How many kcal in a soup from sorrel. SHAVEL SUPPLY AND DOG

19.03.2021 Beverages

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Excellent lightweight dish for hot summer half a day. Especially when the main ingredient grows on its beds. Soup is delicious, both hot and cooled. Sorrel gives a pleasant sour taste. Moreover, it is very simple in cooking and does not require expensive products. This dish definitely will not leave indifferent members of your family and acquaintances.

Calorie Shatvale Supa

The calorie content of the oxalous soup is only 40 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

Composition of sorval soup

Like any dish made from natural products, this is a wonderful soup with all the necessary trace elements to maintain the right and coordinated work of absolutely all organism systems. The main contribution, of course, falls on the main component - sorrel. In addition to the Vitamins C and B6, which are contained in sorrel, although not in a huge amount, there are also extremely important microelements for our organism with you.

A special role in the chemical composition of the leaves of sorrel is played by: manganese, iron, copper, calcium and magnesium. Calcium, for example, perfectly strengthens the bones, and magnesium and iron positively affect the work of the muscles in general, and the hearts especially.

Season the soup with a spoon of thick sour cream, which not only will emphasize taste, but also adds beneficia to this excellent soup. In general, if you plan to visit your summer cottage, do not miss the chance to try this excellent soup in nature.

Useful properties of oxal soup

Ogranium soup has a light laxative and choleretic agent, and also recommended people with skin diseases, to normalize the liver operation, when avitaminosis, to increase hemoglobin. Folk medicine applies sorrel to improve the functions of blood formation, digestion and bile formation.

It should be known that sorrel, the benefits of which is undoubted, still contraindicated people having weak kidneys, especially in the presence of renal disease, contraindicated and those who have a tendency to stone formation, patients with a stomach and duodenal ulcer, as well as suffering osteoporosis, gastritis with increased acidity and persons with salt metabolism. Especially attentive should be pregnant women, because they are also contraindicated.

In the spring, so I want something new and fresh, and especially for food - we get little vitamins in winter, and almost every person at this time suffers with hypovitaminosis, which makes us hungry look at fresh early vegetables and fruits. One of the most popular spring dishes is green, or oxal soup. Sorrel gives a soup with no comparable taste and aroma, contains a lot of useful nutrients, which our body was not enough throughout the winter, and due to the fact that such a soup can be prepared only in the spring, it will not get bored, how often we are not Cook for this season. It is pretty simple, but still for his cooking you need to know the recipe for the oxalous soup and all the subtleties of cooking, and instead of a tasty and beautiful soup, instead of a tasty and beautiful soup. There is not one recipe for the oxalous soup, and all of them in addition to the excellent taste combines more and high nutritional value at low calorie content.

The recipe itself of the oxalous soup is quite simple. As a rule, it is prepared on meat broth, and the most delicious beef is obtained, but it turns out of pork well and even from chicken. The meat should be welded to be soft - it is approximately 1.5 - 2 hours or half an hour for chicken from the store. The basic prescription of the oxalous soup suggests the following ingredients: 2.5 liters of broth takes approximately four - five medium potatoes, one small carrot, two medium bulbs, a large bundle of sorrel, black pepper, bay leaf, greenery.

How to cook oxal soup

Finely chopped potatoes and onions are added to the boiling broth. Before the Potato tab, the broth is best satisfying a little - then it will remain transparent. If you have a finely chopped boiled onion in the family in your family, then together with potatoes, one whole bulbs can be put on top of approximately a centimeter. To the same bookmark we put and cut carrots and cook with circles and cook 15 - 20 minutes until potatoes are ready. At this time, we prepare for bookmark the sorrel: we rinse thoroughly, because insects and pollution can be on the leaves, cut off the stalk and cut in such a way that its pieces are placed in a spoon. When the vegetables are welded, lay with spices soup, greens and sorrel, bring again to a boil, turn off, cover with a lid and leave for 10 to 15 minutes so that it is fill.

Usually the prescription of the oxalous soup involves the addition of dill, but you can also use parsley and green onions - in this case it will turn out very fragrant. Sometimes a crushed garlic or its finely chopped greenery is added there, both in the cooking process and at the time of filing. Also, for a son in the soup, rice or beans are sometimes added: rice is placed together with potatoes, and pre-closed beans immediately after the meat boils, in the poet before you cook the harsh soup with beans, you need to prepare it in advance. In addition to sorrel, in green soup, you can put the nettle and spinach - they are very useful because they contain a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements, in particular, vitamins A and C and iron. Some hostesses before bookmarking onions passover it, but this option no longer has such a fresh taste. It is also possible to add with the cooking soup of a raw egg: you can blow it out, having done two holes in the shell, and you can beat the egg like an omelet in a separate dish and a thin flower pour into a saucepan with a soup.

Solving soup with half of the welded eggs and sour cream is served. You can also file a finely chopped green onion and / or feathers of garlic. In this case, mayonnaise is more suitable for refueling. Half eggs can be thrown into each plate in solid form, and you can finely cut.

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Sorrel The first of vegetable crops opens its culinary season in the spring. For exhausted vitamins for a long winter, he becomes a favorite on the table. Sowing from sorrel, cold soups, pies with oxal filling and much more variety with

eats with appetite.

Sorrel belongs to valuable food products and has so many different useful substances in its composition, therefore it is consumed and grown since a long time. It has so many macro and trace elements. Plants contain vitamins A, K, RR, group B, and vitamin C in it is 2-3 times more than in citrus fruits.

There are such important and essential substances such as carotene, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, resins, essential oils. There are a lot of tanning substances in it and organic acids. The plant has in its composition a lot of oxalic acid.

Sorrel in the menu in any form helps to cope with many diseases. Improves appetite, makes active liver operation, promotes good digestion.

The decoction of sorrel is used to stop blood, with hemorrhoid bleeding. It has knitting properties and helps with diarrhea.

In folk medicine, sorrel is known as anti-shirt and "blood purified" agent. It was used in qing, pain in the lower back and rheumatism. Burns were treated with decoges from seeds. The leaves and the roots were applied to purulent, bloody and long did not heal the wounds. Sorrel was given with anemia and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Science has been proven that sorrel contains substances having antibacterial and antitumor activity.

Sorrel contraindica People who have renal and bile sickness. It is not recommended to eat it if the saline exchange in the body is broken, as well as pregnant. You can't eat sorrower with tuberculosis. In its menu, it is necessary to carefully include dishes from sorrel with gastrointestinal diseases.

To reduce the activity of oxalic acid, it is better to expose to heat processing and add products containing calcium to dishes. It binds and neutralizes oxalic acid. That is why our wise grandmothers sprouts always filled out sour cream or spokeshaw.

In any case, sorrel, like any product, you need to be reasonable. As they say, a good little.

Sorrel all useful

Sorrel is one of the first leafy vegetables that appears in spring on our table.

Its still young, gentle, green leaflets please the eye, the sour taste gives freshness with dishes, and the first vitamins - all this makes sorrel with a welcome product in our kitchen.

But in Russia sorrel for a long time was considered a weed, he was not used in food. And they were very surprised when the visitors of the foreigners talked sorrel and ate him.

But in other countries it was actively applied, and from ancient times. Scientists of Ancient Asia, Greece, Rome belonged to this plant with great respect. The French, for example, believe that they have two national vegetables - sorrel and carrots.

So what did the sorrel deserve such respect, which vitamins are rich in the first spring greens, and what is the benefit from sorrel and is there harm. Let's figure it out.

Sorrel in folk medicine

In traditional medicine, sorrel is not used, but in folk medicine the plant is quite widely used, and from a long time. Sorrel was first used as a therapeutic agent, and then began to apply in cooking. Use both the leaves and the roots of the plant and even seeds.

  • In the times of the plague, sorrel was considered one of the best funds from this terrible ailment.
  • Soler seeds used as an antidote from the bite of snakes and insects.
  • It is believed that seeds and root act as a fixing agent, and the leaves, on the contrary, can be used as a light laxative.
  • The decoction of sorrel is used for rinse when bleeding gums. For cooking, it is necessary to prepare 1 tbsp. l. Ground leaves sorrel pour 0.5 liters. Water, put on fire, boil half an hour, let it stand for 1 hour, profile and use for rinsing. This decoction helps well with a cold, if you drink 1/3 cup to 4 times a day.
  • The infusion of roots and leaves is used as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent.
  • If you hold the soul sheet in your mouth, then the dental pain may calm down.
  • Also, the softened leaves can be applied to the grades and wounds - acts as a disinfecting, hemostatic remedy.

How to use sorrel

In the world flora, about two hundred sorrel species is known, there are cultural varieties, there are wild. It is better to use cultural varieties, the greens of their gentle and richer in their useful qualities.

  • The most correct option is sorrel in the raw form, since with heat treatment, many vitamins lose their properties, but the concentration of oxalic acid does not decrease.
  • It is possible to reduce the concentration of oxalic acid using fermented dairy products, so refuel the soups and salads with sour cream, yogurt.
  • If you decide to cook sorrel, for example, many favorite sornery soup, then remember that it is impossible to prepare meals from sorrel in aluminum and cast-iron dishes.
  • The younger leaves, the smaller the content of oxalic acid. If you grow sorrel yourself, then collect the harvest is recommended until July.
  • That sorrel would benefit, and not harm, it is necessary to abide by the rate of its use. Recommend to use it in food no more than 2 times a week. It is believed that 10 sheets of sorrel completely replenish the daily rate of vitamin C and A.
  • Fresh sorrel can be stored for several days as flowers in a vase, but in the refrigerator. You can rinse leaflets, dry, put in a paper bag or in vacuum packaging and stored in the refrigerator.
  • Sorrel can be harvested for the winter - freeze, dry, preserve.

Now you know about the benefits and harm of sorrel. Enjoy the first spring grass, but do not forget about everything "for" and "against."


Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.



Excellent lightweight dish for hot summer half a day. Especially when the main ingredient grows on its beds. Soup is delicious, both hot and cooled. Sorrel gives a pleasant sour taste. Moreover, it is very simple in cooking and does not require expensive products. This dish definitely will not leave indifferent members of your family and acquaintances.

Calorie Shatvale Supa

The calorie content of the oxalous soup is only 40 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

Composition of sorval soup

Like any dish made from natural products, this is a wonderful soup with all the necessary trace elements to maintain the right and coordinated work of absolutely all organism systems. The main contribution, of course, falls on the main component - sorrel. In addition to the Vitamins C and B6, which are contained in sorrel, although not in a huge amount, there are also extremely important microelements for our organism with you.

A special role in the chemical composition of the leaves of sorrel is played by: manganese, iron, copper, calcium and magnesium. Calcium, for example, perfectly strengthens the bones, and magnesium and iron positively affect the work of the muscles in general, and the hearts especially.

Season the soup with a spoon of thick sour cream, which not only will emphasize taste, but also adds beneficia to this excellent soup. In general, if you plan to visit your summer cottage, do not miss the chance to try this excellent soup in nature.

Useful properties of oxal soup

Ogranium soup has a light laxative and choleretic agent, and also recommended people with skin diseases, to normalize the liver operation, when avitaminosis, to increase hemoglobin. Folk medicine applies sorrel to improve the functions of blood formation, digestion and bile formation.

It should be known that sorrel, the benefits of which is undoubted, still contraindicated people having weak kidneys, especially in the presence of renal disease, contraindicated and those who have a tendency to stone formation, patients with a stomach and duodenal ulcer, as well as suffering osteoporosis, gastritis with increased acidity and persons with salt metabolism. Especially attentive should be pregnant women, because they are also contraindicated.

Sorrel - the benefits and harm of the first greenery

Sorrel is one of the first leafy vegetables that appears in spring on our table.

Young, gentle, green leaflets please the eye, the sour taste gives freshness with dishes, and the first vitamins - all this makes sorrel with a welcome product in our kitchen.

But in Russia sorrel for a long time was considered a weed, he was not used in food. And they were very surprised when the visitors of the foreigners talked sorrel and ate him.

But in other countries it was actively applied, and from ancient times. Scientists of Ancient Asia, Greece, Rome belonged to this plant with great respect. The French, for example, believe that they have two national vegetables - sorrel and carrots.

So what did the sorrel deserve such respect, which vitamins are rich in the first spring greens, and what is the benefit from sorrel and is there harm. Let's figure it out.

Sorrel - benefit and harm to the body

Benefit sorrel

  • Sorrel ripens early in the spring, when our organism, tired by cold, is sharply feels a lack of vitamin. Sorrel is an excellent avitaminosis assistant.
  • It is considered a dietary product - in 100 gr. Fresh-plated leaves 21-22 kcal. The acids that are part of the sorrel, split fats and remove them from the body. Therefore, people having problems with weight, it is recommended to include sorrel in its diet.
  • According to the content of vitamin B1, sorrel ranks second after legumes, thanks to this, sorrel has a positive effect on the nervous system, supports musculature in a tone.
  • Sorrel increases the secretion of the stomach, the pancreas, improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, especially useful to people suffering from reduced acidity gastritis.
  • Beneficially affects the cardiovascular system, contributes to the elimination of harmful cholesterol.
  • Due to the high content of vitamin C, iron contained in the plant is very well absorbed, better than from any other plant. Therefore, sorrel is recommended to use anemia.
  • Promotes the formation of bile, stabilizes the work of the liver.
  • It has painkillers, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Useful for women's health, facilitating the condition during menopause.

Sorrel in folk medicine

In traditional medicine, sorrel is not used, but in folk medicine the plant is quite widely used, and from a long time. Sorrel was first used as a therapeutic agent, and then began to apply in cooking. Use both the leaves and the roots of the plant and even seeds.

  • In the times of the plague, sorrel was considered one of the best funds from this terrible ailment.
  • Soler seeds used as an antidote from the bite of snakes and insects.
  • It is believed that seeds and root act as a fixing agent, and the leaves, on the contrary, can be used as a light laxative.
  • The decoction of sorrel is used for rinse when bleeding gums. For cooking, it is necessary to prepare 1 tbsp. l. Ground leaves sorrel pour 0.5 liters. Water, put on fire, boil half an hour, let it stand for 1 hour, profile and use for rinsing. This decoction helps well with a cold, if you drink 1/3 cup to 4 times a day.
  • The infusion of roots and leaves is used as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent.
  • If you hold the soul sheet in your mouth, then the dental pain may calm down.
  • Also, the softened leaves can be applied to the grades and wounds - acts as a disinfecting, hemostatic remedy.

Harm sorrel

  • Unfortunately, sorval acid, the taste of which we feel when we eat sorrel, leads to the formation of oxalates (salts of oxalic acid). Oxalables can form stones in the kidneys and joints. Therefore, if there is such a problem - you have discovered oxalate stones - sorrel is contraindicated.
  • Sorrelic acid prevents calcium absorption. It is necessary to take into account if you are appointed calcium preparations, as well as pregnant women, as calcium is very important items for the future kid.
  • It is necessary to carefully use sorrel people with increased acidity in the stomach, since sorrel can contribute to the formation of ulcers.

How to use sorrel

In the world flora, about two hundred sorrel species is known, there are cultural varieties, there are wild. It is better to use cultural varieties, the greens of their gentle and richer in their useful qualities.

  • The most correct option is sorrel in the raw form, since with heat treatment, many vitamins lose their properties, but the concentration of oxalic acid does not decrease.
  • It is possible to reduce the concentration of oxalic acid using fermented dairy products, so refuel the soups and salads with sour cream, yogurt.
  • If you decide to cook sorrel, for example, many favorite sornery soup, then remember that it is impossible to prepare meals from sorrel in aluminum and cast-iron dishes.
  • The younger leaves, the smaller the content of oxalic acid. If you grow sorrel yourself, then collect the harvest is recommended until July.
  • That sorrel would benefit, and not harm, it is necessary to abide by the rate of its use. Recommend to use it in food no more than 2 times a week. It is believed that 10 sheets of sorrel completely replenish the daily rate of vitamin C and A.
  • Fresh sorrel can be stored for several days as flowers in a vase, but in the refrigerator. You can rinse leaflets, dry, put in a paper bag or in vacuum packaging and stored in the refrigerator.
  • Sorrel can be harvested for the winter - freeze, dry, preserve.

Now you know about the benefits and harm of sorrel. Enjoy the first spring grass, but do not forget about everything "for" and "against."


Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

What is useful sorval soup

Sorrel on the garden beds appears in the spring among the first greens, the leaves of the sorrel for the sour taste of the people are called the oily. Acid or garden sorrel belongs to long-term plants, a bunch of fresh greenery, torn from a bed, contains a rich vitamin and mineral complex, has unique useful properties.

What is sorrel? This vegetable culture and medicinal plant with longitudinal green leaves in one number, to the most popular species used by the person in cooking and traditional medicine include spinach, sour and horse sorrel. Konsky and sour konsky, as well as wild beet and meadow apple called meadow weed, collected by a person in the field used in food from antiquity.

A wild plant grows on the meadows, together with dandelions it can be found near the forest edges, water bodies, to the composition of the soil is unpretentious, along with domestic acids, wild leaves are harvested for the winter, green soups are boiled with eggs, salads from a valuable gift of nature are prepared.

About the benefits of sorrel for the human body a lot is known. In the spring of year per year with the appearance of fresh greenery, the leaves are used to prepare the oxalous soup, tasty juicy pies with sour-sweet filling, resembling a berry taste, many diseases treat sorvel.

The sour "spring king" refers to dietary products; After the use of healing herbs, due to its low-calorie composition, the metabolism is accelerated in the human body, weight loss flows faster.

Read: How to cook oxal soup with chicken and egg.

How much can sorrel in food? This question worries anyone who loves the taste of acidic herb. The healing power of sorrel is able to fill the lack of vitamins, protect the body from allergies. To avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases, there are certain norms of healing grass. Sheet greens, in order to avoid complications, according to the recommendations of physicians, should be used in small quantities no more than 2-3 times a week.

Properties sorrel

Supreme properties, the composition of the natural product, presented by man by nature, is unique; According to food value indicators, carbohydrates predominate in sorrel, the second place is occupied by proteins and in the last place are fats. A low caloric rate of green leaves, which make up 19 kcal per 100 grams, allows the use of a low-calorie product in the dietary nutrition of a person. 100 grams of fresh greenery contain 2.8 g of carbohydrates, 1.5 g of proteins and 0.3 g of fats; It can be safely included in the diet of a healing plant, prepare dishes from it useful and dietary.

The beneficial properties of sorrel are caused by the presence of vitamins: nicotinic and ascorbic acid, pyrogalla, tanning, oxalic acids. Vitamins E, A, C, K1, B1, B2, Riboflamine, Tiamine, beta-carotene are the main included in the healing plants.

Council from the miracle chef. Learn how to bake juicy patties with sorrel.

Mineral substances included in the "meadow apple", such as iron and sodium, are contained in the oxable leaves with small doses. Potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese, copper is the main list of trace elements in the fresh medicinal plant. The main therapeutic property of the healing grass is the presence of hydrochloric acid potassium salt in it, useful effect on the health of ascorbic.

In horseback sorrel, in the roots, stems, juicy leaflets of horse soures include a greater amount of iron than in the garden grass. The "meadow apple" is rich in mineral salts, antioxidants, essential oils.

Upcoming and beneficial properties for human health

What is good sorrel? Sour oxalous leaves of perennial, roots, especially meadow, is close to a chemical composition to rhubarb. Sorrelic acid in combination with ascorbic acid, rich complex of vitamins and minerals, cause the therapeutic effect after using the "spring king" in the fresh form, as well as therapeutic tinctures, decoctions, adding to the food of the leaf greenery after light heat treatment.

Acids make the taste of greenery acidic, essential oils, antioxidants, glycosides, carotene, disclose antiseptic healing properties in it, ascorbing removes harmful cholesterol from the human body, fills the lack of vitamins.

In folk medicine, leaves, roots, stems, juice plant juice are used; The useful properties of sorrel and juice are used to treat diseases, in preventive purposes. We offer to familiarize yourself with the most popular recipes of traditional medicine; Using the healing properties of the spring king, you can get rid of many ailments yourself.

In addition to therapeutic purposes, at home, green leakage is used for cosmetics: making masks for cleaning face, growth and gloss hair.

Harm Sorrel and Contraindications List

It is indisputable that sorrel belongs to useful products. An acidic perennial is useful for human health, but it should be carefully used by future mothers, when feeding the baby.

The benefits of sorrel, bringing a healthy person, is indisputable, but people suffering from chronic ailments, a plant can be harmful: consultation with a doctor is required before use of acid greenery.

Sorrel can not be taken by a patient with gastritis with increased acidity, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, a genitourinary system, with osteoporosis, an ulcer of the stomach and a 12-rosewoman, gout, problems in the intestine.

According to medical testimony, people suffering from impaired metabolism, gout, the intestinal inflammation is contraindicated by the use of sorrel, the reception of informants and decoctions. It is impossible to take therapeutic compositions made from grass, dishes for a long time. Sorrelic acid, which is part of the greenheld, in large quantities, is able to provoke the aggravation of chronic disease, due to the accumulation of acid in the body, the formation of stones in the kidneys.

It is worth remembering the benefits of sorrel and the harm of the plant with its incorrect use. In the interaction of green leaves with metal - aluminum dishes and pig-iron, toxic substances, oxalic acid, which has reacted with metal pan, can cause harm to the human body. During the preparation of green soups, it is recommended to use containers with enameled coating. For the billet for the winter, the collection of leaves is recommended to produce no later than July to get a homely useful workpiece, safe for health.

Benefit sorrel

Sorrel is a plant with an acidic taste. Food is used by the leaves of sorrel. There are more than 150 species of this plant. Sorrel grows as in the wild conditions, for example, it can be found in the deserts and mountains, off the coast of rivers and in the household sections. Sorrel ordinary in our latitudes is made to plant several times over the summer. After all, the benefits of sorrel is obvious. It is determined by the composition of this plant. First, it is worth paying attention to sour taste. Its plant provides oxalic acid. Plant leaves also contain mineral salts, proteins, tanning substances, calcium and potassium, vitamins, magnesium, lemon and apple acid. It is clear that all these substances benefit schazhrel and high nutritional properties. Secondly, from all vitamins, which are part of the leaves of this plant, the greatest concentration of vitamin C. Especially a lot of this vitamin in the horse sow, which has thick stem, large leaves and a powerful root system.

It is interesting! By the way, roots of sorrel are no less nutritious, they contain up to 27% of tannins, chrysophanic acid and many other very useful substances.

Benefit and harm sorrel

This green plant is able to depone digestion, liver and gallbladder. With the help of sorrel, it is customary to heal wounds and even stop bleeding. This plant is very useful for anemia and cardiovascular diseases. It will help sorrel with skin diseases and rashes, has an action by anti-allergic effect. With diarrhea and colic, chas are perfectly suitable and powders from the roots of this plant. Also, the decoction will be an effective means in the fight against colds. Self harm for some category of people is also known. It cannot be eaten by people who suffer from gout, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and intestines, renal disease. Also, sorrel must be abandoned by those who have problems with salt metabolism in the body.

Sorrel can not be used in food with renal disease, gout, with impairment of salt metabolism, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, intestines. It is also contraindicated in pregnancy, gastritis with increased acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcer. There will be no benefit from sorrel during pregnancy: during this period, the use of this plant is better to refuse.

Application sorrel in cooking

The benefits and harm of sorrel were studied for a long time. That is why in cooking this plant is widespread and to this day. Especially good in food to use young leaves of this plant. They are assembled before the appearance of flower shoots. It is at that age that in the leaves there is a maximum concentration of oxalic acid.

It is very tasty to cook green soup from sorrel. This dish is very rich in vitamins. Also, the leaves are used as a filling for pies and omelets. Some bold cooks from the leaves of this plant are even boiled kisel. To neutralize the action of oxalic acid slightly, in dishes with this ingredient it is necessary to add some dairy products: sour cream or milk.

It is interesting! In many countries of the world, people were not solved for a long time, considering this plant weed. But in the ancient times, the benefits of sorrel for a person made it a medicinal plant. Mention of this plant, as a medicine, can be found in ancient Russian collections of folk recipes. Sorrel now knows enough about the benefits and harm. This vitamin plant can be eaten by almost everyone, if someone is contraindicated by the use of this herb in food, it will be interesting, at least, to learn some interesting facts.

Interesting facts about sorrel:

The Latin name of this plant "Rumex" is translated into Russian as "spear"; For a long time in Russia, sorrel was considered exclusively a weed, while in France, Germany, Greece and Holland, even Bulgaria this grass has long been successfully used in food. But soon sorrel was one of the most beloved and affordable herbs in the Russian people; The people sorrel was sometimes called the "wild beet" or "meadow apple." In ancient Rus, the plant was considered holy. It was often used to create faiths. If you feel about the lucky category of people whom it is possible to eat to eat, then you should not refuse yourself for delicious and vitamin dishes with this plant. In the summer, it is necessary to cook soup with this green grass. In winter, you can even go on growing sorrel at your windowsill - this occupation does not require great knowledge. But the benefits of fresh sorrel dwells in winter.

Posted by: Mayusik89 Date: 08/15/2013 / 19:37


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Sorrel soup

  1. Sorrel wash and chop.
  2. Potatoes cut into cubes.
  3. Cutting the carrot on the grater, the bow finely cut.
  4. Onions and carrots fry on sunflower oil until soft.
  5. Pour potatoes in boiling water, cook for 20 minutes.
  6. Add roasted onions with carrots, mix and cook for 5 minutes.
  7. In the pan put sorrel, mix the soup and cook for another 2 minutes.
  8. Soup to spawn to taste, cover with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  9. Boiled eggs chopped finely, sprinkle ready-made soup.

Ingredients of the Recipe "Shangl Soup":

  • Water is 1.5 liters.
  • Sorrel - 100 gr.
  • Potatoes - 350 gr.
  • Egg chicken boiled - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt (to taste) - 5 gr.

The nutritional value of the dish "Og-haired soup" (per 100 grams):

Calories: 27.8 kcal.

Proteins: 1.1 gr.

Fat: 1.1 gr.

Carbohydrates: 3.6 gr.

Number of portions: 8

This is a custom recipe, so there may be errors and typos. If you find them, please write in the comments under the recipe - correct.

Step-by-step recipes with photos from our site are in the section "Recipes".

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Sorrel - Useful properties and sorrel dishes

Everyone is known to such grass as sorrel, whose beneficial properties have a long history. Ancient Greeks and Romans knew about therapeutic properties of sorrel, and for many centuries, his popularity was not weakened. Even today, sorrel love and eat in the food in many countries of the world.

Sorrel has a pleasant sour taste, which provides him with a vitamin composition (C, A, B1, B2, K, E, PR) and a number of useful trace elements: copper, magnesium, zinc, fluorine, strontium, iron, sodium, nickel.

Shavel useful properties

It is known that sorrel helps with such diseases as avitaminosis, ration and anemia. Sorrel appears in the spring one of the first, so it is very important to be used to replenish the vitamin stock after a long winter. Using sorrel, you help your body better suck iron, thereby helping to increase blood hemoglobin. It helps people with pretty anemia. The impact of sorrel on the intestines is ambiguous. So, when using this herb in small doses, it works as a fitting agent, and in large - as a laxative. In general, sorrel stimulates the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, reinforcing the production of gastric juice and improving the entire process of digestion in general. Especially helping the liver and intestines. This grass has an anti-inflammatory effect on the whole organism as a whole. More our ancestors used the leaves of sorrel to stop bleeding. Restoring the level of nutrients in the body, sorrel is useful for strengthening the adhesion and cure them from a number of diseases.

Not only eat sorrel, but it prepares many drugs based on it. For example, with cystitis to facilitate states, they take a bath with a decoction of sorrel before bedtime. The decoction is prepared out of 500 g sorrel, which is flooded with a liter of water and boiled on slow heat for 10 minutes. After that, the decoction is filtered and poured into the warm bath. Long in such a bathroom it is not necessary to sit, just just 10 minutes.

To cure from angino and cough, they prepare such a means. Take sorrel. It is very thoroughly washed, pressed and covered with boiling water. Now the leaves are crushed, knead, and squeeze the liquid from them through several layers of gauze. The resulting juice is poured into enameled dishes and boiled for 5 minutes. Store this natural medicine exclusively in the refrigerator, and take two tablespoons three times a day, while eating.

Sorrel is a rather dangerous plant with some deviations in health. It is categorically contraindicated by its use during pregnancy and various kidney diseases, especially if there is a predisposition to the formation of sand and kidney stones. The whole problem lies in oxidic acid, which is very rich in this plant. This acid, binding to calcium in the human body, forms difficult soluble salts, which causes the occurrence of renal disease (oxalate stones). Therefore, everyone who has a disturbance of oxalate in the body, use sorrel is categorically contraindicated! It is better to avoid the use of this plant to everyone who has increased the acidity of gastric juice. But after all, if you do not have contraindications, pay your attention to the grass sorrel, the benefits of which is very large.

Dishes from sorrel

Everyone has no contraindications to eat sorrel, it is worth including it in your diet, because of it you can prepare a huge amount of delicious dishes. After all, sorrel dishes will also be useful.

The most common dish, which is prepared from sorrel - soup soup. To prepare it, you will need: 200 g of greenery sorrel, 1 garlic clove, 100 g of potatoes, 100 ml of cream (20%), 2 tablespoons sour cream, 800 ml of broth. For cooking, take a saucepan, at the bottom of which, initially, in a small amount of oil, fry the belonging garlic, then add 800 ml of broth from vegetables into it, fierce potatoes and peak for 20 minutes. After that, the leaves of sorrel and finely chopped parsley rush. With all components, the soup is boiled another 10 minutes. After readiness, all content is poured into a blender and thoroughly crushed, before the formation of a puree. After cream and sour cream and mixed again. After that, the soup overflows into a saucepan, spices are added and salt to taste and copier for another 10 minutes. Now the delicious and fragrant soup is ready. Bon Appetit.

Also tasty and useful will be such a dish as a pie with sorrel.

In addition to the standard dish soup from sorrel with an egg, it is prepared from it the most unusual dishes: sauces, salads, kisins, pies, added to vegetable and meat stew.

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Soup from sorrel harm and benefit

Sorrel is one of the first leafy vegetables that we can use early spring. In addition to the pleasant acid taste, they also have many vitamins. Slavic peoples about the benefit of sorrel know from a long time, actively use it in cooking. When the use of it will be useful, and whom will harm, we will talk today.

A little of the story

The exact data when sorrel appeared on the tables is not, it is known only that the culinary products with its use have been made by the Romans and the ancient Greeks.

But before he got on the table of Russia, fans of traditional medicine knew about the benefits of sorrel, used as a medicinal plant. Healing properties were studied by the ancient healers, used sorrel for the treatment of dysentery, as a hemostatic remedy, in non-food. It also existed that sorrel could cure from the plague.


The main useful properties are consisting of its composition. For cooking, dishes are used both the leaves of sorrel and stems.

Sorrel has a huge amount of vitamins, organic acids, mineral substances, rich in antioxidants, essential oils, flavonoids, caromethin. The listed substances in the complex have a healing effect, help in combating various diseases.

His calorie is low, which makes it possible to use people with overweight.

Upcoming for the body

The leaves of sorrel are used by folk signs to eliminate pain during climax in women. Application is justified with dysentery and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Therapists as a comprehensive treatment are advised to add sorrel when cooking food people suffering from pain in the heart, with rheumatism, tuberculosis, infertility, potency violation.

Supreme juice is used for colds: cough, runny nose, cold, gum diseases. For the oral cavity, it acts as a disinfectant, eliminates an unpleasant smell of mouth, also to some extent can be whiten of dental enamel. If drinking juice, the benefits of sorrel will be tangible as cleansing the body from toxins.

The use of leaves helps to get rid of constipation, to improve the work of the liver, and this part is used for women to increase lactation. Also, young spring leaves will help to get rid of avitaminosis due to the presence of a huge number of vitamins.

Supreme seeds are used as treatment to get rid of problems such as worms, diarrhea.

The sheet together with the stem is applied in folk medicine during allergies, avitaminosis.

The decoction of the leaves is used in case of problems with the stomach. In this case, it is enough to drink a glass of beam.

Sorrel, included in the diet, stimulates the operation of the internal organs, and to get rid of the headache, it is enough to have a half-cup of sorrel juice.

If the child appeared with an ability, it will not hurt to apply the sheets of sorrel, pre-eliminate.

Benefits of sorrel in cosmetology

In cosmetology purposes, sorrel found its application. Each girl dreams of velvety, fresh skin. The mixture with the use of sorrel allows you to remove inflammation, clarify the skin, glance from acne and acne. It is such that you can see the skin after regular use of masks using sorrel.

Strengthen hair will also help sorrel. The decoction of the roots of greenery will allow to achieve a living natural brilliance of Kudrey, get rid of loss.

Hurt from sorrel

Despite the use of sorrel, harm is subsequently possible. It consists in exceeding the amount of greenery used, also in some diseases.


The presence of healing properties of sorrel can not be used. Consider the categories that cannot be applied.

1. Patients suffering from disorders of water-salt metabolism in the body, as well as pregnant and nursing. In this case, sorrel should be completely abandoned. The fact is that the use of it blocks the absorption of calcium, and this element is very important for the future kid affects the cardiovascular system. Also, the Spring King affects the work of the kidneys, so problems may arise with them.

2. The presence of diseases such as rheumatism, gout, gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus.

3. Extremely careful when used sorrel should be people with thrombophlebitis. The fact is that horse sorrel has a property to enhance blood clotting, and in this case its use can become dangerous.

In addition to the indicated contraindications, when used sorrel, the following rules should be remembered:

· Sorrel can cause exacerbation of any of those present before the diseases. So that this does not happen, the amount of consumed of the greenery should be limited: in the diet, sorrel may be present a couple of times a week.

· If you need to prepare a dish, in no case use aluminum dishes. Otherwise, harm from sorrel is inevitable: it will react with the metal and subsequently release toxins, harmful to the body. This is a special danger to this for future mothers, as well as children by age up to three years.

· Cannot abuse dishes with greens for a long time. Doctors explain this by the fact that it contains oxalic acid in large quantities, it threatens the impaired exchange of minerals, as well as the kidneys, can cause the formation of stones.

· When thermal treatment of oxelic acid, separated from it, turns into an inorganic, so preference should be given to the greenery in the fresh form.

· The largest most useful substances in Schazel until early July. Leaves from the young plant until this time can be prepared and folded in the freezer. In this case, he will save their useful properties. Also more than all vitamins and nutrients are in the 19th year greenery.

How to prepare sorrel for winter

We have the opportunity to prepare this excellent greens in the fall, when the sorrel will already start. Roots dig out, cleaned from the ground, the stalks are removed, the leaves are washed well with water. Roots cut.

You can dry the raw material both in the shade and in the sun. If the weather does not allow, the dryer is suitable. The temperature should be from 50 to 60 ° C, periodically sorrel must be turned over.

The beautiful taste properties of the horse's sorrel were estimated since ancient times, so it is used when cooking dishes by French, Germans, Germans, Dutch.

In Russia, it began to be used in the 16th century. Before that, he was considered a weed, the Russians were extremely surprised when foreigners told him and ate. But the name "sorrel" appeared much later. At first, they called this greens of "wild beet", "meadow apple."

The benefits and harm of sorrel to the end of scientists are not investigated today. But on the dinner table he remains. We were so addicted to his sudden taste that it was no longer possible to refuse. And yet it is necessary to abide by the norms of use, as well as the advantage to give the fresh plant.


With the onset of summer, the hosts appears the opportunity to pamper households with a delicious green borscht with a sorrel, which can be prepared throughout the summer period. Sorrel was known for man since the times of ancient Greece and by the 12th century he became popular all over the world. Interestingly, but first it is now a well-known plant, the plant first was used exclusively for therapeutic purposes. It was believed that he could stop blood and protect against the plague. And only much later sorrel took a place in cooking: it prepares soup out of it and use as a filling for pies and pies, added to salads.

What sorrel is useful, what benefit can it give the human body and can harm, consider in more detail below.

Sorrel Description What looks like and grows

For a long time in the domestic territory, this herbal plant from the Buckwheat family was related to weeds and was not used at all. Although it is known to be since ancient times and highly appreciated by the leaders of that time.

Motherland, according to many nerds, is Western Europe. After all, it is the Greeks, the French, the Dutch, Bulgarians and the Germans began to be the first to consume actually all parts of the plant in medicinal and nutritional purposes. Surely such a plant conquered special trust because of the possibility of the average century to prevent the spread of plague and consumers.

The Russian people typose the true taste only in the 11th century, calling the sorrel "meadow apple" and "wild beet". The priests assigned it to the category of sacred, and the traditional medicine used as an overchard.

Sorrel is a perennial grassy shrub plant. It grows in a wild form, but now an extracture and has many different varieties that are distinguished by a period of vegetation, size, shape and taste of leaves. There are purely decorative varieties that have beautiful red veins that give the leaves a beautiful patterned look.

Sorrel on productivity can be attributed to the long-lived plants. It can grow 8-10 years. In the first year, it forms a root rosette with leaves. Blossom and giving seeds starts from the second year of life.

During the flowering period on the stem of the modern garden plant (and several of the 200 species are cultivated by several, especially acid and horse), small white flowers appear, assembled into narrow panicles.

Ripe fruits have three faces and are dark brown nuts.

The lower leaves differ with ovoid-oblong shape and meaturacy. Often they are additionally referred to as speckless or sweatshoots. No wonder on Latin sorrel is known as "spear".

Because of its non-demandingity to growing conditions (it is very frostable, the new leaves grow to deep autumn and can carry freezes to minus 7 degrees), the plant grows throughout, except Antarctica.

The Russian name "sorrel" presumably occurred from the word "soup". But in some areas it is called "acids", "kislyushka", "acid" and other, in general, so that it is associated with its sour taste.

Sorrel than useful composition and calorie

Many consumers know the plant as a carrier of unique oxalic acid, without thinking about how many other chemicals is hidden in it. For example, in the sheets of the plant contains:

  • Water (92%);
  • Protein fractions;
  • Fats;
  • Carbohydrates (mono- and disaccharides);
  • Saturated fatty acids;
  • Ash product;
  • Starch;
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Organic acids (most of all - oxalic acid);
  • Tannins;
  • Fiber (nutritional fiber);
  • Provitamin A (beta-carotene);
  • Fat-soluble vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Vitamins B (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, folic and pantothenic acids);
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • Rutin;
  • Biotin (vitamin H);
  • Macroelements represented by calcium, potassium, gray, magnesium, sodium, chlorine and phosphorus;
  • Mineral substances in the form of iodine, iron, manganese, fluorine, zinc, copper.

The total caloric content of 100 grams of the product varies from 19 to 22 kilocalories. The percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 17/12/53%.

Sorrel useful properties

Sour sorrel taste know everything. But it is he who gives him many useful properties. This early vegetable culture is rich in many vitamins, where first it is necessary to celebrate Vitamin C.

Vitamin C - antioxidant, main vitamin for the immune system.

Rutin is important to strengthen the walls of the vessels. Ascubutin is a popular vitamin additive assigned to this purpose. There are both these vitamins in the leaves of sorrel.

Sorrel is capable of improving digestion, normalize the operation of the gallbladder and liver, stop the bleeding and heal the wounds.

His leaves possess:









properties. It is useful at:

Cardiovascular diseases;

Skin rash;



Tea with sorrel leaves can be drunk with a cold. The decoction rinsing the throat in the throat pain. Use it during stomatitis, bleeding gums, with hemorrhoids, accompanied by cracks and bleeding.

The decoction in folk medicine is used from a ringworm depriving and fungal lesions. Warm baths help to remove the bouts of pain during cystitis.

Sorrel appear almost immediately after melting snow, which makes it an indispensable vitamin product with spring avitaminosis.

Sorrel use for the body and health

Despite some concerns regarding this food product, sorrel brings considerable benefits to the human body, which is:

  • Common action;
  • Replenishing the lost minerals and vitamins;
  • Blood purification;
  • Painful function;
  • Ability to stop bleeding;
  • Eliminate the negative manifestations of menopause in women;
  • Removal of dysentery;
  • Improvement of digestion;
  • Prevention of colds;
  • Cure bleeding and bursting gums;
  • Removing bladder inflammation;
  • Stabilization of the liver and gallbladder;
  • Establishing bile processes;
  • Improving the intestinal functioning;
  • Prevention of tuberculosis development;
  • Assistance in rheumatism;
  • Prevent avitaminosis and zing;
  • Strengthen the vessels and the entire cardiovascular system;
  • Additional treatment of infertility;
  • Removing headaches (juice needed to rub);
  • Treatment of irritation of the larynx and cough (decoction rinse the throat);
  • Removing pain when radiculitis (juice is also used);
  • Assistance with the cracks of the rear pass and hemorrhoid;
  • Opportunities to use decoction sorrel as an antidote;
  • Antiallergic action (mainly a leaf of the plant on the wounder is simply applied with insect bite).

Sorrel contraindications and harm

Although sorrel has many useful properties, but there is also contraindications when it can bring harm to health. The main problem lies in oxalic acid, which can disrupt mineral metabolism and lead to the accumulation of excess calcium in the body.

Therefore, the use of this green vegetable becomes an obstacle in the case of:

  • The presence of increased acidity of the stomach;
  • Existing stones in the blade and bustling bubble;
  • Kidney diseases (due to the presence of oxalic acid as an irritant and risk of oxalate).

As a single phenomenon with a large use can be:

Abdominal pain;


Irritation and rash on the skin;

The pain in the liver;

Muscle spasms.

Sorrel use in cooking

Basic use in cooking is the preparation of delicious green.

Add green acidic leaves as well:

  • As a filling for pies and pies;
  • As a spice when cooking birds (especially ducks) and game in order to mitigate meat;
  • In various soups for acute taste.

Sorrel appears in early spring and sold almost all the warm period. Young leaflets are best used in fresh form in salads. Older - be sure to expose heat treatment: cook soup, stew or fry.

It combines well with cabbage, spinach and other vegetables.

Many cookies prepare it with cream, sour cream or yogurt. This makes it possible to reduce acid. If nevertheless it is too sour for you - the leaf blanch will reduce acidity.

The leaves themselves are customary to harvest for the winter in a dried, salty and canned form.

If you plan to use it within 2-3 days, you can simply put it in the refrigerator in the package or closed container.

Can sorrel when pregnancy

Sorrel good food for women. It is a good source of calcium and can be useful for women during menopause as prevention of osteoporosis development. In addition, during this period, women can help remove other signs of Klimaks:


Increased sweating;


Prevent uterine bleeding;

High blood pressure.

But you need to remember both contraindications. After all, many diseases accumulate to this period of life.

But during pregnancy, doctors do not recommend eat sorrel. Of course, a plate of green soup harm will not bring, but turn it on in the filling of pies, salads, not worth it. The main prohibition is associated with a lack of data on the effect of this plant on the body of the fetus.

From use you need to refuse if a woman suffers:

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;


A violation of purine metabolism (urine acid in the body).

Can sorrel when breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, sorrel should be refused. This is due to the fact that sorrel prevents milk generation, which can lead to early interruption of breastfeeding and make it difficult to obtain all nutrients from milk.

It can be included in his food when a woman decided to wean a child from the chest.

How much cook sorrel

From what age you can sorrel children

Although sorrel contains many useful nutrients, but it is impossible to attribute it to very harmless food. This is especially true for children. It is possible to give meals with a sorrel no earlier than the child will be three years old. First of all, such a ban is associated with a high content of oxalic acid. And you need to remember that with age in the plant it is accumulated even more. Therefore, for baby food, you can only take the youngest leaflets until the floral arrows appear.

Is it possible to eat overgrown sorrel

It is believed that such a sorrel is not possible because of the accumulation of oxalic acid in it. But the leaves at sorrel grow to the very late autumn. Therefore, you can. You should not take only overgrowing old leaves.

If you doubt, you first taste it or apply and sprinkle with salt. Let it stand and squeeze the juice with which a part of the acid will go.

Historically, the sorrel is used in many countries not only as a vegetable green salad, but also as a healing agent. So, in Germany, it is used to treat a runny nose and colds.

In the Middle Ages, when many peoples have not yet been known for lemon and orange, sorrel was used to acidify dishes. Here are some interesting facts on the use of sorrel in the world.

In Romania, wild and garden sorrels are used to prepare soups, sandwiches, salads, stewed with spinach.

In Croatia and Bulgaria, soups are boiled with it, add to potato mashed potatoes, when cooking eels.

In the villages and villages of Greece, it is used in conjunction with spinach, onion, mangold.

In Belgium, canned sorrel is traditionally served with potato mashed potatoes and local sausages, meatballs or fried bacon.

In Vietnam it is added to salads.

In Brazil and Portugal, sorrel is eaten as a rule in raw form in salads or boil with him soup.

In India, prepare soup and dried add to curry.

In Albania, the leaves are boiled and served with olive oil.

Sorrel, despite its sour taste, can and need to be included in its power. Despite contraindications and harm, for most people he can bring much more health benefits.

Sorrel - Early Vitamin Greene on Our Table

Benefit and harm Self-health for the health of the body

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Today, sorrel is cultivated everywhere, in each garden you can find juicy green leaflets. From the plant prepare juicy pies with sourness, first and second dishes, twists. So that in the process of use does not harm health, it is necessary to take into account possible contraindications.

Chemical composition

  1. Of course, the entire value of sorrel is laid in his list of valuable elements. The acidic herb includes esters, flavonoids, antioxidants, carotene. In the aggregate listed enzymes affect the heart muscle, the digestive tract and even the nervous system.
  2. It is difficult not to mention the vitamins of the RR group, thiamine, retinola, riboflavine, beta-carotene, tocopherol and other elements beneficial items. Sorrel is rich in organic acids, in particular, tubyl, pyrogalla, shovel, ascorbic.
  3. Minerals in the form of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium support the immune system, they are responsible for the beauty of hair, nails and skin.
  4. At such an impressive list, sorrel refers to low-calorie plants. Per 100 grams. Herbs have only 18 kcal. For this reason, it is useful to eat people who are followed by their figure.

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Upcoming for women

  1. During menopause, the female organism is experiencing a sharp release and, on the contrary, the shortage of hormones. When climax, the use of a small amount of octic juice mixed with water in equal amounts is struggling with frequent migraines, uterine bleeding, a change in blood pressure, "tides". A psycho-emotional woman background is normalized, irritability and depression is eliminated.
  2. If you are experiencing a colossal discomfort during the PMS, accompanied by nervousness, rags in the lower back, migraines, sorrel will remove these symptoms. Folic acid that is part of the plant helps to cope with sensations from abundant discharge during menstruation, since hemoglobin increases.
  3. For the beauty of the skin of the face it is useful to cook masks from Kashitz sorrel. It is enough to grind plants by a blender, then apply them as a compress. Thus, you push the epidermis moisture, partially smooth the wrinkles, remove the pigment stains. The mask is famous for its anti-inflammatory and pulling properties.
  4. Most often, women's doctors prescribe the use of sorrel girls on breastfeeding. The plant increases lactation and improves the quality of milk, it becomes not bitter, moderately thick. At the same time, sorrel strengthens the immunity not only the mother, but also a newborn baby.
  5. The benefits of oxalous leaves are proved by weight loss. If you want to reset the extra kilograms, it is enough to turn on the plant with stems into the daily diet. So you get rid of old waste, clean the intestinal walls and stomach from poisons, increase the metabolic processes of the whole organism.

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Upcoming for men

  1. The value of oxalous leaves for a strong half of humanity is due to the chemical composition. Acids, macro- and trace elements are struggling with impairment of the functions of the urogenital system: enhance the blood circulation in the prostate gland, they relieve inflammation and pain, protect against infection, eliminate the wets.
  2. To strengthen the potency and reproductive function, it is necessary to mix extinguished spurred leaves with honey or fuel cane sugar.
  3. If you have identified infertility, drink sorrel-based juice. In addition, the composition contributes to the elimination of hangover, rapidly removing intoxication, accelerating the elimination of ethyl alcohol.
  4. Male suffering from alopecia (mass hair loss), it is recommended to rub the freshest juice based on aloe vera and oxalic leaves into the skin of the head of aloe vera and oxalic leaves (ratio of 1 to 1).

Sorrel for pregnant women: benefit and harm

Despite all the utility of sorrel, the plant should be fascinated in limited quantities of future moms and ladies on breastfeeding.

  1. The large accumulation of the acid of the same name blocks the absorption of calcium. It is known that the element is responsible for the formation of bone tissue and the skeleton of the future baby, as well as the heart muscle of a woman.
  2. To neutralize the action of oxalic acid, combine fresh leaves of a plant with acid dairy products. For example, make a salad and make it sour cream. Mix the cassea of \u200b\u200bsorrel with serum or tan. Thus, you eliminate the accumulation of acid in the body.
  3. It is useful to eat sorrel if the future or new mum fell ill with angina. The plant quickly reduces heat and strengthens immunity. Sorry leaves eliminate constipation and diarrhea, fighting the lessed liver and intestines.
  4. If you pass the course with drugs, including a large amount of calcium, it is useful to eat wild sorrel. It is perfectly learned by the body and contributes to the absorption of the drug element.
  5. Girls in the position that the urolithiasis, gout and the gastrointestinal disorder were revealed, should not eat sorrel. You will only create a strong liver load, provoke a neoplasm on the gastric mucosa and expose the kidneys.

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Harm sorrel

  1. Gastroenterologists in one voice say that it is impossible to eat sorrel with pancreatitis. This rule applies not only to the aggravation of the ailment, but also remission. If you neglect the recommendation, the acid attack the pancreas mucous membrane and provoke a complication of the disease.
  2. Sorrelic acid, which is responsible for the acid as part of the plant, provokes the accumulation of salts of the same acid in the body. Oxalates form sand and stones in the kidneys, a bustling bubble. If you have solid neoplasms in the listed internal organs, refuse to eat leaves.
  3. Sorrel promotes accelerated acid development in the stomach, thereby provoking the appearance of gastritis or ulcers. If you have already encountered these ailments, you should not eat green grass.

It is proved that the leaves of sorrel are not only delicious, but also useful for the human body. Most often to use the plant recommend people with disorders of digestion and sexual dysfunction, girls during menstruation, men after 45 years.

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Video: How to Prepare Sorrel for Winter

Sorrel - useful properties, composition and nutritional value, Methods of preparation, harm to the body

Sorrel in Latin is called "Rumex", which in translation sounds like "Spear". And the leaves of the plant in the form really resemble this formidable weapon. And in Russia, sorrel for the specific and sour and sour taste of Istari was called "acid", "oxyadder" or "acid" and put in one of the most famous Russian first dishes.

Today it is known 120 species of sorrel. And these species are common throughout the light, grow on all continents, except, naturally, Ice Antarctica.

Sorrel people use in food for many centuries. Even in ancient Rome, one of the species of this sheet plant was in the diet and patrician, and plebs. But before starting sorrel, people used him in medicine. The decoction of rhizomes was treated with dysentery, cashis from crushed leaves - indigestion. And dressings impregnated with oxal juice, stopped bleeding.

Sorrel unpretentious and perfectly feels in a wide variety of climatic conditions. And he is one of the first plants in early spring happy with vitamins. His young leaflets go on cooking soups, salads and all kinds of snacks.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of sorrel

The nutritional value:

  • Calorie: 22 kcal
  • Proteins: 1.5 gr
  • Fat: 0.3 gr

Show entire list »

  • Carbohydrates: 2.9 gr
  • Food fibers: 1.2 gr
  • Organic acids: 0.7 gr
  • Water: 92 grams
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: 0.1 gr
  • Mono- and Disaccharides: 2.8 gr
  • Starch: 0.1 gr
  • Ash: 1.4 grams
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.1 gr


  • Calcium: 47 mg
  • Magnesium: 85 mg
  • Sodium: 15 mg
  • Potassium: 500 mg
  • Phosphorus: 90 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 0.3 mg
  • Bat carotene: 2.5 mg
  • Vitamin A (RE): 417 μg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.19 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin C: 43 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 2 mg
  • Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent): 0.6 mg

Trace elements:

In the leaves of sorrel contains a lot of useful substances. Vitamins and trace elements. In one hundred grams of oxalous leaves, the daily human norm of vitamin C is also a lot of groups of group in (riboflavin and thiamine), RR, E and A. There are beta-carotene. There are magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and calcium.

In sorvele one of the most harmonious combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, the fibers of this plant contribute to the qualitative purification of the stomach and intestines.

Than good sorrel

Sorrel - the plant is unusually useful for the human body. And his healing qualities were noticed by people much earlier than just food. Predated by various parts of this plant treated:

  • colds;
  • headaches of different origin;
  • rheumatism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • some diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • anemia;
  • liver disorders;
  • zing and bleeding gums;
  • lishe, Eclamp and other skin irritations.

The benefits of sorrel is also proved in the fight against poisoning. Its extract has long been used in the composition of antidces in the bite of insects and snakes. Especially effective seed spurred extract against the yase of scorpions.

And there is one very interesting quality in sorrel. The juice of his leaves and decoction of the roots in different ways act on digestion. The first slack, and the second fixes. Moreover, sorval juice prevents putrefactive processes in the intestine.

Ask any doctor, and it will describe the beneficial properties of sorrel. But it will begin with what will say about the conception of this leaf plant to the human body. Still, because in its composition so many vitamins and trace elements!

With sorrel, no spring avitaminosis is not terrible, and if you consider his amazing natural ability to remove allergic reactions, it becomes clear why this culture is recommended in the menu of pregnant and fencers, patients and recovering patients. Sorrel dishes must be included in children's diet.

Supreme leaves juice is used and as an effective rinse, relieving the dental pain and strengthening gums, and besides, it cleans the skin irritation well, soothes the epidermis itching.

Than good sorrel

But, unfortunately, this plant can carry not only benefit. Harm sorrel is obvious to people with:

  • disorders of the water and alkaline balance;
  • arthritis;
  • gout.

An excess of oxalic acid contributes to the formation of stones in the kidneys, inflammation of the joints. And provokes some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, sorrel contraindications exist for patients suffering from a number of chronic diseases.

This does not mean that people in the risk group should be completely abandoned by dishes with Orel. We just need to know the measure and correctly prepare this sheet plant.

Sorrel is one of the few plants that requires special dishes for cooking, frying or extinguishing. It is impossible to use cast iron and aluminum pans, pots and saucers. And all because oxalic acid is capable of reacting with a number of metals and metal alloys, forming toxic substances that are harmful to the human body.

As for recipes, the sorrel is traditionally used for cooking:

  • first dishes (semic, vegetable and chicken soups);
  • all kinds of salads;
  • kulisov, gas stations and sauces (to fish, red meat and grilled vegetables);
  • fillings for pies;
  • smoothies, lemonade and other home (and not only) alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Sorrel is perfectly combined with cheese, cottage cheese, egg and white chicken meat. It can be placed without losing useful qualities and marinate for the winter.

This simple, low-calorie dish will not only help to saturate the body, but also fill its energy. Sorrel is a product rich in microelements. In addition to health benefits, it delivers a pleasure to its original acid taste, a juicy color, pleasing eyes, and, of course, accessibility. Today, this main ingredient of the refreshing soup can be easily raised on its own landed plot or even the windowsill, not to mention the abundance of oxalous greenery in supermarkets. Recipes soups from sorrel are presented in a wide variety.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes:

This gentle first dish is superb in any form: in hot, and in cold. It is extremely simple to cook it, because all the components are literally at hand. A vitamin soup is preparing very quickly and at the same time possesses stunning, unusual taste. If there is a desire to please yourself and your close-up light summer foods, it is worth stopping the choice on the sornevian soup. Such an interesting Kushan will certainly deliver aesthetic pleasure and will be remembered by a pleasant taste and a rich aroma!

Among the vegetables that are particularly popular, green vegetables are distinguished, which include sorrel used for the preparation of salads and the first. The hostesses are happy to buy sorrel, since in this case it is not necessary to think about to feed households, and the guests will have to taste a green sorrel sow, prepared according to one of numerous recipes. It consists of various ingredients, including meat of different varieties and vegetables, but it is not only tasty. "Masterpieces" from this affordable plants are incredibly useful, they are capable of quenching hunger, they can even cheer up and raise the mood. Talk about the nutritional properties of sorrel, and this is only 20 kcal per 100 grams, we will only have to answer the question of how many calories in the spurless soupe, in Sabel, and is there any contraindications to its consumption.

Composition and beneficial properties

Slender figure is a secret or explicit dream of every woman, so they ask the question of how many calories in the sparing soup with potatoes, sch, with a egg on pork broth, on the water, namely, in such a combination, we used to see him. Before talking about the calorieness of the oxalous (one more name), let's look at their biochemical composition. The dish cooked according to the classic recipe contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, which are especially much in the green vegetable, but to keep the maximum amount of them, it is not necessary to digest. The vegetable has a laxative effect, favorably acts on the work of the liver, normalizes the composition of the blood, increasing the amount of hemoglobin, but the abuse of them, nevertheless, is not worth it, especially if you have problems with the kidneys and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


The nutritionists often have to answer the question of how useful or harmful is the green soup with an egg, and in such a combination it is more familiar. It is difficult to answer this question, because one thing is the first dish on a pork racer, and quite another, if we are talking about the calorie content of the soup with the egg, but on the water. The weight of "helium" from sorrel on pork broth is 65 kcal per 100 grams, while the caloric content of the oxal soup without meat does not exceed 40 kcal.

If you are not a supporter of meat, do not refuse at least from eggs, and you can remove all doubts about the use of such a dish can information on how many calories in the sparing soupe with an egg without meat, on a chicken broth, with chicken. In the first case, this is about 35 kcal - a truly dietary dish. Strengthen the taste of the dish helps sour cream, and if you want to know the calorie content of the oxalous soup on the water with an egg and sour cream, add "weight" sour cream, and in the tablespoon it contains about 40 kcal, which makes it makes it think.

If you do not want to get a few dozen unnecessary kilocalories, you can use a chicken for the preparation of a dietary broth, and that it is not dangerous for the figure, you can make sure that the question about the "weight" dishes on the chicken broth. The calorie content of the oxal soup on the chicken broth is 35 kcal. Answering how much the first dish of chicken is useful, you should know which part of the carcass was used for cooking, because the caloric content of the oxalous soup with chicken can grow significantly, if you cook it with a skin.

35 Calories We will get, prepare a soup without an egg, and understand how much "weighs" a dish with an egg on a chicken broth, you can, adding half of the egg to this amount.

The caloric content of the oxalous soup on the meat broth, with beef, on the beef broth and other meat, as you can see, differs from the "weight" of a lean dish, while one of the most popular is the recipe for a beef broth. Naturally, you want to know how many calories in the oxhelev soupe with beef. If it is low-fat meat, the weight does not exceed 30 kcal per 100 grams. Thus, the soup with beef can be eaten without restrictions.

Many women are incredibly concerned about the question of a good figure. What only the tricks are not invented in order to always remain slim. Many are engaged in sports, many limit themselves in favorite products, some do both. Therefore, sitting down at the table, they are obliged to know how many calories are contained in the dish, which they are going to eat. After all, it directly proportionally depends on how much weight they can dial. But only one small calorie dish is not only terribly bored, but also completely unpleasant to health. But in an interesting way to make a variety of in your diet can be remarkable sorval soup, which is not only a small-calorie, but also very useful.

So, if in brief, then in a hundred grams of oxalous soup contains:

  1. Approximately 40 calories.
  2. About 1.6 g. Protekov.
  3. Approximately 2.6. G. Fat.
  4. Not more than 3 g of carbohydrates.

These figures may vary depending on the composition of the soup. If you want to know how much calories in the sparing soupe on chicken broth, you should add the caloric content of the chicken itself to our "tablet". If you are interested in how many calories in the aphasely soupe with one egg, add caloric content of eggs to soup calorie. Of course, the variations of recipes can be the most different. Someone loves very lean soups on the water, someone gives preference to oily pork. But, of course, pork soup is not a light diet soup. For comparison, you can find information on how many calories in the splash soupe on the chicken broth and how many calories in soup on pork broth - the difference will be quite tangible.

All "For" and "Against" Ogchal Soup:

  1. Laxative and gile effect.
  2. Normalizes the work of the liver.
  3. Increases blood hemoglobin.
  4. Helps cope with vitaminosis.
  5. Positive affects the skin in its illness.
  6. Improves the processes of digestion and bleeding.
  7. Contraindicated people with kidney diseases, ulcer of the stomach, gastritis with increased acidity and incompatible with some other diseases.
  8. Contraindicated pregnant women.

But, nevertheless, its benefits are invaluable. And given the low calorieness - especially if you pay attention to how many calories in the sparing soupe with an egg on the water - this dish will become an excellent addition to your diet. In addition, the fans of sour will appreciate his unusual taste. Also, do not forget about the whole set of vitamins that are in sorrel. For example, in this list you will accurately meet such vitamins like carotene, a complete set of group vitamins, ascorbic acid, magnesium, calcium, potassium, tanning substances, and, of course, iron. If you are interested in how many calories in sorrel, then the answer is obvious: very little. And if more precisely, approximately 19 calories are obtained at one hundred grams of sorrel.

An interesting property of sorrel is its light painful effect. Thanks to its special set of elements, it can help with light cuts and burns. Although he is not recognized as scientific medicine, but the grandmothers often use it for different situations in which pain needs to be removed.

Returning to the various recipes of oxal soups, we immediately say that there are many options. If you, first of all, carefully, will you shoot from soup, you will easily find information on how many calories in the spurless soup without meat or how many calories in the oxhelev soupe with chicken. Well, since you started doing this issue, we advise you to immediately see how many calories in the aphasev soupe with beef. By the way, the beef soup is a compromise option between light chicken and heavy beef soup. But, unfortunately, not everyone loves beef. But here it is not impossible to treat veal - it is not too calorie, gentle and appetizing.

Do not forget that the soup can be added potatoes. True, potatoes are not the best option for a diet, because it contains starch, which does not really contribute to rapid slimming. But if you see how many calories in the Savleless soupe with potatoes, concerns can cool a little. After all, in fact, it is unlikely that sorveless soup can become a regular dish of your diet. Rather, it is good to use it for some kind of diversity. Therefore, a couple of potato will not play a particularly tangible role for your figure, and the taste and completeness of the soup will add.

One way or another, it seems, we answered the question of how to find out how many calories in the sprouts. It is enough for you to simply add to the calories of the oxalous soup on the water calorie content of those products you are going to put in your soup. We hope this dish will like you, and you can delight yourself with a non-standard soup for lunch from time to time. After all, diet diet, and diversion still wants.