What is better cognac or whiskey, what are the features of drinks? A few words about the difference between vodka and whiskey. What is better, what is worse, what is different

17.09.2019 The drinks

There are many types of strong alcoholic drinks all over the world, there are also very strong beers. It is interesting to understand which of the alcoholic beverages is the strongest and why.

Types of strong alcoholic drinks

Continuous distillation has long been the most efficient and best method of making spirits. This method was invented in the nineteenth century. In the preparation and distillation of strong alcohol, different raw materials are used, which is largely determined by what products are traditional for a particular area. Thanks to this, different types of strong alcoholic beverages appeared.

So in Russia and Poland they make vodka using wheat for this. Rum is produced in sugarcane-rich Latin America. Tequila and mezcal are made from blue agave by Mexico. Southern Europe is famous for cognac and brandy, for the preparation of which grapes growing there are used. In places where the climate is colder, potatoes are used in the production of strong drinks, resulting in whiskey and aquavit.

There are such types of spirits: tequila, gin, cognac, calvados, brandy, mezcal, rum, armagnac, sake, absinthe, vodka. They can be divided into those that are necessarily aged according to technology (whiskey and cognac) and unaged drinks (grappa, gin, vodka). But aquavits, brandies and rums can be aged or not aged, depending on the technology.

Alcoholic drinks stronger than 40 degrees

Strong alcoholic drinks are presented to a person in a wide variety. We are talking about drinks that are stronger than forty degrees. So, a drink prepared on the basis of wormwood is called absinthe. The alcohol content in it is from seventy percent. It is this alcoholic drink that is considered not just a drink, but a narcotic and hallucinogenic drug. For a long time it was banned in many countries. Only since the end of last year, absinthe began to return, once again gaining popularity.

The strength of gin is in the range from forty-six to fifty-five degrees. Its second name is juniper vodka. The drink is obtained by distilling wheat alcohol with juniper. It is usually used in cocktails.

Italian grappa resembles whiskey. It is made from grape pomace, and the fortress varies from forty to sixty degrees. Grappa is also compared to the Spanish drink Orujo and Georgian Chacha.

A strong drink like armagnac, similar to cognac, is prepared from grape spirit. This is essentially brandy, it is valued even more than cognac. Its fortress is forty-fifty-five degrees.

Alcoholic drinks that are stronger than forty degrees also include vodka, brandy, tequila, whiskey, rum, etc. In addition to these well-known types of strong drinks, there are unusual, exotic ones. Chicha is such, her homeland is Latin America. To prepare this drink, local women have to chew dry maize grains. All this is then poured with water and insisted until the maize ferments. Experts believe that chicha causes the longest and worst hangover. The strength of the drink is more than forty degrees.

Another example of a non-standard drink is rat wine, which is made in China. Its fortress is fifty-seven degrees. To prepare a drink, newborn rats that have not yet opened their eyes are poured with rice vodka. The infusion is soaked for a whole year.

The strongest beer

There is a beer that can compete with many hard liquor. The strongest beer was brewed in 2012 by the Scottish brewery Brewmeister. The strength of this beer with the name "Armageddon" is equal to sixty-five degrees. The drink has a rich taste and aroma. It is made from oatmeal, wheat, caramel malt based on Scottish spring water.

In 2013, the same brewery brewed an even stronger beer called Snake Venom. The alcohol content in it is sixty-seven and a half percent. Strong beer has hop aroma, malty body and strong alcohol notes.

What is stronger: whiskey, cognac or vodka

Alcoholic drinks differ in the degree of strength. So in vodka - forty percent alcohol. It is prepared from ethyl alcohol and water. Today it is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world.

Another strong alcoholic drink that is on a par with vodka is cognac. Unlike vodka, it is made from grapes. The strength of this drink is from forty to forty-two degrees. Whiskey is considered one of the most noble drinks. Its fortress is usually in the range of forty-fifty degrees, but there are varieties whose fortress reaches sixty.

The strongest alcohol in the world

There is alcohol in America that is currently banned in thirteen states. Its name is Everclear or devil's water. The drink is prepared on the basis of corn or wheat alcohol, and the alcohol content in it is ninety-five percent.

Rarely consumed on its own, the odorless and colorless Devil's Water is added as an ingredient to various cocktails.

Records are set not only by strong alcohol. According to the website, a bottle of Inglenook Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley, not the strongest wine, costs $20,000 a bottle. But there is wine that is ten times more expensive. Learn all about the most expensive wine.
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Ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic products is a poison in large quantities. In addition, many drinks contain chemical dyes, flavors and impurities. To choose the safest alcohol-containing product, you need to study the compositions of the most popular ones. It is necessary to be guided by the principle: the less impurities and additives, the easier it is for the liver to process the substance. Based on this, the least harmful alcoholic drink is vodka.

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    Depending on the degree of purification and the raw materials used, there are three grades of vodka alcohol:

    1. 1. "Super" and "Alpha" - the maximum degree of purification, are used to make premium vodka.
    2. 2. "Lux" - produced exclusively from grain.
    3. 3. "Extra" and "Highest purification" - prepared from sugar-containing organic raw materials.

    The purity of vodka is determined not only by the class of alcohol from which it is prepared, but also by the production technology, the degree of purification, etc. There are several simple ways to check the "purity" of the product:

    • Spin the bottle and see how quickly the bubbles disappear. In quality vodka, they should disappear in a few seconds.
    • Put the bottle horizontally, and then slowly raise it, watching the vodka flow down the wall. Pure vodka flows immediately, leaving no streaks on the bottle.
    • Smell immediately after opening the bottle. High-quality vodka smells only of alcohol. The presence of foreign odors will indicate poor cleaning of the product.

    Useful properties of vodka

    Despite its chemical composition (water and ethyl alcohol), vodka can have a certain healing effect on the human body:

    1. 1. Expansion of the lumen of the vessels, which leads to a short-term decrease in blood pressure.
    2. 2. Increased appetite.
    3. 3. Psychological - helps to get rid of many complexes for a while and become more relaxed and sociable. Although this dignity of the drink is very conditional, since intoxication helps to hide psychological problems, and not solve them.

    Harm from vodka

    The harmful effects of vodka on human health are much stronger than the benefits. In addition to antisocial action, vodka has a strong destructive effect on the entire body.

    Ethyl alcohol contained in vodka has a detrimental effect on brain cells. Regular consumption of this drink in large quantities can lead to irreversible brain damage and cause mental illness.

    Drinking vodka contributes to the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels. Alcohol gluing clogs blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in oxygen supply to brain cells. In severe cases, adhesions can lead to stroke and death.

    Regular consumption of vodka causes cirrhosis of the liver. As a result of the disease of this organ, immunity decreases, the blood stops being cleansed, and the person becomes defenseless against most infectious diseases.

    Pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, impotence, atherosclerosis and many other diseases can also be the result of excessive consumption of vodka.


    In large doses, the product is toxic to the liver and other internal organs. This is primarily due to the alcohol contained in it, the quality of which is often low. The strength of the beer is achieved by the action of yeast microorganisms in the fermentation process. Together with alcohol, acetic acid, fusel oils and other side compounds are formed in the product.

    Quality beer, brewed according to classic recipes, should consist only of water, malt and hops. However, now many manufacturers often add various syrups and molasses to improve the taste. This leads to the fact that beer begins to have an atypical, and sometimes unpredictable effect on the human body. It is because of these additives that many consumers often complain of a morning hangover after 2-3 bottles of beer.

    A low-alcohol drink has useful properties, which are determined by the elements contained in it:

    • B vitamins;
    • biotin;
    • fruit and lactic acids;
    • potassium;
    • magnesium;
    • nicotinic and folic acids;
    • amino acids.

    The presence of malt fills the beer with 30 different beneficial compounds. Two liters of the drink compensates for the lack of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium in the body.

    The harmful effects of beer

    Along with a high content of vitamins, microelements and acids, beer contains harmful, toxic compounds. This is first of all:

    • Fusel oils. Mainly present in dark and wheat beers. In large quantities, they have a toxic effect on the human body.
    • Phytoestrogens. They are plant analogues of the female sex hormone - estrogen. In the male body, they can cause gynecomastia (itching in the nipples and their increase), female-type obesity, baldness, acne.
    • Cobalt. Unscrupulous beer makers mix in cobalt compounds to increase foam. The substance is dangerous for the human cardiovascular system.

    Beer abuse can cause allergic reactions, diarrhea and skin rashes.


    The drink is prepared by distillation of alcohol-containing raw materials. The resulting liquid is sealed in wooden barrels and stored for a long time. Whiskey contains from 32 to 50% alcohol and has a yellow-brown color.

    Unlike vodka, which consists only of alcohol and water, whiskey contains a large number of foreign substances:

    • Fusel oils. They give the product a specific smell and taste. At the same time, there are toxic compounds among a large number of fusel oils. The most dangerous of them is isoamyl alcohol, which is 10-12 times more toxic than ethyl alcohol. When using this chemical compound, a headache, nausea, and vomiting appear. Death can occur after ingestion of 10-15 g of the substance.
    • Ethers. Give whiskey fruit flavors and aromas. However, in large quantities they exhibit preservative properties, which can lead to dysbacteriosis.
    • Diketone diacetyl. Adds an oily scent. It is formed during the fermentation of the wort. The amount contained in whiskey does not have a harmful effect on the human body.
    • Lactones. Esters with a distinct coconut odor. No harmful effect.
    • Phenolic components, in particular coumarin. In moderate dosages, they show healing properties - they normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, prevent thrombosis, and have a calming effect.
    • polyphenol tannin. Gives whiskey an astringent feel. It has an antioxidant, radioprotective effect on the human body, normalizes the function of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular and digestive systems, hematopoiesis, and smooth muscle tissue.

    The specific benefits and harms of whiskey are determined by the amount of fusel oils in the drink, which can reach 4000 mg per liter. Therefore, the safety of this alcohol for the body depends primarily on the degree of purification. Also, aged whiskeys are considered less harmful: in them, some of the fusel oils are absorbed by the tree.


    Cognac is a grape spirit, double distilled and aged in oak barrels. Often unscrupulous manufacturers are cunning - they add rectified grain alcohol to cognac alcohol. It is very difficult to taste such a mixture. Most often, due to the low quality of cognac, a severe hangover occurs.

    The benefits of cognac

    Despite the fact that the drink is strong and contains a large amount of ethyl alcohol, cognac can have a healing effect on the body:

    • increased appetite;
    • stimulation of the production of gastric juice;
    • improvement of metabolic processes in the body;
    • help in the fight against infections and pathogenic viruses.

    Cognac has the ability to lower blood pressure, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the human cardiovascular system.

    Tannins reduce the rate of absorption of alcohol into the blood, which is why intoxication occurs more slowly than with other alcoholic beverages. They also aid in the absorption of vitamin C.

    Harm cognac

    The drink contains more than 450 different compounds, some of which have a detrimental effect on the body - they are toxic. A large number of substances in cognac appears during the maturation of cognac spirit in an oak barrel. So, ethyl acetate in agriculture is used to control insects. Cognac is 3 times more saturated with it than tequila. These substances increase the load on the liver, which is already exposed to the harmful effects of cognac spirits.

    A common mistake is to refrigerate cognac before drinking. The drink must be at room temperature. Pour into a glass up to the middle.

    In Russia, cognac is usually eaten with lemon or cheese. In Western Europe, brandy is consumed with chocolate, coffee and a cigar.


    Wine in its composition has a huge number of chemical elements. Wine has beneficial properties due to the presence in the composition of compounds such as:

    • tannins - determine the color and taste of the drink. The compounds have preservative properties and do not allow the wine to oxidize. Substances have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, are a preventive measure for heart attacks and strokes;
    • flavonoids - remove free radicals, protecting cells from their destructive effects. Flavonoids activate immune functions, help the body fight infections and colds. These compounds are able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improving their permeability and elasticity and delaying all changes associated with the deposition of cholesterol plaques;
    • vitamins, macro- and microelements - have a general strengthening effect on all organs and tissues of the body.

    Due to its properties, wine has been used in medical practice. Today, this drink is prescribed in sanatoriums and clinics located in the Caucasus and other areas where wine is produced. The drink treats diseases of the heart, blood vessels, joints, stomach, blood and sexual function.

    Harm from wine

    Despite the large number of useful properties, wine, like any other alcoholic drink, can be harmful to health. Before all this:

    1. 1. Alcoholism. Daily use of wine leads to inhibition of the production of ethyl alcohol by one's own body. As a result, in addition to psychological dependence, a physical craving for alcohol is inevitably formed.
    2. 2. Diabetes. Wine contains a large amount of sugar. Even drinking one glass of this drink makes the pancreas work in a forced mode: you need to produce a large amount of insulin and spread sugar through the cells of tissues and organs. As a result of regular loads from its intake into the body, the function of the pancreas is inhibited, insulin is produced less and less, and diabetes mellitus develops.
    3. 3. Load on the liver. Ethyl alcohol contained in wine, to a certain extent, has a toxic effect on the liver. To reduce the load on this organ, it is recommended not to eat fatty foods with wine. In diseases of the liver and biliary tract, alcoholic beverages should be discarded. Do not take red wine, even dry, at the same time as medications.

    The main rule in drinking wine is to know when to stop. This amazing drink can become a healing elixir that bestows health and youth, and can be a deadly poison and lead to fatal diseases.


    Tequila is made from the juice of the blue agave agave tequilana. The alcohol content in the drink is most often from 38 to 40%.

    Consumers of the drink claim that there is no pain in the head in the morning after drinking tequila. This property is achieved by its ability to cause rapid intoxication - faster than from vodka or cognac. As a result, a person becomes drunk faster than they have time to consume a large amount of drink.

    The benefits of tequila

    Agave is a plant with many medicinal properties:

    • activates the immune system;
    • exhibits antioxidant properties;
    • is an effective pain reliever;
    • normalizes the functions of the intestines, stomach and liver;
    • helps to heal wounds;
    • relieves constipation;
    • removes toxic substances from the body;
    • activates metabolism;
    • increases the lumen of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure;
    • prevents the development of mental illness;
    • inhibits the growth of malignant tumors;
    • strengthens hair follicles;
    • helps fight insomnia.

    Tequila is used in combination for the preparation of tinctures and compresses for people suffering from sciatica and joint diseases.

    Harm tequila

    Excessive consumption of tequila negatively affects the functioning of the liver, leading to its damage. The elasticity of blood vessels decreases, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases.

    Abuse of the drink leads to wear and tear of the pancreas and inhibition of its function. This is fraught with the development of diabetes.

    It is customary to consume tequila from narrow glasses with a thick glass bottom or thick-walled glasses. They drink a blue agave drink without snacking before dinner. The most famous way to drink tequila is with salt.


    Rum is made from the by-products of cane sugar production by fermentation and subsequent distillation. The resulting distillate is corked into oak barrels and stored for a long time, as a result of which the drink acquires an amber color and a characteristic aroma. The alcohol content of rum ranges from 40 to 75%.

    Due to the fact that there is no single technology for preparing a drink, the quality of rum and its taste can vary greatly depending on the country of production or the manufacturer's company. Accordingly, the better the technology is followed, the cleaner the drink will turn out and the less manifestations of a hangover will be after drinking it.

    The benefits and harms of drinking rum are the same as those of drinking other strong alcoholic beverages. The danger of rum to human health will only be increased by poor purification of alcohol and the poor quality of the raw materials used - cane molasses and syrup.


    Moonshine is prepared at home using a moonshine still by distilling mash. The raw material for mash is plant products rich in sugars and starch. The difference between moonshine and vodka is that when it is made from a drink, various impurities are not removed. As a result, intoxication occurs more slowly, and the hangover syndrome manifests itself more strongly. Therefore, when choosing: vodka or moonshine, it is recommended to choose vodka.

    Home-made moonshine production is similar to the industrial production of cognac, whiskey and tequila - the removal of impurities is not carried out completely on purpose so that the drink acquires a specific smell and taste of the raw material.

    The benefits of moonshine

    Small doses have a calming and vasodilating effect on the body. Moonshine acquired the remaining useful properties largely due to traditions and culture. For more than 100 years, it has been popularly believed that a glass of moonshine with pepper is a very effective means of combating colds. Many men use moonshine with onions and parsley to increase potency. In folk medicine, there are many recipes for compresses and rubbing at elevated body temperature, joint pain, and colds.

    A significant advantage of moonshine is the fact that production takes place under personal control. This guarantees the safety of the final product. Another plus is the price. A home-made drink is about 2-3 times cheaper than vodka.

    Harm moonshine

    The danger to human health is more obvious than the benefit. After the distillation of the mash, a distillate is formed, containing a large amount of hazardous compounds (fusel oil, methanol), leading to serious health problems.

    The most dangerous impurities in moonshine are:

    • isoamyl alcohol;
    • isopropyl alcohol;
    • ethyl acetate.

    These compounds can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, liver, kidneys, and brain.

    Moonshine causes great damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Regular use of moonshine inevitably leads to a thinning of the inner lining of the stomach, which causes bleeding and ulcers.

    After analyzing the chemical composition of various alcoholic beverages, we can conclude that the safest drink will be the one that contains the least amount of fusel oils. According to this quality, you can compile an alcohol safety rating (the amount of fusel oils is indicated in ml / liter):

    1. 1. Vodka - 15-25.
    2. 2. Beer - 25-100.
    3. 3. Wine - 100-630.
    4. 4. Cognac - until 2000.
    5. 5. Whiskey - up to 4000.
    6. 6. Moonshine - up to 12000.

    In large doses, any alcohol is harmful to human health. When choosing alcohol, it is necessary to be guided by the principle: the less impurities and additives in the drink, the easier it is for the liver to process it, and the less consequences there will be in the morning. Based on this principle, it is better to choose vodka, as it is the least harmful.

Disputes between fans of these strong drinks still do not subside. Everyone praises their favorite alcohol, but who is right in the end?

To answer this question, let's see how vodka differs from whiskey: what is stronger, tastier, more harmful, and so on. In a word, we will provide all the information so that you can make an informed choice for yourself and decide what to give preference to.

We will compare two drinks according to three key indicators - taste, color and smell. You will see for yourself that the difference in organoleptic properties is very significant.


  • Have a good whiskey rich and rich bouquet - with a characteristic malt base, woody, creamy caramel, smoked, spicy notes in the background, with a pronounced aftertaste. Just enough to savor every sip.
  • Good vodka there just isn't (and shouldn't be) a rich flavor. And the less alcoholic motives are felt, the better the drink is considered. Aftertaste, especially a long one, is also not observed in top brands. Just in time to knock over a glass or two in one gulp.

Choose what suits you best - depth or purity of taste, a variety of nuances or the absence of an "extra" background.


This is the most obvious difference between vodka and whiskey, understandable even to those who have never tried any of the drinks. It is enough to look at the bottle or pour its contents into glasses (glasses).

  • Hue whiskey varies from lemon straw to caramel brown - depending on the nature and method of processing raw materials, the presence of additives. It even plays a role in the barrels from which drink it was aged. If from sherry, elite alcohol becomes more amber, if from sherry, it acquires reddish notes, and so on. The main thing is that the color is always even, visually pleasing (how beautiful it plays in the sun), speaking of nobility.
  • Vodka must be absolutely transparent. It is not for nothing that she is called "white" and "clean as a tear." If you bring it to the light, not only impurities or sediment, but even any extraneous shades should not be noticeable. And the cleaner it is, the higher its quality, although this is a common sign, and not one hundred percent fact.

Did you know? Not entirely conscientious producers use this myth for their own purposes when they bottle their vodka with slightly blue glass. Thanks to such a trick, the already transparent alcohol visually seems even cleaner (like spring water!), and therefore better, although this is just a deception of perception. Color is an exceptional individuality: you just need to understand how it should be. And there already decide for yourself what is closer in spirit to you, crystal clear - Beluga - in a misted bottle or caramel.


Here we have a clear favorite. If you are guided solely by aesthetic impressions, then it is even incorrect to compare what is better in aroma, vodka or whiskey - simply because the first should not have a pronounced smell.

This popular peat flavor is bound to pleasantly tickle the nose with herbal notes, increasing the desire to take the first sip, or - to impress with its smoky richness. And from - Nemiroff - or - Stolichnaya - this is not required.

On the other hand, is it really necessary to inhale alcohol vapors at all, trying to catch some nuances and enjoy the shades? Many appreciate the strength of the drink, and they are not particularly interested in the smell, so this is also a matter of individual preference.

Production technology

The manufacturing method largely determines the organoleptic properties and therefore deserves detailed consideration.

  • Whiskey produced by malting cereals (barley, corn, rye), followed by fermentation, distillation, aging in barrels. Largely due to aging, this type of alcohol acquires its rich aroma and taste.
  • vodka made by mixing purified alcohol (rectified) with water. Not only cereals, but also potatoes, beets or even peas (any substance containing enough starch) can act as raw materials. There is no insistence - the resulting solution is bottled without aging.

Did you know? For each of the two technologies, the mash goes through several stages of purification. What makes the difference in price is the amount of ingredients used and the time it takes to produce. The original "Finland" is even cleaner than "Hunky Bannister", but it costs less, because the last distillery spends 3 years or more to age.

Compare the fortress

Not only the richness of taste depends on this indicator, but also the speed of intoxication. So, rectified vodka or distilled whiskey, which is stronger? It is difficult to say unequivocally - you need to look at the brands of both types of alcohol.

  • The standard for vodka is 40 degrees, just such a fortress in the vast majority of its varieties. According to GOSTs, DSTU and other standards, a smaller% ABV (Alcohol By Volume) in this drink is unacceptable, but a larger one is welcome. Therefore, rulers of 45, 50 and even 56 degrees are produced. Usually these are strictly limited series, the share of which in the total volume of the alcoholic product is extremely small.
  • The strength of whiskey starts at 30-32 degrees and reaches 60 or even 65. A wide and very popular group today - Scotch - can boast of ABV at the level of 42-46%. The most severe are island blends, which are aimed specifically at connoisseurs of consistency and richness of taste.

About what is more harmful, vodka or whiskey, disputes also continue. There are two opinions, and according to the first, scotch tapes and blends are more dangerous, since they still contain essential oils and other impurities that cannot be removed by distillation, and rectified alcohol contains only water and ethanol.

According to the second version, vodka is more destructive precisely because of the lack of natural additives. If there were impurities in it, the body would immediately recognize the danger, and so it reacts to ethanol with a delay, when the risk of intoxication is already high. Hence the relatively frequent cases of poisoning.

And alcohol dependence on the "little white" develops many times faster than on the most severe blend - just because of its purity. Although it is dangerous to abuse any alcohol at all, remember that even the most elite drink is good in moderation.

How to serve whiskey and vodka

There are so many differences in the culture of consumption that it is best to compare them in the form of a table.

It is poured into glasses like Nosing, Tulip, Snifter, the onion shape of which helps to reveal the aroma.Served in small glasses with a volume of 50-100 ml.
It is poured on one third of the glass so that the vapors have room to rise.Glasses are filled either completely or half.
Served at normal room temperature.Refrigerate before drinking to make drinking easier.
Suitable for quiet thoughtful gatherings in a narrow circle of connoisseurs of gourmets.A classic choice for large companies and noisy feasts.
Do not mix with other drinks - you can not interrupt the unique bouquet of taste and aroma.It can be part of a variety of cocktails, starting with the simplest Screwdriver.
It is savored slowly, without haste, in small sips, with the obligatory inhalation of aroma.It is drunk in one gulp, before use it is permissible (and in some companies it is even very encouraged) to say a short toast.

Decide which culture of consumption is closer to you personally or more suitable for a particular occasion. Although nothing prevents to pay tribute to both drinks.

For example, you can play poker with friends under the bottle - -, and for the celebration of the anniversary, in nature and a noisy company, buy a box of Rye. The main thing is not to get carried away, even with high-quality alcohol that you really like.

What products are combined with

We offer a look at the comparison table of suitable snacks.

The products, in principle, are similar, but there is a difference in the very nature of the bite. Having taken a sip of whiskey, you need to wait at least a few seconds - savor it, fully feel the aftertaste - and only then put a piece of cheese or chocolate into your mouth.

Here, an appetizer is just an addition that diversifies the experience, but when drinking vodka, it is a must. The same meat will play a different role - it will help slow down the absorption of alcohol and mitigate intoxication.

Both the golden-honey and the icy "Absolute" have their own advantages. It is up to you to ultimately decide what is better to drink, vodka or whiskey, which is closer and more pleasant to you personally. We urge you not to abuse it - let a bottle of something strong and tasty be a background decoration of an important day, and not a reason to get together.

Strong alcohol in Russia accounts for 70-75% of all consumption. But if earlier vodka was the absolute leader, then in recent years its share has slightly decreased due to cognac, whiskey, rum and tequila. True, not everyone still knows the difference between imported alcohol and native vodka. To fill this gap, I propose to compare whiskey and vodka according to the most important indicators.

1. Technology. Vodka is a mixture of rectified (well purified) ethyl alcohol and water. Fortress 40 degrees. In some varieties of vodka, a higher strength and (or) the presence of aromatic additives is possible. Standardized technology has made it possible to establish production in many countries, but in the world vodka is considered a traditional Russian drink. In its pure form, it is drunk only on the territory of the former USSR. In Europe and the USA, vodka is considered an ideal base for cocktails, as it has neither smell nor taste.

Whiskey is an alcoholic drink made from barley, rye or corn, obtained by malting (germinating cereals), fermenting them, distilling the wort and keeping the finished distillate in oak barrels for several years. The fortress fluctuates from 40 to 60 degrees. The taste depends not only on the quality of raw materials, the skill of the distiller and the aging time in barrels are of great importance. Each region has its own requirements for production technology, there are no uniform standards. Whiskey is traditionally made in Ireland, Scotland, USA, Canada and Japan.

Whiskey production technology is closer to moonshine, it is made from only a few types of cereals, which increases the cost. In turn, alcohol for vodka is produced from any food starch-containing raw materials, for example, potatoes, sugar beets, peas, etc. can be used in a mixture with grain.

2. Organoleptic properties. This refers to the color, smell and taste of the drink. Depending on the aging time in oak barrels, the color of the whiskey starts light yellow and ends with brown. The taste varies from viscous thick to light floral, this is influenced by raw materials and the region of production. The most "heavy" are the island Scotch whiskey, their second name is "scotch".

whiskey color variety

Good vodka should be moderately strong, transparent, tasteless and odorless. Other requirements for its organoleptic characteristics are not provided.

3.Culture of consumption. In this aspect, vodka and whiskey are fundamentally different. In Russia, it is customary to drink vodka during a feast in large doses. Its taste is not important, the main thing is the result, a good snack and a cheerful company.

Whiskey is more suitable for alcohol connoisseurs who gather in a narrow circle in a calm, quiet place to spend time chatting or other interesting activities, such as playing cards. Whiskey is drunk from special glasses in small sips, trying to catch the peculiarities of aroma and taste. It is not customary to dilute or eat it, as this interferes with perception. After the tasting, whiskey is discussed, comparing the selected brand with others.

For large noisy companies whose members are not connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages, vodka is better. For a narrow circle of connoisseur friends, a bottle of good whiskey will help brighten up the rest, giving new tasting impressions.

4. Harm to health. There is no single opinion on this matter. One group of researchers believes that whiskey is more harmful than vodka, as it contains more third-party impurities, for example, essential oils that cannot be removed by distillation, and vodka is rectified, in which there is nothing but water and alcohol.

Their opponents refer to the work of Russian toxicologists under the guidance of Professor Vladimir Pavlovich Nuzhny, head of the Narcology Research Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Scientists have come to the conclusion that in excessive doses, any alcoholic beverages are harmful, but vodka is the most harmful. The problem is precisely in the absence of third-party impurities. Because of this, the body does not immediately recognize the danger, starting to react with a delay, when the functioning of vital systems has already been disrupted.

Vodka is addictive faster than other drinks

Some microimpurities of the distillate partially protect the body from the effects of pure ethyl alcohol and, in small concentrations, can even be beneficial. It is known that cognac dilates blood vessels, and whiskey raises the tone. Other impurities, such as hydrocyanic acid and fusel oils in grappa (chacha), create an additional load on the body, they are harmful.

The same group of studies concluded that vodka has no equal in terms of the speed of development of physical dependence. With its regular use, alcoholism develops several times faster than from cognac or whiskey.

The conclusion is supported by statistics. In countries where distillates are preferred (cognac, calvados, whiskey, bourbon, etc.), these are Ireland, France and the USA, the number of alcoholics per 100 thousand inhabitants is much lower than in places where drinks from rectified ethyl alcohol are popular. Most of all, pure vodka is drunk in Russia, Ukraine and Finland.

5. Intoxication and hangover. Subjective indicators, depending on the individual characteristics of the human body, they are difficult to analyze. Theoretically, with the same amount of alcohol drunk, intoxication and the degree of a hangover are determined by the concentration of foreign substances in the drink. In this case, good vodka can be taken as a starting point, since it does not contain impurities.

But we know that, depending on the chemical structure, impurities in distillates can be beneficial or harmful. This means that the hangover from good whiskey will be less than from vodka, since the substances in it partially block the negative effects of alcohol. In the case of bad whiskey, the situation is reversed - a quick intoxication with a strong hangover the next day.

P.S. To drink vodka or whiskey, everyone decides for himself. In many ways, the choice depends on financial capabilities, the nature of the feast and the company. Both drinks in question have the right to be on your table. The purpose of this article was to show the difference between the two, not to determine which one is better.

Vodka is a relatively “pure” alcoholic drink: it contains only alcohol dissolved in water. Foreign substances in alcohol, as a rule, only complicate the situation, put a load on the liver and enhance the harmful effects of each other. Therefore, this drink has many supporters, in particular, those who are convinced that a hangover from good vodka is relatively easy to endure. This is confirmed by toxicologists.

What does medicine say

Beer is a low-alcohol and healthy natural drink. But in large doses, beer is a drink that is complex, poisonous, loading the enzyme system, which is worse tolerated by the body than vodka. Assume that 2 liters of even unfortified beer is 180 grams in terms of pure ethanol, while its effect is enhanced by yeast and hops (phytoestrogens and benzodiazepines). That is, a plastic "flask" of some "Fat Man" contains only one alcohol just at the border of the daily possibilities of processing by the body.

Important information

Normal beer, fermented according to the rules, does not contain nothing but water, malt and hops . If there are additives in the composition of beer, such as syrups, decoctions, and so on (look at the inscription on the label), then this means only one thing - fermentation standard is not complied with, and organics are added to the final product to increase the density and foaming ability, since GOST R 51174-98 for beer defines the requirements for the height and stability of the foam, and not at all for what this foaming provides. Such beer, of course, cannot be protected from a hangover.

Please note that the domestic state standard, unlike some foreign ones, regulates the alcohol content in beer not less number on the label. Manufacturers usually make the fortress higher , and in practice, according to samples known to the expert of the site pohmelje.ru, it is + 50% to the declared one. For example, if we take the declared 6%, as in Zhigulevsky or Bagbier, then the real alcohol content will most likely be 9%.

Beer, however, contains a lot useful substances that make up for the damage caused by alcohol. However, it is primarily about unpasteurized, so-called "live" beer.

  • Thanks to malt, beer contains carbohydrates, protein compounds, minerals, trace elements, acids and vitamins. Other malt substances, in particular ellagic acid, also play an important role: they bind free radicals that can promote the development of cancer cells.
  • Beer, mainly due to malt, contains more 30 minerals and trace elements. One liter of beer covers half the daily requirement of an adult for magnesium, 40% of phosphorus and 20% of the daily requirement of potassium.
  • Beer contains B vitamins(the content of vitamins B2 and B6 is especially high), which are intensively consumed during the decomposition of alcohol, and therefore their lack critical to make up for a hangover. As well as A and E. One liter of beer contains about 210 milligrams of vitamins and vitamin compounds.
  • Beer contains 650 milligrams of fruit and lactic acids per liter. Fruit acids contained in beer are well absorbed.
  • Modern beers are clean and well attenuated, so no fear of fermentation by-products. Fusel spirits are most commonly found in thick, dark top-fermented beers (the most popular beer, lager, is a bottom-fermented beer) and wheat beers.
  • From beer the body receives vegetable starch compounds which promote digestion and secretion of gastric juice. The anticarcinogenic effect of these elements was revealed.
  • Beer contains a relatively small amount sodium, which has a positive effect on blood pressure. The zinc contained in beer is important for the human body in terms of insulin formation, and it also helps the body resist skin diseases. If you drink one liter of beer, then you meet your daily requirement for zinc and get about half the norm. iron, fluorine and copper. calcium and magnesium prevent the formation of gallstones and kidney stones. Beer is also a source silicon.
  • The content of polyphenols in beer is relatively high - 153 milligrams per liter. They have a preventive effect against heart disease.
  • Unfiltered beers, due to the increased content of polyphenols and anthocyanogens, are healthier than red wine.

Harm of beer

In addition to the obvious harm that alcohol causes when consumed excessively, there is a specific harm of beer:

  • There are rumors that some beer makers are adding compounds cobalt for better foaming. Cobalt is very harmful to the heart muscle (myocardium).
  • In people addicted to beer, the volume of the cavities of the heart gradually increases - up to a huge "bull" or "beer" heart. As a result, a heart failure with all the ensuing consequences.
  • Beer contains phytoestrogens- substances of plant origin, the action of which is similar to the action of female hormones. With excessive consumption of beer, they accumulate in the body and cause hormonal disorders. In men, the vegetation on the body decreases, the mammary glands (gynecomastia) grow, fat begins to be deposited in a feminine way - on the hips and sides, potency decreases, sperm motility decreases - to complete infertility and impotence. In women, an excess of phytoestrogens leads to fullness.
  • If you take a lot of liquid during the feast, then this aggravates the pathological redistribution of fluid in the body, which makes a big contribution to the deterioration of well-being the next morning. If you drink beer, it happens automatically. Excess fluid contributes to the appearance of edema, which in particular creates a headache.
  • Also, people who drink beer for years can develop sensitization to barley gluten, which leads to allergic reaction /ACTIVE LINK TO RELEVANT ARTICLE/ in the form of arthritis, diarrhea or skin rashes. In any case, beer is contraindicated in patients with atopic dermatitis.

Whiskey - distillate, consists mostly of alcohol and water: compared to wine or liqueurs, its consumption does not burden the liver so much, already busy with the multi-stage process of breaking down alcohol. Whiskey is made by distilling grain must, which is made from barley, rye, wheat or corn. Barley and rye are often malted (germinated and dried). The distilled drink is aged in oak barrels.

Unlike vodka, which contains almost nothing besides ethyl alcohol and water, whiskey contains a lot of substances that provide its taste and smell:

  • fusel oils, which play an important role in shaping the specific taste of whiskey. Fusel oils are moderately toxic (it is a mistake to think that they are very poisonous and you can get poisoned by them: for this you need to drink too much low-quality alcohol, and alcohol poisoning will come much sooner). An excess of fusel oil is considered a disadvantage, and there are many methods for eliminating it in the process of distillation and filtration (coal, gravel, sand, flax);
  • acetals (ethers) , which are especially abundant in malt whiskey. It is they who give fruity flavors that make such whiskeys related to sherry;
  • diacetyl diketone gives an oily aroma: it is much more in whiskey than in vodka. On the other hand, much less than in rum or brandy.

And a host of others that appear during the fermentation process. During the maturation of whiskey in wooden oak barrels, the drink gets:

  • esters lactones having a clearly distinguishable smell of coconut;
  • phenolic components , in particular coumarin(contained also in some varieties of cinnamon), it is most of all in corn whiskey - bourbon;
  • polyphenol tannin- the same substance that knits in the mouth after fruit or red wine;
  • polyphenol ellagic acid (mainly in malt whiskey) is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the amount of free radicals in the body, and therefore has anti-cancer properties.

Most of these components are moderately but toxic, and unlike wines and beers, whiskey does not contain vitamins and other beneficial substances that can alleviate a hangover. Aged whiskeys are considered less harmful: they contain some fusel oils absorbed by the tree.

The quality and composition of Scotch whiskey (Scotch) and bourbons is regulated by local law, so when purchasing a product that is obviously legally produced, you can rely on the fact that it will not contain chemical flavors and dyes.

Doctor's comment:Any significant dose of whiskey, regardless of its price, is a guaranteed hangover. Note that in toxicology, whiskey is officially considered a surrogate for alcohol in the same class as low-quality moonshine. According to the content of impurities, it gives a load on the liver and the body as a whole much more than vodka. Actually, whiskey, when consumed on its own, is a poisonous mixture, similar in effect to how we would mix many different low-quality alcoholic beverages. And the general principle is very simple - the closer the composition of the alcoholic drink to pure alcohol, the easierit is processed by the body.

What you need to know about whiskey: a healthy minimum

The main types of drink:

  • Malt whiskey made entirely from malted barley. It is usually distilled in special pot stills shaped like an onion. If whiskey is produced in one distillery, it is called "single malt whiskey" (single malt whiskey). Unless otherwise noted, these varieties will generally contain whiskeys of different vintages and different casks. You can find malt whiskey that contains a mixture of drinks from different manufacturers (blended malt or Vatted malt).
  • Grain whiskey - in fact, vodka, alcohol without a pronounced taste and smell. Rarely sold on its own, it is produced to create blended whiskeys.
  • Blended whiskey - a mixture of malt and grain whiskey, pure grain alcohol, wheat, corn and so on. The number of components can be up to forty. This is done to create a unique taste that is unique to this brand (a vivid example is Chivas Regal whiskey). If you see a bottle labeled "Scotch Whiskey" or "Irish Whiskey", then it's most likely a mixed variety.

Whiskey can also be divided according to the grain from which it is produced. When "rye" or "corn" whiskey is indicated, it means that the original wort consisted of at least 51% of this grain. Bourbon is corn whiskey.


The word "scotch", which is used around the world to refer to whiskey made in Scotland, is not used in Scotland itself. There, as elsewhere in the UK, Scotch whiskey is simply referred to as "whiskey" unless the speaker specifies otherwise.

Drinks bearing the name "Scotch" (Scotch) must meet the quality standards approved by the English Parliament in 1988 by a special law (Scotch Whiskey Act). The law stipulates that the drink must be distilled and aged in Scotland, and cannot contain any additives other than water and caramel coloring. The manufacturer is obliged to age the drink only in oak barrels and for at least three years and one day. Initially, the drink should be expelled with a strength of 94.8%, and at least forty degrees should be bottled. The original raw material for real scotch must be malted barley, turned into wort with the help of yeast.

An equally harsh law, adopted back in 1964 by the US Congress, regulates the quality of bourbon (corn whiskey): Americans are not so picky about the aging time of “their” drink, but there can be no caramel colors in it.

How to drink whiskey

The traditions of drinking whiskey are very poorly formalized: unlike wine or tequila, it is drunk in different countries in different ways and diluted with anything: from soda to cola. In addition, whiskey is the basis of hundreds of cocktails. However, for good whiskey, you can force yourself to follow the Scottish rule of "five S": sight-smell-swish-swallow-splash, that is, look-smell-sip-swallow. Only the last point of whiskey is diluted with water.

Quite often one comes across a statement in the spirit of “yesterday I drank only good cognac, so there is no hangover today.” Cognac is often credited with special softness, nobility, "correct" composition and anti-hangover properties. Let's try to understand what brandy actually contains and where its ingredients come from.

Cognac is a type of brandy. That is, it is fruit and berry alcohol (in the case of cognac - only grape) after double distillation, aged in oak barrels.

Important note

A well-known fact: according to French law, a drink can only be called cognac if it is made from grapes of certain varieties (four varieties in total) grown in the province of Cognac and aged in Limousin oak barrels. Dozens of other subtleties are also legally regulated. For our subject matter, this is not of great importance: let's assume that we are talking about a obviously high-quality drink.

Moreover, some regions of the Cognac province produce alcohol of very low quality, which cannot be added to cognacs, but this does not stop dishonest cognac producers who make drinks from it, honestly pointing out that they are made from French alcohol. At the same time, a very worthy cognac (or, if you like, a cognac drink) can be produced in Dagestan, Armenia and even Kazakhstan.

Also, the manufacturer can cheat by diluting cognac alcohol with rectified grain alcohol. It tastes almost impossible to detect, but if you drink drinks made from different types of raw materials, then the hangover will be stronger due to the versatile load on the liver. That is, in this case we get a drink, using which we will certainly “mix”.

So, let's say that we have a known high-quality drink at our disposal. In addition to alcohol and water, it contains about 500 different esters (in particular, the odorous ether ethyl acetate), acetals, various carboxyl and phenolic compounds, as well as higher alcohols, and much more. In the process of maturation of cognac spirit in wood, tannins, furfural, lignin, fructose appear in it.

Some of these substances are slightly toxic to varying degrees. Ethyl acetate, for example, is used by entomologists to kill insects, although it is used as a food additive in small quantities. A liter of cognac contains about 150 milligrams, three times more than tequila. These impurities complicate the work of the liver, which is already forced to perform a multi-stage work on the processing of alcohol. Thus, from the point of view of physiology, cognac cannot be attributed to drinks that are gentle on the body.


The tannins of cognac slow down the absorption of alcohol into the blood, so you can not get drunk with cognac as much as when drinking vodka. Taking into account the fact that cognac contains impurities that require oxidation (though in much smaller quantities than whiskey or wine), the acceptable dose of the drink when converted from vodka should be 30-40% less. However, thanks to tannins, brandy to a lesser extent increases the permeability of the intestinal wall. And if, for example, beer is contraindicated for some allergy sufferers precisely for this reason, then cognac in this sense may be less harmful.

A healthy minimum of information about cognac

The main varieties of cognac as they age:

  • VS(Very Special) two-year aging (if cognac is made from different brandies, then two years is the youngest);
  • VSOP(Very Special Old Pale ) four years of aging;
  • XO(Extra Old) six to twenty years.

How to drink brandy

Good cognac is drunk slowly to feel the aroma. Therefore, a special glass for cognac is called a "snifter" (from English to sniff - to sniff). It is made of smooth transparent glass or crystal with a spherical shape of a glass on a stem tapering upwards to better retain the aroma of cognac. Such glasses are both small - 70 grams, and larger - 250- 400 grams.

When serving cognac should have a temperature above room temperature. It should be poured up to the level of the widest part of the glass. A glass of cognac can only be warmed in the palms, but holding cognac over a fire is a bad form. Also, with such a supply of the drink, the volatile compounds included in it will instantly evaporate.

Cognac is drunk, as a rule, after a feast in its pure form before coffee or tea. The French obey the rule of three "C" (Cafe, Cognac, Cigare) - coffee, cognac, cigar.

Cognac is stored at normal room temperature. You don't need to put it in the refrigerator.

Cognac does not bite anything. Snacking cognac with lemon was invented in Russia under Tsar Nicholas II. In fact, citrus fruits drown out the taste and aroma of the drink that is supposed to be enjoyed. If you still want to have something to eat, then products that do not have a sharp taste are suitable: nuts, chocolate, cheese, apples.

Will you get hangovers from good wine? Let's ask the scientists first:

According to scientists, it is quite possible to drink wine without consequences in the morning if the wine is natural and dry, there are no more than two varieties, and the total dose for the party does not exceed 300 ml, and for sparkling wine - up to 500 ml.

Semi-dry, semi-sweet, sweet and fortified wines put a lot of pressure on the enzymatic system, but of course, to varying degrees. Remember that natural wines do not contain additives and are not made from non-grape raw materials - if you are not sure of your knowledge, do not hesitate to read the composition on the label.

A rule of thumb to reduce the load on redox enzymes when you need to try different varieties of wines can be the following: “from light to dark, from dry to dessert, from weak to strong, from simple to sparkling”.

By the way, sparkling wines, which people indiscriminately call champagne, intoxicate faster, but the intoxication from them is shorter. This is due to the fact that the carbon dioxide contained in sparkling wine increases the effective absorption surface of alcohol upon transition to the gaseous state, which leads to an acceleration of its entry into the blood, and part of the ethanol is absorbed already at the level of the oral cavity and enters the brain, bypassing the liver. Absorption is also accelerated by the sugar contained in all types of sparkling wines, except for brut and dry, as well as the increased temperature of the drink. The latter circumstance, of course, is completely uncharacteristic of sparkling wines, but it works when taking, for example, mulled wine. Accelerated absorption of alcohol also leads to a more rapid onset of its decomposition. Therefore, the way to prevent the rapid breakdown of alcohol is to add to the drink or immediately ingest components or substances that, when oxidized, give the same or similar compounds as the alcohol itself (Le Chatelier's principle for equilibrium chemical systems). In everyday life, such components are onion, garlic, horseradish, radish, mustard, pepper, cinnamon, vinegar and some others. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a person biting a glass of champagne with an onion or a portion of horseradish, but, say, pepper or a “horseradish” snack are reliable means to increase and prolong intoxication from a just taken dose. Our grandmothers, in case of a general lack of alcohol, prepared the so-called "mulled wine". Its recipes can be very different, but the principle is always the same - dry or other weak wine turns into strong alcohol by adding sugar (increasing absorption), heating without boiling (increasing absorption), adding spices (slowing decay). If there were a way to carbonate mulled wine, it would further increase its intoxicating effect.

Other useful properties of wine

Wine has a complex chemical composition, so the range of its applications in medicine is quite wide. There is even a separate term: "enotherapy" - treatment with wine. There are also special clinics, for example, in the Crimea, which successfully treat certain diseases with wine. Basically, we are talking about diseases of the cardiovascular system, but they also treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia and even impotence. Another property of wine to bind free radicals is useful in the danger of radioactive radiation. Also, in some clinics, wine is used as a natural source of trace elements for mental disorders caused by a lack of lithium or rubidium. And a separate article can be honored with the use of wine in the fight against aging. Studies confirming that people live noticeably longer in the wine-growing regions of France appeared back in the 30s of the last century. However, everyone who advises drinking wine every day stipulates that the daily norm should not increase more than one or two glasses: otherwise there is no need to talk about the benefits.

Tequila is not "cactus moonshine" at all, as it is called. Tequila is a strong drink made from the distillation of a special variety of blue agave. agave tequilana. The blue agave is not a cactus, but a plant of the desert lily family, similar to aloe.


Tequila is made from the core of the plant (piñas - pineapple in Spanish), with the cultural cultivation of agave from the first year, all shoots are cut off, so that all the juices go to the core, which is why this "bump", really similar to pineapple, grows under 90 kilograms in weight. In the twelfth year of the plant's life, before the core sprouts, it is cut off and the juice is squeezed out, which is sent for fermentation.

The process of growing tequila is not automated in any way and has existed unchanged for hundreds of years. People of a special profession (jimadores) process the plant, clearing the core of the shoots. They also decide whether the core is ripe before sending it to tequila: if you pick it early, then there will not be enough sugars. If you delay, then the core will escape and all the juices will go into it.

The strength of tequila can be in the range from 35 to 55 degrees. Most often, varieties of 38 or 40 degrees are sold. Fans and connoisseurs of tequila claim that there is no hangover from it with more or less moderate consumption. Let's try to figure out how much the nature of the drink contributes to this.

Tequila, unlike vodka, which, apart from ethyl alcohol and water, contains almost nothing, is rich in ethers and higher alcohols- for the most part (about 50 mg per liter) ethyl acetate - a known solvent, also registered as food additive E1504. By the way, entomologists use it as a poison for insects. It is the esters that give tequila a wonderful taste and aroma, but unlike beer, you should not expect anything useful and anti-hangover from the ingredients of tequila. These impurities in themselves give a strong hangover effect and a versatile load on the liver. Perhaps a milder effect is aged tequila: in the process of maturation in oak barrels fusel oils are absorbed by the tree.

Another positive for your health: unlike other drinks, the likelihood of finding low-quality tequila is quite low: it is all made only in mexico and only in certain areas of the state of Jalisco, where the city of Tequila is located (just like real cognacs are made only in the province of Cognac). Tequila is an important export product for Mexico, it can only be bottled abroad (the Mexican government even tried to ban this, but America put pressure on it, and it can still be bottled outside of Mexico). Therefore, the production of the drink tightly controlled by the Mexican state standard(Norma Oficial Mexicana) - from the place of cultivation to the method of bottling. Therefore, if you buy exactly tequila, and not a fake for it, then most likely it will be an upscale drink. Look for an inscription on the bottles in the spirit of NOM-006-SCFI-2005.

What You Need to Know When Buying Tequila: The Healthy Minimum

First, tequila is divided into tequila made only from agave alcohol (100%) or tequila made from at least 51% agave alcohol and 49% other spirits.

Also, tequila is divided into several varieties depending on the exposure:

  • Blanco(white) or plata(silver) - unaged tequila (it was bottled immediately after distillation) or aged less than two months in stainless steel or oak barrels;
  • Joven(young) or oro (gold) - a mixture of silver varieties with more seasoned ones;
  • Reposado("rested") - tequila, aged from two months to a year in oak barrels;
  • Anejo(aged) - aged in oak barrels from one to three years;
  • Extra Anejo- aged for more than three years. This brand appeared only in 2006..

Aged varieties have a more complex, rich taste. It's not guaranteed that you'll like it: the taste of wood can drown out the taste of agave.

How to drink tequila

Slowly and in small portions: tequila is drunk extremely "softly", so the chance of overflowing is very high.

Tradition dictates drinking it by licking the salt off your hand and eating a lime or lemon. In some countries, oro is drunk by licking cinnamon and eating orange. Try it yourself: it's up to you to decide whether the taste of tequila benefits from this or not.

More interesting things about different alcoholic beverages you can find out on the site Alcopedia.RU

From the point of view of the impact on the body, moonshine differs from vodka in that it contains a lot of impurities, which, during the industrial production of good vodka, are removed from the drink in a variety of ways.

These impurities give moonshine a characteristic taste, which is regarded by many as pleasant. In the production of cognac, whiskey, tequila and other traditional drinks, the purification of grain alcohol is deliberately not brought to an end (which is not a problem for modern technologies), but is interrupted at some stage so that the final drink retains the taste and smell specific to alcohol from a particular raw material (cereals, grapes, agave and so on).

These same impurities play a significant role in the formation of a hangover syndrome. By themselves, they are quite harmless: even artisanal moonshine, not to mention bad vodka, contains very few of them to poison the body of an adult. However, high-molecular alcohols, which are part of these impurities (there are about 200 different ones in tequila, for example), and which form the notorious fusel oils, when drinking, give an additional strong and versatile load on the liver, which is busy with the multi-stage process of breaking down alcohol (liver at the same time, it is "distracted" from the breakdown of alcohol, which prolongs intoxication). Moreover, high molecular weight alcohols require more oxidation compared to ethanol, high molecular weight compounds have a longer hydrocarbon chain, so they oxidize longer, require more oxygen for this, and, accordingly, greater activity of redox enzymes. As a result, incompletely oxidized breakdown products of alcohol and high molecular weight alcohols poison the body for a long time and give a powerful hangover effect.

Thus, the cleaner the drink, the closer it is to vodka in composition, the easier it will be for the liver to process it, and the less consequences there will be in the morning.

Please note that recently in Russia there has been lobbying to bring factory-made moonshine to the market (in this case, the word "moonshine" is hardly applicable. From the point of view of common sense, it will be, for example, grape or fruit brandy). We draw your attention to the fact that at the same time there were publications of experts talking about the supposedly beneficial properties of moonshine. Moonshine is called a drink "brewed according to traditional folk recipes", which, allegedly, "by definition cannot be poisonous." The arguments of such an authoritative person as Vladimir Nuzhny, the former chief toxicologist of Russia, are also given, who, from the point of view of the pohmelje.ru expert, distortedly describes the toxicokinetics of moonshine impurities, indicating that the impact of a small amount of impurities on the liver supposedly has a positive effect on the absorption of alcohol. We recommend critical and extremely careful approach to such publications. We draw your attention to the fact that the opinion of Mr. Needy appeared in this form relatively recently. Substitutes for alcohol in official science and most practicing toxicologists are recognized as much more dangerous than pure alcohol.

More interesting things about different alcoholic beverages can be found on the website