How to soften the beef before cooking. How to soak the beef so that it is soft

17.05.2019 Grill menu

Beef  - this is dietary meat, which, if cooked correctly, is not only low-calorie, but also juicy, beautiful and tasty. The beef is respected in many countries of the world, often prepared for special occasions, and for every day. It is cooked in all possible ways: boiled, fried, stewed, cooked on the grill, in the oven, baked in foil or sleeve.

But the preparation of beef process is not easy, because in the end we want to get soft and juicy meat, and this is not always possible for novice chefs. Beef meat has its own, special taste that can be emphasized or corrected using marinade. I will tell the marinade recipes, after marinating in which, the dishes prepared by you will acquire new tastes.

Marinade "Spicy lemon"

for lovers of spicy and spicy meat. Marinade great for frying


Salt - 2 tsp
   lemon juice - 30g,
   red ground pepper - 2 tsp.

Cooking method:
  Mix all the ingredients, rub the pieces of meat, leave for an hour.

Marinade "Onion"


  • Lemon - 1pcs,
  • Onions - 1 pc
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Salt, pepper to taste

  Cooking method:

1. Onions cut into thin rings.
  2. Pour lemon juice.
  3. Add salt, pepper, chopped garlic.
  4. Pour meat marinade, put under the press
  5. Marinate 2-4 hours

Marinade "For barbecue"

   Wine or apple vinegar  - 30 g
   Onions - 2 pcs
   Garlic - 3 cloves
   Salt, pepper, coriander to taste

Cooking method:
  1. Wash, peel, finely chop the onion and garlic, mix.
  2. Add salt, pepper, coriander.
  3. Pour wine vinegar.
  4. Put the meat in the marinade, mix it with clean hands, compact it. Under closed lid  or under the film to pickle from 12 to 60 hours.

Marinade "Kefir"

   Kefir - 1 liter
   Bulb onion - 3 pieces
Vegetable oil  - 3 tablespoons
   Salt, black pepper - to taste

  Cooking method:
  1. Wash, peel, finely chop the onion and garlic, mix
  2. Cut meat into pieces.
  3. Put the beef and onion in layers in a saucepan with the future marinade, salt and pepper. Pour over butter and kefir. Mix everything upwards with a wooden spatula, compact, leave in a cold place for 80-16 hours.

Marinade on wine

   Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoons
Red wine - 400 gr
   Onion - 2 pcs.,
   Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
Bay leaf  - 3 pcs
   Clove, salt, pepper, rosemary - to taste
Mustard powder  - 1/2 tsp.

  Cooking method:
  1. Mix in the first container the liquid components: wine and vinegar.
  2. Wash, peel and chop the onion.
  3. Mix sugar, mustard, spices and onions in an enamel bowl.
  4. Pour sugar, mustard and onion with wine and vinegar
  5. Put on the stove, bring to a boil, turn off the stove. Cool the marinade to 30 degrees and pour the pieces or whole piece of beef, leave to marinate for 2-8 hours.


Beef is distinguished by the finest flavor nuances and delicate milky aroma. But in order for beef dishes to have a delicate structure, this type of meat should be properly prepared. All cooks in chorus can say that before cooking beef should be soaked in different marinades. The longer the meat gets soaked, the better the dish will turn out, the more tender it will taste, the more compliments it will receive from the tasters. There are different ways of cooking marinades, dressings and sauces for veal and beef. Each of them is distinguished by a bright aroma, these or other flavors, emphasizing the piquancy of meat. What will advise the ordinary culinary sharks gastronomic business?

Hundreds of brochures have been written on how to soak beef so that it is soft, and yet many Russians do not know how to do it right. As a result, the meat turns out they are too hard, tasteless and not fragrant. Such beef is simply impossible to eat - the fibers will get stuck in the teeth, and the receptors will not be able to sense the finest flavors of this type of meat. If you want to cook beef in the oven old recipeFor slow-burning meats for 7 hours, you should choose the lightest charge possible. It can serve as ordinary lemon juice, cream or mustard. The most interesting taste of such a beef will turn out, if you spread it on top with honey - the meat will be soft and slightly sweet in taste. You can also try to mix honey with various spices.

Beef is very soft if you make marinade or a cream based plaster for it. In principle, cream has a scent reminiscent of boiled beef  - characteristic "dairy" notes. You can prepare the following type of marinade: 500 ml of cream diluted with 200 ml natural yogurt. Finely chopped green should be added to the resulting fermented milk mixture. bell pepper, Add salt and pepper to taste. In the resulting marinade put pieces of beef, dipped on both sides and put in the refrigerator for several hours. After the meat is soaked with the marinade, you can fry or bake it. In any case, the beef will be softer and more delicate in taste. It can be served with finely chopped fresh herbs and spicy cheese sauce  based on cheddar.

The Japanese believe that there is nothing better than soy sauce and pickled fermented beans. That is why they soak the beef in these gas stations. Of course, in Russian stores the easiest way to find soy saucethan miso juice. As the most authentic sauces are advised to purchase "Kikkoman." Before soaking the meat in soy sauce, you need to take the necessary pieces, rinse them under cold running water, then put them in an enamel bowl and pour over the soy sauce from above. Salt with the beef is not necessary - it will be enough salty. In the resulting marinade meat is kept at room temperature  not less than three hours and in a dark place. Fermented bean juice is also poured on top of the meat. The marinated product is then refrigerated for a couple of hours.

Mediterranean cuisine includes two main components of sauces - lemon juice and olive oil. If you mix them together, lightly salted, you get an excellent sauce-marinade for beef. For the preparation of the marinade taken two lemons, 100 g olive oil  and a couple of pinches sea ​​salt. Salted olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice are diluted in dishes. If desired, spices can be added to the marinade. Beef fillet is placed in a bowl with this sauce, dipped on both sides, sprinkle dried celery on top. Lemon juice will make the meat softer, celery - fragrant, and olive oil - delicious. If such a beef filet is fried in a Teflon pan, you will get very ruddy meat with a golden crust.

Another way to pickle beef is to soak it in wine with spices and honey. To do this, you need to take red or white semi-dry wine (preferably not fortified, but natural), any spices, such as pink and black pepper, as well as lime honey. All components are mixed with each other, slightly warmed up on the stove to get a homogeneous slightly thick mass, resembling in appearance and smell of mulled wine. Then the wine marinade is removed from the stove, cooled and poured into enamelware, into which it will be possible to put pieces of beef. And how are things with national cuisine? American chefs usually soak cuts of beef in homemade ketchup. The French love different cream saucesthat make hard meat melt in your mouth. Italians use olive oil in their dressings and marinades.

How to make the beef was soft? The most important thing is that before cooking any other dish you need to marinate it. For dressing or marinade, you can use any ingredients - cream, soy sauce, olive oil, lemon juice, various spices, herbs and vegetables. You should also cook such tough meat as beef on a slow fire for a long time. Then the meat will be tender and melting in the mouth. And some cooks soak beef for several days in different marinades! They believe that this is the only way to make beef soft.

  October 16, 2013

How to marinate beef so that it is soft? Very often when cooking any dish of beef, the meat is very tough, so that this does not happen, you need to know how to pre-marinate the beef so that it is soft.

Properly cooked marinade for meat will not only soften it, but also give the dish flavor and spice. The method of marinating and the type of marinade depends on what dish you want to make from beef.

Very popular with housewives   roasting beef in the oven.This recipe is very simple and requires a minimum of effort from you.

In order to cook the marinade for this dish, simply mix in equal proportions extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice. This mixture should be rubbed with a piece of meat, pre-rinsing it under running water and drying it on a towel. Then the meat must be shifted to a suitable-sized bowl and, having covered it with a lid, leave for three to four hours. Optionally, you can add to the marinade a pair of garlic cloves, passed through a special press. Add black ground pepper, coriander and dried basil. Salting the marinade is not necessary, because in the process of marinating, the meat will put in too much juice and as a result will become very dry. It is best to salt the meat before sending it directly to the oven.

The second very fragrant method of marinating beef is obtained by using soy sauce and garlic passed through a press to make marinade. At the same time you can add to your marinade your favorite seasonings. Most often this type of marinade is used to make soft beef, cut into chops.

So, the meat must be shifted to a deep bowl and pour the marinade cooked in advance. Leave them under the closed lid for four hours.

But, of course, the most favorite dish of Russian people, made from pickled beef, is delicious and flavored shashlik. You can marinate meat with several different ways  and always the meat will be soft and tasty.

Take a large piece of meat and cut it with a sharp knife into pieces of such a size that it would be convenient to later string them onto a skewer. Transfer the meat to an enamel bowl and add red and black pepper, then coriander, literally half a teaspoon and ground ginger. Then you need to cut the onion into half rings and add to the meat. Optionally, you can add a few cloves of garlic, pressed through a special press. Stir meat with spices and onions with your hands and close the lid, which in size should be somewhat smaller than the pan. After six to seven hours, the meat will marinate well, and it can be fried.

When marinating beef in wine, you need to proceed from the fact that one glass of wine, no matter red or white, need one kilogram of meat. Also in white wine, you can add one teaspoon of sugar, if you think that it is sour. - Marinate meat can be in kefir. The calculation is made in this way: one kilogram of meat requires about half a cup of kefir and half a glass mineral water. With this method of marinating, the meat is very soft and just melts in the mouth. If suddenly mineral water was not at hand, you can not add it, but then you need two times more kefir.

Very tasty is barbecue, which is pickled in tomato juice. The calculation in this case is the same - one liter tomato juice  per kilogram of beef.

  Now, if you are asked

Beef is known not only for its high utility, low calorie content and excellent taste, but also for the many difficulties that hostesses face in its preparation.

The fact is that beef is mostly tough, which significantly complicates its preparation. Leading chefs know how to make beef soft and give this meat more juiciness.

There are several ways to marinate beef, each of which has different ingredients and requirements for meat. For example, if you intend to prepare a dish using old beef with excessive rigidity, you can use regular mustard.

Meat should be cut into equal pieces, beat and grease with mustard. After two hours, the product must be washed.

Such a fruit as kiwi, which can also be used as a marinade for beef, is recognized as one of the best natural softeners. So, for a start, the meat should be cut into pieces and mix with kiwi, previously peeled from the peel.

This procedure should be carried out 15 minutes before the start of cooking dishes with beef, because with a longer contact of meat with fruit, you risk getting minced meat.

Regular kefir has softening properties, in which you can soak beef, cut into pieces. The negative side of such a decision may be the duration of the procedure. So, if you plan to cook beef in the morning, meat is recommended to be placed in kefir overnight.

As a natural softener you can use lemon, lime, vinegar, yogurt, wine, ginger and pineapple. But we must remember that the ingredients used will have a certain effect on the quality of the final dish.

If you wish not only to soften the meat, but also to give it a certain taste  and aroma, you can use one of ready recipes  marinades. So, lovers of lemon spicy taste  You can cook marinade from:

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - with ½ parts of one medium-sized fruit;
  • red hot pepper - 2 tsp;
  • salt to taste.

In the resulting marinade, you should dip each piece of beef and let it stand for no longer than an hour. After the specified time, you can begin to roast the meat.

Lovers of tandem lemon with garlic will do. following recipe  marinade, the main ingredients of which are presented:

  • lemon juice from 1 fruit;
  • medium sized bulbs - 2 pcs .;
  • ground black pepper;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt to taste;
  • water - ½ cup.

Water should be boiled, cooled, and then mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice, chopped onion, black pepper and grated garlic cloves.

Beef must be cut into equal pieces, discarded and processed the resulting marinade. After 2 hours, the meat will be ready for further cooking.

To soften the hard beef and give it a pleasant aftertaste, you can use marinade with vinegar. The main ingredients in this case are:

  • water - 500 ml;
  • 3% vinegar - 500 ml;
  • salt to taste;
  • a pinch of black allspice, black pepper;
  • bay leaf;
  • cloves and juniper berries to taste.

The listed spices should be placed in a container with the specified amount of water and boil for no longer than 10 minutes, gradually mixing with salt, sugar, vinegar.

Chopped and beaten pieces of beef should be poured over the cooled and strained marinade and left for 2 days, after which the meat will please with juiciness and softness. By the way, this marinade can be used to soften not only too tough beef, but also big game.

If the beef is supposed to be used in cooking kebabs, in this case, you can use marinade with wine vinegar (3 tbsp), ground black pepper (1 tsp), salt to taste, coriander seeds (1 tsp) and onions ( 2 pcs.).

To begin with, onions should be finely chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. After that, in the resulting marinade, soak the chopped beef and leave it in the container for at least 12 hours.

Lovers meat dishespossessing exquisite taste, suitable marinade recipes, part of which serves red wine. One of these marinades is prepared from:

  • dry red wine - 1.5 cups;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • onions - 1 pc .;
  • parsley;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs .;
  • carnations - 3 buds;
  • rosemary to taste.

The specified number of ingredients is sufficient to marinate beef in an amount of about 500 g. If used large quantity meat, it is necessary to increase the recommended parameters of the components, adhering to the established ratio between them.

Sliced ​​beef, soaked in such a marinade, should be infused in a cool place for 12 hours.