Marinated peas in the pods for the winter. How to canned green peas

02.05.2019 Grill menu

A good harvest of peas can conserve green peas for winter. Make it quite simple. And there are a lot of recipes with green canned peas, so this preparation does not lie long.


on a half-liter jar

Green peas  peeled - 300 grams

Water  - 1 liter

Salt  - 0.5 tsp

Sugar  - 0.5 tsp

Canned green peas at home

1 . Peel green peas.

. Pour water, add salt and sugar. Put on the fire. Boil. Reduce heat to low and cook for 20 minutes.

. Drain the brine through a colander.

4 . Brine from the peas need to strain again through a double layer of gauze.

. Put peas in a sterilized jar. How to sterilize jars in the microwave, see . Fill with brine under the neck.

. Cover the jar with a lid (do not twist). At the bottom of the pot put a towel (cotton cloth). Put the jar in the pot. Pour warm water (so that the bank does not burst). Water should not reach the lid of about 1.5-2 cm so that the lids do not rise when boiling and the water does not fall into the jar. We bring to a boil and reduce the fire to a minimum. Cook 20-25 - 0.5 liter jars, 30-25 - 1 liter jars. Remove from the pan. We twist the lid. Turn the jars lids down and leave to cool.

Canned green peas ready for winter

Enjoy your meal!

Canned green peas at home

Green peas, that in the summer, that in the winter always a demanded product. In salads and stews, first courses and meat, canned peas are just fine. Therefore, while the pods of this young bean are sold, or they have ripened on the garden, we are stocking up and starting to prepare for winter. To prepare you need to know a few proven and really good recipes, get lids and cans, patience and the desire to cook, so that this billet is always at hand for any menu.

Canned Peas - Recipes

  • Young peas
  • Citric acid - a teaspoon.
  • Sugar - 2 dining boats.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Water - a liter of boiled water. This amount of liquid is enough for 3 half-liter jars, well, or 2, depending on how much you put the beans.

To green peas for winterhe stood in the banks for a long time and at the same time was well preserved, the sterilization process will be long. First of all, you need to boil the peas in boiling water, pre-clearing it from the pods. Take the beans and pour them into a colander. Dip them in boiling water, keep in boiling water for 10 minutes. Now you need to rinse the peas under the tap, stirring it. Put peas, let water flows down. In the meantime, let's do some marinade.

Boil water, after boiling, throw sugar and salt, mix. We slightly reduce the gas and pour a thin stream of citric acid, now you can mix it once more and turn off the gas.

While the marinade cools you can do the banks. Put the peas in completely cleaned jars and pour them with marinade. Approximately the number of peas is slightly more than half a can, everything else is marinade (you can also make it in half). Note jars need to pour over boiling water before filling them. Now place the jars (on the towel) in a large saucepan, pour water and put on a small fire for 2-3 hours.

Canned and Marinated Peas

  • Peas, only from the pod.
  • Salt - 2 spoons, tea - calculation 1 spoon per half liter of water.
  • Sugar - 2 spoons, tea - the calculation is the same as salt.
  • Boiled water - 1 liter.
  • Green chilli pepper - 1-2 pod per jar.

To prepare canned green peas at home  this recipe, you must first get rid of the pods and wash the peas. Now pour the beans into the saucepan, pour them with water. Put on medium heat, put sugar and salt, boil for half an hour. Pepper thoroughly wash and cut into circles.

Wash and sterilize half liter jars. Put pepper and peas in them, taking out of the water with a slotted spoon or spoon - do not pour out the water. And we will use the same water in which our peas were boiling, as a marinade. Strain the liquid, boil again and pour over the peas. Burst a large saucepan, you can put gauze or a rag on the bottom, so that the banks do not knock on each other and do not accidentally crack during boiling. Lower the jars, cover them with lids and pour water over the beginning of the neck. Sterilization should take about 40 minutes over medium heat. Now our green peas for winterturn off and remove from the pan, and instantly twist the lid.

Put the jars to cool overnight. Now it is necessary to hide the preservation in a secluded place, in the basement, and in the absence of this under the table or under the cupboard, cover with a blanket on top so that the peas are dark.

A jar of green peas of their own canning - just a treasure for the chef! After all, this is both a ready-made garnish for meat, and a mandatory ingredient of the New Year's “Olivier”, and an indispensable component of omelets and soups, and, of course, a wonderful decoration of the finished dish.

Therefore, in the hot summer, it would not be superfluous to worry about green pea stocks for the winter.

Canned peas at home is easy to prepare. We have selected some excellent options for you.

Classic canning recipe

Perfect as a side dish for meat dishes. Before serving, heat in butter.


(on a jar of 0.5 l)

  • dairy peas,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar (9%),
  • water,
  • salt.


1. Peel the peas thoroughly and bust.

2. Put peeled peas into a saucepan and add water, completely covering the peas. Salt to taste and cook until soft (about 20 minutes).

3. Arrange in sterilized jars, pre-poured into each spoonful of vinegar. Banks canned.

Canned green peas for the winter "Malachite beads"

The peas are strong and crumbly.


(on a jar of 0.5 l)

  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 4 gr. citric acid;
  • 90 gr. salt,
  • 75 gr. Sahara;
  • peas


1. The required amount of peas to clean, sort and wash with cool water. In a saucepan, boil a liter of water with 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar dissolved in it.

2. Pour peas into boiling brine so that the water completely covers it. Boil about 15 -25 minutes until soft peas. Water to drain - it is no longer needed.

3. Put the peas in a half-liter sterilized jar and pour in fresh brine: boil half a liter of water with a tablespoon of sugar and a spoonful of salt. Before canning the peas, pour citric acid into the jar.

Fragrant green peas for the winter

Peas are preserved with the addition of bay leaf, which makes the taste of the dish brighter and more fragrant.


(on a jar of 0.5 l)

  • 400 g of green peas;
  • 1 tsp vinegar (9%);
  • 2 leaves of laurel,
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 150 gr. water.


1. Peas clean, wash, place in a sterilized jar. Add salt, laurel leaf and vinegar.

2. Sterilize the mixture for a quarter of an hour. Pour with boiling water and immediately preserve.

We hope that you liked the recipes for canning green peas for the winter at home and you will definitely use them.

Green peas are one of the most important products in the kitchen of almost every housewife, because it is often used not only as a salad ingredient, but also as a delicious side dish for meat and other dishes. Despite the large variety of store options, canned peas cooked at home is the most beloved. Today you will get acquainted with the best recipes that will tell you how to preserve peas for the winter at home (photo materials are attached).

The benefits of green peas

Green peas are quite popular among vegetarians, and this is not surprising, because it is a real well of vitamins and trace elements important for the human body.

Peas are quite nutritious and very easy to process. At the same time it contains a considerable amount of valuable vegetable protein. Nutritional protein can be explained by the ability of peas to quickly saturate the body and charge it with energy for a long time.

In addition to protein, peas also contain a considerable amount of vitamins (especially group B), sugars (about 6%) and fiber. So, about 35% of pure protein is observed in mature peas, and this culture is almost twice as good as a potato in terms of its caloric content.

Council Green peas are actually a battery for the body, especially in extreme or close to such conditions. That is why it is recommended to take it on long hikes. Even if you are not an extreme, but lead an active life - green peas - a product that should appear regularly on your dinner table.

Also, green peas are known for their beneficial effects on the skin, hair (due to the antioxidants it contains). In addition, it is able (with regular use) to normalize the work of the intestines and organs of the digestive tract.

Green pea

Unfortunately, like most garden crops, peas are seasonal, so it makes sense to stock them for the winter.

Selection criteria and features of the preparation of green peas for conservation

It is worth noting that not every variety of green peas is suitable for winter conservation, therefore, the issue of choosing the right variety should be taken very seriously, so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labor with confidence.

So, for preservation, you should choose only green peas, still soft enough to be crushed with only two fingers (the so-called "brain" peas). Fully ripened or overripe peas are not particularly suitable as a preservation product, because during the preservation process it will give the brine an unpleasant turbidity, and the taste of the finished product will be too starchy.

As for the processing of peas before preservation, it is quite simple and does not require special skills: just wash the peas thoroughly (if you plan to preserve the peas separately) or pea pods if you want to pamper yourself in the winter with juicy sweet peas.

The best recipes for canned peas

Your attention is delicious and at the same time very simple recipes for preserving peas for the winter.

Recipe number 1.  Canned peas with vinegar. For the preparation of canned peas according to the first recipe, you will need a direct preservation product, as well as pickle. Below are the main components for brine based on 1 liter of water:

  • sugar - 1 tsp (full);
  • salt - 2 tsp (full);
  • vinegar (6%) - 2 tsp.

Milk peas must be picked and rinsed thoroughly. Then pour cold water and put on low heat. After boiling water boil for about 20 minutes (until the water boils out almost completely). Put the boiled peas in the previously sterilized jars and pour them with the prepared brine (add salt and sugar to the water drained from the peas). Then pour vinegar into each jar.

Cover each of the cans with a thick plastic wrap. Leave in a warm place, covered with a blanket. Check the quality of conservation is simple: just look at the film - it will be dragged into the jar. After that, you can rearrange the banks in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 2.  Canned peas without vinegar. This option is suitable for those who do not like sour taste in preservation or have problems with the digestive tract. For cooking peas you need only water, sugar, salt. For each liter of water should take about 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water, put on fire. Bring to a boil. Pour the peas in brine and boil it for about 3-5 minutes. Transfer to prepared jars, leaving about 2 cm to the edge. Sterilize the jars for about half an hour. Then leave to cool and, covered with plastic lids, send in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, put the jars back in the water and sterilize for about half an hour. Roll up the banks.

Recipe number 3.  Pickled peas. Suitable for those who would like with the onset of the first days of December already enjoy the most delicate taste of green peas. Pre-selected green peas must be rinsed thoroughly in water. Then dip in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After transfer to sterilized jars.

Boil the marinade water separately. Then add salt (1 tbsp.), Vinegar (3 tbsp.) To it. The figures are based on 1 liter of water. Fill the peas with hot marinade and sterilize the jars in hot water for about 20 minutes. Roll up the banks.

Canned Peas

Recipe number 4.  Salting the peas. Salty peas - the perfect side dish for meat dishes. Now you can enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes in tandem with the finest peas, even in winter.

Pea pods should be carefully bruised, removing the hard and damaged. Then the pods need to be washed and dipped in boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes, let the product cool. After that, you need to distribute the peas over the banks and pour the prepared brine (300 g of salt per 1 kg of product). Roll up the banks.

Council If you like spicy slightly spicy preservation, in each jar you can add a pair of cloves of garlic, cut into several pieces and a little peppercorns, red and any other.

This concludes consideration of the best recipes for preserving peas for the winter. Enjoy your meal!

Peas - one of the most popular and common leguminous plants, not only in our country, but throughout the world. This is facilitated by simplicity, precocity and crop yield, as well as the high nutritional value of the harvested beans. Even in the Bronze Age, people knew how to collect and dry the fruits of wild legumes.

Today, peas are recognized as a storehouse of protein, fiber, sugars and vitamins. Mature peas contain up to 35.7% protein, while the fruit is one and a half times more caloric than. It is not for nothing that green peas are called sweet, because at the time of technical maturity it accumulates about 4.8–7% sugar, quite a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, carotene and B vitamins. In addition, sodium and potassium are present in succulent peas , iron and calcium, essential amino acids, proteins and fiber.

Under current conditions, peas grown by agricultural enterprises are not only dried, but also frozen, preserved, and receive flour and other products from it.

But how to dry, pickle and freeze peas at home? Depending on the structure of the bean, shelling and sugar varieties are distinguished. The leaves of the shelling pea pod become stiff as they mature, as a layer resembling wax paper or parchment forms inside. Sugar peas can be eaten with succulent shovels, no less useful than the fruits of a plant.

Mature peas, as they lose moisture and dry out, become wrinkled, but there are also varieties that retain their smoothness and rounded shape in dried form.

Today, both fresh green and dried peas are an integral part of the diet of many Russian families. How to prepare for the winter peas grown on your own site?

How to dry peas at home?

For high-quality peas, going to the preparation of soups, mashed potatoes and other dishes, they collect those who have not had time to harden the fruits of wax ripeness. In order for peas to not lose their beneficial properties, drying should be started no later than 5–6 hours after harvesting. But before drying peas at home, it is peeled, sifted, removing peas that have not been formed or damaged by pests.

Then the peas:

  • blanched for 1-2 minutes to consolidate a beautiful green color and preserve the creamy consistency of peas;
  • quickly cooled under running water or using lump ice;
  • blanch again and re-cool;
  • pat dry and spread on a baking sheet with a thin layer.

At home, drying the peas in an oven or electric dryer should be done in two or three steps, for 2-4 hours, trying to heat the tender raw materials as little as possible. The ideal temperature is 40–50 ° C. Between the sessions in the oven, the peas are kept at room temperature for 3-4 hours. As it dries, the drying temperature can be increased to 60–65 ° C, making sure that the peas do not crack and have a uniform color.

The less moisture remains inside the dense peas, the longer will be the period of their storage.

With the observance of technology, the peas harvested for the winter will retain an intense green color, and the dishes from it will be tasty and healthy.

If, however, for drying, not green but already almost ripe yellowish peas are collected, then the final product will turn out to be coarser, starchy, but quite suitable for cooking nutritious soups, making porridges and other side dishes.

Homemade dried peas make a wonderful flour, from which you can bake bread, quickly make a dressing for soups and sauces.

How to store dried peas at home? Since it is dried beans that most often attract pests, the peas prepared for long-term storage are poured into glass containers with tightly lapped lids. It is better to put banks with peas in a cool dry place, where the cereal will not have contact with sunlight. From time to time, the peas are shaken and inspected for insects and mold.

How to freeze peas?

Juicy, well-formed green peas are suitable for freezing.

  • If sugar beans are used for processing, it is possible to freeze individual peas and whole pods.
  • If on the site grows shelling peas, before freezing the peas at home, it must be freed from the blades.

To prepare peas for the winter, and it remains as juicy and useful as on the garden, the beans are peeled, sifted, and they are always blanched for 1-2 minutes and cooled by pouring in icy water. This will not lose the green color of the peas and preserve its consistency and taste. When the pea is cooled, it is spread on paper napkins and dried thoroughly.

Spilling on pallets or baking sheets, delicate beans are frozen, it will not allow individual peas to stick together and form a shapeless clod. And already frozen at home, peas are poured into bags or containers for subsequent storage in the freezer.

If the peas are immediately packaged in bags and containers, then from time to time, until the freezing process is completed, the containers are taken out and shaken, breaking up the resulting clods.

Sugar pea at home and frozen in the pods. To do this, the beans are sorted, washed, remove the stem and coarse fibers connecting the valves. If desired, the pods can be cut into 2–3 pieces. Then, the prepared raw material in a colander for 2–3 minutes is blanched and cooled with ice cubes or a stream of water. It is important to cool and dry the peas so that there are no traces of moisture on it. And already prepared green pods are laid out in bags or containers, tightly closed and put in a freezer, where peas harvested for the winter can be stored for 6–8 months without losing taste and good qualities.

Natural Canned Peas

Everyone's favorite green peas, without which festive salads and everyday side dishes are not enough, can be made in your own kitchen from raw materials gathered in the garden. Peeled and sifted peas are boiled for half an hour before being sent to the jars, then the water is drained, the vegetables are dried and, distributed in glass containers, poured with boiling brine.

To pour water per liter will require 10 grams of salt and the same amount of sugar. If desired, favorite spices can be added to the liquid, for example, a leaf of currant or parsley. The filled cans are sterilized. Together with peas in this way you can preserve corn kernels, carrot slices and asparagus.

Store peas at home is better in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Marinated peas for the winter

To pick marinated from the beds for the winter, it is peeled and boiled for 30 minutes.

The peas prepared in this way are distributed into small jars and poured with boiling marinade, which will require 1 liter of water, 30–40 grams of table salt, 15–20 grams of sugar and 100 ml of 9% vinegar. After filling the cans, they are sterilized and sent to a cool place for storage.

How to pickle peas at home?

Before salting peas or whole pods at home, the harvested green peas are washed in running water, and if necessary, sheathed or cut off coarse pieces from the pods. Before salting the peas, depending on the degree of maturity and the chosen preservation method, boil for 5–10 minutes, then cool and distribute to clean banks. Prepared vegetables are poured with hot pickle at the rate of 300 grams of salt per 1 kg of peas.

Slices of garlic, a little pepper and other spices will give the original snack to meat dishes piquancy and bright taste.

Now you can close the container and after cooling, send it to the refrigerator for storage.

Canned peas for the winter - video

Prepare a cart in the winter, and everything for the Olivier in the summer. A few jars of canned peas stored in the season will save your mood if the husband (as usual) forgets to buy it in the store. And the salad itself will turn out more delicious with a homemade product. Preserving green peas for home use at home is not the fastest and fascinating business. Nevertheless, this preparation for the winter will not upset you with a muddy sediment, bad taste or an unpleasant smell. I offer you a choice of 2 proven recipes - with pre-cooking and long-term sterilization. In principle, both of these processes do not require personal participation in cooking. The main thing that time is spent on - peeling peas. But this stage will not be a burden, if you brighten it up by watching your favorite series or other pleasant activity.

Canned peas without sterilization

Recipe for opponents of sterilization. Peas are pre-boiled until soft, filled with boiling marinade and immediately clogged. Thanks to a small amount of vinegar, the taste of preservation is mild, unobtrusive, almost natural.


Output:  8 cans of 0.5 liters.

How canned green peas are prepared for the future (for the winter):

For canning at home is suitable only very young - “milk” green peas. It is advisable to prepare and close it immediately after collection / purchase. Peeled peas can not be stored for long, even in the refrigerator. In them, as in the overripe vegetable, the starch content increases. Because of this, the taste of the preform deteriorates, and a white precipitate forms at the bottom of the jars. It does not affect the shelf life, but on the color and taste characteristics - yes.

Go through the pods. Throw yellowed and spoiled. Peel the peas from the pods.

Put in a deep bowl. Fill with cold water. Small debris and substandard peas emerge. Remove unnecessary. Rinse the peas under running water. Let the liquid flow.

Put the peas in a saucepan or heat-resistant bowl. Put on medium heat. After boiling, screw the hob so that the liquid is weak but constantly boiling. Boil until soft - 10-20 minutes, depending on the variety and ripeness of the vegetable. Formed grayish foam remove skimmer.

Cook the pickle. Add sugar to the water.

Sprinkle with salt. It is important to use natural stone. In the salt of extra fine grinding and iodinated add substances that may adversely affect the shelf life of conservation. Bring the liquid to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes.

As soon as the peas are steaming, prepare the cans. It is better to use half-liter containers or tare of a smaller volume so that the open billet does not stand in the refrigerator for a long time. Clean the jars and lids to them with soda. Sterilize the jars (above the kettle's steam, in the oven, in the microwave), and boil the lids for 3-4 minutes. Spread green peas on sterile jars. Add vinegar.

Fill with hot brine. Immediately roll up. Invert the preservation to verify the reliability of the blockage If fluid leakage is detected, open the jars, boil the brine and re-roll. As a result of heat treatment, the peas will turn out not as green as fresh. After checking the tightness you can leave the cans upside down or put them on the bottom. Wrap the blank with a warm old blanket.

After cooling, transfer the canned peas to a cool, dark, dry room. Save it in such conditions for the winter is not difficult, unless, of course, you do not want to remove the sample before.

Canned peas at home with citric acid

Option without vinegar. Citric acid allows you to store the workpiece in a cool place for up to 12 months. Use such peas for making salads, omelets, various snacks, sandwich pastes, etc.

Grocery list:

Output:  2 half-liter jars.

The procedure for preserving delicious peas for the winter at home:

  1. Banks of suitable volume clean with soda. Sterilize in the traditional way - over hot steam or in the oven. Fast sterilization option - in the microwave. Pour into containers of 3 tbsp. l clean water. Put in a microwave at maximum power. Banks will become sterile when all the water boils away. Turn them over, put on a towel, let them cool.
  2. Remove from pea pods. Put in a colander. Rinse several times under the tap. Boil water in a large saucepan. Dip the peas in it along with the colander. Blanch for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Spread hot peas on the banks.
  4. In parallel with the blanching, prepare the marinade. Put salt and sugar in water. Bring to a boil. Boil for 2 minutes. At the end, add the citric acid and mix.
  5. Fill the peas with boiling marinade. Cover with lids. In a large container, heat the water (up to about 70 degrees). At the bottom, lay a clean cloth, a silicone mat, or install a special divider. Place filled cans on top. On a small fire bring the water in a large saucepan to a low boil. Sterilize 3 hours.
  6. Seal with boiled, dried lids using a seamer. Turn over. Pickle began to leak? Remove covers and repeat all seaming steps.
  7. Cover with thick warm material to ensure slow cooling. When the billet cools down, transfer it to a cellar or storage room where it will be stored until winter. Preservation does not “explode” even when stored at room temperature. The main thing is to exclude it from exposure to sunlight and heat above 23 degrees.
  8. Due to the simple marinade with the addition of acid, homemade green peas turn out very tasty, it does not spoil for a long time.