you to sculpt any shape of a simple shape.
  6. Roll small balls from the coconut mass, roll them in the remaining coconut.
  7. We put coconut and milk barfies on a plate. Garnish with cashew and pine nuts on top.

Fruit pastille - traditional Russian sweet

You will need:

  • 1 kg drain
  • ½ cup granulated sugar


  1. Wash plums, dry, cut in half and take out the bones. We spread the halves of the plums on a baking sheet covered with parchment, and send them to the oven, preheated to 170-180 degrees (depending on the size of the plums), for 20 minutes.
  2. We take the plums out of the oven, allow them to cool slightly and mashed with a blender until smooth. Add granulated sugar. Mix thoroughly.
  3. We cover the baking sheet with parchment or silicone mat and spread the plum puree with an spatula in an even layer with a thickness of about 5 mm. We put in the oven, heated to 60–70 degrees, for 6–8 hours, until the pastille is completely dry and smooth.
  4. Carefully remove the marshmallow from the parchment, cut into strips and twist into rolls. For long-term storage we put in a jar and tightly close. Or immediately rush to try with tea.

Australian Lamington Cake

You will need:

For biscuit:

  • 3 eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • 20 g butter
  • 150 g flour
  • 1 tbsp. l baking powder
  • 60 g potato starch

For cream:

  • 100 g butter (room temperature)
  • 100 g of dark chocolate
  • 50 g sugar
  • 250 ml of milk
  • 200 g coconut chips for sprinkling


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Beat eggs until fluffy foam, then add sugar and continue to beat until sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Add 3 tbsp to the oil. l boiling water, then pour into the egg mixture, continuing to beat.
  3. Pour sifted flour, starch and baking powder into the prepared egg mixture. Gently mix with a spatula with movements from the bottom up. The dough should retain its lush structure.
  4. Put the finished dough in a square shape covered with baking paper. Put the biscuit in the oven for 30 minutes.
  5. Focus on your oven and in any case check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden stick.
  6. Cool the finished biscuit. And then cut into squares.
  7. For cream in a water bath, melt the chocolate with butter, stirring with a wooden spoon.
  8. Mix milk with sugar and heat a little. Then add to the chocolate mass, remove from the water bath and put on fire.
  9. While stirring, cook until thickened mass.
  10. Pour the finished cream into a wider plate and allow to cool slightly. Separately prepare a plate with coconut.
  11. Pieces of biscuit are alternately dipped in chocolate sauce, and then cover them on all sides evenly with coconut flakes. You can combine two halves with whipped cream.
  12. Allow to stand for at least 3 hours before serving.

Sweet vietnamese rolls

You will need:

  • 4 sheets of rice paper
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 pears
  • 100 g nuts
  • 2 tbsp. l honey
  • 150 g of cheese (preferably soft, which goes well with fruit)


  1. Dice the peeled fruits and add small pieces of cheese to the mass. Put honey and mix delicious toppings for sweet rolls.
  2. Spread a few napkins on the table. Pour cold water into a bowl. Immerse the sheets in water for a minute (or according to the instructions for the rice paper).
  3. Put them on napkins and let them lie down a little. In a couple of minutes, the paper will become plastic.
  4. Lay out the filling and wrap the fruit rolls of rice paper as you like.

Japanese mochi balls with ice cream

You will need:

  • 4 tbsp. l Sahara
  • 3 tbsp. l rice flour
  • 6 tbsp. l water
  • 150 g ice cream
  • dye optional


  1. Knead the dough. In flour with sugar, add 5 tbsp. l water.
  2. Stir. It will turn out to be a fairly uniform stretching mass. If you want to add dye - it's time!
  3. We put it in the microwave for exactly two minutes, covering it with a moistened damp paper towel. We take out, add another spoonful of water, stir and put in the microwave for another minute, also covering with a towel.
  4. Let the dough cool, stirring constantly. The dough is perfectly molded in a warm state, and when it cools, it loses its elasticity, so we proceed to sculpt immediately. Cover the board with cooking film, sprinkle with flour. Hands are also sprinkled with flour. We take out a little dough, crush with flour and make cakes out of it.
  5. The size of the cakes depends on the size of the filling. Ideally, the thinner the dough layer, the better. We get cakes either by stretching the dough, or by tapping it with our fingers.
  6. Put the ice cream in the center of the cakes. We pinch the edges.
  7. We spread it on a dish lightly sprinkled with flour, and we crush it on top. Dessert is ready! (The dessert is stored in the freezer for a rather long time, but it is better not to freeze it again. If you expect guests to arrive, first remove it from the freezer for 20-30 minutes so that the filling can become soft.)

Argentinean cookies "Alfajores"

You will need:

For the test:

  • 2.5 cups flour
  • 1 cup starch
  • 200 g margarine
  • 3 yolks
  • 3-4 tbsp. l roma
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk

To decorate:

  • 1 cup icing sugar
  • chopped nuts


  1. Pound margarine with sugar. Add the yolks, rum (optional). Mix thoroughly. We put the starch and introduce the sifted flour with baking powder.
  2. Knead a sticky dough.
  3. Roll out the dough about 0.4-0.5 mm. Cut circles with a diameter of 8 cm.
  4. Bake in the oven at 150 degrees 15–20 minutes. Caution: cookies should not be browned, after cooling, they become very fragile.
  5. We get out of the oven, let cool.
  6. Lubricate one circle with a thin layer of condensed milk. We put one more on top. Coat the condensed side.
  7. Roll the sides in nuts (you can also use coconut flakes). Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Czech dumplings

You will need:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. l semolina
  • 100 g flour
  • 20 g butter
  • lemon zest
  • 3 tbsp. l Sahara
  • 250 g of cottage cheese
  • 150 g strawberries

For the sauce:

  • 250 ml of milk
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tbsp. l starch
  • 2 tbsp. l Sahara
  • 8 g vanilla sugar


  1. Drive the egg into the cottage cheese and add soft butter. Mix.
  2. Mix flour with salt, sugar, semolina and zest.
  3. Add the dry ingredients to the curd and knead the dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  4. While the dough is resting, cook the sauce. Add starch to 50 ml of milk and mix well. Put the yolk. Mix well with a whisk, pour in the remaining milk and pour in all the sugar.
  5. Put on medium heat and, stirring all the time, not boiling, let the yolk brew.
  6. Divide the curd dough into 6-8 parts, knead each part in a flat cake, put chopped or whole strawberries in the middle.
  7. Wrap in a ball. So do with the rest of the test.
  8. Throw in boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes and, turning off the fire, leave the dumplings in the water for 10 minutes.
  9. Serve generously with vanilla sauce.

Tasty - does not mean expensive. It is difficult to disagree with this simple truth. Indeed, from the most common, affordable and inexpensive products, you can cook such culinary masterpieces that you can swallow your tongue. This also applies to desserts. Sweet tooths agree that homemade sweets are much tastier than store sweets.

We offer you budget recipes for delicious and economical desserts.

In order to prepare this Italian expensive dessert, you do not need to spend a lot of money on the acquisition of its components. We will give a recipe for its tasty and budget equivalent.

For cooking, take 5 eggs. Separate the whites and yolks.

Proteins need to be mixed with:

  • cottage cheese (300 g),
  • sugar (50 g),
  • vanilla to taste.

The mixer will help you quickly mix the mixture.

  1. Mix the yolks with sugar (50 g) and also use a mixer for whipping.
  2. Brew 3 small spoons of coffee in 15 ml of water.
  3. Take ordinary cookies, dip it in coffee. Place in shape.
  4. Put the mixture with cottage cheese, then with protein.
  5. Repeat the procedure.

At least three to four layers should come out.

Sprinkle cocoa on top of all this splendor.

Put almost ready tiramisu in the cold for a couple of hours. Such a tasty treat is recommended to be served with coffee.

Cake "Minute"

No wonder this dessert takes the first place in the list of recipes. Already by the name itself, you can guess that its preparation will take only a few minutes.

  1. Beat 2 eggs.
  2. Gradually add a glass of sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. In a separate container, mix a glass of flour, two large spoons of cocoa. Quench soda with vinegar or lemon juice and add to the mixture. Pour in the egg-sugar mass.
  4. Pour the dough into the mold and put in the microwave for 4 minutes, turned on at full power.

As a cream, you can use condensed milk or you can add oil and bananas to it.

This recipe is extremely simple to implement. Children will be especially delighted with this dessert.

  1. Melt 150 g of white chocolate.
  2. Grind 50 g of corn flakes.
  3. Mix them with 50 g of raisins.
  4. Pour in melted chocolate and mix.
  5. Form balls from the resulting mixture and lay them on a plate covered with foil.
  6. Leave the dessert for 10 minutes in the cold, and the delicious sweetness is ready.

Pan Cake Recipe

First prepare the cream.

  1. Mix milk (100 g), eggs (2 pcs.), Flour (2 tbsp. Tablespoons). Add sugar (1 tbsp) and vanillin.
  2. Beat well and set to minimum heat.
  3. When the cream becomes thick, you can turn off the fire.
  4. Add butter (200 g) and mix a little using a mixer.
  5. Give him time to cool.

Now start cooking cakes.

  1. Mix condensed milk (1 can) with an egg.
  2. Add the flour (half a kilogram) quenched with soda.
  3. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands.
  4. Form something like a sausage and divide it into 7–8 parts.
  5. Form cakes from them, give a round shape with a plate.
  6. Fry the cakes in a pan until golden brown.
  7. Lubricate them with cream and serve the cake to the table.

Cookie cake

It would seem that cookies in themselves are an independent dessert. But from it you can make a dessert, somewhat reminiscent of the legendary "Potato". The main advantage of this recipe is that the cake is made without baking.

  1. 250 g of cookies (sugar, "Jubilee", "To coffee") finely chop, and then grind using a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Mix a glass of sugar and 3 large spoons of cocoa.
  3. Add half a glass of warm milk to them and mix.
  4. Mix this mass with 100 g sliced \u200b\u200bbutter.
  5. Now you can combine everything with cookies and add nuts or seeds.

You can lay out the cake in the form of a snake.

Do not be alarmed by the unusual name of the dessert. In fact, its recipe is very easy and simple.

  1. Prepare 4 apples, remove the core and cut into several pieces (preferably in half).
  2. Bake them in the oven (in the microwave). Then peel.
  3. Mash apples with a fork and add honey (3 large spoons). Shuffle.
  4. Beat 1 egg into this mass.
  5. Dissolve an even larger spoonful of honey (preferably in a water bath).
  6. Pour the honey into the baking tins, put the apple mixture on top.
  7. Place on a baking sheet with water. It will be better if it reaches the middle of the molds.
  8. Leave for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Serve also in cookie cutters with delicious jam or jam.

  1. Cut three bananas lengthwise and place on a baking sheet.
  2. Separately, mix 300 g of cottage cheese, 5 large tablespoons of honey, 150 g of yogurt and 2 eggs.
  3. Pour the bananas with the mixture.
  4. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Making economical and simple desserts is easy. After all, the most delicious food, as a rule, consists of the most common ingredients.

Ingredients: cream, strawberries, sugar, gelatin, water, vanillin, sour cream, butter, cognac, cheese, cookies

I like to cook cakes without baking. Most of all I like strawberry cake. The recipe is very simple, so be sure to try.


- 400 grams of shortbread cookies;
  - 150 grams of butter;
  - 50 ml. cognac;
  - 400 grams of Ricotta cheese;
  - 100 grams of sour cream;
  - 250 grams of sugar;
  - 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  - 2 tablespoons gelatin;
  - 50 ml. water;
  - 400 grams of strawberries;
  - whipped cream.


Indian sweetness Burfi made from milk powder

Ingredients:  butter, sugar, sour cream, milk powder, walnut, vanilla

Today we will learn to cook a delicious Indian dessert - Burfi. The recipe is simple. Even a person far from cooking can cook a dish.


- 100 grams of butter,
  - 100 grams of sugar,
  - 120 ml. sour cream
  - 250 grams of milk powder,
  - 5 walnuts,
  - on the tip of the knife is vanillin.


Jelly cake "Broken glass"

Ingredients:  jelly, sour cream, sugar, gelatin, water, vanillin, peach, mint leaf

And at home, you can very quickly prepare this delicious broken glass jelly cake. The recipe is very simple. The cake has an amazing taste.


- 3 packs of jelly,
  - 600 ml. sour cream
  - 100-130 grams of sugar,
  - 15 grams of gelatin,
  - 60 ml. cold water
  - vanilla extract
  - peaches
  - mint leaves.


Sour Cream Jelly

Ingredients:  sour cream, sugar, vanillin, water, gelatin

It is very easy to make sour cream jelly. It’s not difficult to cook it. It turns out a delicious sweet dessert.


- 400 grams of sour cream;
  - 100 grams of sugar;
  - 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  - 150 ml. water;
  - 20 grams of gelatin.


Redcurrant marmalade at home

Ingredients:  red currant, sugar

It is very simple and easy to make delicious marmalade from red currant. To do this, you need red currant and sugar itself, nothing else is needed.


- 650 grams of red currant;
  - 1 kg. Sahara;


Strawberry Jelly with Gelatin

Ingredients:  strawberries, sugar, gelatin

Prepare for the winter a delicious and easy to prepare strawberry jelly that does not need to be boiled.


- 500 grams of strawberries,
  - 300 grams of sugar,
  - 20 grams of gelatin.


Lilac ice cream

Ingredients:  lilac, lemon, banana, honey

I suggest you try a very tasty unusual lilac ice cream. The recipe is very simple and fast enough.


- a handful of lilacs,
  - half a lemon
  - 1 banana
  - 1 tbsp honey.


Delicious delicate dessert trifle

Ingredients:  egg, flour, sugar, milk, baking powder, oil, dye, cream, liquor, orange, walnut, decoration

Most likely you have never tried this dessert. And if they tried, they did not cook it at home. So, today I’ll tell you how to prepare a quickfile quickly and easily.


- 1 egg
  - 4 tbsp flour
  - 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
  - 50 ml. milk
  - 1 tsp baking powder
  - 25 grams of butter,
  - a little dye of food red,
  - 250 ml. cream
  - 30 grams of powdered sugar,
  - 25 ml. liquor
  - half an orange,
  - 50 grams of nuts,
  - Drops,
  - chocolate
  - confectionery sprinkle,
  - coconut flakes.


Curd casserole with condensed milk in the oven

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, egg, condensed milk

Curd casserole is a very tasty, hearty and healthy dish that I usually cook for breakfast. There is a lot of recipe for this dish, but most of all I like this condensed milk casserole.


- 400 grams of cottage cheese,
  - 2 eggs,
  - a can of condensed milk.


Easter from the curd

Ingredients:  cottage cheese, raisins, sour cream, butter, sugar, vanilla sugar

Today I suggest you cook the curd Easter not from the curd, but from the finished curd mass, which you can easily get in the store. The dessert is very tasty.


- curd mass - 500 grams,
  - raisins - 150 grams,
  - sour cream - 1 tablespoon,
  - butter - 50 grams,
  - sugar - 150 grams,
  - vanilla sugar - half tsp


Blueberry Lenten Ice Cream

Ingredients:  blueberries, sugar, water, lime

Very often I make my homemade delicious berry ice cream. Today, I suggest you try a delicious lean ice cream with blueberries and lime.


- 200 grams of blueberries,
  - 70 grams of sugar,
  - 100 grams of water,
  - half lime.


Smart cake

Ingredients:  milk, egg, sugar, flour, butter, water, vanillin

Recently I tried a smart cake and was pleasantly surprised by its taste. The recipe for this delicious cake I described in detail for you today.


- 500 ml. milk
  - 4 eggs,
  - 150 grams of sugar
  - 115 grams of flour,
  - 125 grams of butter,
  - 1 tbsp water,
  - a pinch of vanillin.


Jelly cake

Ingredients:  jelly, banana, kiwi, orange, water

A simple and tasty fruit jelly cake should appeal to many, especially those who like jelly and light desserts. See our new recipe with a photo.

For the recipe:
- 2 packs of jelly,
  - one banana
  - one kiwi
  - one orange
  - two glasses of water.


Souffle "Bird's milk"

Ingredients:  proteins, sugar, gelatin, water

Try this delicious bird milk souffle. I described the cooking recipe for you in detail, so that you will not have problems with cooking.


- egg whites - 2 pcs.,
  - gelatin - 10 grams,
  - water - 35 ml.,
- sugar - half a glass.


Chocolate cookie sausage with condensed milk

Ingredients:  cookies, peanuts, milk, butter, cocoa, condensed milk, sugar

Chocolate sausage is a simple but delicious dessert without baking. It is prepared easily, it always turns out and will be a real holiday for your children! Yes, for sure, and adults will not give up a ring of this yummy.

- 350 gr shortbread cookies;
  - 80-100 grams of peanuts;
  - 150 ml of milk;
  - 50 grams of butter;
  - 1-2 tbsp cocoa;
  - 3-4 tablespoons condensed milk;
  - 2-3 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Meringues from Julia Vysotskaya

Ingredients:  protein, sugar, vinegar, salt, vanillin

Today we will cook in the oven a delicious dessert and egg whites. This dessert is called meringue.


- 4 egg whites,
  - 240 grams of powdered sugar,
  - 2 tsp white wine vinegar,
  - a pinch of sea salt,
  - 1 tsp vanilla extract.