Grimm pot Porch brief content. Tale of pot pot

09.02.2021 Dishes from Yaitz

The Tale of the Grimm Brothers "Sweet porridge" tells about how one day a girl from one poor family went to the forest berries, since they had nothing to eat.

In the forest, the girl met the old woman, and despite the fact that she had a little berries, she treated her grandmother. And instead, she gave her a miracle - a pot, which independently cooks delicious porridge, as he wishes. And for this you just need to say: "Vari's pots." And so that he stopped, you need to say: "Do not Vari's pot." The little girl attributed a pot home, and now they are not starved.

Once the girl went somewhere, and Mom wanted to eat. When she was widged, I forgot the spell, so that he stopped.

First, the porridge began to fill the whole house, then flowed to the street and filled the entire village. At that moment the girl came and turned off the pot. And now, to go to the city, you needed to have a way to do anything.

This tale teaches goodness, respect for the elder, and the fact that the kindness always returns a hundredfold. And do not be greedy.

Picture or Figy Fairy Tale Sweet Porridge

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Good afternoon, dear like-minded people, lovers of fairy tales! We again meet on the "fabulous field." Today I suggest to turn to the fairy tale Brothers Grimm "Porch pot." We will try to understand its esoteric meaning.

Short retelling fairy tales.

One kind girl collected in the forest berries. I met the old woman, treated it with berries. The old woman liked the treat and kindness of the girl. She thanked her for middleness, giving her a magic pot. It is worth only to say: - Once, two, three, Varota's pots! And it will begin to cook a delicious sweet porridge. And you say to him: - Once, two, three, no longer cook! - And he will stop cooking. The girl thanked the grandmother and suffered the pot to her mother. They heal with mom very well. Once the girl was not at home, Mom ordered the pot of cooking. He welded porridge so much that the whole city was eating a porridge in the streets. Mom did not know how to stop the pot. Then the girl came and told the pot to stop cooking. He obeyed. Here is such a simple and fun fairy tale.

On the one hand, the pink dream of people to have a full careless life. But is it just laid by the brothers Grimm in the meaning of the fairy tale? Turn to the Internet: dictionaries, proverbs, sayings, aphorism. You probably did not once heard such an expression: "Something my pot is very cooking today." Or else: "With them, porridge are not welded." Only whether the kitchen devices are we talking about? In folk proverbs and sayings, the head and the process of thinking, from time immemorial, people compared with the "pot", "Kotelik", "Chan", etc. That is, some kind of container in which something is brewed, boils - the desired one is preparing.

What is not cooked, it is not put in the pot.

Mount your that without porridge oil.

Not a pot of waters, but a strenguha.

What can be "boiled" in our head? Thoughts! So, the process of thinking happens in the head. What is thinking? Turn to Wikipedia.


Thinking is cognitive human activity. It is an indirect and generalized way of reflection of reality, that is, the knowledge of the world. Thinking is associated with the functioning of the brain.

The result of thinking is the thought (concept, meaning, idea). Thinking is opposed to the "lower" ways to master the world with the help of five senses: smell, touch, vision, hearing, taste. These are the external conductors of our consciousness, which gives the opportunity to receive initial information about the environment, which fills the department of the current person's memory, containing all his knowledge, not even meaningful, from the first breath, to the last. All children are five senses that are starting to study the world. The first information about the world's world reports to children of parents, further children's preschool institutions, communication with peers on the street and, the main base of the world's knowledge, is laid by a general-arovative school. From the quality, the number and assimios of these knowledge - the images depend on the future possibilities of a person: either they are extensive and deep, or they are narrow-directed.

"To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary, and we have no money." Uncle Fedor (cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino".

The head is riveted, and the mind of the will of Dana.

Shinga on father's son, and his mind has his own.

Head is crazy that the lantern without a candle.

Clearing the head - Lukoshko.

We choose for your mind yourself. Very well develops mind thinking about one thing, then another (subject, phenomenon, event). A very important role in our conclusions play the accumulation of our ancestors - gene information: assignation, and even receipts from the highest spheres - superconsciousness. Previously, they used only the prophets. They transferred to people knowledge about the structure of the universe in the form of fairy tales, parables, etc. That is allegorically, because people could not even understand directly - there was no knowledge base. Our Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples to the Apostles: "I have a lot to give you, but you don't have what to take."

A feature of thinking is the property of getting knowledge about such objects, properties and relations of the surrounding world, which cannot be directly perceived. This property of thinking is carried out by means of such conclusions as an analogy and deduction.


Analogy is the similarity of objects, phenomena, processes in any properties.

Examples of analogy.

Iron rust, without finding yourself application, standing water rotes or cold freezes, and a person's mind, not finding an application, cares. Leonardo da Vinci

The law of analogy in a single principle of creating the universe: the galaxies rotate around the nucleus of the universe, the solar systems rotate around the kernel of the galaxy, the planet rotates around the sun, the electrons rotate around the atom. Since electrons do not rotate in a circle, but by ellipse, it can be assumed by the Act analogy that all other rotations are carried out on an ellipse.

Knowledge of the existence of God from being created by the world.


Analogy can be attributed to the metaphor. The metaphor is an artistic technique that is based on the transfer of the name of one subject or phenomenon to another. At the same time, an involuntary comparison of both items occurs, which contributes to a more complete understanding of the essence of the statement. The metaphor uses those who, by the nature of the classes, is dealing with oral or written speech: writers, journalists, philologists, literary critics, etc.

The term "metaphor" was introduced into the appeal of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who believed that art should be imitated by real life: "... old age belongs to life, as an evening to the day, so you can call the evening" old day of the day "... and old age -" in the evening life. "


Deduction is the method of thinking, the consequence of which is a logical conclusion in which a private conclusion is derived from the general one. The chain of conclusions (reasoning), where the links (statements) are interconnected by logical conclusions. The beginning (parcels) of deduction are axioms or simply hypotheses that have the nature of general statements, and the end is the consequences of the parcels, theorems. Deduction The main means of logical proof. Example: 1. All people are mortal. 2. Socrates - man. 3. Consequently, Socrates mortgage.

And also: "And in blue, the blue sky, order and comfort, so all the torques are so fun sing"! (B. Zagidar and Winnie Pooh)

"Cow whose? State! On receipts, we are taken on the rental of one red cow. It was our calf! " Cat Matroskin

"The peculiarity of the live mind is that he only needs to see a little bit and hear so that he can reflect and understand much later." Jordan Bruno.

The smarter head, the easier the shoulders.

Your mind is the king in my head.

Move not from laughter, but from life experience.

As a result of thinking, the cognitive experience of people is generalized and preserved. This experience is maintained in the form of religious, artistic creativity, and most importantly - in gene accumulations. Thinking is carried out in the form of a theoretical knowledge that relying on the preceding forms (the law of continuity of generations), acquires unlimited possibilities of the speculative and model vision of the world.

"You can say that who do not have enough understanding, think that they know more, and those who are completely deprived of the mind think that everyone knows." Jordan Bruno

Thinking is studied by almost all existing scientific disciplines, while at the same time the object of study of philosophical disciplines: logic, gnoseology, dialectics.


Logic is the ability to reason or science on the ways of evidence and refutation, the science of forms, methods and the laws of intellectual cognitive activity. Logic As science studies the methods of achieving truth in the process of cognition mediated by means, not from sensual experience, but from the knowledge gained earlier, therefore it can also be defined as a science on how to obtain output knowledge. In any science, logic serves as one of the main tools. Logic is the science of the laws and operations of the right thinking.

I think many of us remember and love the logical reflections of Winnie the Pooh, noticed and communicated to us by Boris Nodokh. "This is a zhm not good. The tree itself can not buzz. So someone is buzzing here. Why do you want to buzz if you are not a bee? And why in the light of the bee? In order to do honey! And why in the light of honey? In order for me to eat it! "


Gnoseology of the issue is the area of \u200b\u200bphilosophical knowledge, considering the issue itself, the dependence of knowledge from questions, and the question of knowledge. From the point of view of epistemology, the question is presented with a subjective substance that does not lie in the outside world, but arising from the facts of reality. In fact, this means the primacy of the "answer", with respect to the secondaryness of the issue itself. This is clearly visible on the example of the riddles: the answer already exists, and quite definite, regardless of what other items could have actually could be. For example: "In winter and in summer one color. What is it?" Answer can be any item with a permanent sign of color quality.

Our favorite Winnie Pooh has been crazy: "Who goes to visit in the morning, he comes wisely! But if we go to visit you, I go to visit, and you are not. And if we go to visit me, then you go to visit, and I'm not. " And chose a double-minded version - went to the rabbit.

The law of continuity of generations

What is noteworthy in a fairy tale? The pot of the girl gave grandmother: our ancestors have gained some kind of knowledge, developing the solution of very complex life situations. We, today's, use their experience through the genes (assignation) and all that they have created. Mom ordered the pot of cooking, he headed the porridge on the whole city. She could not stop him. We already know and know how to track our actions: "What are you getting into the world, then you get from it." The girl came home and stopped the activity of the pot. The task of our younger generation and their descendants: to master completely processes of thinking, be able to direct it in the right direction, stop when you need to create silence in my head (in this case, a person can take information from thin and, especially from spiritual worlds). If we are responsible for our actions, then our descendants will be responsible for their thoughts, learn how to build their fate to build thoughts, coordinate them with the highest forces, that is, to manage their fate and all processes in the world.

Happiness is happening, who in labor and in the teaching of the mind picks up.

Pot, followed by, never overlooking.

The ability to stop the thought has in the youth of the great Russian Holy Ignatius Bryanchaninov (1807 - 1867).

Thinking and language.

Language is a means of actualization of thoughts, a necessary condition for the implementation of the thought process. Thinking is inextricably linked with the tongue and outside it if there is, it is not realized by us. Therefore, the language is not only a means of objectivization of thoughts, but also in the way of awareness of them.

A natural language is a universal iconic system, which has developed historically and used by people forming a separate ethnos: With it, you can express and transfer any content of consciousness to other people, any idea.

The advantages of the natural language belong: 1) flexibility, 2) the ability to express one and the same thought of various text structures, 3) accessibility for all community representatives speaking on it.

Language language gives a response, and the head arms.

"Let's say what you think; think what we say; Let the words be in harmony with life. " L. Seneka


Mind is a creative cognitive activity that reveals the essence of reality. Through the mind, thinking synthesizes the results of knowledge, creates new ideas overlooking the established knowledge systems.

The mind and the mind will be buried immediately.

The mind is a kind of help.

Good mind is not covered with a time.

The stupid people are lying each other, and they swell, and smart friend loves the boyfriend.

After falling from Eden, a person was given a physical body, astral (sensual), mental (thought). The human development goes in such a sequence: humanity has mastered the capabilities of the physical body (the longest period in the history of human development), pain, suffering, sympathy, fill the astral (sensual) body, survival in very difficult situations mastered the mental ability. We have already practically crossed the border (frequency), separating the fifth race (EON) from the sixth. The task of the sixth races to develop a mind. Only possessing it, we can negotiate without conflicts and wars at all levels of being from the family, the neighbors of housing, colleagues, etc. I have a relationship between states, and subsequently with neighbors through the universe.

"Humanity will not remain forever in the planetary cradle. It will go beyond the limits of the Earth and will become a full citizen of the Universe. " K.E.Siolkovsky

"If there was no reason, we would have drove sensuality. That's the mind to curb her absurdity. " W. Schepir

Fools quarrel, reasonable agree.

"To teach another, you need more intelligence than to learn yourself." M. de Monten


Awareness is the awakening of consciousness, continuous attentiveness in every moment of life. When, during the fulfillment of any actions, it is wandering in thoughts, and attention is directed to what exactly at the moment is committed. An ordinary perception is similar to a half-weather state, in which, somewhere at the subconscious level, a "frameless" scanning of what is happening currently occurs. Then "adopted" information in the form of images proceeds to more detailed processing already with the help of a thought apparatus. Thus, a person loses contact with a clean reality, which he is replaced by him (karmically - subconscious) caused thoughts. Awareness awakens a dormant consciousness. If you suddenly ask a person what he thinks, most likely, he will not be able to answer, because he does not know himself. This happens because we do not think truly, but only allow the thoughts to flow through the mind of a non-uninimed thread. Sixth Race - Race Developed Mind, so you need to learn to watch your thoughts. Clean and clear consciousness will appear as a result of conscious observation of the thought process.

"I can not cope with the case - a smaller trouble than indecision. Not running water will deteriorate, but standing. Other steps will not be done until they are pushing them; And the reason is sometimes not in the stupidity of the mind - the mind can be insightful, but in its lethargy. " Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

"To the smart and honest strive, with smart and falsehood, be on guard, honest and stupid regret, false and stupid avoiding." Unknown author of ancient India

In the New Testament, the Lord Our Jesus Christ said: "Be perfect as your Father's Heavenly." (Ev. From Matthew)

That is, we are tasked - the meaning of life. How to achieve?


The person's peculiarity is in the spiritual principle, which is inherent in it, is granted. This is how Vedic Orthodoxy says. "Spirituality in its deepest understanding is the action and life of a person for God for God, and not for himself or only for himself. Under the spirituality in this regard, it is possible to understand the condition of the human soul, which is devoid of defects and passions associated with egoism and compliance, this state of the soul associated with the manifestation of the most sincere and unconditional love for God, people and the world based on faith in the highest virtue. In addition to congenital spirituality (the level of manifestation of the spirit) there is still spirituality as the inner intention of man. It follows that spirituality is the degree of manifestation of the Divine Spirit in us. The soul passes the path of growing and the path of internal development. Due to this, it is increasingly growing and its foundation - the spirit of the Most High, it becomes more and more sublime. Thus, the higher the level of self-awareness and the manifestation of the Divine in the soul of a living being, the spirituality. This is a congenital, constantly developing spirituality, which in one way or another inherent in all. "

Mind and Heart

The mind can become a good tool for spiritual growth provided that it is connected to the heart! If the mind remains completely stuck in the ego (astral or mental), then help from it do not wait, but if it is connected to the heart, to love, to understanding, then it becomes a good helper.

It is necessary to create inside the ability to control their own thoughtforms, analyze these thoughtforms, manage temporary values, etc.

"Where two of you for me is the heart and mind," there I am with you. " This was told by the Lord in the New Testament.

Biochemistry of joy

Genetics carefully investigated the dependence of our physical health on the direction of our thoughts.

"Modern doctors will confirm that the root cause of diseases and unpleasant situations is their own thoughts. And if you actually want to be healthy, you will have to go closely.
Otherwise, the help of medical preparations will be formal and superficial. And will not bring the desired results. Because your internal resistance will not allow your cells to accept help. External consent does not mean the consent of the internal. Perennial deep resentment and irritation will interfere

Blood, of course, can self-charge. This process is based on the huge processing ability of erythrocytes on the output of the unnecessary. But when the body is "tired" from the permanent intervention of low thoughts, then the red blood cells begin to take over additional functions and get tired.
Knowing this mechanism, take care of yourself, track the thoughts that come to your heads. Refer to this as a medicinal recipe.
How? - Put the intention - "I keep track of all thoughts in my head." The intention is essentially a powerful tool for building and own health, and all his life.

With your consciousness, we create or illness, or health. Peace and love - everything head! " (Academician V.Yu.Mironova)

From good dorm hardests mind. Teaching forms mind, upbringing - morals. Everything is smart: who is first, who is scoring (good thoughts comes again).

What a storehouse of folk wisdom opened because of the brothers - fairy tales! "Obligations" mine, and the specific information is taken from the Internet, and from one "explanation" immediately flowed out another, just like Winnie the Pooh. But this is my vision of the meaning of the fairy tale, and you can be completely different.

The main heroine of the fairy tale brothers Grimm "Porch Porch" is a girl. Once she went to the forest to collect berries. In the forest she met the old woman, and she asked to treat it with berries. The girl willingly shared berries with a woman. The one liked the treat, and she decided to thank the girl.

The woman gave her a pot and explained that if you say magic words, the pot will begin to cook sweet and tasty porridge. And so that the pot stopped cooking porridge, it was necessary to say other magical words. The girl brought a magical gift home and gave his mother. Mother was glad to give such a gift, because now they did not have problems with food.

Once the mother's mother decided to eat porridge and said the necessary words. The pot welded porridge, and she began her. But the pot did not stop and continued to cook porridge, but the woman forgot other magic words that stopped the pot. There was no visit to her girls at that moment.

Poros began to get out of the pot and, after some time, she filled out the house, got out on the street, and then covered the road. The girl who was close to the house saw what happened, and ran home. She stopped the pot with magical words, but the porridge turned out so much that people on the street had to dare to her way.

This is a summary of the fairy tales.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale brothers Grimm "Porch Pot" is that it is necessary to be attentive, important information is worth memorizing very carefully. The mother of the girl forgot how to stop the magic pot, and he welded so much porridge that people could neither go or drive.

The fairy tale of the pot of Kashi teaches being polite and friendly. The girl in the forest treated the old woman with berries, and he extended her, giving a magic pot.

In the fairy tale of the Grimm brothers, I liked the main character, a girl who was polite with an unfamiliar old woman and that thanked good, provided the seven permanent food source. The girl quickly came to the help of the mother when she forgot the magic words.

What proverbs are suitable for a fairy tale "Pokashi pot"?

For good good and pay.
Do not be hurried, be remembered.
What is needed, he remembers.
Everything is good in moderation.

Left a big mark in history. Their merit lies in the fact that they not only contributed to the development of linguistics, but also gathered the German folklore. This served as a reason for the creation of a collection of fairy tales called "Tales of the Grimm Brothers".

Their fairy tales have become popular, they began to read both children and adults. Many of them were fused.

One of the numerous is called "Sweet Porridge". This is a work about kindness and justice, about honesty and sincerity.

A long time ago one kind and modest girl lived. She lived with her mother. They were so poor that they didn't have to eat. From this the brief content of "sweet porridge" begins. Somehow the girl walked through the forest and met an old woman there. The old woman gave her a pot who could cook porridge himself, it was only necessary to tell him: "Potted, Couple!" In order for the pot to stop cooking porridge, it was necessary to tell him: "Pot, stop!". The girl brought a pot home, and they forgot what hunger is. Once the girl was not at home. Her mom wanted to eat and told the pot of cooking porridge. When it was necessary that he stopped cooking porridge, Mom did not know how to stop him, she forgot the necessary words. The pot was cooked, and cooked, and porridge filled the whole house, then all the street and the whole village. Finally the girl came. Only she was able to stop the pot because I remembered the cherished words.

What does the fairy tale teach?

In a word, a magnificent work. The fairy tale "Sweet porridge" is useful for both children and adults. She teaches the most important - kindness. The tale teaches what you should always be kind. The little girl was modest and kind, for it she was rewarded: the old woman gave her a saving pot. After all, if the girl did not differ in kindness and modesty, she could hardly earn such a gift. The fairy tale shows: you need to always do good. The old woman had such an opportunity - to help others that she did. She saved a little girl and her mother from hunger.
The fairy tale "Sweet porridge" shows that you need to appreciate what we have. Mom girls gladly enjoyed the pot, who himself cooked porridge, but she forgot that everything has his own measure, she forgot the cherished words and could not stop the pot.
Mom and her daughter are opposed in this fairy tale. That is, you need to be like a girl, and not as her mom.

Be chisty as children

Nowadays in society lacks such necessary values \u200b\u200bas kindness and purity. The fairy tale "Sweet porridge" teaches all that. Of course, everyone wants to have a messy life. Such like a sweet porridge. But in order to get something, you need to give something. Hypocrisy, lies, malice - this is what is rooted in modern society. And the fairy tale "Sweet porridge" teaches that this should disappear. It is necessary to be sincere and clean, like a child who has not yet known all the problems of this world.

You must not forget that only good will save the world. Mutual assistance, mutual support should overcome greed and become the first stage of modern life values. We want such a life like a sweet porridge - we will clean the soul, like children.