Homemade chocolate mastic with honey. Chocolate mastic

29.12.2023 Meat dishes

Confectionery mastic is a popular type of decoration for cakes, pastries and desserts. The product decorated with it takes on a stylish look. These are covered cakes with cream and a smooth surface, as well as various shapes that can be made from this mass. It is not difficult to prepare mastic even at home; there are many recipes for this. Even the chocolate variety is made in several ways. Methods also vary depending on the type of main product: white, black or milk.

Confectionery mastic

The following description will help you get to know in detail what mastic is in the production of confectionery products. This is a mass similar in structure to plasticine, from which you can sculpt various edible figures that decorate desserts. Depending on the composition, such products can be very tasty and can also be stored for a long time. For example, having made chocolate mastic, we can count on a shelf life the same as that of chocolate.

How to make similar decor at home? You need to choose some free time and start studying mastic recipes in practice. The resulting blanks will be useful later at the right moment. Basic material - you can mix shades, and also add dyes of other colors.

White chocolate mastic

You can make flowers, bows and other similar decorations from mastic, which contains white chocolate. The covering of cakes is also made from this material. White chocolate mastic is prepared from the following ingredients.

  • White chocolate - 300 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk.
  • Butter.
  • Starch (potato, corn).

The following stages of preparing mastic

  1. Break up the chocolate and place it in a small bowl. Add equal amounts of milk and butter. Place everything on and melt until smooth. Do not overheat, because the chocolate will curdle, making it impossible to make mastic.
  2. Immediately after melting, remove the container from the bath and rub the mixture along its walls. If small pieces are found, put the mixture back to melting and then grind.
  3. Pour powdered sugar into the mixture and stir thoroughly until thick.
  4. Sprinkle the table with powdered sugar and put mastic on it. After thoroughly kneading until elastic, the chocolate mastic is ready.

Flowers and other decorations are made 2 or 3 days before making the cake itself.

Dark chocolate honey mastic

The honey composition of chocolate mastic can be used to cover a cake or use it to make decorations. The following products are used.

  1. 1 bar of dark chocolate.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. honey in liquid form.

Confectionery mastic is prepared according to the following steps.

  1. Finely break the chocolate bar, dividing everything into parts: 1/3 and 2/3, the larger of which is placed in a bowl. Place in a steam bath. The bottom of the small saucepan should not touch the water.
  2. Bring until melting begins, then stir vigorously. Do not heat the product above 37 degrees C and keep it on the fire for a long time, as it will curdle.
  3. Add the rest of the chocolate and stir until everything is dissolved.
  4. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. honey, stir until thickened (up to 3 minutes).
  5. Continue stirring the mixture with your hands until it becomes elastic (up to 20 minutes). There will be a release of liquid cocoa butter, so you need to place a bowl and knead over it.

The resulting mass is used to make decor and cover cakes with it. The chocolate layer of mastic is rolled out and transferred to the figure, covering it. The voluminous pieces themselves can be made from a mixture prepared using the “potato” cake method (biscuit crumbs with butter and condensed milk).

Marshmallow mastic with chocolate

You can easily make real masterpieces from chocolate mass with marshmallows (marshmallow candies). Thanks to its elasticity, almost any shape can be obtained. White, milk or bitter (black) chocolate is used.

Chocolate mastic with marshmallow candies requires the following product composition:

  • "Marshmallow" - 50 g;
  • chocolate of any of 3 types;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • citric acid - a pinch;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g.

You can prepare mastic in the following way.

  1. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces. Place in a bowl with Marshmallow, citric acid and milk, place in a water bath and melt.
  2. Never bring to a boil, remove the mixture from the heat when the chocolate begins to melt. Add oil and powder (gradually). Mix until thick.
  3. Place the finished mastic on the table, first sprinkling it with powdered sugar. Knead until elastic structure.

To obtain a rich chocolate color, you can add a tablespoon of cocoa powder, after sifting it to remove any lumps. This additive is added at the initial stages, along with the powder.

How to make figurines, decorations

The prepared plastic mass can be used to create luxurious jewelry. The same chocolate mastic is used to cover the cake and create a smooth surface. For example, “Rose” figures are made as follows.

  1. You need to tear off a piece of the cooled mass and roll it into a ball, then flatten it with your fingers. Mastic, a chocolate confectionery mixture, is quite ready if the edges of the plate do not tear. To avoid leaving fingerprints, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves. However, hands and equipment should be kept dry.
  2. The dough must be kneaded until it takes the required shape. Here these are rose petals.
  3. Using a wooden stick as a rod, sculpt the central part of the flower, and then apply the side petals.
  4. By removing the rod, we get a flower to place on the surface of the cake or dessert.

Chocolate mastic, used to cover a cake or decorative elements, resembles edible plasticine, from which you can make anything that your imagination allows. Using a composition of available products, it is quite easy to create such decor at home. The situation will tell you which recipe to use for chocolate mastic. The choice depends on preference or available ingredients.

What should be under the mastic

Figures for covering with chocolate mastic can be prepared like a potato cake, from the same mass. But it is also possible to cook according to the French recipe. It is applied to the cake under a layer of mastic, and it holds better this way, and the surface to be covered is pre-leveled. Ganache-type mastic cream is made according to several recipes. For example, this is a composition that includes chocolate bars and cream:

  • for 300 or 400 g of milk chocolate you need 200 ml of cream;
  • or for 200 g of dark chocolate - 200 ml of cream.

We chop the tiles finely. Place the cream on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring. After removing them from the stove, immediately add the chocolate and stir with a wooden spatula until it dissolves. When the mass becomes homogeneous, transfer it to a bowl and cover with film in contact with the surface to prevent air from entering, forming a crust. Leave the container in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning heat it for 3 hours at room temperature. Can be applied to, leveling with a hot knife. After 3 hours, the cake with ganache is covered using mastic made from chocolate according to one of the methods described above.

chocolate-honey mastic

Chocolate-honey mastic is a thick mass similar to
on plasticine. You can sculpt different figures from it, and quite complex ones at that,
such as voluminous flowers.
This mass has a standard chocolate taste.
Unlike marshmallow mastic or store-bought sugar mastic, chocolate
mastic is more natural and tasty.
Preparing chocolate mastic is very simple and quick.

Fitness and diet
This is for the horses.
And my figure
Perfect ball.

100g chocolate,
20~30g honey

You can take any chocolate - bitter, milk, white.
The best chocolate for mastic is bitter chocolate containing cocoa
from 70% and above.
Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a bowl.

Melt the chocolate.
Under no circumstances should you overheat the chocolate, otherwise the mastic will
It will turn out brittle and crumbly.
You can melt the chocolate in the microwave - first 1 minute, then
15 seconds. After each heating, the chocolate must be stirred and monitored.
so that it doesn't overheat. When most of the chocolate has melted, remove the bowl.
and stir well until all the solid pieces melt.
But it is more correct to heat the chocolate in a water or steam bath,
In this case, it is easier to monitor the consistency of the chocolate.
Bring water to a boil in a saucepan.
Place a bowl of chocolate on the saucepan.
When the chocolate begins to melt from below, start stirring it.
and turn off the fire under the saucepan.

Remove the bowl of melted chocolate from the water bath.
If you need to tint white chocolate, mix a few drops into it.
gel fat-soluble dye.
Pour liquid honey into the chocolate. If the honey is candied, first
warm up.
Add 1 tablespoon of honey to dark and milk chocolate -
30 grams. For white chocolate, you need less honey - 15~20 grams.
Mix chocolate with honey.

At first the mass will be liquid and flowing.
But very quickly the chocolate will begin to crystallize and the mass will begin to thicken.
When the mass resembles homemade sour cream and stops spreading,
Stop stirring.

If the mixture does not thicken, add an additional 1 teaspoon of honey.
Most often, you have to increase the amount of honey when working with white
There is no need to stir the mass for a long time, otherwise it will thicken more and more.
oil will begin to separate. If this does happen, if the oil
very much, then drain it from the bowl. If the oil only covers a little
chocolate paste, then there is no need to get rid of it.
Place the chocolate mixture on film and wrap it in a bag.

If you are making a lot of chocolate mastic, then put the chocolate mass in plastic
bag and knead it into a thin layer. From such a record there will subsequently be
It is convenient to break off small pieces of mastic.
Cool the chocolate mixture to room temperature and put it in the refrigerator
for a day. During this time, the chocolate will finally stabilize.
Knead the finished settled mastic with warm hands. It should become soft
and plastic. When stretched, it does not immediately tear, but stretches slightly.
Form the desired figures and decorations from the crushed mastic.

If oil starts to come out of the mastic when kneading, leave it on
half an hour at room temperature - the mastic will stand and the oil will remain in it
If, when kneading, the mastic has no plasticity and it crumbles, then again
heat the mixture and add a little honey. Then remove it again for a day
in the refrigerator.

For storage, wrap the mastic tightly in plastic film.
Storage in the refrigerator - 1~2 months, in the freezer up to a year.

Mastic is a kind of edible “plasticine” created for decorating cakes, desserts, and for sculpting small figures. We will talk about making chocolate mastic.
Chocolate mastic has a thick and plastic consistency, so you can make all possible decorations and figures from it, just like from regular mastic. These decorations, as you understand, are not only edible, but also tasty.
Making chocolate mastic at home is not difficult. Chocolate mastic recipesdiffer from each other, the only thing that remains unchanged is the presence of chocolate.
There are several secrets to making chocolate mastic. Here they are:
1. When sculpting, chocolate mastic gets your hands dirty. If the stuck mass interferes with work, it can be removed with a dry cloth.
2. The container in which the mastic with chocolate is placed must be absolutely dry. Your hands should also be dry.
3. To avoid leaving fingerprints on chocolate figures, it is better to wear thin medical gloves.
4. To securely attach parts made from chocolate mastic, use melted chocolate or slightly heat the part of the figurine where it will be attached to another.
5. To prepare flat-shaped parts (flower petals), you can roll out the mastic into a thin layer between layers of cling film or lightly sprinkle the surface on which the dough and rolling pin are rolled out with potato starch or powdered sugar.
6. To obtain colored chocolate mastic, it is prepared from white chocolate and food gel coloring is added for color..
7. You can melt chocolate to make mastic in the microwave. But it is better to do this in a water bath. To do this, place a smaller container with chocolate broken into small pieces in a saucepan with hot water and continue heating until the desired result is obtained. Master confectioners recommend placing the container with chocolate so that its bottom does not touch the water, being heated only by steam.
8. To cover one cake with a diameter of 18 cm, 425 grams of finished mastic are required.
The finished mastic can be stored for quite a long time, as long as the chocolate from which it is made is stored. You just need to look at the packaging to find out the exact number.
You can prepare not only chocolate mastic in advance, but also figurines from it.
Mastic can be made from dark, milk or white chocolate; you can combine chocolate colors with each other or mix them. You can add food colorings of different colors to white chocolate.

Recipe one

we will need

100 grams of chocolate
2 tablespoons corn syrup or liquid honey

- melt the chocolate in a water bath, add liquid honey or syrup, stir until smooth
At first, the chocolate mastic will be quite crumbly, and then the syrup (honey) will begin to flow out of it. Therefore, be careful - it is better to do this over a plate. It will become more and more difficult to knead as it becomes more and more thick and viscous. Put the spoon aside and start kneading with your hands.
- tear off a piece of mastic, roll it into a ball and flatten it with your fingers - if the edges do not tear, then the chocolate mastic is ready.

The finished mastic can be stored in a plastic bag and taken as needed. Wrap it so that no air passes through.
Before working with the finished mastic, roll it out and place it in the refrigerator for about thirty minutes. You can work with mastic wearing thin rubber (medical) gloves; there will be no fingerprints left on the figures. The finished figures will shine at first, but later the shine, as well as fingerprints (if you worked without gloves), will almost completely disappear. It is important that your hands are completely dry while sculpting! Any utensils that you use must be dry, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Do not rush to sculpt. When kneading the dough so that it takes the required shape, press it with your fingers and wait for a few seconds. Then the petals at the ends will not tear, and the figures will be neater.

How to make chocolate mastic

Recipe two
we will need
50 grams of quality chocolate
2 tbsp butter
250-300 grams of powdered sugar
pinch of citric acid
100 grams of marshmallows

- melt chocolate in a water bath, Marshmallow with milk and citric acid in a water bath. Do not bring to a boil!
- remove from heat and add butter, mix and gradually add sifted powdered sugar, knead until smooth.
- Sprinkle the table with powdered sugar, put mastic on it and knead like dough until an elastic consistency is obtained.
If you are preparing mastic from dark chocolate, then to give it a more saturated color, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder Cocoa powder needs to be sifted so that there are no lumps and added at the very beginning of preparing the mastic along with citric acid. If you prepare mastic from white chocolate, it will turn out ivory in color and can be tinted with food coloring in any color.
Jewelry made from mastic according to this recipe is harder

How to make flowers

- remove the modeling mixture from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for two hours
- separate the part and roll it into a thin layer (thickness - 0.5 cm). Using a notch in the shape of a simple leaf, cut out the petal blanks.
For dahlia petals, bend the piece in half lengthwise, glue one end and squeeze the other with your fingers to form a fold. You need a lot of petals, so you can make them immediately during the assembly process. Roll up the petals located closer to the center into a ball. For the center of the flower, roll a small ball onto which thin sticks of mastic are applied. Glue a row of “balls” in a circle onto this ball, gradually moving to the petals of the outer rows.

It is not difficult to make a beautiful rose from mastic. At the heart of the flower is a cone that can be attached to toothpick with the wide end. Roll out the petal blanks with a rolling pin, making a movement from the middle to the edge, and then a similar movement to the other. The result should be a heart-shaped petal. A rose will require 7-8 petals. Assemble as follows: circle the 1st petal around the top of the cone (1) and tightly roll its left part into a tube. Place the next one under the protruding edge of the 1st one and bend it until its free edge takes the position opposite to the edge of the 1st one. Place another petal under the 2nd and wrap it, slightly not bringing it to the position of the 1st. Fold the loose edges around the cone, leaving a small space between them. Fold the top edges of the petals slightly. If you stop there, you end up with an unopened bud.

A blooming flower needs a number of more petals: the 4th one must be attached without folding, placing half of it on top of the last folded petal. Tuck the top edge. Attach the rest in the same way, not forgetting to place half of the petal on top of the previous one.

To make a tea rose, you need to make a sausage from an uncolored mass and wrap it in a layer of pink. By cutting pieces from the “roll” and proceeding as indicated above, you can get a rose with a smooth transition of colors on the petals.

To weave a basket, just attach a vertical row of strands to imitate twigs onto a buttercream-covered cake. The “weaving” is made from short sausages, gluing them so as to depict the interweaving of horizontal rods.

Making a cute bow is also easy: roll out the layer and cut it into strips of equal width. Pick up a smooth stick with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm and place it in the middle of the row of strips. Bend them to form loops, cool and remove the template. Gather the loops into a bow, placing them in 2 rows. For the spiral ends of the bow, twist the strips onto a stick, cool it in the refrigerator and remove it from the template.

You can make different figures from the molded mass using techniques for working with clay or plasticine. Place the sculpted sculptures on the surface of the cake.

How to make a rose from mastic

Two more options

Gerbera from mastic

How to make poppy seeds from mastic

Terry poppy made from mastic

How to make daffodils from mastic

Carnation made from mastic

Birds made of mastic

Often, when creating real confectionery masterpieces, mastic is used, from which confectioners can make a wide variety of figures and decorations for cakes. Chocolate mastic is very simple to prepare; every housewife can make it herself at home, using a gas stove or microwave oven, and with a minimum of effort.

Chocolate cake mastic can be prepared according to different recipes, the choice of which depends on the type of this product used - white, milk or black.

White chocolate mastic recipe

White chocolate mastic is needed by confectioners to create beautiful decorations in the form of flowers or bows. White mastic is also great for covering cakes, because a light-colored cake gives ample scope for the confectioner’s imagination. For this white chocolate mastic recipe, you need to use the following products:

  • 300 grams of white chocolate;
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar;
  • milk – 2 tbsp;
  • butter;
  • potato starch - the more the better.


1. Break the chocolate into pieces, place in a small container, add milk and the same amount of butter. Place this mass in a water bath and melt until the mixture acquires a homogeneous consistency. It is important not to overheat the chocolate, otherwise it will simply curdle and you will no longer be able to make mastic from it.

2. Once the chocolate bar is melted, remove the container from the water bath and rub the mixture over the walls of the dish. If at this moment you see that there are small pieces of chocolate, put the container back in the water bath for a few minutes and grind the mass again.

3. Gently pour sifted powdered sugar into the chocolate mixture. and mix well until the mixture becomes thick.

4. Place the mastic on the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar, and knead it until it has an elastic consistency.

If you are preparing fondant for flowers and other decorations, they should be made 2-3 days before preparing the cake.

How to make mastic from dark chocolate and honey

You can also make mastic from chocolate and honey at home. To prepare such a mass for covering or decoration, dark chocolate is used. To make chocolate and honey mastic, use the following products:

  • – 400 grams;
  • condensed milk – 100 g;
  • 100 grams of sour cream;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • tile ;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey.

You can buy ready-made biscuits or make your own. Let's start preparing chocolate mastic according to this recipe:

1. Turn the biscuit into fine crumbs. To do this, you can first lightly dry it in the oven.

2. Beat softened butter with condensed milk and sour cream.

3. Combine this cream with biscuit crumbs, mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. It should resemble a potato cake.

4. You can make any figures from the resulting mass that you need to decorate your dessert. Place the figures in the cold so that they harden well. In the meantime, you can start preparing the mastic.

5. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces: the smaller they are, the better. All chocolate should be divided into two parts - 1/3 and 2/3. Set a third of the broken chocolate aside, place 2/3 in a cup or small deep bowl and place in a water bath. Place the cup on the pan so that the bottom of the bowl with chocolate does not touch the water.

6. Place this structure on the fire and keep it until the chocolate begins to melt. All this time, the chocolate mass must be stirred continuously. You cannot keep chocolate on the fire for a long time, as it will curdle at temperatures above 37 degrees. Pour the rest of the chopped chocolate into the chocolate mass, well heated in a water bath, and mix well until completely dissolved.

7. Add heated honey to this mixture, stir until completely thickened, you won’t have to wait long - no more than 2-3 minutes. Now start kneading this mass with your hands until it has an elastic consistency. You need to knead the mastic for a long time - 15-20 minutes. During this work, a lot of cocoa butter will be released, which will flow down your hands, so you need to knead over a bowl.

You can make figures from this chocolate mastic or roll it out and use it to cover cakes. When rolling out the viscous mass, you can use special coatings that will help you obtain an interesting texture. For example, the texture of “wood” is used by confectioners to create trees, stumps or animal fur - a boar or a bear. Transfer the rolled out layer of mastic to your figures, carefully cover with this elastic mass and decorate the cake. To prepare the mixture for covering and decorating cakes, you can use not only chocolate bars, but also candies.

Mastic made from marshmallows and chocolate (white, milk or black)

Marshmallow and chocolate mastic is also often used to create confectionery masterpieces. To prepare such a mixture for decorating baked goods, you will need the following products:

  • marshmallow candies “Marshmallow” – 50 grams;
  • white, milky or – 50 g;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • milk – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • powdered sugar – 100 grams.

Mastic made from marshmallows and white chocolate or any other always turns out elastic, so it is easy to form any figures from it.

Prepare the mastic in the following way:

1. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces, place in a ceramic or glass container. Add marshmallows, milk and citric acid to this. Place the container with this mixture in a water bath and melt.

2. Do not bring the mixture to a boil. Remove it from the heat as soon as you notice that the chocolate has begun to melt. Add butter to the chocolate mass, gradually add powdered sugar, mix everything thoroughly to obtain a mixture of thick consistency.

3. Place the mastic on the table well sprinkled with powdered sugar. Knead it until the mastic acquires an elastic consistency.

If you need dark chocolate-colored mastic to decorate your baked goods, you can add a tablespoon of cocoa powder to give it more richness. The cocoa bean powder must be sifted to prevent lumps from forming. You need to add cocoa at the very beginning along with powdered sugar.

Chocolate cream ganache with mastic

Ganache- This is a French chocolate-based cream that is applied to the cake under the mastic, so it sticks better to the baked goods. In addition, ganache is applied under chocolate mastic to even out the surface of the confectionery product; this cream is also used for decorating and covering cakes.

To make such a chocolate cream for mastic, you can use any type of this sweetness - milk, black or white. There are several recipes for making ganache. One of them requires using a chocolate bar and cream. Chocolate and cream should be taken in the following proportions:

  • 300 grams / 200 ml cream;
  • 400 g milk chocolate / 200 ml cream;
  • 200 g dark dark chocolate / 200 ml cream.

The chocolate must be finely chopped. Place the cream in a container, put on the fire, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. The cream must be stirred constantly so that it does not burn. As soon as the cream is removed from the heat, add chopped chocolate to it, stir everything with a silicone or wooden spatula until completely dissolved. The mass should acquire a homogeneous consistency.

After this, transfer the ganache into a small bowl, cover it on top with cling film, pressing it tightly against the cream to remove air, otherwise a crust will form on the surface. Wrap the top of the bowl again with film and place in the refrigerator until the morning. In the morning, three hours before applying the ganache under the dark chocolate mastic, remove it from the refrigerator so that the cream warms up to room temperature and becomes more pliable in the hands of the confectioner.

Recipe for ganache with cream, butter and chocolate

There are other recipes for making ganache with mastic from white, black or milk chocolate. In addition to cream, butter can be an additional component of the cream. Ganache from butter and chocolate under mastic is prepared from the following components:

  • 110 ml cream – 33-35% fat;
  • 100 g chocolate - black, milk or white;
  • 35 g butter;
  • powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

Prepare cream ganache in this way:

1. Break the chocolate and place it in a small container– ceramic, glass or metal.

2. Pour cream into a saucepan, add powdered sugar to them, mix everything thoroughly.

3. Bring the cream to a boil over low heat., stirring them constantly, but do not boil, remove from the stove.

4. Combine hot cream with chocolate, but do not mix these components, leave it like this for a few minutes. After a while, mix using a whisk, you should get a homogeneous mass of medium consistency.

5. Add a piece of butter to this mixture and mix again.

Such a ganache made from milk chocolate or any other type of fondant should turn out shiny and beautiful. However, after cooling, this French cream ganache loses its shine and becomes matte.

To apply cream under the mastic, you first need to level it with a hot knife and then leave it to harden. Before applying it to baked goods, it will have to be leveled again; to do this, the knife is moistened in hot water, and after contact with the cream, wiped with a napkin. When the cream becomes perfectly smooth, it is applied to the cake, left for 2-3 hours, and covered with mastic on top.

Read also:

Chocolate recipes made from sour cream and cocoa American chocolate chip cookies: recipe with photos and video Milk chocolate at home: simple recipes Chocolate bread recipes for the oven and bread machine

If you decide to work some magic on your holiday baking, using your imagination, then we advise you to use chocolate mastic, and we will tell you in detail how to make it correctly in the recipes below.

Recipe for marshmallow chocolate fondant for covering a cake


  • powdered sugar – 230 g;
  • dark chocolate bars – 2 pcs. (100 g each);
  • – 180 g;
  • heavy cream – 80 ml;
  • butter – 40 g.


We break both dark chocolate bars into small pieces, pour them into any metal container, which we then place in a water bath. Stir the chocolate pieces frequently until they are completely melted. Remove the container with chocolate, place it on the stove with low heat and add marshmallow pieces cut into 2-3 pieces. Now stir as often as you stirred the chocolate pieces until a homogeneous mass is formed from these ingredients. Add the required amount of butter, fresh heavy cream and, after stirring, keep it on the fire for a couple more minutes, and then set everything aside. Next, immediately, but dividing in several approaches, be sure to add sifted powdered sugar. When the strength to stir the mastic with a spoon is exhausted, transfer it to the table and stir until smooth, like a dense dough. Cover the mastic with cling film for 15 minutes, then roll it out thinly and use it for its intended purpose.

Homemade chocolate mastic recipe with honey


  • white chocolate – 150 g;
  • liquid, light honey - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Break white chocolate into as small pieces as possible and place them in a container suitable for microwave, turn on the oven for 60 seconds. Next, take it out, mix it and, if the chocolate has not yet completely melted, then put it back in the microwave for 30 seconds (we repeat this until the white chocolate is completely melted). Now, into this container with the already liquid chocolate, add liquid honey one spoon at a time and immediately mix everything vigorously. When all the honey has been added, we do not stop stirring our mastic until it approaches the cooling stage and becomes dense, like dough. Then we immerse it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.