What enters the Funchoz refueling. Best recipes

21.01.2021 Fish dishes

Noodles from the starch of green beans or other crops is one of the most common Asian food products. In recent years, Funchoz has become affordable for both of our compatriots. Especially popular in Korean's funchosis: various snacks from the so-called "crystal noodle" are sold in many stores and are in demand, especially those who prefer sharp dishes. It is possible to prepare a similar rustling salad at home, if you know the features of technology and several suitable recipes so that it is from anything to choose from.

Features of cooking

The funchosis is considered cooked correctly if it becomes flexible and soft, but at the same time retains some elasticity and even crunch. It is possible to achieve such an effect only if you know the features of technology.

  • Not in all cases, Funchoz needs to boil. If it is thin, like a thread, it is not boiled, but weave, that is, poured with hot water, covered with a lid and leave an average of 5 minutes. If the noodle cross section has a diameter greater than half a millimeter, it is advisable to boil it. It is boiled in the same way as pasta, so difficulties with this will not even have a novice hostess. It is only important not to exceed cooking time. It usually ranges from 3 to 5 minutes. More accurate instructions can be found on the package.
  • In the process of cooking or after it, funchosis can stick. That this does not happen, it is necessary to cook in a large amount of water: per 100 g of dry noodles need to take no less liter of water. Therefore, a bulk pan will be required.
  • Adding vegetable oil to water in water during cooking will protect it from gluing. The optimal ratio is considered to be 20 ml of oil per liter of water. At the same time, oil should be refined, odorless.
  • Funchoz boiling in motges requires a special approach. Before preparation, they are associated with thread. Cook in water with the mandatory addition of a small amount of salt and oil. After shake, remove the thread, cut the noodles into several parts.
  • For the preparation of Funchoz in Korean, it is convenient to use the ready-made refill for Korean snacks or a specially selected mixture of seasonings. However, if you wish, you can prepare the refueling yourself, combining seasonings and the main ingredients to your liking. The main thing is that vegetable oil, soy sauce, garlic, ground red pepper or fresh pepper chili should be in the filling. It is desirable to include in rice vinegar or ordinary vinegar with the addition of sugar, coriander, black ground pepper. It is possible to add other spices and spices. Then the finished rustic salad will have a taste, peculiar dishes of Korean cuisine.
  • Before serving, the prepared salad is needed to withstand within an hour in a cool place. This is done in order to give the time ingredients to be soaked in the aroma of spices.

Funchoz in Korean makes the addition of various vegetables, mushrooms, meat. Therefore, the palette of tastes of snacks with this name is very wide.

Simple Korean Funchoz Recipe

  • funchosis - 0.2 kg;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • bulgarian pepper - 0.2 kg;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • soy sauce - 10 ml;
  • table vinegar (9 percent) - 5 ml;
  • seasoning for salads in Korean - 10 g;
  • sugar - chip;
  • water - 20 ml.

Recipe on the occasion::

Cooking method:

  • Disstain the garlic with a special press.
  • Divide the seasoning with water, add soy sauce and garlic, stir.
  • Pour the teaspoon of vinegar, add sugar and vegetable oil, mix well again.
  • Pepper wash. Remove the fruit and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp thin straw.
  • Carrot Clean and grind on the grater for the preparation of Korean salads. If you do not have such a grater, just cut the carrot with thin long strips with a vegetable manicist.
  • Thin funchoz drops for 5 minutes. Remove from the water, rinse with cold water. Cut on pieces of about 4-5 cm long.
  • Mix the funcho with carrots and pepper, fill the prepared sauce.

Salad can be served to the table when he is imaginable. To do this, it is necessary for the period from an hour to 4 hours to put in a cool place. Store such a snack is not recommended for more than a day.

Funchoz in Korean with cucumbers

  • funchosis - 0.3 kg;
  • carrot - 100 g;
  • bulgarian pepper - 0.25 kg;
  • cucumbers - 0.25 kg;
  • bow - 100 g;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • ground coriander - 5 g;
  • red ground pepper - 5 g;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • grape vinegar (3 percent) - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • black ground pepper - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Bulgarian pepper wash. Removal of seeds and fruit, cut into thin quarters of the rings.
  • Remove the husks from Luke, cut it with thin half rings.
  • Cucumbers Cut in semicircles or straw.
  • Grind on a grater designed to prepare Korean snacks, peeled carrots.
  • Mix vegetables.
  • Funchoz drop to readiness, focusing on the instructions on the package. Cut it with pieces of about 10 cm. Mix with vegetables.
  • Garlic skip through the press, mix with vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and spices. Add vegetable oil, mix.
  • Get the salad and put it for an hour in the refrigerator.

Salad on this recipe turns out fresh, easy, but rather sharp. It can be served instead of a garnish to meat dishes, including a kebab.

Funchoz in Korean with chicken and zucchini

  • funchosis - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken breast fillet - 0.25 kg;
  • bulgarian pepper - 0.2 kg;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • zucchini - 0.25 kg;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • chilean pepper - 1 pod;
  • soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • rice or grape vinegar (3 percent) - 10 ml;
  • sugar (if grape vinegar is used) - a chinful.

Cooking method:

  • Chicken breasts dare until readiness, cool and cut into small cubes.
  • Clean vegetables. Zucchini and carrots Grind on the grater for Korean salads, Bulgarian pepper Cut the straw, Chilean pepper will turn into a puree with the help of a blender, skip the garlic through a special press.
  • Funchoza Put in chicken broth, cast or drop in it until readiness.
  • Mass from Chilean pepper Mix with garlic, spread their soy sauce. Add oil, vinegar, sugar. Stir.
  • Mix vegetables and pieces of boiled chicken with funchose and sharp Korean sauce.

If you are not used to there is a zucchini raw even in salads, you can preliminarily fry it in oil. In this case, the sauce in this case, oil needs to be included a little less than indicated in the recipe.

Funchoz in Korean is one of the most popular among our compatriots dishes of Asian cuisine. Such a snack will have to taste those who love sharp and want to diversify their diet with new taste.

What is a filling for funchosa? You can make this additive enough to make this additive. However, with this dish, so far is familiar from every mistress. And you must try this noodle. Properly cooked refueling for funny with your own hands is very tasty and satisfying. In a word, this is a wonderful product in all respects.

Refueling for funny, with your own hands made. Where to begin?

Before you figure it out how it is preparing to refuel for a funch, with your own hands, you need to understand that it is generally. And this is a starch or rice thin noodle. For its preparation, the battles, mung, cannes, potatoes, corn, yams or maniacs can be used. Due to transparency, this noodle is often called glass. It does not have a pronounced taste, but absorbs the smells of those products with which it is preparing.

Cooking noodles

So, in order. Refueling for funny, with their own hands made, is only a second step in the preparation of a delicious spicy dish. Initially noodles need to boil correctly. With its diameter, about 0.5 millimeters it is simply poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and insisted for five minutes. If noodles are thicker, it is cooked in boiling salted water. True, no more than four minutes. The digestible funchosis is obtained by a risks, and the non-hatched - lipnet to the teeth. To avoid sticking when cooking in water, it is necessary to add vegetable oil (per liter of water - a tablespoon).

The funchosis in the form of "motors" is tied with a string, the water in a deep saucepan is brought to a boil, the motility coarserates, leans on the colander, placed under the flowing cold water, takes care of the thread and shakes. The thread is removed on the cutting board. Cutting a funny across with a sharp knife with straw desired length.

Cooking gas stations

Noodles ready. Now the refueling for funchose is done. The recipe is absolutely simple. To do this, you will need 550 ml of vegetable oil, 150 ml of vinegar, 50 g of sugar, 2 g of black ground pepper, 20 g of salts, 2 g of citric acid, 2 g of coriander, 2 g of ground ginger, 5 g of fresh chili pepper, 10 g of fresh garlic , 250 ml of water. Water is brought to a boil. It is bred sugar, salt, vinegar, vegetable oil, spices, garlic, chili are added. The mixture is once again brought to a boil, covered with a lid and becomes cold. This refueling is also used for many East Asian salads.

In Korean

This is another interesting option. Korean Funchoz refueling will require even less effort and costs. At 150 g of noodles, you will need 100 g of carrots, 150 g of fresh cucumbers, 50 g of sweet pepper, 15 g of garlic, 30 g of greens.

The funchosis is poured for five minutes with boiling water, leans on a colander and washed with boiled cold water. All vegetables (except greenery and garlic) are bruised with a thin straw. Garlic and greens become small. Carrots are shared by hand until it allocates juice. All ingredients are mixed and insisted in the cold of about two hours. Before serving on the table, the bubbling for fun in Korean is thoroughly mixed.

Without spending time

Domestic filling for funchosis requires something in some time. The preparation of this everyday and festive snack is a certain art. To do this, you will need some experience and patience. After all, the first time the dish is not always obtained. It is necessary not only to weld the noodles correctly, finely chop cucumbers and carrots. It is also important to mix all this on the basis of vegetable oil. If you do not want to spend too much time on samples and errors, you can also buy a finished product in the store. To date, the problem is no one.

So, the cooking begins. Noodles is soaked for five minutes in hot water, leans on a colander, washed with cold water. In a deep bowl, mixed with vegetables (Bulgarian pepper, cucumbers, carrots). The ingredients are mixed throughout three minutes. Garlic and greens are added there. After that, the dish is already flooded with refueling. It is still mixed again. It is two hours. Stir again and served to the table.

The refueling includes vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, citric acid, water, ginger, coriander, garlic, chili, sodium glutamate as an amplifier of taste, potassium sorbate as a preservative, xanthan copper as a stabilizer. Makes the energy value of this product 540 kilocalorius (per 100 grams). Nutritional value: 1.3 grams of proteins, 55 grams of fats, 10, 1 gram of carbohydrates. Bon Appetit!

Asian cuisine dishes have been more popular in Russia for many years. Among the abundance of sauces, seasonings, algae and seafood, the Asian noodles occupies a separate place, so Favorite in the East and so unlike our pasta. Undoubtedly, one of the most interesting is a glass noodle, or a funny, recipes with which make it possible to prepare a lot of interesting and bright dishes with a unique Asian flavor.

Real Asian dishes are prepared not only in restaurants, but also on domestic kitchens. And authentic products can be bought in almost any supermarket of the country. Despite the spread of Asian food in Russia, many still confuse some of its varieties, in particular, Funchoz and rice noodles. In fact, these are completely different products and to taste, and according to the method of preparation.

The rice noodles are preparing from rice flour, and Funchozu is exclusively from starch, more often than bean, but sometimes rice or potato.

If in a dry form, this noodle is similar to each other, then during cooking you will definitely see the difference. Rice will become snow-white, but the starch funchosis will become completely transparent. That is why it is called glass.

Due to its composition and lack of flour, the funchosis is a more useful noodle option. In addition, such a noodle is fresh and practically does not have his own taste, but perfectly absorbs the fragrances of other products. That is why Funchoz is rarely prepared as a side dish or an independent dish. It is usually accompanied by sauces, meat, seafood, vegetables and spices.

How to fry noodles

The most popular method of cooking funchose is boiling and mix with other ingredients. However, the fried glass noodle is also very tasty and has an unusual crispy texture.

Since the funchosis is prepared very quickly, it does not need to boil it before roasting, but it will be necessary to twist.

  1. To do this, pour boiling water noodles and leave for 6 minutes.
  2. Then rinse with cold water and immediately fry on a small amount of hot vegetable oil for no more than 5 minutes.
  3. Add salt into noodles, black pepper.
  4. Put on the paper napkin and dry from excess oil.

Crispy funchose can be served with roasted chicken, vegetables, seafood.

Chinese Funchosis Noodles with Vegetables

To cook a snack in Chinese style, take:

  • 200 grams of noodles;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • bell pepper;
  • 3 carrots.

Funchoz refill:

  • clove of garlic;
  • bunch of kinse;
  • art. l. soy sauce;
  • art. l. rice vinegar;
  • h. l. Sesame oil.

We are preparing:

  1. First, prepare refueling, grinding garlic and greens and mixing them with liquid ingredients.
  2. Prepare a funchose, scolding it in two liters of boiling for about 5 minutes.
  3. At this time, put the vegetables with a thin straw.

Mix all the ingredients of the salad in the bowl and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the tastes and flavors of the dishes are mixed.

Funchose and shrimp salad

If you want to add glass noodle even more taste paints, make a salad with funchose and large shrimps.


  • 100 grams of noodles;
  • 20 royal shrimps;
  • bulb;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 2 chopped cloves of garlic;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of grated ginger root;
  • tablespoon of fish sauce;
  • 1 lemon juice;
  • tablespoon of sugar;
  • teas spoonful sesame oil.

So, this time, we prepare the funnium with shrimps:

  1. Of garlic, ginger, chili, sugar and liquid components, mix the refueling.
  2. Shrimps lean 5 minutes, clean and put in refueling to marine.
  3. Vegetables apply strawstone and fry a few minutes.
  4. Noodles should be boiled, mix with shrimps, refueling and vegetables. Give a salad to be soaked for 15 minutes and serve to the table.

Cooking in Korean

Korean cuisine as well as Chinese, rich in recipes with funchose.


  • 200 grams of glass noodle;
  • 250 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 1 Salad pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 pod of pepper sharp;
  • 60 ml of soy sauce;
  • 40 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 10 ml of rice vinegar.


  1. For the Funchosis dish in Korean, the baby boil and cut down.
  2. Zucchini and carrots should be cut into straws. You can use a special grater for Korean salads and cut vegetables with its help with thin long stripes. Pepper Salad Put in straw.
  3. Garlic and sharp pod spread or grind the blender to Cashitz.
  4. Funchoz drop in boiling water for 5 minutes. Constantly stir noodles, otherwise the starch in its composition is simply blinding it into one lump.
  5. Garlic with pepper spread soy sauce, butter and vinegar - it will be refueling. Mix vegetables and funcho with chicken and with refueling.

Recipe with seafood

Fast, but very tasty and satisfying dish can be prepared from funny with shrimps, octopus, squid, mussels and other seafood.


  • 1 package of frozen sea cocktail;
  • 2 punchose maps;
  • 1 centimeter chili pod;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oyster sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 3 tbsp. l. rice vinegar;
  • 1 kinse twig;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sesame.

For this recipe, lean the funchose so that it saves the shape of the socket.

To do this, skip in its middle a thread and tie. Lower the "nest" in boiling water and turn off the fire. Cover the saucepan with a lid and cook noodles for 5 minutes. Remove the funny for the edge of the thread and cut it.

Further actions algorithm is simple:

  1. Pepper and garlic barely finely. Pour sunflower oil in the frying pan, split off, and then fry a spicy mixture in it.
  2. Follow the frozen seafood. Constantly stirred and throw products in a frying pan.
  3. Pour the oyster sauce and rice vinegar.
  4. Next, put a boiled noodle in the wok, washed with cold water. Connect the dish and very quickly add the remaining ingredients, otherwise the dish will turn into a lumpster.
  5. Pour sesame oil and soy sauce, add the chopped cilantro and sprinkle the noodles of sesame.

Funchosis with chicken and vegetables

For this dish take:

  • 200 grams of funchose;
  • sheltered chicken breast;
  • 400 grams of fresh champignons;
  • bulgarian pepper;
  • bulb;
  • several cherry tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil for roasting;
  • salt, pepper, seed seeds;
  • 60 ml of teriyaki sauce.


  1. Chicken, mushrooms, peppers and onions cut into thin stripes. Funchoz drop and rinse.
  2. In a frying pan in a preheated oil, fry the mushrooms for 5 minutes, add the bow and roast as much as much.
  3. Another 5 minutes will go on a chicken, which is laid out by follow.
  4. Add salt, pepper and quantity of tomatoes. Discover the heating and give vegetables to wait another 10 minutes.
  5. Lay out noodles, sesame seeds and teriyaki sauce. Warm all together for 5 minutes and serve to the table.

With Korean carrots

Bright and tasty salad will work out:

  • 140 grams noodles:
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 200 grams of Korean carrots;
  • black and white sesame;
  • soy sauce.

Noodles lean, cucumber straightened with straw or soda on a special Korean grater. Mix noodles, cucumber, loose garlic and carrots. Season salad sesame seeds and soy sauce.

Noodles with soy sauce

Soy sauce will perfectly complement Funchoz, having impregnated with its bright salty taste.

For a saturated dinner with a funchose take:

  • 300 grams of glass noodle;
  • 300 grams of beef tenderloin;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 Yellow Salad Pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


  1. Noodle boil according to the instructions.
  2. In the pan, split the oil and fry meat chopped on thin strips.
  3. While the meat is roasting, squeeze garlic, the onions cut the feathers, carrots and peppers - thin stripes. By the way, pepper can be replaced with green radish, it will add sharpness and piquancy.
  4. When the meat is roasted, add vegetables to it and make it all together, constantly stirring, about 10 minutes.
  5. Then pour the soy sauce in the pan and put a funchose. All mix, remove the heating, cover the lid and let it stand 2 minutes.

Funchosis with asparagus and green beans

Gentle asparagus and green beans are perfect for cool refreshing low-calorie salad.


  • half of the punchose packaging;
  • 150 grams asparagus;
  • 150 grams of green beans;
  • 100 grams of solid cheese;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • sesame oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • greens to taste.

We will prepare like this:

  1. Leave noodles, then fold on the colander and rinse with cold water.
  2. Carrots Cut the strokes or soda on the grater for Korean carrots. Fry it on hot sesame oil.
  3. Put asparagus and beans for carrots, pour some water and extinguish 10 minutes.
  4. Then add noodles to vegetables, soy sauce and grated cheese. Put the greens and put in the dish before serving.

With mushrooms and sweet pepper

The Korean salad with a difficult-to-find name of Chaphe is perfect for both dinner and dinner.


  • 100 grams of beef;
  • 3 dried mushrooms Shiitake;
  • 3 fresh champignon;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of glass noodle;
  • 100 grams of spinach;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • bulb;
  • a little green onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • half sweet pepper;
  • sesame seeds;
  • sunflower and sesame oil, soy sauce, cane sugar - 30 ml.

Despite the abundance of ingredients, the cooking process is quite simple:

  1. To begin with, soak in the water Shiitake for 3 hours. Then make them straw.
  2. Meat also put on straw, squeeze garlic to it, add sugar, sesame oil, soy sauce and put on a bowl to pickle 15 minutes.
  3. Yolk sweat with a pinch of salt and pour into a frying pan with an oil drop. Let him grow and fry like a pancake, turn over. Then the resulting egg pancake cut the straw.
  4. The spinach should be blanched in boiling water and immediately shifting into ice water so as not to darke. Cut strips and mix with soy sauce and sesame oil.
  5. Wash the funny, rinse, mix, like spinach, with sauce and butter.
  6. In the pan fry both types of onions in oil, add carrots and pepper strips and fry another minute.
  7. Add champignons, Shiitake and meat. When they prepare, mix with noodles, pancake and spinach, sprinkle with sesame. If you wish, add more soy sauce and sugar to refueling.

Traditional filling for fun

Wonderful, simple, but a bright snack from a funchose is obtained if you add traditional ginger sauce into it.

To prepare such a dish with the original refueling, take:

  • 200 g of funchoz;
  • 4 cucumber;
  • 1 girlish root;
  • 2 maize corn;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 2 celery stem;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • under art. l. Honey and lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Social Sauce;
  • the pinch of acute ground chili pepper.


  1. Cucumber Cut the circles finely, sprinkle with salt and chili, add half of the prepared honey. Remember the vegetable cutting with your fingers and leave the wake.
  2. Ginger scatter with soy sauce, lemon juice, honey and salt.
  3. Boil the noodles and rinse.
  4. Corn grains cut and fry in a frying pan with oil and slices of celery. At the end, add chopped garlic.
  5. Put the noodles in the pan for a couple of minutes to warm up. Add to a tricky funchosis with vegetables. Fuel from ginger, pickled cucumbers, fresh chopped tomato and spinach.

By itself, the funchosis is a very simple product - minimum ingredients and a non-soldered fresh taste. However, when adding other bright shades, it is capable of becoming a real product of culinary art. Get acquainted with this noodle closer and be sure that your friendship with her will last for many years.

Fuling for fun - this is what sets the basic taste of dishes from the "glass" vermicelli. Funchoz is called starch vermicells of bean or corn flour. It is very popular in Asian countries, in particular, in Japan, China, Korea and others. Vermicell itself is almost tasteless, and therefore it is perfectly combined with various vegetables and meat sauces. To revive the taste of dishes, add various spices and spicy herbs to refill.

Funchoz is widely used in cooking for cooking ,. Glass noodles less calorie than conventional pasta from wheat flour. From her, very satisfying and delicious dishes are obtained that do not load the digestive system. The composition of such vermicelli is rich in minerals. At home, cooking noodles is quite laborious, so I recommend buying it in supermarkets. But it is possible to prepare a rivet sauce for fun and independently according to the recipes below.

Korean filling for funchose

Recipes refueling for funny is quite a lot, but all of them combines the presence of spices. Refueling for the rustling of Korean based on vegetable oil also did not exception.


  • 550 ml of lean oil without smell;
  • 40 gr. white sugar;
  • 170 ml. 9% vinegar;
  • 20 gr. salts;
  • 2 gr. black hammer pepper;
  • 2 gr. Coriander (ground);
  • 2 gr. limons;
  • 2 gr. ginger powder;
  • 5 gr. Fresh chili pepper;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 10 gr. garlic.

Cooking scheme step by step:

  1. Shopper with water We send to the burner. When the fluid is drurlit, add salt, sugar, table vinegar and lean oil.
  2. Chile's pepper and, clearing it from seeds, crushing. Garlic purify and press through the press. We fall asleep prepared ingredients and spices into the water.
  3. Repeatedly bring the contents to a boil, we retain from the plate and cool, cover with the lid.

Such a delicious Korean filling for the funny is suitable not only for refueling glass noodles, but also for other east cuisine salads.

Fast filling for fun

If not at all time, then cooking "glass noodles" does not take much time. The dish does not need to cook. It is only worth twist it for 10 minutes with cool boiling water, and then rinse with cool water. To add this dish, must be sauce. Quick Recipe Filling for Funchoza Consider below.


  • 1 tsp. sesame oil;
  • 1 ch.L. good soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp. Coriander powder.
  • 1 tsp. red sharp pepper (ground);

Cooking process:

  1. To prepare this simple refueling in a glass or faience hanging, we mix ground red pepper (burning) with a hammer coriander before receiving a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Then we fill sesame oil and high-quality soy sauce. Ingredients stirrate, tighten the film and put the sauce in the refrigerator so that it is fill.
  3. The refueling to Funchoz is ready, it remains only to refuel it vermichel. Well mix and serve everything.

Lemon sauce with cilanthole for fun

Funchosis is a rather neutral product. Therefore, such additional ingredients with pronounced tastes, like garlic, lemon or fragrant greens, will not prevent her.


  • 1 tsp. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. Lemon or Lyme juice;
  • 2 tbsp. oil sesame;
  • 2 tsp curry (powder);
  • 2 garlic teeth;
  • 20 gr. kinse;


  1. To cook sauce to Funchoz, we rinse well and dry the cilantro, very finely ruby \u200b\u200bher. Garns clean and press through the press.
  2. In a separate saw, we mix 2-3 spoons of water, which remained after soaking the "glass noodles", with oil from sesame seeds and soy sauce. We pour the mixture into the bucket, add spices, garlic, greens and freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  3. Warm sauce with weak boiling for a couple of minutes, stirring all the time. Enjoy and refuel the warm noodles, as shown in the photo.
  4. In addition to the dish, you can add boiled shrimps and passionate vegetables (carrots, onions and bell peppers), sliced \u200b\u200bwith straw.

Ginger sauce with squid for fun

Seafood, like a funchosis, a sufficient dietary and lightweight product. Therefore, these two ingredients are more often eating. For example, using this punchose sauce recipe with squid and ginger.


  • 2 carcasses squid;
  • 1 garlic teeth;
  • 1 Pern chili;
  • 2 cm fresh ginger root;
  • 1 bundle of kinse;
  • 1 lime;
  • 2-3 tbsp. waters made of grape seeds;
  • Some salt and pepper.

Preparation Instructions:

  1. Clean and drunk a carcass of squid. Chilled seafood cut straws. Thinly clean the ginger, cut it lonely. From small chili pepper, we take out seeds, and the flesh is melted. Purified garlic cut or press through the press.
  2. Lyme rolling on the table, cut in half and, the pods with a knife, squeeze all the juice. Kinza greens are rinse and cut.
  3. Put squids, we add ginger with garlic and chili adding ginger. Quickly fry foods on strong heat for a couple of minutes. Then we reduce the power of the burner, pepper and salt content, pour Lyme juice, add a cilantro. Filling well mix.
  4. Now add a ready-made "glass noodle", we carefully stirred and immediately apply.

Video: Funchoz refill in Korean



Funchozo fill with boiling water and insist for 10 minutes. Then finished noodles, we discard on the colander, and do not pour the water yet! Red sweet pepper and bulb process and bind thin straw. Now we are preparing the marinade: Kintz finely ruby, and garlic clean and skip through the press. Next, mix several spoons of the remaining water with sesame olives and soy sauce. Throw a bit of Curry powder, green kinza, garlic and pour lemon juice. We send sauce to a slow fire and cook exactly 2 minutes, stirring intensely.

Funchose cut, mix with seafood, pepper, onion and refuel the sauce!

If you are a big lover of oriental cuisine and, in particular, Korean, then the recipe for this refueling for the funny is very useful to you. The fact is that in Korea is preparing not only hot dishes with funchosa, but also a large number of diverse salads and snacks, and it is this refueling to all these dishes.

The refueling composition is quite traditional, its sharpness can be adjusted by the amount of added acute pepper, and saturation - the number of spices.

For the preparation of refueling (sauce) for the Funchoz in the Korean, with your own hands, we prepare products on the list. Sesame oil can be replaced by vegetable odorless, vinegar can also be used table, and rice.

The saucepan is poured sugar and salt.

We pour water and put a saucepan on fire. We give water to boil, and salt and sugar - dissolve.

Now add to refueling soy sauce, sesame oil and vinegar.

Garlic and chili pepper very finely tormented with a knife and also add to the saucepan to other ingredients.

At the very end, add all the spices. You can warm the spices to heat 3-4 minutes on the hot frying pan to "wake up" their fragrance. After we added spices, we will definitely try to refuel the balance of sour, sweet and sharp and add or sugar or salt, or vinegar, if necessary. We give refueling for the funchosa again boil and remove the saucepan from the fire. Let the sauce completely cool.

The finished refueling for the funchos is soaring the funchose or a dish of it and give me the dish pushing for about 15-20 minutes.

Sauce can be prepared in advance and in large quantities and store in the refrigerator 3-4 days.

Funchoz refill - a great way to make Korean dishes especially tasty!

Funchoz is called glass or starch noodles. Dishes from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean national cuisine came to us relatively recently and turned out to be many to taste. Especially popular dishes that use a vegetable refueling of the funchosis salad. Traditionally, the noodles did from the Mung beans, sometimes used another starch - from potatoes, yams, manioki or cannes. Now, in mass production, starch from legume crops is often replaced by cheaper corn.

Funchosis is sold in our stores in dry form. White noodles threads rolled into the ring, when boiling, become translucent - hence the name "glass". We have a funchose often refer to rice. The difference between these products is that rice noodles in the cooking process becomes white, like spaghetti, and the starch is cooked much faster and "glass".

What useful funchosis

Bean noodles do not have a pronounced taste, so it can be combined with any sauces and refueling. It looks like a very original, there are many nutrients in it. With minimal content of fats and proteins, the product is rich in carbohydrates - 84%, 100 grams of 320 kcal.

If you manage to buy noodles from the starch of legumes, along with the aesthetic pleasure and a sense of satiety, you will get a complex of vitamins of group B and RR, a set of useful trace elements. Recall that thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and folic acid are necessary for normal operation of the nervous system, tocopherol - powerful antioxidant, and the blood system needs vitamin

Pp. Additional advantage is the absence of gluten - makes funchose completely safe for allergies.

The minimum fat content in noodles allows it to be attributed to dietary products, but only if you choose a low-calorie sauce recipe. Acute Asian dishes are contraindicated to everyone who is familiar with gastritis, stomach ulcers, problems with pancreas and liver. Noodle itself is harmless, you just need to choose a suitable recipe for sauce or refueling for a funchose, which can be made with your own hands.

Funchoz refill: how to cook

The glass noodle is completely devoid of taste, which can be considered at the same time advantage and disadvantage. It is unlikely that there are many hunters to consume funchose as an independent product, but you can make a delicious garnish with sauce, salad, soup. Choosing a recipe, you can not worry about the combination of flavors, you should consider only the texture of the noodle.

Dishes with starch noodles. It is customary to refuel soy sauce - this is the easiest and most reliable way to give a dish taste. A pleasant sour-sweet taste gives a refueling of chim chim, which is sold in our stores, a special rustic sauce or acute refueling for fun in Korean. If you decide to buy ready-made sauce, try to find the South Korean product. The recipe that the Chinese manufacturers use is not bad, but the filling for the funcho is too thick for the salad, so before adding the sauce you need to dilute with water by one third.

Cooking the starch noodles is completely simple: lower it in boiling water and cook, stirring, 3 minutes. Noodles should become transparent. After that, you need to learn funchose on a colander with small holes.

Recipe for Funchoz salad

The spicy and sharp taste of Asian cuisine diversifies the usual menu. It's a sharp and very tasty funchosis salad will be your favorite dish, especially since the recipe is very simple and fast. We will tell you how to prepare a filling for funny from vegetables and affordable spices.

Cooking time - 20-30 minutes, number of servings - 2-3

For refueling, ingredients are needed:

  • Two cucumbers
  • Two sweet peppers, better than different colors
  • Glass noodles - 150 g (two days)
  • One carrot
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • Two tablespoons of sesame oil. Can be replaced with any vegetable oil without a pronounced smell
  • 2-3 cloves garlic
  • 10 grams of chili pepper
  • Pinching hammer coriander
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice

Preparing refueling

  1. First you need to wash the vegetables and put on the fire a saucepan with water for noodles.
  2. Bulgarian pepper divide in half, remove seeds and membranes. Clean thin stripes.
  3. The cucumbers are better to grate on a special grater for Korean salads. If there is no, try to chop their thin straw.
  4. Purified carrot soda on a Korean or ordinary coarse grater. Put the grated carrot in a separate bowl.
  5. Grind garlic and chili pepper.
  6. Carrots, garlic, pepper and coriander mix.
  7. In the pan split sesame oil and pour into carrots.
  8. Stir everything energetically, send minutes by 10 minutes.
  9. Noodle Lower in boiling water, sake minutes 2-3, remove from the fire and discard on the colander.
  10. Add cucumbers and bell peppers, mix.
  11. Cut the noodle with a knife if it seems to you too long, and add to vegetables.
  12. Get salad soy sauce and lemon juice. Stir.
  13. Get the dish with lemon juice and soy sauce.

Funchosis salad you need to eat until the noodles in it completely cooled - so the tastes and aromas of vegetables will appear. Bon Appetit!

In contact with

Fuling for fun - this is what sets the basic taste of dishes from the "glass" vermicelli. Funchoz is called starch vermicells of bean or corn flour. It is very popular in Asian countries, in particular, in Japan, China, Korea and others. Vermicell itself is almost tasteless, and therefore it is perfectly combined with various vegetables and meat sauces. To revive the taste of dishes, add various spices and spicy herbs to refill.

Funchoz is widely used in cooking for cooking ,. Glass noodles less calorie than conventional pasta from wheat flour. From her, very satisfying and delicious dishes are obtained that do not load the digestive system. The composition of such vermicelli is rich in minerals. At home, cooking noodles is quite laborious, so I recommend buying it in supermarkets. But it is possible to prepare a rivet sauce for fun and independently according to the recipes below.

Korean filling for funchose

Recipes refueling for funny is quite a lot, but all of them combines the presence of spices. Refueling for the rustling of Korean based on vegetable oil also did not exception.


  • 550 ml of lean oil without smell;
  • 40 gr. white sugar;
  • 170 ml. 9% vinegar;
  • 20 gr. salts;
  • 2 gr. black hammer pepper;
  • 2 gr. Coriander (ground);
  • 2 gr. limons;
  • 2 gr. ginger powder;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 10 gr. garlic.

Cooking scheme step by step:

  1. Shopper with water We send to the burner. When the fluid is drurlit, add salt, sugar, table vinegar and lean oil.
  2. Chile's pepper and, clearing it from seeds, crushing. Garlic purify and press through the press. We fall asleep prepared ingredients and spices into the water.
  3. Repeatedly bring the contents to a boil, we retain from the plate and cool, cover with the lid.

Such a delicious Korean filling for the funny is suitable not only for refueling glass noodles, but also for other east cuisine salads.

Fast filling for fun

If not at all time, then cooking "glass noodles" does not take much time. The dish does not need to cook. It is only worth twist it for 10 minutes with cool boiling water, and then rinse with cool water. To add this dish, must be sauce. Quick Recipe Filling for Funchoza Consider below.


  • 1 tsp. sesame oil;
  • 1 ch.L. good soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp. Coriander powder.
  • 1 tsp. red sharp pepper (ground);

Cooking process:

  1. To prepare this simple refueling in a glass or faience hanging, we mix ground red pepper (burning) with a hammer coriander before receiving a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Then we fill sesame oil and high-quality soy sauce. Ingredients stirrate, tighten the film and put the sauce in the refrigerator so that it is fill.
  3. The refueling to Funchoz is ready, it remains only to refuel it vermichel. Well mix and serve everything.

Lemon sauce with cilanthole for fun

Funchosis is a rather neutral product. Therefore, such additional ingredients with pronounced tastes, like garlic, lemon or fragrant greens, will not prevent her.


  • 1 tsp. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. Lemon or Lyme juice;
  • 2 tbsp. oil sesame;
  • 2 tsp curry (powder);
  • 2 garlic teeth;
  • 20 gr. kinse;


  1. To cook sauce to Funchoz, we rinse well and dry the cilantro, very finely ruby \u200b\u200bher. Garns clean and press through the press.
  2. In a separate saw, we mix 2-3 spoons of water, which remained after soaking the "glass noodles", with oil from sesame seeds and soy sauce. We pour the mixture into the bucket, add spices, garlic, greens and freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  3. Warm sauce with weak boiling for a couple of minutes, stirring all the time. Enjoy and refuel the warm noodles, as shown in the photo.
  4. In addition to the dish, you can add boiled shrimps and passionate vegetables (carrots, onions and bell peppers), sliced \u200b\u200bwith straw.

Ginger sauce with squid for fun

Seafood, like a funchosis, a sufficient dietary and lightweight product. Therefore, these two ingredients are more often eating. For example, using this punchose sauce recipe with squid and ginger.


  • 2 carcasses squid;
  • 1 garlic teeth;
  • 1 Pern chili;
  • 2 cm fresh ginger root;
  • 1 bundle of kinse;
  • 1 lime;
  • 2-3 tbsp. waters made of grape seeds;
  • Some salt and pepper.

Preparation Instructions:

  1. Clean and drunk a carcass of squid. Chilled seafood cut straws. Thinly clean the ginger, cut it lonely. From small chili pepper, we take out seeds, and the flesh is melted. Purified garlic cut or press through the press.
  2. Lyme rolling on the table, cut in half and, the pods with a knife, squeeze all the juice. Kinza greens are rinse and cut.
  3. Put squids, we add ginger with garlic and chili adding ginger. Quickly fry foods on strong heat for a couple of minutes. Then we reduce the power of the burner, pepper and salt content, pour Lyme juice, add a cilantro. Filling well mix.
  4. Now add a ready-made "glass noodle", we carefully stirred and immediately apply.