Kebab marinated veal for kebab. Juicy aromatic veal shashlik

22.04.2019 Seafood Dishes

Young veal has an incredibly delicate flavor. It can be a great substitute for such common types of meat as pork and chicken. The dishes made from it turn out to be very fragrant, soft, most importantly - not dry. After reading today's article, you will learn how to cook shish kebab from veal.

Main nuances

The best kebab is obtained from fresh. Steamed veal contains quite a lot of blood, so it is completely unsuitable for these purposes. The meat that has already been in the freezer has never been suitable for roasting on a fire. In this case, it loses the main part of the nutrients, and the dish made from it turns out not juicy enough.

To make the meat roast evenly, it is cut into approximately the same five-centimeter pieces. It is equally important not to overdo the veal. Otherwise, it will give all the juice and will be dry. As for the marinade, today there are many different options for its preparation. However, there is one important point. Vinegar is not recommended for these purposes. It is desirable to replace it with kefir or any other suitable product. To the skewer easier to pierce the meat, the latter strung not across, but along the fibers. It is important to ensure that there is some free space between the pieces, which can be filled with onion rings.

In order to cook a juicy and tender kebab from which will be discussed in today's publication, you need to pay special attention to the choice of firewood. For example, conifers emit resin, which degrades the taste of the dish. Therefore, they should not be used for a campfire, which will roast meat. It is best to stock up on these birch, lime, apricot, plum or cherry branches.

In the process of frying it is important not to leave the meat unattended for a minute. Otherwise it may burn out. If during a fire a fire suddenly flashes, it must be immediately extinguished. You also need to periodically turn the skewer over so that the pieces of meat strung on them are baked evenly.

Remove calf shashlik from coals only after a beautiful golden crust appears on it. To check the readiness of the meat, make a small cut on it. If a clear juice is extracted from it, then it is time to serve the skewers on the table. As a side dish, pita bread is usually used, as well as any boiled, baked or fresh vegetables. On request, kebabs are served with various spicy sauces that perfectly emphasize the delicate taste of meat.

Option with kefir marinade

With this recipe, you can make a very tasty kebab, which will appeal to both adults and children. Kefir gives the meat extraordinary juiciness and softness. And the presence of spices makes it more fragrant. Before you go into the forest, check whether you put in all the necessary products. This time you will need:

  • Two kilograms of calf pulp.
  • Seven heads of onions.
  • Liter of kefir.
  • Half a bunch of cilantro.

To marinate a delicious veal shashlik, additionally bring along table salt and spices.

Action algorithm

With pre-washed and dried meat, the film is removed and cut into portions. After that it is placed in an enamel container. There also send pre-peeled and chopped onion rings. All this is salted, seasoned with spices, poured with kefir and stirred.

The future barbecue from veal, the recipe of which is considered in this article, is covered with a lid and left in a cool place under the yoke for twelve hours. After that, the marinated meat is strung on skewers, alternating it with onions, and fried until ready. During cooking, veal is periodically sprayed with hot water. Fully cooked dish decorated with cilantro greens and served to the table. It goes well with fresh vegetables. In addition, it can serve almost any sauces, including ketchup, tkemali or adjika.

Option with vegetables

It is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy dish. To prepare it, you need not only to stock up on certain products, but also time. Would you like to know how to pickle veal for shish kebab? Make sure you have everything you need. In this case, at your disposal are:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • A kilogram of veal.
  • One ripe tomato and eggplant.
  • A tablespoon of vinegar (optional, as it is best to do without it).
  • Onion Head

Additionally, you need to stock up on salt and spices. The amount of these seasonings largely depends on the taste preferences of the cook and his family.

Cooking technology

First of all, you should do veal. The meat is washed in cold water, dried with paper towels, if necessary, cleaned of films and veins. Prepared in this way, the product is cut into portions and spread them in a deep container.

A field of it is sent to meat by washed slices of vegetables, salt, pepper and spices. The future veal shashlik, one hundred grams caloric intake of about 72 kcal, is poured with water mixed with a tablespoon of 70% vinegar, covered with a lid, pressed with something heavy and left for three or four hours.

After this time, the marinated meat with vegetables is strung on individual skewers and fried on coals. They are cooked separately due to the fact that veal is baked much longer than tomatoes or eggplants. At the same time, it is necessary to periodically water the products with the marinade poured into the bottle. Serve ready-made skewers with pita bread, tomato sauce and greens.

Beer Option

Meat, marinated according to this recipe, is distinguished by its special softness and light bread aroma. In the process of frying, all the alcohol will completely evaporate, so this dish can be quietly given to children. To make you a real Caucasian veal shashlik, you need to go to the market for fresh products in advance. At the same time in the list you compiled should be:

  • Kilo calf pulp.
  • Half a liter of dark beer.
  • A teaspoon of pink or allspice.
  • Onion Head
  • Salt.

Process description

To make your guests like the veal kebab you made, the marinade for the kebab does not need to be salted. In all other respects, this recipe is not very different from other similar options.

Spread pre-washed and sliced \u200b\u200bmeat in a suitable saucepan. There shipped chopped onions and crushed peppers. All this is poured with beer and cleaned for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

After this time, the meat is removed from the marinade, put on the skewers, slightly salted and sent to the coals. To make the pieces juicy and evenly roasted, they are periodically turned over. Ready veal shashlik served with fresh vegetables, herbs or red wine.

Lemon Juice Option

Meat, marinated in this way, can be easily recognized by the savory and exquisite taste. In order for your relatives to try this dish, you need to prepare in advance all the required ingredients. In this case, you should have in stock:

  • Kilo calf pulp.
  • A quarter cup of lemon juice.
  • Two hundred milliliters of white semi-dry wine.
  • Three onions.

In order for the veal kebab roasted by you, it does not turn out to be bland and tasteless, you need to additionally add table salt and spices.


First of all, you need to do meat. It is washed under a stream of cool water, dried with paper towels, cut into medium pieces and put in a suitable saucepan. Seasoning for kebab and lemon juice is sent to the same dish. All is well mixed and cleaned for half an hour in the refrigerator.

Thirty minutes later, onions, ground in a meat grinder, are added to the meat container. All is thoroughly mixed and returned to the refrigerator. While veal is pickled, you should start preparing the fire and barbecue. After the burnt wood turns into coal, you can begin to roast meat. To do this, lightly salt it, strung on skewers and sent to the grill. During frying, the future veal shashlik is periodically watered with semi-dry white wine and is often turned over. Due to this, the meat will have time to evenly prepare and soak in a pleasant grape aroma.

A little more and the sun will break through the terrible clouds and the picnic season will begin! Therefore, we will prepare in advance for the opening of the season. When choosing meat for barbecue, you must ensure that it is fresh. For kebabs only chilled fresh meat is suitable. Do not take fresh meat, because it contains a lot of blood. Frozen meat will not allow the kebab to become juicy, since all the nutrients disappear in the process of freezing. The most juicy kebabs can be made from pork neck, leg of lamb and veal. What I propose to do!

Marinade for 2 kg of veal tenderloin: 5-6 onions, 0.5 juice of lemon, 10-15 peas of a mixture of peppers, 1l of mineral water, salt to taste.

The basis of every marinade for soaking kebabs are onion, salt and pepper. For fresh meat is enough. It is necessary to cut the meat in small pieces, about 5 to 5 cm. This will allow the kebab to fry evenly, and at the same time the meat will not be dried. We carefully wash the meat, cut it into equal pieces, pour it with lemon juice, put it in a bowl and pour it with mineral water, salt it with pepper. Onion cut into half rings, send to the meat. Leave the meat in the marinade for several hours, and better for the night.

We laid out the bonfire ... Soon there will be a lot of edge, which is simply necessary for a uniform kebab roasting. It is better to make a good fire not in the brazier, but close by, and then shift the finished face with a spatula to the brazier. If suddenly the edge begins to fade, you can easily maintain a uniform temperature due to the edge in the fire. It is important!

When choosing firewood for making kebabs, conifers cannot be used because they produce resin, which degrades the taste of the kebab. Fruit trees are best suited for this purpose: cherry, plum, apricot, as well as deciduous trees such as linden, oak, birch. For veal, birch, linden and firewood fruit trees are ideal.

When stringing meat on a skewer, it is necessary to take into account that for even cooking, adjacent pieces should not touch each other. Therefore, it is better to separate them into pieces of sweet pepper or onion. String meat on skewers, fry on charcoal until cooked (if a clear juice appears when cutting, it means the meat is ready for consumption). A little patience and kebab you will certainly get juicy! The main thing is not to move away from the barbecue.

  We turn the kebab, do not forget:

Well, the kebab was covered with a characteristic crust and can be removed from the coals! The control check will be carried out using a notch. Juice is clear - it means the kebab is ready! We do not need crackers 🙂

Tender meat of veal is perfect for cooking kebabs. It can also be an excellent alternative to pork or chicken.

Veal shashlik recipe


  • veal (pulp) - 985 g;
  • onion - 55 g;
  • onion fresh green - 0.5 bunch;
  •   - 20 ml;


Wash veal and cut into pieces. Peel the onions, chop the rings, and chop the green onions finely with a knife. Put the meat in a bowl, fill it with prepared onions, season with spices, add mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly. Marinate veal 3 hours, and in the meantime we kindle a brazier. Next, string the pieces on the skewers and fry the skewers until golden brown.

How to cook veal skewers?


  • pulp of veal - 455 g;
  • smoked bacon - 195 g;
  • vegetable oil - 45 ml;
  • basil - to taste;
  • spice.

For the sauce:

  • sweet yellow pepper - 95 g;
  • chili pepper - 0.5 pcs .;
  • fresh ginger root - 1 cm;
  • wine vinegar - 45 ml;
  • sugar - 15 g


To prepare the sauce, chop the chilli and ginger chop, add the diced sweet pepper, pour all with vinegar, oil and dilute with water. Send the dishes with sauce on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. Then we throw sugar and we torment 5-7 minutes more without a cover. Cut veal and bacon into small cubes, season with spices and alternate, strung on skewers. Mix the butter with chopped basil, pour the shashlik over the mixture and marinate for 20 minutes. Then grill it and serve with ginger sauce.

How tasty marinate veal for kebab?


  • veal - 805 g;
  • hot pepper - 2 pods;
  • dark soy sauce - 20 ml;
  • olive oil - 25 ml;
  • medium potatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • red wine - 0.5 st .;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • cumin - 5 g;
  • lemon - 65 g;
  • paprika - to taste;
  • spice.


Meat washed, dried and cut into pieces. In a small bowl, preheat red wine soy sauce, drop sugar, hot pepper and cumin. Put the veal in a saucepan, fill it with a warm marinade, close with a lid and remove for 4 hours in the cold. Wash new potatoes, cut them in half lengths and put them in a bowl. Pour in olive oil, throw in paprika and salt to taste. All mix and ship in the cold for 2 hours. After that, fry the meat and potatoes on the grill, sprinkle the dish with lemon juice.

How to marinate veal on shish kebab in grapefruit juice?


  • veal - 995 g;
  • grapefruit - 2 pcs .;
  • bulgarian yellow pepper - 65 g;
  • sour apple - 1 pc .;
  • spice;
  • onion - 45 g


Cut the veal into pieces and fold into a deep bowl. Then add the juice of one grapefruit, season with spices and remove the meat for the night in the cold. Pepper, grapefruit, onion and apple cut into large pieces and put on skewers. Separately prepare the skewers with meat and fry everything until cooked. Meat before serving add some salt.

Recipe for veal kebab in Caucasian


  • veal - 985 g;
  • onion - 145 g;
  • lard - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • table vinegar - 95 ml;
  • spice.


Dice the meat and put in a bowl. Then sprinkle with spices, throw the chopped onions, pour vinegar and mix well. Marinate in a cold place for 3 hours, and then string the meat on skewers, alternating with onions, and grease everything with chicken fat. Fry the kebabs on the grill for 15 minutes and serve with fresh vegetables.

Veal shashlik in beer

Wonderful homemade meat, marinated in various marinades with pleasure, is consumed by the whole company for both cheeks. Especially in combination with fragrant potatoes baked on the coals. Step-by-step recipe with photos will help you to cook tasty, tender and juicy meat.
Time for preparing:---

  • Veal (tenderloin) 1 kilogram 200 grams
  • 350 grams bacon
  • Salt to taste
  • Thyme to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Rosemary dry ground 1 tsp
  • Dried ground mint ¼ tsp
  • Ground cilantro 1 tsp or to taste
  • Semi-dry red table wine 300 milliliters
  • 2-3 onions
  • Vegetable oil 3-4 tablespoons
To start, choose meat; young veal should be either light or dark pink; the ideal pieces are sirloin, rump, outer or inner tenderloin. Now we wash the veal under a stream of cold running water, thus, getting rid of any kind of contamination, and dry the meat with paper kitchen towels from excess moisture. Then put it on a cutting board and with a sharp kitchen knife, cut the veal into portions in diameters from 4 to 5 centimeters. We put cutting in a deep bowl.

Now we take 2 - 3 onions, clean them from the skin, wash them under running water, dry them with paper kitchen towels and place them on a chopping board. In principle, from this ingredient we need only flavor with juice and, on idea, onions, we must skip through a meat grinder or finely chop. Therefore, we act at will, for example, cut it into half rings, rings or chop it into small pieces and shift it into a bowl of meat. There we pour in the right amount of red table dry wine, vegetable oil, add such dried and chopped herbs like thyme, cilantro, rosemary, mint, and also add salt to taste. Mix all the ingredients with clean hands, cover the bowl with a lid, tighten the plastic with plastic wrap so that the meat does not absorb excess odors and put the resulting structure in the refrigerator. Marinate meat at a minimum of 6 hours at a maximum of 12 hours, it is better to prepare veal from evening to night, during which time it will become more juicy

First of all, it should be noted that the veal after frying is a bit dry, so basically the pieces of meat are dragged into the fatty beef net or lay slices of lard between them so that during frying they saturate the meat with their fat. In this recipe, meat bacon is used, we take greasy strips, put them on a cutting board, cut each into 2 - 3 parts, sprinkle the pieces on both sides with black pepper and salt. We shift the cutting into a separate deep plate, tighten it with a plastic wrap, put it in the fridge and give it a chance to soak in salt, and the aroma of black pepper. Salo is kept in refrigerators for the same amount of time as beef.

After the required time has expired, remove the meat and bacon from the refrigerator and let them stand and warm at room temperature for a couple of hours. During this time we prepare a brazier, put a couple of dry newspapers or a few sheets of cardboard in it, lay a dry vine on top of them, a couple of bundles of dry leaves or brushwood. After we fall asleep in the brazier 2.5 kilograms of charcoal, which can be bought in any stores, the coal must fill up to half the capacity. Then with the help of matches, we set fire to a piece of newspaper or cardboard. When the dry branches are burned, we throw in a brazier a couple more armfuls of leaves or brushwood and let the fire flare up again, repeat this process 3 - 4 times. The temperature in the grill should be at least 300 degrees. After about 1–1.5 hours, there will be enough heat in the tank, the coals will start to smolder and this is the best time for cooking kebabs.

Now we take 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, we grease all skewers in fat, this process is necessary so that the ready-made kebab slides off the metal poles easily. Then we take a piece of veal, dress a strip of bacon on it, and string 2 ingredients on a skewer so that they both sit tight and the fat enveloped a piece of veal. In the same way we string on the skewer the remaining pieces of meat, at the rate of 1 portion of 4 - 5 pieces. For the time being, we put raw shish kebabs on a hot brazier and start to fry them.

In their preparation, too, there are several small secrets. First of all, we place the kebabs on the grill so that there are no gaps between the skewers, and they lay tightly to each other. Secondly, during the frying periodically we pour the coals with the remaining marinade, and preferably with plain water, in order not to overdry the meat and reduce the fire in the grill. For meat, it is better not to pour anything else; instead of fried veal, you will get steamed veal. In the third you should not constantly turn the skewer from one side to the other, it is enough only 3-4 times, otherwise you again risk overdrying the meat. It takes 12-15 minutes to fry each side of the kebabs. When the meat is reddened, we check its readiness with a knife, make an incision on one of the veal pieces, if pink juice flows out of it, then continue to grill the kebabs until full readiness, if white juice is released, then remove the skewer from the barbecue, put them on a flat dish and immediately served to the table.

Veal shashlik served hot. On request, this dish is served with marinades or served with baked vegetables. But the best option is fresh vegetables, such as radish, sweet lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, green onion and a lot of different greens, such as cilantro, basil, dill, parsley. Ideal light aperitifs for such meat are red wines, more serious alcohol such as vodka or brandy will also do. It is preferable for children to savor this yummy with citrus juices or homemade lemonade. Enjoy! Enjoy your meal!

Hot, fragrant, tasty cooked kebab - dish number 1 at the festive feasts of many nations. In the Caucasus, according to custom, it is cooked from mutton, in Europe and Russia preference is given to pork and chicken. But few have tried veal shashlik. With proper preparation and the condition of the first freshness of meat, it turns out incomparably juicy and tender.

How to Marinate Veal Skewers

For the proper preparation of veal will require both a good marinade and preliminary preparation of meat.

For a tasty barbecue you need:

  1. Use only fresh veal. Frozen and fresh meat are not suitable.
  2. Meat cut into identical pieces of medium size.
  3. Do not overdo it. Even a small amount of excess salt will dry the meat.
  4. Do not use coniferous firewood for making a fire.
  5. String meat along the fibers.

Veal for shish kebab is marinated in different ways, the traditional recipe includes the following recipe.


  • tenderloin veal - 2 kg;
  • vinegar (wine) - 180 ml;
  • onions - 0.7 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. l;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs .;
  • allspice - 7 pcs .;
  • seasoning "barbecue".

Stages of cooking:

  1. Rinse the meat, if necessary, remove the film, cut into medium pieces (no more than 5 cm), place in a deep container.
  2. To the prepared veal add pepper, bay leaf, salt and seasoning. Rub the spices carefully into the flesh so that the meat is well soaked.
  3. Chop onions into rings, combine with meat. Leave to pickle (7-8 hours).
  4. Marinated veal fill with vinegar, oil. To sustain about an hour.

Roast skewers of beef on the fire, adjusting the process. The finished meat will be delicious golden color, with its cut a clear juice protrudes. Meat will be more fragrant if it is cooked with onions.

Quick recipe with vinegar in the oven

Acidic preservatives are often added to the marinade for veal shashlik: lemon, wine, vinegar, etc. The meat is more juicy and soft. Veal will be tender even in the oven, if you marinate it in vinegar.


  • pulp of veal (better cut) - 1 kg;
  • vinegar (9%) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • onions - a pair of heads;
  • seasonings.

Read more on the site: Pork dishes - 42 recipes of meat

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the flesh, peel and film, cut into medium pieces of the same size.
  2. Onion chop rings.
  3. Combine prepared ingredients in the same bowl. Mix well with your hands.
  4. Add vinegar and seasonings. Veal should brew about an hour.
  5. Strung skewers on wooden skewers. Cook at a temperature of 180 degrees, before the meat acquires a golden hue and, when cut, throws clear juice.

During cooking, skillet periodically water the remaining juice. So the meat will be more juicy.

Cooking with kefir

Adding kefir to the marinade for veal shashlik preserves the juiciness of the meat, gives tenderness and emphasizes the taste of the product. The longer the veal is kept in kefir marinade, the better the barbecue will be cooked.


  • veal - 2 kg;
  • kefir;
  • onions - 0.7 kg;
  • fresh cilantro is a small bunch.

How to cook:

  1. Meat cut into medium pieces. Put in a deep container.
  2. Chop onions with rings. Connect with veal.
  3. Add spices and kefir.
  4. Marinate the meat and leave under the load in the marinade overnight.
  5. When frying, pour warm water.

Serve cilantro and favorite side dish with kebabs.

Siberian veal shashlik

Veal cooked according to this recipe is difficult to dry out and spoil.

Of the ingredients you will need:

  • pulp of veal - 3 kg;
  • onions - several large heads;
  • bay leaf;
  • allspice;
  • tomato paste - 100-150 ml;
  • vinegar - a couple of art. l .;
  • lemon juice;
  • white wine.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Wash the cooled meat, cut into medium pieces.
  2. Lay a layer of whole peas on the bottom of the pan. The next layer is made of bay leaves.
  3. Chop the onion rings and lay out the leaves.
  4. On the meat put onion, season it. Lay out the layers in order before the end of the products. The final layer is onions and lavrushka.
  5. Pour marinade of tomato paste and vinegar. Put a kebab under a heavy press, withstand the day.
  6. Remove the press, shift the kebab to another container (without liquid, pepper and laurel).
  7. Add lemon juice and wine to the pickled meat. Let it stand for about two hours.

The special marinade makes the meat so tender that even a non-professional can cook it.