Recipes for the French dessert macaroni. Macaroni cake - a step-by-step recipe at home with photos and descriptions How to make pasta dessert

30.12.2023 Desserts and cakes

French cuisine is one of the most exquisite in the world. This is what real gourmets prefer. The aristocratic menu offers various desserts, but the pinnacle of taste is the macaroni cake. The Italians invented the recipe for pasta. This happened back in the 18th century.

The peculiarity of pasta that will not allow them to be confused with other desserts is its crispy crust and soft-soft middle. If you look at photos of such cakes, you will notice that they are always given a round shape. They are prepared from ordinary products that are used in confectionery. Thanks to unique technology, the dessert has turned into a true culinary masterpiece.

Crispy tender cookies are loved by sweet tooths all over the world. Many not only saw them in the photo, but also felt the amazingly delicate taste. Among them are our compatriots who are wondering: “How to make macaroni dessert?”

An authentic recipe includes the following components:

  • egg whites (6 pcs.);
  • salt (1 pinch);
  • powdered sugar (400 gr.);
  • ground almonds (250 gr.);
  • dye (1 drop for different shades).

Some venerable culinary masters offer their own variations of the standard recipe. The following recipe is known:

  • almonds and powdered sugar (300 g each);
  • egg whites (110 gr.);
  • salt.

In order for the cake to acquire a characteristic appearance, you cannot do without dyes. The photo shows that the color palette is quite diverse. The components of the recipe remain unchanged; you can only improvise with their dosage. Each housewife can personally check which instructions are more successful. To do this, you just need to prepare a wonderful macaroni cake yourself.

How to make the right dough?

To get real macaroni (and not meringues or bouches), you need to prepare the dough according to the following algorithm:

Please note: all macarons must be the same size.

Achieving such precision is not easy. To do this, you can take the advice of experienced confectioners. You can draw circles of equal diameter on paper. There is another way. It consists of using special silicone sheets on which “zones” are already marked. They can be purchased at the store.

French dessert baking technology

There is no rush when preparing pasta. The cookie dough must be filled with air bubbles. This can be achieved by kneading it long and hard. It should become smooth and shiny. If this is not done, the dessert may be flawed. Cracks form on it. The use of low-quality powdered sugar also leads to such troubles.

It is necessary for the cakes to lie on the baking sheet for half an hour. This will make their tops harder. When the set time has passed, they are placed in the oven.

Baking time for pasta is 15 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees.

Remove the finished cakes from the oven and cool without removing them from the baking sheet.

What is the filling made of?

It is simply impossible to list all the types of layers. At the moment, over 500 flavors have been invented. The recipe can be absolutely fantastic - there are cakes with lily of the valley or violet flavor. The most admirers are macaroni with chocolate, raspberry and strawberry fillings. You can use any fruit from which you want to make jam.

What you need for the strawberry-lemon-walnut filling:

  • powdered sugar (350 gr.);
  • vanilla (teaspoon);
  • butter (240 gr.);
  • cream (1 tbsp);
  • lemon zest and ground pistachios, strawberry jam and cocoa (one teaspoon each).

The recipe may include other ingredients (honey, dark chocolate). Their list depends on how the dessert should turn out.

The filling manufacturing process and its features

From the above components, four types of fillings and butter cream are obtained. It is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Beat butter and powdered sugar (can be replaced with sugar).
  2. Add cream and a pinch of vanilla.
  3. The resulting cream should be divided into four portions: jam is placed in one of these parts, lemon zest is placed in the other. The fillers for the third and fourth will be pistachios and cocoa.
  4. After cooling, the cookies can be filled with filling, maintaining the color scheme: Yellow cakes should be sandwiched with yellow cream.

To follow the traditions of decorating pasta, you can study photos and videos of such desserts.

French cuisine is very rich in desserts and sweets. One of them is the famous Le Macarons, the name of which can be translated from Italian as “broken” or “crushed”.

Macaroni is a type of cake or cookie that uses large amounts of almond powder. The brightness and delicious taste of the dessert will not leave anyone indifferent.

Origin of Macaroni

Cookies have many stories about their origins and their first appearance to the general public.

These delicious sweets could have been invented as early as the eighth century, as stated in one of the ancient cookbooks of the monastery of France.

Another version of the appearance of cakes in France was their import from Italy by Catherine de Medici. Apparently, it was from those times that cakes entered French cuisine and began to gain popularity in Europe.

Three hundred years ago there was a whole ceremony of serving cookies on the table. A servant served a tray of Macaroni on a porcelain saucer at a social event. The ladies washed down dessert with chocolate. Macaroni achieved such influence and success that even Marie Antoinette's cat was named after these sweets. In fact, Macaroni initially looked different from what we are used to: they were not two halves, but a homogeneous, single round almond mass, which was washed down with liqueurs, coated with jam, and sprinkled with spices.

The cake was cut and filled for the first time at the beginning of the 20th century. In Switzerland, Pierre Desfontaines acquired a recipe for chocolate buttercream and decided to combine it with his favorite French Macaroni. This is how the Macaroni we can see now appeared. This gave a big impetus to French culinary experts; they began adding a layer of berry and fruit creams to cookies. Later, a whole fashion was formed, what kind of Macaroni would be in a particular season in color, what filling would become dominant.

So, we suggest you choose which pasta filling you like and learn how to make macaroni cake.

I. Chocolate macaroni

  • grind about 100 g of almonds in a coffee grinder, sift;
  • 220 g of powdered sugar or the same amount of sugar ground in a coffee grinder;
  • natural cocoa powder, 20 g is enough;
  • egg whites (4 pieces);
  • about 45 g granulated sugar;
  • For the ganache you will need at your discretion:
  • B) white chocolate 150 g + 50 ml cream from 35% fat;
  • B) a jar of Nutella.

So, heat the oven to the optimal temperature of 150°. Combine almond flour with powder and cocoa, mix thoroughly, and then add whipped whites to the dry mixture, after gradually mixing them with sugar.

Line a baking sheet with two layers of parchment paper, lightly greasing the top one to make the cookies easier to remove. Pour the egg mixture into a pastry bag and use a round tip to form portioned circles on parchment paper from the viscous mixture. Leave the baking sheet with the dough circles for forty minutes until a characteristic crust forms, which will protect the cakes from cracks. Crust can be considered the state of the dough when it does not stick to the hand when you press the confectionery product.

Place the baking sheet in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes. After 5-7 minutes from the start of baking, the baking sheet should be turned over so that the cookies are baked equally on all sides. After the cakes are baked, we immediately remove them from the paper so that they do not dry out and start coating them. After the cookies are combined with the filling, put the dessert in the refrigerator. In the morning we get delicious food!

II. Lemon macaroni

Sweet and sour Macaroni is a special treat. They are good served with tea, as a main dessert, or simply as an afternoon snack.


  • egg whites (5 pieces);
  • about 210 g of powdered sugar;
  • almonds, ground in a coffee grinder, you should get about 125 g of almond powder;
  • sugar 35 g;
  • ½ spoon of salt and a whole tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Also, to make the dessert brighter, you need to purchase yellow food coloring (liquid), twenty drops of such coloring will be enough;
  • For the filling (ganache) you need to prepare: steamed egg yolks, starch – 40 g, butter – 30 g, steamed lemon, granulated sugar – 40 g.

Mix sugar and almond powder in one container. Sift the dry mass.

Beat the whites vigorously into an airy foam, slowly combining with salt and lemon juice, then gradually adding granulated sugar to form a homogeneous elastic mass. Add food coloring drop by drop. Then pour the dry powder mixture into the liquid mass. Gently mix everything together until smooth.

Pour the resulting mixture into a pastry bag, using a round nozzle, squeeze out the viscous mixture in small circles onto a baking sheet lined with two layers of parchment. Leave the baking sheet with the dough circles for forty minutes until a characteristic crust forms, which will protect the cakes from cracks. Crust can be considered the state of the dough when it does not stick to the hand when you press the confectionery product. Sometimes it may happen that the crust will take quite a long time to form, then leave the cakes on the baking sheet overnight.

Place the cakes in an oven preheated to 150°. It is better to grease the parchment with oil first. Once after 8 minutes, you can open the oven and turn the baking sheet over so that the cookies bake evenly.

The filling or ganache is prepared as follows:

  • starch is diluted in water, about 200 ml + add oil;
  • put the starch mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, and then cool;
  • turn the lemons into a zest mass in a blender, combine with sugar and egg yolks, use a mixer to mix everything together with the starch mixture until a thick cream is obtained;
  • Spread the resulting lemon curd onto one half of the cake and cover with the other half;
  • It's ideal to refrigerate the cookies for a few hours!

III. Strawberry Macaroni

Another variety of French Macaroni is strawberry. To prepare the filling, professionals use “Fraises tagada” candies in the filling recipe. These desserts are the most popular in France, selling 1 billion a year. The candies taste like light marshmallows; the candies are sprinkled with sugar on top.

To prepare strawberry Macaroni we need:

  • prepare 250 g of ground almonds (you can grind them in a coffee grinder);
  • buy 250 delicious powdered sugar (it’s important what the taste of the powder is, it should be sweet), if you don’t have it, then put the sugar in a coffee grinder and get homemade powder;
  • egg whites (six pieces);
  • 225 g sugar, a little salt, gelatin;
  • pink food coloring;
  • For the filling you can take fresh strawberries - 250 g, powdered sugar and a little heavy cream.

Mix sugar and almond powder in one container and sift. Pour egg whites (3 pieces) into the same bowl, beat vigorously until a strong foam forms, knead the resulting mixture with your hands and set aside. Pour sugar into a saucepan and add water (75 ml). Bring to a boil. We begin to slowly beat the remaining whites (3 pieces) with salt until foam forms, while adding the boiled sugar syrup. Cool the resulting mixture to room temperature and combine with the almond mixture in 3 additions. Next you need to apply pink food coloring of your choice.

Pour the resulting mixture into a pastry bag, using a round nozzle, squeeze the viscous mixture into circles onto a baking sheet covered with parchment. Leave the baking sheet with the dough circles for forty minutes until a characteristic crust forms, which will protect the cakes from cracks. Crust can be considered the state of the dough when it does not stick to the hand when you press the confectionery product. Sometimes it may happen that the crust will take quite a long time to form, then leave the cakes on the baking sheet overnight.

Place the cakes in an oven preheated to 160°. It is better to grease the parchment with oil first. Baking time: 10 minutes.

To prepare the filling:

  • gelatin should be placed in cool water and wait until it swells;
  • heat the cream, make puree from the strawberries, combine them with powdered sugar;
  • add gelatin to the strawberry cream and mix very thoroughly;
  • Keep the whole mixture in a bowl in the refrigerator at least overnight.

In the morning you can combine the filling with the cookies and you will get wonderful Macaroni with strawberries. Beautiful and tasty!

IV. Macaroni with coconut

To prepare 35 Macaroni we need the following:

  • grind about 80 g of almonds in a coffee grinder, sift;
  • coconut flakes 80 g;
  • 225 g of powdered sugar or the same amount of sugar ground in a coffee grinder;
  • 4 egg whites;
  • 50 g granulated sugar;
  • For the filling you will need at your discretion:
  • A) dark chocolate 100 g + 50 ml cream from 35% fat;
  • B) white chocolate 100 g + 50 ml cream from 35% fat;
  • B) a jar of Nutella;
  • D) ready-made coconut cream.

So, heat the oven to 150°. Combine almond flour and coconut flakes with powder and cocoa, mix thoroughly, and then add whipped whites to the dry mixture, after gradually mixing them with sugar.

Line a baking sheet with two layers of parchment paper to make the cookies easier to remove. Pour the mixture completely into a pastry bag, use a round nozzle to form portioned circles on parchment from the viscous mixture. Leave the baking sheet with the dough circles for forty minutes until a characteristic crust forms, which will protect the cakes from cracks. Crust can be considered the state of the dough when it does not stick to the hand when you press the confectionery product.

Place the baking sheet in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes. After 5-7 minutes from the start of baking, the baking sheet should be turned over so that the cookies are baked equally on all sides.

For the filling, use chocolate to taste and chop it into pieces. Bring the cream to a boil, then cool. Combine both ingredients and wait until the mass thickens. Then, using a pastry bag, you can fill the Macaroni - squeeze the cream onto one half, lightly press the other half. We put it in the refrigerator for a day, and the next morning we get a great treat!

V. Macaroni with other fillings

Macaroni cakes are so popular that every chef brings something different to them. Of course, the dough recipe should remain unchanged, but no one forbade anyone from experimenting with the filling. In your home kitchen you can prepare any type of Macaroni.

For brighter colors, purchase various food colors, this will surprise your guests and family. For the filling you can use any berries from which purees, fruits and creams are obtained. You can add fruit and cream liqueurs to the ganache, use different types of chocolate and coffee. Vanilla, mint, banana, blueberry or exotic Macaroni will definitely become your signature dish, and you will be known as a creative and original housewife.

French pasta has nothing in common with navy pasta, as well as with spaghetti, linguine, tagliatelle, horns, bows and Bolognese sauce. French macarons are sweet and incredibly delicious - you can't get enough of them, you can only try them!

If you stand with your back to the Opera Garnier in Paris, almost in the center of the city, then after exactly 200 meters you will come across one of those boutiques whose windows attract sweet tooths from all over the world. The translucent door slides aside to reveal the glass and chocolate interior of the store. A neatly dressed mademoiselle nods approvingly when you point your tourist finger at the window and smack your lips with pleasure, trying on the tastes of your future purchase. One pistachio, one chocolate (for a friend!), one mint, one jasmine (oh, something new!), one... no, two (instead of chocolate) with salted caramel... And from the display case into your bag the long-awaited Traditional French macarons* jump around in multi-colored buns.

Small miracle

Macarons, the hallmark of French cooking, are two halves of cookies (confectioners call them “macaro shells”), held together with a variety of fillings. The shells are made from a dough based on proteins, powdered sugar and almond flour; as a rule, they differ only in color, responsible for the aesthetics of the cake. The taste is determined by the filling: strawberry confiture, ganache (chocolate buttercream), pistachio paste with white chocolate...

Actually, “cake” is not the most appropriate definition of this dessert in Russia. Because a normal human cake for us is large and nutritious: an impressive-sized basket with a good protein filling, an A6-sized “Napoleon”, or, in extreme cases, a “Potato”, which, although small, is substantial. And the macaron is an unconvincing round piece the size of a little more than a five-ruble coin, no more than two bites. Therefore, the normal average reaction of colleagues and acquaintances to a gift from France is a poorly hidden emotion from childhood, when Santa Claus gave a book instead of a bicycle. The audience needs preliminary preparation.

The philosophy of pasta is a “cloud of sensations”, a combination of texture and taste: the crunchy outer side of the shell, delicate cream, the inner side of the cookie softened with cream, plus the flavor combination proposed by the confectioner. All this, multiplied by the small size and harmonious round shape, gives rise to a feeling of elusive perfection and leaves pleasant taste memories. The most traditional pasta is strawberry, pistachio, raspberry. But French confectioners are constantly inventing new combinations, for example, violet-licorice. Sometimes masters experiment with shape: for Valentine's Day, one Parisian pastry chef proposed heart-shaped macarons. And in the city of Rouen you can buy popsicle macarons: large, with ice cream instead of cream, covered with chocolate glaze and, of course, on a stick.

Significant other

Macaron is considered a traditional French dessert, although its history begins in Italy. In fact, there are quite a few versions of the origin of pasta, and there is no consensus on this matter to this day. One of the legends refers to the Venetian monks of the 8th century, who invented the cookies themselves based on almond flour. The name comes from the Italian maccarone - "to crush", which explains the method of producing the original ingredient - almond flour. Cookies came to France in the 16th century thanks to Catherine de Medici, who married the future king of France, Henry II. 30 days of wedding feasts were served, among other things, by Italian chefs, who, along with the first ice cream, brought “Italian records” to the country. Later, at the beginning of the 19th century, Parisian confectioners came up with the idea of ​​​​fastening the two halves together using confiture.

Mass production of macarons was established by the Laduree confectionery, which appeared in 1862 and made macarons the flagship product of the future confectionery house. It is noteworthy that the House itself confidently attributes the invention of pasta to itself, or rather, to one of the relatives of the company’s founder. But since pasta is not protected by any patents, the tradition of its production is successfully developed by many companies. The most famous macaron manufacturers in France are Laduree, Fouchon, and Pierre Herme. Their boutiques are located in the most visited places in Paris and attract thousands of tourists. According to some reports, Ladurée sells up to 15 thousand pasta per day. We can conditionally characterize the “pasta” specialization of each of them: “Laduret” is a classic, “Fuchon” is modern, “Pierre Hermé” is an experiment.

Macaron No. 5

Among these three, Monsieur Herme has the most daring taste and marketing solutions, for example, macarons with the taste of asparagus and hazelnut butter. This year, the maestro introduced a new product, Miss Gla Gla (literally “Miss brr-brr” a hint of cold) - a hybrid of an ice cream bar and pasta in packaging in the form of a gold bar and with an equally “golden” price tag - 6.5 euros per piece. Copying the practice of perfumers, Pierre Hermé is ready to personally develop a unique macaron for a client who wants to purchase a “macaron haute couture” for 5,000 euros. Like Madame Chanel, you will be able to choose and refine your copy of “Chanel No. 5” among the macarons with the master. At the same time, the company promises to store the recipe and replicate the author’s development upon the client’s request for the entire life of its owner.

It should be noted that not only large companies offer this sweetness. In almost every second pastry shop in any French city you can find macarons that are lovingly made by local pastry chefs, and among them there are many champions of France in the art of pastry. The macaron gained additional international popularity by participating in Sofia Coppola's film Marie Antoinette (2006).

If you happen to visit France, do not be lazy to bring home a real tidbit of this country - an elegant box from Laduret or Pierre Herme. For this occasion, the Ladurée kiosk has been prudently located right in the departure hall of Charles de Gaulle airport. A little advice: when choosing the type of packaging in a boutique, it makes sense to spend an extra couple of euros and buy the thickest one. Pasta is very, very fragile, like everything beautiful in this world.

*May the French forgive us for neglecting the rules of French phonetics, according to which macaron should be pronounced “macaro” + the nasal sound “n”. However, recently letter-by-letter transfer in the Russian language has become the most common, which is why the word acquired case endings, and for some reason began to decline in the plural by analogy with the familiar word pasta. We are waiting for Russian philologists to study the issue and consolidate the “correct” norm in dictionaries. For now, we will follow the natural course of things, using the words “pasta” and “pasta” not entirely correctly.

On the eve of the long winter holidays, our site would like to introduce you to incredibly tasty and exquisite French macarons. No, this is not at all the pasta that we are all so used to. French macarons are light, delicate and bright-looking cakes that consist of two macaroons and a cream layer. In recent years, these cakes have become widely popular not only throughout Europe, but also far beyond its borders. There are macarons of all sorts of colors and flavor combinations, but today we want to introduce you to classic vanilla macarons, the recipe with photos is presented step by step below. Everyone will love these cakes!

The recipe for macarons at home is not complicated, but there are many nuances and subtleties in the whole process, which is why not all cooks get macaroni the first time. But the more practice, the better the result will be. So, stock up on a good mood and patience and get started!

For this homemade macarons recipe you will need:

  • almond flour (sifted) – 143 g
  • powdered sugar (sifted) – 143 g
  • water – 37 g
  • sugar – 143 g
  • egg whites (aged) – 47 g
  • lemon juice – 0.5 tsp.
  • white chocolate – 80 g
  • cream (fat content from 33%) – 70 g
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.

Before we start making macaron cakes, let's take a closer look at some of the ingredients for the recipe.

Egg whites. If you follow the classics, then the proteins should be “aged.” To “age” them, the night before, carefully (no yolk should get into the whites) separate the eggs. We don’t need the yolks, so they can be immediately used for other purposes, but we cover the container with the whites with film and leave them on the work table overnight. You can also “age” the whites in the refrigerator by simply leaving them in a tightly closed container for 5-6 days, but before cooking they must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that they have time to warm up. What is the difference between fresh and aged proteins? The difference is in their structure, “aged” proteins are more liquid and when whipped they give a more voluminous and stable foam.

Almond flour. The success of making pasta cakes also depends on its quality. You can either buy this flour ready-made or prepare it yourself (read how to do this in our recipe “Almond flour at home”). It is very important that the flour is finely ground and well dried.

Powdered sugar. It is advisable to use powdered sugar without adding starch. Since starch absorbs moisture, the finished cookies become a little like meringue, but this note in taste is small enough, so if you can’t find pure powder, you can use it with the addition of starch. The most important thing is that the powder should be fresh, without small hard lumps.

In addition to choosing the right ingredients, precision is also extremely important when making macaron cakes. Therefore, be sure to weigh all the ingredients on an electronic scale, since even a few extra grams can disrupt the consistency of the dough. In addition to a scale, it is very important to use a candy thermometer to determine the temperature of the syrup.

Well, now let's begin!

Macarons - recipe with photos step by step:

First of all, sift the almond flour and powdered sugar. Sift the flour through a fine sieve, be sure to remove the large pieces that remain in the sieve. After this, measure out 143 g of flour. We also sift the powdered sugar and, if there is any, remove any hard lumps of powder. And also measure out 143 g of powder on the scales. Combine the sifted ingredients in a bowl and sift them together 2-3 times until the mixture is homogeneous.

Pour 47 g of egg white into the resulting mixture.

And mix with a spatula or regular spoon until a homogeneous and thick mass is obtained. Set the bowl aside.

Let's prepare the meringue. Take a deep saucepan, pour water into it and pour out all the sugar.

Place the saucepan on the fire and gently stir the mixture with a spatula until the sugar dissolves. As soon as the syrup begins to boil, stop stirring it so as not to provoke the crystallization process, and cook it to a temperature of 116-118 C.

When the temperature of the syrup reaches 110 C, pour the whites into a clean and dry bowl and beat them until soft peaks form.

Once the syrup reaches the desired temperature, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the syrup into the egg whites in a thin stream. At the same time, do not stop thoroughly whipping the whites with a mixer. Beat the mixture until you get a thick, glossy meringue.

Add lemon juice and continue beating the meringue for another 1 minute.

Mix the finished meringue in several steps into a pre-prepared mixture of almond flour, powdered sugar and egg white.

Mix the mixture carefully, moving clockwise, until the dough is completely homogeneous. The finished dough for macarons should flow from the spatula in a wide, thick ribbon. At this stage of the recipe, it is extremely important to achieve the correct consistency, because if the dough is not mixed well, then tails will remain on the surface of the pasta, and if the dough is mixed, it will become too liquid and the pasta will spread over the baking sheet and turn into flat cakes.

Place a wide (10-12 mm) round tip into a pastry bag and fill it with dough.

We cover the baking sheet with high-quality baking paper and place neat circles with a diameter of 3-4 cm in a checkerboard pattern. To make it more convenient to place the macarons, you can make a stencil. So, on one sheet of parchment with a dark felt-tip pen or pen, we draw circles with a diameter of 3-4 cm (for this you can use a suitable round cookie cutter) and place this stencil under the sheet of parchment on which we place the cookies. If there are small tails left on the surface of the pasta that do not diverge on their own, then gently tap the bottom of the baking sheet with your palm until the surface becomes smooth, just do not be too zealous, otherwise the shape of the circles may be deformed.

We leave the deposited cookies on the work table for 15-30 minutes or even 1 hour (for example, if you have high humidity in the kitchen). We need to wait until their surface has aired and a dense crust has formed. It is thanks to this crust that the surface of the macarons will not crack during baking, and the distinctive feature of macaron cakes, the “skirt,” will form underneath. To check whether a crust has formed, carefully touch the surface of the circles; if nothing sticks to your finger, then they are ready for baking.

Preheat the oven to 150-160 C and bake (one baking sheet at a time) the pasta for 12-14 minutes. Since everyone’s oven is very different, when baking pasta you need to adapt it to your own, trying different temperatures and different modes. To find out if the pasta is ready, it will be enough to touch it; if the top of the cookie does not move, but sticks tightly to the “skirt” and the cookie easily comes away from the paper (provided that the paper is of good quality), it is ready.

Immediately remove the finished cookies along with the paper from the baking sheet and leave them until they cool completely.

Let's prepare the cream for French macarons. Add vanilla sugar to the heavy cream, mix and heat it on the stove or in the microwave until the first signs of boiling.

Break white chocolate into small pieces and pour hot cream over it.

Leave for 1 minute to warm the chocolate, and then stir until completely smooth.

Cover the resulting chocolate vanilla cream with film in contact with the surface and place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Place the cooled cream in a deep mixing bowl.

Beat the chocolate cream with a mixer until fluffy. Transfer the resulting chocolate vanilla cream into a pastry bag with a round nozzle with a diameter of 5 mm.

Break the cooled cookies into pairs.

Place a portion of chocolate vanilla cream on one half, as shown in the photo.

Cover with the second macaroon and press lightly to distribute the cream evenly.

Place the finished macarons into an airtight container and place them in the refrigerator for 24 hours. They must "ripen". During this time, the bottom of the cookies will soften slightly, making the cakes tender, and they will have a light crispy crust on top.

Well, that’s all, our homemade French macarons are ready! We hope that our step-by-step recipe with photos was useful to you.

Pour a cup of aromatic coffee and enjoy an incredibly tender and delicious dessert!

Homemade cakes - recipes

Although “Macaroni” has long been considered a dessert of aristocrats, its recipe is available to any housewife. Today we are preparing macarons according to the recipe with photos step by step

1 hour

320 kcal

4.33/5 (27)

Macaroni cake: why this particular recipe?

Macaroni can be seen more and more often in various cafes, sometimes even at McDonald's. Many people classify them as Italian or French cuisine, which gives the impression that they are very difficult to cook. However, now we will dispel this established myth - these cookies can be easily baked at home, and the result will be as if a real chef had prepared them. I want to warn you right away that almond flour– a key component of the recipe. Therefore, we either grind the nuts ourselves or buy flour at the store. It is impossible to cook pasta according to the original recipe without almond flour.

So, we need:


I decided to try it as a cream praline, for it you need:

  • 250 gr. heavy cream (35%)
  • 120 gr. milk and dark chocolate

How to make macarons at home - a simple recipe

By the way, if you have the opportunity, leave it overnight. Then the pasta will turn out to be very delicate in taste.

A few secrets for making real Macaroni

As a nice bonus, I’ll add a few tips that will help you achieve an ideal result with minimal effort:

  • If you don't have a scale, you can put the almond flour in a measuring cup. I didn’t have it either, so my friend specially measured it at 45 gr. it turned out to be almost 100 ml. volume.
  • Better separate the whites the day before and remove from the refrigerator an hour before cooking. This will add airiness to the cake.
  • When kneading the dough, it is important to achieve the right consistency. It’s best when the mixture flows like a ribbon from the spatula into the cup. Or you can scoop a teaspoon of batter and shake it onto a saucer. If everything is correct, the tail remaining on top of the drop will fall off, but the drop itself should not spread.
  • To ensure that the halves were the same size, I traced the circles on the back of the parchment with a pencil using a stencil. It’s much easier this way, and the cakes will turn out just right.

Macaroni can be made not only tasty, but also beautiful, especially if you cook a lot and add different food colorings. You can serve it in a bright vase with tea or coffee. Due to its colorfulness, this dessert is perfect for holidays, especially for a child’s birthday. Rest assured, little sweet tooths will not be able to tear themselves away from this treat.